Transcribed by Bishop David Mbah

5And I, who am without years, shall be subject to the reckoning of years, of times, of months, and of days, and I shall be reckoned as one of the sons of men, in order to save you.”

THE FIRST BOOK OF ADAM AND EVE, Chapter 14 verse 5

I heard a Voice thunder from the Throne: “Look! Look! God has moved into the neighbourhood, making His home with men and women! They’re His people, He’s their God.

Revelation 21:3, The Message Bible TABLE OF

He (Christ) is now fulfilling that thing which the law could not do, and then He was teaching and preaching to people what they must do to be perfect. He Himself, first of all, made Himself perfect. Then He made Himself the Author of eternal perfection, unto them that will obey the teachings, not Moses’ laws because now that He is on the scene, Moses is no more. Christ will now continue and all that will now inherit this eternal perfection will now obey Him.


MIXED MULTITUDE PART 2; Preached on 3rd March 1993 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 56 vs. 44 – 45



IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH: Grail Message by Abdrushin – Prophet Oskar Ernst Bernhardt, Lecture 88: The Stranger, from Paragraph 29. P29At the precise moment they came into contact with the Envoy, through His Word, and then also personally but many of them, although they sensed the Call, and intuitively perceived something unusual in their souls, had meanwhile in the course of their earth-life permitted themselves to be so ensnared

  1. They permitted themselves in their earthly lives– they allowed themselves to be given over to many different things other than that for which cause God appeared.
  2. They pleaded for it. They prayed for it. And God granted their petition. They also saw the prophesied Personality with their own naked eyes.
  3. in the course of their earth-life permitted themselves to be so ensnared… by purely earthly matters, and to some extent even by the Darkness, that they could not summon up the strength to conquer themselves for the true service,
  4. You see! Your greatest enemy is yourself. If you do not conquer yourself, you can never give yourself over to the service of God. Have you not heard it before?
  5. Your greatest enemy is you. You must conquer yourself. Otherwise, you cannot yield to the calling of Christ. It will be coming up in your heart and mind, yet you will do nothing.
  6. Your mouth will be filled with apologies, “I am sorry. I am sorry.” “I am sorry” is not eternal life.
  7. The Cloud is surrounding you. Be careful from now.
  8. …in the course of their earth-life permitted themselves to be so ensnared… by purely earthly matters,…
  9. The devil did not attract you. You permitted yourself. You gave yourself over. It is not that you do not know what you are doing. That which you are doing is very clear to you. By so doing, you abandoned the reason why you are here.
  10. That earthly matter should have been the secondary thing. First, seek ye the Kingdom of God and its righteousness. Every other thing shall be added unto you, but they placed earthly things first.
  11. Then everything pertaining to God will be after. It may not be second o. It may not be third. It may be at a very old age when the person is dying. He will now remember God.
  12. …in the course of their earth-life permitted themselves to be so ensnared… by purely earthly matters, and to some extent even by the Darkness, that they could not summon up the strength to conquer themselves for the true service, to fulfill that which they were permitted to come to the earth for this great time. Amen!
  13. You see! Like we prayed this morning, there is a purpose why God allowed every one of us to appear here. God never created you and pressed you to be here in vain. Find out the purpose you are fulfilling in Christ – the purpose you are fulfilling in the son of man.
  14. That is the purpose of your creation, why God brought you into existence, allowed some to die, but allowed you to stay alive. He made some to be handicap, but He equipped you for the work that was assigned to you.
  15. Then, if you cannot develop the courage that is needed to conquer yourself, there is no way you can fit into God’s plan. You have to conquer yourself. Challenge yourself because all the opposing powers are on you.
  16. When you want to do something good, you see yourself doing another thing. You go and pray and take a decision, opposing forces will come and divert your attention and tell you, “Leave that one! This is the one you should face for now. After, you can come to this.” Even in the next world, you are not coming there again.
  17. We are in this Studio to tell the whole world the truth.
  18. The Almighty God had already blessed the prophet of Austria and Germany, Oskar Ernst Bernardt, Abdrushin [peace be unto Him. Peace be unto Him].
  19. Who will speak and it will come to pass? Remember that anybody who holds the truth has always been the object of mass attack. Mass attack!
  20. There are too many people who, the moment they hear the Grail Message, they have already labelled it devil. They hear Islam, they will label it devil. They hear Hindu, the call it devil. Anyone that is not devil is their own. To God be the glory.
  21. You see why you are a peculiar people. A group away from all, although you are in the minority. Fear not little flock. It is your Father’s good pleasure to give you His Kingdom.
  22. Always have it at the back of your mind that this present world that we are living in is meant to accommodate many people, but the world in the hereafter is meant for few people. And in every generation, God’s people have remained few. They have been in the minority.
  23. REFERENCES: [1] 2 Ezra 8:1-3. 1And He answered me, saying, “The Most High has made this world for many, but the world to come, for few.
  24. 2I will tell you a similitude, Ezra: As when you ask the earth, it will say to you, that it gives much mould whereof earthen vessels are made, but little dust that gold comes of; even so is the course of this present world. 3There are many created, but few will be saved.”
  25. [2] Matthew 22:14, KJV. For many are called, but few are chosen.
  26. So, do not walk with the majority from now henceforth, for you have seen the truth. You have seen the Reality. That which is diverting your attention, you must abandon it here.
  27. Any day you close your eyes in death, you will not know anything about this life again. Amen!
  28. What shall it profit a man or a woman if you gain the whole world and lose your soul. Develop a culture in your family. Teach your children while they are young the necessity of studying the truth God has preserved for us in the form of sermon books so that we will not perish. He preserved it.
  29. The Bibe said, “If the LORD of Hosts never left us with a Seed from where He has reproduced, we would have been like Sodom and Gomorrah.” True or false?
  30. REFERENCE: Romans 9:29, KJV. And as Isaiah said before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed, we had been as Sodom, and been made like unto Gomorrah.
  31. And as for that “A Seed”, you know Who that “A Seed” is. Amen! Needless to say so again.
  32. We are talking about The Stranger, and also A Stranger. The Stranger and A Stranger [His Companion]. Look at the relationship between the two.
  33. Have you now believed that the two came to correct the imbalance, the error that was created by Adam and Eve? So, they can as well be called the second Adam and the second Eve. True or false?
  34. REFERENCES: [1] 1 Corinthians 15:45-49, AMP. 45Thus it is written, The first man Adam became a living being (an individual personality); the last Adam (Christ) became a life-giving Spirit [restoring the dead to life]. 46But it is not the spiritual life which came first, but the physical and then the spiritual.
  35. 47The first man [was] from out of earth, made of dust (earthly-minded); the second Man [is] the Lord from out of heaven. 48Now those who are made of the dust are like him who was first made of the dust (earthly-minded); and as is [the Man] from heaven, so also [are those] who are of heaven (heavenly-minded).
  36. 49And just as we have borne the image [of the man] of dust, so shall we and so let us also bear the image [of the Man] of heaven.
  37. [2] in the light of truth – The Grail Message by Abdrushin, Chapter 60 [THE SON OF MAN], Paragraphs 11. P11……. Therefore He could not remain the eternal Mediator between the Godhead and the Creation with mankind. Thus, through the reunion of the Son of God and the Father, a new chasm would have arisen, and the Mediator between pure Divinity and Creation would again have been missing.
  38. The Son of God Himself proclaimed to mankind the Coming of the Son of Man, Who will then remain the eternal Mediator between the Divine and Creation. This expresses the sublime love of the Creator for His Creation.
  39. [3] in the light of truth – The Grail Message Volume 1 by Abdrushin, 1971 Edition, Page 147, Chapter 22 [The Woman of Subsequent Creation], Paragraphs 4 & 21. P4In addition She has been richly endowed with unlimited possibilities to influence the entire people, indeed even the whole of Subsequent Creation.
  40. Her starting-point of the greatest power is, for Her, home and hearth! There alone lies Her strength, Her unlimited might, but not in public life! In home and family Her abilities make Her Queen, at the speakers’ podium, however, She is a caricature. From the quiet, intimate home Her incisive virtue extends through the whole people, present and future, and pervades everything. …….
  41. P22Thus out of the horrors the new, true woman must first arise, Who has to become the Mediator, and therewith also provide the foundation for the new God-willed life and human activity in Subsequent Creation, the Woman Who will have become free from poison and corruption!
  42. So, the first Adam and Eve were made of dust. The second Adam and Eve came down from Heaven. They are the LORD’s property. They are the LORD’s property. Gifts from above.
  43. The Cloud will remain here today. Are you in a haste? We are saying good morning o. The Sermon is yet to come.

