IN THE REGION OF THE LOST VOL 2 Preached On 26th May, 2023. By Bishop Fryde Okoh Household of God Enugu, Nigeria

Approved and Authorized



They hope in His mercy and loving kindness. They reverence Him. They obey Him. It is not ordinary obedience, but worshipful obedience. They put their trust and confidence in Him. He is their last hope. Besides Him; aside God, they will do nothing. It is the revelation they have. And nothing can delete it or erase it from their hearts and from their minds. That becomes their guiding principle of life. They aim at pleasing Him at all times. If it means displeasing the entire world that God will be pleased, they will do it. The uncompromisingly righteous.


IF YOU ARE IN DEFAULT, DO SOMETHING VOLUME 1 Preached ON Sunday, 17th September 2023pg 78:63-64



Follow me to the Book of Enoch- 1 Enoch 46:1-8 and let’s hear what the prophet says “And He answered and said to me: “This is the Son of Man who hath righteousness, with whom dwells righteousness, and who reveals all the treasures of that which is hidden, because the Lord of Spirits hath chosen Him, and whose lot has preeminence before the Lord of Spirits in righteousness and is forever.

  1. And this Son of Man whom you have seen shall raise up the Kings and the mighty from their seats and the strong from their thrones and loosen the reigns of the strong and break the teeth of the sinners.
  2. And He shall put down the Kings from their thrones and kingdoms because they do not exalt and praise Him, nor humbly acknowledge who bestowed their kingdom on them. And He shall make the strong hang their heads, and shall fill them with shame. And darkness shall be their dwelling, and worms shall be their bed, and they will have no hopes of rising from their beds because they do not exalt the Name of the Lord of Spirits.
  3. They raise their hands against the Most High and tread on the earth and dwell on it and all their deeds manifest unrighteousness. Their power rest on their riches and their faith is in their god’s which they have made with their hands.
  4. They deny the name of the Lord of Spirits. And they persecute the houses of His congregations, and the faithful who depend on the Name of the Lord of Spirits.
  5. To see Him judge His people, He says, gather My faithful people to Me, those who made a covenant with Me by offering a sacrifice.” The heavens proclaim that God is righteous, that He Himself is judge” Psalms 50:2-6( GNB)
  6. Pay attention here. Note this Truth, “the Lord judged the age of Noah once. The day of Noah was judged once. The age of Sodom and Gomorrah once. Jerico once. Jerusalem once. Both young and old, including pregnant woman. Yes, the Lord judged Sodom and Gomorrah at the Same time.
  7. In that day, the righteous was kept safe, then judgment came the same day. In other words, Water was used to judge in Noah’s day while Fire was use in judgment in the days of Lot. And Fire will reveal all things in our own day. For we are all reserved for fire. Every man’s work shall be tested by fire. After that, we begin to talk about eternal hell. From natural fire to eternal hell.
  8. I am saying that there is going to be fire from the Almighty that will devour the whole earth and that is called judgement upon the ungodly.” Son of Man- from the message- THE YEAR OF JUDGEMENT OF THE BRIDE.( 2018 NEW YEAR MESSAGE) vol.2, page 41:5-8.
  9. “But for now let us pin our hope, our hearts and our attention on putting our lives together, making sure we sanitize our hearts from evil. And also making sure that we are in right standing with God, maintaining a healthy relationship with God and one another. Making sure that our daily character and Manifestations do not counter the Truth we have received so far, for if we receive the Truth and live contrary, God will place us where He placed heathens. Son of Man, from the Message. FEAR GOD EXPLAINED, preached on 3rd May, 2020. Page 35:2 and page 37:8.
  10. So, our disobeying this Message, refusing to accept it fully means detaching ourselves from the body of Christ physically and Spiritually.
  11. “The most pitiable human being on Earth is the human being, who, no matter how highly placed or lowly placed, is living a life void of Christ. That is the most pitiable human being on Earth, Sure!” Son of Man- from the message- GET READY FOR THE FINAL CALL, page 83:36.
  12. “The world is hastening fast to pass away. Everything is running towards the end. And we have come to the end of all things. We are the children of the end time. After this generation cometh no other. After the revelation of the Son of Man cometh no other.” Son of Man, from the message- SECOND BOOK OF PROPHET EZRA, Explained, pt 1, vol,1, page 135:27-28.
  13. In the same message, page 19:10-11, Son of Man continued. “But the end will tell everybody those that really worshipped God and those that politicized the worshipping of God. The end will tell us those that worshipped rightly and those that worshipped wrongly. Am I making sense this morning.
  14. As long as we have not come to the end proper; that is, as long as this race is still on; as long as human beings are here, still given the opportunity to amend their ways, it goes to show that the whole thing is not yet over.” God is giving us another opportunity to repent.
  15. “But it pleased God that we should be numbered among the people that will appear here on Earth in these last days to fulfill all the prophets foretold that will happen in the last days concerning worshipping of God, immortality, hell fire, paradise ( or Heaven) and everything, even the politics of the world, the religion of the world, and all events as prophesied by the prophets. Son of Man. From the same message read above.
