COMPILED IN DECEMBER 2023 BY  Apostle Timothy Ukpong Household of God at Akwa Ibom/Cross Rivers State

Approved and Authorized




I  AM THE CHIEF INSTRUCTOR 4th March 2012; Page 115:1-3. 1Let us not carry the matter too far. Relate it to what you heard concerning your departure. Then, what time is it Brethren? What hour are we living in? As we see prophecies fulfilling rapidly, not minding who and who God is using to fulfill prophecies for He must use somebody.

  1. 2Remember He said, “Do not pray against it for the hand of God is behind it, for you will never be transformed or translated; you will never leave the scene until in the midst of the trouble. For God is going to ignite a trouble that will draw the attention of the whole world away, and in the midst of that trouble the Bride will go away unnoticed.” Then He began to tell you what the troubles are likely to be starting from the Middle East.
  2. 3I am happy that the Message of the kingdom has gone round the whole world and we are now at the end. If our Message is hidden, it is hidden from those who the god of this evil world has blinded their eyes and their hearts that they might not see the hand writing on the wall.
  3. Page 142:25-27. 25Remember many many years ago the prophecy went forth: “If Almighty God is behind this Bridal Faith, it is a movement and non-denominational in approach. Nevertheless, watch! I show you a sign. If God is behind this Bridal Faith, He will raise this Ministry to a point where I will be privileged to speak to the whole Nigeria.”
  4. 26As at that time, we were not up to fifteen in number at Amazu oil. Now, immediately the Ministry came to limelight, He began to receive invitations until I was privileged to hold a world press conference. It is there in the website. It is in print.
  5. 27If we were told that time that this small thing that was being planted that time as a mustard seed, could come to a point where all the birds will be perching there, it could have been very difficult for one to echo Amen, but we really echoed Amen. For the voice said, “I am planting My seed here as a mustard seed. I must nurture it until it grows above all. We are running last but we are coming first. Just follow Me and you will see greater things ahead.”
  6. I AM THE BRIDGE AND LINK; 2nd October 2011; Page 55:22-25: 22We have arrived at the Gate, and God said this is the final point. The only thing preaching will achieve is where you are, for the Bride can never go higher than what she is now. She has attained her perfect height.
  7. The unity of the faith has been achieved through the spreading of the publication. The stature of Christ has been achieved through the Message of salvation, which opened our eyes to see that we are not going there with our own self-achieved righteousness but the righteousness that is imputed on us without works by the Son of Man.
  8. 23That anybody striving to present his own self-achieved righteousness, has already declared himself unfit for the kingdom. It has become clear that by the deeds of the law or by the regulations of the written ordinances, shall no flesh be saved, for the law maketh nothing perfect, but there is coming in of a better covenant established on better promises.
  9. 24The law favours the wicked, and displeases the liberally minded. That is why in everything you must behave and act as people that will be judged by the law of liberty. 25We have advanced from where we were before. Events are unfolding everyday.
  10. Fix your eyes on the Middle East, watching Israel as your Calendar; watching Jerusalem, watching Damascus, watching Tel-Aviv. The train is still on the move. It is moving gradually. It is gathering speed. Only two weeks is remaining according to the mandate of the UN to Israel and Palestine. Only two weeks left for the two to come to the roundtable to enable them determine their borders in agreement with 1967 border treaty. To enable the UN General Assembly proclaim to the whole world, the Palestinian State.
  11. PAGE 59:31. In a situation like this, God said, “Your duty, My duty is to watch as we see events unfold on a daily basis.” Will there be fire? Yes! Whether we like it or not, all the atomic bombs and nuclear weapons that have been stored by all the countries in the world are all about to be tested. Do not jump up. Let Me give you one little example.
  12. Page 90:6-14. 6I am showing you your timetable. Get ready, for your flight is near, even nearer than you think. Do not ever think that this thing I have proclaimed will fulfill in geometrical (linear) order. That is 1,2,3,4. No. It is not going to happen that way. One single event that will happen even as I am talking now, the rest will line up.
  13. 7All these things I have outlined as if they will happen one after the order, one single event, it can be one shot fired at a dangerous point, and the thing is ignited.


THE STATE OF THE NATION Volume 1; 19th July, 2009; Page 76:22-25. 22I am going somewhere. I want you to know the state of the nation. God spoke concerning this nation. 23We see crimes on the increase. When we started hearing about kidnapping in the Niger Delta, remember I mounted the pulpit and told you that this kidnapping must extend its tentacles to the South East. So it will continue until it will enguld the whole Nigeria, for that is the area affecting MEND.