75The last blood that was injected into the system, vibrant workers because they were waiting for work but there was nobody to hire their services. They counted it a very big privilege. 76And they never knew how much they were to be paid. There was no bidding. There was no negotiation because they were not happy that they were staying idle when the energy was there. The zeal was there. I mean, the enthusiasm was there. 77When they were ushered into the factory, O with fresh strength, fresh blood and everything, the tide automatically changed, the tempo of the work changed, with the manifestation of great and overwhelming joy, even unto singing, “This work must finish today.”


WHY ARE YOU SITTING DOWN WHEN CHRIST IS STILL STANDING? Preached on Sunday 7th July, 2019 at the Household of God, Onitsha. Chapter 4 verse 75 through 77.



IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH: Grail Message by Abdrushin – Prophet Oskar Ernst Bernhardt, Lecture 88: The Stranger, from Paragraph 30. P30A few did show a faint willingness to fulfill, yet their earthly faults held them back from it. Unfortunately there were also others who certainly set out on the path of their mission, [Sure!!!] but who from the very beginning sought first of all to gain earthly advantage for themselves thereby.

  1. They wanted to enrich themselves first. Let us be buoyant first. In the attempt to become buoyant in the material things, they failed woefully, both man and woman. Unpardonable sin!
  2. Even among those of earnest volition there were several who expected Him Whom they had to serve to smooth their way to the fulfillment, instead of the reverse.
  3. Thank you! People like the son of Elijoe, Okwuchukwu and their group. Will I mention him and omit FearGod? Is it not your group? A Slave that is higher than his master.
  4. SEVERAL means many. Instead of serving the Master, serving Christ, they want Christ to be serving them. They want to use Christ to smoothen their ways. Their whole heart will be focused on making money.
  5. Make me to be like my mates. This is because not being like one’s mates brings shame. The glory of a man is money. Then what is the glory of a woman?
  6. 31Only a few isolated onesWhat? Only a few isolated onesHandpicked ones, man and woman alike that are devoted and committed to the course of Christ for which cause they were created, ordained and incarnated here on earth.
  7. Why not be one of those isolated ones? This is because if you do not volunteer yourself, nobody will take you. Why not be numbered among those isolated ones– isolated cases. There, one. Here, one.
  8. P31Only a few isolated ones really showed themselves capable of growing into their task. Yes!
  9. To these were given in the hour of fulfillment ten times greater strength, …
  10. Glory be to God. In the hour of fulfilment, God bestowed upon these hand-picked few ten times the spiritual power, spiritual insight, spiritual wisdom, spiritual strength and everything they needed to bring this task of saving mankind to consummation.
  11. And these few bridged that gap created by many to the point that the exit of many could no longer be noticeable. They were set aside. Few started nurturing the Bride globally, even more than they were nurtured before.
  12. Every minute they see Messages coming. Everyday! Everyday! No breathing space! From 2019 till now, they filled the gap and achieved something the majority could not achieve.
  13. Isolated cases! Go to Akwa-Ibom, you see one, two, three or four. You go to Jos, you see one. You go to Essen, you see one. Just isolated cases.
  14. But before then, hundreds trooped in, all ministers. Everyday in the pulpit. Ministers! Where are they now?
  15. Even the celebrated Ben Okezue who lashed his colleagues that time when they sat down even when the son of man was still standing. Eventually, a woman caused him to sit and never to stand up again.
  16. Where are those Bishops? Where are those Deacons? Where are those Pastors and Evangelists? Where are the Apostles? Where are they?
  17. Yet, their exit is not noticeable again, for God gave Me grasshoppers. Grasshoppers! And those grasshoppers were equipped with the strength of a lion. They have filled every gap, making sure the children of God do not lack the food in due season.
  18. P31Only a few isolated ones really showed themselves capable of growing into their task. sure!!! To these were given in the hour of fulfillment ten times greater strength, so that the gaps were no longer perceptible, and in loyalty
  19. In loyalty, and not in disobedience, and not in rebellion. They are loyal. They are faithful. In loyalty and in faithfulness, they are trustworthy. See what is happening.
  20. … and in loyalty they became capable of accomplishing even more than the great throng could ever have achieved. —
  21. Brethren, true or false? Not even one is disturbing the peace of the son of man. Instead, we are holding our hands together, making sure that there is no breach anywhere.
  22. P32It was with grief that the Stranger on earth… THE SON OF MAN, the Envoy lamented with grief.
  23. It was with grief that the Stranger on earth saw the havoc among the group of the called ones. Amen!
  24. They wreaked what? Havoc! For when they sat down, they influenced the whole Congregation to sit down with them. They began to influence them wrongly. They began to divert their attention from heavenly matters to earthly matters.
