DIVINE CONSOLATION AND COMFORT VOLUME 1 Preached ON Saturday 10th December 2022 AT The Courtyard of The Bridal Lodge, Nsugbe, Anambra State, Nigeria. BY Apostle Peter Odoemena THE SON OF MAN

Transcribed by Bishop David Mbah, Students’ Fellowship, MOUAU, Abia State, Nigeria.

In Commemoration of the 365th Day [1 Year] since the transition to Glory Of THE QUEEN OF PARADISE

Mummy Nzubechi Joy SON OF MAN Odoemena


10How hard it is to find a capable wife! She is worth far more than jewels! 11Her husband puts His confidence in her, and He will never be poor. 12As long as she lives, she does Him good and never harm. 13She keeps herself busy making wool and linen cloth. 14She brings home food from out-of-the-way places, as merchants ships do. 15She gets up before daylight to prepare food for her Family and to tell her servant women what to do. 16She looks at land and buys it, and with money she has earned she plants a vineyard. 17She is a hard worker, strong and industrious. 18She knows the value of everything she makes, and works late into the night. 19She spins her own thread and weaves her own cloth. 20She is generous to the poor and needy. 21She doesn’t worry when it snows, because her Family has warm clothing.

22She makes bedspreads and wears clothes of fine purple linen. 23HER HUSBAND IS WELL KNOWN, ONE OF THE LEADING CITIZENS. 24She makes clothes and belts, and sells them to merchants. 25She is strong and respected and not afraid of the future. 26SHE SPEAKS WITH GENTLE WISDOM. 27She is always bust and looks after her Family’s needs. 28HER CHILDREN SHOW HER APPRECIATION AND HER HUSBAND PRAISES HER. 29HE SAYS, MANY WOMEN ARE GOOD WIVES, BUT YOU ARE THE BEST OF THEM ALL. 30Charm is deceptive and beauty disappears, but a woman who honours the LORD should be praised. 31Give her credit for all she does. She deserves the respect of everyone.

Proverbs 31:10-31, Good News Bible


By Pastor Chizoba Udochukwu

  1. Today is Saturday 10th December 2022. We gathered here this day to commemorate our mother, the Queen of Paradise, mother par excellence, the third Eve and the mother of the Saints of God who closed her eyes in death on this day last year.
  2. As we all know, she departed from this flesh on the 10th of December, 2021 on a Friday at the National Hospital, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.
  3. We all wailed and mourned because in this flesh, we needed her and we still need her. She lived for us. She worked tirelessly. She devoted herself to the things of God, being the wife of the Almighty and also the daughter of God.
  4. Since she left the scene physically and to me personally, I have been feeling her absence greatly. And with some whom I have discussed with, it is the same thing.
  5. To commemorate the day she slept, we have gathered here to sing songs of worship to the Almighty God and to sing hymns. All she was known for, we shall continue with it because we are her children.
  6. Moreover, she is the Queen of Paradise, and the KING is still here with us. We are her Princes and Princesses, as many as are in Christ.
  7. So, we have some hymns we will sing, but let us sing worship songs as we pray. We are not rushing things. Our songs will not be rushed because it is a soul-touching commemoration.
  8. I would like everybody to conduct him or herself very well. If you want to ease yourself, do not walk haphazardly. Just let us know. This is a residential place. If you want to ease yourself, do not walk haphazardly. Let us know so that we can guide you. This is a residential place and the Home of God.
  9. [Worship Songs lead by Pastor Chizoba Udochukwu]

Do we have a King? Do we have a Queen (Bride) that is about to be paraded all over the world? Has He (Christ) been nurturing her? He has been nurturing her, adorning her, preparing her, doing everything. A day is coming. The whole world will gather only to see the person for which cause He died. The woman that caused Him to leave His Throne and come to identify with her. This is because, having prepared her, He is certain that the woman must be fair to look at. People will acknowledge that the King did not make a mistake travelling too far, leaving Israel! He did not make a mistake travelling far across the Mediterranean Sea, down to Africa only to pick His Bride; Because Moses picked His Bride in Egypt, Joseph picked His Bride in Egypt; “Out of Egypt, I called My Son.”


ACTION TIME PART 1 (HUSBANDS AND WIVES) CAMP MEETING; preached on Tuesday, 30th December, 1997 at the Household of God Onitsha; Pg. 103 vs. 25 – 27



Be seated everybody. This is an informal Fellowship. Be seated. There is no formality here. Manage yourselves wherever you see a little accommodation. We may not stay for too long.

