Transcribed by Bishop David Mbah

5 And I, who am without years, shall be subject to the reckoning of years, of times, of months, and of days, and I shall be reckoned as one of the sons of men, in order to save you.”

THE FIRST BOOK OF ADAM AND EVE, Chapter 14 verse 5

I heard a Voice thunder from the Throne: “Look! Look! God has moved into the neighbourhood, making His home with men and women! They’re His people, He’s their God.

Revelation 21:3, The Message Bible

Do we have a King? Do we have a Queen (Bride) that is about to be paraded all over the world? Has He (Christ) been nurturing her? He has been nurturing her, adorning her, preparing her, doing everything. A day is coming. The whole world will gather only to see the person for which cause He died. The woman that caused Him to leave His Throne and come to identify with her. This is because, having prepared her, He is certain that the woman must be fair to look at. People will acknowledge that the King did not make a mistake travelling too far, leaving Israel! He did not make a mistake travelling far across the Mediterranean Sea, down to Africa only to pick His Bride; Because Moses picked His Bride in Egypt, Joseph picked His Bride in Egypt; “Out of Egypt, I called My Son.”


ACTION TIME PART 1 (HUSBANDS AND WIVES) CAMP MEETING; preached on Tuesday, 30th December, 1997 at the Household of God Onitsha; Pg. 103 vs. 25 – 27




SONG: I’m born a stranger here. I’m going home. One day I’ll take My cross, go home to rest. And with the Angels there, we gonna sing redemption song on how we overcame. I’m going home. [Twice]

  1. I am He that liveth and was dead. And behold I am alive forevermore. Come unto Me O ye nations and be saved, for I am He that liveth and was dead. [Twice] Somebody say Amen!!!
  2. We have heard the Sermon. If you are expecting any other sermon, may be, you are waiting for somebody who will come to you from the dead. But today, this sermon is all we need.
  3. SONG: All I need in My life, Christ is sufficient to Me. The Man of sorrow, You are all I need. The Man of suffering, You are all I need.
  4. All I need in My life, Christ is sufficient to Me. The Man of Calvary, You are all I need. The Man of suffering, You are all I need.
  5. We have received all we need here. I have given you all that you need to attain My perfect stature. Believe it if you can. I am the Masterpiece. I am the Icon presented to the entire human race. Outside My nature, you are lost.
  6. You have seen why the Queen of Paradise is still alive. Remember, the acceptance of her responsibilities made her Queen.
  7. Before she came into existence, a prophecy went ahead. She knew it not, but THE SON OF MAN knew, for there were signs placed, “On whosoever you see those things, that is the Woman.”
  8. And Allah protected and preserved her. And miraculously, after traversing, He brought her face to face. Amidst all oppositions, the will of God prevailed. And the Stone the builders rejected became the Chief Corner Stone.
  9. Go to the prophecy concerning the Woman of Subsequent Creation. Try to understand it because this prophecy was the last. Immediately after William Branham, this was the next.
  10. REFERENCE: IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH – The Grail Message Volume 1 by Abdrushin, Lecture 34 [The Woman of Subsequent Creation] Page 147 Paragraphs 4 and 5.
  11. Equipped with the greatest delicacy of intuitive perceptions, she should easily swing herself up to the purity of Luminous Heights, and form the bridge to Paradise for all humanity. Woman! Streams of Light should flow through her. Her entire physical, gross material nature is adapted to this.
  12. Woman only needs to will honestly, and all the offspring from her womb must be strongly protected and encompassed by the power of the Light even before birth!
  13. It could not possibly be otherwise, because every woman through the wealth of her intuitive perception can almost entirely alone influence the spiritual nature of the fruit! Therefore she remains primarily responsible for all her descendants!
  14. In addition she has been richly endowed with unlimited possibilities to influence the entire people, indeed even the whole of Subsequent Creation.
  15. Her starting-point of the greatest power is, for her, home and hearth! There alone lies her strength, her unlimited might, but not in public life! In home and family her abilities make her queen, at the speakers’ podium, however, she is a caricature.
  16. From the quiet, intimate home her incisive virtue extends through the whole people, present and future, and pervades everything.
  17. William Branham said, “He is coming a black man from one of the jungles in Africa where they least expected there could be a soul. There lies God’s eternal Word. He may be a Black, and this black Sheep is the last.” So, After this Black Sheep cometh no other.
  18. REFERENCES: [1] EASTER SEAL, Preached by Prophet William Marrion Branham on Saturday, 10th April 1965 at the Ramada Inn in Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A. Page 40 verse 3. Oh, Christian, what a opportunity we have. We have opportunities that St. Paul never dreamed of having. We have opportunities that Enoch, and Elijah, and all of them never had, the opportunities we have now.
  19. There’s one little sheep out yonder somewhere, and He will not be satisfied till that one comes in the fold. By the help of God, and by a vision, and THUS SAITH THE LORD, I’m returning across the sea.
  20. That last little sheep may even be a black one down there, for all I know, where they don’t even think they got a soul, but God knows different. I’m going to seek till the last day of my life to find that one, wherever it is.
  21. Abdrushin said, “THE SON OF MAN’s advent in the end of this our sojourn in Jesus’ generation will be the last possibility for Heaven. it will be the last possibility, for He is coming. And when He comes, He will make Heaven that has eluded all because they could not accept the grace of God which was showered abroad. They rejected it. And they remained groping in darkness.”
  22. REFERENCE: IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH – The Grail Message by Abdrushin, Lecture 60 [THE SON OF MAN] Paragraph 6. Jesus spoke of the Coming of the Son of Man as the last possibility of salvation, and also pointed out that with His Coming the Judgment would commence and that those who are still not willing, in other words, who, because of their own stubbornness or indolence, are not ready to accept enlightenment, would be irretrievably cast out.
  23. This leads to the conclusion that there will be no further opportunity for consideration and decision. It is also unmistakably an announcement of great tribulations to come which will bring to an end a period of patient forbearance. This in turn attests to the impending struggle of the Light against all darkness, which must end with the forced destruction of all darkness.
  24. I AM ADONAI. I practice grace. So, if you do not know Me as the God of Judgment, you have not known Me. If you do not know Me as the God of Love, you have not known Me.
  25. But you must crown it all by identifying Me as Adonai, the Shekinah, the Great God who practices grace, for that is the way I have chosen to be.
  26. I have guided you perfectly well to the end. You are now to take your decisions. Thank you!

