AT THE VOICE OF GOD STUDIO Bridal Lodge, Nsugbe, Anambra State, Nigeria BY Apostle Peter Odoemena THE SON OF MAN The Ancient of Days

Transcribed by Bishop David Mbah


5And I, who am without years, shall be subject to the reckoning of years, of times, of months, and of days, and I shall be reckoned as one of the sons of men, in order to save you.”

THE FIRST BOOK OF ADAM AND EVE, Chapter 14 verse 5


I heard a Voice thunder from the Throne: “Look! Look! God has moved into the neighbourhood, making His home with men and women! They’re His people, He’s their God.

Revelation 21:3, The Message Bible

From the time you were born till today, you have been hearing about God and you have been seeing people making honest efforts to maintain good link with God. Please, I will not discourage you. There is the Supreme God. And He is a Being that took His origin from black Africa. Believe it if you can. God is not found outside Africa. The influence of God is felt everywhere, but God is living in Africa. I will speak on that after. I will bring enough facts to get everybody convinced. It would not be a mere story. No!


DAYBREAK IN AFRICA; Preached on Sunday 25th October 1998 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 6




  1. Our Most holy and righteous Heavenly Father. You are the Most faithful God, if there be any other God at all. To us, we recognize You and You alone. You are the only One and True God, the Creator of the whole universe and the fullness therein. Aside You we recognize no other.
  2. We have come before You just as we are, hiding nothing from You. We can run but we cannot hide. Everything about us is naked before You.
  3. We come before You O God as Your dear children. We are the workmanship of Your hands and the flock of Thy pasture. You fashioned us in Your own way.
  4. We are nothing and we shall be nothing but what You want us to be, for we believe O God that You have Your own divine purpose for bringing us into existence as human beings here on earth.
  5. You created us and pushed us down here, not in vain, but for your own divine purpose to be fulfilled through us.
  6. For that reason O God, we cannot better our lives. We cannot be anything greater than what You want us to be. No matter how we strive, and no matter our efforts, we can only be that which You want us to be, for there is no human being who can equate himself or his power with You.
  7. You are the omnipotent God. With You, all things are possible. We have believed You to the extent that we are sure and certain that with You on our side, we shall be secured till the end, for You never [O God] selected nor chose us to bear Your Name in vain.
  8. You set us apart and consecrated us to Yourself and to Your own service. And that is why we are here still praising and adoring Your Most Holy Name. Otherwise, we will be somewhere else.
  9. Nobody is here because he wanted to be here. We are here because this is the place that is ordained for us. And that is why we are rejoicing exceedingly each time we come here at Thy feet O God, believing that Your eyes are upon us for good and not for evil, for the holy Scriptures made it clear that You never called us to receive Your wrath, but to receive [O God] salvation and eternal life through Christ.
  10. You have made us holy in Your own eyes, for that has been Your own eternal purpose which You purposed concerning us in Yourself even before the world began, not because we have achieved it through our own self striving. No! That is the much Christ has achieved for us. And we are sufficient with that.
  11. If in the end, we shall see ourselves in Paradise, what else do we need? And that is all our souls desire.
  12. We therefore plead with You. We are not asking for gold and silver. No! We are not asking for strength and power. No! We are only requesting for one thing, that Your nature be made manifest in all of us.
  13. We are pleading O God. We are not commanding You. Who are we to command You? We are ordinary clay in your hand. You are the Potter. We want to be that which You want us to be. Anything outside it [Father] set it at naught. Make us the manner of people You want us to be. And then, let Your divine purpose for bringing us into existence be fulfilled in our individual lives.
  14. I make this solemn request on the behalf of all the souls that are here, and the souls that are afar off even in foreign lands, as many [O God] as You chose before the world began for Yourself for eternal life and not for eternal damnation.
  15. This solemn request I am making is for all of them, even for those that are yet unborn, as many as You will call with time if we tarry here.
  16. We therefore plead with You that Your presence will dominate everything here in this Studio. May we behold Your Majesty. May we behold O God Your glorious Shekinah here.
  17. Every plan of the wicked one to distract our attention [Father] we resist all. And we say, You nullify all.
  18. In the same way, be with all and sundry that are called by Your Name wherever they gather today, worshipping You in spirit and in truth, be they families [Father] or individuals. No matter where they are found, be there with them. Receive their sacrifices of praise as a sweet-smelling offering to You today.
  19. We have come [O God] by Faith in You. We are presenting nothing but our Faith which we have already [Father] registered in You.
  20. We have sworn an oath of allegiance that we will never draw back. Never permit us to draw back from following You, for if we draw back, to whom else shall we go. Will the person give us eternal life?
  21. Since we have found He that holds eternal life, at Your feet, we lay our burdens down. Remain our burden bearer unto the end.
  22. Let our worship service this hour [LORD] be full of praises and thanksgiving. Let it be full of joy and happiness because of Your wonderful visitation.
  23. If there be anything wrongdoing or anything short-coming among Your people everywhere [globally] Father, wink Your eyes over them. Set them at naught. Regard them O God as those human flaws that are common to all men. Place them where they belong under the blood of Christ that is still there for advance payment for all our sins and trespasses.
  24. We thank You because You have established Your presence already. We praise You and we honour You. We believe that at the end of our worship service today, we shall be glad. We shall say with our mouth that really, You visited us in a very wondrous way.
  25. Do so to all Your children everywhere. Give to us even Your own Word of life that we may live in Your presence forever, for to You alone belongeth the Shekinah. To You alone belongeth [Father] the Headstone. To You alone belongeth the Majesty.
  26. We believe that with these three attributes present in our midst, You are here. With Your engrafted Word, make us holy in Your eyes, for Your Name’s sake LORD, we pray. Amen!!!


As the blacksmith uses fire, hot fire, to refine gold, so the Son of Man uses the fire that proceeds from His mouth to refine God’s jewels. Thus you are among the jewels of the earth if you are numbered among those that submitted, that cooperated and collaborated with the Son of Man’s refining Messages. The goldsmith uses fire to refine physical gold. God uses the fire from the mouth of the Almighty, from the mouth of the Messenger He has sent to refine His own gold, His own jewels. Remember, it is the same fire that goes out of the mouth of God, which He has used to subdue even the very Anti-Christ. Amen


COPING WITH A REBELLIOUS CHILD (EXPLAINED) VOL 1; Preached on Sunday 7th May, 2017 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 92 vs. 38 – 41




Be seated everybody. We give God the praise for all He has been doing for us. I will have time to say thank you to all of you. Charity, they say, begins at home. You made Me proud last Sunday, all of you, young and old that participated in that ceremony.