  1. The most important thing is to stay where you can here My Voice. You may not see My face, but hear My Voice.
  2. Little children, there is a Scripture for you. Before I say something to everybody, get Me Gospel according to Saint Luke, Chapter 18, let Me welcome the little children. Give it to Me in Living Bible translation or Amplified version.
  3. Remember I told you to gather for Me good Bible readers. No matter how informal this Fellowship might be, please, take it seriously, for tomorrow holds something greater than what you may think.
  4. Every day, we prepare ourselves for our departure. Preparation for hell starts here. Preparation for heaven starts here. Your preparedness determines whether you are going either to heaven or to hell.
  5. In this gathering of the Saints, which we call The Bridal Movement, many are preparing themselves for hell, but a few are taking their time, preparing themselves for Paradise. These are the two goals that await all of us.
  6. You are either preparing for the kingdom of hell or for the Kingdom of Heaven. There is no purgatory anywhere. There is no stopover when you die. There is no stop-over for another purification for you to be qualified.
  7. If you are not qualified here– if you are not counted worthy here, you have missed it all. Let no man ever deceive you. Let no devil ever deceive you. I am the One talking to you. You can verify it very well. I will read it before I will go to My seat.
  8. Let Me welcome the little children. Gospel according to Saint Luke Chapter 18 from verse one through three.
  9. Luke 18:1-3, Amplified version. 1ALSO [Jesus] told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not to turn coward (faint, lose heart, and give up). 2He said, In a certain city there was a judge who neither reverenced and feared God nor respected or considered man.
  10. Please, take note of that Scripture. There was judge in a certain city who never did what? Reverenced and feared God nor respected old considered man.
  11. 2He said, In a certain city Take note! Name was withheld. The name of the city was withheld. In a certain family, take note of what I am going to say. In a certain family. We are not talking of the city. Without family, there is no city. Without family, there is no community. Without family there is no society. Society is made up of families.
  12. In a certain family, name withheld.  2He said, In a certain city there was a judge who neither reverenced and feared God… Note! The judge never reverenced nor feared God.
  13. Little children, the Kingdom of God belongs to people like you. Except we conduct ourselves like these little children, the Lord Jesus Christ said, “We will in no wise near the gate of the Kingdom of Heaven.”
  14. He did not say that we will in no wise enter. He said, “We will in no wise near the gate.” You can near My gate but you will not enter. You can enter and be found undesirable like Chiemelie Mbah.
  15. Chiemelie Mbah, by the judgment of My entire family; the judgment was passed against him by My holistic Family and all that belong to My Family, that he committed unpardonable sin.
  16. He has tried to reach out to all My children, both married and unmarried, and they all shunned him. They told him the evil he committed against this Family will never be forgiven in this life nor in the life to come, for he planned against this Family at a time we were weeping and sorrowing, not minding that My wife played a key role in his life more than his own biological mother.
  17. He departed from My Family 4 days after My wife’s burial at Mbaise, only for us to hear that he had already given notice to everybody including his friends in their school there.
  18. I thank God that I went there with Pastor Thomas. You heard the testimonies following him. Teachers were astonished seeing Me there, asking Me whether I am the father of Promise.
  19. I said, “Which Promise?” They said, “Promise Mbah.” That was the only time I got to know that his name is Promise. I enquired and said, “Are you talking about Chiemelie”, the Principal recognized Me and said yes.
  20. The Principal said, “That stubborn boy. That useless boy who was incorrigible.” A lady, a teacher and the Vice Principal who hails from Akwa Ibom State there said, “The Almighty God cannot change that boy.” I underlined it.
  21. How I wish the mother is here. Maybe the mother aided his entry into this compound. Thank God you have heard Me. You will never in this life nor in the life to come approach My presence.
  22. I would rather pardon an armed robber or a murderer than considering him. If you know you love him more than Myself, you can save his life.
  23. So, these little children can never learn anything evil unless their parents injected the evil in them.
  24. The wedding ceremony of My daughter and My Sister Chiamaka on Saturday last week [a week ago] was My first public outing where I handled this microphone again since My wife departed.
  25. And from the day she was buried till this day, I have never stepped My feet into My family at Mbaise. Of all that died in My family, My participation was financial and material. I never partook of their burials physically. I sent My little contributions. Why?
  26. My heart was failing Me because I was badly shattered. When I read the Scripture, God said to Ezekiel the Son of Man, [1] “I am going to profane you.” [2] “And at the end, I will leave you devastated, not because of the evil you committed, but to use you as a sign to show your people what I am about to do to them, to their wives to their children and to their husbands. This is so that when I will begin, peradventure anyone of them will run to you, you will use your experience to counsel them, for the iniquity of your people have become so great for me to tolerate.”
  27. So, you see these little children possessing child-like faith. In that ceremony, the master of ceremony asked a question, which many neglected.
  28. He asked, “In every family, who struggles most to keep the family together?” The whole hall answered, “The women!” Man or woman? Husband or wife? They said, “The women! – The wives.”
  29. He asked again, “Who labours the most?” They said, “The women!” “Who shows keen interest in training the children, paying school fees and everything?” They said, “The women!”
  30. Although the men were in the majority, but the voices of the women were heard. He asked another question, “Who is the first person that takes it as a responsibility to train the children in the way they should go?” They roared, “The women! The mothers!”
  31. Finally, he asked another question, “Who takes responsibility for spoiling the children?” To My surprise, the same women roared, “The women! The mothers!”
  32. I chilled. This is because the hall was composed of a mixture of believers and unbelievers. I said, “Is that so? No wonder. So they know what they are doing. And they are deliberately doing it.”
  33. Take note of what I am going to say because the leg of a small goat is sold in the market. When you are preparing yourselves, prepare your children as well.
  34. Prepare yourselves. Prepare your children as well, for we are here on earth using the little time allotted to us to prepare ourselves either for heaven or for hell.
  35. There is no stopover anywhere where God will say, “Stop here! Pause a little for purification” before you roll into either Paradise or hell. If you are believing that there is a place like that, which is purgatory, have a rethink. It does not exist.
  36. Get me the Amplified version of the Bible. And be fast Pastor Chizoba before you provoke Me. You left My office this morning, leaving the whole Bibles behind.
  37. Praises will never take you to Paradise. What will take you to Paradise is the knowledge of the truth and the application of the truth IN YOUR LIFE.
  38. Hebrews 9:27-28, AMP. You are lucky. You are very very lucky that we are not in our General Assembly. Because of the use of android handsets, you cannot turn the pages of the Bible again. I pity your wife.
  39. Be it known to you that you can never use android handset to teach your family how to study the Bible or any other religious book. If you use your android handset as your Bible, you are weakening your family and weakening yourself. You are making yourself the laziest human being on earth. A time will come when you will not know the locations of the Books in the Bible until you browse.
  40. We never started with android handsets. Remember, I started lamenting when we were in the Fellowship at GTC.
  41. Hebrews 9:27-28, AMP. 27And just as it is appointed for [all] men once to die,… All men means all men. Once to die. …and after that the [certain] judgment,… The certain judgment.
  42. You can never avoid the judgment. You must give account of how you lived your life here on earth within the period allotted to you.
  43. He that brought you into existence has His own purpose for bringing you here. If that purpose is not achieved, you must account for it.
  44. After death, the next thing is the certain judgment. Certain! It is certain. No uncertainty there. It is exact, certain judgment. If you like believe. If you like do not believe. Belief or unbelief can never alter the Word of God. “I do not believe” can it change it? Can it make the Word of God of non-effect? Never!
