DO YOU NOW BELIEVE THAT I AM HE? The Introduction Preached ON Sunday 10th March, 2024 AT THE VOICE OF GOD STUDIO The Bridal Lodge, Nsugbe Anambra State, Nigeria BY Apostle Peter Odoemena

THE SON OF MAN The LORD God Almighty

Transcribed by Bishop David Mbah

 5But now what have I here, says the Lord, seeing that My people have been taken away for nothing? Those who rule over them howl [with joy], says the Lord, and My name continually is blasphemed all day long. 6Therefore My people shall know what My name is and what it means; therefore they shall know in that day that I am He who speaks; behold, I AM! 7How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good tidings, who publishes peace, who brings good tidings of good, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, Your God reigns!

Isaiah 52:5-7, AMP

21Therefore He said again to them, I am going away, and you will be looking for Me, and you will die in (under the curse of) your sin. Where I am going, it is not possible for you to come. 22At this the Jews began to ask among themselves, Will He kill Himself? Is that why He says, Where I am going, it is not possible for you to come? 23He said to them, You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world (of this earthly order); I am not of this world. 24That is why I told you that you will die in (under the curse of) your sins; for if you do not believe that I am He [Whom I claim to be–if you do not adhere to, trust in, and rely on Me], you will die in your sins

John 8:21-24, AMP

17If you know these things, blessed and happy and to be envied are you if you practice them [if you act accordingly and really do them]. 18I am not speaking of and I do not mean all of you. I know whom I have chosen; but it is that the Scripture may be fulfilled, He who eats My bread with Me has raised up his heel against Me. 19I tell you this now before it occurs, so that when it does take place you may be persuaded and believe that I am He [Who I say I am–the Christ, the Anointed One, the Messiah]. 20I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, he who receives and welcomes and takes into his heart any messenger of Mine receives Me [in just that way]; and he who receives and welcomes and takes Me into his heart receives Him Who sent Me [in that same way].

John 13:17-20

3To them also He showed Himself alive after His passion (His suffering in the garden and on the cross) by [a series of] many convincing demonstrations [unquestionable evidences and infallible proofs], appearing to them during forty days and talking [to them] about the things of the kingdom of God.

Acts 1:3, AMP

The lord said, “All Authority in heaven and on earth have been conferred on Me, for I am the resurrected body. Besides me, cometh no other. Amen!


THE LORD SHALL JUDGE AND VINDICATE HIS PEOPLE [REVISITED] Volume 2 Preached on Sunday, 17th May 2020 at Bridal Lodge Nsugbe, Chapter 3 verse 40



Turn with Me to the Gospel according to Saint John Chapter 10 from verse 25. Read! I say, any translation is okay.

  1. John 10:25, AMP. ” Jesus answered them, “I have told you so, yet you do not believe. The works that I do in My Father’s name testify concerning Me [they are My credentials and the evidence declaring who I am].
  2. John 10:23-29, AMP. 23It was winter, and Jesus was walking in the temple [area] in [a]Solomon’s portico. 24So the Jews surrounded Him and began saying to Him,… Who surrounded Him? The Jews.
  3. 24So the Jews surrounded Him and began saying to Him, “How long are You going to keep us in suspense? If You are [really] the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed), tell us so plainly and openly.”
  4. How long are you going to keep us limping between two opinions? Make yourself plain. How long shall we continue to follow you suspiciously. In spite of your teachings and every other thing, we are yet to be fully convinced that you are telling us the truth. The Jews—unbelieving Jews. Do we have such people?
  5. Last night, we heard from Pastor Thomas. A child that has clocked 34 years is no longer a kid. This Bridal Faith you are in is now 34 years plus. Begin to count from the year you enlisted into this Faith. If you were to go to the university in that year, would you not have graduated? Would you not have obtained your doctorate degree? Are you not qualified to be a professor?
  6. You see why when you ought to be teachers, you still have need for people to be teaching you, even the first oracles of God – the foundation teaching of the Faith – at a time you ought to be professors and scholars.
  7. Saint Paul met them and called them a people that are ever learning, but never coming to the knowledge of truth.
  8. What is hindering you from coming to the knowledge of full truth. It is unbelief. So, needless to say that the level of unbelief that is found in the Bride is the greatest in the whole world. The level of hypocrisy has no rival.
  9. Since you do not believe, why are you milling around Him? You do not believe what He said He is. You do not even believe in His teachings. You acknowledge all the miracles and signs and wonder that accompany [I mean] His teachings and preachings everywhere, for there is no place He speaks without doing something supernatural.
  10. And the Bible said, “When the Apostles were preaching, signs and wonders were following them.”
  11. Christ is identified by His characteristics. Is your own Christ a different one? Is Christ not the same yesterday, today and forever? What do you want Him to do so that you will believe that he is the one?
  12. He caused the dead to resurrect. You clapped your hands. He made the lame to walk. You clapped your hands. He made the blind to see. You clapped your hands. He fed multitudes, including you. You clapped your hands. He heals all manner of sicknesses and diseases.
  13. He preached the Word of eternal life and opened your eyes of understanding in a way and manner that no being has ever done since your history. He brought Christ, the Living God into focus. Through Him, human beings are able to see the invisible God.
  14. He introduced you to the Shekinah. He brought down the Shekinah. The Shekinah surrounded Him before you. He pulled down the Godhead before your very eyes and before many witnesses.
  15. Before your very eyes, you see Him the Majesty revealed in His Theophany estate, appearing and disappearing. Before your eyes, he travels as a thought, travels places, allows Himself to be captured. He even captured Himself and presented it to humanity.
  16. Besides, He promised to show you His original face. You saw the brightness of His countenance—His face, and you could not withstand it. He withdrew it.
  17. You have seen the dazzling Light and you are asking for the feet. He hid the feet away from you. You want to know whether it is made of gold or brass. Do not worry. You will see it in death.
  18. Since you were born, have you seen a man hanging in the air with His feet not resting anywhere, watching everybody? And in all, the pictures are one. The Message has been consistent.
  19. He has never stammered in introducing who He is. His first introduction has remained up till this day, and the Almighty God bore witness to it.
  20. You are clapping hands now because of testimonies, but if somebody had died in the process, God has left us.
  21. You want to see evidence of God speaking through Me or you want to see Him as God. Have you not photographed Him several times.
  22. If the liquid takes the shape of the container, the truth is that the container is the external. The liquid is internal. Whatever that is in the container is the content of the container. It must be inside. The container must be outside.
  23. If you take the photograph of the container, you will not see the liquid. You will only see the container, for that is the external view, and it is believed that whatever that is inside must take the shape of that container.
  24. But this time around, you have taken His photograph, and instead of seeing the container, you now see the container in the content. The container becomes the content, and the content becomes the container. What else do you want to see?
  25. It is a pity that I am found by people that never sought Me. It is a pity that I am in the midst of people that hate Me with perfect hatred – people that behave as if they love truth, but they are haters of truth.
  26. If you love truth, why do you not accept it even if the truth is against you? Will it make it to change? Truth has no substitute.
  27. In what way do you want God to present Himself so that you will acknowledge Him? If you want to fault Him, fault Him by His Message. Fault Him through the miraculous signs and wonders. Fault Him by His lifestyle, His conduct and His character.
  28. Knowing Christ means knowing His character, for He is identified by His characteristics. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He does not change. He is the Ancient of Days, and it is the Ancient Message that brought down the Ancient Pillar of Cloud which you are enjoying here on earth.
  29. The Shekinah is never seen anywhere except where Christ is who is Himself God. We are talking about Christ, who is Himself God. Through Him, all things were created. Aside Him, even you who are here could not have come into existence.
  30. You are the workmanship of His hand. You are His creature. And He is in your midst in weakness, taking your form as a human being to save you according to His promise.
  31. I will be in the flesh of your flesh in the end time [O Adam] when your covenant with Me is over. That will take place after 5,500 years. I will take the flesh of your flesh and become like unto you—a human being—so as to save you and your descendants, O Adam. Go and rest in peace.
  32. And all the Patriarchs warned their descendants concerning the coming young man. A young man, not an old man. Enoch, the seventh generation Prophet met Him as a young man standing at the right-hand side of Majesty and wondered who the young man could be.
  33. When the Name of the young man was named before the Ancient of Days, Enoch and the Angels rejoiced exceedingly that at last the Name of the young man has been named.
  34. The last Prophet that prepared the people here on earth, we call Him the German Prophet, Abdrushin of the Grail Message prophesied about the coming son of man, who will come to wind up the history of worshipping God here on the earthly plain.
  35. He [Abdrushin] saw Him, a young man coming to mark the end of the Age—this generation. By His side, he saw a young woman who rested her hand on His shoulder. And the two were strangers. They came for a mission.
  36. He saw the young woman accomplishing her mission and leaving ahead of time, leaving the young man together with her children here, for her mission was accomplished.
  37. If you want to know more about it, they are all in your Messages. I had earlier handled all of them before we came into contact with the Grail Message. !f you want to read about it, go to that particular chapter. The title is THE STRANGER and then read the prophecy.
  38. REFERENCE: IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH – The Grail Message by Abdrushin, Chapter 88 [THE STRANGER] Paragraph 27. P27At the exact hour, even before the end of this arduous time of learning, the meeting came to pass with that Companion Who, as a Part of Him, was to journey with Him through earthly life, to participate in the great task according to Divine Ordinance. Herself a Stranger on earth, She joyfully entered the Will of God through Her own recognition, and gratefully merged with It.
  39. Another one is the prophecy concerning the coming son of man and His mission on earth.
  40. [In the Light of Truth – The Grail Message – Chapter 88. See also the son of man in Chapter 60].
  41. Go back to the LEGENDS OF THE JEWS, the Testaments of the twelve patriarchs [of Israel] and Testaments of Abraham. You will understand more. These are Books that are handy with all of you. Everything contained therein had already been exhausted before these Books were recovered. True or false? True or false?
  42. Even the Archeological parchments and the Talmuds of the Sahendrins, the Jewish highest Book. Everything documented therein had already been exhausted before it was recovered. Go through the contents.
  43. Because of your unbelief, I decided to bring to your notice the Complete Jewish Bible and the Complete Jewish International Bible so that you doubting Thomases, in spite of the numerous translations, will also see the Jewish translation.
  44. Maybe you are waiting for your own translation to come out after the interpretation you have given it. Begin now to print your own. If you stop at misinterpreting or interpreting right in your heart, without printing it out so that people will read and believe in you, well, you have yourself to blame in the end.
  45. In all, be ready for these two things. Number one: The thirteen [13] Inscrutable ways of God has been made manifest to all of you which no denomination called Christian group ever knows anything about. The Inscrutable thirteen ways of the Almighty God.
  46. Finally, because of your unbelief, get ready. You are going to answer seventy-two [72] questions from the Almighty God, for knowing who THE SON OF MAN is and hearing Him talk, but refuse to obey.
  47. Your case is different from that of people in the world who knew nothing about Him, who never came into contact with Him. They never even heard His Message for one day. They are in a different column.
  48. But you are a hypocrite to have found yourself in the Congregation of God’s people, enjoyed His glory, His presence and enjoyed everything even the powers of the world to come. And at the end of the day, you are found to be a hypocrite.
  49. You must of a necessity answer seventy-two questions from God. They had already been framed long long time ago and kept there for the end times for the hypocrites.
  50. You are not a hypocrite if you never came into contact with the truth. You are not a hypocrite if when truth is presented to you, you say no and walk away. We call you an unbeliever. A hypocrite is not an unbeliever. Do you believe that?
  51. A hypocrite in the midst of the people of God is enjoying all the benefits and privileges accruable to the sons and daughters of God with insincere heart and with wrong motive.
  52. And I have espoused you to this truth that the Almighty God, ADONAI does not change. He is the God of justice. You must know Him, if you can read it from our Message which is the Bible – Complete Jewish Bible. I have not forgotten where I quoted.
  53. Jeremiah 9:22-23, CJB. Pay attention! [22]Here is what Adonai says:… Here is what who said? Adonai. Who is Adonai? One that is revealed in the Shekinah – in the Pillar of Cloud.
  54. Remember the three requests Moses made. That the Pillar of Cloud should not be seen any other place outside the people of God to avoid confusion. It must not be seen around any human being who is not your representative.
  55. In the midst of that group where the Shekinah appears, that Shekinah must reveal a Man. That Shekinah must surround a Man in the form of a rainbow over His head, not artistic impression.
  56. By that, the people were sure and certain. And this was what the Jews were expecting the LORD Jesus to do. They had seen Him causing the dead to resurrect and doing many more miracles and they said yes.
  57. They acknowledged all and made it clear to Him that from of old, all the Prophets of God were known for performing those things. So they were acquainted with all those things. Hence, they said, “Show us a sign that we may believe that you are He you are claiming to be.”
  58. And there was no other sign needed than the sign of the Shekinah. He knew what they requested for being the forerunner. If He could claim it being the forerunner or do it, the Son of God has occupied all. He is bound to finish the race. There would not be anything called THE SON OF MAN again. Remember, the Son of God foreran THE SON OF MAN.

