Transcribed by Sister Peace Ukpong


5And I, who am without years, shall be subject to the reckoning of years, of times, of months, and of days, and I shall be reckoned as one of the sons of men, in order to save you.”

THE FIRST BOOK OF ADAM AND EVE, Chapter 14 verse 5

I heard a Voice thunder from the Throne: “Look! Look! God has moved into the neighbourhood, making His home with men and women! They’re His people, He’s their God.

Revelation 21:3, The Message Bible

And One shall rise up from My seed in the latter times, beloved of the Lord, hearing upon the earth His voice, enlightening with new knowledge all the Gentiles, bursting in upon Israel for salvation with the light of knowledge, and tearing it away from it like a wolf, and giving it to the synagogue of the Gentiles. And until the consummation of the ages shall he be in the synagogues of the Gentiles, and among their rulers, as a strain of music in the mouth of all; and he shall be inscribed in the holy books, both his work and his word, and he shall be a chosen one of God for ever; and because of him my father Jacob instructed me, saying, He shall fill up that which lacks of your tribe.


THE TESTAMENTS OF THE TWELVE PATRIARCHS, Section 12 [The Testament of Benjamin Concerning a Pure Mind] verse 11


  1. Almighty Father, the King of Glory, we bow before You for You are the Great I AM, and till eternity, there is none to be compared unto You.
  2. We give You the praise, for it is another great day, another special day. And unto You Lord Heavenly Father, shall the gathering of Your people be. We have assembled before Your presence Lord from all walks of life to pay homage at Thy feet as You have set out this day to celebrate Your 69th year of sojourning with us in human flesh. To Your Name alone be the praise.
  3. You have also set it out as a glorious day to also remember and acknowledge the life and times of the Woman of Subsequent Creation, the Queen of Paradise, our mother, Mummy Nzubechi Joy Odoemena. We say may Your Most Holy Name be glorified.
  4. We have not gathered because of mere human sentiments, but I believe we have gathered because by revelation we know the Personality before us. Therefore Lord, we say may Your Name be glorified. Bless us exceedingly.
  5. We have lifted our voices in praises this morning to honour You on this glorious day, and we pray that our praises shall be acceptable in Thy sight, as we also pray that we shall be acceptable in Thy sight.
  6. As we hear Your Word of truth to remind us today of the importance of this day, the essence of the Personality we are worshipping and the reason for coming before You with great joy in our hearts, Lord Heavenly Father, fill us with the spirit that we shall understand what the Spirit is saying to us.
  7. I, who stand behind Thy sacred desk, I am an ordinary badger skin, but I pray You fill me with Thy Spirit [Father] that as it is at Mount Zion, so shall it be here this day to the glory of Your Name.
  8. We say receive the praise, honour, glory and adoration, for this have we asked with thanksgiving, through Peter Christ our Lord we pray. Amen!!

You are here by election. By election, the Son of Man is revealed in your day. By election Christ is formed in your midst. Not that you merit it. You are enjoying all that you are enjoying today, while the rest of the people around us are blind. ……. What else do you need? When He revealed Himself in human form, were you many? Were you a large congregation? Are you not in Africa? Are you not in one of the jungles in Africa? What is your problem? Did He not tell you that He is coming this time as a Black Sheep?

THE son of man

CHRIST IS REVEALED IN HUMAN FORM, NOT TO THE WORLD, BUT TO THE TRUE ELECTS; preached on Thursday 26th August, 1999 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 121 vs. 29 & Pg. 126 vs. 47 – 50



To God be the glory Brethren. We thank God for another opportunity to be assembled here at the feet of The Almighty God. For I know that whenever we come to the presence of the Almighty God, definitely, we have every cause to give God the glory.

