Transcribed by Bishop David Mbah


5And I, who am without years, shall be subject to the reckoning of years, of times, of months, and of days, and I shall be reckoned as one of the sons of men, in order to save you.”


Chapter 14 verse 5


I heard a Voice thunder from the Throne: “Look! Look! God has moved into the neighbourhood, making His home with men and women! They’re His people, He’s their God.

Revelation 21:3, The Message Bible


Remember that that Great Cloud symbolizes Christ. I showed the Scripture in this Message: The Angel in a Cloud with a halo like a Rainbow is Christ, the Sovereign Spirit which no eyes can see except those that are gifted. If the vision was limited to the Brethren that saw it, it might be difficult for us to be quoting it. But to banish unbelief, He allowed pinhole camera to show us He that has been moving in our midst all these years, confirming the visions of our Brethren to be true. When you hear that God is coming to take away His people, who do you think are His people? God’s people are the privileged minority who, by grace, are privileged to receive His appearance. No more. No less. God knows where to pick His people. He knows how many they are in number. No mistakes about it. And He guides them with tender jealousy.



CROSSCHECK YOUR EXPERIENCE AS WE WAIT AT THE GATE; Preached on Sunday 22nd May, 2011 at the Household of God, Onitsha. Pg. 170 vs. 43 – 45




IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH: Grail Message by Abdrushin, Lecture 88: The Stranger from Paragraph 1.

