9Truly no maiden was fairer than Sarai, the daughter of Haran, for her beauty was greater than all other women and she excelled them all. 10 But with her beauty was great wisdom and perfect Faith in the Lord and constant service in behalf of the Saints, for her hands never cease from blessing the people of God.

THE WRITINGS OF ABRAHAM [From the papyri found in Egypt 1831 and translated by John Bryant] Chapter 49 Verse 1 – 2, 9 – 10.

There are qualities daughters of Zion must strive to possess in order to be counted worthy of being included in the number. Daughter of Zion should seek wisdom, be honest, keep on serving the Lord consistently, constantly, be faithful, be disciplined, be virtuous, stay strong, seek the Lord, stay humble, stay diligent, live as a good steward, be self-controlled.





The I Am that I Am, The Heavenly Commander, The Chief Instructor, The Uniting point of the moon and the star, The Adonai, The last sign to mankind, The Resurrected Body, I bow down in reverence before you.

  1. Good day distinguished members of the high table, ladies and gentlemen. To the elect Bride of Christ I say remain blessed.
  2. Before I proceed, I want us to hear this quote from The Almighty God among us from a message titled; WHAT IT TAKES TO BE THE WIFE OF A MAN OF GOD Page 22 Verse 7, 9 and 10. 7By our Faith, as far as matters concerning God and worship is concerned, women should keep quiet. That does not mean that they are ignorant.
  3. 9But by the tradition of The Almighty, they should be seen and not heard on such matters. 10If they have questions they should go home and ask their husbands.
  4. I am standing here on the authority of The Maker and Breaker of the law, The Adonai Himself not to preach but to lecture. To be a lecturer, there must be a classroom or an audience and there must be students both male and female.
  5. I am the most favoured, honoured to be given this rare privilege and without sounding immodest, I am claiming the trophy given to my husband Bishop Joe Ukpong and I by God Himself that we are the replica of Zachariah and Elizabeth. I, Sister Grace Ukpong the replica of Elizabeth Zachariah is here again to play a part in the programme of The Adonai as she did in His first advent, but now in another dimension.
  6. Without further delay, I am standing here to speak on the topic: OUR VINDICATED ROLE MODEL OF A MOTHER AND A SISTER. Lectures are better assimilated when the topic is well understood. Therefore using the dictionary and Google I will define some terms as it will suit my topic.