  16. ” For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgement; And spared not the old world, but saved Noah, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly; And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them with an unbelief, making them an example unto those who refused to live godly; And deliver just Lot, vexed with the manner of life of the wicked: For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed His righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;
  17. The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of Judgement to be punished. But chiefly, (or especially) them that walk after the flesh in the last of uncleanness, and despise government.” Author unknown.
  18. Remember that even Noah was a man who loved God, obedient to Him in spite of the ridicule of his friends and neighbors, his entire family couldn’t reflect same. Ham his son was very wicked and dishonoured his father, and it was thought that Ham and his wife carried on many wicked and atriocious practices that were upheld in the world prior to the flood. Noah’s name will ever remain positive in the history of human development and expedition. His life reflects his deeds. The quantity of light he has given to the world, the brighter his life has been. His reward was great.
  19. “If the Lord will call it quits today, how many are in that Ark? How many of us are comfortably seated in the Ark of salvation? How many can stand on their feet and declare that come what may, they are sure and certain that they have the ticket into paradise. These are perplexing questions we have to answer as individuals”. Son of Man, from the Message, GET READY FOR THE FINAL CALL, page 152:57-58.
  20. Many will be looking forward for a wooden Ark again as people are waiting for the second coming of Jesus the Christ. The Ark we are talking about in this present generation is the human Ark, which is God Almighty that came as a human being to collect the saved into paradise. This human being will swallow all the saved into Himself because the Ark of covenant is the spiritual Ark of this dispensation.
  21. Those who are in this Ark of Redemption are those who accepted and believed in this God man of this era. Once you don’t believe in Him, obey His instructions, and become aquainted with Him physically and Spiritually, you have no part in His mission on Earth. He is not pretending about that.
  22. Follow me to the Message–WALKING BLAMELESSLY BEFORE GOD, vol.1, page 154:49-51 and listen to the Word of wisdom from our Redeemer, “So if you are wise and understanding, begin now to make your choice between the good and the bad. Always remember that the end of your life counts more than the beginning of your life.
  23. The beginning of your life does not determine your destiny but the end, for no man is crowned until he gets to the end. Mistakes can be made along the way. If you can correct them before you get to the end, Glory be to God.”
  24. So it is our collective duty to tie the loose ends by going back into our inner selves and screen our characters, actions and behaviours sincerely and see if they are in line with the spiritual pattern of our Master. Every movement has a leader, and the leader has a plan by which his program is accomplished. Once one is not working within the bracket of the set out program, then he or she is not part of that program. Every organization has a Constitution, so God has His own doctrines which we must obey.
  25. “When God is out to warn His people, He is also out to punish every disobedience.” At the time when God is warning His people in His mercy, in His love, in His kindness; expressing his heart desire towards their characters, at that same time, He is ready to punish every disobedience no matter how little you may see it.
  26. Because He said that when you are committing evil, you are committing it against your own soul to the extent that He will not allow any soul to live in disobedience, both man and woman including little children, all will be consumed” from the message,. WHEN GOD IS OUT TO WARN HIS PEOPLE, HE IS ALSO OUT TO PUNISH THEM, page 28:17-19, preached by Apostle Kelechi Uwakwe.
  27. Almighty God said and have been saying it that no unrighteous and disobedient being will ever smell this paradise. This Truth He has never hidden from us. We should remember that Abraham is God’s best friend whom He never hid anything from but this same God, the same yesterday and today never accepted His friend’s proposal on the issue pertaining to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. He gave him an option which was never accomplished. Is that God different from the God in our midst today?
  28. No? He is the same personality, the ancient of days. Let us pray harder for we are dealing with a just God that mean what He says and say what He mean. A highly sensitive Spirit. A God that will judge everybody according to his works. No partiality!
  29. “The high and the low, the rich and the poor, the wise and the ignorant, when the soul hath shaken off the cumbrous shackles of this mortal life shall quickly receive from the Great Law of God a just and everlasting compensation according to their works.” UNTO THEE I GRANT.
  30. Life’s journey demands that every one of us must choose from these two pains as an alternatives. The pain of discipline and obedience to the Truth and the pain of regrets and disobedience. Through what we believe in, our choices of action manifests physically. We must believe in one thing, either in God or the devil.
  31. Confucius backed it up with these words “The man who chases two rabbits, catches neither.”And one of the most cowardly actions ordinary people embark on is to deny the Truth because they are not comfortable with it and focus on falsehood. Sometimes, out of stupidity and ignorance, our minds are religiously controlled and it reacts as tangled cables, and then we act out of emotion and make a wrong choice in life.
  32. Once we are being controlled by emotion we cannot listen to the compass of our soul., We have caged our true self with falsehood and it cannot lead us again effectively. So the Word of God at this juncture is no more captured by our conscious self, iniquity will prevail and God will depart from us. He hates iniquity.
  33. “Let me tell you, you don’t need to go far to know the feeling of God around you. if you are aquainted with God and you know who God is, you know how He relates with you, when your relationship with God is cordial, when you are on the right track.
  34. Then you know when He severs relationship with you. Without even talking, you will know the reason why. You will know why it is not as it used to be. How do you get it? By directly discerning, for you have been personally and practically acquainted with Him. You have known Him. In that regard, you can even stand for Him.
  35. If anybody makes a statement crediting it to Him, your personal practical acquaintance with Him over the years will place you in a position to say “No” or “yes” to that person, And when the matter is revealed to Him, you will be justified.
