MEMORY LANE 2024 Edition Part 1 Volume 1 Preached ON Sunday 4th February 2024 AT THE VOICE OF GOD STUDIO Bridal Lodge, Nsugbe Anambra State, Nigeria BY Apostle Peter Odoemena

THE SON OF MAN The Ancient of Days

Transcribed by Bishop David Mbah

And their eyes were opened, and they knew Him; and He vanished out of their sight. And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while He talked with us by the way, and while He opened to us the Scriptures?

Luke 24:31-32, King James Version.

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; for He is faithful that promised; and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

Hebrews 10:23-25, King James Version

We are serving the Most Merciful God, the Most Compassionate God. Happy is the Man whose God is Jehovah, who has the God of Israel as his own God, for there is no God to compare to Him. There is none like unto Him. Look at His reason: I will save you, no matter all the weaknesses and so on, for if I do not save you, having chosen you, having called you, My enemies will say that their god has conquered Me.


ARE YOU WHAT GOD MADE YOU OR WHAT YOU MADE YOURSELF? Preached on Sunday 19th June 2011 at the Household of God Onitsha; Pg. 35 vs. 65



  1. Let us bow down our heads again to God.
  2. Holy and righteous heavenly Father, THANK YOU for identifying with us here this morning, though You have never forsaken us for one second, for if You had done that, accident of life would have occurred, for You are the only Source of life.
  3. Once You pack away from a human being, life automatically ceases in that vessel spiritually and physically.
  4. This day O God, we pray that You will renew the right spirit in us. Just one little touch is what we need from You and our souls shall be revived. That is why we have come here to live in Your presence, not only for today, but forever.
  5. Give us the inner strength. Give us the physical power. Give us O God, the wisdom to take the right decisions each time we hear Your Word. May we never take decisions that will turn out to be against us. May we [O God] always think before we take our decisions.
  6. Be there for us in all situations. Guide us and protect us because in man lieth wickedness. In man, there is nothing good. If You do not guide a man perfectly well [Father], he will take decisions that will destroy himself, for man is known for taking wrong decisions.
  7. Man is known to be in the wrong at all times. Though he may claim to be right, but before You he is wrong and has always been in the wrong! You are the only God that has remained in the right. We are always in the wrong like our fathers.
  8. We come here O God to confess our infidelities towards You. Forgive I pray Thee all acts of lawlessness, all acts [O God] that are prejudicial, all acts that are likely to bring us before the Judgment Throne. Father, please forgive all.
  9. We do not want to appear before Your Judgment Throne. If we shall be there, what shall we say? Who will advocate for us? Who will be our umpire? Who will deliver us?
  10. For that reason, O God, we plead for Your mercy. We plead for Your grace and for Your loving-kindness to project. Be fair and firm [Father] in Your decisions towards Your children, knowing that we are mere mortals.
  11. Remember You had earlier spoken to the people in time past. We claim it even today because You are the same yesterday, today and forever, and as far as the east is from the west, so far have You removed our transgressions for Your Name’s sake”, for You knoweth their frame that they were mere dust.
  12. Today, are we not mere dust? Do You not know our frame today? Father, how can you expect people that were conceived in iniquity, shaped in iniquity, born into the world filled with iniquity, see themselves mingling and growing in iniquity with other people? Do You expect otherwise from them?
  13. If in Your anger, You exterminate all, You annihilate all, what will it profit You? Your purpose for creating them will be completely defeated. For that reason [O God], You remember that we are mere dust. How can the Almighty God begin to wrestle with mere dust?
  14. Do not O God, for any reason, reject us on anything at all. We boast of great things when we perform nothing. We speak and boast oftentimes and exalt ourselves above the Most High. Oftentimes, we exalt ourselves to a point where we think the entire world will revolve around us, but it is not true.
  15. We see ourselves as possessors of heaven and earth. We see ourselves as omnipotent and omniscient God which is not. In all O God, we are fond of making false claims which we cannot even buttress. We assume the air of the Creator of heaven and earth, for it is in man to boast of great things when he can perform absolutely nothing.
  16. If You consider man in his haughtiness, in his pride, in his arrogance, in his stupidity, Father You will wipe man away from the surface of the earth in one second, for nothing good has ever emanated from any man. Man has been object of provocation to You from creation till today.
  17. Father, please tamper justice with mercy. I make this solemn request as One You listen to. I make this intercession for all Your children scattered all over the word.
  18. You know all that belong to You. You know when they are trying to do their best. You know those that have very clean hearts—good hearts towards You and towards their fellow human beings, but they are being distressed, troubled about and buffeted by the evil one who is always at work– constantly at work around Your children.
  19. Hence, You said we should always be on the alert for our enemy the devil is roaring round about us, seeking to devour us.
  20. Father, THANK YOU for identifying him. Help us O God that we stick to Your warnings. May we never set Your warnings aside. May we learn from the mistakes of the past and avoid a repeat occurrence.
  21. This morning O God, saturate our hearts with Thy Holy Spirit, with the Spirit of Truth, with the Spirit of Love, with the Spirit of Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding from on high.
  22. As You speak to our hearts, cause us O God to receive Your Word– the engrafted Word that is able to transform our lives and make us better citizens of Heaven. This is our solemn request.
  23. We have not come asking for silver nor gold. We are not asking for longevity, but if You will grant that to us, Father, we shall also remain grateful to You. You terminate our lives this hour, we will also remain grateful to You.
  24. How long we sojourned here does not count, but what we have made out of our living is what You count. That has been our desire. To live a life that is pleasing in Your sight, a life that will be reckoned O God, for good to the Glory of Your Most Holy Name.
  25. LORD, endue us with wisdom from above that will help us O God to live for You, to serve You in spirit and in truth, and then to be [O God] a stimulant to the people round about us that will cause them [O King of Glory] to draw closer to You.
  26. May we never live a life that will bring blasphemy to Your Name. May we always live a life that will cause Your Name to be glorified even among the heathens that though they speak evil about our Message, they will see our lives as exemplary. Do this work in all Your children both far and near throughout the whole ends of the earth.
  27. We have come to the end of all things according to the prophecies of old which are fulfilling in our own eyes and in our own day. LORD we pray, may we never fulfill the wrong side of the prophecies. May we always fulfill that which is meant for us.
  28. Father, we say THANK YOU. Peradventure there are too many here believing You or even outside here, who have noticed that they have come from wrong wrong wrong branches of the tree, Father You know them all.
  29. Peradventure there are too many that have not stepped into their destinies because they have been blinded by the affairs of this present world, Father open their eyes of understanding today.
  30. To those that have made wrong choices concerning their destinies, correct them today. Those that came from wrong branches, Father, redirect their attention. May the wind of Thy Holy Spirit blow in our hearts, blow around us.
  31. As we pray that You form Your Canopy, Father let Your Canopy—the Shekinah cover us here. Having overlooked our sins and trespasses, let it please You to move mysteriously in our midst so that, at the end of the day, we shall say, “Surely the LORD really touched our lives positively.”
  32. Be Thou exalted forever and ever. Create no room for the devil to tempt our hearts away. Build a strong hedge around this Studio making it impossible for any false anointing to rest on anybody You are going to use today. For any child that is here, Father, possess all with Thy Holy Spirit.
  33. I say THANK YOU once again for giving us the grace Father to make this solemn petition before You. Answer us as You have always been doing, for Your Name sake LORD we Pray. Amen and Amen!
  34. Be seated.