  1. Vindicate: This means to show that someone is not guilty and should not be blamed for a crime, mistake etc. In Bible terms, if you are not ashamed of the gospel, God will vindicate you. If you will take a stand for what is right, for what the Lord has told you to do, and obey His voice, your day of vindication will come.
  2. Psalms 37:6 Living Bible; Your innocence will be clear to everyone. He will vindicate you with the blazing light of justice shining down as from the noonday sun. Message Bible; He’ll validate your life in the clear light of day and stamp you with approval at high noon.
  3. Role:It can mean the character played by an actor. Remember the world is a stage and we are actors. Role can also mean a socially expected behavior pattern usually determined by an individual’s status in a particular society.
  4. Model:This means an example for imitation or emulation.
  5. From the above definitions then, who is a “Role Model”? A role model I will say is someone others look to as a good example worthy of imitation. This is someone another person admires and tries to be like. I really want us to understand deeply what a role model means.
  6. According to study.com academy; A role model refers to an individual whose achievements, behaviour or way of life is emulated by others who also aspire to be at the same level as the person.
  7. What are the qualities of a role model?
  • They have the ability to inspire.
  • They have a clear set of values.
  • They are selfless and accept others regardless of their situation.
  • They are committed to helping others.
  1. Having defined the general terms above, our duty today is to identify one with all the above qualities as vindicated by The Almighty God in line with my topic. We have a lot of women seen as role models in the society and we all buy this view in different ways, but societal choice is different from God’s own choice and God’s own choice is the one who has been vindicated.
  2. And by God’s nature it must be one individual and there must be individuals chosen by God to witness this great vindication and they are ordained as true witnesses to tell others about it.
  3. For example, it took John the Baptist to identify Jesus the Christ; it took Samuel to identify David and you must believe in the testimonies of these witnesses. To this purpose I am standing before you as a mother who is a living witness. By the time I expound your understanding of what it means to be a sister, wife and mother, you will agree with me that this personality I will point to you is indeed a vindicated role model.
  4. Who is a sister?
  5. A female connected with another person by a common parent. She is someone who is always there for you no matter what. Let us look at the qualities of a good sister as extrapolated by Akhtar Infratech.
  6. Qualities of a good sister;
  7. Unconditional love and support: she is there to celebrate your success and cheer you on during your lows.
  8. Trust and loyalty: this is the foundation of any strong relationship. A good sister is someone you can confide in.
  9. Empathy and understanding: she is able to put herself in your shoes and truly comprehend your emotions and experiences.
  10. Shared memories and experiences: A good sister is someone you have countless inside jokes, memorable adventures and shared laughter. These shared experiences create a bond that is unique and irreplaceable.
  11. Honesty and constructive criticism: A good sister is not afraid to be honest with you even when it is difficult.
  12. Celebrating each other’s successes: She is genuinely happy for your successes and achievements.
  13. Forgiveness and acceptance: She understands that nobody is perfect and is willing to forgive and move forward.
  14. Life long connection: Through the ups and downs of life, a good sister remains a constant presence.
  15. We have seen who a sister is. Let us see briefly who a wife is.
  16. A wife: A wife is a married woman considered in relation to her spouse. This definition applies to the physical relationship. By this definition, every woman on whom the marriage rites have been completed is a wife, but that alone is not what defines an ideal wife.
  17. In being a good wife, the focus lies in nurturing a loving and harmonious partnership. This may involve effective communication, emotional support and sharing responsibilities. A good wife openly communicates with her spouse, listens with empathy and demonstrates affection.
  18. What is the Biblical role of a wife?
  • Submission: Submit to your own husbands as to the Lord. Ephesians 5:22-24 Living Bible; You wives must submit to your husbands’ leadership in the same way you submit to the Lord. For a husband is in charge of his wife in the same way Christ is in charge of his body the Church. (He gave his very life to take care of it and be its Savior!) So you wives must willingly obey your husbands in everything, just as the Church obeys Christ.
  • Support: she should be a help meet for her husband. Genesis 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him. KJV
  • Respect her husband: 1 Peter 3:6 Sarah, for instance, obeyed her husband Abraham, honoring him as head of the house. And if you do the same, you will be following in her steps like good daughters and doing what is right; then you will not need to fear offending your husbands. LVB
  • Love her husband: 1 Corinthians 13:7 If you love someone, you will be loyal to him no matter what the cost. You will always believe in him, always expect the best of him, and always stand your ground in defending him. LVB
  1. A quote from a message titled FAMILY MENU VOLUME 2 page 44 vs. 3 reads thus; Every true wife esteems her family higher than any other consideration. The upkeep of her family and the future of her family is the most important thing in her life. She recognizes her husband as the all-in-all in the family to her and to the children and must work towards extending the life of the man by playing a supportive role, transforming the policies of the man into reality so that the man will be more encouraged in his labour.
  2. An ideal wife is loyal, merry, capable and strong.Let us crown this by reading the book of Proverbs 31:10-31. If you can find a truly good wife, she is worth more than precious gems! Her husband can trust her, and she will richly satisfy his needs. She will not hinder him but help him all her life. She finds wool and flax and busily spins it. She buys imported foods brought by ship from distant ports.
  3. She gets up before dawn to prepare breakfast for her household and plans the day’s work for her servant girls.
  4. She goes out to inspect a field and buys it; with her own hands she plants a vineyard. She is energetic, a hard worker, and watches for bargains. She works far into the night! She sews for the poor and generously helps those in need.
  5. She has no fear of winter for her household, for she has made warm clothes for all of them. She also upholsters with finest tapestry; her own clothing is beautifully made—a purple gown of pure linen. Her husband is well known, for he sits in the council chamber with the other civic leaders.
  6. She makes belted linen garments to sell to the merchants. She is a woman of strength and dignity and has no fear of old age. When she speaks, her words are wise, and kindness is the rule for everything she says.
  7. She watches carefully all that goes on throughout her household and is never lazy. Her children stand and bless her; so does her husband. He praises her with these words: “There are many fine women in the world, but you are the best of them all!”
  8. Charm can be deceptive and beauty doesn’t last, but a woman who fears and reverences God shall be greatly praised. Praise her for the many fine things she does. These good deeds of hers shall bring her honor and recognition from people of importance. TLB
  9. We have seen a sister and a wife; Who is a mother?
  10. A mother:A mother is a female parent.
  11. Now let’s see what it means to be a mother. Motherhood means family, happiness, love and contentment. Motherhood is a lucky gift that not all of us get. Motherhood brings out the best and worst in you. You can all agree with me that not every female who has given birth is a true mother.
  12. According to dictionary. cambridge.org, mothering is the process of caring for children as their mother or of caring for people in a way that a mother does.
  13. From homeschoolmomof8.comlet’s glance though the qualities of a good mother.
  14. Loyalty: This is what makes a good mother stand by her children even if it costs her something.
  15. Trust and worthiness: Her children knows that she will always be there for them.
  16. Communication: A good mother always talks with her children.
  17. Honesty: She models honesty for her children and demands they imitate this character.
  18. Positivity: A mother must first empower herself with the strong belief that she can do whatever is needed for her children, she cultivates a positive thought about her ability.
  19. Patience: it means you have to train your responses to match the current situation. It takes all emotions to grow a well prepared mother.
  20. Determination: She has a pure determination for her children to succeed in all that their little hearts desire. She knows that she is responsible for the very lives of her children.
  21. Vision: She must be visionary. She will guide her children in the way that they should go. It requires that you study your children.
  22. Inspiration: She knows her children, she helps them to strive towards their goals.
  23. Love: It is the kind of love that caused you to sit up at night, ready to capture your child’s breath if it should try to leave them. This kind of love hurts your heart when your child is in distress. This love makes a grown woman weep like a three (3) year old girl. True love is joyful, peaceful, patient, good and faithful. Our love will keep our children from falling for the counterfeit.
  24. Having seen who a sister is, a wife and a mother, let us come to the family of God. We now want to see what the word of God says are the qualities of a mother, wife and sister in the faith of The Son of Man (Christ).
  25. FAMILY MENU VOLUME 1 page 12 verse 13. A woman who is convinced that she is a child of God should conscientiously seek to conduct herself in a manner revealing her appreciation of the fact that her whole life course comes under the allseeing and allnoticeable view of Almighty God at all times.