  1. I believe you and I know the significance of this day, because it is another day, another great day. And we give God the praise who has given us this glorious opportunity.
  2. All over the world, The Lord has given the Bride this glorious opportunity to come before Mount Zion, gather at His feet to worship and honour Him on the event of His 69th year of sojourning with us in this flesh.
  3. Is it not an awesome privilege? Why not we put our hands together to God. We give God the praise.
  4. I can tell you that all who He has bid to come and worship at His feet, are worthy to be before His presence this day. And it does not exclude you or I who might not have found ourselves at the feet of The Almighty God this day.
  5. As long as you remember the significance of the day and know the Personality in your midst, and you bow, reverencing His Name, definitely you are also standing in the presence of The Almighty to the glory of His Name.
  6. We indeed give God the praise and we continue to worship Him who has visited us in these last days. And we really say, may His Most Holy Name be glorified. It is a privilege. Yes!
  7. We are celebrating Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Great I AM and He Whom we have recognized as The Almighty God. And I believe we are celebrating Him out of Divine revelation and not out of human sentiments.
  8. When you reverence an individual based on mere sentiments, you do that simply because of whatever you think you can gain at the moment from him or her. We reverence our superiors at work; our MDs because they pay our salaries and so on.
  9. But it is different from the worship we give to The Almighty revealed in the vessel Apostle Peter Odoemena.
  10. I believe and it is indeed true that every man remains religious until the day he comes face to face with the Almighty God.
  11. There is no greater privilege any man can have in his day than coming face to face with The Almighty, whereby God will open his eyes of understanding to behold He that is standing before him.
  12. And then give the individual the impact of revelation to believe that the vessel standing before Him is no other person than The Almighty God.
  13. Turn to your scriptures. Turn to all the Holy books. All you will see in there are testimonies of individuals that came face to face with God in their day and had the revelation of who He was.
  14. Though other Human beings were living and existing in those generations gone by. Some made impact in their generations, but their testimonies are not in the scriptures for this same reason: They missed God.
  15. You know, we are always fond of counting the dead among the living. The real living souls are those who can behold the Personality of who God is. Those are the real living souls. So, if you find yourself in that number, I believe you are privileged.
  16. If you are not worshipping God by revelation, it is because you are looking at the crowd. You are waiting for the day when the crowd will acknowledge your belief before you accept that what you are holding is the truth.
  17. But if you are following God by revelation, you stand as an individual with God. Whether ‘A’ or ‘B’ understands what you are doing or not, it does not matter. Why? This is because revelation comes to you as an individual. It does not come to a group or to a community.
  18. The world might not understand what we are doing. This is because, unto them it was not given that they will behold His Personality in this day. But unto us, God has given this great and awesome privilege. We will do well to embrace it with our both arms. To God be the glory.
  19. The Great I AM in our midst taught us in the message, ARE YOU A CHURCH GOER OR A TRUE WORSHIPPER OF GOD? On Page 6 of that message in the last paragraph, this is the voice of God:
  20. If you have the revelation of God and you are growing from strength to strength, the higher you go, the greater your conviction. That is why we have to face the facts of our faith.
  21. As long as you have the revelation of who God is, the higher you go everyday, what is happening? The greater your conviction is becoming.
  22. The Lord Jesus said to Nathaniel “Is it because I said I saw you even while you were under the fig tree? Do not worry. Follow me, and you will see greater things ahead that will convince you the more that the Personality you have come face to face with is no other person but The Almighty Enmorphe.
  23. And that is indeed the testimony of every Elect. The more you journey along with Christ, the greater your conviction that you never followed cunningly devised fables, but that you are standing with The Almighty God. Amen!
  24. And that is why we are facing the facts of our Faith. What is the fact of our Faith? The fact of our Faith, the fact of this Bridal movement is that we have identified God in these last days in human form. Not only did we stop there, but in the person of who? Our brother and our Father Apostle Peter Odoemena – The Son Of Man (BBHMHN).
  25. God has been revealed and has been made flesh in these last days in the Person of The Son Of Man. To His Name be the praise now and forever more.
  26. SONG: “We are a blessed generation through The Son Of Man. We are beneficiaries of His appearance. We are a blessed generation through The Son Of Man”.
  27. That is the fact of our Faith. And that is why our rallying point remains Apostle Peter Odoemena – The Son Of Man. Hence, that day, that very day whereby He decided to take this badger skin and dwell in him for our own Salvation will remain significant unto you and I.