  1. Of a truth, that ceremony beat My imagination hollow. It was beyond what I anticipated because of the cancellation of the first arrangement by My children. They opened the Gates for everybody that was willing and could afford to be here.
  2. Hence, we could witness such an unparalleled participation. I saw what I could not believe. It was the first of its kind since I started celebrating My birthday starting from My home at Benjamin.
  3. It was My all-family affair with some Brethren that use to come around until 2019 when the Brethren at Onitsha joined hands with a few others outside.
  4. They gave Me only a three days’ notice. And they prepared an impromptu birthday ceremony to mark the son of man’s annual birthday ceremony. It was glorious in a way.
  5. In 2020, they tried also by hiring a hall for the first time. And that was Sharon Hall [GRA, Onitsha]. That of 2019 was at GTC, our former Fellowship venue. And the turn out was less than 100 people.
  6. At Sharon, there was a large turnout also, for the number of seats we were given was only 130. Then the hall was not spacious enough. Both the people that were inside and outside were less than 200, though it was equally glorious, but that of 2024 was unparalleled.
  7. By 2022, I had no ceremony. In short, in 2021, there was no ceremony around the son of man for reasons you know very well. My wife died on 10th December 2021. No human born of a woman could begin to think of anything birthday 2021. In 2022, the same thing applied. I never had a birthday ceremony. I only celebrated the one-year anniversary of My late wife.
  8. Hence, in 2023, some concerned Elders came together apologizing for their omission and they decided to give Me a token of a gift in arrears, pleading that they will make up for their error in 2024, for there was no ceremony around Me in 2023.
  9. I corrected every error concerning My date of birth long ago, but Brethren failed to recognize it. I had to take a firm stand. The first time it was implemented was on 7th April 2024 in My Courtyard here.
  10. Truly speaking, we hosted here approximately 600 people. Going by the number of seats we hired and our own, which numbered 441, all of them were occupied by adults.
  11. My seat-out was filled. The backyard was filled. All the pavements were filled. Too many people were in My parlour. While some were in the guest house, some were outside the gate.
  12. I am saying this, excluding the little children. If you put the little children together and all that participated, truly speaking, we numbered above 600. And this has been the greatest turnout I have recorded so far in a birthday ceremony.
  13. But there was a miracle that took place. It has been happening in all our ceremonies, but that of last Sunday was very outstanding.
  14. Going by the crowd, nobody could believe that the arrangement we had earlier made that it should be low-keyed was not affected nor adjusted.
  15. So we prepared food based on a low-key level. But in My house I knew and My children knew that there was going to be a large crowd. Therefore, we enlarged our coast.
  16. Hence, some Sisters were withdrawn from Pastor Thomas’ place. They were drafted to My house. Almost all the youth were here, and they did a very nice work from night till morning.
  17. I was shocked that all that came here fed to their satisfaction. And at the end, a plea went forth that if, there were take-away plates, that those sharing the food should magnanimously extend the food to those who could not come, including children.
  18. I was witnessing mothers using water-proof bags to carry soup and to carry Garri. I saw too many, even a lot of men used our coolers [our food flasks] even meant for children to carry food home, of which I do not know when they will return them.
  19. Some even brought out jute bags. I do not know how they cellophaned the inside. I saw people dumping food inside their vehicle booths.
  20. And at the end of the day, there was still some leftover that was sufficient for all that could not go. So they remained eating and rejoicing till half past 10 in the night. A good number of them ate two times. Some even ate three times.
  21. Concerning drinks, I do not know what happened there. They drank to exhaustion, but they were not drunk. And God was refilling the bottles. Till they left, they still had some leftovers of drinks.
  22. [1] I was imagining what could have happened if we had attempted hiring a place outside this place. [2] I also wondered where we could get a hall that has this capacity and give us facilities that will help us to serve people very well.
  23. I checked all the halls we hired in time past, but there is not even one of them that has any accommodation larger than this courtyard. Nowhere anywhere.
  24. The highest you can get as a hall will have the capacity of two hundred seats. And that is the People’s Club of Nigeria, Owerri Road. I have been to many of them where I delivered lectures when I was in the civil service.
  25. If you go to Nkisi Palace Hotel, if it is still functioning, it has a capacity hall of 150 seats. And it is adjudged to be one of the biggest.
  26. As for the Sharon Hall, we have been there.
  27. I do not know where else we could go that will have the capacity to accommodate 400 seats and have facilities where we can wash the plates, keep the drinks, food and so on secured. In short, it does not exist.
  28. If you succeed in getting it, the cost will not be less than two million naira because an average hall now is between ₦1,000,000.00 and ₦1,500,000.00, if you must use their facilities including electricity supplied from Electricity Distribution Company or the hotel’s generating set. You must pay for all of them, for no hotel will offer you free service.
  29. Ordinary open air now goes for between five hundred thousand naira and eight hundred thousand naira [₦500,000.00 and ₦800,000.00]. Open air!
  30. And the space is measured to accommodate not more than six canopies. The time is equally programmed. They would not give you more than three hours because while you leave, another people will take it.
  31. So, I was very very happy that God knew ahead of time that a day will come when we shall be meeting. And wherever we are, our meeting point will be where He Himself is, for wherever God is shall be the gathering of His people. Our gathering shall be wherever God is, at His feet.
  32. So it offered us a wonderful time, though we were brief. I believe that if God will grant us another opportunity, we may stay longer than that of the last ceremony.
  33. What is more? We had an undisturbed environment. Am I making sense. We locked ourselves inside. No heathen. No disturbance. So, it was really a wonderful meeting.
  34. It offered Me another opportunity to shake hands with many people I missed since the year 2020 when we parted from GTC.
  35. Anybody who said he saw Me at Mbaise during My late wife’s burial is correct in the sense that he saw Me, but I did not see the person. Too many people saw Me, but they did not come near Me. Even if they came near Me, I never recognized anybody.
  36. It is now that My eyes are clearer than before. So if I tell you that I did not see you at Mbaise, I never told lies. But now, I am seeing everybody clearly.
  37. All of you that participated, both far and near, even those in diaspora, take a warm thank you from Me, for that is the much I know I can offer you. Thank you very much. I appreciate, together with My entire Family.
  38. We will ever remain grateful to all of you, both young and old, even those who could not come, but they were there praying for the success like Bishop Emma Innah and some others. You are all blessed.