Nevertheless, it is clear from the Bible that the upstanding daughters of God fear God, (Proverbs 31 v 30) speaks and behaves wisely (Proverbs 31:26 through 27).  Helps to guide their children and younger women to fear the Lord, dedicate their lives to the service of the Lord.





Page 13 vs. 16-17. As a wife and a mother, she must be exemplary in her love doing her best to make her husband feel at home by providing nourishing food for the family at the right time and by creating a peaceful and conducive environment for the husband’s relaxation after the days activities.

  1. She must put the family’s interest above her personal interests, making sure that her husband does not find admissible evidence that his wife is seriously neglecting her duties.
  2. Page 13 vs. 14. She must work hard not to use her mouth or tongue for slander, gossip or hurt but rather to build up and encourage others.
  3. Page 62 vs. 31. Every wife is a part of the efforts of the husband and should never add additional burden to the man by making him feel restless through her misguided and unwarranted utterances and behaviour.
  4. Page 56 vs. 21-22. Believe it if you can, peace is subject to total obedience to a superior authority. Any woman that wants to live in peace in her marital home must of a necessity concede and acknowledge her husband’s superiority over her at all times and in all matters.
  5. Nobody challenges or strives or demonstrates against a superior authority and gets away without reprisals from God and her husband. 
  6. In the society out there and even in the Christendom, the inability of wives to obey this part of the scripture results in intolerance among spouses, inability to bear with each other’s shortcomings. The resultant effect is that the center can no longer hold and peace eludes those families.
  7. FAMILY MENU VOLUME 2 page 2 vs. 5-7. I am trying to point out something in marriage. When you are truly really married, you have a wife; you have a mother as caring as a mother; you have a sister as sweet as a sister; then you are having a treasure, a companion and a comforter as a wife.
  8. In her absence these three personalities are away from you. We should not put up any pretense about this matter; if your family has not attained this level, please work towards it until you attain this height.
  9. This is compulsory in any family that professes godliness. Until we realize it, we do not know the essence of marriage. Talking about training of children is useless without it. We cannot train our children when we have not trained ourselves. The training, understanding, confidence and everything about family have to start with us.
  10. To refresh our minds, remember we are tracing the qualities and characteristic behaviour of a sister who became a wife and transited to motherhood then got vindicated as a role model.
  11. The above are just but few quotes of what The Almighty God in our midst by the name Apostle Peter Odoemena (pbuh) said concerning a sister, wife and a mother. In real life the closest person to the children is the mother. She guides and directs them towards actualizing their goals.
  12. Let us go ahead a little to see how this wife can be a mother to her husband to help him achieve his dreams as a mother does to her child.