  1. P1Once more Darkness had settled over the earth. Triumphantly it over-shadow men, and barred their way to the Primordial-Spiritual Realm. The Light of God had withdrawn from them. The body that had served It as an earthly vessel hung bleeding and ravaged on the Cross, as a victim of the protest of those to whom It wished to bring happiness and holy peace.
  2. P2At the summit of the entire Creation, in the radiant vicinity of God, stands the Grail Castle as the Temple of Light. Deep grief prevailed there over the erring human spirits far below who, blindly imagining that they knew everything better, closed themselves in hostility to the truth, and allowed themselves to be driven so far by the hate-filled Darkness as to commit this crime against the Son of God.
  3. The curse thus created by mankind fell heavily on the whole world, pressing them into an even greater limitation of understanding. —
  4. REFERENCES: [1] Matthew 22:29, KJV. Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God.
  5. Luke 18:8, KJV. I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
  6. P3Gravely perplexed, a youth beheld this monstrous happening from the Castle of the Grail… the future Son of Man. He was then already being prepared for His Mission, a process which took thousands of years; for He was to descend well-equipped into those lower regions, where, through the volition of mankind, Darkness reigned.
  7. REFERENCES: [1] John 14:1-4, KJV. 1Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 2In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. 4And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.
  8. [2] Surah 43:61, Hilali-Khan Translation 61And He [‘Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary)] shall be a known sign for (the coming of) the Hour (Day of Resurrection) [i.e. ‘Iesa’s (Jesus) descent on the earth]. Therefore have no doubt concerning it (i.e. the Day of Resurrection).
  9. And follow Me (Allah) (i.e. be obedient to Allah and do what He orders you to do, O mankind)! This is the Straight Path (of Islâmic Monotheism, leading to Allah and to His Paradise).
  10. P4A woman’s hand was gently laid on the shoulder of the dreaming one. The Queen of Womanhood stood beside Him, and spoke in a sad and loving voice:
  11. REFERENCES: [1] Wali ad-Din, Miskat Al-Masabih, (tr. James Robson), Vol. II, p.1159; Sahih Muslim, Vol.1, p.92. “He (Jesus) will live for forty years during which he will marry, have children, and perform Hajj (pilgrimage).
  12. [2] MUSLIM CLERIC ON THE RETURN OF JESUS; Shiek Abdul Fatai Muhammed Buhari Inakoju, Director, Religion and Operation, Ogun State Muslim Pilgrims Welfare Board. Vanguard Newspapers of January 31st But His second coming will give Him the chance to marry and give birth to children.
  13. The second coming of Jesus Christ signifies the end of time and there will be a great fight between Him and the Dajjal (anti-Christ), and Christ will overcome. (https://www.vanguardngr.com/2014/01/muslim-clerics-speak-return-jesus/)
  14. [4] Proverbs 31:26, GNT. 26She speaks with a gentle wisdom. 26She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. KJV. 26She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.
  15. P5“Let this event impress itself upon you, dear Son. Such is the battlefield through which you will have to pass in the hour of fulfillment; for at the request of the murdered Saviour, God the Father grants that before the Judgment you shall once more proclaim His Word to the faithless, in order to save those who are still willing to listen to It!”
  16. REFERENCES: [1] Revelation 1:18, KJV. I am He that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.
  17. [2] JEHOVAH IS RIGHT AND I AND MY PEOPLE have been wrong all along, Preached on Saturday, 18th January 2020 at the Household of God, Onitsha by Apostle Peter Odoemena, THE SON OF MAN, Ella Elohim. Volume 1; Chapter 3, verse 33-40.
  18. 33Then He made it clear, “Call Me not Jesus Christ. Call Me not this and that. I AM THE RESURRECTED BODY.” Remember He introduced Himself before the photograph was taken. True or false? 34He had already declared the topic, introduced Himself and finally, the photograph was taken [7th April, 1996].
  21. Can somebody say Amen!” That was the first day you heard it. 36And then, when the photograph was taken, you saw HE that was dead, and is still alive forever more. HE HOLDS THE KEYS OF HELL AND OF HEAVEN.
  22. 37In these last hours of the history of mankind, something He kept secret, He now traced from Genesis down to the Prophets, to Psalms, down to the Apostles, and finally to Revelations.
  23. 38It boils down to the fact that it has always been One Man. And He is of the Royal Dynasty of David. He called Him by His Name, THE ROOT AND OFFSPRING OF DAVID [Isaiah 11:1, 10; Revelations 2:16] An introduction you have been hearing long long time ago.
  24. 39Now, we have seen the Keys and we have seen the Man holding the Keys, we know His lineage. HE IS A HUMAN GOD. I say A HUMAN GOD, according to Scriptures, who came according to prophecy, according to time, and according to everything the Scriptures have written concerning Him. [Psalms 40:7; Hebrews 10:7 KJV]
  26. P6The youth bowed His head in silence and sent up a fervent prayer for strength, for such great Divine Love re-echoed mightily within Him!
  27. P7The tidings of the last, of another possibility of Grace spread rapidly through all the spheres, and many souls besought God to grant that they might be permitted to help in the great work of the redemption of all those who still wish to find the way to God.
  28. The Love of God the Father granted this to many a soul, who was thereby helped in its ascent. In grateful joy the host of these so blessed ones jubilantly gave a solemn pledge of loyalty to fulfill the opportunity of serving that was granted them.
  29. P8Thus those Called ones were trained, who were later to hold themselves at the disposal of the Envoy of God when His hour of fulfillment on earth came.
  30. They were carefully developed for these tasks and incarnated on earth at the right time, so that they might be ready whenever the Call reached them, and their first fulfillment of duty remained to listen for this Call!
  31. P9Meanwhile the legacy of the murdered Son of God, His Living Word, was exploited on earth solely for selfish purposes. Mankind had no conception of the true Principles of Christ.
  32. On the contrary, they gradually grew into such a wrong and purely earthly doctrine of love that finally they rejected anything else as not coming from God, and they still today reject and revile whatever does not conform to this nauseating sentimentality desired by them, and what does not practice a similar and very unwholesome servile worship of mankind.
  33. REFERENCE: Philippians 3:17-19, KJV. 17Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample. 18(For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: 19whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.)
  34. P10Everything that does not have as its foundation the acknowledgement of the supremacy of man is simply labeled as false, and not belonging to the Word of God. This behaviour, however, actually only conceals the uneasy apprehension that the long-felt hollowness of the false edifice might become apparent.
  35. REFERENCES: [1] Daniel 7:25, KJV. And he shall speak great words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
  36. [2] Matthew 24:15, KJV. When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand,)
  37. P11This is what had been made of the sacred legacy of the Son of God! On such degrading assumptions, His clear words were interpreted and passed on in all too human a way. Adherents were solicited through courting human frailties, until some earthly power could be developed, which has always remained the ultimate goal.
  38. Then, however, by their brutal cruelties they very soon showed how far the bearers of the misconstrued Christ-Principle were from the real understanding of it, and how little they lived it.
  39. P12Continually and ever more clearly there was proof that the very ones who wished to be the bearers of the Christ-Principle were shamelessly and unpardonably the worst enemies and greatest offenders against the true Christ-Principle!
  40. After Christ’s life on earth the whole of history, from the beginning of the churches, sets forth these facts so clearly, in letters so indelibly engraved and branded, that they can never be denied or glossed over.
  41. The stigma of conscious hypocrisy was undisguisably established throughout the long history of individual and mass murders under unpardonable invocations of God, and even today this is being extended in many places, but in different forms adapted to the present time.
  42. REFERENCE: WHY ARE YOU SITTING DOWN WHEN CHRIST IS STILL STANDING? Preached on Sunday 7th July, 2019 at the Household of God, Onitsha by Apostle Peter Odoemena, THE VERY SON OF MAN, The Hidden Revealer; Chapter 5 verses 39 through 43.
  43. 39If you watch what is happening in this Ministry right now, all the ancient men are now sitting down when THE SON OF MAN is still standing up, vibrating and kicking, but they are sitting down. All of them. Check all of them. Do I call your names?
  44. 40Not even one can stand in this pulpit for more than thirty minutes, handling the Word of God correctly. 41Those who claim to be Apostles can hardly handle any Doctrine in this pulpit. By the time they stay for three minutes, they will go off the track and THE SON OF MAN will call them down from the pulpit.
  45. 42What a humiliating thing. Even to find Scriptures is very difficult for them. Some do not even go through the Sermon Books anymore. 43They now relax complacently in their parlours, waiting for food, watching television, settling disputes in their homes which they created by not training their children well.
  46. P13Thus, thanks to the willingness of all of the human spirits, the Darkness became ever denser as the time approached when the Son of Man had to be incarnated upon earth.
  47. P14Joyful activity in the elements heralded the earthly birth. Angels lovingly accompanied Him down to this earth. Primordial Beings formed a solid rampart around Him and around His earthly childhood. His earthly youth was allowed to be bright and sunny.
  48. In the evenings He saw the Comet, radiant above Him, like a greeting from God the Father; He regarded it as nothing unusual, as one of the other stars, until the bandage which He had to wear during His bitter training on earth was put before His eyes.
  49. REFERENCES: CHRONICLES OF THE BRIDAL FAITH (The Journey So Far) A Publication of The Bride of the Bride of Christ Ministry Worldwide (2014), Pg. 142 Paragraph 3 through 6. I say unequivocally that I was both eye and ear witness of His majesty when He, Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Son of Man received from the Father, honour and glory in December 1995, Camp Meeting. The Son of Man handled the teaching of the Seven Seals.
  50. As He was speaking on the sixth seal, lo and behold, a supernatural light came from above one end of the hall towards the pulpit, illuminating the entire hall like a powerful electric current and quenched all the electrical gadgets we were using.
  51. As the Son of Man lifted up His hands, intending to give God praise, the voice went forth: “Thus, it behoveth the Son of Man to fulfill all righteousness
  52. This voice we all heard during the 1995 Camp Meeting at Government Technical College (GTC) Compound Onitsha. In Christ, I speak the truth and lie not. You will therefore do well to believe this report of a true Apostle of Christ.
  53. 158 Paragraph 7. In December 1995, camp meeting during prayer line, in the night, there was a supernatural illumination of the entire hall. This electrifying illumination quenched all electricity gadgets we were using.
  54. And as the Son of Man lifted His hands intending to give God praise, the Voice roared: “Thus, it behoveth the Son of Man to fulfill all righteousness”. This thing happened when we never knew anything about “The Son of Man”. That was how the name “Son of Man” came; God gradually revealing Himself in this Badger Skin.


The whole Bride Ministry put together, you do not have the capacity to supply the Son of Man with all He needs. You do not have it. So, it will be arrant stupidity on My side to listen to your opinion, because the struggle for survival is, I and I alone. ……. So ask Me whether My life is worthy of My Gospel. I will say, Yes! I believe that is why I preach it. So, I am living a shining example before you for you to emulate. I mean, they are infants before Me.


BE DILIGENT TO PROTECT YOUR MINDSET; preached on Sunday 15th and Sunday 22nd April, 2007 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 131 vs. 12 & Pg. 139 vs. 37





IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH: Grail Message by Abdrushin, Lecture 88: The Stranger from Paragraph 15.