  45. Rather, it becomes admissible evidence before God to command you to leave His presence eternally.
  46. We are preparing ourselves here, either for heaven or for hell. I repeat because of those who came late. A good number of us here or majority of us here appear to be preparing themselves for hellfire, and not for heaven.
  47. This is because there is no other place you are going to make the preparation. With obedience to the truth or disobedience to the truth and with whatever we are doing here, we are preparing ourselves as individuals to enable us qualify for heaven or hell.
  48. The worst that will happen to you is to believe that there is no hell or that there is no heaven. It then means that there is no God and that there is no devil. This is the worst that can happen to a human being.
  49. In other words, the spirit of delusion has beclouded the person that he or she cannot decipher between truth and falsehood.
  50. The whole religions in this world before we came into existence acknowledged [1] The existence of a Supreme God. [2] They acknowledged resurrection after death. The whole religions.
  51. When the Sadducees could not believe, the Lord Jesus came their way and got them convinced using the laws of Moses. From that day, all arguments about whether the dead will resurrect or not ended.
  52. Another thing that binds us together is the judgment of God. Even the pagans believe that there is Almighty God Who will judge every man according to our affairs.
  53. So if you believe that you are the wisest and the most knowledgeable that lived here on earth, even wiser than our Patriarchs, including father Abraham and the man that was adjudged the wisest man in his day – King Solomon and who documented most of the things that form the attributes of our Faith using his wealth of experience with God;
  54. If you believe you are wiser than all, hold it to yourself. Do not ever propagate it. Keep it to yourself. And you do yourself more harm than good by staying where I will see you. This is because seeing you means seeing your generation.
  55. So, these little children, they are pious until their parents will indoctrinate them. If parents will do their work very well, there would not be difficulty with these children.
  56. But take note of the Scriptures which says that children that are born in unbelieving families are heathens. So, if you are disbelieving, you have already given God admissible evidence to label all your offspring heathens.
  57. Did you get the Message? This is because they have not reached the age of accountability and you have spoilt them. And there is no way they can come up again to believe the truth, having been spoilt from the beginning. For that reason, God labels all of them heathens.
  58. Many parents do not know the risk they are taking in infusing wrong doctrines and wrong teachings into the hearts of the children. Sometimes, they instill and cement enmity in the hearts of their children against their fellow human beings.
  59. If you do not inject enmity into the hearts of the infants, truly speaking, they will live undefiled lives. Allow children to form a colony where no adult will come in to talk or to do any other thing than feeding them, they will evolve their own language. They will evolve their own lifestyle common among them, undefiled. So, let us be very careful.
  60. I said that a good number of us are busy preparing themselves for hell instead of heaven, and they know it very well.
  61. The young boy that left My house – called Bright, the son of late Casmir of Aba, before witnesses used My phone to tell their mother in their own dialect of Igbo language, “Mama, I am troubling the son of man so much.”
  62. [“That is truth”, Pastor Chizoba confirmed]
  63. He [Bright] continued, “Mama, I am troubling Daddy so much. I am really troubling Him.” The mother asked, “Is this thing you are telling me the truth?” He replied, “It is truth. I am really troubling Him.”
  64. The mother then enquired further, “Why then are you troubling Him?” He kept quiet. “Do you want to come back home?” He kept quiet. “Do you want Him to die?” He kept quiet. “Do you know that His wife is dead? What then is your problem?” Money! Money! He is not the object of My preaching.
  65. All the Elders know this truth. I engraved it so that the whole world will hear. His mother came down to dissuade this boy from his crave for materialism at a tender age, but she could not achieve anything.
  66. Recently, one of them by name Uche came. And I thank God that Pastor Chizoba joined Me in receiving him and some others. Our ears were stuffed.
  67. [Pastor Chizoba replied, “Pure truth!”]
  68. It confirms that a bad fruit is a bad fruit, no matter where it is planted. The soil can only change the outlook a little. It can change the size, but the taste is the same. Take it to London, it is bad. Take it to Nigeria, it is bad. Why? It is of a bad specie.
  69. If you are of a bad specie, I pity you. Why do I pity you? I have given you the way out. I have shown you how people who came from bad lineage got deliverance from God.
  70. God said that a bad tree must produce bad fruits. Often times. Good trees produce bad fruits. Do you believe it?
  71. How many believe that Lamech who was adjudged righteous by God was the first son of Cain? The father was Cain, the first murderer, but his son Lamech served God, raised godly generation, for he turned away from his father’s wickedness and established his own rule of life.
  72. If not for his children who were attracted by the ceremonies their siblings were organizing at the foot of the mountain, for which cause Lamech warned them, “Do not go because they are your relations. Do not ever try it, for if you go. You will never come back.”
  73. They disbelieved him and found their way down the foot of the mountain. Did they go back again? They wanted to go back, but they did not find the way to go back. They were trapped there. And so, God destroyed them with the water. But those who remained with Lamech on the mountain escaped.
  74. At the end of the day, God did not say, “Lamech, you are free.” God punished Lamech because he created a loophole by approving wrong marriages for the children.
  75. If you are fond of approving wrong unions for your children, be it known to you that you are keeping them away from the pathway of life, for there is no way you can abandon the pathway of life established by the Almighty God and create one that will lead you to your promised land. It is impossible.
  76. Every man-made way leads to disaster. It leads to disappointment. It leads to destruction. Every way that seemeth right in the eyes of a man, the end thereof has always been destruction.
  77. This may be My last appearance in your midst. And I never intended to make it a big gathering. I am just surprised seeing too many faces here. This is not what I bargained for.
  78. Pastor Chizoba! [He answered, “My LORD sir.”] Is this what we bargained? [He answered, “No sir.”] I said that I needed a maximum of fifty people to be witnesses. Then if I have a Message that cuts across, those that will be there will tell others. I do not have that stamina to hold a gathering like this again. I do not have it.
  79. So, concerning these little children, inasmuch as I love you, if their parents do not have the love of God, they will never– they will never direct these children rightly. So, mothers, you are builders and at the same time destroyers.
  80. Take note that if at the end of the day, in all your labour and in all your travailing in this life, you could not enter Paradise, you never entered that Heaven, seated there with God Himself, the Almighty, there you will know Who He is.
  81. He has been hiding His face from everybody. If you say you have seen the face of God, you are a liar. God has been hiding His face, and has been showing you the face of a Man.
  82. But you will know Him that day when He will no longer be talking to you from that Man. He will come out of that veil. You will see Apostle Peter Odoemena standing. You will see the Almighty standing. You will see THE SON OF MAN by the right-hand side. You will see the Elohim. This has been the arrangement He made since creation.
  83. And then, by the side of THE SON OF MAN will be the woman of subsequent creation, from where all of you came out, for without that woman, no creature ever came out called a human being. That is why the Bible called her the mother of all creatures.
  84. So, take note of what I am saying. Prepare your children. Prepare yourselves. Prepare your children. Prepare yourselves. I do not know what is about to take place, but one thing is certain.
  85. All conscious believers of God know that something– something terrible is about to take place. Something that will leave the whole world devastated and desolate is about to take place.
  86. And who will escape it? Only those God has shown His grace. Take away the grace of God, nobody will escape it.
  87. Prepare your children so that they will live within the boundaries where God’s grace may be extended to them. Otherwise, they will be judged alongside with their families.
  88. Once your family is labelled an evil family, it is marked bad. NO SOUL IS COMING OUT FROM THERE.