As a mother to her husband:

  1. FAMILY MENU VOLUME 2 page 28 vs. 19. Let me put it this way: behind every successful man, behind every successful family, there is a very intelligent and understanding wife. An intelligent and understanding wife is one that seeks the protection of the future of her children more than present joy and happiness. That is a virtuous wife, that is an ideal wife. A man that has such wife has a treasure.
  2. Page 39 vs. 38-41. Every woman plays a very important role in cementing the policies of the father of the home. I use the term cementing or concretizing the policy of the headman of the house.
  3. Whatever a man may have as his policy, without his wife, nobody implements it. That is why I believe that every woman plays executive role. I call every married woman an executive officer and until she sees herself and her office as executive, highly honoured and cherished office, where all the policies of a man are executed, the family can never forge ahead.
  4. Watch a man, inspite of all his labour, without the executor he cannot feel the impact. He sees nothing that will encourage him. It can make a man become tired. Nothing discourages a man more than not seeing the fruits of his labour because there is no person to execute it.
  5. Here is what the scripture say concerning a good wife to the husband.
  6. Proverbs 31 verses 11-12, 17-18, 20, 23, 25-31 GNB. 11Her husband puts his confidence in her, and he will never be poor. 12As long as she lives, she does him good and never harm. 17She is a hard worker, strong and industrious. 18She knows the value of everything she makes, and works late into the night. 20She is generous to the poor and needy. 23Her husband is well known, one of the leading citizens. 25She is strong and respected and not afraid of the future. 26She speaks with a gentle wisdom. 27She is always busy and looks after her family’s needs. 28Her children show their appreciation, and her husband praises her.
  7. 29He says, “Many women are good wives, but you are the best of them all.”
  8. 30Charm is deceptive and beauty disappears, but a woman who honours the Lord should be praised. 31Give her credit for all she does. She deserves the respect of everyone.
  9. Let us see some quotes on the duties of a mother to her children as laid down by The Almighty God in our midst.

A mother to her children:

  1. In the message WHAT IS REQUIRED OF US TOWARDS OUR CHILDREN, a quote on page 5 says; When you neglect the training of your child(ren) you are multiplying wickedness.We are trying to reduce the level of wickedness in the society, that is why we are training our children in a godly way.
  2. If you are not training your child(ren) in the fear of the Lord, you are increasing the number of wicked people in the society. If you have seen families who did not train their children well, you will regret going into marriage, you will hate marriage.
  3. [An excerpt from the message: THE DANGERS OF OVER PAMPERING CHILDREN, PP. 7] Page 9 vs. 3. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom but fools despise advice. Our prime duty as long as we live here on Earth is to make sure we instill the fear of the Lord in our children. How do we do that?
  4. CATCH THEM YOUNG page 11 quote in the box. Children are blessings from God but if we are not careful, if we do not understand the essence of God blessing us with children, what God intended to be a blessing to us can turn out to be a curse.
  5. From the message THE DANGER OF OVER PAMPERING CHILDREN, DISPISE NOT THE CHASTENING OF THE LORD page 15. The problem of the society and the entire human race has been identified and it boils down to one thing, the inability of parents to espouse their children to God at their tender age, the inability of parents to spare time and instruct their children on the right way of living so that their future can be guaranteed.
  6. A lot of people here on Earth lost bearing because they were not properly guided.
  7. Any child that is not properly guided must loose his bearing and must be a disappointment to himself, to his parents and to the society at large. 
  8. CATCH THEM YOUNG page 4. If you are a father, you have a qualification to attain. If you are a mother, you have a qualification to attain.
  9. In every examination two things are involved, you either get “pass” or “fail”.
  10. If while you call yourself a father, your children are stubborn, armed robbers, hooligans, always putting you in shame, you failed in your duty as a father.
  11. If you are a mother and while you are still alive, your daughter is a prostitute sleeping from one man to another man, traveling from east to west, lacking manners, you failed as a mother. After all a daughter can never grow above her mother. The same way a son can never grow above his father. But they are growing wild because you have dodged your responsibility. 
  12. I am bringing these few quotes from the voice of The Eternal One Apostle Peter Odoemena, Christ The Almighty God for you to see who is worthy of vindication after fulfilling these teachings. Hear the Voice of The Adonai:
  13. FAMILY MENU VOLUME 2 page 54 vs. 2. Let me explain what I mean, how would you feel as a mother if you have grown up daughters who are supposed to be married and be in their husbands home, yet remain with you in your own home unmarried and keep quarrelling with you in your kitchen morning afternoon and night, day after day? Is there anyone who would like to have such daughters? No one!
  14. Page 69 vs. 39-40. Why am I against women that do not train their children? It is because they are against the society.
  15. People do not marry a woman because she is beautiful. People do not marry because they say they are in love. People now marry from families. Your family record is what people marry. If you are from a bad family, no matter how beautiful you are, people must run away from you. Even if they impregnate you, they will like to go to court to make sure they do not marry you and avoid the problem of your family.
  16. See what our God said about a girl child training. If this training is lacking, she goes about murmuring and complaining in her husband’s home.
  17. BRIDAL STANDARD VOLUME 1 page 88 vs. 51. If she fails to learn it from her parents, she will lose control of the family for a good wife builds the family, builds the home. But a bad wife destroys the home. When a man marries a bad wife, he married failure. Once a man marries a bad wife, he has married failure.
  18. The personality I am identifying not only has the ability to mother her own children but is able to do same and achieve excellent results in the lives of other children outside her biological children.