  1. 24The criminality side of it was at the side of kidnapping and collecting ransom. It is a condemnable act by God. Now, watch what is happening. The spate of kidnapping, nobody will say he is not aware. If anybody is pretending that he does not know that kidnapping has come to stay in Nigeria, that person is a liar. Even out authorities know this truth.
  2. THE STATE OF THE NATION Volume 2; 17th October, 2010; Page 126:3-6. 3The flight which Prophet Muhammad took from Mecca to Medina to escape persecution was called “Hejira”. I am not talking about the wars between Spartans and Athens. No! That is not what I am talking about. I am talking about “The Jihad” and they call it the “The Holy war”.
  3. 4Then the question arises. Which war is holy? It was a war. Yet, it was holy. What made it holy? It is because God was involved in the war. It was a war that was fought in the Name of God, trying to establish a wall between truth and error. Do you know that this is the origin of hostility between the Muslims and the Christians till now? The inability of the Christians to accept the first-sonship of Ismaila. And Nigeria is the battle ground for now. The battle ground is no longer in Saudi Arabia nor in Pakistan.
  4. 5The battle ground is now where the Mediator is. The battle ground is where the Man they are defending is. And it will not end until He is drawn into the picture, because I know that events around Me are now pointing Me to one place. The world is about to know who I am and what I preach. And they will like to know those have believed in Me. They will like to know the denomination I belong to, the name of the Church so to say and the headquarters.
  6. Page 136:3-5. 3Get ready for your flight. What is holding you is about to be touched. Only time will tell. Watch! In Nigeria, politics is gradually tilting towards religious lines. The hand of God is directing everything. Nigeria is a kola nut with six lobes or segments. What binds the six segments of the kola nut is always at the head.
  7. 5You know I am very practical. If you look at out native kola nut, whatever that fuse the kola nut together is at the head. I am giving you an allegory which will later become a figure any moment from now. It will be sounding like metaphor gbam gbam! Gbim gbim gbim! (gunshots). Then you will remember the Voice that said, “Anytime you hear gunshots and bombs sound, anywhere you are, simply stand there, for your flight is near for something that existed in a name will soon fizzle out.”
  8. Page 154:46-47. 46While it is about to be actualized, the whole prophecies I have mentioned to you so far point to a time when this geographical name called Nigeria which was given to her by the wife of Lord Lugard will no longer be mentioned again like the anthem that established it. You cannot sing “Nigeria we hail thee.” No! You cannot sing it again. It is now “Arise O compatriots.”
  9. 48From the day the anthem changed, a sensible fellow will expect a change in the name. …
  10. Page 158:54-59. 54Now, look at what is already happening. Can you see the handwriting on the wall? Begin to see 11 years to come, but remember that we have only one general election. The rest will come at intervals according to the expiry date of the person’s tenure. Which electoral commission will handle that nonsense? Can you not see a future where the whole nation will be tired of the whole thing? They will be tired of even going to court because this is a sign that people are no longer comfortable staying as a nation. People want to be allowed to pick their own leaders. They do not want anybody to be imposed on them.
  11. 55The whole of these court rulings indicates that people were imposed on their fellow human beings, and they are agitated as they are no longer happy with the impositions. The greater part of this nation is dissatisfied with what is happening. Thus, it then means the kola nut is ripe.
  12. 56Who will touch the head of the kola nut? That is what is left. Who will be number one to touch the head? For one single blow on the head, independent lines, natural lines will appear. No arm of the kola nut will feel hurt. No part will feel hurt. Instead, there will be jubilations.
  13. 57Will it be touched? Yes! When. Whenever when becomes when. 58Whenever it happens, remain wherever you are. Do not shake. Do ot make any move. Do not say yes or no to anybody. Remain where you are.
  14. May the good LORD continue to protect you and uphold you in this Faith. Since you know you are not being deceived, you are receiving the right information, stay with the truth wherever you find it.
  15. 8This moment, one second, in a twinkling of an eye, the promise will come to pass and we will see ourselves appearing and disappearing. Before our eyes, you see Scripture coming to pass.
  16. 9Do you know that the world today which you are seeing is preserved by the Spoken Word and reserved unto fire. By the Word, the world of Sodom and Gomorrah was set ablaze. By the Word, the world of Noah was destroyed using water. By the Word, the land opened and swallowed Koran, Dathan, Abiram and others. This present world is reserved for fire.
  17. 10All these heavenly bodies, in no distant time shall melt like the American satellite. Heat will dissolve the firmaments. All of them shall be dissolved by fervent heat. Very soon, human beings will become cannon fodder. Cannon fodder means gun powder. Very soon, sooner than we think.
  18. 11Are you panicking? Are you afraid? There should not be any earthly tie. Let not the pleasures of this life ever tie you down. Do you know that I am involved? I am in front. I am still with you.
  19. If you think you are suffering loss, I more. If you are desiring to stay, I more. However, there is nothing we will enjoy again for the earth can never produce any good fruit again. Nothing good will ever come out from the world again for the world is filled with violence.
  20. 12We are heading to a place where we shall have peace and have it more abundantly; Where we shall lack nothing. The mansion we are going to enjoy there is by far better than whatever you think you have erected. You think you have a good house. The Son of Man has a better one than your own.
  21. 13Hence, there is nothing here on earth anybody can enjoy. Believe it because I am the One telling you. If it is not so, I will not be proclaiming it. Every weekend I will spend my weekend in My mansion at home, rest in My pillow. No fear of any amazement.
  22. 14Nevertheless, there is no comfort here on earth. Believe it if you can. What you are enjoying now is your maximum earthly comfort. Whatever anybody who is a child of God is enjoying now is his or her maximum earthly comfort. From now, you will not enjoy anything higher than what you are enjoying presently. You are coming home with smiling faces.
  23. Page 96:18. One of these days, the page, the chapter, the line that is written concerning you and I will appear. The pages are being turned. Remember for now, as many as are in this faith, we are now observers. We are not struggling to be saved again. No battle again. We are now observers.
  24. Page 98:23-29. 23Remember, it shall be one day known unto the Lord. Just underline it. Even if I know the date, I will be stupid to announce it, I will hide it.
  25. 24I gave you arithmetic formula; no minister has ever solved it. They do not know whether it is minus or plus, or multiplication or division. However, if they are intelligent, they will know that the figures are placed in descending order, not in ascending order. Thus, to get it is the easiest arithmetic.
  26. 25If it does not stand for a month, it stands for a year or a day or hour or minute or second, or the name of a man. The arithmetic is there: 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0.
  27. 26To get it is easy, but remember we have two steps left. The second step will be taken Friday, two weeks from now. The third step would be the fastest without a date.
  28. It is an action that will be taken in the early hours of the morning, it will not be night, it will not be day. It is an action that will be taken between 1:00am and 4:00am Nigerian time or between 12:00am and 3:00am Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT), or UTC (Universal Time Coordinated). That is 3:00hrs.
  29. You must get the time. You see the time. That is the precise hour Mary Magdalene and the rest of them went to the grave to anoint the body of their Messiah, only to find that the grave was open. Whether it is going to be in the night watch, afternoon watch or evening watch, the truth is this. Be ready at all time.
  30. 28How are you going to be ready at all time? Always be found in Him, not holding your own righteousness which is of the law, but the righteousness of Christ which you will only get by asking for His mercy and not His judgement.
  31. 29Ask for His mercy and not His judgement. Yes! For if He is determined to save, He will stop at nothing.