I am here. Why are you going to Heaven? Do you know the way to Heaven? There must be One who will come and take you there because you do not know the way. You have never been there before, and nobody has ever been there before so as to show you the way. You will only depend on He that came from there. Any day that He is going back, you will just follow Him, if you want to be there. If you want to go alone, go!

LO, I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS VOL. 3; Preached on 30th April 2000 at the Household Onitsha; Pg. 41 vs. 6



Let me tell you why I gathered you. There was a king who never feared God. He never reverenced God.

  1. Luke 18:1-3, Living Bible. [1]One day Jesus told his disciples a story to illustrate their need for constant prayer… Their need for what? …constant prayer… Their need for what? …constant prayer…
  2. Have I not been lamenting on that? Cast your minds back. The need for constant prayer – Regular Prayers. Very essential. I said that if you do not know what to pray for, simply say, “GOD, SAVE ME FROM THIS HOUR.” That’s all! It is enough prayer. GOD, SAVE ME FROM THIS HOUR.
  3. Only a blind man who is blind physically and spiritually is in the dark concerning what is at stake. Many things have been put in place both in Nigeria and beyond. Not even one will favour you. Not even one of the programmes will favour you. But that is not why I am here.
  4. [1]One day Jesus told his disciples a story to illustrate their need for constant prayer and to show them that they must keep praying until the answer comes.
  5. They must do what? …keep praying until the answer comes. And to show them, look at the reason. It is that they must keep on praying. One who is running for his or her dear life does not stop until that which is pursuing him or her stops.
  6. One that is praying does not stop until his or her prayer is answered. If you stop praying when your prayer has not been answered, you are a stupid fellow.
  7. If you switch off saying, “I will not be praying”, did God tell them how many days they will pray or how many years they will pray? IT IS CONSTANT PRAYERS. And remain praying until you are answered.
  8. If you read the Book of Matthew Chapter 7 verse 7, it said, “Seek and keep on seeking. Knock and keep on knocking”, not knocking twice and you conclude that the Master is not opening the Gate.
  9. For that reason, angrily, you go back. You are not serious. The Master is not depending on you, but you can never do without the Master. True or false?
  10. To demonstrate against the Master is an act of foolishness. You are giving Him reasons to banish you from His presence. This is because when you become a problem He can no longer tolerate– a pest, He will banish you. The heavens will not fall.
  11. [2]“There was a city judge,” he said, “a very godless man who had great contempt for everyone.
  12. Note! A very godless man who had great contempt for everyone. There was a translation I read and that should be Amplified version which said that he never reverenced God.
  13. Luke 18:2, AMP. 2He said, In a certain city there was a judge who neither reverenced and feared God nor respected or considered man.
  14. Who could be this fellow? This is a replica of Nebuchadnezzar, the first man who said, “Who is this God that I should listen to? I am the king over the whole earth. There is no God greater than me. And I have no respect for any human being.” And God made him a beast. He suffered it that the residue of men will learn their lesson.
  15. See this man. He that does not fear God and has no reverence for God, and does not respect his fellow human beings. Is this a human being?
  16. Do you not know that we have such people here? I did not call you for preaching. Heaven bear Me witness. But there is no way I can see you and avoid telling you who you are before Me and My assessment of you. If you do not hear it from My Voice, know that I am the most wicked.
  17. There is no way you can go to the mirror without seeing yourself. You will not see any other person. Your interest will be yourself appearing in that mirror.
  18. Do we not have kings and rulers among us here? They have no respect for their fellow human beings. They do not fear God. Even the impending judgment of God, they ridicule it.
  19. He that cannot fear God nor reverence God nor have respect for humanity, is he worthy of the kingdom of Heaven?
  20. Now that we have too many like that, all clustering around the son of man, what can we say to all these things?
  21. So, if you take pleasure in boasting that you do not fear God and that you do not reverence God, rather asking, “Who is that God?”, and you do not have respect for humanity, go ahead. Hold it to yourself. Continue with it. I wish you good luck.
  22. Now, let Me say one thing. This one thing should not put you off. A dream is a dream. Now, God has said that we should remain praying until our prayers are answered.
  23. I would not like a situation where, tomorrow, the Brethren will be using Me to say that if THE SON OF MAN dreams a dream that somebody died, the person will die. No! I say, No! Dream is dream.
  24. Rather, God said, “If we have dreams that are frightening, we should pray against such dreams, if you do not want them to come to pass. But where we approve of those dreams, He should allow them to come to pass by never praying against those dreams.”
  25. I had a very frightening dream this morning. As God could have it, our Pastor came and I shared it with him. The next person, we were talking about him concerning the dream appeared live. That happened to be Bro Amankem.
  26. We were talking about Bro Amankem. Lo and behold, somebody knocked and it became Bro Amankem. I told him that he will live longer. I narrated the dream to him.
  27. Now that all of you are here, pray for yourselves. Pray for us also. We bear death on our bodies. The devil is not happy with us, especially those that are standing for the truth.
  28. I had a very frightening dream. In that dream, when I looked at the time, it was around 2:30AM, when I had already concluded My prayers for the day.
  29. I came back from Mbaise. What took Me to Mbaise is what I cannot say. And I took off as early as possible to get to Onitsha before 7AM because of the Meeting today.
  30. While I was rushing, I met Pastor Dan along My street here. He was headed towards Pastor Thomas’ area when I met him. I saluted him, though queried his coming to this area at this hour of the day.
  31. By My time estimation as at then, it could be some minutes after 7AM. I said, “Pastor Dan, is it well at all? I have not seen you in this area. And the way you are dressed. Something must be wrong somewhere.”
  32. He replied, “Daddy, actually, this is an unusual movement. Something is wrong. By 2AM, I received a call from the wife of Apostle Kelechi that he was dead.” I said, “What?” He said that he received a call from the wife of Brother Kelechi that he died, and that he was wondering what could be the reason for the death.
  33. He then decided to wait till morning. He said that by 6 o’clock in the morning, he was already in the house, and that he saw Bro Kelechi prostrate and dead. And people gathered there, mainly Brethren.
  34. The wife said that he was not feeling well when they went to bed. He was complaining that he was running short of strength and he was not breathing well. He took all his drugs. Finally, he slept. And that sleeping resulted to death.
  35. I looked up and said, “Pastor Dan, Now problem has come.” He looked at Me and said, “Daddy, that is not all. Now I was coming out from your gate and they said that You travelled. My phone rang now-now, now-now. See it! See it! It is Sister Amankem that called Me, saying also that Your lines were switched off.”
  36. I said, “Pastor Dan, all My lines are on except one, but the other three lines are on.” He said, “Daddy, see it. Sister Amankem called now-now, now-now telling me that bro Amankem has been rushed to hospital near their house, and that he is in coma.”
  37. I exclaimed and said, “This people have mismanaged the information. Pastor Dan, do you know what happened? They must have related to brother Amankem that bro Kelechi died, not knowing that they are identical twins. No matter the age, if one dies, the other should not know about it. He must be separated before the news will spread. He will remain in exile until the burial is over. And when he comes back, he can never be introduced to the grave. That is why, one thing is to have twins. Another is to know how to manage them, especially identical twins because they were born out of binary fission.
  38. I said, “They mismanaged this information.” I told him that we have now rolled into the major problem.
  39. While we were discussing, the same call he received came back to his phone. He said, “Daddy, let me answer it. It is the same Sister.” I said, “Okay, answer.” The phone was on speak out. I was hearing the noise of people crying and shouting. The Sister was also crying and reporting that Amankem was also dead.
  40. I said, “How do we manage this?” Papa Uwakwe is still alive. The two sons are now gone. How will the people react when he is the eldest man? All his juniors have died and his senior also died. He is there alone and about to clock 100 years. And now, the sons are gone.
  41. I said, “Pastor Dan, do you remember the experience I had concerning Mama Ikebude? I narrated it to the Elders.” I was coming somewhere. My phone rang. It was Mama Ikebude’s daughter telling Me that Nwaolisa was dead.
  42. While I was shouting, I saw the poster. Lo and behold, it was Nwaolisa, the only son of Mama. I looked at the age. He was fifty-something years.
  43. I began to meditate in that dream how Onitsha people will look at this thing. Ngozi just died like that. The grandson finished exercise in the morning, drank water and died instantly there. Now Nwaolisa, the one who should have control over the family is now dead.
  44. Onitsha people will never bury Mama whenever she dies. And Onitsha people will find it very difficult to participate in this burial because Mama is waxing stronger. They will query too many things. I was saying all these things and the dream left.
  45. Elders came, I narrated it and we prayed against it. Two days after; two days after, the news came that Nwaolisa went to hospital and died. We thought it was a play.
  46. I followed in going there to confirm the news. Nwaolisa died. Everything was hidden away from Mama until the day of the burial. I thank God I participated fully from the beginning till the end.
  47. Then we noticed one amazing thing there. Nwaolisa never attended any church. He was a traditionalist. He belonged to his age grade and every other thing, but we noticed that Onitsha people were conspicuously absent. Then after the burial, too many things started fizzling out.
  48. So, if you love the family of Uwakwe, pray that this thing should not happen.
  49. You see, I prayed that God would give Me twins, but when I realized the implications, I changed My prayer, that it is better I have children in singles than in multiples.
  50. Whatever Amankem is suffering, Bro Kelechi is suffering all. True or false? I remember that there was a time the two of them were in coma at the same time. He was in coma in My house, while Bro Amankem was in coma at Nkpor.
  51. Even up till now, when they want to be sick, it will be two of them at the same time and the same sickness.
  52. So please, pray seriously for them. And you should pray for yourselves. Good!

 71The Believers, men and women, are protectors one of another: they enjoin what is just, and forbid what is evil: they observe regular prayers, practice regular charity, and obey Allah and His Apostle. On them will Allah pour His mercy: for Allah is Exalted in power, Wise. 72Allah hath promised to Believers, men and women, gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein, and beautiful mansions in gardens of everlasting bliss. But the greatest bliss is the good pleasure of Allah: That is the Supreme Felicity.

The Noble Qur’an – Surah 9: 71 – 80 [Abdullah Yusuf Ali Translation]



You are all welcome to My compound and to the presence of the Almighty God. I know you might be wondering why I said you should stay at the backyard.

  1. There is a new development in this area. I am monitoring it gradually. If you watch across the fence by My right, that land has been developed.
  2. Fortunately, whoever that bought the land built a very big hotel and recreational centre. And that hotel is such that makes great noise. They will open it this weekend. They brought their equipment yesterday.
  3. When they were testing it, I was around to monitor. From the vibration of their music. I knew that it will affect our gathering. But when I came to the backyard, the noise was less.
  4. So, I decided that this will be the best place. And this is so that whenever they will start to play their music, it will not disturb our gathering. And by God’s grace, maybe instead of dying in the parlour every Sunday, we will be here.
  5. Please, I know you are uncomfortable. Bear with Me. If I had a better place, I would have arranged for you to be comfortable. But remember, I never envisaged this crowd. And I will not send any away. You are all happily welcome. Can we bow down our heads a little?