A mother to the believers:

  1. Every man in his home is a minister, the shepherd over his flock which is his family, so how ought his wife to behave?
  2. Let us see what God said about a minister’s wife. FAMILY MENU VOLUME 1 page 38 vs. 1 and page 39 vs. 10-11. A good Shepherd is like a good father in the family. He must be gentle, humble, meek, lovely, industrious, humane, tender hearted and loving to his flock. His wife must reflect his character so that she can command respect among the flock. She must aim at complementing the efforts of her husband in raising the flock. She must appreciate her husband’s responsibilities towards the flock and not to constitute a clog in the wheels of progress.
  3. Titus 2:3-5. Teach the older women to be quiet and respectful in everything they do. They must not go around speaking evil of others and must not be heavy drinkers, but they should be teachers of goodness. These older women must train the younger women to live quietly, to love their husbands and their children, and to be sensible and clean minded, spending their time in their own homes, being kind and obedient to their husbands so that the Christian faith can’t be spoken against by those who know them.

A mother to well wishers:

  1. FAMILY MENU VOLUME 1 page 63 vs. 1-2. A tree cannot make a forest and no man is an island. Marriage is always contracted by families and villages, hence too many people are attracted each time marriage is contracted. The number of people that are involved in your marriage, will determine your level of responsibilities towards them.
  2. Page 64 vs. 7.She must see whatever she does to this extended family relations as her responsibilities whether they are appreciated or not. The sole aim is to achieve a peaceful and harmonious coexistence.

Deep calleth deep. Children of God that have the Spirit of God identify themselves without any formal introduction, for there is something in them that pull them together.





The Almighty God said that the home of a man of God is like a hotel. Demonstrating hospitality and showing of love towards people, not as a duty it is a way of life in every home of a man of God.

  1. MAINTAINING A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP IN THE BRIDE OF CHRIST page 37 vs. 2. Duty is forced like a pump, love is spontaneous like a fountain. Duty is prescribed asformal, it is part of the stringency of life. It means running on moral rails. It is good enough as a beginning, it is poor as a finality. 
  2. Page 39 vs. 12. Love in the divine alchemy of life, transmutes all duties into privileges, all responsibilities into joys.
  3. I am tracing a vindicated role model of a mother and a sister. One; in whom all of the above qualities are met, as vindicated by the Almighty Himself. I have given you definitions of a sister, a wife, a mother and their qualities. I have shown you few quotes regarding a mother in the faith of The Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena. I have enlightened us a little on the roles of a mother; being a mother to her husband, a mother to children, believers and even a mother to well-wishers.
  4. Please, if you have met all these qualities, indicate by raising your hand up! Appraise yourself. However, if you feel you have met these qualities, show us your Divine vindication! Without hands up, this shows that the person I am talking about is not my very self and that person is not physically sitting here right now.
  5. Let us identify this person. FAMILY MENU VOLUME 2 page 68 vs. 36. When a sensible and understanding woman is born, a nation is born, but when a foolish woman is born, an individual is born.
  6. We are the nation of God. A sensible woman was born, a promised one and she gave birth to princes and princesses.