  39. The Cloud is here. Today is a day I slated to give everybody the interpretation of the Message we read to mark that ceremony, for it was a joint ceremony.
  40. [1] To celebrate the 69th Anniversary of THE SON OF MAN and [2] 2nd Memorial Service of the Queen of Paradise, Late Mother and Sister Nzubechi SON OF MAN. So, it was a combined ceremony. It attracted a combined Message.
  41. A prophetic Message that went forth before she was born here on earth as a human being.
  42. Before THE SON OF MAN was born as a human being, that Message, the prophecy went forth concerning His coming preparing people to get ready to receive THE SON OF MAN and also to receive the Woman of Subsequent Creation, for the two must work together to make Paradise [to make Heaven] a possibility.
  43. One holds eternal life, while the other holds the Gate for the beneficiaries because the striker cannot be the goalkeeper. Did you get what I am saying.
  44. If the landlord becomes the man manning the gate as a gateman, who then hosts the guests. Did you get the Message? So, it is wrong for the landlord to be the gateman and also the host. No!
  45. So, take it from Me. Whatever that is transpiring in our midst was pre-planned by the Almighty God. They were pre-arranged in perfect order, and we are here as beneficiaries.
  46. If you happen to be one of the beneficiaries, count yourself as a lucky fellow.
  47. Pastor Chizoba! Your sister, Onyinye is in your house, and she is serving you. She is not here. I say, your sister is in your house. She has been in your house. Ok. Is it that after serving in the mall, in the evening, she will go to the mother’s house?
  48. She goes back to your own house? Is she there as your visitor or as a Sister?
  49. Pastor Chizoba answers: As my sister.
  50. She is there as your sister and not your visitor. Ok, let Me take her as a visitor. Being a Pastor, the Almighty God enjoins us that if a visitor comes to us, he or she will stay with us on one ground that during the time of worship, the visitor will be a part of that worship.
  51. The visitor cannot say, “I will not.” By saying no, he or she throws him or herself out of the family. And you cannot tell the visitor to man the house while you go out to worship God. No! It then means you are living together with the devil.
  52. So, since she is with you and you are feeding her, she is under your care right now. It is absolutely wrong for you to be here without her. I say, it is absolutely wrong.
  53. If you really loved her, it is not because of the services she is rendering. You will love her because she has started showing signs of believing God and so that all of you will form a unique family.
  54. So, you have missed the opportunity. If you had applied for her, there was no way the son of man would have turned it down, seeing that she is sojourning with you and your wife.
  55. Assuming she is there on holidays, will you be leaving her in the house during the holidays and go for Fellowship, even if she has not tasted the Faith? Moreso, when she has been in the Faith.
  56. Let Me put it this way. She was the first that applied to Me to be here with Me during worship service every first day of the week, Before ever she went to Umudike – the university – she has been applying and pleading. She has come here more than five times, pleading. She has applied even before the mother started pleading.
  57. So, she is not a heathen. Staying with you and your wife has already given her the express ticket to be here, but you denied her the ticket. Sit down!
  58. You see, when you find yourself in the house of one that is favoured by God, automatically, God has favoured you through him or through her, but if you are blind – if you are blind, truly speaking, you will miss exactly what people in time past missed, for being blind spiritually.
  59. No matter how you look at it, what we are considering here today is not what others are considering. We are always ahead. That is we are here as leaders and not rulers. We are in front. Others are following.
  60. The same is applicable to any other person that had that opportunity to be here and you abandoned your loved ones in your house. It is wrong. It is unscriptural. If it is good for you, it is good for all the members of your family. If this house is collapsing now, it is collapsing on all of us. True or false?
  61. Assuming we are leaving this place right now, or we are going to be translated now, the translation begins with the son of man and those around Him. Is it not true?
  62. During the resurrection, there were a set of people that witnessed the resurrection signs. They went to the sepulchre. After that, 500 people who were ordained of old to be witnesses. Before others could hear what took place, they had already benefitted. So, take note and then correct yourselves. Amen.
  63. Bro Chibuko will go through this Message briefly. I know I have slated today to read into tapes the Message of last Sunday marking the two celebrations.
  64. And it is culled from IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH – The Grail Message by Prophet Oskar Ernst Bernhardt – Abdrushin, the Austrian Prophet and the last Prophet that went global.
  65. Remember, whatever that was prophesied before now, you are the fulfilment, whether good or bad. But My joy is that we are fulfilling the good side of all. Did you get the Message?
  66. So, we will go through it by way of reading it into tapes to enable us post it globally before it will be published in book form which I know that too many people do not have access to until it is uploaded in the website.
  67. The website reports for this week that ended yesterday was very fascinating. I could not imagine what I saw there.
  68. Israel is still pushing. Russia is pushing. America is pushing. The whole kings of all the nations are pushing. Religious countries are pushing. Pagan countries are pushing.
  69. Even countries that are known for atheism, who do not believe in God, they have believed in God because of the son of man, for the son of man has made God real.
  70. Can you imagine China? Look at where China is. Who changed the vision of China if not the son of man?
  71. So, if we can see all those things there, do not lose sight of one fact that you are still that hand-picked people, that small minority out there in the wilderness, setting out, believing His Word.
  72. From you, the Message has gone global. And in your midst is the prophesied God in human form.
  73. So, to you now belongeth the translation, for William Branham the prophet said, “Any group of people that will be privileged to have Him in Person in their midst, that is the little group that is slated for rapture, come what may.”
  74. Others may feel the influence. Others may be drawn into it if they can believe the very son of man, for He will be revealed here on earth in human form in the midst of the Bride.
  75. So, you must know where you are. That is why, to others, Local Assemblies, Church or whatever you may call it, He gave all of them supervising Ministers – Supervising Ministers.
  76. But He selected a small group and allowed them to be in His own house, in His own abode, in His own residence.
  77. Members of My Family are no longer in doubt as to whether this is the residence of God or not. So, if you do not know that God has abode, know it. God has a mansion. He has a dwelling place.
  78. To find yourself in the dwelling place of God is a privilege. It is not a right. If you abuse it, you will regret in the end. Amen.
  79. So, we invite Deacon Chibuko to come and scratch this piece made up of two or three chapters only, after which we can go over to the Message.