I am your Brother. I cannot be useful to you until I become like you. Do you know that? If I do not become like you, there is no way I can be useful. For Christ to be useful, he has to become a Man like us. Everything is by God’s grace. That is why no man can boast. You are not saved today. You were saved before you came into the world. I only called to bring you back from where you came from. That is all.


MYSTERY OF THE ANGELS VOL 1; Preached on 29th December 1996 at the Household of God Onitsha; Pg. 50 vs. 54 & Pg. 55 vs. 4



Let Me appreciate all these faces that are here and those that are not here. So many were willing to be here, but they were hindered. I take responsibility for hindering many. Blame nobody. Blame Me, and that is if you can. I say, blame Me if you can.

  1. But no matter the way you look at it, remember I am THE SON OF MAN. I am the Son of His pleasure. I had been standing on His right-hand side before anything created was created. I am born to righteousness. The righteousness of the Ancient of Days does not depart from Me. All that will attain righteousness will attain it through Me. And you will know Me in the light of My belief.
  2. REFERENCES: [1] ETHIOPIC BOOK OF ENOCH Chapter 71 verse 14. 14 And the angel came to me and greeted me with his voice, and said to me ‘This is the Son of Man Who is born to righteousness, and righteousness abides over Him, and the righteousness of the Head of Days forsakes Him not.’
  3. [2] Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, 15th Letters Second Current. When Jesus (Upon whom be peace) comes, not everyone will know him to be the true Jesus. HIS ELECT AND THOSE CLOSE TO HIM WILL RECOGNIZE HIM THROUGH THE LIGHT OF BELIEF. It will not be self-evident so that everyone will recognize him
  4. So, go up and come down. Can a man born of a woman strive with His maker? It then means you have published your obituary. You have sung your funeral oration and attended your burial. I will help you [I mean] make it even faster.
  5. This is because what was shielding the sun from scorching mankind has been removed. Did you get the Message?
  6. The day the Woman of Subsequent Creation was taken away with My consent, for thereunto she was ordained, she knew she was not coming here as a finality. She was a Stranger. She knew.
  7. As for Me, we discussed before I came. Nothing is taking Me unawares.
  8. So, that which was shadowing you has been removed. You are now getting the heat well well. I say, you are getting the heat well well.
  9. Until you are well-heated, you will be difficult to melt. God must melt you. God must melt you. He will break you into pieces. He will melt you. He will re-mould you. He will fill you before using you.
  10. She departed to make Paradise a possibility for her children. If you read the prophecy about her, if she was not called home the time she was called home, all mankind starting from Adam down to you missed it.
  11. Do not ask Me why. You were calling Me the container. I answered that I am the Container. But the question is this: Containing Who? Yes!
  12. You know what a container is. I received a container of palm wine today. I do not know who brought it. If I can freeze it, the shape of that wine will be the shape of that container. Is it not true? But it cannot be the container. Get Me right!
  13. See! Photographers are here. Photographers are doing their work. They are doing it the extent I permit them. They will get My photograph the extent I want to show them. I hope you are hearing Me.
  14. When they show their photograph, you see the son of man, Apostle Peter Odoemena wearing this nonsense made by crafty tailors. God never made any of these things. That is what you will see.
  15. What if I permit them to see something outside this? If I do not permit, they will not get it.
  16. No man knoweth the Father but the Son. No man knoweth the Son but the Father, and to whosoever the Son shall chose to reveal.
  17. REFERENCES: [1] John 14:8-9, NIV. 8Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.” 9Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?
  18. [2] Isaiah 9:6, AMP. 6For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father [of Eternity], Prince of Peace.
  19. Many had attempted it in our ceremonies, weddings and so on. They tried, but even their cameras could not flash. Some were warned and they tried, but the camera blew.
  20. You know the truth about these things. And when they were invited and we discussed, and agreed, they were permitted to take. From that time, there was no difficulty anymore.
  21. Some were allowed to take, but from one single film, they printed more than thirteen different photographs. And they were astonished, asking, “How can it happen? One man?” Did you get the Message?
  22. Now, if this camera, which is pinhole, whether android or whatever you may call it, which is designed to take the external view of every object, let it be known to you that whatever camera captures, [1] must be an object; [2] it must be external. It can never capture anything that is internal. True or false?
  23. When you go to the mirror, mirror is designed to capture the outward appearance of whatever that is standing before the mirror.
  24. You as an individual, if you go there and while standing, you gaze at the mirror, you see a lion, but when you give way, the lion will give way, and when you come back the lion appears, automatically you are a lion in the guise of a human beings. Is it not true?