  1. Talk to God concerning yourself. ……. Let the Holy Spirit reveal to you why you are here this morning. …….
  2. Once upon a time, there was a woman like you who was governing the affairs of this Family. It could be you tomorrow, not somebody you do not know, but somebody you know very well. …….
  3. Talk to yourselves using THE SON OF MAN as your Example that it could be your turn even this day or in the near future, that your own wife whom you love so much, whom you have been living with all these years can also be taken away from you.
  4. Then you will be in the position of THE SON OF MAN, and then know whether it is an easy experience. And know whether it is something a human being can wish even to his greatest enemy.
  5. It is easier to use others to cite examples than for one to find himself to be the example. It is good to point hands, “See this fellow. See the other fellow. He is not dead. What is there in it?”
  6. Have you approached the person to know what he is passing through? You see the person well dressed and moving about, but do you know whether he is truly alive or that he is being driven about by the wind? …….
  7. That load which is too heavy for two to carry and making their movement difficult, one person is now carrying it. Is that the time he will be strong-footed? …….
  8. If you think your wife is doing nothing, it is because she is alive. Consider what your family will look like if your wife is taken away this morning or this year. Consider what life would look like if your husband is taken away.
  9. Then You will begin to see the type of enjoyment widows are enjoying. If you think widows are enjoying life, become one tomorrow and enjoy that life. If you think widowers are enjoying life, become one tomorrow and enjoy that life.
  10. But as for Me, My conclusion is: If it is possible, God should make it that husband and wife should die the same day, so that nobody will live to mourn the other. If they are really husband and wife. …….
  11. Talk to God concerning your children. ……. If God does not bless your efforts, all you are doing in the name of bringing them up in the fear of the LORD will be mere waste of time, for there are too many things that are influencing our children, even within and without.
  12. Oftentimes, you see your children manifesting things you never taught them. Often times, you are confused. You begin to wonder, “Who is spoiling your children? Who could be spoiling your works?” It is no other person but the devil who is all out to take husband, wife and children to hell. …….
  13. William Branham said, “If you do not pray for your children until they are baptized with the Holy Spirit like you [if you have been baptized by the Spirit of truth], the tendency is there for you to forfeit all to hell.” Do not say that they are infants. …….
  14. Our heavenly Father, here we are this morning, thanking and appreciating you for the journey so far. We are rejoicing in hope that one of these days, we shall meet with our loved ones who died in Christ, never to part again.
  15. Until then O LORD, help us to remain Help us to remain watching. Help us to remain [O God] DOING YOUR WILL. May we never shrink. May we never draw back.
  16. May we remain constant and persistent in our PRAYERS AND in our WATCHINGS until O God, our mortal bodies are translated or we meet with You in death when we shall throw away this flesh.
  17. Preserve the souls that are in the Cave of Treasures who are all out right now to force the Door open because their time is due. The promised hour has come for them O God to be ushered into Eden, which is the place you promised to restore all.
  18. Until then, keep us in our sanctified estate. Preserve us O God. Do not allow the troubles we are passing through to discourage us from following. Teach us to obey You in all things, to develop good hearts towards you and towards one another; to prefer obedience to your Word to making money, now that money is not going anywhere with us. Rather, it can help us to go to hell.
  19. From now O God, teach us to begin to disentangle ourselves gradually from the grip of the affairs of this present world, for what is about to unfold is greater than mankind.
  20. To your Name we give the Glory. Thank You for all the souls that have gathered here.
  21. This dream concerning our Brother Kelechi and the family, Father, we do not want it. Cancel it for us. We do not have the heart to bear it.
  22. For the sake of our old father at home, Father, please withhold this death. Withdraw it. If they had attracted it, show them how they attracted it. Father, help them never to trail that path again.
  23. To Your Name alone we give the Glory. Bless all our children in extant lands, our families in distant lands, all that belong to the Fold [Father divine] where You are the Shepherd throughout the whole earth, may Your eyes oversee their activities. Keep them safe and secured till the end.
  24. Even the son of man Who is about to depart, Father, may His departure be organized, monitored and directed by You. To the Glory of Your Most Holy Name we pray. Amen.

I am establishing the Family where you are all adopted, and you are the people that are organizing this thanksgiving service, so, do not say, “Brother Odoemena is having thanksgiving service.” Say, “Our Family had a nice thanksgiving service.” If they want to know your Family, tell them, “It is the Family of Odoemena.” If the Bride comes here with a new Name Odoemena, it is not a crime.


GOD HAS COUNTED ME WORTHY, PUTTING ME INTO THIS MINISTRY; Preached on Sunday 13th August, 2000 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 80 vs. 39 – 42



Be seated everybody and give Me audience. Today, 10th December 2022 marks it precisely 365 days My beloved wife, whom I cherished so much, the wife of My youth who dwelt with Me in love, in understanding, reverencing and adoring Me as her God, who never dishonoured Me for one day– Of course, you are living witnesses. Today marks it precisely 365 days she departed from this planet earth.