  28. We sit back and ask ourselves; what will life have been if we were to journey through this world without Apostle Peter Odoemena? What would life have looked like? And we answered ourselves saying, God forbid that we will ever have faced such a situation.
  29. So, the day that The Almighty took flesh and dwelt in our midst as our very own brother will be a significant day of remembrance in our hearts.
  30. Hence, we are not gathering for gathering sake or for seeing our faces. We are gathering in commemoration of that significant day that The Lord brought His promise to pass, which He made to our fathers, even unto the patriarchs that a day was coming when He will take on the flesh of their descendants.
  31. And today, we can say that this prophecy is fulfilled. And we are the chosen beneficiaries whom God has chosen, opened our eyes of understanding to behold this Great Personality. Blessed be His Most Holy Name.
  32. On our journey with Christ, we were taught again in the message; BE READY TO GIVE ACCOUNT OF YOUR STEWARDSHIP TO ALMIGHTY GOD Volume 1. A message preached on Sunday 10th of October 2021. On Page 113 verse 7, it says;
  33. In all the denominations, all churches, all groups, and in all religious bodies, it has always been their dream to come face to face with God and to be with God wherever He is. It has always been their what? Their dream.
  34. The dream of the entire world has become the reality of the Bride. This is why we say we are realists. What people still hold unto as a dream, as a prophecy, as an aspiration is today our living present To God be the glory. Are you not a privileged people?
  35. SONG: We are a special people, we are a special people. We are a special people, we are a special people. For we are peculiar and precious to God, we are a special people. For we are peculiar and precious to God, we are a special people.
  36. That is why we say it without mincing words, that our experience in this Bridal Faith is not an ordinary one. This is the reason why the world can hardly understand us, because what they are dreaming about, we are holding as reality.
  37. This is the mystery of our godliness. This mystery as it has always been in all the ages with all the Elect, the mystery of our calling in Christ has been the fact that we come face to face with God as a human vessel.
  38. Why not turn with me to the scriptures. I will focus on the Amplified version of the Bible today for the sake of time. Let us see it in the book of 1 Timothy chapter 3 verse 16.
  39. The mystery of our Faith. The mystery of our salvation. The mystery of godliness, of who we are. Remember that the word mystery means “a great secret. Something that is kept hidden away from the world but revealed unto whosoever that God willeth.”
  40. Mystery is revealed unto whosoever that God wants to make it a living reality. That is why it is termed “a mystery”. A very great mystery. That is why it can only be believed by those it had been revealed to.
  41. And remember that God changes not. He is the same yesterday. He is the same today. He is the same forever. So what He did yesterday is still what He is repeating in our day. Great is that mystery.
  42. 1 Timothy 3:16, AMP. And great and important and weighty, we confess, is the hidden truth (the mystic secret) of godliness. He [God] was made visible in human flesh,…
  43. He, who? God! He, who? God was made visible in human flesh. He who? Today, God is once more made visible in human flesh [BBHMHN].
  44. … He [God] was made visible in human flesh, justified and vindicated in the [Holy] Spirit, was seen by angels, preached among the nations, believed on in the world, [and] taken up in glory.
  45. May His Name be glorified forevermore. This is the mystery of our godliness. God is here with us in human flesh. Did it start with us? It never started with us, but we thank God that we have not missed His visitation in our own day.
  46. Hebrews 2 verse 14 through 16. This time I will use the Living Bible. We are seeing these popular Scriptures that have beefed up our Faith in these last days.
  47. Hebrews 2:14-16, TLB. Since we, God’s children, are human beings—made of flesh and blood… Is that not what you are? …—He became flesh and blood too by being born in human form;…
  48. God also decided to become flesh and blood by being born in human form as Apostle Peter Odoemena [BBHMHN]. May His Name be praised.
  49. …for only as a human being could He die and in dying break the power of the devil who had the power of death. Only in that way could he deliver those who through fear of death have been living all their lives as slaves to constant dread. We all know he did not come as an angel…
  50. We all know that He did not come as what? An angel! Re-emphasizing on that great mystery. You should never be deceived. We all know that He did not come as an angel, but as what?
  51. …but as a human being—yes, a Jew. He came as a human being. And today, yes, an Igbo man. A black man from this region in Africa.
  52. That is why I have left it on my WhatsApp status as a reference of the month we have rolled into: “This Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena is The Lord God Almighty”.
  53. Turn with me to the book of 1 John chapter 3 verse 2 alone. Amplified version. Beloved, we are [even here and] now God’s children; it is not yet disclosed (made clear) what we shall be [hereafter],…