  25. With that in your mind, since I am the Container, I accept. You call Me Container, I accept. What is My content? Once I am a Container, something is inside Me, for no container is empty. If it does not contain liquid, it contains air.
  26. Now, when you focus your camera on Me and snap, you examine what you got. You begin to notice that what should have been inside is now what is outside.
  27. You could not see the picture you captured. You could not see Brother Odoemena again. You could not see His uniform. You captured another thing altogether. And it happens to be scriptural. You go to the Scriptures, it confirms that what you got is real.
  28. But it should have been inside. Since the inside is now outside, where is the outside. If the internal is the external, where is the external? Is it now the internal.
  29. I and My Father are One. You cannot scrape the Father before seeing the Son. You cannot scrape the Son in order to see the Father. The two are fused.
  30. If you have seen Me, You have seen My Father. And you cannot see My Father without beholding Me, for My Father is in Me.
  31. I project Him when I want. The same way, I project the son of man when I want. Aside that, I project Apostle Peter Odoemena – Brother Peter Odoemena. And that is the way I have chosen to live.
  32. Since I travel as a thought, I am visible and invisible. So, you can only see Me when I want you to see Me, and the way I want you to see Me.
  33. [Bro Clifford Eze came up with a distraction] No! You committed crime Clifford. This is unrighteous mammon. I never created it. I created human being and human beings created the discriminating material, which has been an instrument for stratifying between great and small.
  34. But before Me, you are one. No discrimination. Whether you are a man or a woman, I do not care. There is no woman angel. There is no man angel. But any one I want to make a man, I will make a man. And the one I want to make a woman, I will make a woman. The choice is Mine. It depends on what I want to achieve.
  35. That is why, where you are heading to, you will not have wife there. You will not have Sister. You will not have Brother. You will go back to what you were before you were pressed into your mother’s womb to be delivered here as a human being.
  36. Before you came, you were struggling. You refused. You were forced in. Then when you were born, it was a struggle. You wept bitterly. You wanted to go back.
  37. But when you sojourned and now He wants you to go back, you are refusing. You are crying. You are weeping. By and by you are going back.
  38. When are you going back? Whenever He wants you to go back. It has no age, and it does not consider who you are. That you are still here is because you are fulfilling a purpose, whether good or bad.
  39. All we have been reading from the prophecies is it not human being that are fulfilling them. Whether it be bad prophecy or good prophecy, somebody must fulfill it. But why must it be you? Why Me? Why Me fulfilling the bad one. Why Me? these are questions we need to ask ourselves as individuals.
  40. Remember that I am here with you just to help Me give you the Benediction. And that is what I have been giving you for almost one month and two weeks now. I am not giving you any new Message.
  41. You have been on Memory Lane so that you tidy up your records. Some of you have seen where you messed up, and you are allowed to continue with THE SON OF MAN with the belief that along the way, you can get it right.
  42. There are too many I have already filed. My idea is that all who are willing to make changes on the things concerning them will try to get it right.
  43. It is not in My heart that any should perish. If you perish, what do I gain? Even if you die now, what do I gain? God’s purpose for creating you is automatically defeated because you are totally lost.
  44. For those who are already in the region of the lost, I am also patiently watching them. This is true.
  45. Who created hell? There is no inhabitant of hell that is there because he wants to be there. He that placed them there equally has the power to bring them out if He wants. He that killeth and maketh alive, tell Me what is impossible for Him to do.
  46. I am sojourning with you in My greatest weakness because I have traversed. I know all your human weaknesses and imperfections. I can understand you more than any other.
  47. I am the most patient, the most tolerant, the most understanding, the most merciful. Crosscheck all the ancient records. None has ever appeared here in the semblance of the son of man in all respects, not even the LORD Jesus Christ. He was a young man. He had little or no experience.
  48. That is why the Ministry of the son of man takes off from where the Ministry of the Son of God stops. He went as your forerunner. Who did he forerun? The coming SON OF MAN, Whose coming was of old prophesied.
  49. REFERENCE: IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH – The Grail Message by Abdrushin, Lecture 60 [THE SON OF MAN] Paragraphs 11, 14-15. P11…..The Son of God Himself proclaimed to mankind the Coming of the Son of Man, Who will then remain the eternal Mediator between the Divine and Creation. This expresses the sublime love of the Creator for His Creation. …..