  1. BE ON THE RED ALERT; 30th September 2012; Page 97:50-54. 50Remember the Message from Hell when the angels came down and poured the vials one after the other. A step has been set in motion. Do not worry. ANY TIME FROM NOW, NOTE IT, NIGERIA WILL EXPERIENCE THE FIRST EARTHQUAKE. NOTE IT.
  2. 51IF I SHOULD MENTION THE PLACE, SOMEBODY MIGHT BE THINKING I AM WISHING THEM EVIL. I AM NOT WISHING THEM EVIL, BUT EXPECT IT IN ONE OF OUR HEAVILY POPULATED COSTAL LINES, COASTAL AREAS, NOT TOO FAR AWAY FROM WHERE I AM STANDING NOW. What will happen? 52Begin to see three months from now. Automatically, it will take you to next year 2013. Have you not seen great famine ahead?
  4. 54LET ME SAY IT. YOU MUST BUY A BAG OF RICE THIRTY THOUSAND NAIRA. You know I am your Prophet. Has any of them failed before? Not even one! That is why you are serving the Living God.
  5. Page 110:86-90. 86Who can stop a down flowing of a river from its source? Nobody! I am saying that the flooding will last longer than necessary. What if at the end, the water will go round everywhere for the LORD to use it as petrol to ignite fire upon the whole earth? Will you query him? No! Has He not done it before? Elijah used 12 drums of water as fuel to ignite fore on the firewood.
  6. 87The anger of the LORD whenever it will be revealed will make all the oceans dry lands. The fiercest of the anger of the LORD coupled with the intense heat that is coming will dry up everything. Everything means everything.
  7. 88I do not care what scientists are propagating. All the predictions must surely fail them. Let no man every fool you. The problem we are having globally is beyond scientific solution. I show you another sign. If you are privileged to have money, although you have your vehicles, make sure you fuel your vehicles everyday so that you can move about a little.
  8. 89What is about to take place is going to render all transformers useless. The heat can never allow the transformers to function properly. Many of them will explode. There will not be money to put them into use.
  9. 90I am saying that the greater part of this Nigeria will suffer great darkness any moment from this very day. There will be great darkness and the price of fuel will be so high that the common cannot buy a litre to run a generator. Everything God made will turn against man, for mankind has troubled God so much.
  10. THE FATE OF THE NATION AND THE WORLD; 30th May 2015; Pg. 23:28-35. 28Let nobody expect a miracle. Let nobody expect a situation better than what we are coming out from. We know where we are heading to. 29Remember I told you that before Jonathan will leave that Aso Rock, petrol must be sold at the rate of ₦200 per litre. Did I say it? (The Brethren concurred with an emphatic “Yes sir!”).
  11. 30That was in 2011. And I also said that this dwindling economy will get worse and that the exchange rate will be such that can not be restored, for this man must surely, through the advice of a wicked finance Minister, devalue our currency beyond restorable height.
  12. 31Look at the exchange rate today. look at our economy. I equally made a statement that whatever was left in the possession of arms and ammunition, the monopoly must be completely removed, for we will see more uniformed people, armour bearers on the scene. We will see unregimented armour bearers.
  13. 32This is because the moment the state has lost the monopoly of the possession of arms and ammunition, crime must surely rise to an uncontrollable height.
  14. 33Now, who will disarm them? This man that is coming to check corruption. Remember, he was the chairman of Petroleum Trust Fund (PTF) under the late Abacha. Bear ir in mind. And we know the scandal which later resulted to truth, which lead to bribery.
  15. 34Now, forget about that one. Let us face stark realities. He was a Major General. I know He controlled Bulumkuttu riot. That was that time at Maiduguri. That was Maitatsine, the Islamic religious sect. What we are now suffering from is greater than Maitatsine. What we are suffering from goes beyond religion. It goes beyond politics.
  16. We are suffering from one thing which all of you know. They want us to revert to status quo ante. They want to bring up the agreement that was duly signed before the comity of nations in 1960, endorsed by Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe of blessed memory and Alhaji Tafawa Balewa, which stipulated inter alia, “The northern majority MUST rule the southern minority. Any attempt to wrestle power out of the north MUST create chaos in the nation. And it MUST be avoided.”
  17. Page 28:39-41. 39Now, as a member of the OIC or whatever you may call it, you are all intelligent. You are all educated. How can you subscribe to an organization, become a member, you continue to pay your des and things like that, you have a permanent representative in that organization, and you deny that your nation does not belong to it?
  18. 40No matter how secular you think Nigeria is, believe it if you can, the struggle is to make sure we all accept that Nigeria is an Islamic nation. And until this is done, there is going to be what happened in Sudan, tat is northern and southern Sudan. Yet, that will not solve the problem.
  19. 41Remember I told everybody and I said, “If Sudan will succeed, the next will be Nigeria. Southern Sudan is just like politics in chaos. There will never be a time northern Sudan will allow southern Sudan to go unpunished. There MUST be war in Southern Sudan. Dafur must surely suffer.”
  20. Page 30:44-46. 44The messiah for Nigeria is not yet come. Do not expect a sudden change. Do not ever go to bed and begin to think that insurgency is going to come to a halt. Rather, it is going assume another shape and another dimension. Another shape and another dimension. This administration MUST create room for Islamic jihadists to identify even with their counterparts in Nigeria, which of course you know.
  21. 45You remember, that day, I said that there are big guns behind this insurgency and that was the time they were doing kidnapping, until big guns were arrested in Abia, in Enugu here, in Imo, in Delta. Nigerians shivered. When this matter started, I said, “There are big guns.”
  22. Watch! In no distant future, these people will be equipped with rocket launchers. They MUST be equipped with all sorts of ammunition including sub-machine guns [SMG]. They will have equipment that will be enough to execute a civil war. And these equipments will not come from the sky. They MUST cross the borders. And no poor man can do that.
  23. Page 42:15-17. 15As for Me, I am talking prophetically from My office. I am seeing a picture that is horrible. A picture that is indescribable. 16I am talking to you as youth so that you take your academic pursuit seriously and take the training you received from the Consult very seriously.
  24. 17Let nobody ever fool you into believing that a miracle will create employment for Nigerian graduates tomorrow because there is no year that Nigeria does not produce over 1.5 million graduates, starting from the Colleges of Education to Polytechnics and universities.
  25. Page 57:11-15. There is another thing I want to say there. Nigeria has not even recognized the wide gap between the rich and the poor. If they cannot evolve policies that will bridge the gap between the rich and the poor, talking about cubbing insurgency is a waste of time.
  26. 12The private sector is gthe only area that is giving out youth few jobs. Yet, the private sector is suffering terribly. I am in the private sector. All our industrial estates are now industrial mortuaries because government is not helping us in any way.
  27. 13The power sector has collapsed. There is no power. There is no energy to power the industries. All of them are operating below installed capacities. But what is amazing? At the end of the day, Power Holding Company of Nigeria [now EEDC] will bring huge bills for services that were not rendered in the name of estimated electricity bills. Why estimating when we buy petrol and we buy diesel to power the plants?
  28. 14Of course you know that there is no cheaper alternative to the supply from PHCN. After expending the little that we have realized in generating power, the same power holding will shamelessly come with huge bills to collect money for services no rendered. The privatization has not helped it one bit. But rather, it has worsened it. That is why we are where we are today.
  29. 15So president Buhari is going to inherit crises. Already he has inherited insecurity. He has inherited fuel crisis. He has also inherited power crisis. He has inherited mass unemployment. So, he is taking off on a very rough ground. Tell Me the miracle he will perform.