Unbelief brings God’s wrath, anger, judgment upon the unbeliever. Is there anything good in unbelief? There is no gain or value in unbelief. The only thing an unbeliever gains from unbelief is God’s wrath, anger and judgment. Brethren, to stay away from unbelief is to accept, acknowledge and allow the Word to have a resting place and an overriding influence or control over your life.


DAILY GUIDE FOR ALL ELECT OF GOD WORLDWIDE PART 2 VOLUME 2; Preached on Saturday 21st November 2020; Chapter 4 verse 60 – 61



If you do not get this Message right, there is no way your life can be right. There is no way the fear of God can be in you.

  1. Show us a sign that we may believe in you. He said, “Okay, I will show you no other sign but the sign of Jonah. As Jonah was in the belly of the whale [that is the big fish] for three days and three night, so shall the son of man descend to lowest hell and then resurrect on the third day.”
  2. Did it come to pass? Did it come to pass? I want to hear from you. Do you believe that Christ resurrected? For if you do not believe that Christ died and resurrected, your belief is completely in vain. And of all human beings, you are the most miserable.
  3. From that time, he left the Jews to a place unknown to the Jews and surfaced in Tibet, India where He established the religion we call Hindu which is Baha’i religion.
  4. The first religion that acknowledged God to be a human being was introduced by no other person but Christ Himself in Tibet India. Are you surprised that after Israel, He went to India. From India, he came to Nigeria. I mean, before your eyes.
  5. This one I am talking about happened just few years now. Are you following Me?
  6. By March 24th this year [2024], it will be precisely one year when He displayed Himself, His splendour and His glory in the midst of thousands at Opi in Enugu State.
  7. Amidst witnesses and even the heathens, heaven and earth came down. Church leaders were there from all denominations. They saw what took place.
  8. What can you say concerning where you saw that thing for the first time on the day the body of the Queen of Paradise was lowered into the Cave of Treasures? Was it not your first time?
  9. And I thank God that a Pentecostal woman testified at Opi that this is the second time she has come across this type of thing.
  10. And I thank God that the greatest enemy of the Faith and a minister in the End Time went about telling everybody, “That is the very Christ. No miracle is taking place somewhere. This is the very Christ. Wherever He is, this thing must be there. Look at Him there walking up and down. He is a Man. I have known Him over the years.”
  11. Yet, He was My greatest enemy that taught people never to believe in Me. But today, he is an ardent believer.
  12. If you are believing because of signs and wonders, the devil will deceive you. Believe the Word – the engrafted Word of God which is able to establish you and give you a place among those that are sanctified by the Faith of Christ.
  13. Signs and wonders follow believers. Believers do not follow signs and wonders. Signs and wonders are for unbelievers and not for believers. Take note of it. So, if you need another sign, you have seen the sign.
  14. From that time till now, who has ever appeared on the scene and challenged all His believers to come with camera and they will see the Resurrected Body? Who has ever done that? He challenged the whole world and came out publicly on that Easter Sunday. True or false?
  15. You were all there on 7th April 1996. And they came from all walks of life to behold the Resurrected Body. And He declared, “He that is talking to you is the Resurrected Body. He has come in a new Name according to His Word of promise.
  16. He is your Brother drawn from among you according to prophecy concerning Him. Despise Him not because of over-familiarity. Accept Him. He is your God. He has come to live with you. He is here for your redemption and not for your destruction.”
  17. When the photograph was taken, was there anybody who was disappointed? What did you see? The Shekinah, displaying Himself in thirteen different positions from one stand surrounding a man. That is not My testimony.
  18. I know you take delight in believing the voices of strangers. Going beyond the Voice of one Shepherd marks you out of the Faith of the Shepherd for we have one Flock, one Shepherd.
  19. Jeremiah 9:22-23, CJB. [22]Here is what Adonai says:…Who was talking? Who is still talking? How do you know Adonai and His presence among men? Is it not by the Shekinah?
  20. What did the Israelis use to know when leadership changed hands from Moses to Joshua, even when Moses was still alive? God removed the Shekinah from Moses and the Shekinah rested on Joshua.
  21. When the people could not leave Moses, God disarmed Moses and took away the wisdom, took away the knowledge and understanding of the Torah, to the extent that Moses could no longer read and understand the Torah. He could not interpret the Torah and the people cried and wept.
  22. They had no choice but to go to the Man where the action was and then swear their oath of allegiance, “As we were with Moses. It shall come to pass that if any shall disobey your instruction or disobey your Word, he must be put to death.”
  23. Achan and his family tried it. The people used Achan and his family as a living example. Maybe you want Me to use one family. If you want Me to do that, I will begin with your own.
  24. This is true. Doubt Me, and I will begin with your own. Others will learn their lessons using your own.
  25. Remember, Achan was a centurion and a notable Minister who was to take the people to war, and then he disobeyed instruction in the war and brought stolen items back and began to decorate his house.
  26. The wife who knew the dangers inherent in it, used her hands to hide those items under her bed.
  27. That is why, whatever a man is doing, the wife knows and whatever the wife is doing, the man knows. Whatever the wife is doing, the husband is in support. Even if he claims he does not know, he knows more than that. Let us be very careful.
  28. Jeremiah 9:22-23, CJB. [22]Here is what Adonai says: “The wise man should not boast of his wisdom, the powerful should not boast of his power, the wealthy should not boast of his wealth;
  29. [23]instead, let the boaster boast about this: that he understands and knows me… That he does what? …that he understands and knows me — that I am Adonai,… That I am who? Adonai, the Almighty.
  30. Remember we are talking about the Book of revelation. We are talking about the Alpha and the Omega. We are talking about He that is to come, the Almighty.
  31. Has He come and He became less? No less a Personality than the Almighty is in the midst of the Bride, for the Prophet William Branham said, “I will leave the scene one of these days after reading My last Scriptures. He that is to come will come. And He is no other person but the Almighty God Himself. You will see Him. How do you know Him? Look for One who will come with the Shekinah around Him.” And then, you want to see another sign.
  32. I do not blame people. I blame those that are deceiving them. A good number of you are being deceived by your husbands who are not ready to obey.
  33. I have never seen anyone misinterpreting the Faith among the married women and Sisters, but I can show you hundreds of so-called husbands who say they believe but they do not believe.
  34. They only believe in themselves and in their money. They are the people that misinterpret the Message and give it another meaning to suit their behaviours.
  35. That is why nobody builds a hedge around evil behaviour more than men, subjecting women to a state of silence. But women should know that they are not inferior to men, for I have not read any Scripture that made a woman inferior to a man, and there are no two standards for salvation, maybe one for woman and another one for man. It does not exist. God judges every man and every human being by one standard.
  36. Did God give one standard to Lot and another one to the wife? The instruction was, “Run without looking back!”
  37. So, in the end, God is not ready to entertain a useless excuse, “My husband deceived me.” Did God present your husband to you as Adonai? Has God a substitute? Is there any deputy?
  38. Who is that person who is claiming to be the “vice God” or the second in command? Did God present any to us. Even when Joshua and Caleb were together, did God present Caleb. Did God present Caleb? Did God say, “In the absence of Joshua, Caleb take”? Did He say so?
  39. Instrument for leadership in the hand of God has always remained divinely oriented. They are not competed for. They are not voted for. Nobody appropriates it.
  40. The office is that of the Cohen Gadol – the High Priest. Christ is our High Priest. His office cannot be coveted, cannot be appropriated, cannot be bought with money and cannot be appointed into by any man.
  41. God makes His choice from among people. And His choice has remained final. You either accept it or reject it.
  42. If you know who you are, place marriage where it belongs. Place your perfection where it belongs, for neither husband nor wife can offer either eternal life. I will show you eternal life.
  43. [23]instead, let the boaster boast about this: that he understands and knows me that he understands and knows me — that I am Adonai, practicing grace,…
  44. Practicing what? Grace. Take note of it. The law was there. Yet, Moses was asking for grace. The law was there, and all the Patriarchs asked for grace.
  45. And all the preachers of old, including saint Paul, enjoined their people, their followers and their hearers to rely on the grace that shall be revealed whenever our LORD Jesus Christ will return, revealing Himself in human form.
  46. They were all believing, waiting for the grace that shall be revealed. Grace is revealed. The same way, Christ is revealed. If Christ is not revealed, Grace and truth will not be revealed, for the law came by Moses. Grace and truth came by the LORD Jesus Christ.
  47. And when they killed the Messiah, the law eclipsed Grace. I say, the law eclipsed Grace and truth. Do you believe it to be true?
  48. Until the emancipation of Christ, Grace and truth became emancipated. When Christ resurrected, Grace and truth resurrected, for you can bury truth for three days. The third day, truth must resurrect.
  49. When Christ resurrected, all His attributes resurrected with Him. Hence, we are here with no other personality than the resurrected Christ, vindicated, confirmed, approved and endorsed by the Sovereign Spirit.
  50. Why have we not seen impersonators since then? It is because the divine sign cannot be impersonated. The divine Being cannot be impersonated. You can impersonate whatever you want, but not the divine Being. It is not apparition. Did we see apparition? No!
  51. From that day till now, all these occurrences, have you come across any anywhere throughout the whole world? Are you not living in an ICT Age where anything that happens here, in less than 5 minutes, it goes viral and will go global?
  52. Tell Me. Are you surprised why Israel is dying in the website and all other countries in the world? If this Message from THE SON OF MAN is hidden, it is hidden from those who the god of the evil Age had blinded their eyes and hearts that they will not see this glorious Gospel.
  53. I am talking of the god of this evil Age which is nothing but sophistication, socialization and materialism. Note the god of this evil Age. [1] SOPHISTICATION, [2] SOCIALIZATION and [3] MATERIALISM.
  54. Who has escaped these three. When the god of this evil Age will hold grip over you, you will become a churchgoer. The things of God will be interesting to you, but you cannot be a worshipper. You will acknowledge the truth, but you cannot obey it.
  55. Why? There is societal pressure on you. The societal pressure will never allow you to manifest it. And that is what killed too many of them who incarnated here with Me.
  56. They did not find fault with God. Neither did they find fault with the Ministry, but they decided to go into the world, for they were attracted by the attractions placed here by Iblîs [the devil], and their ministries died natural deaths.
  57. They were fore-ordained to go that way so that the remnant will know. The few that are remaining have been empowered with ten times the power that is needed to see them through to the end.
  58. And the works they are doing are by far greater than the works that were done by even millions of them put together. Can you imagine? Two, three, four persons accomplishing that which one thousand persons could not accomplish within the shortest period. Is it not amazing? Is it not wonderful? Is it not supernatural? Do you not see God empowering them?
  59. They remain standing because God is the strength of His people. Once you are fully surrendered to Christ, you will run and never be wearied. You can never be tired because the Almighty God with His supernatural force is the one propelling you.
  60. Whether you eat or not, you will look good. You look strong and healthy, even better than those that eat hundred times a day, for your strength is daily being renewed because of your commitment and devotion to achieving your target which God has set for you. And the joy that awaits you in the end propels you.
  61. But where you do not have such zeal and vision, count yourself as a stranger. And these strangers are the people mutilating the Faith. You know what it means to mutilate. If I tell you to mutilate a document, do you not know what I am saying? To God be the Glory.
  62. [23]instead, let the boaster boast about this: that he understands and knows me that he understands and knows me — that I am Adonai, practicing grace, justice and righteousness in the land; for in these things I take pleasure,” says Adonai.
  63. Go to John 17 verse 1 through 3. Let Me separate you from the bondage and if you are gunning for eternal life, you will know where to go. You will know who holds it.
  64. And I have given you the Message long ago. If you know you are gunning for eternal life and vying for it, if you know who holds it, go to that fellow.
  65. But if you need marriage or you need children, please go to the person who will marry you and give you children. But when you want eternal life, you know where to go. True or false?
  66. SONG: Living below in this old sinful world, hardly a comfort can afford. Striving alone to face temptations sore, where could I go but to the LORD?
  67. Neighbours are kind. I love them everyone. We get along in sweet accord. But when my soul needs manna from above, Where could I go but to the LORD?
  68. Where could I go? Where could I go seeking a refuge for my soul? Needing a friend to help me till the end. Where could I go but to the LORD?
  69. Where could I go? Where could I go seeking a refuge for my soul? I need a friend to help me till the end. Where could I go but to the LORD?
  70. What a friend we have in Christ? When you need children, you know where to go. You need a husband or wife, you know where to go. You need money, you know where to go. But when you need rest for your soul– when you need eternal life, you know where to go. They are different things.
  71. What are you seeking? What do you need? Do you know that apart from eternal life, every other thing shall be abandoned here? Every other thing must be abandoned here.
  72. You think you will live to see the days when your children will grow and take care of you? What if it does not happen according to your expectations? If death strike, will you say no? will you say, “until My daughter marries” or “until my son has children” or until this and that?
  73. Talk to yourself. Death has no age. I say, death has no age. And death has no convenient time. Death has no convenient time. It is a necessary end. I say, a necessary end, whether you like it or not.
  74. And it comes at a time when you least expected. It may be when you are having your bogus plans about the future. He will meet you there and halt you there. Will you say no? Will you go to court?
  75. When you see one hollering like a lion, as if the world is revolving around him, go and watch that person anytime he falls asleep and look at the face. Look at the face. It is asleep but not dead.
  76. That time you fell asleep and you are lying snoring in your bed, where did you go? Did you remember anything you have in your house?
  77. Oftentimes, your house will be gutted by fire accidentally. Yet, you do not know until people begin to scramble and make noise around your house to wake you up, which means, you died. Amen.

And we have the Resurrected Body. We know Him. He is the One that is going to judge the world. Is He frightening anybody? He is not. He is telling us because He is the Judge, and because He loves us, He begins to tell us what is lying before us.


TO WHAT EXTENT HAS GOD BEEN YOUR COUNSELOR? Preached on 16th February 2020, at The Household Of God, Onitsha Page 90 verse 58



John 17:1-3, CJB. [1]After Yeshua had said these things,… After Yeshua has said these things like I am talking to you now, what did He do? The hour for His departure was come, and he began to prepare His disciples about his sudden departure from them so that nobody will be taken unawares.