Christ cannot be saying a different thing and the Church is saying a different thing. When Christ speaks, our duty is to say Amen. Whatever we want in this Church, we must get it from Christ. Whatever we want to do, we must consult Him. He will approve of it. If it is not approved in the Scripture, He does not approve it. We would not carry it out. Thus, Christ, The Word, directs the movement of the Church, dictates the habit of the Church, has final say in all matters. Nobody can challenge it.

The son of man

ACTION TIME PART 1 (HUSBANDS AND WIVES) CAMP MEETING; preached on Tuesday, 30th December, 1997 at the Household of God Onitsha; Pg. 32 vs. 35 – 37



  1. SONG: [Just another touch, Lord, from You, To help in all trials I go through; Though dark may be my day, You’ve sent a ray of hope, When I get another touch, Lord, from You.
  2. Just another touch, Lord, from You, To help in all trials I go through; Though dark may be my way, You’ve sent a ray of hope, When I get another touch, Lord, from You.]
  3. SONG: [Shine on me, Lord, shine on me. Let the Light from the lighthouse shine on me. Shine on me, Lord, shine on me. Let the light from the lighthouse shine on me.]
  4. SONG: [Sweep over my soul, sweep over my soul. Sovereign Spirit, sweep over my soul. My rest is complete while I sit at Thy feet; Sovereign Spirit, sweep over my soul.]
  5. SONG: [Spirit of the living God, dwell afresh on me. Spirit of the living God, dwell fresh on me. Break me! Melt me! remould me and fill me! Spirit of the living God, dwell fresh on me.]
  6. SONG: [Joys are flowing like a river, Since my Comforter has come. He abides with me forever, Makes the trusting heart His home.
  7. Blessed quietness, holy quietness, What assurance in my soul! On the stormy sea, He speaks peace to me, How the billows cease to roll.]
  8. Be seated. The LORD is in His Sanctuary. Let everybody be quiet.
  9. This morning, we give Him the glory and praise due unto Him, for He is the Almighty God that ruleth over the affairs of men, in Whom there is no variableness.
  10. He only respects those that respect Him. He honours those that honour Him, but whosoever that does not respect God should not expect a reciprocal action from God. Whatever we are getting from Him is reciprocal.
  11. When you honour Him, He will honour you, for He had already sworn by His Name, for there was nothing He could see which He could use that is higher than His Name. He swore by His Name, “Let it be an abomination unto Me, if I do not honour those that honour Me, saith the LORD God Almighty– saith the ADONAI. Let it be an abomination unto Me, if I should destroy the righteous in the midst of the wicked.”
  12. When God has sworn in His Name, is there anything in Heaven and on earth greater than His Name? So, for His Name sake, He must honour His oath. He took an oath binding His Name. And He honours His Name perpetually.
  13. Too many things we are receiving from Him are as a result of the oath He swore by His Name. So, try to be on the favourable side of God. I say, try always to be in right standing with God. That is the favourable side of God.
  14. But when you are in wrong standing with God, that is when your heart is polluted– when your heart is polluted, you are in danger of being called to question.
  15. Permit Me to read the Scripture I read yesterday before the Elders here. And that is the Book of Job. I read it last night concerning people that take delight in complaining, murmuring and grumbling against God. What you think you will get in return will be sorrow.
  16. Even if He tells you to repent now, God knows the state of your heart. You may fall down. You may weep, but it does not touch your heart. If you want to tear, tear your heart and not your garment.
  17. What God wants is a change of heart. Circumcise your heart and not your flesh. Do not indulge in rigours of the flesh, punishing yourself in the flesh. No! If you want to punish, punish yourself in the spirit– in your heart.
  18. So, God is disgusted with the way people approach Him with their lips when their hearts are too far away from the truth. Oftentimes, they suppress their feelings due to their infidelity towards God.
  19. They find it difficult to express themselves before God and even before one another because the moment your heart is not right with God, you lose your boldness. You cannot have the boldness to come before the son of man.
  20. Remember, in the Book of Revelation, God had already shown it to John the Revelator and we believe it to be true about how it will happen to mark the end of this world.
  21. “When the anger of the LORD shall be kindled against all mankind that refused to obey the Gospel of Christ– when His wrath and indignation will fall upon man due to his willful disobedience to His Gospel, when the Gospel of salvation is spurned, they will be running helter-skelter crying. Crying, “Who will save us from the face of the son of man? Who will save us from the wrath and face of the son of man?”
  22. REFERENCES: [1] Revelation 6:15-17. 15And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
  23. 16and said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: 17for the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
  24. [2] Ethiopic Book of Enoch, Chapter 48:8. In these days, the kings of the earth and the strong who possess the land because of the works of their hands will be shamed, because on the day of their anguish and affliction they shall not be able to save themselves. And I will give them over into the hands of My elect.
  25. [3] Ethiopic Book of Enoch, Chapter 62:1-16. 1Thus the Lord commanded the kings and the mighty and the exalted, and those who dwell on the earth, and said: ‘Open your eyes and lift up your horns if you are able to recognize the Elect One.’ 2And the Lord of spirits seated Him on the throne of His glory, and the spirit of righteousness was poured out on Him, and the word of His mouth slays all the sinners, and all the unrighteous are destroyed from in front of His face.
  26. 3And in that day all the kings and the mighty, and the exalted and those who hold the earth shall stand up and shall see and recognize that He sits on the throne of His glory, and that righteousness is judged before Him, and no lying word is spoken before Him. 4Then pain will come on them as on a woman in labor, and she has pain in giving birth when her child enters the mouth of the womb, and she has pain in childbirth.
  27. 5And one portion of them shall look at the other, and they shall be terrified, and they shall look downcast, and pain shall seize them, when they see that Son of Man sitting on the throne of His glory. 6And the kings and the mighty and all who possess the earth shall bless and glorify and exalt Him who rules over all who was hidden.