  25. There is no way you can backslide spiritually without causing havoc. Number one, you begin with your family, for your influence must be felt by your family first. You become very destructive to your family, for you will influence all your children wrongly.
  26. All of them that are sitting down, watch their families. There is not even one whose wife is standing up, talkless of the children. They are only alive when it comes to party and making merriment, in drinking and noise-making.
  27. At an hour we should be sober, at an hour we should be waiting, at an hour we should be conscious of ourselves, that is the hour they are giving themselves over to material things – marriage, building and every other thing.
  28. Although they are not condemnable, they should be embarked on in the fear and admonition of the LORD. True or false?
  29. But they have given themselves over to pursuing those things holistically to the neglect of their mission on earth as if they will go home with those things.
  30. They do not even have their eyes pinned on the Man where the action is. You should pin your eyes on the Stranger that is revealed in your day, for that is where the whole action is. Put your legs into His shoes.
  31. See things with His own eyes. Perceive with His own perception. Speak with His own mouth. Reason alongside with Him, not posing arguments when you know you have limited wisdom and knowledge.
  32. He directs you on the way to go, but you are arguing. You have a better way. Since you have a better way, why are you approaching Him?
  33. P32It was with grief that the Stranger on earth saw the havoc among the group of the called ones. That was one of the most bitter experiences for Him!
  34. Were they called? Yes! But now, the Stranger is lamenting. He is disgusted.
  35. And pray that you will not be one of them. Each time you hear a reminder from Me that you should be careful from now, that what killed your predecessors is now with you, you will be weeping and crying.
  36. Why did that thing not kill the son of man. Are there no others that had that thing and they survived? Does it mean that that thing is a curse?
  37. Marriage is not a curse, but the way you handle it will make it a curse. Marriage is good and honourable in all. Whoever that gets married according to God’s injunction, receives God’s blessings. So, there is nowhere God said it is a curse.
  38. You made it a curse by deifying marriage. When you give the place meant for God to marriage, have you not deified marriage? When you give the prime place of your life to marriage to the neglect of your calling, has marriage not become your God? Is it not upon that backdrop that many sat down and made shipwreck?
  39. If you are still alive spiritually, it should be a constant reminder. Whoever that loves you should always remind you of it because this Faith is a very dangerous one. A little slip, you are off. And once you start falling, you will continue. Once you lose your grip, you will keep on falling.
  40. P32It was with grief that the Stranger on earth saw the havoc among the group of the called ones. Yes! That was one of the most bitter experiences for Him! Much as He had learned, much as He suffered at the hands of men
  41. Brethren, is it fulfilling? It was a prophecy. Now, they have all fulfilled. Who are those people? Where are they drawn from? They are drawn from among us. They are false Brethren. Fales Brethren!
  42. What made them false? They abandoned their legitimate assignments. The moment you abandon your position, you have left your former estate. You become a curse to the Ministry. You become a curse to the Ministry of Christ. You cause the Stranger to regret ever knowing who you are.
  43. We are under the Cloud.
  44. …before this last fact He stood uncomprehending; for He found no excuse whatever for this failure.
  45. Brethren, is it a lie? Were they not taught? Were they not equipped? Were they not given the opportunity to operate? Was there any interference? What could be their excuse for failure? THOU ART INEXUSABLE OH man!
  46. So, that which you want to adduce as your excuse will turn out to be your condemnation. This is because when somebody wants to draw back, he will be using earthly earthly pressure as excuse as if Christ revealed in His day is living in another world. Is He not living here with you?
  47. In His conception a Called one, who, in the granting of his petition, was specially guided and incarnated, could do no other than faithfully carry out his task in the most joyous fulfillment! Sure!!!
  48. For what other purpose was he on earth! Why had he been faithfully guarded up to the hour when the Envoy needed him! … Is it not for maximum productivity? It is for maximum output! … Everything was given to him solely for the sake of his necessary service. Sure!!!
  49. Has God not given us everything pertaining to life and godliness? He has equipped us to execute these assignments. I told you, all of us are in the same salvation mission and we will rest at nothing until we have been clothed with immortal bodies. Have we been clothed?
  50. Then why sitting down? Why sleeping? Why allowing things that do not matter to divert your attention?