  1. From the day the Queen of Paradise left the scene, common sense will tell all reasonable people in the bridal Faith that THE SON OF MAN’s luggage has gone ahead of time. His luggage has gone ahead of time. So when He said, “Remember Lot’s wife”, THE SON OF MAN is not there
  2. And all of you were living witnesses of what took place precisely on August 29th As we were all there, she rejoiced exceedingly. We equally rejoiced, but we were sobbing. I in particular, for I know what just took place. I could not hold it back because that was the time for it. Although it was painful, it has to be permitted.
  3. The LORD Jesus prayed a prayer when He wanted to go and said, “Father, if it will be possible, allow this cup of suffering to pass by. Let me never drink it again. But nevertheless, let Thy will be done and not mine.” The Father said, “It is expedient that one man must die that many shall be saved”.
  4. [1]After Yeshua had said these things, he looked up toward heaven and said, “Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son, so that the Son may glorify you —
  5. [2]just as you gave him authority over all mankind,… Just as you gave this Your Son authority over all mankind. You can exclude yourself. I want to hear somebody say, “Minus me. Apart from me.”
  6. Who is this son of man that You have decided to surrender all Your authority, power, majesty and everything to Him to control and to do as He wishes? Was He the only One?
  7. What can you say about Prophet Jehu who God gave a command, “Jehu, if you will harken to My Voice and obey Me, respect and revere My Most Holy Name, rule Israel according to the desire of your heart. Rule Israel as you wish.” If you want to kill all, kill all. I mean, Prophet Jehu.
  8. But he committed a crime. He ruled in disobedience to God’s Word, went to the family of Ahab and exterminated them, but from the evils of Ahab’s house, Jehu departed not. That became his condemnation.
  9. Assuming he acted wisely by reverencing the Name of the LORD, obeying, honouring and worshipping the LORD, He would have had no other choice, for when the LORD speaks, He binds Himself in His oath – in His Name.
  10. He cannot withdraw it as long as the covenant is still there and the person that is covenanted with God is still obeying his own side of the covenant.
  11. But the moment he reneges from the covenant, God is not duty bound to honour it. You cannot dishonour the words of the covenant and expect God to honour you. Never! That is the day the covenant is withdrawn.
  12. [2]just as you gave him authority over all mankind, so that he might give eternal life… So that he might do what?  … give eternal life…
  13. So eternal life is given. If He refuses to give it to you, will you kill Him? I am not reading John 5:39-42. This is another one. Remember we have known Him who is true. We are in Him who is true, even His Son, Christ Jesus. This man is… This man is what? The LORD God Almighty and is Himself eternal life.
  14. Let us be very very careful. That is 1 John 5:19-20. We will go through it.
  15. [2]just as you gave him authority over all mankind, so that he might give eternal life to all those whom you have given him.
  16. He will give eternal life to as many as the LORD our God has given Him, for no one cometh to Him except the father brings that person to Him. True or false?
  17. And whosoever the Father brings to Him, he will in no wise cast away. He will give such people eternal life. They will never perish forever. Is it not the word of promise?
  18. [3]And eternal life is this: to know you,… To know Who? Christ!the one true God, … Not false God.and him whom you sent, Yeshua the Messiah. Christ, the Messiah.
  19. What must we do that we may accomplish all the works of God? That was the question the Jews asked Him. What was the answer He gave in reply? This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent.
  20. Has God sent anybody in your day? Has God confirmed that he sent Him and that He proceeded from God? Is He speaking the Word of God? For whosoever God sends speaks the Word of God, for the Spirit of God is in Him without measure.
  21. God does not give His Spirit in measure to that person. He is His representative.
  22. John 17:1-3, GNB. [1]When Jesus had finished saying all these things he looked up to heaven and said, “Father, the time has come. Reveal the glory of your Son so that he can give the glory back to you.
  23. [2]For you have given him authority over every man and woman in all the earth. … You have given Him authority over every man and woman all over the earth. Say, “Minus me”. I want to hear it today, “Except me.”
  24. If you keep quiet, it then means that you are one of those inhabitants of the earth, the workmanship of God’s hand, for which cause He is patiently dealing with you, not intending that you should perish, but that you should come to repentance and live to prove that a greater than Abraham is here, for Abraham was intolerant to sin. He nearly finished everybody. You will see it if you go to the Writings of Abraham [the records, the testaments].
  25. But a greater than Abraham is here who is much more tolerant, enduring sinners with much patience, saying that it is not good for you to just administer harsh, rash and quick judgment immediately.
  26. And because the punishment for sin is not executed immediately, the hearts of people are set on doing evil continually.
  27. But at that time, Abraham came and saw something he could not bear, and began killing immediately, ordering them, “death, death, death”, fear gripped everybody.
  28. But today, the grace of God that bringeth salvation has appeared. Grace has made God a human being. And then, He became one of you, sharing in your troubles. Before punishing you, He places Himself in that position to know whether He could perform better if He is found in your position. He that can accommodate your human weaknesses and imperfections for He knows who you are, that you are mortals.
  29. And that is what God told Abraham, “Michael the archangel, go and talk to him. Tell him to wait. I have just shown him, but not to destroy them. There is one. Look at that young man there. He is the one to judge the whole world in righteousness. And He will deal with them patiently. The judgment is not for you. He is the one.”
  30. Abraham looked and saw the young man well seated on the right-hand side of the Majesty, cool and quiet.
  31. Do you think that God is interested in the death of sinners? Any sinner that is dead, God’s purpose for creating that person is completely defeated.
  32. That is why He said, “If I will destroy mankind in the fury of My wrath due to provocation, without ensuring a little restraint, My purpose for creating them will be absolutely defeated.”
  33. He created man to worship Him. Will you worship God in the grave? Can you worship God in hell? Hell was not made for human beings. It was made for the rebellious angels. But the rebellious angels became human beings like you, for they incarnated. And they are now all out for you so that you join them.
  34. John 17:1-3, GNB. [1]When Jesus had finished saying all these things he looked up to heaven and said, “Father, the time has come. Reveal the glory of your Son so that he can give the glory back to you.
  35. [2]For you have given him authority over every man and woman in all the earth. …
  36. And that is why I am saying that I want an exception. If you are not bold to stand up and say, “Except me”– wherever you are, hearing My Voice today, if you are not prepared to say, “Except me”, no matter your religious inclination, if you like be a native doctor, you are a human being created by God for a purpose—If you are not ready to say, “Except me”, be it known that your hypocrisy has already presented your question paper for you and to you. For you and to you. 72 questions you must answer.
  37. God started with Moses. He gave Moses 72 questions to answer. Moses answered only but one and knelt down for he could not attempt the remaining 71. God said, “It is a must. I want to know your reasons.”
  38. Go through them again. And the 72 questions are with you already. The thirteen inscrutable ways of God are with you already.
  39. If what is stumbling you is, “Why should it be this Man?”, maybe you do not know what God has been doing since the Ages.
  40. God said it. Adonai made it clear that He bestows anybody He has chosen [1] with Wisdom, [2] with Wealth, [3] with Strength and [4] with Humility and warns Him seriously concerning the first three.
  41. He is to be very careful the way He uses Wisdom, for it was misuse of wisdom that destroyed Ahithophel, David’s counselor. He warned Him concerning wealth, for it was misuse of worldly wealth that destroyed Korah.
  42. He warned Him concerning worldly Strength, for it was abuse of strength that destroyed Goliath, but to Humility, He said it is profitable in all.
  43. So, if Christ was humble even unto death, it is His nature. Even when He is being dragged to court, he openeth not His mouth, but remained quiet. It is His nature, for He loves befriending quietness.
  44. He can only talk when the time comes to discuss the affairs of the Kingdom of Heaven. then you will see Him as an orator. Aside that, he goes to His cooler in His quiet estate.
  45. He gives eternal life to each one you have given him. … Each one God has given Him. If God has not given you to THE SON OF MAN, you are a stranger. You are a visitor.
  46. Find out what brought you before the son of man whether it is the desire of your heart to be one thing or the other, or to gain an undue advantage in one way or the other. Find out, for anybody God brings to the Source of eternal life must be for eternal life. True or false?
  47. He gives eternal life to each one you have given him. [3]And this is the way to have eternal life—by knowing you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth! Amen!