  1. P15Then life around Him seemed strange; only a great unquenchable longing filled His soul, increasing to a restlessness, to a continual nervous seeking. Nothing the earth offered could satisfy it.
  2. P16With the ethereal bandage over His eyes, He now stood on hostile ground facing the Darkness on a battlefield where everything dark could have a firmer foothold than He Himself. Therefore it was only natural that wherever He sought to undertake something He could find no response and no success, but only the Darkness hissed up in enmity every time.
  3. REFERENCE: Isaiah 53:1-, KJV. 1Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? 2For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. 3He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
  4. P17As long as the time of fulfillment for Him had not arrived, the Darkness could always remain stronger, and could inflict material damage upon Him wherever He engaged in some earthly affairs; for everything earthly quite naturally had to oppose the Envoy of God with nothing but hostility, because all human volition today is directed against the true Will of God, in spite of the alleged search for Truth, behind which there always lurks only self-conceit in various forms.
  5. The Darkness easily found willing creatures everywhere to hinder the Envoy from the Light, and to injure Him grievously and painfully. P18Thus His time of learning on earth became the path of suffering.
  6. REFERENCES: [1] ARE YOU COMPLYING WITH OR OBEYING THE WORD OF GOD? Preached on Sunday 20th November, 2016 at the Household of God Onitsha by Apostle Peter Odoemena, THE SON OF MAN, The Supreme Intelligence, 116 verses 8 through 10.
  7. 8Please, there is no way somebody can lead in a rebellion without causing many to err. More so when you do not know the person’s motive. It happened in the case of Okechukwu Nwankpa. He caused many to err. They never knew his motive.
  8. 9He only gathered them over a year with Okey Painter, Ebuka Ikeagwu and the rest of them with Basil. They said they received a revelation. Inner circle revelation! That whoever that wants to know about the new revelation, must first of all, come out and be their member.
  9. 10And they were not watching the calibre of people that were inciting them. Whenever you see a movement that is being spear-headed by mean mean persons, run away. Your life is in danger.
  10. [2] IS YOUR LIFE WORTHY OF THE MESSAGE YOU ARE PREACHING? (Family Altar Message) Preached on Tuesday 7th April 2020 at the Bridal Lodge, Nsugbe, Anambra State, Nigeria, by Apostle Peter Odoemena, THE SON OF MAN, The Resurrected Body; Chapter 4 verse 33 through 34.
  11. 33That was what destroyed Okey Nwankpa. Okey Nwankpa thought that, being the Pastor for over thirteen years with the people, that he had already won their hearts away.
  12. 34Moreso, when he launched his nocturnal campaign of calumny against Me and against the truth. Going from house to house, trying to convince them that God now spoke to him and no longer THE SON OF MAN.
  13. [3] He has come, He has gone; Preached on 23rd September 2012 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 134 vs. 30 – 45, Pg. 142 vs. 49 & Pg. 143 vs. 53 – 55.
  14. One day again He came up and said, “Gentlemen and ladies, hear Me. My eyes are red. I am a pilot that is entrusted with souls of human beings and I have not less than one thousand souls on board. I signed My life. I vowed to carry them to their destination for Him safely.
  15. For that reason, all those side talks and distractions, I do not have room for them. I have zero tolerance for such. Fire Me if you can in any form you want, I will never reply. I will never avenge, for that will be stupidity until I land this ship on the shore.
  16. Once I succeed in carrying this ship to the shore where all those souls are secure, I can then come out and know who these adversaries are and why they are filled with pride.”
  17. I closed My ears, hardened My heart and sharpened My eyes. I developed a heart greater than that of a lion because I am on a mission – a rescue mission.
  18. For it is not easy to save a human being, for a human being is the most intricate animal God created – very unpredictable being, very unreliable to the point that Jesus Christ could not trust even in his disciple for He knew how changeable human beings are. Even those he trusted in so much disappointed him as they disappointed Me in this Faith. I closed My ears.
  19. As I journeyed on the high sea, the tempest rose up at different points. Severe tempest. Sometimes, the tempest will become so harsh, so destructive that I cause the ship to stop on the high sea. I allow My passengers and crew men to remain there and begin to nurture them there, standing, no movement, watching the tide. Whenever the tide subsides, the journey will continue.
  20. In some of those places, we tarried for one year. Some, six months. Some, eight months. In some, two years, but we were still on the move. We continued.
  21. Then come and see. Pirates appeared. Not ordinary pirates, but special ones who specialize in attacking ship on the high sea. They came, using rocket launchers on Me, using all kinds of missiles, atomic bombs on My ship.
  22. But He that constructed the ship made it super-fold, in such a way that it was not only bullet-proof, but atomic-proof, nuclear-proof! Atomic-proof, Nuclear-proof. No amount of radiations or chemical radiations penetrated that ship.
  23. Sometimes, fear gripped all the passengers on board. When they watch the barbarity, left and right, non-stop, day and night. What was their aim? To cause the ship to sink. Before I knew it, a good number of My passengers became interested in attacking Me while I was there controlling My compass and directing the ship in the ocean.
  24. Do you know that we sailed from Pacific to India, and from India to Atlantic. Most of My crew men became interested. They thought it was a light thing to direct a ship in the high sea. They thought they could do it. “How can one man claim to be the Captain of this great ship? No! He is taking too much.”
  25. While I was busy studying the map, putting the compass together, they were changing their seats from time to time. They were entering their various cabins, even in the night, using their recreational centres in the Ark as places of plotting coup against the Captain.
  26. All of them, members of My family who were eating and drinking with Me on a daily basis, who claim to be one thing or the other. I noticed them. I did not take it lightly. I knew they meant it.
  27. What did I do? I halted the ship, re-examined the passengers, re-examined the body of My ship, re-examined everything and there was no open space. There was no way water can come in, for nothing is as disturbing to the Captain as when water comes into the Ark or Ship through pore stipple.
  28. I climbed to the tower to watch My armoury. I refurbished all. After refurbishing them, I went back to My Chamber to take off, but the Lord said, “No! You have not done a good work yet. Go back to the tower, re-examine your armoury, disconnect all warheads.”