82Now look at this last blood injected. Because they were desiring to work, the willingness is there to serve, they have the knowledge, they have the understanding, they have the zeal, but they were underrated by the first, second and third. 83This last batch are now all out to spring a surprise, to shock everybody, to humiliate the murmurers and the complainants because those that were hired in the morning have settled down [and sat down] eating and chatting when the work was still on. 84They cannot even encourage those that were hired midway. They became evil spirits. They became tempters. They became fault finders. 85They now settled down to eat and drink, to chat and to criticize, not knowing that there are vibrant workers who have strength that can carry them even for the next one year and who will work non-stop. Amen.


WHY ARE YOU SITTING DOWN WHEN CHRIST IS STILL STANDING? Preached on Sunday 7th July, 2019 at the Household of God, Onitsha. Chapter 4 verse 75 through 77.




IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH: Grail Message by Abdrushin – Prophet Oskar Ernst Bernhardt, Lecture 88: The Stranger, from Paragraph 33. P33So it was that the Stranger, on meeting the first Called ones, put His full trust in them. Sure!!! He regarded them only as friends, who simply could not think, intuitively perceive and act in any other way than in the most steadfast loyalty. Yes!

  1. But along the way, they disappointed Him. First batch, second batch, third batch, fourth batch! All disappointed Him.
  2. … Was it not the highest, the most precious privilege that could fall to the lot of a human being. …
  3. To be a partner with Christ. Is it not the greatest privilege? God co-opting us into His own work. We as partners with Christ. May God help you. God counting Me worthy, putting Me in this Ministry. Who am I? Is it because I was better than anybody? Why should I fail God?
  4. … The possibility never entered His mind that even Called ones could have become impure during their time of waiting. …
  5. During their time of what? Waiting! Were you warned concerning the time of waiting? During that time, both man and woman backslide spiritually and will be nominal churchgoers, nominal fellowship-goers. Everything will become nominal as usual.
  6. REFERENCE: THINGS YOU MUST WATCH OUT FOR, O YOUTH MINISTER Volume 1, Preached on Sunday 14th July, 2019 by THE SON OF MAN, The Indefatigable Captain of the Ship of Salvation, Chapter 3 verse 21 through 24. 21If you had gone back to the message, AS WE WAIT AT THE GATE OF PARADISE and then go to the GREAT SERMON, You will notice that what is happening here was already prophesied by THE SON OF MAN, that it is during the period of waiting that we see laxities of all sorts, all forms of manifestations of lazy habits. Everybody behaving as if he is in Paradise.
  7. 22You are in a fools’ Paradise, if you do not know. Throwing in the towel when your opponent is still standing. The devil is still at work in you, at work in your family, at work in your business, and you are sleeping over it. Are you not foolish? Are you not blind? Are you not cheated?
  8. 23You still have enormous responsibilities domestically; all your children are still minors, who will pose intractable challenges ahead of time, and you go to bed to have your sleep when no provisions have been made for their upkeep, are you not crazy?
  10. But it will never be so in this Family that is called by His Name where His glory is. 24 hours of the day, the Almighty has His eyes on this Family, for good and not for evil.
  11. It was inconceivable to Him that any human being, in view of such grace, could wantonly neglect and trifle away the real purpose of his earth-life. … Brethren, why not pause a little. Read it with your own understanding. He wondered whether a man born of a woman could be given this type of opportunity and he received this calling– this grace of God in vain.
  12. It was inconceivable to Him It was something that was difficult for Him to believe that it could be possible that a human being who is sojourning in the flesh in this world that God would bestow this type of gift, give him this calling and appoint him to this task and the person will stupidly behave as if he does not know what is happening and bring untold shame unto himself.
  13. It was inconceivable to Him that any human being,Any! Whether you or I. Any!
  14. This is in view of the person’s pursuit of material things [earthly things], to the extent that he could abandon such a glorious opportunity— a glorious privilege. Why would God not sentence you to hell?
  15. Since you are not desirous of eternal life, why are you here? Why do you mill around the son of man? I told you from the onset. It is either from here to heaven or from here to hell. The choice is yours.
  16. I am not raising anybody here for hell, but those that have made up their minds to go to hell will be leaving My house anytime from now.
  17. IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH: Grail Message by Abdrushin – Prophet Oskar Ernst Bernhardt, Lecture 88: The Stranger, from Paragraph 24. It was inconceivable to Him that any human being, in view of such grace, could wantonly neglect and trifle away the real purpose of his earth-life.
  18. Trifle away this glorious opportunity. Glorious privilege.
  19. It is just like we have the president of Nigeria, Alhaji Bola Tinubu. We know that too many people are on him, pleading. Some are using their friends, senators and ministers in vying for one position or the other.
  20. If eventually, from nowhere, you hear the announcement that contains your name as an appointee and that the president has appointed you to a portfolio which you never applied for—Others are paying. Others are running around using fellow human beings they could lay hand on to see whether they could bribe their way through to getting an appointment, and one comes to you freely.