I AM THE CHIEF DESIGNER; 26th June 2011; Page 26:16. Have I not told you that what you are passing through now is your last labour pain; the next step is your delivery into paradise. My days are numbered; your days are also numbered.

  1. Page 72:8-9. The agreement must be signed ignorantly. After twenty-four hours, the Message said that in less than forty-eight hours, they will realize their mistake and rescind on the agreement. Then war will follow.
  2. 9Anybody who is alive on the day this will be signed must wait for the great tribulation. For the Bride will be in the air. Before then, what time is it My friends? For I call you friends. I call you friends and you are My friends. Look at many, many years ago, the Prophet said it, and I documented it in the Holy Ghoto, in the book of Selah to be a constant reminder to the Bride of Christ in general.
  3. I AM YOUR MERCY SEAT 12th June 2011: Page 125:50-54. 51I have brought you to the end where you are now going to stand at the grandstand as witnesses, for whatever that is left now, no other person will complete it than the Almighty God.
  4. 51God is now locking and unlocking the hearts of people, stirring them up, using them to complete all His programs. 52Finally, we that are still talking, as many as shall remain alive on that great morning, afternoon or evening when that ungodly agreement shall be endorsed ignorantly by the representatives of the Jews, granting Palestine a sovereign state under the terms that will be stipulated by the United Nations, as many of us as will remain alive and witness it being signed, that day we shall say “The Lord is God indeed”, for your departure will not exceed that day. By your departure, I mean your translation.
  5. 53Watch out for the unfolding of world events, for God has fixed His eyes in the world as well as in Israel, bringing His prophecies to pass, the world means the Gentiles. Israel is there. 54God has no plan for you and I again. The plan God has for the Gentiles is over. He has asked you to be there because the two must receive the same blessing, all in Christ. Wait for the day.
  6. HOW READY ARE YOU FOR YOUR FLIGHT? 17th July 2011; Page 86:3-8. 3What I am going to show you cuts across all religious barriers. By nature, no human being wants to die. There is no human being on earth today that does not know that everything in the world is speaking the end, the end, the end.
  7. 4Everybody is saying that the world is rotten. Some are praying that God should come and wipe away this our generation. Everybody is tired. Yet, the way of escape they do not know. Salvation does not know the denomination you belong to. Everybody wants to be saved. Everybody wants eternal life, but eternal life is only found in Christ. Not in Jesus.
  8. 5I have challenged you every day. The Bible said it was Christ in Jesus that made him God. Acts of the Apostles said, “How God anointed the man Jesus with the Holy Spirit and he went about doing good, healing people with all manner of sicknesses and diseases and was obtaining favour from God and from men.”
  9. 6Please note. Jesus is no other person but a representation of the lamb that was slain before the world began. One thing is to notice danger. Another thing is to find a way of escape.
  10. 7Everybody living on earth today, irrespective of one’s religious inclination is of the view that the world has come to an end, because events are made clear by prophecy.
  11. But unfortunately, too many people do not go to church because of eternal life. Majority now go to church because of material acquisition. Some go to obtain physical blessings that will perish with the world.
  12. Only few follow Christ because He alone has the word of eternal life. 8Eternal life is not tied to any material possession, but material possession can deny somebody of eternal life.
  13. Page 128:66-67. 66We are now doing what? What are we doing now? Watching events unfolding on a daily basis. We do not talk of mysteries or revelations, or great sermons again. Everything is all over. We are watching developments as predicted, until finally the greatest event, the final of all finals, the flashing red light, in a twinkling of an eye, you and I are all transformed.
  14. 67Yes! 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0. Where we are, see what makes it a comfortable stage. No great preaching again, no mystery, no fasting, no praying, nothing nothing. Everyday, “thank you!” Everyday “Chineke thanks sir!” For if these things do not happen, how can the prophecies be fulfilled?
  15. How can the Bride of Christ depart if these events do not come to pass? For the fact that they are coming to pass before our eyes, the long-awaited catching away of the saints will also come to pass whether the world believes it or not.
  16. Page 139:2-3. In the entire world, there is distress in the nations in the world. Every country is distressed with political problems, religious problems and economic problems, for the hand of the Lord has rested upon the nations of the earth for judgement and there is no more going back. The sickle have been thrust in, the earth is about to be harvested.
  17. 3God is about to collect the jewels from the earth. Remember Israel is our timetable. Fix your eyes on Israel, not neglecting events in Nigeria and Africa in general. Take note of what I am saying.
  18. Page 167:16-18. 16The whole world is distressed. God’s promises are coming to pass, preparing you and I for our flight. 17Here in Nigeria, note. I will not speak further concerning Nigeria, for whatever that will happen, I have already disclosed it aforetime. Your duty is do what? Watch! Your duty is to watch.
  19. 18Every event in Nigeria and the world over brings all of us nearer to our D-day. Thus, do not pray that it should not take place, for that will mean praying against God’s will. Of course, when you pray such a prayer, God will not answer. For it is a timetable that has started and will not be suppressed or withdrawn, suspended, or postponed until everything is accomplished….
  20. Page 170:29. Is Nigeria not distressed? Maybe you are looking at the Middle East Consider your own nation, Nigeria. Is it not on earth? Is it not distressed? Is Egypt not distressed? Libya, Sudan, Ivory-Coast, Ghana, Liberia, Yemen, West Bank, Cameroon, North Korea, South Korea, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Syria, Russia, America, the whole world. Are they not distressed?
  21. EVENTS ARE MADE CLEAR BY PROPHECIES 08th April 2003; Page 69:5-6. 5Watch! Everything is aiming at uniting the whole forces in the world against the Middle East and in the end, the whole thing will wind up in Jerusalem. The whole world coming together against the city of Jerusalem, including America.
  22. 6Let Me just help you to understand what I am trying to say. At least for now, you can see where the war is. There is another war that is focused on the whole world now. Or you can call it Israel and Palestine in focus.
  23. BE ON THE ALERT! 9th February 2014; Page 24:15-18. 15You are the only people here on earth that knows the implications of any step any country is taking to bring about peace in the Middle East. 16Remember, it is during the hour they would be saying peace, peace that sudden destruction would strike. And remember that this issue of making peace is a mission impossible because the peace they are talking about is not going to be based on divine plan, but it is going to be a worked-up plan which they will impose on Israel.
  24. 17Remember God said, “Israel will cave-in. Israel will concede to the move. But the moment they realize their foolishness, they will rescind on the agreement and attack Palestine. And the last action Israel will take against Palestine will incur the wrath of the whole world against Israel including America.”
  25. 18Do not worry. He said, “But I show you a sign. Whatever might be the peace plan will never be implemented. It can never work until the Pope of Rome steps in.”
  26. Page 65:65-67. 65The moment the whole thing boils down to Jerusalem, we are at the gate of Paradise. That is what it means! For the last battle will be fought in Jerusalem and that is the battle of Armageddon – the third world war.
  27. 66Where the dragon, the last dragon will carry the whole world to make war with the lamb. And there will come, a lion from the tribe of Judah that will prevail.
  28. 67Remember, Judah is a controversial city in Jerusalem. They do not know that there is a big lion there. They are trespassing on the land that is manned by the Big Lion. The battle is in God’s operational home, Operational Headquarters.
  29. Page 81:32-33. Let Me tell you. The Son of Man can never give us fake information. He gives us verifiable information. It is unfortunate that people do not know who I am. It is very, very unfortunate.