  36. That person will acknowledge that he really told lies, with intent to receive or to get one thing or the other fraudulently. But he misfired for he went to somebody that has been acquainted with God personally, practically, by direct discernment, not by teaching or this and that. It is a matter of personal relationship”. Son of Man- FIVEFOLD WORSHIP EXPLAINED,( Offering is an act of worship) preached on Sun.16th July, 2017. Page 121:22-25.
  37. Let us have this at the back of our minds. “The day of the Lord is surely coming, as unexpectedly as a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise and the heavenly bodies will disappear in fire, and the Earth and everything on it will be burned up.
  38. And so, since everything around us is going to melt away, what holy, godly lives we should be living! You should look forward to that day and hurry it along- the day when God will set the heavens on fire, and the heavenly bodies will melt and disappear in flames.” 2 Peter 3:10:12 (LB)
  39. Is this not a scary statement? A serious warning to all of us, reminding us of the impending doom that will soon overtake the world. Who can escape it? What is our hope? Are we prepared? This is an agitating question that should be bothering us at this period in time if we actually have the spirit of God in our hearts; fear of God and His powers.
  40. “Behold, the Name of the Lord cometh from afar, burning with His anger, and the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his tongue as a devouring fire.Isaiah 30:27 KJV
  41. Let us look at another scripture Luke, 21:11 to expatiate this dangerous situation that is coming on the way. “And there will be great earthquakes, and famines in many lands, and epidemic, and terrifying things happening in the heavens.” Can we hear that?
  42. For us to run away from this catastrophic mayhem that is approaching with speed, which the deceptive minds have painted a picture about, saying that it is not real, is for us to believe with all our hearts and doubt nothing so that we won’t have the same experiences as other unbelievers in their own days. God repeats His actions. Won’t it be a horrifying experience? God forbid.
  43. “Believe God and obey Him. Do it the way He said you should do it and leave it that way. Follow that standard. Follow that rule in doing it. That is all! And then your account will be credited by no other person but the Almighty God Himself.
  44. So when we talk about crediting our account, it starts with believing in God, obeying Him, and then you can sacrifice whatever you want to sacrifice. And the only sacrifice God expects from us is obedience.
  45. If you are doing anything, whether physical work or offering money or anything at all, and you have not obeyed, you will be counting on the much you have expended in trying to work out your own salvation when you have not even opened your account with God.
  46. The account you should open starts with what? Obedience to His Word. It is when you are accepted that every other thing will follow. If not, your account will remain red. And that red means that you are owing God. Your account will be reading minus, minus, minus.” Son of Man extract from one of His messages of ancient Wisdom, titled XRAY, vol.3, page 137:47-50.
  47. That’s why Almighty God has been calling us to repent and run back to Him. He came with nothing else except eternal life and that’s the greatest gift anybody can get.
  48. “I am for salvation to all the ends of the Earth in this generation. That is why I promise you nothing but salvation which is eternal life. Just follow Me. Finish! Follow Me, I will empty all of you that believes in Me into paradise. There is no mistake about it.” The Son of Man, BRIDAL WATCH, ISREAL AND PALESTINE IN PROPHECY, vol.3, preached on Sun.6th April, 2014 at the Household of God Onitsha, page 28:22
  49. This is our only hope of escaping this gory horror of torment that will shake humanity and cast unbelievers into the “region of the lost.” If you experienced the Nigeria/ Biafran war, you will understand the meaning of the word “horror.” What we faced then cannot be forgotten easily. Was it hunger, sickness, mind torture; which is restlessness, or fear of the unknown.
  50. The narrative or experience of that war is a great teacher that those who experienced it will always pray not to experience such again. Can it be equated with what is coming ahead? Only God knows. But bear in mind that it wasn’t palatable.
  51. Almighty God is showing us real love as a Father. Why are we rebelling against His Word. It seems we don’t believe that this is the voice of the Elohim talking to us? Hear this “This is the Word of God. It is not the Word of any man. There is no other way that we can receive blessings from Him except by obeying His Word. I said I will continue in a strange way believing that God will speak and not a man.” Son of Man, from the message, GOD AND HIS PEOPLE, preached on 14th August, 1994. Page 45:10.
  52. “God really wants to bless us, but we are filled with unbelief which has remained the greatest obstacle hindering God’s blessings. God also made it clear that He never came for everybody. And that He is not talking to everybody, neither is He saving everybody.” Son of Man, RE-EXAMINE YOUR FAITH, preached on 6th Dec.2007. Page 140:14.
  53. The saved person is under the life changing power of God. We are energized either by God or Satan. We are either saved or unsaved (lost); there is no other choice. The saved person is “delivered from the power of darkness”, and God “has transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved son. The Lord God Himself has provided the only acceptable cure demanded by an infinitely pure and Holy God.”1:13. (LB)
  54. We should understand that “the God of this world has blinded the minds of those who have not believed on Christ.” 2 Cor.4:3-4.
  55. From another translation.“If the Good News we preach is hidden to anyone, it is hidden from the one who is on the road to eternal death. Satan, who is the God of this evil world, has made him blind, unable to see the glorious light of the gospel that is shining upon him, or to understand the amazing Message we preach about the glory of Christ, who is God.” (LB). IT IS HAPPENING NOW!!