  21. And it is in no other place but in the office of the president, to come and be his personal assistant in Aso Rock. Then somebody who receives this privilege goes there only to mess himself up. that person has not only blocked the way for himself, but for his whole community. The whole of his community!
  22. Do you not know that it is a bad report following one man from Ngwa that has influenced all Ngwa people to action? One man misbehaved himself in Ezeagu, especially Oghe, and the whole community is labelled with that evil.
  23. One man misbehaved himself in Mbaise, and all Mbaise people became hateful human beings. Abhorrence to everybody.
  24. It takes one man also to courageously correct it. Do you not know that sin entered into this world by one man? And through that one man, death came.
  25. By one Man also, sin was taken care of. By that same one Man, death was conquered. Death, where is your sting. By one man came in sin. By one Man also came in righteousness of God. True or false?
  26. One Who became faultless corrected it. And that is the Man we are referring to. And that is that Stranger Who was, first of all, murdered and then, He came back again [The Resurrected Body] to continue from where He stopped in another Name.
  27. REFERENCE: Revelation 3:12, KJV. Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new Name.
  28. Do you not know that if He had come in that same original Name, the Jews would have claimed Him? They have no other choice. But he came this time in the manner and fashion of the Gentiles which is very unbecoming to the Jews.
  29. REFERENCE: TESTAMENT OF THE TWELVE PATRIARCHS, Chapter 3 [The Testament of Levi Concerning the Priesthood and Arrogance] verse 8. And they said to me, Levi, your seed shall be divided into three branches, for a sign of the glory of the Lord who is to come; and first shall he be that has been faithful; no portion shall be greater than his. The second shall be in the priesthood. The third — a new name shall be called over Him, because He shall arise as King from Judah, and shall establish a new priesthood, after the fashion of the Gentiles, to all the Gentiles. And His appearing shall be unutterable, as of an exalted prophet of the seed of Abraham our father. …
  30. Now that they have seen the evidence, they have humbled themselves down, for they went back to the Scriptures only to find out that their Messiah will come from afar in these last days to redeem them at last. It will be Gentiles first and Israel last.
  31. REFERENCE: Isaiah 30:27-28, AMP. 27Behold, the Name of the Lord comes from afar, burning with His anger, and in thick, rising smoke. His lips are full of indignation, and His tongue is like a consuming fire. 28And His breath is like an overflowing stream that reaches even to the neck, to sift the nations with the sieve of destruction; and a bridle that causes them to err will be in the jaws of the people.
  32. And somebody will abuse this wonderful opportunity. You have yourself to blame. You have yourself to blame.
  33. It was inconceivable to Him that any human being, in view of such grace,… Unmerited favour! Something you never dreamt of nor did it ever enter into your thought that in this world, you will see the Messiah or that you will sit down and eat and drink with your Saviour, have everything in common and share the testimony of your fathers of how they sat down, ate and drank and had everything in common with Him.
  34. Now is your turn, and the world cannot believe our report. Who will believe our report? To whom is the arm of God revealed? Are we following cunningly devised fables?
  35. It was inconceivable to Him that any human being,… That a human being that was created and in view of such marvelous grace could abuse it? It is difficult to believe it.
  36. It was inconceivable to Him that any human being, in view of such grace, could wantonly neglect and trifle away the real purpose of his earth-life.
  37. With the faults clinging to them they only appeared to Him as being in need of great help…
  38. And so dreadful of the recognition struck Him all the more severely when He had to experience that even in such exceptional cases the human spirit is not reliable, and that it shows itself unworthy of the highest blessing, even with the most faithful spiritual guidance!
  39. P34Deeply shaken, He suddenly saw before Him mankind in all their unspeakable inferiority and depravity. That is pure truth! They filled Him with disgust.
  40. P35Misery fell more oppressively upon the earth. The instability of the false structure of all that mankind had hitherto produced became ever more apparent. Proof of their incapacity came more plainly to light ever. With the increasing confusion everything slowly began to sway, with one exception: Man’s conceit in his own imagined abilities.
  41. P36This was just what sprang up more luxuriantly than ever, which was quite natural, because conceit always needs the soil of narrow-mindedness. [Sure!!!] The increase of narrow-mindedness must also bring with it abundant growth of conceit. Yes!!!
  42. P37The craving for importance increased to a feverish frenzy. The less man had to offer, the more his soul, which forebodingly sensed only too well that it was sinking, cried out anxiously within him for liberation, the more he then, in his false desire to keep his balance, obtrusively pursued outward earthly trifles and human honours.
  43. Even if in quiet moments men at last began to doubt themselves, this only made them the more eager to have at least a reputation for knowledge. At all costs!
  44. P38Thus things went rapidly downhill. In the fear-producing recognition of the approaching collapse, each in his own way finally thought to dull himself, letting the outrageous state of affairs continue to take its course. He closed his eyes to the menacing responsibility.
  45. P39Wise” men, however, proclaimed the time of the coming of a strong helper out of the distress. But most of them wanted to see this helper in themselves or, if they were modest, at least to find him within their circle.
  46. Is it a lie Brethren? Everybody wants to be the son of man or wants THE SON OF MAN be born in his own family.