  54. It is not yet disclosed what we shall be hereafter but now we know that we are children of God. We are human beings.
  55. …but we know that when He comes and is manifested, we shall [as God’s children] resemble and be like Him, for we shall see Him just as He [really] is. To God be the praise.
  56. Have we not seen Him as He really is? Do we not resemble Him? Does He not resemble us? For which cause He is not ashamed to call us “Brethren”. He is the First born and the beloved of the Father. To God be the glory.
  57. Let us see 1 John 4 verse 6, Amplified version. We are [children] of God. … We are sure in this generation that we are the children of God. We are not mincing words.
  58. …Whoever is learning to know God [progressively… that is, progressing in His knowledge of who God is. …to perceive, … Perceives who God is. …recognize,… Recognizes the personality of who God is.
  59. …and understand God… And understands who God is. …by observation and experience,… By his or her daily experience as a true witness and by observation. ..and to get an ever-clearer knowledge of Him] listens to us;
  60. That person must listen to us. If you do not believe in us and our message, you can never come face to face with God, for God will remain an illusion. He will remain ambiguous in your brain till you come before us, whereby you can see the infallible evidence of His presence in our midst.
  61. and he who is not of God does not listen or pay attention to us. By this we know (recognize) the Spirit of Truth and the spirit of error. To God be the glory.
  62. Let us see 1 John 3 verse 1 in the same Amplified version. SEE WHAT [an incredible] quality of love the Father has given (shown, bestowed on) us, that we should [be permitted to] be named and called and counted the children of God!
  63. Can you see the privilege we have in this Faith? … And so we are! … And that is who we are!
  64. … The reason that the world does not know… Listen to the reason why the world does not know that we are the real Elect of God in these last days.
  65. … The reason that the world does not know (recognize, acknowledge) us is that it does not know (recognize, acknowledge) Him.
  66. As long as they have not come to the revelation of who Christ is, they will not know who we are, for you must see God before you can talk about the children of God.
  67. So you are not supposed to sit down waiting for public acceptance, for the world to come to the realization that this is God. If they cannot identify and behold His majesty, who are you?
  68. Therefore, stand on your conviction, knowing fully well that you know the Personality that you have come face to face with, and rejoice therein. Amen!
  69. Let us now go to the EASTER SEAL Volume 1. A teaching given to us on the 4th of April, in the year 2021. There is a quote on Page 21 there and I want you to read it to the glory of His Name.
  70. Glory be to God. I wish somebody is catching the revelation. So, if you are visible as sons and daughters, you are only visible to God.
  71. You are only visible to who? You are only visible to God who has called you, and who has justified you. The Scripture says, that only one truly righteous man existed in the days of Noah.
  72. It was not in the eyes of the world but in the eyes of God. So what should matter to you is not what you are in the eyes of the world, but what should be your joy is who you are in the eyes of the Almighty God who you know by revelation.
  73. If God is visible as the Almighty God or Christ or anything, He is only visible to you,…
  74. He is only visible to us in the Bride as well, who have caught the revelation of who He is. Out there in the world, they will continue to see Him as an ordinary man. They will continue to wonder why we are giving so much attention to this individual simply because they do not have the revelation of who He is.
  75. But does it matter to us? We are not looking for their accreditation. We know Who we have come face to face with.
  76. He is only visible to you, to the Church, to the Bride, but outside the Church, He is invincible. [LO, I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS VOL. 2; Preached on 30th April 2000; Pg. 101 vs. 12-13].
  77. Outside the Church, He is invisible. Because they know not the Scriptures, they err.
  78. Revelation 21 verses 3. The Amplified version and the Jewish Bible. AMP: Then I heard a mighty Voice from the Throne and I perceived its distinct words, saying, See! The abode of God is with men, and He will live (encamp, tent) among them; and they shall be His people, and God shall personally be with them and be their God.
  79. To God be the glory. God will personally be with them, tent with them and be their God. So it is not out of place today that He is here with us.
  80. The Jewish Bible says; I heard a loud Voice out of heaven say, behold God’s dwelling is with people. And He will dwell with them and they will be His people, and God Himself will be with them as their God.
  81. To God be the glory. Is there any set of people that have fulfilled this Scripture outside the Bride? There is none. Have you seen the basis of our rejoicing? May His Name be praised.
  82. So, we can see clearly that the Scriptures told us to expect Him today with us, living with us as a human being. We know that we are not following a man-based system, but we are holding on to the true Faith which the fathers told us to contend for.
  83. This is because they knew that it will be lacking in these last days, but we give God the glory Who has opened our eyes.