  29. I said, “What?” He said, “Disconnect all warheads. This is the only thing that will save you and this Ark. Otherwise, they are likely to detonate all these bombs. You start here. To all these armoured vehicles, cruisers, Saladines, ferrets, aircraft handling vehicles, including some machine guns, buffers, remove all their war pin and firing pins.”
  30. I entered all of them and removed their firing pins. To all those bombs, grenades, rockets, I disconnected their warheads. Thus, when I saw them moving up and down, and ganging up against Me, I knew that they will use nothing but My own instruments against Me. Anyone they touched, the warhead has been removed.
  31. They entered the saladines, pressed and pressed, but nothing happened for the firing pin has been removed. They were disarmed! In that confusion, I rallied My army. Then arrested all and cast all of them out. The journey continued.
  32. Let Me tell you. For you to overthrow a General, you must do a very big home work for he did not pick that office from the high way. No General ever picked the rank on the highway. It is through many years of combat experience. Besides, one thing with a General is this: Whether He is awake or asleep, He is combat-ready. ……However, I stood My ground. I am an Indomitable Lion. That is, if you know what it takes to be an indomitable.
  33. ……. To those who laboured with Me, I appreciate every inch of your support in this Faith prayerfully, materially, words of encouragement and otherwise, for there is no Man of God that does not come to a point where He becomes weak. Many things weaken Him, especially this type of Ministry that is flooded with nonentities, sycophants, people that know not the value of salvation.
  34. Do you know that of all people upon the earth, I remain the only person that gathered fools and nonentities, got all of them transformed? That power of transformation that is in God’s Word is made manifest in your lives. People that were written off have become useful.
  35. The credit goes to the Almighty God alone. How many were graduates when we took off? But when I was handling this Message, I said, “I am sowing a seed. I will reap its fruits here, sometime, someday.”
  36. I went further to say, “Even if parents will not appreciate My efforts, your children are coming up to appreciate My efforts in helping to mould them, giving them a future which their parents could not give them.”
  37. [4] LO, I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS—EXPLAINED (THE WORD IS IN THE BRIDE); Sunday, 17th December 2017 at the Household of God Onitsha by Apostle Peter Odoemena, THE SON OF MAN, “The Supreme Intelligence”, Chapter 8 verses 34-37 & 41-44.
  38. 34That time death was not in my program. You are lucky Nsukka was a matter of 45 minutes. That time we never included death, but it appears many of you have developed pot-belly like me. You are now afraid because you have never fought any war.
  39. 35How many can afford to sleep on the high ways? I mean, how many of you can die with me now if I volunteer to die? I had my plates, I had my spoons for missionaries, I carried them in my vehicle. Anywhere we see “mama put” on the way we will park, “Everybody eat and drink for this may be the only food you will have.”
  40. 36If you do not perish on the high way, they may kill you where we are going, they may not give you food. And so it will happen. Stayed on the high way, stopped, ate “mama put,” “Everybody, see your plate.” Why? So that the Gospel might continue.
  41. 37How many can follow me now to enter canoe, sit in the canoe and preach? You will be afraid. We never got it on the platter of gold, somebody paid the price. …….
  42. 41How many can afford to leave their wives behind and stay in the bush and then toil day and night? That time we had no phone, no communication. We were cut off from family, from life and from everything! Even if lion devoured us where we went, nobody would know and when we were coming back, we looked like dried fish.
  43. 42You may not predict where we will be at any given time. When I got to Jos, I told them it was Dadin kowa. We went to Langtang South from Shendam. From there, we came back and joined Gwodogwodo, Kafanchan to Zonkwua with the bread we purchased here, filled with mucous for there was no food and no water there. We ate that bread for 4 days.
  44. 43You either eat it with me or you die of starvation. If you develop sickness and die there, I will abandon you there and continue my journey that is my life.
  45. 44In spite of the mosquito bite, we never suffered malaria, we never suffered typhoid. We never! Armed robbers were our friends for we were running into their hands every now and then.
  46. [4] WHERE YOU DO NOT THINK THERE IS A SOUL (DESPISE NOT THE DAYS OF SMALL BEGINNING) Preached on Friday Morning, 16th July, 2020 at the Bridal Lodge Nsugbe, Anambra state, Nigeria by Apostle Peter Odoemena, THE SON OF MAN, The Almighty God, Chapter 1 verses 29-30 & 35-39.
  47. 29If you go to Gwantu, their Local Government Headquarters [Sanga LGA, Southern Kaduna], it is like our kitchen at Mbaise. 30When they mentioned Gwantu and we got there, there was no motorable road to where we were going. All our journeys were made on bicycles and not even motorcycles. We were all having bicycles. I knew how to ride. We all rode on bicycles to our destination which was a distance of over 17 kilometres. …….
  48. 35Find out from anybody that had lived there. This was My experience during My missionary trip with Bro Ojiakor, Bro Ben Okezue, and the others I took to the place who included, Watson Fihala, Ben Adikwu.
  49. 36As many of us as made that missionary trip, we trekked a distance of 17 kilometres on foot to a destination we were told was near. 37It is near to them for that is their farm settlement, for wherever they have a farm settlement is just like a short distance to them, both men and women including children.
  50. 38They do not wear cloth. They do not even have slippers. Do they take their bath? That was where we drank water that had the colour of milk. They were using calabash cup to scoop water from the soil.
  51. 39There is nothing that will make THE SON OF MAN to abandon this Gospel truth because I have travelled a lot. I have travelled to forbidden and impenetrable places and brought them to this city.
  52. [5] THE SON OF MAN [2022 Birthday Lectures] Volume 2 [The LORD’s Special Address] delivered at The Courtyard of The Bridal Lodge, Nsugbe, Anambra State, Nigeria; Page 98 verse 22 through 23. 22You know what happened. My wife never died, and will never die. It is for your sake that she was taken away. She committed no crime. I committed no crime. But for your sake, He wanted Me to taste of all the bitter pills – In short, the bitterest pill so far, buttressing the fact that I am a Man of sorrow, and acquainted with grief.
  53. 23For 67 years, I have never had a moment of respite. I was born in sorrows and in pains. You know My history. It is chequered. It is not hidden. The little family at the village, you know. How impoverished we are, you know. So, I do not exaggerate anything at all.