  50. P14The Mission of the Son of Man is the continuation and consummation of the Mission of the Son of God, since the Mission of the Son of God could only be a transient one. Hence in the continuation and completion it is at the same time a reinforcementof Christ’s mission.
  51. P15Whereas the Son of God was born directly into His earthly Mission, the Son of Man had to traverse a far wider sphere before He could enter into the beginning of His actual Mission.
  52. As a condition for the fulfillment of His task, which in comparison to that of the Son of God was more earthly, the Son of Man, coming as He did from the highest Heights, also had to descend into the deepest depths.
  53. Not only in the beyond but also here on earth, so that He might personally “experience” all the misery and suffering of mankind. Only then will He be in the position, when His Hour comes, to intervene effectively in their shortcomings and help to bring about change.
  54. For this reason He could not stand aside from the experiences of mankind, but through experiencing the bitter aspects Himself, He had to stand in the midst of them and suffer from them. Again, it was only for the sake of men that His learning period had to be like this. …..
  55. Prophet Muhammad Raheem [pbuh] told you that your Messiah will come again, but will not answer Jesus son of Mary. He will come as a man like you. This time, He will marry. He will have children and live longer. He told you what to expect from Him.
  56. REFERENCE: Tafsir Araisul Bayan, Vol. 1, p. 262. Before pondering over these traditions of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, regarding the advent of the Messiah and Mahdi, it must be kept in view that the Holy Quran as well as the traditions of the Holy Prophet are unanimous in their verdict that Jesus, son of Mary, has died his natural death.
  57. Further, the Holy Quran and the traditions of the Holy Prophet both are in unison that the dead never return to life in this transitory world of ours.
  58. Hence when it is narrated in the traditions that Jesus son of Mary will come, it should not be taken literally but rather to be understood in the metaphorical sense as has been interpreted by a scholar of great repute and regenerator of his century, Mohyyud Din Ibn Arabi, when he says: “His descent in later ages will be with a DIFFERENT body.”
  59. Elijah Muhammad made it clear that if you are still waiting for the one called Jesus Christ coming, you have missed it all. You can as well wait for Moses, Elijah, Muhammad and the rest of them.
  60. REFERENCE: MESSAGE TO THE BLACK MAN IN AMERICA by Elijah Mohammad, published in the year 1965, Chapter 6 [THE COMING OF THE SON OF MAN, THE GREAT MAHDI] verses 2-3. 2You must forget about ever seeing the return of Jesus, who was here 2,000 years ago. Set your heart on seeing the One that He prophesied would come at the end of the present world’s time (the white race’s time).
  61. 3He is called the “Son of Man,” the “Christ,” the “Comforter.” You are really foolish to be looking to see the return of the Prophet Jesus. It is the same as looking for the return of Abraham, Moses and Muhammad.
  62. All of these prophets prophesied about the coming of Allah or one with equal power, under many names. You must remember that Jesus could not have been referring to Himself as returning to the people in the last days. He prophesied of another’s coming who was much greater than He.
  63. Jesus even acknowledged that He did not know when the hour would come in these words; “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” (Matt. 24:36).
  64. He that was promised to come is THE SON OF MAN. And He is the One all religious group in the whole world including pagan religion and everybody are waiting for. They are all waiting for one Man. And they call Him different names.
  65. REFERENCE: THE GREAT SERMON AND HOLY GHOST-INSPIRED EPISTLES AND REVELATIONS by Apostle Peter Odoemena, [Revised Edition 2019] Page 47 verse 15-16.
  66. 15This is to say that the titles Mahdi, Christ, Krishna, Shah-Bahram, Kalki, Maitreya, Muhammad, and the like, are interchangeable just as the prophecies that herald each of their appearances are likewise.
    16The world, in all its niches and groups, are awaiting the same thing, that they all await Maitreya.
  67. If you are here today, you are here to witness. You are also to behold My face. Today, I am smiling. Last year, I was not smiling.
  68. I have clocked more than two years after the departure of the Woman of Subsequent Creation which was not a sudden departure. No! It was not accidental at all. I am sure. I am certain.
  69. She was never dead, and she cannot die. But of a necessity, she must leave the flesh here and then proceed to where she came from. And that is what we are preparing ourselves for.
  70. The sifting is still on. The sifting is still on. You will do well to help yourself. Sift yourself and see whether you can place yourself rightly where you belong to. Then, you make the job easier.
  71. It is better for you to search yourself thoroughly before approaching a security door in a bank. Lest when you will be thrown out of the security door, you may not have the opportunity to enter again.
  72. So, if we search ourselves now that we are breathing, the LORD will no longer search us. Thank you.