Having Him in person for your Teacher is a privilege. But the most important thing is having your own townsman, your own Brother of the same blood, of the same language, custom, tradition and all what may, to be you Kinsman Redeemer. You are highly favoured to have someone Who understands even your infirmities to be your Kinsman Redeemer. You do not need anybody to begin to tell Him about you and what you are passing through for He takes a share in your troubles being your townsman. Your joy is His joy. Your sorrow is His sorrow. If he does not save you, who else will? …….


FORGET NOT WHAT YOUR EYES HAVE SEEN PART 2; Preached on Sunday 6th August 2017 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 95 vs. 72 – 74





WHY WE MUST BE CAREFUL, Preached on 10th June 2012 at the Household of God Onitsha by Apostle Peter Odoemena, THE SON OF MAN, The Rock of Ages.

  1. Page 25 verse 13. Do you at all pause and think? Have you for one day paused to think about the goodness of the Lord to you? If you do not consider the goodness of the Lord, the tendency is there for you to continue to be disobedient to God’s Word. That is pure truth! You think that the life you are living today is because you merited it?
  2. Page 29 verse 21-28. 21There are many cases where the medical doctors concluded that it was over. Yet God took control and saved the situation. There are too many now. Let Me tell you one. Going by medical doctors assessment, going by examination reports, brother Chibuzor, the son of Sister Ogoo should not have lived beyond 24 hours. Sure!!!
  3. I mean Pastor Chibuzor. You are talking about My son in-law.
  4. 22I thank God that I have some medical experts who can speak. There was nothing in the report of the x-ray and the scanning that suggested that he could breathe for 24 hours, but this day he is eating. He has even started playing football. He is married with children now. When they said that every hope is lost, God laughed and said, “Well, they have said their own, but that is not so.”
  5. They declared him blind, but today, he is pursuing his PhD as a lecturer in the University.
  6. 23I do not care how the blood clotted in the brain, I do not care how the sensory nerves and neurons were destroyed and so on, but I am assuring them of one thing: if they will obey my instructions, I will keep watch over that bed 24 hours and I did it. I did. I brought him back. I met him on the way.
  7. I kept watch over that bed for 24 hours, even right now, when all their medication failed, he is now feeding on my own prescribed drugs which no medical doctor in this Nigeria can prescribe, for they do not know about it. However, it is very, very simple. Even UNTH cannot prescribe it.
  8. Even when they heard about it, they said that the drugs were unknown to them. They could not get it in any pharmacy. I was here and directed Sister on where she should go and get it. She got there and collected the drugs. Pastor Dan searched the whole of Head Bridge, but no way. Then I told Sister where to go. She got there and she purchased the drugs after series of interviews.
  9. Who prescribed these drugs? What is he going to use them for? Is He a medical officer. How did He get to know about these drugs? They are ancient drugs.
  10. 24I placed him on those drugs and told him to remain there until I will dismantle it. Go and see him. He has started reading, and everything is restored because he trusted in God instead of in the physicians. Sure!!!
  11. 25Trust in your doctor, and you will die. Sure!!! Thus, never boast on what you know but boast on the Lord. For if God does not come to your rescue, you are wasting your time. We are not in His Presence for fun. Rather we are in His Presence, in the Fellowship of the Saints for a strict business. And we will keep on rehearsing the Lord’s goodness. Amen!!
  12. 26If God is not good to you leave us,… What? If God is not good to you leave us,… And do not come again. Go and worship the idols of your people.
  13. If God is not good to you leave us, and be another Victor Ugwu who will remain ungrateful all the days of his life. For he does not know that Sunday is a fellowship day. He is fellowshipping somewhere fooling himself.
  15. 28I do not say it to please anybody, no. If you like believe it. For it will take a renegade, one that is out of the way of the truth, especially from Onitsha, to be fully relaxed and free as he stays away from the fellowship of the saints,… That is pure truth! …especially at a time like this when the fullness of the Lord has been made manifest even to the point that infants among us now have the revelation of what we are saying. Sure!!!
  16. Page 40 verse 1-4. 1I want us to consider few things from our message. “God Can Blot Out Names,” page 8 verse 3: “Revelation 3 verse 5,He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life…” Sure!!!
  17. 2… Remember that when you go to a brother or sister and open up a discussion, whatever you are going to discuss or whatever that is in your mind must be recorded. For that moment a book of record is opened.
  18. 3If you go to the INNER VOICE you will understand it better. I do not care where you are, whether you are in your private bedroom or toilet, a book of record must be opened where everything that you discussed must be recorded whether good or bad. He that overcometh, I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life.
  19. That is Scripture. It is in the Book of Malachi.
  20. REFERENCE: Malachi 3:16, AMP. 16Then those who feared the Lord talked often one to another; and the Lord listened and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him of those who reverenced and worshipfully feared the Lord and who thought on His Name.
  21. 4Your name was there before the foundation of the Earth and can be blotted out along the way. Do not tell me that once saved is already saved.
  22. Page 46 verse 17. 17that is why God said that you should be very careful that you do not commit a crime that will erase your lineage. If you go to the message titled, “We Are in Danger of Being Called to Question,” it is there.
  23. Be very careful. That is the topic we are discussing. You can commit a crime or an offence that will wipe off your lineage.
  24. 18… If it is not truth, the Cloud will not vindicate it. 19Even now that I am talking, I am the Cloud made visible in your midst, in the Church. Do you know that?
  25. I am what? …I am the Cloud made visible in your midst…
  26. Page 48 verse 24-25. 24… If you can remember that it was in the same year, in 1994, we were returning from Abagana and I was in the same vehicle with Brother Chime, Pastor Nnamdi Ogbogu and many others.
  27. 25After our encounter there, the Voice said, “Sir, there is no need wasting your time, for you were trying to tamper with the tape in order to erase what you spoke before many witnesses as recorded in the magnetic tapes. In your crafty attempt to erase it so that people will not know about it, you spoiled the tape. And in the same way, your name has been erased from the Lamb’s Book of Life.”
  28. Sure!!! Referring to Okey Nwamkpa.


……We are in our homeland and you know where our homeland is. As pilgrims and strangers, we have our final resting place and let it be known to you that the Son of Man has not rested. He has been constructing. He has been beautifying. Many, many things have been on. Now He is putting finishing touches. Some of you are aware of what I am saying. Even this moment, the work is still on. Why not purse and ponder? Have you seen a Man speaking this way before? Does He sound like a church man?


BE MINDFUL OF THE WORDS THAT WERE SPOKEN AGAINST YOU; preached on Sunday 8th January 2012 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 30 vs. 27 – 28






IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH: Grail Message by Abdrushin – Prophet Oskar Ernst Bernhardt, Lecture 88: The Stranger.