Unbelief is out from the Camp. Double-mindedness is out from the Camp and the Lord has descended to tell us the next stage of the Ministry and He is going to drop some people now. He is going to move in our midst in such a strange way that if you are told about it, you can never believe it. You will be quoting, “William Branham said, ‘Fellowship will turn anyhow, shake them, embrace them.’” Be very careful. Understand the Prophet. …… I am not William Marrion Branham. I am not a Prophet. If the Lord never called you in My Ministry, you would have called Me a Prophet. If the Lord never revealed to you My Ministry, even before My confirmation, you would have called Me a Prophet now. I am not a Prophet. My Ministry may be prophetic. Yet I am not a prophet…….



MIXED MULTITUDE PART 1; Preached on 3rd March 1993 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 41 vs. 103 – 104 & Pg. 90 vs. 21 – 23.




IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH: Grail Message by Abdrushin, Lecture 88: The Stranger from Paragraph 19.

  1. P19Just as spiritual substance, with great power, appear to have a magnetically attracting and holding effect upon animistic, ethereal and gross material substances, so in a similar and much more powerful way whatever has its origin above the spiritual in Subsequent Creation must exert an influence on everything that lies below it.
  2. This is perfectly natural, it could not be otherwise. However, it only resembles the power of attraction in its manifestation. The power of attraction in the ordinary sense is effective only among homogeneous species.
  3. P20But here it is a question of the existing power of the stronger in a purely objective and most noble sense! It is not to be thought of in an earthly human way; for in the World of Gross Matter this Law, like everything else, has been coarsened in its effect through the actions of men. The natural effect of this dominant power reveals itself outwardly like a magnet attracting, uniting, holding together and controlling.
  4. REFERENCE: COME TO THE THRONE OF GRACE VOLUME 1, Preached on Sunday 5th November 2017 at the Household of God Onitsha By Apostle Peter Odoemena, THE SON OF MAN, “The Supreme Intelligence”, Chapter 3 verses 23 through 25.
  5. 23I AM THE SUPER MAGNET and I am searching for iron not plastic, not nylon. I do not care where that iron is and how rusty that iron is. I must pick it in its rust entity anyhow because it has magnetic quality. But take it to the waterproof, it will say no. it is synthetic, it is flamboyant.
  6. 24Nevertheless, God said something, that in His mercy, He can consider non-magnetible elements. Only on one condition. Yes, “Only on one condition”.
  7. 25If you place waterproof on top of iron, place magnet, in the attempt to draw the magnet, it will draw the waterproof. But the waterproof must cooperate with the iron otherwise, the wind can blow off the waterproof. So the waterproof must make sure it is wrapped tightly around the iron.
  8. P21Now because of this Law, men too felt themselves magnetically drawn to this veiled, more powerful Stranger from On High, although often resisting with his enmity. The thick veils He wore around Him could not entirely prevent the emanation of this power that was alien on earth; while on the other hand this power could not yet radiate freely either to exert that irresistible might which it has after the falling away of the covering veils in the hour of fulfillment.
  9. P22This brought conflict among the intuitive perceptions of men. The very being of the Stranger was enough to awaken in those who met Him hopes of the most varied kinds which alas, because of their attitude, were always brought to merely earthly wishes, which they nourished and fostered within themselves.
  10. P23The Stranger, however, could never heed such wishes, since His hour had not yet come. Thereby many were often greatly disappointed through their own imaginings and, strange to say, even felt themselves deceived. They never reflected that in reality it was only their own selfish expectations which were not fulfilled and, indignant about this through their disappointment, they laid the responsibility for it on the Stranger.
  11. Yet He did not call them; but they forced themselves upon and clung to Him, because of this Law which was unknown to them, and they often became a heavy burden to Him, with which He journeyed through those years on earth that were ordained for Him as His time of learning.
  12. REFERENCES: [1] THE LEGENDS OF THE JEWS EXPLAINED VOLUME 2 on Sunday, 24th May 2021 at The Voice of God Studio, The Bridal Lodge, Nsugbe Anambra State, Nigeria by Apostle Peter Odoemena, THE SON OF MAN, the Alpha and Omega, Page 138 verses 52 through 53.
  13. 52Like we have been waiting at the Gate of Paradise, many are of the opinion that we have over-delayed. Many are of the opinion that THE SON OF MAN has fooled them. In spite of the vindications God has done, many are of the opinion that the whole thing has failed.
  14. 53I am telling you the truth, for which cause they have lowered down their hands. Some fully abandoned the Faith and went fully into the world, thinking they will regain that thing which they thought they lost because they were following a “deceiver”.
  15. [2] THE BOOK OF REVELATION FULFILLING, Preached on 3rd July, 2011 at the Household of God Onitsha by Apostle Peter Odoemena, THE SON OF MAN, Page 104 verse 20.
  16. 20Continue to demonstrate, and God will continue to watch you from a grand stand. See, some people are foolish. Some people are foolish. That which you think God does not know about you, is what is ringing bell in His ears. Go back to the Message INNER VOICE; the thoughts of your hearts speak loudest in the ears of the Lord than the word of your mouth.
  17. You have uttered too many things in your heart, even things your wife do not know. You have been uttering them in your heart; you have been demonstrating it in diverse ways. The whole demonstrations are against God. To you, God is unfaithful. To you, God is a deceiver. To God be the glory.
  18. [3] LO, I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS VOL. 1; Preached by THE SON OF MAN on 30th April 2000 at the Household of God Onitsha; Pg. 12 vs. 13. Some people, you know, due to “lack of revelation” think they are in “Peter Odoemena’s Church.” Some even think that if they leave the Church, I am losing something. But let Me tell you: If you leave the Bridal Faith today, I am losing nothing. If you come into this Church – Bridal Faith – I am gaining nothing.
  19. You are a burden to Me, because I know I can do without you, but you cannot do without Me. I do not need you but you need Me. As far as I live, I am the True Vine and you are My branches. You can only bear fruit and your fruit will remain if you abide in Me.