Yes, he came to help us trace our historical lineage and more so, “He was sent to the Earth as a beacon of Light and Truth to lead men to the Father; to seek and save the lost. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost,” Luke 19:10 RSV. He is the Spirit of Truth in a badger skin, a blackman and He is on the scene dishing out the saving Truth which human race have decided not to believe as it was in the past dispensation.


I AM A BLACKMAN FROM ONE OF THEJUNGLES IN AFRICA FOR GOD IS A BLACKMANDocumented ByBishop FrydeOkoh On Tuesday 30th June, 2023 pg 128:33&pg 134:66



For behold, the time cometh, and is no far distant, that with power the Lord Omnipresent who reigneth; who was, and is from all eternity; to all eternity, shall come down from Heaven among the children of men, and shall dwell in a Tabernacle of clay and shall go forth among men.” EXTRACT FROM THE BOOK OF MORMON, (Mosiah chapter 3:5)

  1. Religion has blinded man to believe that the supernatural is something external he must seek and continuously pursue. The reality of God living and expressing Himself in a Man is the glory all of creation eagerly waits for.
  2. We can now see the eagerness in people who are waiting for the return of Christ while in actual fact, the personality they are waiting for has been on earth since, preaching, directing, working and is about going back to where He came from. They may not believe this because of their religio-cultural background or influence.
  3. The Truth of the matter is that the Elohim in human form is among us bodily. He came to separate the living from the dead (those in the region of the Lost and those for eternal life).
  4. “God is no longer in heaven. God is now among men. Amen.
  5. That was why as a result of blindness of the people of Isreal, while they were searching the scriptures to find out when this Messiah will come, Simon who was a Priest in the Sanctuary, who was waiting for the consolation of Isreal was already having Fellowship with God in the Temple. Do you get what I am saying.” MY PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW ME, preached 29th April 2001 by The Very Son of Man, page 128:29.
  6. He has come down among us and with a scriptural commission vindicating Him as One sent by God. “But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and that He will stand upon the Earth at last.”Job19:25.LB
  7. Let us see another scripture, Zephaniah 3:17 “For the Lord your God has arrived to live among you. He is a Mighty Saviour. He will give you victory. He will rejoice over you in great gladness; He will love you and not accuse you.” Is that a joyous choir I hear? No, it is the Lord Himself exulting over you in happy song.” LB
  8. “The scriptural commission of every Man of God tells the entire world who He is and the office He occupies and that determines how people will receive Him. For every true Man of God, sent by God, comes with a scriptural commission. Doubting Him, disbelieving Him, that’s unbelief.
  9. We are not preaching a message that will be vindicated, no, we are preaching a message that is over- vindicated”. Son of Man, from the message- ANOTHER DAY, preached on 8th April, 2012 page 55:19.
  10. Hear Him proclaim His authority in Isaiah 61:1-2.“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has Anointed me to bring good news to the suffering and afflicted. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted, to announce liberty to captives and to open the eyes of the blind. He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of God’s favour to them has come, and the day of his wrath to their enemies.”
  11. There is no theological, mystical, religious, philosophical argument or postulation that can change this Truth to Lies, and moreover, they the unbelievers cannot believe in the physical appearance of the GODHEAD in this age. An old adage always noted that “General opinion is no proof of Truth; for the generality of men are ignorant.” Is that correct?
  12. Most of the religionists parading themselves as pastors, prophets etc., are filled with unexpressed emotions (hidden) about this Truth, which in actual fact they know they cannot fault; but believing the bearer is a big question to answer. Their consciences are hurting them because of this Hard Truth, that God is a man.
  13. Uthman Danfodio says that “conscience is an open wound only Truth can heal it.” Those “unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive, and will come forth later in uglier ways.” Sigmund Fried.
  14. Coming forth in uglier ways, signifies the state of mind the unbelievers would find themselves after refusing to accept this undiluted Truth. But to a child of God, “Truth, however, remains always the same, it does not change, for it is eternal! And being eternal it can never be clearly and truly grasped by the earthly senses, which are familiar only with the change of forms!
  15. Therefore become spiritual! Free from all earthly thoughts, and then you will possess the Truth, will stand in the Truth, and will bathe in it, constantly surrounded by it’s pure Light, for it will envelope you completely. As soon as you become spiritual, you will swim in it.” Abd-ru-shin, IN THE LIGHT OT TRUTH, Page 33/34 last/first paragraphs.
  16. Yes, that is correct. Truth is Light and many are blinded by the dazzling reflection of this great light. They find it extremely hard to comprehend this life saving Truth which is factual. In any case, it will take God in you to believe this Truth “for it is heavy, not all shoulders can carry it.” Aleksandr said that “the simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie.” Remain in the Truth.
  17. We have to obey the stipulated doctrines because they are part of His program. These doctrines are the law enforcement agents assigned to check your behaviour, to check your character, even to check the thought of your heart, peradventure you have in one way or the other refracted or deviated completely from the Faith of the Saints. CHECKPOINT EXPLAINED, preached by the Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena, on the 9th to 16th March, 2008, page 26:3.
  18. Based on the strictness of the Apostle and the focus towards achieving success in His Divine Mission, many will fail to understand that He placed His life in this assignment. He didn’t come joking but to achieve success. He was asked if there is assurance that the people He is going to save, will obey and accept Him. He answered in the affirmative, YES!