  1. P1Once more Darkness had settled over the earth. Triumphantly it over-shadow men, and barred their way to the Primordial-Spiritual Realm. The Light of God had withdrawn from them. …
  2. Pay attention! It is a prophetic Message about the Stranger. And that is the topic – THE STRANGER.
  3. P1Once more Darkness had settled over the earth. Triumphantly it over-shadow men, and barred their way to the Primordial-Spiritual Realm.
  4. And that darkness was referring to spiritual darkness, not physical, like we are in a spiritual darkness up till this day. The entire world is enveloped by that darkness.
  5. REFERENCES: [1] THIS GENERATON IN PROPHECY; The End is Here, Page 177 verse 37 through 41. 37Somebody must be anointed in these last days to proclaim the day of vengeance of the Lord. Nobody is capable of doing this except the appointed Watchman for the dispensation. 38God cannot do anything without revealing it to him because he is the only chosen vessel for that purpose. All that believe him will now go about and spread the tidings.
  6. 39“For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.” (Isaiah 60:2 King James Version). 40“Darkness as black as night shall cover all the peoples of the earth, but the glory of the Lord will shine from you. (Isaiah 60: 2 Living Bible). 41What is the Watchman Saying? I am saying that all human predictions will fail. All human efforts will fail. All human knowledge and counsels will fail. God is only confirming and bringing to pass, the prophetic words and predictions of His Appointed Servant, the Watchman of the generation. He alone knows the remediation. He alone can hear from the Father and speaks to God’s people and the entire world whether they will hear or not.
  7. [2] MIDNIGHT CRY EXPLAINED VOLUME 1, Preached on Sunday, 7th June 2020 at the Bridal Lodge, Nsugbe, Anambra State, Nigeria; Chapter 2 verse 5. The moment darkness becomes too thick, know that the day is about to break. Gross darkness has covered the whole earth. Everywhere is engrossed with thick darkness. A sure sign that any moment from now, there is going to be a golden daybreak.
  8. That is why the Bible made it clear, “If the Message of Christ – the Message of eternal life is hidden, it is hidden from those who the god of this evil age has blinded their eyes and their hearts, their understanding and perception that they will no longer recognize and accept the Gospel that sets them free from sin and gives them eternal life.”
  9. REFERENCE: 2 Corinthians 4:4, AMP. 4For the god of this world has blinded the unbelievers’ minds [that they should not discern the truth], preventing them from seeing the illuminating light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ (the Messiah), Who is the Image and Likeness of God.
  10. What is the God of this evil Age if not material pursuit. Is there any other god? Material pursuit. When we want to interpret material pursuit, it embraces every facet of human activity that diverts human attention from heavenly matters.
  11. Every activity that is earthly is sensual, is temporary. It gives the people the impression that they are faring well when they are heading to hell.
  12. Remember the activity begins with a desire to have a family of your own – your wife, your children – including your business and things like that.
  13. And when these things combine in a man, the thought of God becomes secondary, if at all God will be remembered in the programme of the person’s activities, for God has been completely decreed out from human plans.
  14. Do not mistake God for religion, or mistake religion for God. Religion is a part of that activity that beclouds the hearts and eyes of pagans, giving them the impression that they are getting saved when they are already in hell. The Scripture calls it ecclesiastical veil, which is ecclesiastical blindness.
  15. REFERENCE: [1] 2 Corinthians 3:14. [14]Not only Moses’ face was veiled, but his people’s minds and understanding were veiled and blinded too. Even now when the Scripture is read it seems as though Jewish hearts and minds are covered by a thick veil, because they cannot see and understand the real meaning of the Scriptures. For this veil of misunderstanding can be removed only by believing in Christ.
  16. [2] THE UNVEILING OF GOD by Prophet William Branham June 14, 1964 at the Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, Indiana USA, Pg. 33. The Gentile Church has also been blinded by the ecclesiastical veil even when after it has been torn off to reveal. How are they blinded? By veiling the word in a human being. This is exactly what Israel failed to see …
  17. God being veiled in a human being is what blinded Israel. The gentiles today are just as blind as Israel was because of the veil. To one it was blind and to the other it will reveal the truth. It will close the eyes of some and will open the eyes of others ….
  18. Now, we see Him, the word manifesting himself. Why is it hidden out there? Because it is veiled in human flesh. We are inside Christ. Now, as then, all true believers see him openly manifested.
  19. [3] IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH: Grail Message by Abdrushin – Prophet Oskar Ernst Bernhardt, Lecture 60: The Son of Man. P1Ever since the crime committed against the Son of God, the Bringer of Truth, Jesus of Nazareth, the fact that men did not recognize the most significant prophecy for mankind made by the greatest of all prophets, has weighed upon mankind like a curse, and even today they stand before it unwittingly as if wearing a dense blindfold. The terrible consequence of this will be that a great part of mankind will stumble towards destruction, past the only possibility of rescue from being cast away.
  20. P2This is the prophecy of the Coming of the Son of Man, which the Son of God, under the constant attacks upon Him by the masses who, standing in the Darkness, naturally hated the Bringer of Truth, held out as a star of hope and also as a serious warning. The same wave of erring feelings and thoughts, which prevented the recognition of the Son of God as such, also confused the ability to understand the importance of this prophecy even at the time it was made. …
  21. That is why, in every dispensation, Christ MUST appear to open the eyes of those who are spiritually blind that they might behold the glorious Gospel of our LORD the Christ.
  22. REFERENCE: John 9:39, TLB. [39]Then Jesus told him, “I have come into the world to give sight to those who are spiritually blind and to show those who think they see that they are blind.”
  23. When their eyes of understanding are opened, only then will they and their sacrifices be made acceptable unto God. Until then, they are all abominations before God.
  24. P1Once more Darkness had settled over the earth. Triumphantly it over-shadow men, and barred their way to the Primordial-Spiritual Realm.
  25. The Light of God had withdrawn from them. The body that had served It as an earthly vessel hung bleeding and mutilated on the Cross, as a victim of the protest of those to whom It wished to bring happiness and holy peace.
  26. P2At the summit of the entire Creation, in the radiant vicinity of God, stands the Grail Castle as the Temple of Light. Deep grief prevailed there over the erring human spirits far below who, blindly imagining that they knew everything better, closed themselves in hostility to the truth, and allowed themselves to be driven so far by the hate-filled Darkness as to commit this crime against the Son of God.
  27. The curse thus created by mankind fell heavily on the whole world, pressing them into an even greater limitation of understanding. —
  28. P3Gravely perplexed, a youth beheld this monstrous happening from the Castle of the Grail… the future Son of Man. … What? Put it down in your jotters. We are talking about the future son of man.