  1. I thought it was a dream. I thought it was one of those outings she used to make whenever one of daughters delivered a new baby. I thought she could go and come back, maybe with time.
  2. But as time lingered, and time also rolled on, I started understanding what really took place. Ab initio, it was difficult for Me to comprehend.
  3. I thought it was just a temporary departure. Maybe, in the next one month or two, we will re-unite. I never knew it could be the one I read from the Scriptures which I know that it will not be until the day it will be.
  4. From the time, I came to that realization, I could not be Myself anymore.
  5. Today is exactly one year when My joy turned to sadness; when My Spirit failed Me, but amazing grace brought Me back. Darkness eclipsed My eyes. My eyes were open for hours, but I could not behold any man’s face. My ears were wide open but I could not hear.
  6. What filled My heart was the mumbling of the heart of My darling who was struggling with death, gazing at her face in the sick bed, hearing her voice, lifting her arms and watching her lips, watching her breath. Occasionally, she will open her eyes and salute Me, “Nna m o!”
  7. Right here, I can see a picture fresh. I never went to hospital intending to come back empty-handed. I never knew taking her to Abuja would mean coming back without her.
  8. Could it be that I would have preferred staying with her here, minimizing My troubles? No! What could have been the solution when the LORD God Almighty had already spoken and visited us on the 29th day of August amidst witnesses during our gathering on the first day of the week.
  9. That is why I said, “It will never be well with this boy, Chiemelie Mbah, all the days of his life.” Well, such is life.
  10. I do not know why those I love are those that hate Me. Those I strain My life to make sure they live, hate Me with perfect hatred. To those I do good, they pay Me back with evil. Does it mean I should stop helping people or showing interest in their plight?
  11. Does it mean I should not trust any being again? Could it be there cannot be any faithful human being again on the earth who can stand by his vow, and that whatever it will take, he can never cancel his covenant?
  12. Well, having documented it in the Great Sermon, it is of no use lamenting. I gave you reasons why THE SON OF MAN finds it difficult to confide in any flesh called a human being, for the LORD Jesus Christ knew how changeable human beings can be. Man is untrustworthy.
  13. So, on that great day – really great, the LORD made it possible for us to have safe flights. All My children gathered, not excluding one. And we were watching as their mother and My own wife was gasping.
  14. But I thank God for one thing. In everything, there was not a single trace of tears from her eyes.
  15. She remained praising and adoring God, blessing everybody and warning some people, and revealing to us too many things she was passing through, regretting even spending much time here on earth because she never knew she had a better place than here, for which cause she has not given Me a rest from the day we interred her body on the 4th of March this year [2022].
  16. She has not given Me a breathing space to rest. She has been coming and coming because I permitted her to be shuttling between the earthly plane and the heavenly plane.
  17. If she has a Message for Me, she should come directly, or send Michael or some. I warned concerning some of the dangerous angels she should not try to use, for they are bad. Why?
  18. She does not have the power to control them, for I am not there yet. And she obeyed it.
  19. Each time I feel troubled, she will come by My side, “Nna m o, have you decided to die suffering here? Daddy, come back and have your rest. Look at me and the way I look now. See your seat here.”
  20. I am not afraid of coming. Do you know what you are requesting for? Do you want Me to come alone? So two of us will stay there? No! It should not be that way. It is not My original plan. Even if I should consider it, it is not now.
  21. Situations warranted Me to apply for My leave. Although it was turned down, I still insist I must go on that leave. Negotiation is still going on. We are still negotiating all the terms of that vacation. And I believe it shall be in My favour at last. I have good reasons why I should go.
  22. Do not ask Me what will become of you if I do not go with you. That is not why we are here. We are here to say THANK YOU to the Almighty God Who is dwelling in Me, for helping Me to survive these horrible 365 days.
  23. One night is like a year to Me. When the day breaks, I feel that the night should not come. If it is night, I feel like let there be no day again.
  24. Oftentimes, I pray that the moment I place My head on the pillow, let Me go away from there. But it is not His perfect wish. That is why He finds it difficult to give Me consent.
  25. And I have looked around, I do not know what to say again. I really do not know what to say.
  26. 365 days. God allowed Me and My children, My siblings, friends and well-wishers who felt that departure the same way we felt to pass through the ordeal. We survived it for one full year.
  27. I know too many that did not even stay for more than four months and they passed on. Like My children were saying that God took the wisest decision, for if God had called Me home before their mother, my corpse will be in the mortuary and their mother’s corpse will meet Me there. I said it is true. Perfect. And she told Me that.
  28. So, join Me and thank God for helping us in surviving it. What is more? If you have seen, keep it to yourself. I have never seen and I have never heard.
  29. From the time of sickness to the time of her burial, I never shunned from declaring the Gospel to you. The entire world found it difficult to believe that I could stand and proclaim the Message of everlasting life again.
  30. 365 days, morning and night, I remained talking to you as if I had no trouble. Is it not enough judgment? And I was talking to you with death in My body.
  31. Nobody was starved spiritually. I monitored developments in your families. I monitored developments in your workplaces. Globally, nobody suffered any setback spiritually, except those that have been suffering from the very beginning because they never came in to the Faith for eternal life.
  32. They came for something else. When they got it, they relaxed. For some, when they could not get it, they became quarrelsome, and then began to devise means of luring many out so that they will suffer the same fate. I know all of them.
  33. This is another wonderful opportunity for Me to appreciate all and sundry that came to My rescue during that horrifying period. The first three months of her departure was hell on earth. It was so terrible that I lost hope of survival.
  34. Some other people might be better placed than Me and My children. All that milled around us will testify. Not even one of My children, even the least in the family ever opened his mouth to cry aloud, for I gave all of them a package of brand-new handkerchiefs each while I was holding My own.
  35. Nobody ever met Me crying like the heathens. My eyes were red quite alright and My heart very hot. My body changed colour. I turned pale because I was passing sleepless nights. I devised many ways of making Myself feel like a human being, but all to no avail.
  36. Elders clustered around Me day and night with their wives and children. That was not what I needed. I needed My wife.
  37. A good number of the families volunteered to be feeding Me and My children, making sure we do not go to market to buy food. But that was not what we needed. We needed the mother of the Family, but we could not cry out.
  38. We bore the pains in our hearts. The sorrows, in our hearts. And nothing kills more than that. It is better you cry out than to be crying within and dying within. We had elongated nights and elongated days.
  39. Praise be to God Who comforted us with the comfort wherewith others are comforted.
  40. No matter how many people that die in a day, you may hear it and you may see it, but you do not have the impact until one of them belongs to you. Then you will know how painful it is for your beloved one to exit from your sight.
  41. You will begin to look for somebody who will be adequate to fill that gap, but is nowhere to be found. Anything can be replaced very easily, but not that gap.
  42. The man who replaces the vacuum created by the exited wife very easily never married. He lived with his girlfriend. It is applicable to the woman.
  43. I pray that this type of thing should not befall any of you. And I am happy it started with Me. I am very very happy. It is not that others were not losing their own. I was comforting them.
  44. But I know those that married and those that Have been living with women. You can live with your girlfriend, but not your wife. You can live with your boyfriend, but not your husband.
  45. If you are really husband and wife, the day one dies, the remaining one is just a mere shadow. A mere shadow! You may not understand what I am saying.
  46. But where two are living together claiming to be husband and wife, when there is no love lost between the two, the departure parting of one is a relief to the other. True or false?
  47. Where they are real brother and sister, husband and wife that fused together in Christ, the tie that binds them together is by far stronger than the tie that binds a man to his mother. True or false?
  48. We were saying that the most painful death is the death of one’s mother. It is not true. Anyone who is saying it is not married. I do not know if there can be any death or exit greater or more painful than real husband and wife parting in death, leaving one behind.
  49. Even to bear the sight is not easy. How would you feel if you are called to come and close the casket where your wife is lying? And the morticians will tell you, “This is our rule. We cannot close the casket. It will take the husband to come and close it, or the first son.”
  50. If you are invited to come and lock your wife in the casket, how would you feel? It is true she is not breathing, but you can hardly believe she is not breathing. There is no life in her, but you can hardly believe.
  51. Even to look at the casket alone or to receive the casket, do you think it is easy? What can you say about carrying her, and running a long distance from Abuja to Onitsha?
  52. And then when you look behind, you see somebody lying prostrate, and that is your wife. Instead of going home, you are heading to the mortuary where you will abandon her. And then, you tell Me you can eat and drink? It will take amazing grace.
  53. So I say, may the Almighty God bless all of you who rallied round Me and provided the needed succour when I was shattered together with My family. Not even one could console the other, for it appeared we were having equal sorrows and equal pains.
  54. All our conversations over the phone ended in crying. It is only recently that it has become a reality to Me.
  55. My children were wondering why I took delight in making more enlargements of their mother, hanging them everywhere and even making more T-shirts bearing her picture. I said, “That is the way I am being led.”
  56. They tried everything to force Me out of the bedroom, but I said no! Up till this day, I am still lying there with her weave-on and wigs, shoes and everything including handbags, for not even a pin has been removed from that room.
  57. And whenever I open the door, I see her face. Even if it does not appear, it is in Me.
  58. I have to say once again that the Almighty God will bless all of you who rallied round Me during that period of distress. Your presence comforted Me. Your words of comfort succoured Me. Your material gifts in any way you participated within those 365 days, the Almighty God who takes record of everything took records of all your deeds. And I believe He will reward you accordingly.
  59. But if you happen to be among the mockers, for there is no way such a thing will happen without mockers, maybe because you were not in right relationship with Me or with members of My family or with My wife, you may turn out to be a mocker, telling people, “That is what she deserves. It suits Daddy. Daddy does not hear anything, but He will hear this time.” Do not worry. Death has not stopped. It is still holding sway over mankind.
  60. But remember that at the end of the day, you are coming before her. YOU MUST COME BEFORE HER. IF SHE IS NOT THERE, YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE. She is the one who is there to mediate for you because not even a soul here has a mediator. I am the One declaring it.
  61. I WILL NOT BE YOUR MEDIATOR. I AM YOUR JUDGE. There is no other person that will speak what I will hear if not the Queen of Paradise.
  62. That is why Abdrushin in the Grail Message made it clear that it is now that this woman of subsequent creation is well seated in Paradise. Only now can real sons and daughter of God have a hope of entry into the Garden of Eden again, for she is the one that will bring them there by making intercessions.
  63. This reference can be found in the Book by Abd-Ru-Shin titled IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH [Grail Message] Volume 1 Lecture 22 – The woman of subsequent Creation; P 147 Paragraph 3.
  64. Equipped with the greatest delicacy of intuitive perceptions, she should easily swing herself up to the purity of Luminous Heights, and form the bridge to Paradise for all humanity. Woman!
  65. Jesus will not intercede for you there. Whether you like it or not, she is aware that you are coming there. And she warned She warned many. They received the warning. She never died closing her mouth. No!
  66. There are too many things she said which we can never make public. We only make public the ones that will help you, but those ones where she was harsh – very harsh on the individuals and families, and sounded warning to her children concerning them, we dare not make it public.
  67. And there were some which included her relations which I told her in her face, “I will not do it. Go in peace.” And I flouted all of them because I have the power over her. In everything, I have the over-riding power
  68. Before Me, she was nothing but what I made her. Am I making sense? If I am not a KING, she will not be a Queen. So, she is nothing but what I made her. It is the seat I gave her that she is seating down, but she cannot give Me a seat.
  69. I came for her and I found her. She never came for Me. No! But she was molded for Me. She was molded and preserved for Me. When the hour came, I went for her, and I found her. When she finished her mission, she was recalled. It is all over.
  70. So, I am thanking all and sundry and I remain appreciating. No matter the way you made your contributions, the Almighty God took note of all, and will reward all of you accordingly.
  71. I can never thank you enough. Neither will I dismiss you without reading some Scriptures.
  72. My children would have been here, but because of their engagements, coupled with the fact that the one-year ceremony; the memorial ceremony marking the one year, as a family, we agreed and slated it to take place on the 4th of March 2023. That was the day her body was interred.
  73. I do not need to revisit what took place. You were all there. That is the woman of subsequent creation who was buried under the clouds of Heaven. The Cloud received her and parceled her into the Cave of Treasures.
  74. So, the ceremony will take place on the 4th of March next year, if there will be next year and God will approve of it. If there be no next year, this will suffice for that one. The difference is that there may be some moments of rejoicing.
  75. So, I am thanking you once again on My behalf and on the behalf of My entire Family made up of My in-laws, My grandchildren, my biological children and all that are directly connected to this Family by the Almighty God as a result of their Faith in the son of man, for Faith gives you everything. Without Faith, it is impossible to please God.
  76. And you MUST please God for Him to adopt you into His own Family. Is it not true? If God is not pleased with you, it then means that He can never dwell with you. If He is not comfortable having you by His side, do you think He will be comfortable with you there. One is that you are not coming there.
  77. That which creates enmity between you and the Almighty God has already stopped your journey into Paradise. Whatever preparation you are making is for hell and not for heaven.