The Righteous Judge is on the Throne. He that judges without looking at faces, Who does not take bribe is in the arena. Fear God! My happiness is that even if the whole world will deny Me, there are few people that will not deny Me. Those that will testify that they heard with their ears, that we were there present.


DO NOT PLAY WITH GOD’S INSTRUCTION; Preached on Sunday 19th May 2013 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 48 vs. 48 – 49



IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH: Grail Message by Abdrushin – Prophet Oskar Ernst Bernhardt, Lecture 88: The Stranger, from Paragraph 40. P40The “faithful” prayed to God for help out of the confusion. But it became evident that these petty earthmen,… Petty earthmen!even while praying in expectation of a fulfillment, sought inwardly to impose conditions upon God by wishing for such a helper as would correspond with their views.

  1. They will be wishing according their heart desires of what and how the Messiah should be.
  2. So far-reaching are the results of earthly narrowmindedness. Mankind can believe that an Envoy of God needs to adorn Himself with earthly honours!
  3. That is truth! They expect Him to be taking titles that will be conferred on him by petty earthmen. Okaa Omee! Chief! His Excellency. He is not a politician, he has nothing to do with earthly administration. Carry on with your earthly title-takings and coronation. It does not concern Him.
  4. REFERENCE: Isaiah 9:6, TLB. [6]For unto us a child is born; unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder. These will be his royal titles: “Wonderful,” “Counselor,” “The Mighty God,” “The Everlasting Father,” “The Prince of Peace.”
  5. [7]His ever-expanding, peaceful government will never end. He will rule with perfect fairness and justice from the throne of his father David. He will bring true justice and peace to all the nations of the world. This is going to happen because the Lord of heaven’s armies has dedicated himself to do it!
  6. [2] John 6:15 KJV.When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force, to make him a king, he departed again into a mountain himself alone.
  7. [John 18:36 NIV]22Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place.”
  8. … They expect Him to adapt Himself to their narrow-minded earthly opinions in order to be acknowledged by them,… But He said No! …and thereby to win their faith and confidence.
  9. That is the thing now, so that He will become a member of the traditional council of chiefs– Agbalanze.
  10. What incredible conceit, what arrogance, lies in this fact alone! In the hour of fulfillment the conceit will be completely shattered, [Sure!!!] along with all those who inwardly indulged in such delusion! — A delusion!
  11. P41Then the Lord Called to His Servant, Who was walking the earth as a Stranger,… Who was walking where? … Who was walking the earth as a Stranger,…
  12. He is freely walking the earth. To them that are taking traditional titles, they should go ahead. He does not want any of those things. Period! Let Me remain “Mr. Nobody”. He hates anything popularity. Finish!
  13. P41Then the Lord Called to His Servant, Who was walking the earth as a Stranger that He should speak and give tidings to all those who were thirsting for it! Sure!!! He shall give tidings – Messages – to those that are thirsting for it.
  14. P42And behold, the knowledge of the “wise ones” was false, the prayers of the faithful were not genuine; for they did not open themselves to the Voice that came forth from the Truth, [Sure!!!] and which therefore could only be recognized where the spark of Truth within man had not been buried by earthly wrong doing, the domination of the intellect, and all those things that tend to crowd the human spirit from the right path and cause its downfall.
  15. P43It could only awaken an echo where the petition came from a truly humble and honest soul.
  16. Have you heard it? Truly humble and honest soul. Make your petition. God will respond. But this is not for one whose heart is laden with iniquity and his mouth will be presenting petitions unto God. You continually petition to God with an unclean heart. You do not mean it. God knows. You are paying lip service to it.
  17. P44The Call went forth! Wherever it struck it brought disquiet and dissention. But in those places where it was earnestly awaited it brought peace and happiness. Amen! The good soil! The good soil! The good soil!
  18. P45The Darkness began to stir restlessly, and massed ever more densely, heavily and gloomily around the earth. Here and there it was already hissing up malignantly,… Malignantly! It cannot be exhausted. It keeps growing and growing bigger and more massively. Even when you cut it, it will reproduce rapidly and continuously too. You are merely wasting your time.
  19. If you dare block its course, not knowing that you are blocking the course a river, it will get to areas you never expected, even pushing down walls.
  20. P45The Darkness began to stir restlessly, and massed ever more densely, heavily and gloomily around the earth. Here and there it was already hissing up malignantly, and spitting in hate into the ranks of those who wished to obey the Call.
  21. Ever more closely it surrounded those Called ones who, through their failure, were forced to sink away into the Darkness, to which they had thereby voluntarily held out their hand.
  22. Their former solemn vow bound them fast to the Envoy spiritually, and drew them to Him at the hour of the approaching fulfillment, while their faults formed obstacles and repelled them from Him,… That is pure truth.because a connection with the Light was thus impossible. Sure!!!
  23. P46Now from this there could in turn only arise a bridge for hate, for the whole hate of the Darkness against all that is Light. And so they intensified the path of suffering of the Envoy from the Light until it became a Golgotha, and the majority of mankind only too gladly joined in making it more difficult; [Sure!!!] especially those who imagined that they already knew and were following the path of the Light themselves, as once the Pharisees and Scribes did. They were imagining.
  24. P47All this created a situation in which mankind could prove once more that they would again behave exactly in the same way today as long ago they acted against the Son of God. Sure!