  48. Jesus Christ, the one true God. Jesus Christ, the one You have sent here on earth. The same yesterday, today and forever. He changeth not. The Resurrected Body.
  49. REFERENCE: THE LEGENDS OF THE JEWS VOLUME 3. THE INSCRUTABLE WAYS OF THE LORD: Moses still cherished three other wishes: that the Shekinah might dwell with Israel; that the Shekinah might not dwell with other nations; and lastly, that he might learn to know the ways of the Lord whereby He ordained good and evil in the world, sometimes causing suffering to the just and letting the unjust enjoy happiness, whereas at other times both were happy, or both were destined to suffer.
  50. Moses laid these wishes before God in the moment of His wrath, hence God bade Moses wait until His wrath should have blown over, and then He granted him his first two wishes in full, but his third in part only. [288]
  51. God showed him the great treasure troves in which are stored up the various rewards for the pious and the just, explaining each separated one to him in detail: in this one were the rewards of those who give alms; in that one, of those who bring up orphans.
  52. In this way He showed him the destination of each one of the treasures, until at length they came to one of gigantic size. “For whom is this treasure?” asked Moses, and God answered: “Out of the treasures that I have shown thee I give rewards to those who have deserved them by their deeds; but out of this treasure do I give to those who are not deserving, for I am gracious to those also who may lay no claim to My graciousness, and I am bountiful to those who are not deserving of My bounty.”
  53. Moses now had to content himself with the certainty that the pious were sure of their deserts; without, however, learning from God, how it sometimes comes to pass that evil doers, too, are happy. For God merely stated that He also shows Himself kind to those who do not deserve it, but without further assigning the why and the wherefore.
  54. But the reward to the pious, too, was only in part revealed to him, for he beheld the joys of Paradise of which they were to partake, but not the real reward that is to follow the feast in Paradise; for truly “eye hath not seen, beside the Lord, what He hath prepared for him that waiteth for Him.” [289]
  55. By means of the following incident God showed Moses how little man is able to fathom the inscrutable ways of the Lord.
  56. When Moses was on Sinai, he saw from that station a man who betook himself to a river, stooped down to drink, lost his purse, and without noticing it went his way. Shortly after, another man came, found the money, pocketed it, and took to his heels.
  57. When the owner of the purse became aware of his loss, he returned to the river, where he did not find his money, but saw a man, who came there by chance to fetch water. To him he said: “Restore to me the money that a little while ago I left here, for none can have taken it if not thou.” When the man declared that he had found none of the money nor seen any of it, the owner slew him.
  58. Looking with horror and amazement on this injustice on earth, Moses said to God: “I beseech Thee, show me Thy ways. Why has this man, who was quite innocent, been slain, and why hath the true thief gone unpunished?”
  59. God replied: “The man who found the money and kept it merely recovered his own possession, for he who had lost the purse by the river, had formerly stolen it from him; but the one who seemed to be innocently slain is only making atonement for having at one time murdered the father of his slayer.” [290]
  60. In this way, God granted the request of Moses, “to show him His ways,” in part only. He let him look into the future, and let him see every generation and its sages, every generation and its prophets, every generation and its expounders of the Scriptures, every generation and its leaders, every generation and its pious men.
  61. But when Moses said: “O Lord of the world! Let me see by what law Thou dost govern the world; for I see that many a just man is lucky, but many a one is not; many a wicked man is lucky, but many a one is not; many a rich man is happy, but many a one is not; many a poor man is happy, but many a one is not;”
  62. then God answered: “Thou canst not grasp all the principles which I apply to the government of the world, but some of them shall I impart to thee. When I see human beings who have no claim to expectations from Me either for their own deeds or for those of their fathers, but who pray to Me and implore Me, then do I grant their prayers and give them what they require from subsistence.” [291]
  63. Although God had now granted all of his wishes, still Moses received the following answer to his prayer, “I beseech Thee, show me Thy glory”: “Thou mayest not behold My glory, or else thou wouldst perish, but in consideration of My vow to grant thee all thy wishes, and in view of the fact that thou are in possession of the secret of My name, I will meet thee so far as to satisfy thy desire in part.
  64. Lift the opening of the cave, and I will bid all the angels that serve Me pass in review before thee; but as soon as thou hearest the Name, which I have revealed to thee, know then that I am there, and bear thyself bravely and without fear.’ [292]
  65. God has a reason for not showing His glory to Moses. He said to him: “When I revealed Myself to thee in the burning bush, thou didst not want to look upon Me; now thou are willing, but I am not.” [293]
  66. THE THIRTEEN ATTRIBUTES OF GOD: The cave in which Moses concealed himself while God passed in review before him with His celestial retinue, was the same in which Elijah lodged when God revealed Himself to him on Horeb.
  67. If there had been in it an opening even as tiny as a needle’s point, both Moses and Elijah would have been consumed by the passing Divine light, [294] which was of an intensity so great that Moses, although quite shut off in the cave, nevertheless caught the reflection of it, so that from its radiance his face began to shine. [295]
  68. Not without great danger, however, did Moses earn this distinction; for as soon as the angels heard Moses request God to show him His glory, they were greatly incensed against him, and said to God: “We, who serve Thee night and day, may not see Thy glory, and he, who is born of woman, asks to see it!” In their anger they made ready to kill Moses, who would certainly have perished, had not God’s hand protected him from the angels.
  69. Then God appeared in the cloud. It was the seventh time that He appeared on earth, [296] and taking the guise of a precentor of a congregation, He said to Moses: “Whenever Israel hath sinned, and calleth Me by the following thirteen attributes, I will forgive them their sins.
  70. I am the Almighty God who provides for all creatures. I am the Merciful One who restrains evil from human kind. I am the Gracious One who helps in time of need. I am the Long-Suffering to the upright as well as to the wicked. I am Bountiful to those whose own deed do not entitle them to lay claim to rewards. I am Faithful to those who have a right to expect good from Me; and preserve graciousness unto the two-thousandth generation. I forgive misdeeds and even atrocious actions, in forgiving those who repent.” [297]
  71. When Moses heard this, and particularly that God is long-suffering with sinners, [298] he prayed: “O forgive, then, Israel’s sin which they committed in worshipping the Golden Calf.”
  72. Had Moses now prayed, “Forgive the sins of Israel unto the end of all time,” God would have granted that too, as it was a time of mercy; but as Moses asked forgiveness for this one sin only, this one only was pardoned, and God said: “I have pardoned according to thy word.” [298]
  73. The day on which God showed Himself merciful to Moses and to His people, was the tenth day of Tishri, the day on which Moses was to receive the tables of the law from God for the second time, and all Israel spent it amid prayer and fasting, that the evil spirit might not again lead them astray.
  74. Their ardent tears and exhortations, joined with those of Moses, reached heaven, so that God took pity upon them and said to them: “My children, I swear by my lofty Name that these your tears shall be tears of rejoicing for you; that this day shall be a day of pardon, of forgiveness, and of the canceling of sins for you, for your children, and your children’s children to the end of all generations.” [300]
  75. This day was not set for the annual Day of Atonement, without which the world could not exist, and which will continue even in the future world when all other holy days will cease to be.
  76. The Day of Atonement, however, is not only a reminiscence of the day on which God was reconciled to Israel and forgave them their sins, but it is also the day on which Israel finally received the Torah. [301] For after Moses has spent forty days in prayer, until God finally forgave Israel their sins, he began to reproach himself for having broken the tables of the law, saying” “Israel asked me to intercede for them before God, but who will, on account of my sin, intercede before God for my sake?”
  77. Then God said to him: “Grieve not for the loss of the first two tables, which contained only the Ten Commandments. The second tables that I am now ready to give thee, shall contain Halakot, Midrash, and Haggadot.” [302]
  78. At the new moon of the month Elul, Moses had the trumpet sounded throughout the camp, announcing to the people that he would once more betake himself to God for forty days to receive the second tables from Him, so that they might be alarmed by his absence; and he stayed in heaven until the tenth day of Tishri, on which day he returned with the Torah and delivered it to Israel. [303].