I am here. I say, I am Here. Because I am here, you are here. When  you look for Me and you do not see Me, weep! I say, weep. However, as long as I am here, I still believe I am your consolation, because I am a perfect Guide. Yes! I am not giving you instruction from behind. I am leading in front so that if there is any pit, I will fall in first. I signed My life in, so I am involved. You have every cause to glorify God. If by now, nobody from anywhere, even from the moon, has succeeded in defeating you. I mean, disarming you. let it be known to you that you have won your battle. ……. One of these days, I am coming here to establish that God is a Black Man and has remained a Black Man from creation. Nobody has ever seen God as a fair-complexioned man.


GOD IS REVEALED/MARRIAGE VOWS; Preached on Sunday 7th November 1999 at the Household of God, Onitsha, Pg. 61 vs. 31 – 32 & Pg. 69 vs. 12



Let us see John chapter 1 verse 6-8, AMP. There came a man sent from God, … There came a man sent from God in those days, and He had a mission. … whose name was John. His name was John the Baptist.

  1. … This man came to witness, that he might testify of the Light, that all men might believe in it [adhere to it, trust it, and rely upon it] through him. He was not the Light himself, but came that he might bear witness regarding the Light.
  2. Otherwise, people were bound to miss that light. The same way it is in this day and Age. We saw a man who came in the person of William Marrion Branham the prophet to point the entire world to the Light. Otherwise, we are bound to miss His appearing.
  3. And that is why he remains the prophet of our faith. By his message, we saw clearly that we should expect no one else but the Almighty God in these last days. As a spirit? No! As an angel? No! But as a human being dwelling with us here in Africa. To God be the glory.
  4. In the message he preached titled, FAITH IS OUR VICTORY preached on the 4th of October 1958 verse 66.
  5. He said these words. “I hope I am not fanatical. But it just seems to me now, just like I go into my room, pull the door together, enter into a secret closet and close the door. I just close off all the audience from around now.
  6. See! And pray to your Father who seeth in secret. And He that seeth in secret shall reward you openly. Ask and it shall be given. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and it will be opened. For everyone that seeketh, findeth. Imagine him here now, that you see in the picture there,…
  7. He must have pointed to the light, the Halo over his head.
  8. Imagine him here now, that you see on the picture there, the Light, the Halo, it isn’t far, it is the discerner of thoughts. It is Christ. A little while I come from God and I will return to God.
  9. He indeed went right back to what He was. When He comes again, He will be in a corporeal body like He was the Lord Jesus.
  10. When He comes again, He will be in a corporeal body like He was the Lord Jesus. To God be the glory.
  11. So, were we led astray? Can we say we are believing amiss? If we are today pointing you to The Almighty in corporeal body with us, definitely it was promised unto us. To God be the glory.
  12. Let us see the words of our Patriarchs to know also if we are on the right terrain. Let us see if we are on the right trail or if we are just playing foolery of ourselves.
  13. We turn to THE TESTAMENTS OF THE TWELVE PATRIACHS printed on 27th April 2021. Let us see what Simeon and Judah said, for all our patriarchs acknowledged Christ. Let us see how they told us to expect Him. But I will be picking only Simeon and Judah.
  14. THE TESTAMENTS OF THE TWELVE PATRIACHS, Page 18 verse 21-23. Let us see what Simeon said to his descendants. Then shall all the earth rest from trouble, and all the world under heaven from war. Then shall Shem be glorified because the Lord God, the Mighty One of Israel, shall appear upon earth as man,..
  15. He shall appear upon the earth as what? Is it as an angel? As a ghost? As a Man!
  16. …and saved by him Adam. Then shall all the spirits of deceit be given to be trampled under foot, and men shall rule over the wicked spirits.
  17. Then will I arise in joy, and will bless the Most High because of His marvellous works, because God has taken a body and eaten with men and saved men. …
  18. Because God has taken a body and eaten with men. Today are we not dinning at His feet?
  19. SONG: Come and dine the Master calleth, come and dine. You may feast at Saviour’s table all the time. He who fed the multitude, turn the water into wine. To the hungry calleth now, come and dine.
  20. See how our patriarch Simeon saw our day. The Almighty has taken flesh and is eating and feasting among us.
  21. … And now, my children, obey Levi, and in Judah shall you be redeemed: and not be lifted up against these two tribes, for from them shall arise to you the salvation of God.
  22. For the Lord shall raise up from Levi as it were a Priest, and from Judah as it were a King, God and man.
  23. He is hundred percent man and hundred percent God. To God be the praise.