  25. They have not differed. What they were then is what they are now. No change! Modern Pharisees! Do not look outside. It is in your midst.
  26. Only this time in more modern form,… That is modern religion! …a symbolic crucifixion through an attempt at moral murder,…
  27. Have you heard it? Moral murder! Yes! This is true! Another crucifixion! Let us damage His reputation. Let us scandalize Him. Is it not contained in the Great Sermon?
  28. When they failed to get rid of Him, they resorted to scandal. They resorted to all kinds of evil speaking. They resorted to calling names. They resorted to nocturnal movements from house to house with their campaign of calumny, all aimed at diverting the attention of those that believe in Him so that they will be having divided loyalty. All from among you, man and woman, from those that have become tired and weak like the son of Elijoe.
  29. REFERENCE: THE GREAT SERMON AND HOLY GHOST-INSPIRED EPISTLES AND REVELATIONS, 2019 Revised Edition, Epistle 9 [God can Change His Mind Concerning His Word] Page 289, Chapter 4 verse 1 – 5.
  30. 1IF anybody wants to disprove me in these facts, let him do it constructively through the Elders in their Church.
  31. 2I will always welcome constructive criticism; it will take one that is out of the way of Truth, to embark on destructive criticism and campaign of calumny to run down the reputation of his opponents   so   as   to achieve their personal vendetta.
  32. 3I am not numbered among such sycophants that indulge in such dastardly acts of cowardice. 4I am a child of God and one that has respect and honour for God and humanity. 5God Bless You All.
  33. a symbolic crucifixion through an attempt at moral murder, which according to the Laws of God is no less punishable than physical murder. Yes!
  34. Is it not through the power of the tongue that somebody is killed. With the tongue you can destroy the whole world.
  35. P48It was fulfillment after the last opportunity of mercy had been frivolously neglected. Amen!
  36. They have lost every opportunity of mercy. What else can he have but the kingdom. We will never permit that. They started gang-up of those that had been in the faith and those that are yet to enter into the Faith of Christ. Let us gang up!
  37. Traitors, false witnesses and slanderers came from the ranks of those who had been called.
  38. Have you seen where they came from. From the Ministers so called. They are prominently found among the Ministers and their families.
  39. Who has escaped? From all these prophecies fulfilling, who has escaped? Is it written on anybody’s face? Only you and I know what is happening in our homes and in our hearts, among our friends and foes.
  40. Base minions [Followers] of the Darkness ventured to approach in ever increasing numbers, since they felt themselves secure, because in fulfillment the Stranger kept silent when confronted with this filth, as He had been commanded to do, Keep quiet!and as once the Son of God also was silent
  41. The son of Man became silent as the murdered Son of God was also silent. The devil encourages you to talk because you have the mouth and because you are alive. Keep talking! Christ is identified by His characteristics.
  42. in fulfillment the Stranger kept silent when confronted with this filth, as He had been commanded to do, and as once the Son of God also was silent before the howling mob that wanted to have Him nailed to the cross as a criminal. That is truth! Did He say anything? He openeth not His mouth.
  43. P49But when the faithless deserters in their blind hate already thought themselves close to victory, and the Darkness once more assumed that the Work of the Light had been destroyed, because it hoped that the Bearer of this Work had been rendered quite impotent on earth, then this time God revealed His Will with Omnipotence!
  44. God did what? He revealed Himself with omnipotence. So, you were standing on the threshold of the revelation of the greatest Omnipotence. Today, has He not been revealed?
  45. At a time when they thought they had stifled Him and that the Movement has come to a halt, God, in another way, revealed His Omnipotence to continue and then bring it to consummation.
  46. A rejuvenation of the mission that is now shaking the whole world. Do you know that you are the people holding the power that is shaking the whole world? You are the people.
  47. P49But when the faithless desertersFaithless deserters! Faithless! Those that do not have faith fell away and deserted the Faith of Christ.
  48. P49But when the faithless deserters in their blind hate In their blind H-A-T-E. already thought themselves close to victory, and the Darkness once more assumed that the Work of the Light had been destroyed, because it hoped that the Bearer of this Work had been rendered quite impotent on earth, then this time God revealed His Will with Omnipotence!
  49. Brethren, put your hands together for God.
  50. SONG: Come and hear our voice. O God, come and hear our voice. There is never a time when the power of man will be greater than the power of God. There is never a time when the power of Satan will be greater than the power of God. Father, come and hear. The Creator of Heaven and earth, come and hear our voice.
  51. There can never be a time when the power of Satan can overwhelm the power of God. And there can never be a time when the power of man can overwhelm the power of God.
  52. The deserters ran away, thinking that they had already defeated the Stranger. Have we not extinguished that fire. Let him stop disturbing us. They have been sacked from GTC. They have equally been sacked everywhere. Where are they? Have you not seen that the thing has gone into oblivion?
  53. They never knew that this is the time when the strength even began in a way they do not know. See the great shaking in the whole world.
  54. P49But when the faithless deserters in their blind hate already thought themselves close to victory, and the Darkness once more assumed that the Work of the Light had been destroyed, because it hoped that the Bearer of this Work had been rendered quite impotent on earth, then this time God revealed His Will with Omnipotence!
  55. And then… even the mockers sank trembling to their knees, but… for them it was too late!