  29. As at the time the prophecy went forth, it was pointing everybody to the future like other Prophets. They pointed everybody to the future generation – The generation of the son of man.
  30. REFERENCE: ETHIOPIC BOOK OF ENOCH, Chapter 1 verse 2 through 4. 2And he began his story saying: Enoch a righteous man, whose eyes were opened by God, saw the vision of the Holy One in heaven, which the angels showed me, and I heard everything from them, and I saw and understood, but it was not for this generation, but for a remote one which is to come.
  31. 3Concerning the elect I said, as I began my story concerning them: The Holy Great One will come out from His dwelling, 4And the eternal God will tread on the earth, (even) on Mount Sinai, and appear in the strength of His might from heaven.
  32. We are no longer pointing people to anybody in the future, for THE SON OF MAN is the last – the last Incarnate of the Deity that has come to wrap up the programme of salvation and make heaven a possibility.
  33. That is why, if you miss this His advent, you have no other option than hell, for after Him cometh no other. The Bible bears witness to it. All Ancient manuscripts bear witness.
  34. The moment you see Him taking flesh for the last time here, gathering all the loose ends from all the denominations, even from the pagan world, it is all over.
  35. That is why His Message cuts across all religious barriers, tribal barriers, political barriers. There is no sentiment at all. He does not save you because of the church you are attending. No! and He comes with the everlasting Gospel, for whatever God does is from everlasting to everlasting.
  36. REFERENCES: [1] Matthew 24:14, KJV. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
  37. [2]Revelation 14:6-7, KJV. 6And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, 7saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
  38. And no man is adequate to handle such a Message if not God Himself. Is it any wonder why till now, nobody has ever written a statement to counter the everlasting Gospel? Throughout the whole world, everybody has bowed down to fulfill the Scripture that even people in distant lands, the Gentiles and the Jews, all must bow before Him and acknowledge Him as God.
  39. REFERENCE: ETHIOPIC BOOK OF ENOCH, Chapter 62 verse 3 and 9. 3And in that day all the kings and the mighty, and the exalted and those who hold the earth shall stand up and shall see and recognize that He sits on the throne of His glory, and that righteousness is judged before Him, and no lying word is spoken before Him. …….
  40. 9And all the kings and the mighty and the exalted and those who rule the earth shall fall down before Him on their faces, and worship and set their hope on that Son of Man, and petition Him and supplicate for mercy at His hands.
  41. P3Gravely perplexed, a youth beheld this monstrous happening from the Castle of the Grail… the future Son of Man. He was then already being prepared for His Mission, …
  42. If you miss it here, well, you may get it again from the Sermon Books because what you are hearing here today is being hastily prepared in Book form to enable Me upload all (in the websites). But I pray you get it here, for many missed it on Sunday.
  43. He was then already being prepared for His Mission, a process which took thousands of years; for He was to descend well-equipped into those lower regions, where, through the volition of mankind, Darkness reigned.
  44. Who prepared Him for over 2,000 years? Is there any prophet that lived here for 2,000 years. And the seventh generation Prophet enquired about the young man Who was standing there at the right-hand side of the Ancient of Days.
  45. It gave him concern. I mean Prophet Enoch. “Who is this young man there? May I know Who this young man is. Tell the Almighty to tell us.”
  46. Then, the Almighty in His own way greatly disclosed, “This is the son of man that is born to righteousness. The righteousness of the Ancient of Days can never depart from Him.”
  47. All that will attain righteousness should look up to Him. They will attain it through Him. Outside Him, all of you are wicked and ungodly.
  48. REFERENCE: ETHIOPIC BOOK OF ENOCH Chapter 71 verse 14. 14And the angel came to me and greeted me with his voice, and said to me ‘This is the Son of Man who is born to righteousness, and righteousness abides over him, and the righteousness of the Head of Days forsakes him not.’
  49. “See Him! He is born to righteousness. The righteousness of the Ancient of Days do not depart from Him.” You will recognize Him in the Light of His belief, for His belief will run contrary to the belief of every other human being. Absolutely unique!
  50. Look at Him there. The young Man. Heaven shook! The earth quaked! They were rejoicing that at last, the Name of this young man has been declared. THE SON OF MAN has been named.
  51. REFERENCE: ETHIOPIC BOOK OF ENOCH, Chapter 48 verse 2. 2And at that hour that Son of Man was named in the presence of the Lord of spirits, And His Name was brought before the Head of Days.
  52. Chapter 69 verse 26. 26And there was great joy among them, and they blessed and glorified and exalted because the name of that Son of Man had been revealed to them.
  53. Who was preparing Him for over 2,000 years to send Him here? How I wish you are going to understand what I am going to say. You were all kids, but you heard the testimony.
  54. SONG: The Holy One came from Heaven to visit us here on earth. We praise You with all our hearts. Thank you! Thank You! THE SON OF MAN Thank you!
  55. SONG: Have you made yourself ready? He has arrived. The Saviour has arrived. Have you made yourself ready? The Saviour has arrived. He has arrived.
  56. This were the songs that heralded His coming. The first introduction. People started making themselves ready. You see how many years it took God. Over 2,000 years, to get the young Man well-equipped for the work.
  57. If you go to the prophecy concerning the coming SON OF MAN, it said that he must be well equipped for that work, for the work is very very hectic. For that reason, He will not jump into it. He must traverse.
  58. REFERENCE: IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH – THE Grail Message by Abdrushin, Chapter 60 [THE SON OF MAN] Paragraph 15. Whereas the Son of God was born directly into His earthly Mission, the Son of Man had to traverse a far wider sphere before He could enter into the beginning of His actual Mission.
  59. As a condition for the fulfillment of His task, which in comparison to that of the Son of God was more earthly, the Son of Man, coming as He did from the highest Heights, also had to descend into the deepest depths. Not only in the beyond but also here on earth, so that He might personally “experience” all the misery and suffering of mankind.
  60. Only then will He be in the position, when His Hour comes, to intervene effectively in their shortcomings and help to bring about change.
  61. THE STRANGER, Paragraph 3.P3Gravely perplexed, a youth beheld this monstrous happening from the Castle of the Grail… the future Son of Man. He was then already being prepared for His Mission, a process which took thousands of years;… Thousands, not two. I say, thousands.
  62. The preparation started immediately Adam fell away with the wife. God immediately started preparing somebody for restoration and reconciliation to mercy.
  63. So, it was not a hasty work. God did a good homework. Can you imagine a risk God took? Because God is One, He prepared only but One. How many of them do you have in your day today. Globally, how many son of man? How many Christs? Everywhere! How many Jesuses? Everywhere. But how many son of man?
  64. …for He was to descend well-equipped into those lower regions, where, through the volition of mankind, Darkness reigned.