  24. Now let us hear from Judah. THE TESTAMENTS OF THE TWELVE PATRIACHS, Page 59 vs. 74-76. And after these things shall a Star arise to you from Jacob in peace, and a Man shall rise from my seed, like the Sun of righteousness, walking with the sons of men in meekness and righteousness, and no sin shall be found in Him.
  25. And the heavens shall be opened above Him, to shed forth the blessing of the Spirit from the Holy Father; and He shall shed forth a spirit of Grace upon you, and you shall be unto Him sons in truth, and you shall walk in His commandments, the first and the last.
  26. This is the Branch of God Most High, and this the Wellspring unto life for all flesh. Then shall the scepter of my Kingdom shine forth, and from your root shall arise a stem: and in it shall arise a rod of righteousness to the Gentiles, to judge and to save all that call upon the Lord.
  27. To God be the glory. So, our patriarchs pointed us to His appearance. Not as a spirit, not with wings, but as a Man. They made it clear that He will be here feasting and dinning with us as a human being. God taking flesh – our Redeemer.
  28. So we have never followed cunningly devised fables.
  29. We are looking into the Book of Adam and Eve by Rutherford Platt chapter 26 from verse 9. Let us see what He said to our very father Adam.
  30. Then came the Word of God to Adam, and said to him, “Adam, as for the sun, if I were to take it and bring it to you, days, hours, years and months would all stop, and the covenant I have made with you, would never be fulfilled.
  31. But then you would be deserted and stuck in a perpetual plague, and you would never be saved.
  33. And when I look at all the good things in which you lived, and why you came out of them, then would I willingly show you mercy.
  37. the Book of Adam and Eve by Rutherford Platt, Chapter 3:5-6. And Adam cried, and prayed to God to explain it to him. THEN GOD IN HIS MERCY FOR ADAM WHO WAS MADE AFTER HIS OWN IMAGE AND LIKENESS, EXPLAINED TO HIM, THAT THESE WERE 5,000 AND 500 YEARS; AND HOW ONE WOULD THEN COME AND SAVE HIM AND HIS DESCENDANTS.
  38. To God be the glory. The same promise was given to our patriarch and to our father Adam. How One would come and save him after 5,500 years.
  39. So He has come according to time. He has come according to prophecy. He has come by the Scriptures. Is there any of these reports that disproves our belief? The answer is no.
  40. Let us see what Job said in Job 19:25-27, Amplified version of the Bible. For I know that my Redeemer and Vindicator lives, and at last He [the Last One] will stand upon the earth. He did not say, “Will stand upon the heaven” but “Will stand upon the earth.”
  41. And after my skin, even this body, has been destroyed, then from my flesh or without it I shall see God, Whom I, even I, shall see for myself and on my side! And my eyes shall behold Him, and not as a stranger! But as a friend. My heart pines away and is consumed within me. To God be the glory.
  42. The last One will be standing here upon the earth on two feet. Let us see the words of Christ, whether we are following cunningly devised fables.
  43. John chapter 16:6-14, Amplified version. But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your hearts [taken complete possession of them]. However, I am telling you nothing but the truth when I say it is profitable (good, expedient, advantageous) for you that I go away.
  44. It is profitable that I step aside for I am only the forerunner.
  45. Because if I do not go away, the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Advocate, Intercessor, Strengthener, Standby) will not come to you [into close fellowship with you]; To His Name be the praise.
  46. SONG: The Comforter has come today. The Comforter has come. The Holy Ghost from heaven. The Father’s promise given. O! Spread the tidings round, wherever man is found. The Comforter has come.
  47. He spoke of the coming Comforter, but today, the Comforter is here with us.
  48. …but if I go away, I will send Him to you [to be in close fellowship with you]. And when He comes, He will convict and convince the world and bring demonstration to it about sin and about righteousness (uprightness of heart and right standing with God) and about judgment: About sin, because they do not believe in Me [trust in, rely on, and adhere to Me]; About righteousness (uprightness of heart and right standing with God), because I go to My Father, and you will see Me no longer; About judgment, because the ruler (evil genius, prince) of this world [Satan] is judged and condemned and sentence already is passed upon him.
  49. I have still many things to say to you, but you are not able to bear them or to take them upon you or to grasp them now.
  50. But when He, the Spirit of Truth… “He”, a human being. That is why he was using that term. When He, a human being, the Spirit of truth shall come, He shall lead you into the knowledge of all truth. For I did not give you all the whole truth, but He is coming with the full and complete truth.
  51. And today, can we not say that we have been led to the entire truth? Sure!
  52. But when He, the Spirit of Truth (the Truth-giving Spirit) comes, He will guide you into all the Truth (the whole, full Truth).