27Will anybody say that he does not know when he is disobeying the Voice of THE SON OF MAN? Will you say that God has not proved to you that He that is talking to you is the Resurrected Body? 28Who does not know that I am the Resurrected Body? Who does not know that I am standing in the stead of the Almighty God? Who does not know among you that I and the Father are one? 29Who does not know that in Me dwelleth the fullness of the God-head bodily? ……


FEAR GOD [Exclusive] Preached on Sunday 7th December 2014 at The Household of God Onitsha; Pg. 123 vs. 27-29



Look at saint John’s Gospel Chapter 6, from verse 66. Complete Jewish Bible. [66]From this time on, many of his talmidim turned back and no longer traveled around with him. …

  1. Many that were milling around Him went back and could no longer continue with Him when they heard the mystery of the Kingdom of heaven. They withdrew and stopped walking with Him.
  2. [67]So Yeshua said to the Twelve,… Including Judas. “Don’t you want to leave too?” Do you not want to follow your people and go away?
  3. [68]Shim‘on Kefa answered him, “Lord,… Simon Peter answered Him, LORD, …to whom would we go? … Did he say, “Man” because he was an elderly fellow? Did he say, “This boy”? He said, “LORD”. You see the revelation? He saw that young man as LORD though unmarried and a small boy, while Peter was already a father of children.
  4. … “Lord, to whom would we go? You have the word of eternal life.
  5. [69]We have trusted, and we know that you are the Holy One of God.” Alleluia! We have trusted, and we know that you are the Holy One of God.
  6. John 6:66-69, Living Bible. [66]At this point many of his disciples turned away and deserted him.
    [67]Then Jesus turned to the Twelve and asked, “Are you going too?”…
    Are you going too? Will you follow them and go away?
  7. Remember, as at that time, they were more than five thousand people milling around Him. He fed them with fish and bread. Remember how He fed the multitude.
  8. But when He gave them the Message of the Kingdom of Heaven, they said, “Who can stand to hear this?” Who can stand to hear this? You can read it in verse 65.
  9. [65]And He remarked, “That is what I meant when I said no one can come to me unless the Father attracts him to me.”
  10. Have you heard it? No one can come to Me except the Father attracts that person to Me. Did we read it in the other one? Anyone the Father attracts to Me, I am duty-bound to give that person eternal life. He will not perish.
  11. Who is attracting you to Me? Is it because you see Me as a vibrant young man? I am no longer young, but I was young before. I know I am a handsome young man, but I am no longer young and handsome.
  12. There was a time I was the talk of the day. I have a handsome face. Yes! That is My commission and that is Who I am, my potbelly notwithstanding. That is exactly the physical feature you must look out for in the Great Mahdi. True or false?
  13. You must notice His beautiful face, oval face, His stout body and His stout legs, His protruding stomach, full of strength with wide shoulder. You must notice all these physical features.
  14. REFERENCE: [1] Bihar al-Anwar: 86-81. From Yahya ibn Nufal, indeed Musa ibn Ja’afar (as) raise his hands and supplicates after Asr prayer, I inquire from him saying, to whom did you offer prayer for? He said: to Al-Mahdi among the family of Muhammad (saas) and said: HE IS HAVING BIG STOMACH, his eyebrow very close, HIS LEGS ARE VERY ENERGETIC, HIS SHOULDER IS WIDE.
  15. [2] (Al-Uqayli, Al-Najmu Al-Saqib). He [Hazrat Mahdi (as)] is a young man of medium stature and with a beautiful face … the radiance of his face shines like day in his hair, beard, and the blackness of his head, and gives him greatness.
  16. [3] Sheikh Muhammad bin Ibrahim Nomani, al-Ghaybah al-Nomani p. 253. Humran bin A’yân says: To Imam Muhammad Bakir: “… Your Lord Hazrat Mahdi (As) will have a wide stomach …”
  17. John 6:66-69, Living Bible. [66]At this point many of his disciples turned away and deserted him.
    [67]Then Jesus turned to the Twelve and asked, “Are you going too?”. [68]Simon Peter replied, “Master, to whom shall we go? You alone have the words that give eternal life,
  18. [69]and we believe them and know you are the holy Son of God.” Sure!!!
  19. We believe them. Do you believe? Do you believe He is the Holy One sent by God in these last days to wrap up the programme of God? That is the essence of sending the son of man. It is to guide and lead you into the knowledge of all truth and then to bring everything to consummation.
  20. You must know Who you are hearing His Voice. He that is detaching you from the hand of the Son of man, where is he pointing you to? Where is that person pointing you to? Is it where you go and get that eternal life?
  21. Nobody can be detached from the hand of God if the Father is the One that brought you to the son of man. He that brought you is able to sustain you till the end, for He has firm grip over you.
  22. He said that even the devil cannot snatch you out of His hand, for the Father Who gives you to Me is stronger than any temptation, any force and you will not perish, for I will give you eternal life.
  23. So, find out how you managed to know Who the son of man is because in no distant time, you will see how people encountered Him. You will see how people encountered Him, how they met Him and became a part of Him and a part of what he is doing.
  24. Some met Him by intuitive inspiration. Some even meet Him on the way without knowing Who He is. Some have ordinary dealings with Him and concluded that He is a bad man or that He is a good man, depending on how you want Him to act. Amen.
  25. John 6:65-69, AMP. 65And He said, This is why I told you that no one can come to Me unless it is granted him [unless he is enabled to do so] by the Father. Sure!!! Unless it is granted him. Unless the person is enabled to do so by the Father.
  26. 66After this, many of His disciples drew back (returned to their old associations)… They returned to where? … their old associations)… Yes!
  27. That place where you were before you embraced this truth, the moment you go away, go back there. You were in the world. Whatever you call religion, no matter the name, it belongs to the world. God has only but one, but there are numerous everywhere.
  28. Do you not know that the Church of Christ is one foundation with Christ as the Head? True or false? We have only but one God, one LORD, one Church, one faith, one baptism, one Shepherd, one Message. One, One, One, One, One!
  29. Any other place is sinking sand. It is manmade. And that is why Christ cannot identify with them. Do you believe that to be true? Whatever they are making as claims are false claims. Has anyone substantiated his claims?
  30. SONG: One who claims to be God or from God should manifest that which makes him God or from God. This is because things pertaining to life and living only gets better through God.
  31. If you know that you are God, do that which makes you God.
  32. 66After this, many of His disciples drew back (returned to their old associations) and no longer accompanied Him. They no longer accompanied Him.
  33. 67Jesus said to the Twelve, Will you also go away? [And do you too desire to leave Me?] … Do you too desire to leave Me?
  34. 68Simon Peter answered, Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words (the message) of eternal life. … You have what? The Word (the message) of eternal life.
  35. And we have learned to believe and trust, and [more] we have come to know [surely] that You are the Holy One of God, the Christ (the Anointed One), the Son of the living God. Period! Have you come to this revelation?
  36. We are still progressing in the Book of saint John chapter 10 from verse 25 which I quoted. I am not losing grip of it.
  37. I do not know what brought Me again into talking today, when I had already commissioned the Elders that will talk to you by reading the Message. And I came, sat down and folded My arms
  38. John 10:25-30, Complete Jewish Bible. [25]Yeshua answered them, “I have already told you, and you don’t trust me. …
  39. But these other people trusted, and they know considering that He is the only One of God. True or false? They were sure and certain He was the only One holding the Word of eternal life. The others are holding the words of eternal death.
  40. Remember, the law was there. The law led them to doom, to disappointment and eternal death. Do you believe that to be true? Good. That is why the message of law is the message of death. Is it not true? Law brought about death.
  41. [25]Yeshua answered them, “I have already told you, and you don’t trust me. … That you do not trust Him, does it remove a pin from Him?
  42. The works I do in my Father’s name testify on my behalf, [26]but the reason you don’t trust is that you are not included among my sheep. … Amen and Amen and Amen!
  43. The reason you do not believe, you do not trust, you are not settled, you are limping between two opinions, and you are still doubting is because you are not included among My own Flock.
  44. You belong to the mixed multitude that thought a new man is on the scene with a new message and a new revival. They just came in to embrace it and to know what it stands for.
  45. Some believed. Some come in because they thought it is new thing. Some come because they have heard about His generosity and His liberalism. And they decided to embrace Him. Some heard about the hidden powers that are in His Ministry, and they run.
  46. Yet, who are crying, “The Messiah, the Saviour.” True or false? The Holy One of God discerned their hearts and told them exactly what they were.
  47. Children of Cain who proceeded from the unrighteous branch of Adam turned out to be religious people. Wherever they see children of God gather, you see them there, behaving as if they are believing when they are not. I hope you are following.
  48. Today might be your own day of deliverance.
  49. [25]Yeshua answered them, “I have already told you,… I have already told you and you have not believed.
  50. What have I not told you? Is there anything I have not displayed to get you convinced? Have I not used the Word of God? Have I not used supernatural signs of all sorts? Why have you not trusted in Me? Why have you not believed? Stop bothering. It is because you are not one of My Flock.