I am establishing the Family where you are all adopted, and you are the people that are organizing this thanksgiving service, so, do not say, “Brother Odoemena is having thanksgiving service.” Say, “Our Family had a nice thanksgiving service.” If they want to know your Family, tell them, “It is the Family of Odoemena.” If the Bride comes here with a new Name Odoemena, it is not a crime.  “Lo I make all things new.” Thus, anybody moving at the old style may miss it. That is the promise of the hour. Anybody looking at the Earthly Jerusalem is missing it. We now have a New Jerusalem which is Heavenly. It is not Earthly but Heavenly, which is the Church of the First-born, where all of you are registered members. I AM THERE! WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT, I AM THE TREE OF LIFE IN THE MIDST OF THE GARDEN. You are just my branches. You can only bear fruits and your fruits will remain if you abide in Me. I am the True Vine, cut off from Me, few days you dry off.


GOD HAS COUNTED ME WORTHY, PUTTING ME INTO THIS MINISTRY; Preached on Sunday 13th August, 2000 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 80 vs. 39 – 42






  1. Are we understanding what we are reading? A woman’s hand was gently lowered on the shoulder of that dreaming Man – that dreaming young man. He is not meant to be sent alone. There must be a woman.
  2. As at that time, the son of man was a dream to be realized in the future. Future! And then, the hand of that lady – the Elect Lady was also a dream attached to His coming.
  3. So, it is not out of place if the Hadith, I mean Muhammad Raheem [PBUH] could tell everybody boldly that he is coming, but not with the name Jesus. He is coming but not with the Name Jesus. This time, He is going to Marry and have children.
  4. This will stumble all Christians, for they will never believe this, for they are waiting for the corporal coming of Jesus the Christ. They will never see it again.
  5. Then the negro Prophet who prophesied about the coming son of man in America. He said that you better forget about seeing anybody called Jesus again, but wait for the One Jesus told you will come after Him – THE VERY SON OF MAN.
  6. REFERENCE: [1] Tafsir Araisul Bayan, Vol. 1, p. 262. Before pondering over these traditions of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, regarding the advent of the Messiah and Mahdi, it must be kept in view that the Holy Quran as well as the traditions of the Holy Prophet are unanimous in their verdict that Jesus, son of Mary, has died his natural death.
  7. Further, the Holy Quran and the traditions of the Holy Prophet both are in unison that the dead never return to life in this transitory world of ours.
  8. Hence when it is narrated in the traditions that Jesus son of Mary will come, it should not be taken literally but rather to be understood in the metaphorical sense as has been interpreted by a scholar of great repute and regenerator of his century, Mohyyud Din Ibn Arabi, when he says: “His descent in later ages will be with a DIFFERENT body.”
  9. [2] MESSAGE TO THE BLACK MAN IN AMERICA by Elijah Muhammad, Chapter 6 [The Coming of The Son of Man, The Great Mahdi] verse 2 through 3. 2You must forget about ever seeing the return of Jesus, who was here 2,000 years ago. Set your heart on seeing the One that He prophesied would come at the end of the present world’s time (the white race’s time).
  10. 3He is called the “Son of Man,” the “Christ,” the “Comforter.” You are really foolish to be looking to see the return of the Prophet Jesus. It is the same as looking for the return of Abraham, Moses and Muhammad.
  11. All of these prophets prophesied the coming of Allah or one with equal power, under many names. You must remember that Jesus could not have been referring to Himself as returning to the people in the last days.
  12. He prophesied of another’s coming who was much greater than He. Jesus even acknowledged that He did not know when the hour would come in these words; “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” (Matthew 24:36).
  13. We are not even understanding what we are reading. I do not want to speak today. I want you to pay strict attention today to see whether you can understand the good news that went forth and why we had to combine the celebrations because we had double celebration.
  14. [1] We were celebrating the birthday. One that was not counting in days became a human being like us and started counting in days, weeks and years. Hence, we are celebrating 69 years.
  15. [2] Then, the Woman of subsequent Creation was in the making being prepared, the two were prepared at the same time. While the Man was going through preparation that took thousands of years, the Elect Lady whose hand was lowered on His shoulder, He will pull along to complete the work, was also in preparation.
  16. Remember we are talking about the Stranger. The Stranger – the Special Guest, the Guest of Honour. There is “A Stranger” and there is also “The Stranger”. We are talking about “The Stranger”.
  18. Who declared her Queen? The Ancient of Days declared her Queen. Queen of who? Womanhood.
  19. This one is the KING of Kings, while the other one is the Queen of Queens. This one is the standard for men, while this one is the standard for women. Did you get the Message?
  20. Without that woman, you and your children are perished. Without this woman, your sojourn on earth and the children you have will profit you nothing, for nobody knows about the pains of labour and the joy of delivery more than the woman. Nobody understands the agonies of life more than the woman.
  21. The man is only the material provider, but the one that does the greatest work is that woman. She can understand the plight of fellow women and their children more than the man.
  22. Oh no! Even in natural parlance– naturally, who understands the plight of women and the children? Fellow women!
  23. I want you to see the background so that your faith will not be established on hearsay or wishful thinking, but on the truth. Nothing but the truth.
  24. The people from whom the Prophet was drawn from their midst missed this visitation. They thought the whole thing would fulfill in their midst. They never knew that God had already slated where it is coming from. One of the jungles in Africa.
  25. Whenever a Prophet appears and prophesies, the people of the community of the Prophet’s birth and origin will always think that the Prophecy of the coming One will be fulfilled in their midst.
  26. God may speak concerning what will happen tomorrow while sojourning in your community. You will think that the Prophesied One will appear from your community, but God will produce that person from Enugu or from Hausa land. Beforehand, He [Had] already spoken concerning the coming personality.
  27. THE QUEEN OF WOMANHOOD STOOD BESIDE HIM,… Beside every successful Man of God, there is a virtuous, wise and intelligent woman. He did not make a table for Him using a man, but a woman.
  28. …AND SPOKE IN A SAD AND LOVING VOICE: … S-A-D. This is because of the gross darkness that has enveloped the world. People having eyes that could not see. Ears that could not hear the truth. Hearts that cannot receive the truth. A wicked and adulterous generation.
  29. P5“Let this event impress itself upon you, dear Son. Such is the battlefield through which you will have to pass in the hour of fulfillment;…