  30. 33You do not know who is teaching you. There is no theologian that can give you this Message. And there is no book in the market where you can get this information. The book does not exist. No philosophical book.
  31. Page 83:38-42. 38Let Me tell you. If God wants to abandon us, do you think He will be revealing these things to us? We are the most favoured of all human beings. How can God reveal all these things and then turns around to destroy us?
  32. 39He will destroy us if we become stubborn. These things are being revealed to us so that we will know that He loves us and then, entering Paradise becomes easy. Who has ever shown you the picture of Paradise? Who has ever drawn the picture before you? I mean, you see the picture of Paradise. Amen.
  33. 41To many, Paradise does not exist. If it does not exist. Why drawing the picture? See the map of Paradise in the book. That same place where the first human being was driven away is where the first human being is going back to make restoration complete in mercy and in love.
  34. 42The greatest thing God has given to you is opening your eyes of understanding to recognize your own day and its own Message.
  35. Page 93:7-15. 7Do not worry. Something will happen on that great day. There is going to be a great day that will not occur twice. A great morning! Just ordinary proclamation that day and the thing will go wide and that is the end of the whole thing. In a simple way o-o-o!
  36. 8You would not see the Son of Man dressed with white robe or red or green. It is in a simple way like that. 9He will say, “Brethren, remain blessed in Him eternally. Thank you for the co-operation you have given Me so far. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for all these. 10But I want to make it clear that this day marks the end of your sorrow, of your pain, of this, of this, of this. And while you want to jump up, you are already in the air.
  37. 11Just in a very simple way. Remember it was just a walk. It was just a walk between Elijah and Elisha. Just an evening walk, and they were discussing. The thing just happened. It was just a walk and a discussion between Jesus Christ and the Apostles. Before they knew it, he was taken.
  38. 12But it would not be like that in your own case. It is not a matter of you watching the Son of Man in the sky. No! All of us are moving together. 13We are going to form a constellation of angels. We will look like constellation of stars in the heavenly body. The whole world will be seeing the Bride as constellation of stars.
  39. 14Little will they realize that they are human beings. You will look like little stars in the eyes of human beings because you will be drawn from all the four corners of the earth. You meet yourselves in the air. 15The people in the world will be seeing the thing as a constellation of stars not knowing they are constellation of angels.
  40. THE BEGINNING AND ENDING OF GENTILE DISPENSATION Part 1 Volume 2; 18th And 19th April 1997; Page 21:1. Note! The calendar is very clear. That is, the timetable is set before our eyes. If we have been wasting our time before, this is the hour we should behave like Daniel, knowing that the hour of our departure has come already. It is around the corner. Israel is waiting patiently and we should equally wait patiently. This is the time we have to be closer, brethren.
  41. Page 129:14. By this Message, I want it to be a direct revelation to everyone that we have come to the end of all things. Now that the people of Israel are going to be settled in their homeland to occupy all the natural boundaries as God set it down in the Bible, let it be known to you that the end shall declare all things and that the time of the Gentiles is almost over.
  42. I AM THE CANOPY; 21st October 2012; Page 30:27. From the very beginning of this faith up to this day, I have never for one day stammered. Yes! I have never for one day hidden My identity, but I have been following all of you in your weaknesses. For I know who you are. I have told you that I know My mission on earth. You do not know Me, but I know you. You do not know My mission but I know My mission. Anything that will not help Me to achieve My mission, I do not put My eyes there.
  43. Page 77:36-40. 36I told you that any moment from now, the entire world will be heading toward the Son of Man – every human being. You will be hearing “Save us from the wrath of Almighty for we are perishing!” 37The entire world will acknowledge that I Am He. However, before then, you have already been sealed away. Already you have been sealed in, but you have not been sealed away. Thus, grief out not this Holy Spirit of God wherein you are sealed.
  44. 38You know what it takes to put something in a container and place a seal and lock it there! But the container is still here. I gave the illustration before the photograph of the thick Darkness was taken.
  45. 39Having safely driven My ship from a very far distance to the shore, I parked. All that will help everybody to survive are stacked in the ship. That I am now outside the ship, keeping vigil, walking round about the ship, making sure no enemy ever tampers with the container because it has arrived, both the customs men, the Navy, the Police, the Army, all the securities agents, as long as the ship is still on the highway, they do not panic but once it lands on the shore safely, they are on the red alert against piracy. This is because if anything happens to that container, all of them are involved, and I told you that I have landed all of you at the shore.
  46. 40I am now keeping watch, moving about, telling you to stay there while I stir troubles in the whole world. Let Me distress all the nations of the earth. Things will begin to happen.
  47. And the voice said, “Wait and watch, for what is left, no human being will accomplish it. Only God Himself will finish it.” How many heard this Voice?
  48. Page 82:48. There is no day people are not responding to our websites. Christ has really conquered the whole world. What is My aim? I want to tell you that we see all these responses as countries but you do not know the remotest parts of the countries where these things are read. How then, will you know when the Gospel of the kingdom has been preached in all the four corners of the earth as a witness?
  49. BRIDAL WATCH: ISRAEL AND PALESTINE IN PROPHECY Volume 3. 06th April 2014; Page 123:5-6. 5I told you that the battle in the Middle East will never come to an end until God Himself goes to the Middle East to put an end to it. And I told you that it will not be done in secret. When the time comes, every eye will see. Everybody must acknowledge that this is the finger of the Lord.
  50. 6But before then, He will turn His face against Israel and watch Israel being humiliated by the Gentiles. Remember I told you that Gentiles are those that do not know God. They are heathens. Anybody that does not have the God of Israel as his God is regarded as a Gentile. Please take note. The God of Israel, I mean the God of the Jews.
  51. Page 125:14-16. 14Remember, this is Bridal Watch. I am still speaking on Israel and Palestine in prophecy. Bridal Watch! Remember, Israel remains your timetable. When you want to know the time of the day, you look at your wristwatch or the clock in your house.
  52. 15However, when you want to know the hour you are living in, as the Bride of Christ, you look at events in the Middle East. Fix your eyes on Israel, for Israel remains your timetable. And you know our settlement area, is the controversial area right now.
  53. 16When Israel was dispersed to all over the world, (by Israel, I still mean the Jews) they were dispersed to all over the world including Nigeria. They ran helter-skelter.
  54. Page 129:27-28. The problem of Netanyahu is this: His inability to recognize America as the Jews’ greatest enemy. What blinded Netanyahu is this? Pay attention everybody.
  55. 28There is no religion God ordained and called Christianity. Christianity is manmade religion. It is the religion of the West. I hope I am making sense?
  56. Hear Me very well, the moment you mention Israel or the Jews, what you are talking about is Judaism. Judaism is not Christianity.
  57. Page 134:44-47. 44When we talk about religion, emphasis will be on two, Islam and Christianity. Where is Judaism? Where is the religion of the Jews? Which means, the Jews have no religion? And where they have no religion, they have no Faith – they have no God. Is it not true?
  58. 45Are they now trying to tell us that Jews have become Christians? On what ground will they be Christians? TILL ETERNITY, THE JEWS CAN NEVER BE CHRISTIANS. 46There can be Churches in Israel; Churches owned by different denominations from other countries. The people are free to subscribe to any of them but it does not form the religion of the Jews. 47Note it, Benjamin Netanyahu has remained blind to this fact. That is why the heathens are now challenging the God of Israel.