  19. Place yourself in His shoes. If you are Him, will you lower the standard? He has been talking for years trying to convince us that He is The He, Omnipotent and Omnipresent God in human form. He has warned us of the coming catastrophy that will sink mankind and the enlarged hell fire. He is making sure some of us would be saved because hell fire is not a place good for anybody.
  20. Hear this “The Gate of Hell Fire is open to all, Brethren. Many will blaspheme; many will drop out; I am telling you the Truth. Some people in our midst will blaspheme this Faith. Some people among us, because of the intense hardship will backslide; will do things Children of God are not supposed to do for them to survive. By so doing, they are cut off from the presence of Almighty God and they are dropped from rapture” NOW IS YOUR HOUR AND POWER OF DARKNESS, vol.1 preached by the Son of Man, Apostle Peter ODOEMENA, on the 12th Jan. 1997, page 13:16.
  21. “At this period of waiting, lots and lots of people must wander away from the boundary where God’s love cannot reach them and bring them back. They will wander, cross into the region of the Lost, point of no return. How? They did not understand that what was assigned to them was greater than Moses, greater than Jesus, greater than all.
  22. That was why he warned them, “Provoke Him not to wrath for he will never ever pardon your transgression for He is in your midst as the angel of judgment who will stop at nothing until righteousness reigns upon the Earth and eyes will see His Glory. Who will never be tired or get discouraged by day or by night.”GOD DELIGHTS IN REPEATING WHAT HE DID BACK YONDER, vol.2, preached by the Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena, on the 3rd of September 2017, page 58:7-8.
  23. Our honest prayers should be that NOBODY in our midst will manifest this prophecy. God has said it and let the anointing pass us by. God in His infinite mercy should help us to overcome these challenges. We don’t have the power to challenge His Word and more so, nobody will like to find him or herself in the region of the Lost.
  24. False anointing is deadly and can make one to behave in a way naturally he or she won’t. The solution is to Fear God and amend your heart. Hear the voice of Son of Man on this matter.
  25. “Well fear God, how I wish you will fear God from now. I say, how I wish you will fear God from now. To fear God is to shun evil and behave rightly, for God is not looking at your fine face. No No No No No. God is looking at your character, for your character is what God is after. No more. No less.
  26. So if you like put on the best cloth in the world and beautify yourself the best way you can, but if your character is not in agreement with what God has stipulated, you are Satan’s product.” HELP FROM ABOVE, vol 2 of 3, preached by Apostle Peter ODOEMENA, the Son of Man- the smoking firewood, the Mighty Force that pervades the universe, page 71:6-7.
  27. Your character is your person and your person reveals your character. It has a lot of impact to make in your life and your environment.
  28. “As many as are governed by the Spirit of Christ, they have gotten rid of their community Spirits. It is now the Spirit of Christ that controls the person’s character all- round. One that has allowed himself or herself to be led and controlled by the Word of God, for it will take the Word of God in you to displace the Spirit of your community.” GET RID OF YOUR COMMUNITY SPIRIT, preached 3rd Aug.2008 by the Son of Man, page 17:15-16.
  29. He severed us from the world to give us another identity and that identity is a godly character. He maintained a blind eye about that issue and that remains His stand, so we must comply.
  30. Hear Him speaks on this vital issue at stake.”The Lord has severed us from amongst other people that we should be His. He promised to walk amongst us and then He will be our God and we will be his people. Why the compromise? Why are you compromising your Faith in Christ, losing your ground everyday?” GET RID OF YOUR COMMUNITY SPIRIT, preached 3rd Aug. 2008 by Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Son of man, page 65:14.
  31. We should seek the Lord now and come back to Him. There is no other power on Earth that we can trust except Almighty God but other negative Spirits in man are only encompassed and darkened by earthly desires, which cling to it like dross, burdens it and drags it down. We should keep the hearth of our thoughts pure because your deed, your speech, and your thought encircles your work.
  32. “Adjust your thinking, therefore activity and progress! To do this you must shake many pillars supporting traditional ideas. Often it is some concept wrongly understood that hinders man from finding the right way. He must return to the starting point.
  33. One flash of light will destroy the whole structure so painfully erected over decades, and following a shorter or longer period of stunned inertia, he will make a fresh start! He must do so, for there is no standing still in the universe.” Abd-ru-shin, IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH, page 32: last paragraph.
  34. This primordial light that has been in existence since the world began, and presently among us, came to lift us to a luminous height where love and Truth- absolute Truth prevails.
  35. “Those who are thus sent bring Light and Truth to the erring, peace to the despairing, with their Message they stretch forth their hands to all who seek, offering them new courage and new strength, and guiding them through all darkness up to the Light. They come only for those who long for help from the Light, but not for the scoffers and the self- righteous.” IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH, page 78: last paragraph.
  36. “Whoever that God sends speaks the Word of God, for God is with him. If you believe that I am sent by God, and in Me whoever is the Diety, whoever is that God in Me, He is made known to all of you. So, I am the Divinely ordained instrument sent to you for your salvation. Be it known to you that this day, salvation has come to you, if only you will accept it.”YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN, preached by Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Very Son of Man on 27th June, 2019, page 41( Block Word)
  37. From all the messages or scriptures we have read, we have never seen any record of God sending two Messengers at the same time. Has it happened before? Or is it at this dispensation that it will happen?