  28. 7For from the beginning the Son of Man was hidden, and the Most High preserved Him in the presence of His might, and revealed Him to the Elect. 8And the congregation of the Elect and holy shall be sown, and all the Elect shall stand before Him on that day.
  29. 9And all the kings and the mighty and the exalted and those who rule the earth shall fall down before Him on their faces, and worship and set their hope on that Son of Man, and petition Him and supplicate for mercy at His hands.
  30. 10Nevertheless, that Lord of spirits will so press them that they shall heavily go out from His presence, and their faces shall be filled with shame, and the darkness grows deeper on their faces. 11And He will deliver them to the angels for punishment, to execute vengeance on them because they have oppressed His children and His Elect.
  31. 12And they shall be a spectacle for the righteous and for His Elect. They shall rejoice over them, because the wrath of the Lord of spirits rests on them, and His sword is drunk with their blood. 13The righteous and Elect shall be saved on that day, and they shall never again see the face of the sinners and unrighteous.
  32. 14And the Lord of spirits will abide over them, and they shall eat, lie down and rise up with the Son of Man for ever and ever. 15The righteous and Elect shall have risen from the earth, and ceased to be downcast and they will have been clothed with garments of life.
  33. 16And these shall be the garments of life from the Lord of spirits; they shall not wear out nor will your glory pass away from before the Lord of spirits.
  34. By that, it is obvious that you are meeting no other person than the One that is here with you.
  35. Who will save us from His face and the fierceness of His anger? This is because He that has taught us has every right to destroy us as a result of unbelief. If he did not come to teach us, we will have cloak for our iniquities.
  36. Now, He has come and spoken to us, do we have any cloak? Do we have any excuse to give? The LORD Jesus even upbraided those in His day.
  37. If I had not come and spoken to you, iniquity would not have been attributed to you. But now that I have come and spoken to you, I have manifested My Father, I have manifested Myself, I have manifested the life, and the Father bearing witness that I proceeded from Him and you are equally My witnesses, you have no cloak for your evil.
  38. Wash your garment. Dress more gorgeously than Jezebel or Ahab. Use the best military uniform to show your bravery. It can never cover the iniquity in your heart. Do you believe that to be true?
  39. Let us look at it from the Book of Job. Get all translations because I will read many today with you.
  40. Job 9:27-35, TLB. [27]“If I decided to forget my complaints against God,… If you begin to complain against God, you were not the first. People did it in time past. Did it get well with them? Did it get well with them? It shall be well with the righteous.
  41. SONG: [When peace, like a river, attendeth my way. When sorrows like sea billows roll. Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, even now, it is well with my soul.
  42. Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come. Let this blest assurance control. That Christ has regarded my helpless estate, and hath shed His own blood for my soul.
  43. It is well. It is well. It is well. It is well. It is well. It is well with my soul.
  44. It is well with My soul. It is well with My life. It is well. It is well with My soul.]
  45. [27]“If I decided to forget my complaints against God, to end my sadness and be cheerful,… This is because the moment you are complaining and murmuring against Who? The Almighty, your Creator, you must be sad.
  46. Should a man strive with his Maker? I mean, should a man find fault with his Maker? Who brought you into existence is the One you are querying. He is the One you are demonstrating against.
  47. How foolish and unreasonable we are. He is the One you are resisting. He that has the power to break you into pieces, melt you and you become ordinary liquid.
  48. Get Me a copy of the GREAT SERMON ready. I hope you have one here because I must read that topic: SHOULD A MAN STRIVE WITH HIS MAKER? And then you find out where you are going to end your striving against God.
  49. You are complaining. You are murmuring. You are grumbling. Who are you demonstrating against? You see how foolish and unreasonable human beings might be. Yet, they claim to be the creators of heaven and earth. See them commanding the air of omnipotence.
  50. Mere maggot! Mere dust that will go to bed and forget whatever he was before he slept. When you slept last night, what were you in the bed? Ordinary log. Ordinary corpse. When you slept last night, where did you travel to? You woke up this morning because He permitted you to come back.
  51. God allows sleep to befall man so that man will taste temporary death every day. Some taste temporary death more than three times in a day. At any time you slept, notice that it is an unconscious action. Nobody sleeps consciously. True or false?
  52. Sleeping is an unconscious action. Does one that is feeling sleepy know the exact time he or she falls asleep proper? You can sit down and sleep. You can stand up and sleep. You may be driving and sleeping on the steering. You can sleep anywhere.
  53. No matter the noise around you, when sleep comes, you will not hear the noise again. No matter the people that clustered around you, you will not even know that there are people around. You are off!
  54. At that moment, you are off, you are cut off from what is happening around you. You are even cut off from the entire human race, your programmes, your project, your this and that and everything you have.
  55. What if the Almighty makes it a permanent sleep? What is death? Death is nothing but permanent sleep. Who made it permanent? God.
  56. So, do not say, “I cannot sleep.” Once you have two eyes, even one eye– once you are bestowed with anything called eyes, it must close one day. Whatever has eyes must sleep whether you believe it or not. Even fishes in the ocean sleep. True!
  57. Although you see the eye, but it is dead because it is sleeping. The fishes in the water bodies sleep because they have eyes. When a fish sleeps, if you come close to it, the fish will not see you. You can even catch it inside the water with your bare hands because it has slept off.
  58. It parts a portion of the sand in river bed and lies down there, but because the eyes are always bright due to the water flowing on it, you may be thinking that it is awake. It is asleep.
  59. Anything that has eyes must sleep whether you believe it or not. And you are grumbling and murmuring against the Source of sleep, the Source of rest and the Source of your life. That is where people trail. Where angels are afraid to trail, that is where people rush to.