Page 135:51-54. 51The Almighty God made it clear that Jerusalem will remain the city of the Most High God and will remain the capital of Israel till eternity. Jerusalem can never be moved. However, Damascus must be moved. Damascus is the capital of Syria. any moment from now, with American antics which they will soon co-opt Israel, co-opt Egypt, co-opt Jordan and Lebanon; Bashar Al-Assad will sign a document that will give his opponents an edge over him.

  1. 53In addition, the moment that is done, that will be the end of Assad or Bashar Al-Assad, the king of Syria, for the king of Morocco will have a hand in it. Then, Damascus must be moved.
  2. 54The whole fight, whatever Bashar Al-Assad is fighting for is to make sure that Damascus is not moved. But Damascus must be moved.


  1. Page 137:58-60. 58Every attempt the UN is making now is to pressurize Israel to sign an agreement, letting out East Jerusalem to be the capital of Palestine. Yet if Israel attempts it, Palestine will never recognize Israel as a Jewish State. Impossible!
  2. 59There is nothing, there is no concession Netanyahu will give or will make that will make the Arab League to recognize Israel as a Jewish State. It is impossible! Then, if that is the case, of what use is the whole dust and noise?
  3. 60I told you that America with the help of John Kerry, will be making the futile attempt. Watch where we are heading to. In no distant time, the table will turn. Israel will be answering their cases. Charges will be preferred against Israel in the international criminal court. Israel will answer cases of war crimes they committed and the ones they never committed. Just take note of what I am saying.
  4. Page 150:36. There is no nation in the world that is not panicking because of the trouble between Israel and Palestine – not Syria. When Gulf was set ablaze – I mean during the gulf war, the countries in the world were afraid but not as much as they are right now. yet, the war has not been declared. but will it be declared? yes! I say, yes.
  5. Page 153:44-46. 44This holocaust won’t last for too long. For the sake of the Elect, God is going to cut it short. Otherwise, no flesh shall be saved for Israel will fight this war in their mortal bodies while the Gentiles Elect will fight with their immortal bodies.
  6. 45The Gentiles Elect will experience the war in their theophany bodies, while the whole of the Jews will experience the holocaust in their mortal bodies. That is the price they will pay because when they refused to accept redemption under the blood, they will now use their own blood to purchase their own salvation.
  7. 46When you mention the blood of Jesus Christ, it is not for the Jews. Please take not of what I am saying.
  8. Page 159:13. Netanyahu should make haste to prepare himself, be ready and put everything together to face the whole world for in no distant time, the whole world is going to face Israel because the last-minute action Israel will take against Palestine after signing this document by force and by power, Israel will rescind on the agreement and take drastic measures against Palestine. This will provoke the entire world. They will carry arms against Israel.
  9. Page 181:82. Let nobody say what he cannot do. God is going to save us by grace. Unmerited favour! It is not that your heart is too pure or your heart is too darkened. No!




THE REVELATION OF THE NAME OF GOD IN ALL THE AGES: THE BACKGROUND; 4th November 2012; Page 43:76. God has preserved this truth in different forms. In prints, in magnetic tapes, in VCD, DVD, in the audio, in the web and even in your hearts so that when you turn to left or right, a Voice will say, “Why are you shaking? This is the way. Walk ye in it.”