……I am not a preacher of hellfire. I do not believe in intimidating any man. I want to remove the hindrance so that you can see God and His Glory and appreciate the Supreme Intelligence that controls the whole universe. The world did not come out of nothing. There is a Supreme Intelligence behind every Creation and that is where I am taking everybody to. I do not want a man to lead anybody. I want the Elohim to lead us and He must lead us in His original form. We must see something where our faith can now anchor. Then we will be there. If we perish, we perish. We are different from other people. This is a group away from all of them.


JESUS IN RELATION TO THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD (CONTROVERSIAL TRUTH) VOL. 1; Preached on Sunday 14th September 2003 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 91 vs. 61 – 62



Please, please, please. I want you to give Me listening ear. Put off that thing that is still talking. I know it is for our entertainment. I am not an entertainer. I have never been, and I will never be.

  1. Although I can pass My information across in an entertaining way, it is not in all cases that I will use a harsh Voice. Sometimes, I appear to be jovial.
  2. But I say what I mean, and I mean what I say. You would not know that I mean it because of the casual nature My Message may sound in your ears.
  3. If you have known Me and you are personally and practically acquainted with Me, one thing is certain. [1] THE SON OF MAN does not joke. [2] He has different forms of communication to different individuals. He has many communication skills. He approaches individuals in different ways.
  4. No matter the way He comes to you, never you make the mistake of thinking that He does not mean it. Any day it comes to pass, you will beat your chest in regret. That day, you will say, “I never knew He meant it. I thought He was playing.” Has He been playing with you all the while?
  5. The truth of the matter is that we do not know the meaning of friendliness and the meaning of love. We can be friends without being in love, but we cannot be in love without being friends.
  6. I repeat. We can be friends without being in love. But we can never be in love without being friends.
  7. If I call you My friend and stop there, that is what you are at that moment. I gave you the Message, YOU ARE MY FRIENDS. I never said you are My beloved ones. No! I use that word “BELOVED” sparingly, for I know the weight.
  8. I know what is attached to it, for the moment it is used, there must be a commitment. An undeniable commitment binding My life to it. For that reason, I sparingly use it.
  9. If I tell you, “I love you with the love of God”, fine. If you know what the love of God is, that is where you will be waiting for Me, for the love of God means chastising you with hot chastisement, correcting you in His hot displeasure, not to kill you, but to bring you back to the path of rectitude.
  10. So, you are My friends. But I know that a good number of you do not have the love of God in your hearts. Of course, you know that.
  11. The LORD Jesus in his day cried out in an open space saying, “You know Me. You know My parents. You know My siblings. You know how I was born and brought up. You know My family. Fine! That is not the bone of contention.
  12. I am talking to you about One you know not. And that is the One that is in Me, Who sent Me and is with Me. Him, you know not. I know you for one thing. You do not have the love of God in your hearts.”
  13. REFERENCE: John 7:28-29, TLB. [28]So Jesus, in a sermon in the Temple, called out, “Yes, you know me and where I was born and raised, but I am the representative of one you don’t know, and he is Truth.
    [29]I know him because I was with him, and he sent me to you.”
  14. Intelligent people who were around saw Him and heard Him make that statement echoed, “Is this man not the one our elders have been seeking to arrest? Is He not the one they declared wanted? And lo, He is in the public place talking to everybody as He wished. Our elders are seeing and hearing Him. Moreso, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Scribes, the Herodians, even the Nicolaitans. And not even one laid hands on Him. Could it be that our fathers and elders have at last realized that He is the very Christ, the Messiah?”
  15. REFERENCE: John 7:25-26, TLB. [25]Some of the people who lived there in Jerusalem said among themselves, “Isn’t this the man they are trying to kill?
    [26]But here he is preaching in public, and they say nothing to him. Can it be that our leaders have learned, after all, that he really is the Messiah?