1SARAH also rose up, full of the Holy Ghost, and danced and sang before the Lord. 2And this is the song of Sarah: In Thee, O Lord, will my soul be raised up for Thou hast bestowed upon me Thy grace whereby I am restored to Thy presence for I have entered into thine holy house and received the sacred rites of Thy presence. 3Surely in my tent at night I will sing songs of joy unto the Lord as I am overshadowed by the priesthood and lifted up in the foreshadowing of eternity.

THE WRITINGS OF ABRAHAM Part 2 [From the papyri found in Egypt 1831 and Translated by John Bryant]; Chapter 86 verses 1 through 3



So, I go to the Scriptures a little. Before the Scriptures, how I wish the Pastor has passed the fliers round. I prepared some fliers. Somebody should help him. Distribute it quickly. Are you keeping it for your personal use? Hand it over to many people. Do not discriminate. Do not discriminate. Pass it round.

  1. If you have it, you follow Me as we sing this number: BEYOND THE SUNSET. Many of you may not know it, but if we hum it, the old timers will catch it and others will join. It is one of those old numbers that thrilled us when this revival came. Can we sing together.


  1. Verse 1: “Beyond the sunset, O blissful morning, when with our Saviour heaven is begun. Earth’s toiling ended, O glorious dawning, beyond the sunset, when day is done.
  2. Verse 2: Beyond the sunset, no clouds will gather, no storms will threaten, no fears annoy; o day of gladness, o day unending, beyond the sunset, eternal joy!
  3. Verse 3: Beyond the sunset, a hand will guide me to God, the father, whom I adore; His glorious presence, His words of welcome, will be my portion on that fair shore.
  4. Verse 4: Beyond the sunset, o glad reunion with our dear loved ones who’ve gone before; in that fair homeland we’ll know no parting; beyond the sunset forevermore.”
  5. How do we go by? If we all will make it, a hand will lead us and guide us to the Supreme Deity Whom we now adore in THE SON OF MAN. That Man Who is in Him, Whom we do not know. That day, you will see Him. For a hand will lead you and guide you to the Father.
  6. Believe in Me. Believe also in My Father, for I and My Father are one, for in Me the Father is revealed. Amen.


  1. Verse 1: Tempted and tried we’re oft made to wonder, Why it should be thus all the day long; While there are others living about us, Never molested though in the wrong.
  2. Refrain: Farther along we’ll know all about it, Farther along we’ll understand why; Cheer up, don’t worry, live in the sunshine, We’ll understand it all by and by.
  3. Verse 2: When death has come and taken our loved ones, It leaves our home so lonely and drear; Then do we wonder why others prosper, Living so wicked year after year.
  4. Verse 3: Faithful till death said our loving Master, A few more days to labour and wait; Toils of the road will then seem as nothing, As we sweep through the beautiful gate.
  5. Verse 4: When we see Jesus coming in glory, When He comes from His home in the sky; Then we shall meet Him in that bright mansion, We’ll understand it all by and by. 


  1. Verse 1: We are often tossed and driv’n on the restless sea of time, somber skies and howling tempest oft succeed a bright sunshine; in that land of perfect day, when the mists have rolled away, we will understand it better by and by.
  2. Refrain: By and by, when the morning comes, when the saints of God are gathered home, we’ll tell the story, how we’ve overcome, for we’ll understand it better by and by.
  3. Verse 2: We are often destitute of the things that life demands, want of food and want of shelter, thirsty hills and barren lands; we are trusting in the Lord, and according to the Word, we will understand it better by and by.
  4. Verse 3: Trials dark on every hand, and we cannot understand, All the ways that God would lead us to that blessed Promised Land; But He guides us with His eye and we’ll follow till we die, For we’ll understand it better by and by.
  5. Verse 4: Temptations, hidden snares, often take us unawares, and our hearts are made to bleed for any thoughtless word or deed; and we wonder why the test when we try to do our best, but we’ll understand it better by and by.

HYMN: blessed be the tie that bonds

  1. Verse 1: Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love; the fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above.
  2. Refrain: Before our Father’s throne we pour our ardent prayers; our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, our comforts and our cares.
  3. Verse 3: We share our mutual woes,
    our mutual burdens bear, and often for each other flows the sympathizing tear.
  4. Verse 4: When we asunder part, it gives us inward pain; but we shall still be joined in heart, and hope to meet again.
  5. Amen! How do you like it?


  1. Verse 1: Take the name of the LORD with you, child of sorrow and of woe; it will joy and comfort give you; take it then, where’er you go.
  2. Refrain: Precious name, O how sweet!
    Hope of earth and joy of heaven. Precious name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of heaven.
  3. Verse 2: Take the name of the LORD ever, as a shield from every snare; if temptations round you gather, breathe that holy name in prayer.
  4. Verse 3: O the precious name of the LORD! How it thrills our souls with joy, when his loving arms receive us, and his songs our tongues employ!
  5. Verse 4: At the name of the LORD bowing, falling prostrate at his feet, King of kings in heaven we’ll crown him, when our journey is complete.
  6. Amen! I cannot stop without singing the last song of My wife.


  1. Verse 1: When peace like a river attendeth my way; When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul.
  2. Refrian: It is well (it is well) With my soul (with my soul) It is well, it is well with my soul.
  3. Verse 2: Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come; Let this blest assurance control; That Christ has regarded my helpless estate. And has shed His own blood for my soul.
  4. Verse 3: My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought. My sin, not in part, but the whole Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
  5. Verse 4: And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight.
    The clouds be rolled back as a scroll.
    The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend. Even so, it is well with my soul!
  6. Refrain: Praise the LORD (Praise the LORD); Oh my soul (Oh My soul). Praise the LORD. Praise the LORD, Oh My soul.

 A Saviour can only be sent to bring back something that is lost. And the Voice said, “I am sent to come and restore man back to his lost estate.” Back to his lost estate. They are turning things upside down. The Voice said, “Do not run away from Me yet. Be courageous because I am involved. I am your Leader. I am in front. Are you married? I am married. Do you have children? I have children. So, relax your mind.” Amen.