 Who had a close insight into the hour? The Resurrected Body. Who is feeding us with this Truth? The Resurrected Body. Who has the ability to fish out criminals from amongst us? The Resurrected Body. Who has the Power to separate the sheep from the goat? The Resurrected Body. Who knows who is who in the Bride? The Resurrected Body.

THE SON of man

Action is faith expressed; preached on December 18; 2011 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 135 vs. 15



John 10:25-30, Complete Jewish Bible. [25]Yeshua answered them, “I have already told you, and you don’t trust me. The works I do in my Father’s name testify on my behalf, …

  1. Even all of you here, apart from infants. Is there anyone that can deny that he has not seen the works of THE SON OF MAN or that he has not seen supernatural evidences and infallible proofs or series of many convincing demonstrations? Is there anyone here [adults] who can deny?
  2. [26]but the reason you don’t trust is that you are not included among my sheep. … Find out whether you are included or not. To those that are included, God said, “They have obtained dignified inclusion” and you have to justify it.
  3. To be in this particular Little Flock Assembly where He the Almighty is the overseer, remember, you are a favoured one. Others are equally favoured, for He arranged it that they will stay in their own tents, and He assigned supervising Ministers over all of them.
  4. But to Him, He said it is not good for Him to worship alone. He handpicked people from where He will reach the entire world of Elect, and you happen to be in the number, hearing directly from Him and being supervised by Him and everything. You are where the action is. It is not hearsay.
  5. You turn the pages of the Bible, but the people out there in foreign lands do not even believe that you are human beings. This is true. They have been wondering. I know the questions I answer over the phone.
  6. “My LORD sir. Please do not be offended. These people we hear their voices, although they are scanty, are they real human beings or supernatural beings?” I say, “They are human beings like you.”
  7. They ask, “Made up of who and who?” I say, “Men and women and their children, but they are scanty like you said.” They are scanty.
  8. Do you know that Abraham and his family were scanty until God blessed Abraham, and Abraham became many. True or false?
  9. I believe that God is still adding people to His Church as many as should be saved. I believe that. As many as should be saved, God will bring them closest to Himself where He will perfect them overnight.
  11. [27]My sheep listen to my voice, I recognize them, they follow me,… My sheep listens—gives listening ear to My Voice and I recognize them. Complete Jewish Bible. And they do what? They follow Me.
  12. [28]and I give them eternal life. … And I do what? …I give them eternal life. … Eternal life has remained a big drone and has only but one Source.
  13. How many Scriptures will I read? Even the Jews know this truth. Are you surprised that they are milling around Me in the websites? Do you know how many calls I answer from outside on a daily basis?
  14. That is why I overload My phone, for sometimes, I will be the one to call when I see missed calls with foreign numbers.
  15. One who opened My phone the other day was wondering and said, “Daddy, How can?” I said, “Yes! You go to bed and sleep, but I go to bed and begin to talk.” Do you think it is easy to serve the whole world?
  16. Who does not want eternal life? What is the reason why people go to church, carry Bible and do all sorts of things? Is it not for eternal life? Why do you search the Bible? Why do you do praying and fasting? Tell Me. Why do you deny yourself of so many pleasures? Is it not to meet God’s righteous demands for eternal life?
  17. But, have you seen God for the first time? That person who is contending, have you seen God for the first time? Since you have been attending church, have you seen God with your own eyes before?
  18. And God has appeared to you when you were not even desiring Him nor looking for Me. No wonder we are abusing His visitation.
  19. But My sheep hears My Voice and listens to My Voice and My Word. They trust in Me. They believe in Me. They follow Me. And I give them eternal life.
  20. Whose voice are you following? The Voice of God or the voice of the enemy? This is because whoever that is opposing this truth is the enemy of truth. Do we have many of them? Sure! Even in our midst.
  21. [27]My sheep listen to my voice, I recognize them, … I do what? … I recognize them, …
  22. Can Christ stop on the way for you? Can your voice cause Christ to halt? Can He pass by, and on noticing you behind, He goes back and lowers down the glass because He knows who you are?
  23. He that saw Peter and stopped, saw many other people. True or false? He that saw Bartholomew and stopped, did He not see many others? He saw Nathanael even afar and went to Nathanael. Did He not bypass many?
  24. What can you say? Did He not see many other ladies before Mary Magdalene. In the city of Jericho, was Rahab the prostitute the only prostitute? Do you believe that Rahab could be the only prostitute in Jericho? There can never be a city where there is only but one hotel manned by a woman. Never!
  25. There were many, but one was favoured. In the city of Jericho, Rahab was favoured, her occupation as a prostitute notwithstanding. True or false? This is because the bible said that she was a prostitute by occupation. Are you surprised?
  26. What if you will be another Amos of our day whom God commanded to go and marry a professional prostitute so that men will raise children for him? Would you not say that you are under a curse. Is there anything impossible for God to do?
  27. You have not seen anything yet. Believing God means believing the impossible. It is impossible with men, but with God, all things are possible. He that makes laws and cancels laws. Is there any law against God? Who made that law? None! Who made the law you will use to cage God or to judge Him?
  28. You can have your civil earthly laws but they are not for God, for His Kingdom is not of this earth.
  29. [27]My sheep listen to my voice, I recognize them,… I recognize My sheep. …they follow me,… They do what? They follow Me.
  30. [28]and I give them eternal life. …And that is the reason why they are following. They know eternal life is in no other, for there is no other name given among men where you can get that eternal life. True or false? Have you seen that there is a Giver of eternal life?
  31. … They will absolutely never be destroyed,… Complete Jewish Bible. If nobody understood the LORD Jesus Christ, the Pharisees, the Jews who repented and who were instrumental to the documentation of this complete Bible, they were there, the Jewish scholars documented accurately.
  32. They will absolutely never be destroyed,… By this confirmation, you can rightly tell somebody, “The promised salvation from God now belongs to Me. Nothing will ever destroy Me in the end. Put your hands in the Scripture, it is not there.”
  33. Will Christ destroy you? No! He is the One that has given you that eternal life. Will God destroy you? No! He is the One that ordained Christ and conferred Him with that authority. Will the angels reject you? No! they are subject to you. Are you not under the indestructible Asylum?
  34. SONG: On Christ the solid Rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand. All other ground is sinking sand.
  35. Now He has come with trumpet sound. Oh, may I then in Him be found; Dressed in His righteousness alone, Faultless to stand before His throne.
  36. On Christ the solid Rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand. All other ground is sinking sand.
  37. SONG: Yes I know Whom I have believed. And I’m persuaded that God is able to Keep that which I’ve committed unto Him against that day.
  38. I will show you Scriptures.
  39. [27]My sheep listen to my voice, I recognize them, they follow me, [28]and I give them eternal life. They will absolutely never be destroyed, and no one will snatch them from my hands.
  40. No what? …and no one will snatch them from my hands. … Why? [29]My Father, who gave them to me,… Who? My Father, who gave them to me,… Who? My Father, who gave them to me,…
  41. It is not of Him that willeth. It is not of Him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy. Real Amazing grace.
  42. God, the Father of all spirits, Who handed you over to His well-beloved Son, in Whose hands you are now resting for protection physically and spiritually and for the purpose of giving you eternal life.
  43. For if He confirms you, you are confirmed. If He will set you free, you are free. If He say you are guilty, you are guilty. Where else are you running to? Look at Peter. Where else do we go? You alone have the Word of eternal life. And we are sure and certain.
  44.  They will absolutely never be destroyed, and no one will snatch them from my hands. [29]My Father, who gave them to me, is greater than all; and no one can snatch them from the Father’s hands. [30]I and the Father are one.”
  45. SONG: Now we know that the son of man and the Father are one. Now we know that the son of man and the Father are one.
  46. In Him is the Father revealed. If you have seen Me, you have seen My Father. If you have seen My Father, you have seen Me. But unfortunately, you cannot see My Father.
  47. Philip said, “Show us the Father and that sufficeth us. That is sufficient for us.” Then He said, “Philip, how long will I be with you even all these years, yet you do not know Me?” Oh no! “If you have seen Me, you have seen My Father, for My Father is dwelling in Me.” Do you believe it?
  48. And I am also dwelling in Him. The Father who sent Me has not left Me. Why? I do those things that please Him. He that sent Me is with Me. My Father has not left Me, for I do those things that please Him.
  49. The Father is pleased with the Son so much as to commit everything He made into His hands, including His powers and authority—
  50. He willed it to Him, and the angels marveled, “Who is this son of Man that you have esteemed so highly and valued Him so much to the extent that you made Him sinless, made Him to be born to righteousness and vowed that the righteousness of the Ancient of Days can never depart from Him, placed Him as an icon and that all that will attain righteousness will attain it through Him.”
  51. And You gave us a sign. You will know Him. How? How do you know Him? In the light of His Faith. In the light of His belief which is in the light of truth. In the light of truth, you will find Him. But where there is no truth, he cannot feature there.
  52. Is this promise not heart-warming? Is it not a refreshing promise if you happen to be among those who are drawn to Him from God the Father that nothing can detach you?
  53. No temptation, no trial, no devil and no force can snatch you out of His hand, for the Father is mightier and greater, with an assurance that nothing will ever destroy you in the end. You cannot go into eternal destruction or damnation. What a wonderful promise?
  54. And He that made this promise bound it with an oath. By the oath and the promise, it is impossible for God to tell lie.
  55. That is why when they were asking Paul questions, they said, “What if we believe in Christ as you have been telling us, only to discover that we will be disappointed in the end?” What did He say?
  56. Let no man ever dare think of such a thing about our Christ Jesus. Rather, we can be found to be transgressors if we begin to rebuild the old system which we had already destroyed.