  16. The Samarian woman He met at the well was bold enough to declare her conviction, “We were told about the Messiah that would come. And when He appears, He will tell us all things. And from my encounter with you here, I am left with no iota of doubt that you are the One.”
  17. The LORD Jesus Christ looked at the woman and said, “Of a truth, the Person you have been discussing with, he is the Messiah. I AM HE.”
  18. The woman went home, narrated her experience to her people and they rushed out in multitudes. They met Him at the same point where the woman met Him. Then, discussion ensued. They could not end it on the main road.
  19. They pleaded with Him and persuaded Him to follow them to their own village. When they got there, they pleaded that he should pass at least a night with them. They made the place conducive enough to listen to Him.
  20. The records we have said, “He spent two days with them.” And within the two days, all the elders in the land sat down at His feet, hearing Him. And they cleared all their doubts.
  21. By the time he was about to leave, they proclaimed, “Of a truth, we have believed, not because the woman told us. What we have experienced with you for these two days is enough confirmation that indeed, you are the very Messiah. If another messiah will come after you, what will he do? And what will he tell us?”
  22. REFERENCE: John 4:25-26, 28-30, 39-42 TLB. [25]The woman said, “Well, at least I know that the Messiah will come—the one they call Christ—and when he does, he will explain everything to us.” [26]Then Jesus told her, “I am the Messiah!” …..
  23. [28-29]Then the woman left her waterpot beside the well and went back to the village and told everyone, “Come and meet a man who told me everything I ever did! Can this be the Messiah?” [30]So the people came streaming from the village to see him. …..
  24. [39]Many from the Samaritan village believed he was the Messiah because of the woman’s report: “He told me everything I ever did!” [40-41]When they came out to see him at the well, they begged him to stay at their village; and he did, for two days, long enough for many of them to believe in him after hearing him.
  25. [42]Then they said to the woman, “Now we believe because we have heard him ourselves, not just because of what you told us. He is indeed the Saviour of the world.”
  26. When the multitudes left as recorded in Saint John’s Gospel Chapter 6 from verse 66 to 69, there remaineth the 12 behind. He asked them, “Why are you here? You should have gone with the rest.”
  27. Peter stood up in the midst of the 11 and declared his own belief which he later denied. It never started today. Peter’s denial caused havoc among the Jews. The denial of James and Barnabas caused havoc. But the worst was the denial of Paul.
  28. If THE SON OF MAN never appeared, no one here would have noticed that all of them made shipwreck of their calling, starting from Abraham.
  29. Abraham is used as your example, not because he did anything good to warrant it. No! He was godless. He was disobedient. He was an unbeliever. He laughed at God’s promise. Even the son was named laughter.
  30. He left the promised land and went to Egypt. He was warned never to do it. He denied his wife.
  31. You see! What was his righteousness? He anchored his faith strongly on One Who has the power to justify the ungodly. And his faith on the man was inputted unto him for his righteousness. But talk of doing anything good, not Abraham. Otherwise, he would have had reasons to boast that he tried.
  32. Without THE SON OF MAN, not even one would have believed that Esau was God. Jacob was God. There was no way God could save Jacob as Jacob. He renamed him Israel so that he could be the beloved by election. He renamed Esau to Edom, the two nations that were to appear from the womb of Rebecca. Israel and Edom.
  33. REFERENCES: [1] Genesis 36:8, KJV. Thus dwelt Esau in mount Seir: Esau is Edom.
  34. [2] Genesis 32:28, KJV. And He said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.
  35. What did He do? Jacob, a supplanter. Esau, a fornicator for selling off his birthright because of food. The two were concluded in unbelief so that mercy and love might be projected to the two at the same time.
  36. So, in the end, Esau cannot boast, and Israel cannot boast. What are you going to boast of? Of all people the most stubborn remaineth the Jews. They are stiff-necked and hard-hearted. Yet, they obtained mercy.
  37. Leave Me alone! I am not here for fun. If it is for fun, it then means I am here for a joke. If it is not worthy to be a joke, it cannot be worthy to be a fun.