  20. [4] IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH – The Grail Message by Abdrushin, Lecture 60 – THE SON OF MAN). Whereas the Son of God was born directly into His earthly Mission, the Son of Man had to traverse a far wider sphere before He could enter upon the beginning of His actual Mission.
  21. As a condition for the fulfilment of His task, which in comparison to that of the Son of God was more terrestrial, the Son of Man, coming as He did from the highest Heights, also had to descend into the deepest depths; not only in the beyond but also here on earth, so that He might personally “experience” all the misery and suffering man is heir to.
  22. Only then will He be in the position, when His Hour comes, to intervene effectively in their shortcomings and help to bring about changes! For this reason He could not merely stand beside the experiences of mankind, but had to stand in the midst of them through His own personal experiences.
  23. He even had to stand in and suffer under the bitter side of life. Again it was only for the sake of men that He had to serve His time of apprenticeship in this way! But it is just on account of this that people will try to reproach Him in order to make His task more difficult as they had done previously with Christ, because the human spirit with all its limitations can never understand such high guidance, being only able to judge by externals!
  24. Just what He had to suffer for the sake of men in order to learn to recognise the worst points in their errors, that is, what He suffered or came to know through His own experiences in the interests of the future welfare of mankind, they will wish to use as stones to throw at Him when their rising hatred is inflamed by the Darkness as it trembles in fear of annihilation!
  25. P24Men on earth perceived something mysterious and unknown about Him, which they could not explain, they sensed a hidden might which they did not understand, and in the end, through their ignorance, they naturally suspected only intentional suggestion, hypnotism, and magic, according to the nature of their lack of understanding; whereas there was no question of any of these.
  26. Their original attachment, the consciousness of being strangely attracted, then very often turned into hatred, which expressed itself in moral stone-throwing and attempts to defile Him from Whom they had expected much too soon.
  27. P25No one took the trouble to make a just self-examination, which would have revealed that the Stranger, living apart with different views and ideals, was the one made use of by those who crowded towards Him, but not that He had taken advantage of anyone, as the obtruders, in their bitterness over the non-fulfillment of their desires for a life of ease, encouraged themselves and others to believe. Blindly they repaid the friendliness shown them with senseless hatred and enmity, similar to the deed of Judas.
  28. P26But the Stranger on earth had to bear everything patiently; for it was only a quite natural consequence of His existence, so long as mankind were still living in error. By this alone He, to Whom all wrong doing and wrong thinking were entirely alien, was able to recognize what earthmen in their nature could become capable of.
  29. At the same time, however, such experiences also gave Him the necessary hardening, which slowly laid itself like an armour around His otherwise ever-present helpfulness, and thus created a gulf between that and mankind… through the wounds inflicted upon His soul, which brought about a separation, and which can only be healed through the complete change in mankind.
  30. These wounds inflicted on Him have formed from that hour the gulf which can be bridged only by that man who wholly follows the road of the Laws of God. This alone can serve as a bridge. Everyone else must be dashed to pieces in the abyss; for there is no other way over it. And to remain standing before it means destruction.
  31. P27At the exact hour, even before the end of this arduous time of learning, the meeting came to pass with that Companion Who, as a Part of Him, was to journey with Him through earthly life, to participate in the great task according to Divine Ordinance.
  32. Herself a Stranger on earth, She joyfully entered the Will of God through Her own recognition, and gratefully merged with It.
  33. P28Only then came the time for the Called ones, who had once solemnly pledged to God their loyalty for service! The granting of their petition had been carefully carried out. At the appropriate time they were incarnated on earth.
  34. Through faithful guidance, they were equipped in the earthly sense with everything they needed for the fulfillment of their respective tasks. It was brought, given to them, so noticeably that they simply could not consider it other than as a gift, as a loan for the hour of the fulfillment of their former promise.
  35. P29At the precise moment they came into contact with the Envoy, through His Word, and then also personally… but many of them, although they sensed the Call, and intuitively perceived something unusual in their souls, had meanwhile in the course of their earth-life permitted themselves to be so ensnared by purely earthly matters, and to some extent even by the Darkness, that they could not summon up the strength to conquer themselves for the true service, to fulfill which they were permitted to come to the earth for this great time.
  36. P30A few did show a faint willingness to fulfill, yet their earthly faults held them back from it. Unfortunately there were also others who certainly set out on the path of their mission, but who from the very beginning sought first of all to gain earthly advantage for themselves thereby.
  37. Even among those of earnest volition there were several who expected Him Whom they had to serve to smooth their way to the fulfillment, instead of the reverse.
  38. 31Only a few isolated ones really showed themselves capable of growing into their task. To these were given in the hour of fulfillment ten times greater strength, so that the gaps were no longer perceptible, and in loyalty they became capable of accomplishing even more than the great throng could ever have achieved. —
  39. REFERENCE: WHY ARE YOU SITTING DOWN WHEN CHRIST IS STILL STANDING? Preached on Sunday 7th July, 2019 at the Household of God, Onitsha by Apostle Peter Odoemena, THE VERY SON OF MAN, The Hidden Revealer; Chapter 5 verses 44 through 46.
  40. 44Then, who is now doing the work of the Vineyard? Noticing that the work is still too enormous, I brought in those who had been standing by, willing to work. I brought them in by 5:30pm and they are the people delivering the goods right now.
  41. 45Now, what has it generated? Envy. The ancient ones are now envying these brand new arrivals. 46They are murmuring in their hearts even against THE SON OF MAN, that He does not recognize them again, and that he is now showing interest in these brand new and young Ministers, as if they are willing to work. Not even one is willing. They are all tired.