You see, God has a way of getting a man under control. How can you teach God? God that has come down to His people? Are they your people? Did you gather them? Do you know how they came and you want to quench it the more? No one will succeed. You do it to your own destruction. Nobody has ever done it and succeeded.


HOLY GHOST AND HIS NECESSITY; Preached on 16th May 1993 at the Household of God Onitsha; Pg. 63 vs. 23



  1. You know what it took the angels to even stay afar and watch as Enoch was being guided to go to that Throne to behold the face of a young man who was there on the right hand of the Majesty according to the Book of Hebrews.
  2. REFERENCE: Hebrews 1:3, KJV. 3He is the sole expression of the glory of God [the Light-being, the out-raying or radiance of the divine], and He is the perfect imprint and very image of [God’s] nature, upholding and maintaining and guiding and propelling the universe by His mighty word of power. When He had by offering Himself accomplished our cleansing of sins and riddance of guilt, He sat down at the right hand of the divine Majesty on high,
  3. You call it the right-hand side of God, but the Bible called it right-hand side of Majesty. And look at the Majesty. Look at the Majesty. When you read your Bible, you read with understanding.
  4. It is just like I was trying to correct too many errors last night. I am not a son of David. And I have never claimed to be. I am not even the son of David. Jesus Christ was not the son of David. He was not even a son of David. Never! He never introduced himself as a son of David or the son of David. Never!
  5. People could call Him that, but it was not His Name. How can David claim to be the father of the LORD Jesus Christ. Check your scriptures from genesis to revelation. You can never see anywhere He called Himself son of David or David claimed Him to be his son. You cannot see it. David never. How dared him? He should not even try it. That is the worst blasphemy.
  6. Do you know that throughout the whole Bible, there is no place where Jesus Christ called Mary His mother. He never for one day, called Mary his mother. Mary remained, “This woman! Woman! Woman! What have I to do with you?”
  7. REFERENCES: [1] ARCHAEOLOGICAL WRITINGS OF THE SANHEDRINS AND TALMUDS OF THE JEWS, Chapter V. Gamaliel’s Interview with Joseph and Mary, and others concerning Jesus.; Pg. 62. … She said she talked to Him about it and He would look at her a little grieved and say, ‘Woman, (for such he always called me), you don’t know who I am.’ …
  8. [2] John 2:3-4, KJV. 3And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine. 4Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come.
  9. When people were even praising Him and blessing the womb that bore Him, He retorted, “Nay! Do not say that! How can that womb be blessed. Blessed are those that will listen to My Word and obey Me. Finish! Not My mother and the womb. No! I do not have a mother. Neither do I have a womb.”
  10. Reference: Luke 11:27-28, KJV. 27And it came to pass, as He spake these things, a certain woman of the company lifted up her voice, and said unto Him, Blessed is the womb that bare Thee, and the paps which Thou hast sucked. 28But He said, Yea, rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.
  11. 27As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, “Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.” 28He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the Word of God and obey it.”
  12. God is a mysterious Being. When He wants to come into existence, He comes in any way He wants. The Vessel means nothing. That is why He has the power to raise vessels. He has the power to break them into pieces after using them.
  13. That God is using you today, be very careful that in the end, He will not break you into pieces. So, do not go about bragging. No! If you must brag, I have shown you the reason for your bragging.
  14. Brag that you know Who He is. If you do not know Him, do not go about bragging. Know Him for what He really is. He has told you what He is and what He delights Himself in. Anything contrary to that is your business. Finish!
  15. Let us read that place for those murmurers and complainers.
  16. Job 9:27-35, TLB. [27]“If I decided to forget my complaints against God, to end my sadness and be cheerful, [28]then he would pour even greater sorrows upon me. …
  17. He will do what? …pour even greater sorrows upon me. … Of what use is that trying? Trying to suppress your feelings. Trying to manage your anger, manage your murmuring or manage your resentments. You are the one trying.
  18. You have not for one day allowed your heart to be the home of God, because the moment your heart becomes the home of God, all those demonstrations wil stop.
  19. This is because the home of God cannot riot against God, for whenever the home is divided against itself– the moment the home revolts against itself, it must surely collapse. Can God revolt against God?
  20. That is why no one who has the Spirit of God calleth the things of God accursed. The things of God, His behaviour, His actions, His Word, everything must be accursed to you before demonstration will start.
  21. Do you murmur in vain? Do you complain in vain? Do you grumble in vain? Do you go about making campaign in vain? Campaign of calumny to run down His reputation because you will be the most righteous and God will be the most ungodly.
  22. Every attempt by man to revolt against God is aimed at exalting man above God. True or false?
  23. When you are demonstrating against your government, you have one thing in mind. To run it down. You think you can perform better.
  24. That is why the sin of murmuring and complaining has never been a light thing before God. True or false. it is documented in the new testament as a warning.
  25. How many people are guilty of complaining, murmuring and grumbling against God? When they are caught, they suppress their feelings and begin to manage their anger. They begin to manage their impulses.
  26. We know you are managing those things. You are the one doing it. “It is a test. Let me restrain myself a little to see whether I will have peace. Let me stop this thing. Every time I am the talk of the moment.”
  27. Have you changed your heart? Have you done well and people are still talking about you? Have you done well and God is still frowning at you?
  28. Bro Lucky, I hope you are paying attention, for I am addressing your case. I am addressing your case so that you see the havoc you have caused yourself and you are still causing yourself.
  29. Reasoning out a way of circumventing God’s instructions, God’s demands make matters worse. Instead of changing your heart, you begin to change your style of action. That is human sense.
  30. You begin to change your mode of approach, “Okay! I know the way I will be approaching Daddy. I will be smiling. Okay! I know what to do. What is that thing Daddy delights in? I will go to Sister Amarachi. She will tell Me what Daddy delights in. I will be buying those things. I will be coming with this. I will be coming with that.”
  31. You have changed your style. Let Me give Him the impression that I am no longer murmuring and complaining. That is rubbish! You become worse than what you were before.
  32. Let Me change my apparel. I will wash myself clean and neat. I will use every kind of perfume to perfume my body and this and that. It can never cover the evil in your heart. When  the heart is evil, it is evil.
  33. Job 9:27-35, TLB. [27]“If I decided to forget my complaints against God, to end my sadness and be cheerful,  [28]then he would pour even greater sorrows upon me. …
  34. Who will pour greater sorrows upon you? God. This is because you are only changing your outward approach—outward appearance, looking holy when you are boiling inside. Take note of what I am saying this morning.
  35. [28]then he would pour even greater sorrows upon me. For I know that you will not hold me innocent, O God,… I know that God will never hold me innocent, for God said it, “Let hands join hands. No sinner will go unpunished. Far be it from the Almighty God to acquit the wicked.”
  36. He can discharge the wicked, but he can never acquit him. He discharged them in the wilderness for murmuring and complaining. Did He acquit them? He said, “For pardon, I have pardoned. As for that Promised Land, I have vowed using My Name, they will never step their feet into it. All of them, twenty years and above”
  37. REFERENCE: Numbers 32:10-12, KJV. 10And the Lord’s anger was kindled the same time, and he sware, saying, 11Surely none of the men that came up out of Egypt, from twenty years old and upward, shall see the land which I sware unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob; because they have not wholly followed me: 12save Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenezite, and Joshua the son of Nun; for they have wholly followed the Lord.
  38. The Cloud is here!
  39. As far as I liveth saith the LORD God Almighty, I have vowed using My Name. If they should enter, He said, “Moses, do not pray that I should remove your name from the Book of life so as to pardon them and to set them free. No! Anyone who continues to sin against Me, he is the one whose name should be removed from the Book of life.”
  40. Reference: Exodus 32:30-33, NIV. 30The next day Moses said to the people, “You have committed a great sin. But now I will go up to the Lord; perhaps I can make atonement for your sin.” 31So Moses went back to the Lord and said, “Oh, what a great sin these people have committed! They have made themselves gods of gold.
  41. 32But now, please forgive their sin-but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written.” 33The Lord replied to Moses, “Whoever has sinned against me I will blot out of my book.
  42. If your sin is endless, you have already found your destiny. You have stepped into your destiny, for you are born evil. You are created for evil. You are made for evil.
  43. Whatever services you like, render to God. He will say thank you and then brush you aside because whether devil or whatever you may call it, they are all subject to God. All of them! Every spirit is subject to God. True or false? He made the evil fellow for the evil day.
  44. REFERENCE: Proverbs 16:4, KJV. The Lord hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.
  45. When He wanted to use evil to destroy Saul the king of Israel, what did He do? Evil spirit from God was sent to anoint Saul. He became mad.
  46. REFERENCE: 1 Samuel 16:14, KJV. But the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him.
  47. Is there anything impossible for God to do? He who said, “I am the LORD God Almighty, the God of all flesh. Is there anything impossible for Me to do? I killeth. I maketh alive. I am the resurrection. I am also the death. The resurrection and the life. He killeth. He maketh alive. Will there be evil in the city and He has not done it?”
  48. References: [1] Jeremiah 32:27, KJV. Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?
  49. [2] 1 Samuel 2:6, KJV. The Lord killeth, and maketh alive: He bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up.
  50. [3] John 11:25-26, KJV. 25Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: 26and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?
  51. [4] Revelation 1:18, KJV. I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.
  52. [5] Amos 3:6, KJV. Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it?
  53. But He said something that baffles Me, “I will never use a righteous fellow for an unrighteous act.” Is it not glorious? I can never use a godly fellow for an ungodly act because everything God does is right. Whatever He does is right. He is always in the right.
  54. So, there is no way, God desiring to do evil, will come and use a good fellow to go and do it. No!
  55. That is why He kept Sammel one side with instruction never to talk and never to act until he receives instruction, for He knows how destructive he would be.
  56. And I warned My wife, “Instead of using him, look at the people you will use or come direct” just like we heard it last night. We heard it well last night. So, it is not for you to share with Me. It is My own personal experience.
  57. You may have your own in your own way, but all I know is that all is well with her because she was dressed in the best apparel which I knew her for, with her full wrapper and everything, and the headgear.
  58. And she was ushering Me into the vehicle telling Me that we were going late, and I said, “Shut up! Who is going to drive you? Am I not the driver? Why telling Me that we are going late?” and we were attending a wedding.
  59. A little while I turned and said, “Ah ah! Nzubechi again? Will I attend a wedding with you again? This is not the wedding I told you about. This is not the wedding. I am not going again.”
  60. So, she wanted to hold Me by all means, but I said, “Okay. Stay where you are and let Me talk to you. I am coming for that wedding anytime from now. The stage is set. I am okay. Do you not see how you are? Are you feeling lonely? You can go back. Expect Me soonest.” Finish!
  61. Then she left with her wedding apparel. That is her own wedding apparel for the ceremony. I was not going to wed her. She was attending a ceremony. And she dressed in a way and manner that was pleasing to Me. So, that was My own experience. It does not concern any of you.