  38. Anywhere you come into contact with Me and you do not see the seriousness in Me, in My eyes and in My tone, even the questions I will ask you, if the questions do not touch you, you are in the region of the lost, for I must ask you questions that will throw you back. I will ask you questions that will make you have a rethink about your standpoint in Christ.
  39. Salvation is not something you can joke with. I have told all of you. I am not talking again on that matter. If you know Who has eternal life or Who is authorized, and you need it, go to Him.
  40. Since the creation of the world, eternal life has been one man’s prerogative. He never gave it to two persons. Just take note of what I am saying.
  41. You can have a common salvation others have. Yet, it is not eternal life. That you have repented is not eternal life. You have given yourself to be burnt because of Christ. It is not eternal life.
  42. Do everything you want to do, but when it comes to eternal life, it is negotiable. You must ask that question, “What must I do to have eternal life?”
  43. It goes beyond going to church. It goes beyond sleeping with the son of man. It goes beyond serving Him food. It goes beyond marriage. These things are fine. They are natural. They have no part in the life that Christ gives.
  44. I have been talking and I have been doing everything to point all mankind to the truth and nothing but the truth.
  45. Hear Me. Some who asked the question went away disappointed, for when they were given conditions for eternal life, they frowned their faces and went away, but you sing it in your song that you are ready to pay the price which others have paid.
  46. REFERENCES: [1] Matthew 16:24-27, KJV. 24Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. 25For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
  47. 26For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? 27For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.
  48. [2] Matthew 19:16-22, TLB.
    [16]Someone came to Jesus with this question: “Good master, what must I do to have eternal life?” [17]“When you call me good you are calling me God,” Jesus replied, “for God alone is truly  Butto answer your question, you can get to heaven if you keep the commandments.”
  49. [18]“Which ones?” the man asked. And Jesus replied, “Don’t kill, don’t commit adultery, don’t steal, don’t lie, [19]honour your father and mother, and love your neighbour as yourself!” [20]“I’ve always obeyed every one of them,” the youth replied. “What else must I do?”
  50. [21]Jesus told him, “If you want to be perfect, go and sell everything you have and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” [22]But when the young man heard this, he went away sadly, for he was very rich.
  51. In other words, the hole others passed through will accommodate you. But when you are bigger than that hole, the hole will reject you.
  52. If I allow you here to begin to take photographs with Me, we will remain here till the following day.
  53. If you have My photograph, whether natural or supernatural, it is not eternal life. If you like paste it on your dress as evidence that you were here.
  54. All you have to do is to go back to the drawing board and then find out from those who ran this race before you whether they found it difficult.
  55. I am here to make it a possibility. That is why I simplified it and then showed you the possible route to Heaven. But unfortunately, those that spurned the impossible, are now spurning the possible.
  56. When you spurn the impossible road and you are querying the possible, that means you are not for the trip.
  57. If you are going to a place you have never been before, the map you do not even have, do you query the driver who is conversant with the road?
  58. Who has gone to heaven and come back? If I tell you to go to Heaven, where are you heading to? If I tell you to draw the map of the world and show Me Paradise and who is there, can you do it? If I leave you where you are now, you are lost.
  59. He that said He is coming to take you to Himself, that wherever He is, there you will be, did He say He is sending an Angel to come and collect you? Wherever He prepared for you, do you know? That place was ready before the son of man It has been ready long ago.
  60. Those that were bid to come in could not come because of lack of faith. Is that not true?
  61. I know you want Me to be reading Bible. Jesus never used any Bible. No Apostle used any Bible. No Prophet used Bible. The Bible is for unbelievers, while the uttered Word is for believers. I say the uttered Word.