  38. “But it is impossible, for God can never vindicate two persons at the same time; the cloud can never present two persons at the same time. It must be ONE VOICE”. Son of Man, from the message- FOLLOW THE CLOUD, vol.2, preached on the 14th September, 2003, page 90:17.
  39. Test the spirit with the Word of God and you will find out the Truth. Truth doesn’t hide, it must be revealed.
  40. “The Word must be examined, not the person. It is a habit of the intellectuals to seek always to regard the person first, and then consider whether they can listen to His Words. Owing to the narrow limitations of their perceptive capacity, these people need such an outward hold, because they must cling to externals to prevent them from becoming confused. Indeed just this is the hollow structure which they erect, which is inadequate for men and a great hinderance to their advancement.” Abd- ru- shin, IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH, page 85: 2nd to the last paragraph.
  41. “Seek the Lord while He is to be found, call upon Him while He is near. An evil man should stop evil, an evil- hearthed one should stop evil thoughts. Let him repent and come to God in repentance. He is a merciful God; He will forgive if you move away from evil.ARE YOU SURE YOU ARE STILL IN THE ARK OF SALVATION- preached by Son of Man, 9th November 2011, page 66:4..
  42. If you are tired of this Faith by now, your actions have revealed that you had another motive while coming here. But the question is, where else shall you go to? Where you are going, are you sure your problems will be solved there? Look inwards, check your present status and compare with your past, can’t you see a great difference. There is. That’s why God asked this vital question that we must individually answer.
  43. “Find out whether you are not tired of this Faith. Tell yourself the Truth, stop makeup here; are you not tired of this Faith? If deep in your heart, ” put your name there. If deep in your heart something in you is suggesting to you by your attitude to the Faith that you are tired or your expectation has failed you, let it be known to you that you are one of the strangers that are causing trouble in this Faith.” Son of Man- PUT ME IN REMEMBRANCE, part 2, vol.1, page 80:33.
  44. In the same message, page 59:25-26, William Branham strike out a very striking note here. Hear him “If you are coming to worship God so that you will not go to Hell, get ready for you must go to Hell and you must perish. If you are coming to God so that your sickness will be healed, thatsickness will kill you”.Then he asked, “How then do we come to God?”
  45. You must come and worship God with love because you know that you ought to, you know that it is your responsibility for He is your God, your Creator and your father. He said,” by the way, why do you obey your father? Do you obey the words of your father so that he will not kill you?” However, you obey your father because you ought to, for he is your father. It is your responsibility.” PUT ME IN REMEMBRANCE, part 2, vol.1 preached 5th Sept.204, page 59:25-26.
  46. So my Brothers and Sisters, where we are is supernaturally caged and God is fully with us in person. We must worship Him for He is a Mighty God of Creation and love. He does what He wants and that is pleasing to Him. Let us have patience with Him for He runs a program that is tied to time. All His plans must come to pass, so we must come closer to Him now for time is no more.
  47. The hour is fast approaching when the time allotted to this perverse and villainous generation will expire. Almighty God is calling on all of us to come back to Him. We cannot be on the fence. We should declare our stand than pretending to believe in Him while most of us believe the devil because “he who eats with both hands does not know the one that soils his cloth.”
  48. We are approaching the time-line that will be terrified and aghast with horror; in it lies the indescribable Greatness of God. All the fanatical critics of this glorious faith cannot deny the existence of this God man in this generation. Their morbid imaginations and unchangeablerhythm of doubt cannot and will never give them the opportunity they are seeking through which they can control or try to control this moving train that is on a spiritual journey.
  49. Epictetus concluded this matter by his statement “suffering arises from trying to control what is uncontrollable.”
  50. He has come to bring the end to all things and conclude the destruction of the entire universe, except few that believe in Him. “Then there is nothing left but judgment when mercy had been spurned. And here we are at the end of the road. The supernaturals being done. It’s being laughed at and made fun of. And the last thing God has come in His power, in His own believed son to work through His church, and they say it’s spiritualism, or, the Devil. What else can be left but judgment?
  51. And here is the handwriting on the wall. But if that be close, and any Teacher knows that the church goes in the Rapture before the tribulation sets in. So if that is that close, could happen before morning, what about the Rapture? It is closer than that.” Prophet William Marion Branham, (Hand Writing On The Wall) 08/01/58.
  52. All these Words and prophesies proclaimed, do we believe God is telling lies? Is our minds telling us so?“Of course not! Though everyone else in the world is a lier, God is not. Do you remember what the Book of Psalms say about this? That God’s Words will always prove true and right, no matter who questions them.” Romans 3:4 LB.



  1. We are almost there. Our God, Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Very Son of Man has been warning us of that impending doom on the way.
  2. “Christ has shouted again. This is the time. This is the time. This is the time for the final anointing of the Saints. This is the time. This is the time. This is the time for the final salvation of the Saints. You can embrace your own today. You can even make a U-Turn even as I am talking to you now, because when Faith is created, there must be a change.
  3. Note, He that sent Me is True, Real, Genuine, steadfast, immovable. And He you do not know. How do you know me? How do you know Him (the Son of Man)? How do you know this Man? What is He to you?