Now, I am about to destroy the whole world, the world is ripe for destruction and I have come down in person to see for Myself and I am satisfied that the world has gone back to exactly the age of Noah and the age of Sodom and Gomorrah. Yes, I have come down from Heaven, putting on human flesh. Will I hide from Abraham My plan, My programme? …..



ACTION TIME PART 1 (HUSBANDS AND WIVES) CAMP MEETING; preached on Tuesday, 30th December, 1997 at the Household of God Onitsha; Pg. 67 vs. 13 – 14





IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH: Grail Message by Abdrushin, Lecture 88: The Stranger from Paragraph 32.

  1. P32It was with grief that the Stranger on earth saw the havoc among the group of the called ones. That was one of the most bitter experiences for Him! Much as He had learned, much as He suffered at the hands of men… before this last fact He stood uncomprehending; for He found no excuse whatever for this failure.
  2. In His conception a Called one, who, in the granting of his petition, was specially guided and incarnated, could do no other than faithfully carry out his task in the most joyous fulfillment!
  3. For what other purpose was he on earth! Why had he been faithfully guarded up to the hour when the Envoy needed him! Everything was given to him solely for the sake of his necessary service.
  4. P33So it was that the Stranger, on meeting the first Called ones, put His full trust in them. He regarded them only as friends, who simply could not think, intuitively perceive and act in any other way than in the most steadfast loyalty.
  5. Was it not the highest, the most precious privilege that could fall to the lot of a human being. The possibility never entered His mind that even Called ones could have become impure during their time of waiting.
  6. It was inconceivable to Him that any human being, in view of such grace, could wantonly neglect and trifle away the real purpose of his earth-life. With the faults clinging to them they only appeared to Him as being in need of great help…
  7. And so dreadful of the recognition struck Him all the more severely when He had to experience that even in such exceptional cases the human spirit is not reliable, and that it shows itself unworthy of the highest blessing, even with the most faithful spiritual guidance!
  8. P34Deeply shaken, He suddenly saw before Him mankind in all their unspeakable inferiority and depravity. They filled Him with disgust.
  9. P35Misery fell more oppressively upon the earth. The instability of the false structure of all that mankind had hitherto produced became ever more apparent. Proof of their incapacity came more plainly to light ever. With the increasing confusion everything slowly began to sway, with one exception: Man’s conceit in his own imagined abilities.
  10. P36This was just what sprang up more luxuriantly than ever, which was quite natural, because conceit always needs the soil of narrow-mindedness. The increase of narrow-mindedness must also bring with it abundant growth of conceit.
  11. P37The craving for importance increased to a feverish frenzy. The less man had to offer, the more his soul, which forebodingly sensed only too well that it was sinking, cried out anxiously within him for liberation, the more he then, in his false desire to keep his balance, obtrusively pursued outward earthly trifles and human honours.
  12. Even if in quiet moments men at last began to doubt themselves, this only made them the more eager to have at least a reputation for knowledge. At all costs!
  13. P38Thus things went rapidly downhill. In the fear-producing recognition of the approaching collapse, each in his own way finally thought to dull himself, letting the outrageous state of affairs continue to take its course. He closed his eyes to the menacing responsibility.
  14. P39Wise” men, however, proclaimed the time of the coming of a strong helper out of the distress. But most of them wanted to see this helper in themselves or, if they were modest, at least to find him within their circle.
  15. P40The “faithful” prayed to God for help out of the confusion. But it became evident that these petty earthmen, even while praying in expectation of a fulfillment, sought inwardly to impose conditions upon God by wishing for such a helper as would correspond with their
  16. So far-reaching are the results of earthly narrowmindedness. Mankind can believe that an Envoy of God needs to adorn Himself with earthly honours! They expect Him to adapt Himself to their narrow-minded earthly opinions in order to be acknowledged by them, and thereby to win their faith and confidence.
  17. What incredible conceit, what arrogance, lies in this fact alone! In the hour of fulfillment the conceit will be completely shattered, along with all those who inwardly indulged in such delusion! —
  18. REFERENCE: BE STRONG IN THE LORD Volume 2, A Teaching on Sunday 18th April 2021 at the Bridal Lodge, Nsugbe Anambra State, Nigeria by Apostle Peter Odoemena, THE SON OF MAN, The Last Sign. Page 109 verse 16 through 24.
  19. 16That reminds Me. In those days, When our former king who was in charge of Oke Uvuru, His Royal Highness Eze R. Mbalewe, Ezeoha 1 Of Uvuru Ike di na Iri. 17He invited Me for chieftaincy title. He invited Honourable Kelvin Ujoatuonwu for chieftaincy title in our own communities.
  20. 18I called him and I said, “His Royal Highness sir, with due respect to your office, I wish to appreciate your kingship. It is true you helped Me while I was in Lagos by giving Me a place in your Quarters when I started work newly. You helped Me in many ways and you have been helping. You will remain helping.
  21. Please sir, inasmuch as I cherish the honour because it came from your throne, I wish to tell you with all my heart that I will not in this life nor in the life to come subscribe to taking anything chieftaincy title from your throne or any other throne, not only in My community but elsewhere.”
  22. 19He was surprised and said, “Boniface! What is wrong with you? I received a letter now from Onitsha from Honourable Kelvin Ujoatuonwu, saying almost what you are saying. Did you agree to turning it down?”
  23. 20I said, “Sir, I never knew you wrote to Kelvin. And I do not believe Kelvin knew that you wrote to Me. Sir, if I reject because of My Faith, what did Kelvin say? Kelvin is a Roman Catholic, but I belong to Deeper Life.
  24. I am saying no because Christ was called to come and take such a public position, but he said No! I am not taking it sir. So, give it to some other people.”
  25. 21When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force, to make him a king, he departed again into a mountain himself alone. [John 6:15 KJV] 22Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place.” [John 18:36 NIV]
  26. 23He turned again and said, “Boniface, do you know how many people living abroad, who are very rich, intelligent and educated that have been pleading with me to crown them chiefs?”
  27. 24I said, “Sir, thank God that I have never applied. And I will never apply. It runs contrary to My belief. I will not take it. Give it to others.” And we closed that chapter.
  28. P41Then the Lord Called to His Servant, Who was walking the earth as a Stranger, that He should speak and give tidings to all those who were thirsting for it!