  1. REVELATION FROM GOD Volume 1; 2nd February 2014: Page 117:61-62. 61And I want to tell you that since after the destruction of the days of Lot, the world has never for one day made a law governing all nations approving men lying with men, women lying with women. Has it happened?
  2. 62It is happening because it is the days of the Son of Man. And by this we know it is finished. Thus, if you are a woman, My message to you is, “Remember Lot’s wife who believed in the beginning. God gave her a helping hand by bringing her out of the city and commanded her, “Go with your husband and family to the escaped place. Do not look back!”
  3. WE ARE ALMOST THERE 19th December 2010; Page 8:1. We are almost there. All the signs God foretold concerning the period before the translation have all come to pass. Only one thing remaineth. The day, the time, the hour the last person that will bring the number of the Gentiles to be saved to conclusion will come in.
  4. Page 9:4-5. 4Note! All the foretold prophecies about the end of the world have all come to pass. It is only one thing that remains and that is the last Jew that will return to Israel so that they can start the rehabilitation work there. The scripture said so.
  5. 5The Scripture foretold that before the end of the world, the pillar of Cloud and the pillar of Fire must come down and rest upon a person indicating the presence of God upon the earth. I am sure and certain that it has already taken place somewhere. Otherwise, all the other prophecies would not have come to pass.
  6. Page 26:37-38. 38Do you know that since the world began, from the day the Bible was written till today, nobody has ever found fault with the Bible publicly? No preacher has ever preached against the Bible from the pulpit. No man born of a woman has ever used the Scriptures against the Scriptures and got everybody convinced that the Scriptures should not be taken seriously, and at the same time, coming back to affirm it again because the purpose of the hour has been achieved.
  7. 38What can you say about this Man, the Hidden Revealer? The whole truth is this. Nothing shall be left here, but the Elect. Anybody whose name was not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life from the foundation of the world, should forget it. Anyone that is not ordained for the Son of Man can never abide with Me till the end. If you were not ordained, predestinated, foreknown to be a part of what God is going to do in this Age, you can never abide till the end.
  8. Page 30:46-49. 46You are the children of the Kingdom. Do not panic. As far as I live and God liveth, nobody who abides in the faith of the Son of Man with every amount of godly sincerity, devoid of hypocrisy, will ever regret it at the end. After all, I have signed My life in. I am in front. Whatever might be the disaster, I am in front. My whole family is there. If I am not sure, why should I be in front and put My whole family there?
  9. 47The totality of what makes Me a man I have emptied into this faith. Thus, you think I am crazy to hang My family so that My lineage will be wiped off. Put your hand in the Scriptures, it is not there.
  10. 48You are My friends. How can I afford to see you languishing in hellfire? No! Your faces are very good and intimate. I will even love us to continue to drink our wine over there.
  11. 49You see! The wedding supper of the Lamb is coming up any moment from now. We are almost there. It is sweeter than the weddings that we used to have in this flesh. The wedding we are having now is nothing to be compared to the wedding we are going to be ushered into.
  12. Page 41:1-2. 1Note! I am not doing revision. I am summarizing so that those that have not obtained their tickets can struggle to go to the booking office to know whether we still have one or two tickets left or else this vehicle (Salvation Boat) is about to take its flight. 2The time is near. The day and the hour shall be soon announced. The venue where everybody will go will soon be made known to the Elect only.
  13. Page 60:7-9. 7Every supernatural occurrence is a sign from God. WE ARE AT THE END TIME. WE ARE ALMOST THERE. The whole Prophets of old said the same thing concerning the end of the world and the type of troubles the inhabitant of the earth must pass through for treating God with disrespect. If God will leave this generation unpunished, then what do you think He will do to those He punished before? But He judges every nation by one standard.
  14. 8William Branham said and I quote, in the message titled The End of The World is Near, he said, “Whenever a city comes to the stage of Sodom and Gomorrah, God must surely judge that city.” For if He fails to judge that nation, He will tender apology to Sodom and Gomorrah. 9. We have committed more atrocities than Sodom and Gomorrah. Sodom and Gomorrah belonged to the primitive side of life; we are more enlightened than them. Our own atrocities are more scientific than theirs.
  15. Page 78:18: I am still saying that we are almost at the end. My appearance invites judgement to the world and salvation to the Church, for I am sent to come and bring you home.
  16. WE ARE WAITING FOR TIME 30th October 2011; Page 23:18. Already many have stopped their journey and that is why you see wickedness in the world rising every day. That is why you see wickedness rising in the hearts of people every day because they have already seen their fate. They have seen what awaits them. They know that they will soon be removed from earth in a very disastrous way. Amen.
  17. Page 47:26-27. 27The end has come. All the Messages, teachings and doctrines which I received from the Father pertaining to salvation have gone round the countries in the whole world. They now have access to them and every true Elect in the world over must be positionally placed where he or she will see his or her own day and the Message. I reserved nothing. How did God accomplish it? Through the establishment of the websites.
  18. 27Through the websites, Christ has penetrated every family in the whole world. I am happy to announce to you that many countries so far have accessed the websites, with majority of them coming from Israel where God is known to be revealed in the Cloud of Heaven. It is finished! Amen.
  19. Page 84:35. Outside this faith, no flesh is saved. You can never hear this truth in anything called Church. Which Church? Which minister? We do not fool anybody in this Church. Amen.
  20. GOD AND HIS PEOPLE 14th August 1994; Page 30:15-16. 15BEFORE FIRE WILL CONSUME THIS GENERATION, THEY MUST SEE THE RESURRECTION SIGN. I AM FOR TRANSLATION. EVEN IF I DIE, I MUST RESURRECT. Fire can never consume this Church. We are never called to receive the wrath of God, but to receive salvation that is in Christ.
  21. 16We are set for a sign. The Church is set for a sign. The resurrection sign is in the Church and it is you and I. People that do not believe will then believe when they see us on that glorious morning—the Golden Day Break.
  22. RANDOM COMMENTS BY THE SON OF MAN VOLUME 5. 2nd June 2002; Page 44:56. I wish that all that are clapping their hands in this fellowship are real passengers that have paid their fares. Because anytime from now, it is going to be operation show your receipt. You must present your token whether you like it or not.
  23. ACTION TIME PART 4 (FIX YOUR EYES ON ISRAEL) 1ST JANUARY 1998 (NEW YEAR MESSAGE/END OF CAMP MEETING 1997) PAGE 40:23. We will print out all these Messages in booklet forms, trusting God that one day, the Elect will lay hands on them and then identify with His Brethren. I wonder what would have been My condition if I had missed this kind of faith.
  24. Page 67:13. Rome is no longer under the rule of Caesars. A religious Caeser is on the seat. And you know Him. The head of the Roman Catholic world is sitting on Caesar’s seat.
  25. Page 84:31. Fix your eyes on Israel. Be sober. Do not allow anything to upset you. Do not allow your head to dry. Allow the oil to flow always. No matter your position in the society, place God first, otherwise, you will say, “Had I known”.
  26. THE SON OF MAN CONCLUDES THE NEWS 9th September 2012; Page 37:54. There is no religious man that does not know that the world has come to its end. In all their preaching, no matter how they preach prosperity and everything, they still alert themselves on the end of the world, but the way of escape they know not.
  27. JUDGEMENT DAY IN THE CAMP 18th January 2009; Page 17:21. Now that the entire world has come to the realization that Christ is living here on earth, they are no longer talking about the Christ that is yet to come. They know that He is on earth but where He has been hiding, they do not know. We that have been privileged to discover Him, even to have Him in person among us, we shall be foolish if we abuse this wonderful privilege. We cannot afford to make shipwreck because of people that joined us along the way and mixed-multitude that followed from the very beginning.
  33. 46I am not limiting it to Anambra. It is global, for whatever God does from now henceforth, is going to be global. As long as it is a part of His judgment to this generation, it must go round, no matter where you are hiding.
  34. 47No hiding place for such criminals. A sinner is a criminal in the sight of God worthy of death. Is it not true?
  37. Page 89:3-4. 3I know many gathered here today to hear what THE SON OF MAN will say concerning the year 2017. This is an entirely new year. Another year away from the previous ones as far as the Son of Man is concerned.
  39. Page 93:18-19. 18Do not worry. Africa will taste the hottest pill, for it will be Africa last. Africa last! Let Me stop there.
  40. 19I have no program with the world. If there is any program I have, it is with the Middle East. Whatever I have with the Gentile world is to make sure I know those that are with Me and they will know that I am also with them. Period!
  41. MIDNIGHT CRY Volume 2; 26th April 2020; Page 63:3-4. 3Then you that are being taught by the Word of God which is the Almighty God Himself, who reveals the future, for truth brings the future closest, God wants to prepare us ahead of time so that we can cushion the effect of God’s judgement upon the world which He said we must get our own fair share, but we can never be the worst hit.
  42. 4People are crying wolf when there is no wolf. The real wolf is on the way. I am telling you God’s truth. The reason why some are relaxing their measures is because God has spoken. And then wait and see. They will close it again.
  43. 5They will close it again because something will take place. They will run fast and begin to close it again, “It has come o! It has come o! This thing has started again o.”
  44. 6They will behave like China. “See o, this thing has started again o. It has come back. It has started again. It is just started now o. Lock up all the doors. Begin to close the doors. Lock everything.”
  45. Page 69:9-12. 9Covet not this world’s vain riches that will decay rapidly, for the world holds nothing good for any human being again. You go back to the Message God gave us long ago. He said the world will not get any better from now henceforth. The world will not get any better from now henceforth. ACTION TIME! 1997!
  46. 10He said, “From now henceforth, the world will not get any better. It will be from one trouble to another. Expect harder times ahead.” Pay attention. I hope you are with me.
  47. 11We have come to the end of all things. If you do not know, the hand writing is already on the wall. THE MORE YOU STRIVE TO GRAPPLE THE SITUATION, THE MORE YOU ARE FAILING. … Is it not true?
  48. 12… No man has the remedy again. And it is not peculiar to your nation alone. It is a global phenomenon. It is global. Who has the solution to the global problem?
  49. MIDNIGHT CRY Volume 3; 26th April 2020; Page 93:50-54.
  53. 53Did you hear that? That is why you were told and enjoined to be careful, lest another person takes your crown. If you are not careful, another person will take your crown, another person will take your seat. You forfeit your ticket.
  54. 54Why? You are sitting down when your Master is still standing. You went to bed when your Master is still wide awake.