  4. It is this problem that destroyed the Jews. They stumbled out. They never knew Him as one that was sent by a superior authority, that is, by their own Creator. They never knew Him as a representative of the Almighty God whom they did not know.” Son of Man, HOW DID YOU KNOW THE SON OF MAN, preached 30th July, 2017, page 14:19-20,23.
  5. “You cannot believe God and remain where you were. Once you believe, faith is created, faith will cause you to move. Faith will cause you to change your location. Am I making sense at all.” SPIRITUAL AWAKENING, vol.1, page 93:59-61, preached by Son of Man, 14th Nov. 2021.
  6. Without Faith we can’t please God. It is by Faith that mountains can be moved.” Consequently, it is clear that no one can ever win God’s favour by trying to keep the Jewish Laws, because God has said that the only way we can be right in His sight is by Faith.” Galatians 3:11 (LB)
  7. “From what is being manifested, we will know those who proceeded from God and those that are making mere pretenses- counterfeits, rejects and dropouts who are pretending to be one of us, but they know that they are not a part of us.” Son of Man, HELP FROM ABOVE, page 118:40.
  8. “The end will declare those that served God and those that did not serve God, those that walked uprightly and those that walked wickedly, coming to God with their lips when their hearts are far away. These are the people that will be disappointed on that day.” XRAY, vol 3, by Son of Man, page 84:30.
  9. God knows all that are sincerely worshipping Him. Many of us are mere pretenders and that is a dangerous action. He has informed us severally that those whom we call the heathens are better than us. They show more seriousness in worshipping this God. If God at the end of this journey decides to push us away and call into paradise the so called heathens, won’t we be ashamed of ourselves?
  10. The elders used to say that “when egg is used to crack palmnut, the stone dies in shame.” Won’t we die in shame after staying with this God for donkey years and still lived and acted as unbelievers. This goes to show that we were never true worshippers of God–habitual unbelievers and with uncanny rapidity, we distort truth, which is reality, is it the basis of our existence.? We Think more of worldly things than spiritual. Does it mean we are strangers? God help us!
  11. “A true worshipper does not have time for all these things. He is always concerned by day or by night of what he will do to receive blessings from God; what he will do to please God, that he might not stand condemned before God” Son of Man- ARE YOU A CHURCHGOER OR A TRUE WORSHIPPER OF GOD. Preached on 14th Aug. 1994, page 45:10.
  12. God forbid that we are strangers in His Household. We know who a stranger is and how he behaves. His characteristics are visible. Let us ask ourselves this factual question-do we want to be treated like strangers.,? Hear this Watch a stranger; he is a believer once the Message is going on.
  13. He makes a lot of noise confirming the Message but he does not mean it with his heart. That’s a stranger. What is his voice? He is the one that injects poison into the minds of Brethren. He is the one that discourages others not only from paying attention but also from practicing the Message. That’s a stranger. He struggles with the Word.” Son of Man, from the message, BLAME YOURSELF AND NOT GOD/ DO NOT FOLLOW THE VOICE OF A STRANGER, preached on 30/12/2007, page 103:3-4.
  14. “Any Gospel that is not preaching Christ, I don’t know that one. Anyday we come here, and we do not exalt the Son of Man and His ministry, you have not worshipped God. Any day we come here, we do not acknowledge the presence, the Manifestation and the blessings from the Elohim, we have not worshipped God” Son of Man GOD HAS A HIDING PLACE, vol.1, preached on the 28th of April, 2013, page 84:41.
  15. “So if you are not led by the Spirit of God, you are not a seed of God. The Word of God , Christ is the sure anchor that holds every seed of God against error, against sin, against evil, and that is when the Word is abiding in you. The Word becomes your police Man.” YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN, preached 27th Jan. 2019, page 36:76.
  16. “That is why the Word of God is like a light that shines in the dark corner of our heart. If you switch on a torch here, the torch is not needed because there is light. But the torch serves you when there is darkness. So the Word of God shines in the dark area.
  17. That is why when the message will be going forth, your name will not be mentioned, but the message will be speaking to you personally. Through the light of the World of God, your life will be x-rayed. You will be asking, is this how I am? Who told pastor this? Who reported me to Daddy?” SPIRITUAL ACCOUNTABILITY, page 22:17-19, preached by Son of Man, on 26th June, 2020.
  18. “Without the Holy Ghost, no matter the amount of the Word of God you have memorized, you have stored up in you, you will still be a carnal man. I will still be a carnal man. Have you seen our problem? Alright.” TAKE OIL IN YOUR VESSEL, page 45:26, preached by Son of Man.
  19. Isawara Topa added this “Man remains unaware of himself as long as he does not realise God”. Is it a fact or fiction?
  20. “What is more, my whole duty is to espouse you to the Word of God, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: for I AM the Word made flesh. The whole aim is to make you be as I am, so that we can have sweet and divine fellowship- an inseparable fellowship.” THE SEPARATING LINE BETWEEN GOD AND MAN, page 41:8, preached by Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Very Son of Man.
  21. “What a God He is! How perfect in everyway! All His promises prove true. He is a shield for everyone who hides behind him. For who is God except our Lord? Who but he is as a rock?” Psalm 18:30.