  53. For He will not speak His own message [on His own authority]; but He will tell whatever He hears [from the Father; He will give the message that has been given to Him], and He will announce and declare to you the things that are to come [that will happen in the future].
  54. He will honour and glorify Me, because He will take of (receive, draw upon) what is Mine and will reveal (declare, disclose, transmit) it to you.
  55. To God be the glory. So, Jesus the Christ properly pointed us to the day when The Son of Man would be here. And that is why we are rejoicing today.
  56. John 14:15-19, Amplified version. If you [really] love Me, you will keep (obey) My commands. … That was what Jesus Christ said. If you love me, keep and obey my commands, for they are not grievous.
  57. … And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), …
  58. And today, we have Him here with us. So if you love Christ and you cannot obey the personality whom He revealed before you, is your love not questionable?
  59. …that He may remain with you forever–The Spirit of Truth, Whom the world cannot receive (welcome, take to its heart), because it does not see Him or know and recognize Him. But you know and recognize Him, … The Bride knows Him. …for He lives with you [constantly] and will be in you.
  60. He is here with us. We have recognized Him. The world cannot recognize Him. So, why then are you waiting for public acceptance before you know and recognize the Personality standing before you? Did He promise you that He will be recognized by the world?
  61. … I will not leave you as orphans [comfortless, desolate, bereaved, forlorn, helpless]; I will come [back] to you. Just a little while now, and the world will not see Me any more, but you will see Me; because I live, you will live also.
  62. To God be the glory. And then He came down in our midst and told us clearly, “Lo, I am with you always” to prove to us that He kept to His word. He told us “I have come and I must be God over you. Behold your God has come to live among you AND Not just to pay you a visit”.
  63. And that is why He is here with us even till this day. He told our mother, the Queen of Paradise and woman of Subsequent creation; “Go! I am coming soon. I am not coming alone, for I never promised to leave them comfortless. I did not promise to leave them behind. I am coming with some. I am coming with others”. Will you not love to be there?
  64. SONG: Won’t it be wonderful there? Having no burdens to bear. Joyously singing with heart bells all ringing. Won’t it be wonderful there?
  65. And that is why we are thanking God Who has continued to strengthen the Man on His right hand, that even today at 69, He is still standing strong. He is still standing on His two feet behind the sacred desk, dishing out the Word of life, nourishing your soul and my soul, and uplifting us on a daily basis. May His Name be glorified now and forevermore.
  66. Let us look at Luke 17 from verse 24 through 30, Amplified. For like the lightning, that flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other, so will the Son of Man be in His [own] day.
  67. But first He must suffer many things and be disapproved and repudiated and rejected by this age and generation. … He will be rejected by this Age and generation.
  68. And [just] as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the time of the Son of Man. [People] ate, they drank, they married, they were given in marriage, right up to the day when Noah went into the ark,..
  69. Without knowing what God was doing in their day, they carried on with these activities without having the revelation of what God was doing. And the Scriptures said that so shall it be when The Son of Man is revealed.
  70. And that is what is happening today. You should count yourself as a privileged being that you are among the handpicked minority that can recognize the passage of God in your day and recognize what He is doing.
  71. … and the flood came and destroyed them all. So also [it was the same] as it was in the days of Lot. …
  72. They were carrying on their activities without realizing the great work of salvation that was going by.
  73. … [People] ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; But on the [very] day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed [them] all. That is the way it will be on the day that the Son of Man is revealed.
  74. To His Name be the praise. Is it different from the way He has been revealed? Can you not see the world going on with their activities without realizing the great Being and Personality that is on the scene today?
  75. They are carrying on with their activities, just tell them that Christ is here, and they will throw their faces away. Why? It is because, thereunto they are born. A confirmation of the Word.
  76. Yet the Great Son of Man is here, and that is the Personality who has gathered us today, Whom we are worshipping and celebrating on this great day.
  77. Luke 18 verse 8. Remember that He was the forerunner. I mean Christ Jesus who has entered in as a forerunner for us, pointing us to the days of The Son of Man.
  78. And that is why Abdrushin had to make it clear. When Jesus was showing us these things, many mistook it as He referring to Himself. But He was not pointing to himself. Rather, he was pointing to The Son of Man.