GOD OVERHAULING FAMILIES VOL. 2; Preached on Sunday 21st July 2013 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 49 vs. 40 – 41


Be conscious of the hour

The survival of the son of man and His Family is the survival of all of you. Assuming they perished, what will be your hope? Assuming they lost Faith in God, what will be your hope? Do you not know that the lives of the passengers are in the hands of the driver? True or false?

  1. Maybe you have not reasoned to that extent. Do you think you can exist spiritually without the son of man? If I leave you here now, you are confused.
  2. You know that Paradise exists. You know that hell exists. Do you know the way? Can you take yourself there? He that said, “I am coming back to take you to Myself”, He is the One that is talking to you. If He does not come to take you to where that place is, you are perishing.
  3. There is no map that can direct you there. No map will direct you to that place because it is not meant for the whole world.
  4. Otherwise, it would have been there. The world would have been paying their pilgrimage to that place. For that reason, He sealed it off and used the flame of fire to cordon it off. No matter how you search, you will not see it.
  5. The same way, Adam is still here with us. You will not see him unless I show you where He is.
  6. If you do not believe the Ancient manuscripts, begin now to adjust yourself. Trust is incomplete until you have listened to the Fathers. And I thank God that all I promised you, I have done.
  7. Only one remains. And that one is the most delicate. That is where we are now. If anybody will ask you what is remaining, tell him it is the translation of your mortal bodies. What will translate you is already in you. I say, what will translate you is already in you waiting for time. Did you get the Message?
  8. If you obtain bullet proof, do you go about telling people to shoot you? You have been insulated from the bullet. But until the time for it to be tested comes, then those that are around you will know because you are insulated. But it is not written on your face. You do not brag with it.
  9. What will translate you is already with you, not that it is coming again. He has prepared you with all that you need, but not all received the instructions. Not all!
  10. Many shunned the instructions. Some toyed with it. Some became mockers and scoffers among us. Some even doubted the promises of the Scriptures.
  11. I am not here to preach a sermon but to tell you something. Follow Me as we go to the Book of Job Chapter 2. I want to use one translation. That will help Me more. Use Living Bible. When you get home, you can use any other one you want.
  12. Job 2:7-13, LB. Put it down. You heard Me say it. This might be My last outing in your midst. Take it from Me. Take it seriously. I know you are preparing for birthday. Yes! That is if I allow it to hold.
  13. In 2021, you prepared for the Birthday amidst struggles. I told you, “If you do not hasten up, it will not hold, for what will terminate it is on the way.”
  14. They doubted Me. They went and paid for the hotel hall, but I told them, “Go and recover the money back, for you are running late.” Along the way, it was terminated. Nobody asked Me why, for what terminated it was very glaring.
  15. They went to the hotel as I directed them, and they were refunded their money completely.
  16. This time around, you are planning another one. Well, I would not talk about Birthday. Let Me finish with this remembrance. One year remembrance. Let me just finish with it. Then, we will remember Birthday.
  17. Do not forget that 15th. Although they said that trip will not hold, for it is cancelled, but I am still holding unto that 15th. Little did I know that there is an event on the 15th in Nigeria.
  18. It is on 15th December 2022 that Nigeria will bring out their new currency, which will introduce hardship to the human race. And I never knew about it.
  19. The idea of printing was never heard when I announced My vacation. I told all and sundry, “Hurry up! Finish with everything on or before 15th. If you do not finish, suspend it until May 01. If there will be May 01. I am taking My leave after 67 years cumulatively. I may be back May 01, maybe in another form or in another area. But do not pray that I should not go.”
  20. This was the situation until too many things jammed. He that is superior to Me adjusted His mind. But still, I am pressing on. I am pressing on. As long as I am here, it is for your own good, but any extra day I live here, it is discomforting to Me. Any extra day is discomforting.
  21. If you think I am enjoying life, who am I enjoying it with? Who am I enjoying it with? Can a man live and enjoy life alone?
  22. Maybe because, oftentimes, I adjust a little so that you do not get discouraged. It does not mean that I am enjoying life. What I hate is what has befallen Me – Enduring life. And I hate living a beggarly life.
  23. Job 2:7-13, LB. [7]So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord and struck Job with a terrible case of boils from head to foot.
  24. Who went out? …Satan.. From where? …the presence of the LORD.. Satan went forth from the presence of the LORD. In other words, the LORD detailed him.
  25. William Braham said that death is our messenger. And the Bible said, “Death is the shepherd of all of us.” If you know that death is your shepherd, happy are you. He is your transporter. Where is he transporting you to? Either hell or heaven.
  26. The reference can be found in Psalms 49:14, LB. [14]Death is the shepherd of all mankind. And “in the morning” those who are evil will be the slaves of those who are good. For the power of their wealth is gone when they die; they cannot take it with them.
  27. Remember we are living in perilous times. Nobody is sure that he will live from morning till the next morning. Is it not true? If you think you can live till tomorrow, you are the one thinking. I say, you are the one thinking that way. But does it often work that way?
  28. The young man at New American Road Onitsha who is an air-conditioner repairer came to work joyfully to earn a living. He did not know that that will be the last day until the boys met him there, called him by his name, showed him his picture, and then gunned him down by 10 o’clock in the morning. And people were watching.
  29. What if God never intervened? Our daughter here [Amara] would have been a victim when she was coming back for her CDS in Onitsha North Local Government, wearing her uniform as a youth Corper.
  30. Her phone rang and it was her senior sister. She pulled out the phone, “Hello Sister!” Two young men accosted her with a gun, “Give us the phone. If you run, we kill you. If you resist, we kill you.” People were there watching.
  31. She gently gave them the phone and came back. I said, “You acted wisely. This is December.” I began to alert those who can answer calls on the way. Maybe you have forgotten. I wrote concerning it. I gave you a circular. Is it not true?
  32. Look at Apostle Kelechi here. He is living by God’s providence. A death threat is on his neck. He was called. And I confirmed the death threat.
  33. Maybe that was why the dream came. Who knows? If I did not stop him, making him to take it seriously with his wife, Bro Kelechi would have been in the mortuary.
  34. I am not talking about his business with the bank where he lost everything. The money that was paid into his account or the wife’s account to do a work for some people was wiped off.
  35. But that is not all. He received a marching order never to step his feet along New Market Road, but to relocate to another place to do his business. Otherwise, his wife will live to tell us what happened.
  36. This is because the wife was talking and they heard the background voice. And they told him, “This woman that is talking to you will live to tell the world what happened. Take this our number, give it to the police. It belongs to me. I am the one talking to you. The police know us and we know them. They are pursuing us and we are pursuing them. So, we are not afraid. Make no mistake because we love you.”
  37. They called him, “Oga Ejima, from this night, find another place where you will be staying to do your business. Do not ever step your feet into New Market again.”
  38. I confirmed it. And I gave him reasons. I equally disclosed to him those that conspired to take away his life because of unnecessary provocation.
  39. We are living in a bloody world. Tell Me whether it is going to get better tomorrow. Let nobody ever take any threat as empty threat. If you see it as empty, one day, something will be inside.
  40. Look at our Sister, Faith Agbom. Is she not the one there? Where is she? She narrowly escaped death. That should be either Wednesday or Thursday at Omagba Housing Estate. She lost everything but not her life.
  41. And I praised her when she came. It is better you forfeit all those things, but let your life be there. They carried everything she loaded in that Keke NAPEP [Tricycle], including four bags of rice.
  42. She lost everything she bought in the market for the work that she received. The boy claimed he was going to buy fuel. When they got there, Sister came down to enable him buy fuel, but he zoomed off and carried a full load that is worth hundreds of thousands.
  43. It is not greater than the life she is enjoying. Is she not existing? She is still there.
  44. So, do not take any threat as empty, but it is better you walk in a way that will be free from threat. Did you get the Message?
  45. Do not say, “I am a woman” or “I am a man.” Death does not discriminate. There is no gender in death. There is no age in death. Good!