Brethren, believe this Spoken Word. It is the Original Seed. If you go back to the Great Sermon, it said, “The Spoken Word can come to you in diverse forms. But the secret is this: Whether He uses telephone, whether He speaks face-to-face, no matter where you have met Him, He is nothing but what He is.” Do not begin to separate the carnal side from the spiritual side. God has only but One Side, One Nature and One Entity. Do not say, “I thought He was playing.” No! you are making a mistake.


HAVE FAITH IN THE SPOKEN WORD; Preached on 14th July 2013 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 104 vs. 33




  1. He is the God Almighty who owns all flesh. And you are a part of that flesh. He that created all things for His own use and purpose, is He crazy? How many things have you created for your own use and purpose and somebody struggles with you over it?
  2. There are too many things you have created. Every man is a creator. There are too many things you have invented.
  3. Let me use ordinary property. You buy a property and collect your receipt. Is it not your property to do on it anything you want. You buy your land. Can anybody tell you what you shall build there?
  4. If you like, you leave it fallow or you can cultivate on it. If you like, you use it for toilet, it belongs to you. If any man comes to trespass there, will you keep quiet? You will struggle.
  5. But this is the One Who created everything in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, including spirits, principalities and powers, all for His own use and purpose.
  6. Reference: Colossians 1:16, KJV. who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: for by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
  7. [15]Christ is the exact likeness of the unseen God. He existed before God made anything at all, and, in fact, [16]Christ himself is the Creator who made everything in heaven and earth, the things we can see and the things we can’t; the spirit world with its kings and kingdoms, its rulers and authorities; all were made by Christ for his own use and glory.
  8. Who are you then to struggle with Him? Any day He begins to struggle with you, it then means you created yourself. You are tired of life. Many are tired of life, but they want a pronouncement from the mouth of the Almighty God. He is reserving that pronouncement. You will get it when you will not have anything reversible.
  9. When you reach that irreversible state, you will hear that pronouncement. Some have already reached the point of entering mortuary, but He said no and brought them back. Before your eyes, He said no. Go back!
  10. But there are some He permitted. Some, He announced and said, “Give him food to eat. He is going in.” Did you see them again. That was the end.
  11. But He first of all, spoke to them and encouraged those around them to give them the best of attention, “Give them food and love them, for they are going.” Did anybody drag God to court?
  12. Of all that are perishing everywhere, who is querying God. I am saying that any criticism against God, any murmuring and complaining is likened to a gunshot that is fired at the sun. It is a wasted bullet. Am I making sense at all?
  13. When you aim at the sun and fire your shot, intending to destroy the sun, you will notice that you have wasted your time and your bullet and the sun is still there. That is what people are doing. That is exactly what people are doing and they know it not.
  14. Who are fond of doing it? These are those that are proud, arrogant, haughty and constantly esteeming themselves above the Almighty. You must be higher than the Almighty before you query Him. You cannot query somebody who is higher than you. True or false?
  15. A clerk can never raise a query for a director. Even if that director is wrong, it is not for the clerk or messenger to know. That which the messenger is calling error might be what the office demands because at his level, he [the clerk or the messenger] does not know official demands.
  16. He does not know the communication between the director and the headquarters. He does not know the instruction the director was given or received. What is the guilt of the director before the subject? It is because the subject thinks that he [the director] is accountable to them and he should be giving them daily account.
  17. That is what Job said. When you are expecting God to give you account of what He is doing, you will never be happy all the days of your life. Is God accountable to any man? Is God accountable to any man? God is accountable to Himself.
  18. REFERENCE: [1] Psalms 33:11, KJV. The counsel of the Lord standeth for ever, the thoughts of His heart to all generations.
  19. [2] Proverbs 19:21, KJV. There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand.
  20. [3] Ephesians 1:11, AMP. 11In Him we also were made [God’s] heritage (portion) and we obtained an inheritance; for we had been foreordained (chosen and appointed beforehand) in accordance with His purpose, Who works out everything in agreement with the counsel and design of His [own] will,
  21. It is contained in your Bible here that because He does not give man account of what He is doing, you see them murmuring and complaining. Some even went as far as calling Job a sinner simply because Job did not give account of his daily life.
  22. Why not allow God to find fault with Me? Did He send you? Even if I should be arrested, will God send you to come and arrest Me?
  23. You see the problem we are having? This is the genesis of murmuring and complaining. But do you know that it started with your life, with your parents and with your superiors? With your every day life, you formed it as a habit.
  24. And then you would not know when there will be a miscarriage of justice. You would not know when there will be what we call transfer of aggression. That habit you had already inculcated will not allow you to know about the personalities around you when you will be misbehaving.
  25. That is why a fool misbehaves where he will be ridiculed for not esteeming the majesty of those around him. He thinks he is the wisest fellow. That is where he portrays and manifests the greatest folly.
  26. But wise people, they are always cautious. They are always with themselves. They do not forget themselves.
  27. Who forgets himself? A fool. By forgetting the Word of God which is God Himself, Allah will cause you to forget yourself. And when you forget yourself, you will not even know the people that are around you. They mean nothing. You begin to claim superiority over all.
  28. Sometimes, God will become your equal. He will be a mere man like you. Let me go and talk to Him. Why should I not talk? Is He a despotic king? Is He not a human being like myself? Let us say it.
  29. Job 9:27-35, TLB. [27]“If I decided to forget my complaints against God, to end my sadness and be cheerful, [28]then He would pour even greater sorrows upon me. [Sure!!!] For I know that you will not hold me innocent, O God,…
  30. I know God will not hold me innocent. Who has ever pleaded his case before God and was spared? I made my case. I pleaded with God. And God spared you? Tell Me the excuse. Who will advocate for you? Who will speak for you so as to win God?
  31. Oftentimes, people behave as if they will be guiltless and then God will be pronounced guilty.
  32. …For I know that you will not hold me innocent, O God, [29]but will condemn me. … He will do what? … condemn me. But will you condemn God? He that has the power to condemn you also has the power to destroy you.