Remember that history is created after an event, but the Son of Man is making history before event. You see, that is supernatural. History is created after an event, but the Son of Man is creating history before event. You see what makes the difference? By this, we know that we are here with The Alpha and The Omega. He that knows the end from the very beginning; The only Being that has the power to make a useless fellow a useful fellow.


FACTS ABOUT LIFE; Preached on Sunday 21st June 2009 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 104 vs. 16



Are you tired. Even if you are tired, I will allow you to find a place and rest. I must finish this tape today.

  1. You are going to listen to a Sermon handled by one of our Apostles, numbered among the 10 God is using to strengthen the Faith more and more. He was a grasshopper, but today, he is a big lion.
  2. If you watch the young men who are now with the son of man, from the time they were ordained with the help of the few Elders that survived – the Bishops, the Deacons, the Pastors – nobody notices that those ancient men and women had already packed. A sure sign that nobody is indispensable before God.
  3. Pride goeth before a fall. Those people have fallen and they will never rise again, but they are still holding unto us, trusting God and having the belief that in the end, God will say, “I have pardoned”. Let Me hold My peace.
  4. They are holding on to that belief which is the encouragement they got from the words of Samuel the Prophet who told the people of Israel saying, “You have sinned against your God all these years. I advise you, “Never go into idolatry. Do not worship any other God. Do not ever draw back from following Him. Remain worshipping Him in spirit and in truth. Change your minds and your ways. Remain following Him, pleading your case. Peradventure, in the end, He will pardon you your sins, for He has called you His people.
  5. But woe is me if I will teach my family to rebel or disobey God. Woe is me if I should follow you to rebel and disobey God.” If it was a good thing, Samuel would have desired that his children should follow them.
  6. You are following God, pleading, crying, changing your hearts and minds. He said, “Peradventure. Perhaps, in case it is possible, if at the end, He will tell you that He has forgiven you because He has called you His own. But let it be an abomination if I should teach my family to go in your way of disobedience to God and rebellion against the Word of God. I will never do that.”
  7. We give God the praise. We give God the glory, the honour, the worship and adoration. I am very much pleased with the present stage of the Ministry. As I promised you in the beginning, so it is happening now.
  8. He said, “Whether you understood or not as at that time, please keep following Me anyhow. God never called you to understand, but to believe in Him. One thing is sure. As we journey along, towards the end, God is going to make everything plain. Everything shall be made plain, truly speaking. Then nobody will be confused anymore as to whether you are worshipping the true God or not.”
  9. Are we not at the concluding side of the Ministry? Is it not plainer now than before. I say it is plainer now than before. Brethren, is it not clearer to us now than it was before?
  10. You begin to ask yourself, “What and what did we achieve in Government Technical College?” It is as if we went there for sight-seeing, dancing eating and drinking and socializing with one another.
  11. Some leave Enugu very early in the morning. Others from Lagos will arrive and stay under the mango tree [car park] for two hours eating. They will even remain there for a short nap. When one parks his vehicle, he will sleep a little in the car along with his children.
  12. They will keep their eyes on the clock. Once it is 3 pm, “let us go home. It is already late.” What did we achieve?
  13. To God be the glory [I mean] today. Nobody is left in doubt again as to what is happening.
  14. You have heard the prophecy concerning the son of man. I have taught you that. It is documented in the Epistles. It is documented in the Sermon Books. You have that one. You have that of the Woman of Subsequent Creation.
  15. But the root of everything– the root of the prophecy is THE STRANGER – THE FUTURE SON OF MAN. And then, THE WOMAN OF SUBSEQUENT CREATION, Who the Almighty divinely lifted Her hand and rested it on the shoulder of the future SON OF MAN to be His partner.
  16. He will justle through this life ordeal, this glorious Ministry with Her And She recognized the will of God for her and entered into the will of God without looking back. She pursued it conclusively till 29th August 2021. It became clear to all of us.
  17. You see why sorrow has fizzled out? Joy has now replaced sorrow. She never sorrowed. She continued raising Her hands towards the sky, praising God.
  18. SONG: When peace like a river attendeth my ways. When sorrows like sea billows roll. Whatever my lot, Thou has thought me to say, “It is well with my soul.”
  19. Though Satan should buffet. Though trials should come. Let this blessed assurance control. That Christ has regarded my helpless estate and has shed His own blood for my soul.
  20. It is well. It is well. With my soul. With my soul. It is well. It is well. With my soul. Praise the LORD O my soul. Praise the LORD, O my soul. Praise the LORD. Praise the LORD, O my soul. Amen!
  21. Now, we missed the Sermon that day. God inspired our Apostle Timothy Ukpong to handle the Sermon in faraway Akwa-Ibom in the Family of God there in Bishop Joe Ukpong’s house.
  22. God anointed him with the same spirit to preach the Sermon and forward it to the son of man without anybody calling for it. The Sermon speaks volumes. I say, the Sermon speaks volumes.
  23. Without mincing words, Pastor Chizoba, join it in that. This is the Sermon you would have received that day. And now, you are receiving it today.