  22. God is just and righteous, and will judge the earth with equity and Truth. His forgiveness lies in justice. Nothing else. And in this unconditional justice also lies the great love which had hitherto been so misunderstood by mankind. That has been the MIND OF MAN AGAINST GOD since the world began.
  23. “If for any reason you say you will not follow Him, maybe He does not meet your standard of the personality you thought God will use, that is your own business, for God had made His choice and has presented His choice before many witnesses. He confirmed His choice using the supernatural sign.” Son of Man, FOLLOW THE CLOUD, vol.2, page 83:94.
  24. Ralph .W. Emerson was of the same view that God must be worshipped when he wrote that “The happiest man is he who learns from nature the lesson of worship.” And Matthias Scheeben added that “without the anchor of faith, our heart might lead us astray.” How can our minds lead us astray? It is when we fail to believe the redemptive and uplifting Word of God given to us in our own day by God in human form, Apostle Peter Odoemena, the very Son of Man.
  25. “If we really have faith in God and His infinite powerful goodness, we can never feel fearful about anything.” Swami Ramakrishnanda. And “the road to the infinite is luminous if you see it as a city lit in a mirror.” Raja Rao.
  26. Yes, I agree, but to see the road as luminous, we should also see the other side of it, that there must be trials and tribulations on the way towards paradise.“A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials.”
  27. When the trials or challenges come our ways, the only solution is for us to embibe the Truth from God and also “Beware of false knowledge. It is more dangerous than ignorance.” George Bernard Shaw.
  28. “Do not be weary; For when the day of trouble and heaviness comes, others will weep and be sorrowful, but you will be merry and have abundance.” Son of Man, 2ND BOOK OF PROPHET EZRA, EXPLAINED. Page 75:44.
  29. I plead that all of us, would imbibe what the Holy Ghost has revealed to us in this compilation. We should be aware that seductive spirits are moving around, especially around the children of God trying to pull us away from the presence of God. Those of us that had made a false move out of God’s presence should quickly run back as fast as their legs could carry them.
  30. There is nothing tangible one would benefit walking with Satan. It is a useless adventure which will end up in sorrow. God has told us how to live and behave so that He will be happy with us. He hates recklessness.“Idols make stipulations to their worshippers and Almighty God also makes stipulations for His worshippers. I cannot worship Almighty God and owe allegiance to Idol ” PUT ME IN REMEMBRANCE, page 67 (Word in block).
  31. That is why God said in Jeremiah 50:6-7 that “My people have been lost sheep. Their shepherds led them astray and then turned them loose in the mountains. They lost their way and didn’t remember how to get back to the fold. All who found them devoured them and said, “We are permitted to attack them freely, for they have sinned against the Lord, the God of justice, the hope of their fathers.”
  32. We are at the end. Let the things and glamour of this world not take our eyes away from God Almighty, who has been protecting us since we arrived at this material world. “The brave man is he who overcomes not only his enemies but his pleasures.” And also, Epictetus added his own “It is also part of a wise man to resist pleasure.”
  33. Too much of everything is bad and the habit we develop today, either good or bad, will eventually decide our future. Evidences of that will filter in as we progress in life.
  34. We should learn to always forgive people and move on, even if they never asked for your forgiveness. Don’t do it for them- Do it for yourself.
  35. “I want you to believe the scripture that said that the trouble of this present hour has nothing to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed hereafter. If you can remain steadfast unto the end, you will never regret following God.” From the massage, ANOTHER DAY, preached by The Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena on the 8th of April, 2012, page 25:24.


  1. Hosea 6:1-2Come, and let us return unto the Lord- for He hath torn, and He will heal us; He hath smitten, and He will bind us up. After two days will He revive us: in the 3rd day He will raise us up, and we shall live in His sight.”
  2. Come, let us return to the Lord; it is He who has torn us- He will heal us. He has wounded- He will bind us up. In just a couple of days, or three at the most, He will set us on our feet again, to live in His kindness.”
  3. Remember our topic-” IN THE REGION OF THE LOST”. Very thought provoking topic. Reflect on it while I do so. May we not be trapped by the prevailing situation starring us in the face. That is our hope and faith.


  1. I have to thank You O! My God for giving me the privilege of handling this assignment which is fearful and mind bending. It made me sober throughout the period of this compilation and I have learnt a lot. I believe you decided to take me back to the messages and teach me what I have never known before.
  2. You guided this job from the beginning to the ending and the experiences encountered is personal and can never be forgotten in this world or the world to come. Thank you so much for this great favour which is a mark of love which is unquantifiable.
  3. Please, oh God! The Magnificent Being who created me; you know am a mere mortal being existing in this imperfect world, kindly hear my prayer. Let this compilation not be used to weigh me, for if you do, I will weigh nothing. The messages I compiled are not mine and man’s imperfection may not help matters when it comes to action.
  4. So also to my Brothers and Sisters, let your overflowing love prevail on all of us. Don’t abandon us at the last day for we can’t, in sincerity, face what is on the way. See us as valuable materials before your eyes.
  5. I don’t want to be an “agboro” who loads the vehicle but could not join. Help us to find our ways back to You, for without your help we can do nothing. I cannot hide anything from You.
  6. May all the Glory and Honour be ascribed to your Holy Name. You will remain our God till eternity. Our hopes are anchored on you. You are highly blessed.