  33. Although you must condemn Him before murmuring will start. If God is not condemned in your heart for one reason or the other, murmuring and complaining will not start. You must have adjudged God’s action or utterances and everything in your heart to be impious, to be ungodly, to be unbecoming of One that is called God.
  34. Was it not the guilt of the Jews? If He is what He claims to be, If He is a Prophet, why is He acting this way. Can you see Him with a notorious prostitute in our own area. Look at what is happening between the two.
  35. REFERENCE: Luke 7:36-39, NIV 36Now one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with him, so He went to the Pharisee’s house and reclined at the table. 37When a woman who had lived a sinful life in that town learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee’s house, she brought an alabaster jar of perfume, 38and as she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them.
  36. 39When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is–that she is a sinner.”
  37. They had already adjudged Him guilty before murmuring and complaining started. True or false?
  38. Then, if along the way because of series of indictments and troubles– because of what you think is right in your own eyes, because every man’s way seemeth right in the eye of that individual, but what have you said about God?
  39. That way that seemeth right in your eyes leadeth to death, disappointment and destruction, but in your eyes, it is right.
  40. Reference: Proverbs 14:12, KJV. There is a way which seemeth right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death.
  41. That is why for a foolish fellow, when he is making his case, he thinks he is winning, but when he is cross-examined, he will bend down in sorrow. The mouth will close immediately.
  42. When you hear him presenting his matter, he thought he was winning. He feels he is talking to foolish people like himself. No!
  44. …For I know that you will not hold me innocent, O God, [29]but will condemn me. … Even if He holds you innocent, innocent or guilty, He will destroy. True or false?
  45. …So what’s the use of trying? … What is the use of trying to suppress yourself, suppress your anger or suppress your demonstrations? Your heart is on fire while you present a beautiful face that is beaming with smiles.
  46. What is the need of pretending to be happy when you are sad? What is the need simply because you are afraid of what people will say around you? You are afraid of human beings. For that reason, you begin to adjust yourself to see another way of getting favour from the son of man, I mean, God’s incarnate in your own day.
  47. I am the Deity. I am not saying that the Deity is coming to dwell in Me. I am Deity. If you know what Deity is, I am the Deity, and I never minced words. From the word go, I told the Elect Who I am and My Mission here on earth.
  48. REFERENCE: MIXED MULTITUDE PART 2; Preached on 3rd March 1993 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 88 vs. 62 – 63. The Lord is here. How many believe that to be true? Shout Alleluia! Amen! Do not compromise. Our God is good. Our God is good! He has visited His people. I can see Him moving about. I am telling you the truth. I lie not in Christ. HE IS IN THE BRIDE. HE IS MOVING ABOUT GUIDING EVERYTHING AND DICTATING EVERY MOVE. Shout Alleluia! Amen! Let us see Him. We are still moving. Amen.
  49. I have been consistent. From that day till this day, I have never wavered. I have never declined. Neither have I stammered while introducing Myself. And I am sure that those that belong to God, they know that I have not attempted impersonating anything, for I have a heavenly witness. A heavenly vindication above all vindication.
  50. That is the Almighty God, the Shekinah, the Divinity. And that Divinity is not two and can never be two and can never be seen in any other place apart from where God has decided to pitch His Tent. Among a people.
  51. And if those people will welcome Him with open heart gladly, it shall be their righteousness, their holiness and their perfection. But where they act otherwise, His presence will be their destruction.
  52. [30]Even if I were to wash myself with purest water and cleanse my hands with lye to make them utterly clean, [31]even so you would plunge me into the ditch and mud; [Sure!!!] and even my clothing would be less filthy than you consider me to be!
  53. [32-33]“And I cannot defend myself,… I cannot do what? Defend myself. When God brings you to judgment, what are you going to say? Tell me what you will say so that God will be condemned and you will be justified.
  54. Before you started murmuring and complaining, what do you have in mind? You were seeking people that will take sides with you so that God will be condemned, while you and your cohorts will be justified. You will be innocent and God will be guilty.
  55. That is what every rebel is aiming at. The moment you are rebelling against God, you have already published your obituary, sang your funeral oration and attended your funeral service.
  56. You are only waiting for the day you will be sentenced to eternal damnation in hell, for what is recorded against you cannot be erased anymore. When they demonstrated in the face of God, was it erased? Were they warned ahead of time. Yes!
  57. “Be very careful the way you follow Him. You have never gone this way before. Do not go to the right. Do not go to the left. Fix your eyes upon Him. Be sure you do not murmur or complain or provoke Him to anger, for He will never ever pardon your transgression. I am sending Him as My own Angel. My Name is upon Him with My Spirit.” Was it not the Commission?
  58. Complaining means that you know the right way. Lead the way. Murmuring and complaining means you are conversant with the road and He is leading you to error, for every man justifies his action. But has God justified you?
  59. No man stands justified before God unless God declares you justified. You will remain guilty until God has set you free. If THE SON OF MAN has not set you free, you are still in bondage. You are still in prison custody. You are still condemned and awaiting execution. But if the Son of man shall set you free, ye shall be free indeed.
  60. Some are even envious of THE SON OF MAN. Who is THIS SON OF MAN that you have esteemed so highly? What has He done for you that I cannot do? Try me and see if I will not perform better than Him.
  61. That is a politician, as if they were not there when God made His choice. Some even presented themselves to the pulpit. I mean, dressed very well so that it will be a memorable event. And God came there and humiliated them out with their suit.
  62. God with slippers and linen dress went there, brought His ink bottle closer and His little Book, the Scroll. He kept it there, stood in between and the Heaven came down to vindicate Who is holy among us.
  63. That is why God’s instrument for leadership is divine. You do not struggle over it. But why are you complaining and murmuring? It is because the person does not fit into your own plan. For that reason, He cannot save you.
  64. You will have your interactions with Him. He will favour you like He is favouring both the wicked and the just, but talk of eternal life, count yourself out. Take whatever you want to take from Him. Enjoy life with Him. Do everything. Drink, eat, preach, read the Bible and help Him to spread the good News. That is where you will end it.
  65. In the end, He is sentencing you to hell because of your heart, for your heart had already rejected Him.
  66. And you see danger and then rush to Him? No! No! When he called in the time of peace and you paid deaf ears, when trouble comes and you come, He will not listen to you. He will laugh you to scorn. That is why we have come to Him this day to learn more of Him.
  67. I am taking you to the memory lane now.