If you faint, fear not, I am here. If you slump down, fear not, I am in your midst. If you run mad, fear not, I am in your midst. If trouble arises when you get home with your children or with you, call My number. …….  As long as I am here, I am the Light of the world. Whoever that follows Me can never walk in darkness. The Light is here, not in the sky. They think they are projecting, but they are not projecting anything.


BRIDAL CONFERENCE VOL 2; preached on Sunday 2nd March, 2014 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 66 vs. 5 & Pg. 77 vs. 21



John 10:24-30, AMP.24So the Jews surrounded Him and began saying to Him, “How long are You going to keep us in suspense? … How long are you going to keep us in suspense? …  If You are [really] the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed), tell us so plainly and openly.”

  1. 25Jesus answered them, “I have told you so, yet you do not believe. The works that I do in My Father’s name testify concerning Me [they are My credentials… They are what? … My credentials and the evidence declaring who I am].
  2. They are My credentials and evidence declaring Who I am, but how few believe Me? How few? Because I am a heavenly Messenger ministering here on earth to earthly men to make them heaven-bound, how few will receive My Message?
  3. If My Message is an earthly message of prosperity and earthly possession and things like that, the world will be paying attention. But here, only those who proceeded from God will pay attention. The rest won’t.
  4. Do you not know how to know when a Message is from God or not? If a Message is from God, the world will not pay attention, but if it is from the world– from the devil, the world will embrace it.
  5. By this, you know the difference between a heavenly Message and a worldly Message, for the world will go where the attraction is, and the Bride will go where the Bridegroom is. I am the bridegroom of the Bride.
  6. As long as the bridegroom is alive, all the guests in the wedding ceremony must be satisfied. True or false?
  7. 25Jesus answered them, “I have told you so, yet you do not believe. The works that I do in My Father’s name testify concerning Me [they are My credentials
  8. 26But you do not believe Me [so you do not trust and follow Me] because you are not My sheep. Yes!
  9. 27The sheep that are My own hear My voice and listen to Me; … Begin now to place yourself where you belong. Judge yourself. Do not say, “God, judge me.” Re-examine yourself again. Re-examine your standpoint again.
  10. Find out whether you are holding on to the head or you are disconnected from the head which is Christ where all the members are strongly fitted. Find out whether you are there fitted or you are struggling to be fitted or you are just an observer. Yes!
  11. I know them, and they follow Me. 28And I give them eternal life, and they will never, ever [by any means] perish; and no one will ever snatch them out of My hand.
  12. Note! They will never ever perish. Is there any promise stronger than this.
  13. 29My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater and mightier than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand.
  14. 30I and the Father are One [in essence and nature].”” In what? In essence and nature, we are one. Did you get the Message? I and My father are one in essence and also nature.
  15. So, we are inseparable. No man can separate the Son from the Father. No one can separate the Father from the Son. The attributes of the Son are the attributes of the Father. True or false?
  16. You see why water or liquid takes the shape of its container, but at times, supernatural things will happen. Did you get it? Whenever you see something supernatural, would you not know?
  17. When what is supposed to be inside is seen outside– you photograph the external side of a Man, only to see a Being outside the One you photographed. You will know that what is photographed is what that Man is in the guise of a human being.
  18. If you take the photograph of a person, but what you get is a lion, you will know that what you photographed is a lion clothed with human flesh.
  19. Even as we are talking, a man can be a lion and also return to a man. True or false? Somebody can transform himself into a lion, but he would not stay long in that form as a lion.
  20. Do you not hear that somebody has the capacity to turn into a lion? He goes hunting for a prey, but he will not eat what it has killed. When he enters the bush, he would not stay for long for he was not meant to be a lion that will stay long in the forest.
  21. This one is magic. We call it magic. It is not a miracle. Are you hearing Me? Some of them are bestowed upon some kindreds. There are kindreds where the individual members have the capacity to transform into lion.
  22. Some are bestowed upon some individuals, while some are concoctions which native doctors can plant in a man through invocations and he becomes a lion, but he does not stay long there.

He can become a python– a snake. He can become anything at all, but he cannot stay long and then he will come back again because it is not his nature. He cannot do what other animals are doing, for that is counterfeit animal.

  1. But that of God, look at it. Is it not permanent. Is it not permanent. This is the permanent nature of God. It is made visible through Christ. Oh no! In essence and in nature, they are one.
  2. Are you surprised that the Resurrected Body in our midst has reproduced all. All the teachings, all the Messages, everything and brought down the same Ancient Cloud.
  3. What else do you want to see? I have displayed all these things before you. Series of many convincing demonstrations, unquestionable evidences and infallible proofs. Proofs you cannot annul. Irrevocable proofs of the Deity.
  4. I have given you the more sure Word of prophecy. I have been revealing to you things that are yet to come that you may know that I am that Sovereign Spirit that was promised to come in the last days, that will remind you of all He taught you.
  5. He will indict you and then guide you into the knowledge of all truths and finally reveal to you things that are yet to come. And he will not speak on His own, but whatsoever He heareth from the Father, that He declares. True or false?
  6. INTERLUDE: Who is there at the backyard? Somebody opened that gate at the backyard. I heard a noise. You heard it? Did you close the gate very well? Somebody opened that gate. Did you hear it? [Someone testifies, “I heard it.”] I know it is Nzubechi. Is there anybody missing here? Is there anybody missing here? Who could come from that kitchen from the backyard and open that gate? Everybody heard it, there is no wind blowing. And there is no wind that can open it. Could it be this boy. Okay. Please, hold your children. I do not want any distraction. That will show you how sensitive I am. See the distance between the backyard and where we are and I heard that noise there. So, I am sensitive.
  7. Please, follow Me gradually.
  8. 1 John 5:19-20. We have been reading it but I want to read it again.
  9. 1 John 5:19-20, TLB. [19]We know that we are children of God… Do you know you are a child of God? Do you know you are a child of God? He that is born of God does not commit sin and does not continue in sin because God’s seed is in him. God’s own divine sperm is permanent in him. So it is in the Amplified version of the Bible
  10. 1 John 5:19-20, AMP. 19We know [positively] that we are of God, and the whole world [around us] is under the power of the evil one. … The whole world around us is under the power and control of Satan. Satanic worshippers everywhere. That is why they are not persecuting one another.
  11. 20And we [have seen and] know [positively] that the Son of God has [actually] come to this world and has given us understanding and insightHe has actually come to this world and has given us understanding and insight. …[progressively] to perceive (recognize) and come to know better and more clearly Him Who is true; and we are in Him Who is true–in His Son Jesus Christ (the Messiah). This [Man] is the true God and Life eternal.
  12. This what? This Man… This what? This Man… This Man, not this goat. He is what? the true God and Life eternal. We are talking about this Man. The Man, Christ. True or false?
  13. Look at Galatians 2:17-19, TLB. [17]But what if we trust Christ to save us and then find that we are wrong and that we cannot be saved without being circumcised and obeying all the other Jewish laws? Wouldn’t we need to say that faith in Christ had ruined us? God forbid that anyone should dare to think such things about our Lord.
  14. God forbid that anyone, including you and I, should be tempted to think of such a thing about our LORD, Christ, the Messiah, the Saviour.
  15. If the Messiah, the Saviour could not save, will you save? Let no man ever think that way.
  16. [18]Rather, we are sinners if we start rebuilding the old systems I have been destroying of trying to be saved by keeping Jewish laws, [19]for it was through reading the Scripture that I came to realize that I could never find God’s favor by trying—and failing—to obey the laws. I came to realize that acceptance with God comes by believing in Christ. Amen and Amen and Amen!!! Acceptance by God comes by believing in Christ and Christ alone.
  17. SONG: In times like this, we need an anchor. In times like this, we need an anchor. Be very sure. Be very sure your anchor holds and grips that solid Rock.
  18. This Rock is Christ, the only God. This Rock is Christ, the only God. I am very sure. I am very sure my anchor holds and grips the solid Rock.
  19. If you are Seed of God, you are completely insulated from destruction, for the germ of life is in you permanently, and you cannot continue to sin. Is it not documented there in your Bible.
  20. 1 John 5:18, Complete Jewish Bible. [18]We know that everyone who has God as his Father does not go on sinning;…
  21. If you know you have God as your Father, you do not continue in unbelief. You do not continue disbelieving God, distrusting God.
  22. What makes God your Father? How can you disbelieve your Father, distrust your Father continually? There is no amount of provocation that will make you to denounce your Father. Am I making sense at all?
  23. Go up, come down, He is your Father. Even if He rebukes you, indicts you, and chastises you with hot displeasure, He is doing His work as a good Father, for if you are not being chastised hotly by God as others are being chastised when they err, that goes to show that you are not a son but a bastard. True or false?
  24. For whosoever God loves, him He chastises. The Bible said, “He scourges.” He gives you wounds. He scourges your back. And it takes He that scourges you to bind your wounds.
  25. And when you exercise that particular punishment very well, sooner than you think, it will yield peaceable result of righteousness in you. You have a peace that passeth human understanding.
  26. …on the contrary, the Son born of God protects him, and the Evil One does not touch him.