  1. 2 Peter 1:20-21. Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of scripture came about by the prophets own interpretation of things. For prophecy never had it’s origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
  2. For no prophecy recorded in Scripture was ever thought up by the prophet himself. It was the Holy Spirit within these godly men who gave them true messages from God.
  3. Remember I told us at the beginning that there must be one individual chosen by God for a particular purpose whom God will vindicate, and there must be witnesses to testify that truly the promised one came and fulfilled all that were aforetime prophesied. We will now see the prophecy of the promised mother as prophesied by Abdrushin. IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH; GRAIL MESSAGE by Abdrushin. THE STRANGER: In grave wonder, a youth beheld this monstrous happening from the castle of the Grail, the future Son of Man. He was already being prepared for His mission, a process which took thousands of years, for He was to descend well-equipped into those lower regions where darkness reigned through the volition of mankind.
  4. A woman’s hand was gently laid on the shoulder of the dreaming youth. The Primordial Queen of womanhood stood beside Him, and spoke in a sad and loving voice.
  5. “Take in the full impact of this dear son. Such is the battlefield through which you will have to pass in the hour of fulfilment, for at the request of the murdered Saviour, God the Father grants that before the judgement, you shall once more proclaim His word to the faithless, in order to save those who are still willing to listen to it”.
  6. Please my audience watch, this Queen of womanhood was there standing by the side of the future Son of Man consoling, encouraging, reminding Him the reason for His mission which He was to embark on and was encouraging Him to be ready to face the tide ahead. Abdrushin had more to say:
  7. At the exact hour, even before the end of this arduous time of learning, it came to pass that He met the companion who as a part of Him was to journey with Him through earthly life, to participate in the great task according to Divine Ordinance. Herself a stranger on earth, she joyfully entered the will of God through her own recognition and gratefully merged with it, in order to become absorbed in it.
  8. Having taken you on this lecture so far, breaking down this topic and hearing from the word of God on who a mother is and seeing the promise from the prophet of one who will occupy this position, I declare to you all without any iota of doubt that all of this fulfilled in the life time of a rare gem, a woman with a heart of gold, one like no other, a treasure, a philanthropist, a loving, compassionate, generous, forgiving, spiritual, prayerful, gentle, caring, godly and precious Jewel, a mother of all mothers, a Queen of queens, Mummy Nzubechi Joy Odoemena; The Queen of Paradise and woman of subsequent creation.
  9. This is not said by sentiment or is it a personal opinion of mine nor the Bride nor an election we conducted, but a vindication by The Almighty God Himself; a supernatural confirmation.