The problem is this; “How do we reconcile with Him, seeing we blasphemed?” And they do not know that I have a very large heart. I can change the unchangeable. I am not a Messenger of any age, and I never arrogated to Myself a Messenger of any age. Never! Never! The Lord never called Me a Messenger. I came to gather all the loose ends. I came according to the promise. I came according to the time. I came according to My commission. I am nothing but the very Elohim. The very Deity! In Me dwelleth the fullness of the Godhead bodily.


CHRIST IS THE IDENTITY OF EVERY ELECT; Preached on Sunday 8th February 2015 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 43 vs. 46 – 48




  1. [32-33]“And I cannot defend myself, for you are no mere man as I am. … I cannot defend myself before God. Why? God is not a mere man like you. That is the man that wrote the first thing that was documented in the Bible. And it was credited to Job.
  2. The man who prophesied about the time you are in. He said, “Though worms ate up my flesh, I know that even if I die, I will rise again. I know My Redeemer liveth. I know He shall come on the last day and stand upon the earth judging the world. And I will come to Him, behold His face and embrace Him as a friend, not as an enemy. He will receive me as a friend and not as an enemy.”
  3. REFERENCE: Job 19:25, TLB. 5“But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and that he will stand upon the earth at last. 26And I know that after this body has decayed, this body shall see God! 27Then he will be on my side! Yes, I shall see him, not as a stranger, but as a friend! What a glorious hope!
  4. That was the passage from where that song came out.
  5. SONG: [When the pearly Gates are open to a sinner saved by grace. When thro’ everlasting mercy, I behold my Saviour’s face. When I enter in the mansion of the city bright and fair. I shall have a royal welcome, for I will be no stranger there.
  6. I shall be no stranger there; My LORD will my place prepare; He will meet me, He’ll embrace me; I shall be no stranger there.]
  7. God can see someone on the road and just wave at the person. God can see another person and stop. He saw the first person and just saluted and waved at the person. But he saw the second person and stopped his vehicle, reversed and commanded the person to enter His vehicle.
  8. [32-33]“And I cannot defend myself, for you are no mere man as I am. … You are no mere man than I am. Get Me 2 Corinthians 5:16 from Living Bible.
  9. …If you were, then we could discuss it fairly,… If you were a mere man like me, we could sit down man to man, woman to woman or man to woman and we discuss it fairly. You talk and I talk. You reason and I reason. But you are not an ordinary human being. You are a supernatural human being. A Being is in your Being.
  10. If you are a mere man like every other person, I would not be complaining. We will just sit down and begin to reason it out, but You are not a mere man.
  11. Before you begin to murmur and complain against God, you must reduce Him in your heart to a mere mortal man, no better than you are.
  12. You had already started sneering at Him, ridiculing Him, “Is it because He has built a house? Is it because He has children? Is it because this and that? Who would not achieve these things if given this opportunity He has?”
  13. You begin to attribute Him to your grade. You begin to ridicule Him. You cannot murmur without ridiculing Him. You cannot complain and grumble without ridiculing. Too many queries will be coming out, for the devil has broken loose over your head. All anointing are now on you. You are doomed because it is at that point that you will use the contents of your heart and your mouth to seal your doom, which was the warning that went forth aforetime.
  14. Be very sure in this pilgrim race to put padlock over your lips and circumcise your heart of all evil thoughts. Close your ears from listening to profane things. Permit not your mouth to utter anything vanity, for you must give account of every word—idle word, useless word that proceeds out of your mouth.”
  15. And I gave you the Scriptures in the Book of Matthew.
  16. REFERENCES: [1] Psalms 141:3-4, AMP. 3Set a guard, O Lord, before my mouth; keep watch at the door of my lips. 4Incline my heart not to submit or consent to any evil thing or to be occupied in deeds of wickedness with men who work iniquity; and let me not eat of their dainties.
  17. [2] Matthew 12:35-37, KJV. 35A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. 36But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. 37For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.
  18. Hear Me very well. You think your heart is right. And God said, “You may say, “I do not mean it.” Though a soul sinneth, when he listeth it not. Yet is that soul guilty.”
  19. That a soul sinned, but said that it was not what he intended to do and that it was not deliberate. Yes! It is true that you did not do it deliberately. Yet, you are still guilty and stand utterly condemned before God.
  20. Is it Scripture? How I wish you can give it to me. Though a heart– though it listeth it not, and say, “I did not mean to do it”, yet is it guilty and stands utterly condemned before God, for God is of a purer eye than to behold iniquity. Wherever He finds it, He is going to condemn it. He is going to condemn it.
  21. REFERENCE: Leviticus 5:17, KJV. And if a soul sin, and commit any of these things which are forbidden to be done by the commandments of the Lord; though he wist it not, yet is he guilty, and shall bear his iniquity.
  22. That is why you have to be very very careful. He told us that God is a very very sensitive spirit. Very very sensitive. He that can monitor you from afar, can you not fear Him? Can you not fear Him? He that can rehearse everything you have in your heart before you and call you to witness, can you not fear Him?
  23. [32-33]“And I cannot defend myself, for you are no mere man as I am. If you were, then we could discuss it fairly, but there is no umpire between us,…
  24. You see, People talk as if there is going to be an umpire who will decide the case between them and God. You see why your life is in danger at all times. You are in danger of being called to question, “Why did you do this?”
  25. Check the Messages I outlined last week. [1] WHY ME? [2] if christ has been with you or you have been with him, where is the evidence? [3] YOU ARE IN DANGER OF BEING CALLED TO QUESTION.
  26. Why me? Why me, of all men– of all human beings? These things have been happening to people. Why should it happen to me? Have I not been benefitting from God’s presence? I mean, the presence of God in human form. Am I not favoured? Who will claim he or she is not being favoured?
  27. If God had remained in the spirit form, will He favour you. You are here because He is here in human form. So, in His humanity, salvation has come to you. In His spirit estate, you have no salvation, for you are worshipping imaginary God. And nobody gets saved until God is revealed in human form. If the human form of God stumbles you, you do not belong to God.
  28. You must feel stumbled before you begin to murmur and complain– before you feel bitter. It is the bitterness of your heart against God that you are expressing with caustic remarks– derogatory remarks at God.
  29. Are you surprised that people even confront God? If they know Who He is– when He speaks, they will do what the Bible said you should do. “God is in His Tabernacle. Let every lip keep quiet.”
  30. But some will say no, “Who is He? Why should I keep quiet. Is He not the same human being like myself? If He wants, we will settle it physically. If He wants to fight, we fight it out. Who is He? He is not my God.”
  31. And by saying he is not your God, you have already dissociated yourself completely. Is He Jesus Christ? Does he know Jesus Christ? Forget these things He is doing.
  32. He had already left the Faith a long time ago. And he is looking for people he will lure out, for he knows that what is ahead of him is very great and very disastrous.