Did you get the Message? “Anybody the Son wills deliberately.” It is not because you merit it or you have persuaded Him or you have prayed and prayed, or you have ever found favour, He has just deliberately decided. That is why I keep on telling you in this Faith that you do not know Me yet. In addition, there are things I believe which you do not believe, and you do not have My Faith yet. But you are trying to have My Faith. When My Faith will be fully revealed in the Bride, you will know that I am He, but My Faith cannot be fully revealed in the Bride until you have lined up with One Voice


NOW I KNOW THAT THOU ART A MAN OF GOD; Teaching on Sunday 28th February, 1999; Pg. 185 vs. 27



1 John 5:18, AMP. 18We know [absolutely] that anyone born of God does not [deliberately and knowingly] practice committing sin, but the One Who was begotten of God carefully watches over and protects him [Christ’s divine presence within him preserves him against the evil], and the wicked one does not lay hold (get a grip) on him or touch [him]. Amen!

  1. 1 John 3:9, AMP. 9No one born (begotten) of God… Pay attention! …[deliberately, knowingly, and habitually] practices sin,… Is it saying the same thing? The same thing? Why not put your hands together?
  2. 9No one born (begotten) of God. [deliberately, knowingly, and habitually] practices sin [Sure!!!] for God’s nature abides in him… For God’s what? …nature abides in him [His principle of life, the divine sperm, remains permanently within him];…
  3. His principle of life, the divine sperm remains permanently within that person. You see why I tell you that no one can beget a child. It takes God to beget a child. Did you get the Message?
  4. If you think that it is your sperm that gives you a child, you are a liar. There are too many that are pouring those things like water every day.
  5. As long as God has not injected that Seed into it, fertilization will not take place. This is the miracle of conception.
  6. And every seed there is a representation of an angel. Take note of what I am saying. It can be a good angel or a bad angel. It depends on what God wants to produce.
  7. God created evil man for the evil day. Evil man could not have entered into the sperm of life if not through this germ– through the Seed.
  8. Do you not know that a human being is like what you plant in your farm. You plant a seed in the soil, but it takes God to cause it to germinate and to grow.
  9. So, it is not by your strength that you are blessed with children, whether male or female. So, do not ever go about bragging, “I have produced it.” You did not produce anything.
  10. If that germ of life is from God, and is permanent in that individual, from infancy like Abraham, the fear of God is in that child. That child is a sent fellow, an extraordinary fellow.
  11. Whether the child is male or female, you will notice a difference between that child and his/her folks.
  12. 9No one born (begotten) of God. [deliberately, knowingly, and habitually] practices sin for God’s nature abides in him [His principle of life, the divine sperm, remains permanently within him];…
  13. SONG: It shall be permanent. It shall be permanent. What the LORD has done for me, it shall be permanent.
  14. It shall be permanent. It must be permanent. What the LORD has done for me, it shall be permanent.
  15. SONG: I can see everything turning around. Everything turning around. Everything turning around for my good.
  16. All things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are called according to His divine purpose. If God has called you to Himself, watch how things will be working around you.
  17. Give glory to God in everything. Give glory to God in everything. In everything, give Him the praise. Everything means everything. In everything, give God the praise.
  18. …[His principle of life,… God has His own principle of life. Satan has his own principle of life. The two are opposed to each other. True or false?
  19. Now, you say you are a child of God, a child of the King [Oh no!], born of God, that means you cannot deliberately shake your head against the truth. You cannot deliberately err, for you know the implications and to avoid answering seventy-two questions of which Moses attempted only one leaving seventy-one.
  20. He looked at the list alone, read few and said, “So, Moses is to answer these. My LORD, maybe You have decided to ignore all my labour and my love. You have decided to give me a place among the unbelievers in hell because no being born of a woman like me can attempt these questions, even number three.”
  21. Job was given only a few and then he said, “I place my hand on My lips, for I had talked too much.”
  22. You see why you should not pray that you should come to God’s judgment Seat. Do not say, “God, judge me.” I am avoiding the judgment Seat. I want His love and mercy to project towards me, not His judgment.
  23. Only one question He will give you, you will see number one and answer. And that number one is, “Tell Me who you think you are and how you came into the world.”
  24. Job attempted it. And then to number two, he gazed at it. Even the one he answered, God has not even approved it o. Number two, he became quiet and God said, “Go ahead!” Instead of going ahead, He fell flat on the ground, with face downwards.
  25. But you that have that power and everything, you will see and you will know that I am not deceiving your ears. I told your mother Nzubechi on that dying bed, “Nzubechi! Has it become clear to you that I never deceived your ear for one day?” She replied in her unconscious estate, “My Daddy, there is no argument about it.”
  26. …[His principle of life,… God’s principle of life. …the divine sperm, remains permanently within him]; and he cannot practice sinning because he is born (begotten) of God.
  27. He is born and begotten of God. You see where the emphasis is. If you belong to My Flock, you will know, not “I think”, not “By the grace of God” and not “My husband told me”.
  28. There is no other thing you can do than believing God and trusting in Him. Believe in Him. Trust in Him. Do that which He has commanded you to do. Finish! Amen!
  29. If God will deceive a human being, what will be His gain? Do not worry. People must be surprisingly shocked.
  30. John 5:39-43, Complete Jewish Bible. [39]You keep examining the Tanakh… The Tanakh means the Scriptures. …because you think that in it you have eternal life. In it, you think. You are thinking o. God did not say that that is where eternal life is. But you have seen where eternal life is and that you do not get it by self-striving.
  31. All you have to do is to be patient, be loyal, be humble, be obedient and then walk yourself into the heart of the Giver. I say, walk yourself into the heart of the Giver. Be worthy of His confidence. Let Him confide in you.
  32. [39]You keep examining the Tanakh because you think that in it you have eternal life. [Sure!!!]Those very Scriptures bear witness to me, [40]but you won’t come to me in order to have life! [41]“I don’t collect praise from men,
  33. [42]but I do know you people — I know that you have no love for God in you! [43]I have come in my Father’s name, and you don’t accept me; if someone else comes in his own name, him you will accept.
  34. John 5:39-40, AMP. 39You search and keep on searching and examining the Scriptures… You search and keep on searching and examining the Scriptures until the person starts wearing eyeglasses like Chibuko. The person will be given super-concave and super-convex.
  35. You search and keep on searching and examining the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life;… You are thinking that “in them, by dying while searching”, you have eternal life.
  36. …and yet it is those [very Scriptures] that testify about Me;… True or false? Is it not through the study of the Scriptures that we have seen Him Who holds eternal life? If I had come and said, “Look at Me. I have eternal life”, would you have believed?
  37. 40and still you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life.
  38. John 5:39-43, TLB. 39“You search the Scriptures, for you believe they give you eternal life. And the Scriptures point to me! 40Yet you won’t come to me so that I can give you this life eternal! Amen!
  39. [41-42]“Your approval or disapproval means nothing to me,… Do you believe it? For My boat does not know or recognize who jumps in or jumps out.
  40. On this note, I espouse you to the Message for the day. Thank you very much for giving Me audience. And all glory to Him Who is the Source of My Strength and My Power and My Glory, now and forever. Amen!
  41. I have taken your time. You may not even finish one.
  42. Do you know that if I have not spoken to you, you have no condemnation? But now, I have come, and I have spoken to you. I have shown you Who I am. Your unbelief means your condemnation.
  43. You do not have any cloak for your sins. You have no reason for unbelief. What is the reason for your unbelief again. Only you can know, not Me.