  29. P42And behold, the knowledge of the “wise ones” was false, the prayers of the faithful were not genuine; for they did not open themselves to the Voice that came forth from the Truth, and which therefore could only be recognized where the spark of Truth within man had not been buried by earthly wrong doing, the domination of the intellect, and all those things that tend to crowd the human spirit from the right path and cause its downfall.
  30. P43It could only awaken an echo where the petition came from a truly humble and honest soul. P44The Call went forth! Wherever it struck it brought disquiet and dissention. But in those places where it was earnestly awaited it brought peace and happiness.
  31. REFERENCE: I HAVE NOT COME TO BRING PEACE BUT STRIFE AND DIVISION Preached on Sunday, 26th November 2017 at the Household Of God Onitsha by Apostle Peter Odoemena, THE SON OF MAN, The Supreme Intelligence, Page 45 verse 12 through 14.
  32. 12Suppose you think I have come to bring peace, I say no. If you call Him “Prince of Peace,” “God of Peace,” and the man you said is coming to usher in peace said, “It is not my ministry; it is not the reason why I have come;” you see, your interpretation has run contrary to the mission of the Messiah.
  33. 13Your interpretation as a man of peace is when He comes on the scene, no trouble again and He said, “No. It is not why I am in your midst. There is going to be a day peace will reign, but not now.”
  34. Page 65 verse 56 through 57. 56I do not know what you are holding that is making you to be strong-hearted. I have not come to bring peace in your homes. I have come to bring strife and division. Those who belong to God will be on one side, while those who do not belong to God will be on the other side.
  35. 57If you have children, they will be divided into two. Some will follow one who belongs to God, and some will follow one who does not belong to God. It will happen in your family. It may happen in my family. But if a man and the wife belong to God, will there be division?
  36. Page 80 verse 54. I have not come to bring peace but strife and division. If God said from now on, did He say when it will end? It means till the end of the world. Each time Christ is revealed, this scripture is fulfilled again and again.
  37. P45The Darkness began to stir restlessly, and massed ever more densely, heavily and gloomily around the earth. Here and there it was already hissing up malignantly, and spitting in hate into the ranks of those who wished to obey the Call.
  38. Ever more closely it surrounded those Called ones who, through their failure, were forced to sink away into the Darkness, to which they had thereby voluntarily held out their hand.
  39. Their former solemn vow bound them fast to the Envoy spiritually, and drew them to Him at the hour of the approaching fulfillment, while their faults formed obstacles and repelled them from Him, because a connection with the Light was thus impossible.
  40. P46Now from this there could in turn only arise a bridge for hate, for the whole hate of the Darkness against all that is Light. And so they intensified the path of suffering of the Envoy from the Light until it became a Golgotha, and the majority of mankind only too gladly joined in making it more difficult; especially those who imagined that they already knew and were following the path of the Light themselves, as once the Pharisees and Scribes did.
  41. P47All this created a situation in which mankind could prove once more that they would again behave exactly in the same way today as long ago they acted against the Son of God. Only this time in more modern form, a symbolic crucifixion through an attempt at moral murder, which according to the Laws of God is no less punishable than physical murder.
  42. P48It was fulfillment after the last opportunity of mercy had been frivolously neglected. Traitors, false witnesses and slanderers came from the ranks of those who had been called.
  43. Base minions of the Darkness ventured to approach in ever increasing numbers, since they felt themselves secure, because in fulfillment the Stranger kept silent when confronted with this filth, as He had been commanded to do, and as once the Son of God also was silent before the howling mob that wanted to have Him nailed to the cross as a criminal.
  44. P49But when the faithless deserters in their blind hate already thought themselves close to victory, and the Darkness once more assumed that the Work of the Light had been destroyed, because it hoped that the Bearer of this Work had been rendered quite impotent on earth, then this time God revealed His Will with Omnipotence! And then… even the mockers sank trembling to their knees, but… for them it was too late!
  45. REFERENCES: [1] Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 51, p. 65; Al-Hurr al-Amili, Ithbat al-Hudat, Vol. 6, p. 382. It is related that our Prophet (saas) said: The Hour will not come until the Qaim [Hazrat Mahdi (as)], my descendant, appears. This will be at a time permitted by Allah. Those who follow him will be saved, while those who hang back will be perished.
  46. O servants of Allah! Fear Allah: WHEN HAZRAT MAHDI (AS) APPEARS, ABANDON EVERYTHING AND RUN TO HIM BY ALL POSSIBLE MEANS because he ıs the calıph of Allah and my heir.
  47. [2] Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 252. If Allah permits you to see this RUN TO SWEAR ALLEGIANCE TO HIM [FOLLOW HIM] AND NEVER ABANDON HIM. IF YOU ARE SUCCESSFUL, NEVER ABANDON HIM IF YOU REACH HIM AND FIND THE TRUE PATH.
  48. Ah – and he pointed to his chest – how I long to see him. LET NOTHING HOLD YOU BACK FROM SWEARING ALLEGIANCE TO HIM [FROM BEING HIS FOLLOWER, FROM FOLLOWING HIM] those who hold you back are those who have always sought refuge in corruption. If they speak, they speak evil, and if they are silent, they are impious and perverse.
  49. [3] Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 2, p. 190. The Prophet of God said: “During that time THE MOSQUES WILL BE BEAUTIFUL AND FLOURISHING BUT THEY WILL BE DEVOID OF GUIDANCE AND ENLIGHTENMENT.”
  50. The Ramadan Voice Part 2 Volume 3 Preached on Sunday 24th May 2020 from the Voice of God Studio, the bridal Lodge, Nsugbe, Anambra State, Nigeria by Apostle Peter Odoemena, THE VERY SON OF MAN, The Author of Eternal Salvation, Page 87 verse 72 through 77.
  51. 72THE GREAT MAHDI, HAZRAT MAHDI. TRUE OR FALSE? 73In his famous sermon at the Umayyad Mosque in 1911, Bediüzzaman provided important dates for the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) and the period when he would be active: IN [13]71 (corresponding to 1951 Gregorian Calendar), THE SUN BEGAN TO RISE (al-Fajr as-Sadiq) OR WILL BEGIN TO RISE. EVEN IF THIS IS ONLY THE INITIAL REDNESS IN THE HORIZON [al-Fajr al-Kazib], IN 30-40 YEARS AL-FAJR AS-SADIQ WILL APPEAR (i.e. 1980/1990s His Ministry will become active). [The Damascus Sermon, p. 23]
  52. 74Said Nursi stressed the time 30 and 40 years after the year Hijri 1371…. THE 1990s ARE THE YEARS WHEN HAZRAT MAHDI (PBUH) IS ACTIVE. HE WILL BE SENT WHEN HE IS BETWEEN 30 AND 40. THE MAHDI IS ONE OF MY CHILDREN. HE IS AROUND 40. [Al-Haythami, Al-Qawl Al-Mukhtasar, P. 41]
  53. 75From Yahya ibn Nufal, indeed Musa ibn Ja’afar (as) raise his hands and supplicates after Asr prayer, I inquire from him saying, to whom did you offer prayer for? He said: to Al-Mahdi among the family of Muhammad (saas) and said: HE IS HAVING BIG STOMACH, HIS EYEBROW VERY CLOSE, HIS LEGS ARE VERY ENERGETIC, HIS SHOULDER IS WIDE [Bihar al-Anwar: 86-81]
  54. 76Humran bin A’yân says: To Imam Muhammad Bakir: “… YOUR LORD HAZRAT MAHDI (AS) WILL HAVE A WIDE STOMACH …” [Sheikh Muhammad bin Ibrahim Nomani, al-Ghaybah al-Nomani p. 253]