  33. And he does not want to go there alone. He will only be seducing people to his own side. Anywhere he goes, he will insinuate something, asking for people’s contribution. And if you open your mouth to talk, God will hold you guilty, for you have associated yourself with the guilty one.
  34. Look at the man Jehoshaphat. When he entangled himself with Ahab and went to war, calling him his friend, while returning, Prophet Jehu met him and said, “Jehoshaphat, did you join hands with God’s enemy to go to war with the Philistines? Because of this your unholy alliance, the wrath of God is upon you and your family” in the Message entitled, UNHOLY ALLIANCE.
  35. You can have an unholy alliance, unholy companionship, unholy agreement, unholy friendship. Mark the people you are meeting with. Mark the people you are befriending in your offices, in your market places and anywhere you find yourself. Even with those that are patronizing you, it can turn out to be unholy alliance.
  36. Be very careful, lest because of unrighteous mammon, you go to hell. Anybody that perishes because of money, perished in vain. Can money redeem your life? Can you even use money to buy or even say, “God postpone death”? Your money will be there and you will die.
  37. The living will lay hand on your money and continue to live on. You that struggled to save the money will go empty-handed. Many have died with empty stomach. They laboured and died with empty stomach. And their fabulous bank accounts will be enjoyed by the living. True or false?
  38. That is the sign of wicked people. They plant and others will harvest. Others will reap.
  39. …but there is no umpire between us, no middle man,… Do you have a middle man or an intermediary between you and God who will come and settle the dispute between you and God?
  40. If a man is in a dispute with his fellow man, another fellow man can be a mediator, an umpire to come and bring about peace. A conciliator will come in and reconcile you. But when you are in such a disagreement or dispute with God, who do you invite? Who do you invite?
  41. The devil will tell you, “Invite the holy ghost” or “Invite the father. Because you are in enmity with the son, invite the father” or “if you are in enmity with the father, invite the holy ghost”. That is trinity. If you believe in that mess, you are a devil.
  42. This is because even the young lawyer knew and the LORD Jesus Christ confirmed it, “Hear O Israel, “The LORD your God is One. You love Him with everything you are made up of.”” When the young man recited it, the LORD said, “You are not far from the Kingdom of Heaven, for you have answered correctly asserting that God is One.”
  43. So, do not run to the holy ghost or to this and that. You do not have any mediator. You do not have any. You do not have any umpire. You do not have one that is an intercessor at all! It is a matter between you and God, for He has revealed himself in human form. It is now an affair between you and your Maker.
  44. If that person can come and become a mediator, you can as well, enter into a covenant with that person. But any covenant outside God is devilish. Can you make a covenant without God? No!
  45. You can make a covenant with the devil. Wise people make their covenant with God. When you become covenanted to the devil, you become an object of provocation to God. You begin to demonstrate against God. You will begin to rebel because the devil will be using you to oust God. You will become a powerful instrument in the hand of the devil to wreak havoc.
  46. You will still be going to church o. You will still be singing praises, delighting yourself in the affairs of the Brethren. Yet, you are Satan’s agent—a powerful agent.
  47. …but there is no umpire between us, no middle man, no mediator to bring us together. [34]Oh, let him stop beating me, so that I need no longer live in terror of his punishment. [35]Then I could speak without fear to him and tell him boldly that I am not guilty. Amen!
  48. Look at how Saul of Tarsus who became saint Paul saw Him in time past. Go to 2 Corinthians 5:16, TLB.
  49. [INTERLUDE] Then where did you read before? You do not judge properly because you were demonstrating against the truth last night. A Message that was handled in 1994 exposing you and your people, when your mother was not even in the Faith. Your father was unknown to us.
  50. Your father did not know that a Message had already been documented against Oghe people and their behaviours with evidences and names called because of an incident that took place at Onitsha.
  51. And then you came here after many years, manifesting the same thing. Is it any wonder that no good thing can come from Eziagu?
  52. 2 Corinthians 5:16, TLB. [16]So stop evaluating Christians by what the world thinks about them or by what they seem to be like on the outside. Once I mistakenly thought of Christ that way,… Once I mistakenly thought of Christ that same way. …merely as a human being like myself. How differently I feel now!
  53. Look at the Book of Job. It said, “If God were a mere man, I will sit down with Him and we will discuss things over and over, but he is not a mere man that I should confront. Why then should I continue in my murmuring. Even if I say I should stop to enable me have peace, He will pour more sorrows upon me, for I can never forgive Myself.”
  54. To forgive yourself has been a difficult thing. There are too many things you cannot forgive yourself. Do you believe Me to be true? I am true in all My ways.
  55. I know when you are being held by your own iniquities due to lack of self-forgiveness. I know when God is holding you. God is only holding you on that iniquity which you are not ready to drop.
  56. You are not ready to change your heart and change your vision about God and His Teachings. You are still holding it tightly, and God will remain holding you there. That evil habit is prompted by evil spirits you harboured because it is giving you pleasure.
  57. But from anyone God has set you free, you are free from that one, but the memory, from time to time, will go there. Whenever a reference is made concerning that act, your mind will go there.
  58. That is why I gave you a Message, forget the past. Press on to the future. THINK NOT OF FORMER THINGS, FOR THEY ARE GONE. But when you are still there dwelling and harbouring that dirty heart, no matter your smiles, they are short-lived.
  59. The joy of a wicked fellow does not last long. One who harbours iniquities in the heart can smile a while, but cannot laugh. A little while, darkness will cover the face.
  60. You begin to wonder, “Was he not the one that was putting on smiles?” Before you know it, it will change to hostility, simply because the enemy of Christ is already in control.
  61. You cannot use your big dress—an overgrown gown like the Sadducees. You cannot use it to cover the iniquity in your heart. Your dresses cannot cover your sin. Your outlook has nothing to do with your sin.
  62. You may look very pious, dandy and good in appearance, gorgeously dressed but you are evil. What makes you evil is not what you eat, what you drink or what you put on. No! what makes you evil is already dwelling inside you.
  63. Until change comes from there, no change has taken place. And out of that place cometh the issues of life and death.
  64. For that reason, circumcise your heart. Cleanse your heart and then become one of the Israel of God. Then, you will begin to appreciate what God’s grace is all about.
  65. I want us to read a Message by way of putting you in remembrance. But before then, let the Pastor come to the pulpit and read the Gospel—our Gospel. And that is the GREAT SERMON, Revised Edition.
  66. Should a human being, born of a woman, strive against God? For you must strive against God before you begin to complain and murmur and gossip.
  67. If you really know Who God is, happy are you. After reading it, I will take you to memory lane again.