  1. Her spirituality could evidently be seen by the enveloping Cloud around her showing that she is the standard of judgement to all women; as can be seen in the photograph of Mummy Nzubechi Joy Odoemena Son of Man taken during fellowship at the household of God at Onitsha on 20thJanuary 2013 before innumerable witnesses. Hear the voice of The Ela Elohim, The Adonai Himself in the message; I AM THE STANDARD FOR JUDGEMENT TO ALL MEN VOLUME 2 page 60 vs. 18. I know about it; it is purely scripture, whether you will believe it or not. If you want to be saved, line up behind her or you are lost. Once you are a woman, she is your model; she is the standard for your judgement. I am the standard for judgement to all men. 
  2. From the message; TAKE YOUR FLOWER WHILE YOU LIVE VOLUME 1 page 72 vs. 87 and page 99 vs. 144. I will show that my coming into contact with her is not an accident. It was God’s design. I know myself. I know my wife. My wife knows herself. She knows me also. We never married by accident. We never came together as husband and wife by accident. It is a divine design foreordained before the world began.
  3. Page 69 vs. 80-81. If my wife and I are from the same womb, it means that the God that gave birth to my wife is the same that gave birth to me, because without God, there is no conception. We are one. She now fits into my program. Let me give you an example. There is no way I can officiate in this Bridal Faith as The Son of Man without marrying a wife and raising children so as to show the world example.
  4. Page 25. Our mother, sister Nzubechi Joy Son of Man Odoemena is a spiritual, virtuous, faithful, supportive, caring, intelligent, zealous and sincerely loyal follower of the teachings and doctrines of her husband who is Christ.
  5. From the message, DIVINE INTERVENTION Preached on 21stApril 2024. If my wife never handled you for one day, you missed a lot. If you never had the privilege of even consulting her or receiving her summon to come and see her, man or woman, you missed a lot. You missed a lot because the moment she summons you, both the messages and the Bible are by her side. With a gentle voice and gentle spirit she become Stern and firm.
  6. When you look at her eyes you will see the seriousness of a godly woman even in her voice. Even if she will ban you from approaching her from that day, you will see the seriousness.
  7. Is it not a spiritual woman that can counsel someone? Without knowing the doctrines of her husband’s faith, can she be able to summon an erring person? Definitely no.
  8. BRIDAL STANDARD VOLUME 1 page 57 vs. 7. That this Faith is still alive till today inspite of my marital status is because my wife is behind it.Who among your carnal wives can take the pain she took to cross-check all scriptures, to make sure no scripture was dislocated while we were writing the Great Sermon. She was the one that handled it singlehandedly, she did the proofreading and crosschecking of the whole scripture, all translations!
  9. THE HARVEST OF THE FIRST FRUIT, A SIGN OF THE END OF THIS BRIDAL AGE MINISTRY page 136 vs. 57, 59, 61-62. 57You want to be The Son of Man and his wife today you are desiring a very good thing but you must learn the secrets. 59Do you think it is easy to marry The Son of Man? Can you live with me for one day?
  10. Even if I do not beat you, My eyes, the way I will look at you will cause you to melt. It is better I beat you than glancing at you. 61It is not easy to marry The Son of Man. That your husband you think is the worst man, give that your husband to sister Nzubechi Odoemena, she will present the best husband to the entire world. 62A man is nothing but what his wife makes him. In the same way, a woman is nothing but what her husband makes her.
  11. No wonder Mummy Nzubechi Odoemena Son of Man is fondly called “NWANYI-NWEULO” meaning “the woman that owns the house”. She served her husband with unparalleled loyalty, respect, honour, obedience and transparency; hence no human being born of a woman either from her parents side, husband, neighborhood, church etc. ever settled any dispute or heard of any that existed between her and her husband until death.
  12. To crown it all, she believed very strongly that she was secured physically and spiritually in her husband and her husband’s relations man and woman, heathens and non-heathens. She opened her arms of love and received all. Her incomparable charisma and love for her mother-in-law, father-in-law and entire community, Mbaise in general made her husband’s Umuokwu kindred to give her the title “NWANYI NWEULO” a title which gained ground in the whole of the community hence her womenfolk and their children (young and old, man and woman) do not call her by any other name than NWANYI NWEULO. Her characters and attitudes towards all of them defended the title that it was not a misplaced one (culled from her biography).
  13. This vindicated personality mummy Nzubechi Odoemena gave a paper presentation titled “WHAT IT TAKES TO BE A WIFE OF A MAN OF GOD” in the year 2018 on Saturday the 29thof December, during the seminar session of the 26th anniversary of the Bride of Christ Ministry Worldwide at the conference Hall of the UNEC, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus. You can only give what you have, hear her as I quote:
  14. A wife of a man of God must be one that will always play a supportive role in his ministry and life. Remember, the husband is the head of the home. The husband remains the head and the wife is the neck. There is no way the head can stand without the neck. Two of them work together. The neck supports the head and helps the head to fulfil it’s duties. The husband can not perform fully, without you the wife as a neck helping him. So you must have that vision to play a supportive role. 
  15. [Page 91 vs. 41-42, pg 92 vs. 44] Page 94 vs. 48-49. That wife that really has a revelation of her position as a ministry, she takes note of every minute detail of the home. She is the one that gives her husband the needed support, both physically, emotionally, spiritually and otherwise.
  16. She must know that the failure of her husband is also her own failure. Likewise his success.She must have to appreciate her husband’s responsibilities towards the flock of God as a wife of a man of God and not present herself as a clog on the wheel of progress.
  17. Page 97 vs. 56. So a husband is just like raw beans and you the wife you are the oil, the crayfish, the Maggi that makes that beans sweet. In other words, she completes her husband.
  18. Page 98 vs. 61-63. Another supportive role is that the wife of a man of God is expected to be spiritually strong, she must be fierce in prayers, she must always be on her knees praying for her husband and her children. This makes her spiritual.
  19. She must always be warring on her knees for her husband and children. Any wife that is weak in prayers is helping the devil to destroy her family. You as a woman, as a mother and as a wife must be strong in prayers and in studying of the word of God so as to always be in the right spirit.
  20. Page 101 vs. 67. A godly wife can change any situation in a family through prayers than through complaining. There are certain things that can crop up, instead of running to and fro, take time to really pray.
  21. Page 103 vs. 75. So playing a supportive role involves praying for your husband, encouraging him, attending to his needs and doing everything to make him happy, so that he will be emotionally stable to fulfil his ministry with joy.
  22. As a mother to her children, mothering them to greatness, hear the voice of our vindicated mother “Mummy Nzubechi Odoemena Son of Man”.
  23. Page 123 vs. 47. Orderliness of the home involves training of the children. It is a mother who through the example of yielding to God and to the authority of the head of her family (the husband) that teaches her children the spirit of submission to God and authority. 
  24. Page 124 vs. 50 & 52. If a mother is rebellious and stubborn, her children will follow her example to their ruin. She is expected to groom her children spiritually, emotionally, physically and otherwise.
  25. Page 125 vs. 57-58 and vs. 60. When my children were growing up, I remember that I normally take my annual leave during their long vacation. That is when I take my annual leave because it will help me to have time to stay with them fully for one month, before I will resume work. During that time, I devote myself to them, calling them up to be reading Bible verses and reading the messages.
  26. The duty of training of the children lies mostly on the mother (on the wife). 
  27. Let’s look at this popular scripture: Proverbs 22:6;Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.
  28. Page 127 vs. 62-63.Mothers! We should treasure this principle, apply it and uphold to it. The training of the children to a greater extent is the responsibility of the mother. Why?
  29. This is because mothers are the closest to their children. God made us to understand that any woman that neglects the training of her children must reap the whirlwind. Being a good home keeper helps you. It entails your devoting more time to train your children.
  30. Like I said earlier, it takes one person to identify another person. I sister Grace Ukpong has my personal encounter with mummy Nzubechi Joy Odoemena The Queen of Paradise. I can never forget in a jiffy the following characteristic behaviour’s of my mother:
  31. Her labour of sacrifice;

She let go the valuable presence of her husband in the home during missionary journeys to earn herself the respect, trust, freedom from sin, love of her husband, prosperity in all ramifications and above all, avoiding the greater lose which is loosing Paradise.