  30. Who is being encouraged? THE SON OF MAN. This is so that He will prepare Himself very well, for it is a battlefield and for Him to see what will happen in the hour of His manifestation which is the hour of His fulfilment because the prophecy was tied to time. So God prepared Him and made Him a special Vessel preparatory for the warfare.
  31. …for at the request of the murdered Saviour,… Are you hearing it? At the request of who? … the murdered Saviour,… The Saviour that was killed. Do you not know the person that was killed?
  32. He was the One that requested, “I will pray the Father. He will give you another Comforter Who will be with you till the end of the world – Who will guide you, teach you and lead you into the knowledge of all truths.” That was the murdered Saviour.
  33. …for at the request of the murdered Saviour, God the Father grants that before the Judgment you shall once more proclaim His Word to the faithless,…
  34. Proclaim the Words of Who? The words of the murdered Saviour, for THE SON OF MAN will not speak of His own or of His own accord, but whatever He heareth from the murdered Son of God. That He will declare.
  35. …for at the request of the murdered Saviour, God the Father grants that before the Judgment you shall once more proclaim His Word to the faithless, in order to save those who are still willing to listen to It!” Amen!!!
  36. REFERENCES: [1] John 14:16-17, KJV. 16And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; 17even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
  37. [2] John 16:13-14, KJV. 13Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come. 14He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you.
  38. P6The youth bowed His head in silence… Who? …The youth… That youth who was being prepared did what? …bowed His head in silence and sent up a fervent prayer for strength, for such great Divine Love re-echoed mightily within Him!
  39. P7The tidings of the last, of another possibility of Grace spread rapidly through all the spheres,… Another what? … possibility of Grace…
  40. This is because the law blinded everybody and locked all of you in a protective custody until Christ appeared with Grace and truth again. Another possibility of Grace was opened to make heaven a possibility.
  41. …and many souls besought God to grant that they might be permitted to help in the great work of the redemption of all those who still wish to find the way to God.
  42. The Love of God the Father granted this to many a soul, who was thereby helped in its ascent. In grateful joy the host of these so blessed ones jubilantly gave a solemn pledge of loyalty to fulfill the opportunity of serving that was granted them.
  43. P8Thus those Called ones were trained, who were later to hold themselves at the disposal of the Envoy of God [The Stranger] when His hour of fulfillment on earth came.
  44. They were carefully developed for these tasks and incarnated on earth at the right time,… For the son of man, the Stranger to use them to achieve His purpose, they were to be His co-labourers in the same Vineyard.
  45. They volunteered, their requests were granted after processing and they were forced down here. They reincarnated. But look at what they did.
  46. They were carefully developed for these tasks and incarnated on earth at the right time, so that they might be ready whenever the Call reached them, and their first fulfillment of duty remained to listen for this Call!
  47. P9Meanwhile the legacy of the murdered Son of God, His Living Word, was exploited on earth solely for selfish purposes. …
  48. Is it a lie Brethren? Before then, the Message of the Son of God who was murdered was exploited here by sinful men, agents of the devil for material gains – for commercial purposes.
  49. Who came and cried out against the system? I met a bad system where the Word of God was for sale. It was commercialized. I cried out against the system.
  50. REFERENCE: [1] 2 Corinthians 3:17, AMP. 17For we are not, like so many, [like hucksters making a trade of] peddling God’s Word [shortchanging and adulterating the divine message]; but like [men] of sincerity and the purest motive, as [commissioned and sent] by God, we speak [His message] in Christ (the Messiah), in the [very] sight and presence of God.
  51. [2] Philippians 3:17-19, AMP. 17Brethren, together follow my example and observe those who live after the pattern we have set for you. 18For there are many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, who walk (live) as enemies of the cross of Christ (the Anointed One).
  52. 19They are doomed and their fate is eternal misery (perdition); their god is their stomach (their appetites, their sensuality) and they glory in their shame, siding with earthly things and being of their party.
  53. [2] 2 Peter 2:1-3, KJV. 1But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
  54. 2And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. 3And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.
  55. P9Meanwhile the legacy of the murdered Son of God, His Living Word, was exploited on earth solely for selfish purposes. [Sure!!!] Mankind had no conception of the true Principles of Christ. [At all!]
  56. On the contrary, they gradually grew into such a wrong and purely earthly doctrine of love that finally they rejected anything else as not coming from God,…
  57. Earthly doctrine of love. They established their own based on their own interpretations and philosophies, and what they think love is all about, which is one million miles away from God’s love.
  58. …and they still today reject and revile whatever does not conform to this nauseating sentimentality desired by them,… Sure!!! Nauseating! N-A-U-S-E-A-T-I-N-G. …and what does not practice a similar and very unwholesome servile worship of mankind.
  59. P10Everything that does not have as its foundation the acknowledgement of the supremacy of man is simply labeled as false, and not belonging to the Word of God. That is what they are known for.
  60. …This behaviour, however, actually only conceals the uneasy apprehension that the long-felt hollowness of the false edifice might become apparent.
  61. P11This is what had been made of the sacred legacy of the Son of God! On such degrading assumptions, His clear words were interpreted and passed on in all too human a way.
  62. Adherents were solicited through courting human frailties, until some earthly power could be developed, which has always remained the ultimate goal.
  63. Then, however, by their brutal cruelties they very soon showed how far the bearers of the misconstrued Christ-Principle were from the real understanding of it, and how little they lived it.
  64. P12Continually and ever more clearly there was proof that the very ones who wished to be the bearers of the Christ-Principle were shamelessly and unpardonably the worst enemies and greatest offenders against the true Christ-Principle!
  65. After Christ’s life on earth the whole of history, from the beginning of the churches, sets forth these facts so clearly, in letters so indelibly engraved and branded, that they can never be denied or glossed over.
  66. The stigma of conscious hypocrisy was undisguisably established throughout the long history of individual and mass murders under unpardonable invocations of God, and even today this is being extended in many places, but in different forms adapted to the present time.