John 21:25, MSG. [25]There are so many other things Jesus did. If they were all written down, each of them, one by one, I can’t imagine a world big enough to hold such a library of books.

  1. Brethren if all the words of the Son of Man fulfilling everyday are to be captured in accurate details, we would never be able to exhaust it completely!
  2. The few quotes I have assembled are to create faith in the saved and give reasons to the faithless to repent or be forever estranged from the presence of God! Amen!
  3. Educational experts in various fields (especially science), and all religious bigots continue to struggle to lamely give an explanation to the changing effects of a dilapidating world, trying in futility to interpret global events.
  4. The theories presented by scientific research through the years have somehow always fallen short of the reality on ground. This justifies, (gives evidences to) and indicates that the journey of mankind is a spiritual course and not a mere natural order. It takes only the spiritual man to see things as they really are.
  5. This is why the Bride of Christ Ministry Worldwide is a movement of the most prepared and informed set of human beings currently living on the surface of the earth.
  6. We are the only set of people with a spiritual eye and understanding of all the events surrounding mankind today. We have miraculously been carried through time and space, showcasing a perfect understanding of the global sphere and the state of mankind at every point in time.
  7. Nothing happening is a mystery to us, and we can practically foretell what lies ahead for mankind today. The reason is not far-fetched.
  8. We are the children of the Prophets having the King of righteousness as our Teacher and Guide. This great Seer, our Guide, The Son of Man, is the reason we cannot stumble nor hit our foot against a stone.
  9. We remain overcomers as long as we pay attention to Him and allow His Word to lead us in all things and in all situations. His Words on any matter have never failed and has never come back to Him void.
  10. We can rightly say that the whole universe was established to be remote-controlled by the power of His words. It takes only a child of perdition to ever doubt His statements or struggle against His Voice.
  11. As we see the day approaching, let us endeavor to remain in our sanctified estate, giving due diligence in all we do and the good Lord who has piloted our affairs thus far will definitely crown this journey in victory to the praise of His Name. Selah!
  12. Remain Blessed beloved of the Lord!