  1. She was a generous woman;

I witnessed and partook of her countless benevolence displayed. She does not do trade by batter. Despite her position in life, she related with all social levels of the family of God around her.

  1. Her hospitality was second to none;

My sister fulfilled the ministry of her husband with joy not as a duty. She fulfilled the teachings of The Son of Man her husband which says that the house of a man of God is a hotel. She met the quality of the good shepherds wife who must be tender hearted.

  1. Her mothering abilities (qualities);

Aside nurturing us with physical food, she exhibits the protective behaviour of a mother towards her children. She is the Queen to the King of Kings and as such just like Esther in the Bible, many at times she interceded on our behalf.

  1. She was modest in all her ways;

My sister was never boastful, never brags, is unpretentious and humble all way round. Her modesty was seen in her outward appearance. Mummy Nzubechi was indeed a virtuous woman, who has ever seen her with an indecent dress in all occasions? She remains my model!

  1. Her level of spirituality is worthy of emulation;

You cannot give what you do not have. It takes a spiritual woman to bring up children in a godly way. That is why we have never received any evil report concerning the children that came out of her womb. We saw the cloud enveloping her and she single handedly proofread the Holy Epistle.

  1. Her love is genuine;

The happy life she lived, her physical satisfactions, were the evidences of LOVE in action reciprocated from her husband. She was love herself personified that was why she related with us in love.

  1. Her endurance;

She was able to accommodate the inadequacies and imperfections of the flock at all times. She carried on, obstacles not withstanding, to tolerate and put up with unpleasant happenings patiently until she departed this mother earth to a better place.

  1. Before I conclude this lecture, I want to draw our attention to what God said about socialization from the message; THE HARVEST OF THE FIRSTFRUIT, A SIGN OF THE END OF THIS BRIDAL AGE MINISTRY page 156 vs. 103-104. Any woman whose influence is not the word of God is an ungodly woman. A man whose influence is not the word of God is an ungodly man. That is why you cannot be social and spiritual. You cannot be social and spiritual. You cannot be social and also spiritual. One is opposed to the other.
  2. Page 157 vs. 105-106. Our mother was not a social woman. Her concern was not about amassing worldly wealth. Do you see the reason why even when she had gone so far in her academic pursuit, one word from our Lord; “halt that certificate for it is not coming to My home”, at that height just but a defense to attain her master’s degree, she dropped everything. For she knew the voice that spoke to her and it was to her credit. That was not her interest.
  3. Her interest was not to command respect in the society and to be disregarded by God. A woman with a masculine disposition, it was not our mother, but her interest was the service of The Almighty and that was why she built her family on that foundation.
  4. Let the living learn from the examples which has been set by a righteous one.


  1. There was a day I sat on the same table with her on the 28thof December, 2019 to educate young minds. Today I am here testifying of her as a role model.
  2. Believe my testimonies for they are nothing but truth. In the book titled “The Ambassador of Heaven”, I documented there my personal encounter with my sister, Nzubechi Odoemena and I concluded this way; A career retiree, sweet mother, God has finally given you a peaceful home, sweet family at this stage of your life. You deserve it and even more if He (God) wants to add more life to you. Enjoy yourself for I see myself in you mother Sarah.
  3. As you continue in your peaceful life you will be wishing me same and interceding for me and surely it will come to pass. Who are those that cannot acknowledge the goodness of my sister, Nzubechi Odoemena?
  4. They are those that are opposed to God’s way. It is not their fault. They cannot see it. They must do the deeds of their father the devil. Oh! I want to sing this song; “Oh! That men will praise the Lord (2x) For His goodness and for His wonderful works to the children of men (2x) He has broken the gates of bar and cut asunder the bars of iron”. Shalom my sister, Nzubechi Odoemena! Forever to eternity I want to be associated with you.
  5. I was preparing to meet with you that same December on Daddy Son of Man’s birthday wishing to embrace you and perhaps you might say something to me. I never had the slightest idea that I was writing a tribute to my mother.
  6. On this remarkable day of your remembrance my testimony remains the same. Forever till eternity, I want to be associated with you; the vindicated role model of a mother and a sister.Thank you very much.