  62. If you read the Gospel according to Saint John Chapter 17 you will see what Jesus told them, “I have given them My uttered Word and they have believed that Thou hast sent Me. Sanctify them by the Word I have spoken to them, for Thy Word is truth.”
  63. I have not come to destroy but to save. I have not come to judge, but be sure that in the end, the Words I have spoken to you, the same will judge you, not what you wrote or what they wrote.
  64. I am not the disciple of any Messenger. I told you this from the beginning. I am not a disciple of any Messenger. I came alone. I came alone. And he that will worship God must worship God alone.
  65. If Allah has revealed Himself to you, you are sure and certain that that is Allah, walk alone. Never attempt walking with the majority that cannot serve God’s interest.
  66. So there is no syndicate opinion concerning the Faith of THE SON OF MAN. I came with individual Faith for individual eternal life. God meets you as an individual. He saves you as an individual. You will be rewarded as an individual.
  67. So, if you have anything contrary to this, hold it to yourself. Make no mistake of spreading it. Do not arrogate to yourself the authority you do not have.
  68. In Christ, all God’s righteous demand for eternal life is met. He is the fulfilment of all. He is the Originator and Finisher of the Faith. the faith that gives you eternal life originated from him. He arranged it. he monitored it. he is to finish it, not you. you do not know the contents.
  69. I told you that I am an earthen vessel with divine content. The instrument for piloting the Bridal Faith is totally divine.
  70. For that reason, you do not need to turn your ears left and right. Be focused. Be focused in your best interest.
  71. Of course, where we are now, you cannot make a U-turn. You cannot make a U-turn. If you are on that express way (highway) that is where you are. If you are on that “a way” [the Straight Path] for the wayfaring men, that is where you are.
  72. There is a highway. There is also “a way”. A way for the redeemed. A way for the righteous. Those God Himself has made righteous in His own eyes, not because of what they have done, but because of what God Himself, being Christ had done for them.
  73. Can a man make himself holy in the sight of God? Such is no holiness. Even your righteousness is like filthy rags. What can you boast of making? Absolutely nothing!
  74. So, all those empty brags, please drop all. Face the Reality. Stop pursuing the shadow. I showed you the shadow. I also showed you the Reality. And the Reality is Christ. Christ in you, the hope of glory. Take away Christ, you are wasting your time.
  75. And in your day, Christ has been revealed. Christ is not wearing a veil anymore. We are now beholding Him face to face. He now speaks to us in plain language, not in dark sayings anymore.
  76. So, if you want to claim ignorant, remain ignorant. If you want to serve God, serve God.
  77. I know many of you are having interest in taking photographs. All the while you took photographs with Me, what did you achieve with them?
  78. May be you never knew that in the beginning, camera was absolutely banned from our midst. If I wanted to show off, I would not have placed a blanket ban on anything camera.
  79. Until 1996, it was by God’s invitation for a supernatural purpose. Were you disappointed? And then, you saw the Shekinah. What is the Shekinah? Adonai, the great God. Not enmorphe, but Real.
  80. Have you not seen the Headstone? I mean the Godhead? Have you not seen the Majesty – the Original Body? Were they not promised from the beginning to be revealed gradually, watching your faith? Were they revealed all at the same time?
  81. Each time He revealed, he paused and watched your reaction. After some years, He will reveal another one. He will watch your reaction. Finally, He revealed the Majesty. The Fullness of the Stature of the Perfect Man.
  82. And the Church comes to its perfection when it has reproduced Christ in human form amidst human beings. Then man and God became one, fused and eating together.
  83. He said, “The next thing you will see is the burning of Sodom and Gomorrah. Expect nothing coming but sudden destruction.” It will be sudden to the world, but to you, will it be a sudden event?
  84. There is an Igbo adage that says, “Does a war which date had been previously announced consume the lame or the cripple?”
  85. Your duty is to be ready at all times. Finish. I have washed off My hands. Talk of photograph, I will take photograph with you in Paradise. Bye!