I believe with all my heart that I know those I have chosen, and those I have chosen, they know that they have been chosen by Me. You did not choose Me for one day, I chose you. Even if you were asked to choose Me, you would have rejected Me. Many of you were even running away from Me. I was hunting you from place to place, even using hardship to make you stop somewhere. Even using sickness to make you stop somewhere, for if you fail to stop, you will fly away beyond My reach. Hence, you have to stop somewhere, while you will be running around it, I will meet you there.


GOD HAS COUNTED ME WORTHY, PUTTING ME INTO THIS MINISTRY; Preached on Sunday 13th August, 2000 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 109 vs. 6 – 7



Luke 18:8. I tell you, He will defend and protect and avenge them speedily. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find [persistence in] faith on the earth?

  1. Did He find one? No! He never found any. There was none. He came down and established this Faith and then from scratch, He began to teach us.
  2. He said, “Follow me anyhow, doubting nothing. Whether you understand or not, just keep following. For you never had this Faith. This Faith was lost on the land”.
  3. He started to build our faith. He started to lift us little by little. Today where we are, you do not expect that everybody can be there! It is not possible. After all the great work Christ has done! He led us through the Scriptures, led us through the Holy writings and took us to the words of the prophets.
  4. We now saw as it was written in the Book of Luke 11:49 “I will send them Prophets and Apostles. Some of them they will kill. Others they will despise.”
  5. The world despised all the messages of these great Patriarchs and Apostles. Calling them false and setting them aside.
  6. But when Christ came, He opened our eyes to these things and from there, we saw the whole complete truth as Christ revealed just as it was foretold that when He is here He shall lead us into the knowledge of all truths.
  7. And that was when we began to have an understanding of the Personality that is today with us. May His name be glorified.
  8. In the Grail Message by Abdrushin which he titled “The Son of Man”, while speaking on this Personality we are celebrating today, this was what Abdrushin had to say.
  9. It is not to be assumed that all these events will coincide with human expectations, wishes and conceptions, because all past happenings indicate to the contrary.
  10. Human desires have always been different from the perfect will of God.
  11. Never as yet have human ideas agreed with the manifestations of the Divine will. Reality was always different than the ideas of men, and only long afterwards did the recognition of what had happened dawn on them.
  12. Nor is there any hope that it will be different this time, because human ideas and views have gained nothing in comparison with former times. On the contrary they have become even much more realistic. The Son of Man! A veil is still shrouding Him and His time.
  13. But Brethren why not give God the glory that the veil has been rent into two, and that you have beheld He that is standing before you. To God be the glory.
  14. SONG: O! Behold the man of sorrows. O behold Him in plain view. Lo! He is the mighty conqueror, since He rent the veil in two. Lo! He is the mighty conqueror since He rent the veil in two.
  15. The Son of Man has rent the veil in two, but it is only in the midst of the Bride. The world out there are still covered by a veil. Abdrushin said, “a veil is still shrouding Him and His time”.
  16. While a vague sense of anticipation awakens in many a spirit, a longing for the day of His coming. Many of those who feel this longing will probably pass Him by unawares and will not wish to know Him because their expectations made them believe in a different kind of fulfillment.
  17. Why not say “Thank you Lord that my preconceived ideas never made me to miss Your advent”? You can see! The prophet knew that this was what was going to happen.
  18. Is it that the world does not want to see The Son of Man? They want to see Him, but their preconceived ideas of what they think will be the fulfillment has made them to miss Him.
  19. Only you and I have embraced Him and are here today to celebrate Him. To His Name be the praise.
  20. It is only with great difficulty that man can get used to the idea that in obedience to the law of God, a Divine being on earth cannot differ outwardly from human beings themselves.
  21. Outwardly, He looks like you and I, but look at the Personality. Look at The Godhead. Look at the Divinity. Look at the Original body. All displaying to you that therein dwells The Majesty Himself. Outwardly, a human being. Yet, hundred percent God. To His Name be the praise.
  22. Man insists on picturing the Divine in supernatural form only, and yet he has unfortunately so fettered himself that he would not be capable of recognizing aright what is supernatural, much less would he be able to bear it. Nor is this even necessary at all.
  23. Yes! When you are sure of your belief, the spirit will be flowing in you like the dew of Hermon. Man keeps deceiving himself that he can recognize the supernatural. Yet, he can never.
  24. Abdrushin still talking on “The Son of Man” went further to tell us about those who are the believers today. These words are so that we do not feel cheated. You do not feel the arrows of inferiority coming from the world who have already missed Him.
  25. He went on to tell us that: The mission of The Son of Man is the continuation and consummation of the mission of the Son of God. Since the mission of the Son of God could only be a transient one.
  26. Hence in the continuation and completion it is at the same time a reinforcement of Christ’s mission. It is not up to human will to someday elect the Son of Man sent by God…
  27. It is not up to human perceptions, human desires or human aspirations, for he has already told us ahead of time that human thinking has always differed from what God has always done in time past, and it will never be different in our own time.
  28. So understand that it will not be by human will that we will elect who this Son of Man How will He come?
  29. …but the power of God will uplift Him at the hour when a helpless, whimpering mankind begs for deliverance.
  30. To God be the glory. It must be according to time. It must be according to prophecy. It must be according to the Scriptures.
  31. And that is why the Prophet said, “The phonies will first of all come”, and we have seen them. We can identify them. We can even call their names. They all came. Where was their scriptural commission? What did they leave on the land? What did they bring? Absolutely nothing!
  32. But today the reality is here, for there can never be counterfeit without original. The original came at last according to time and according to prophecy just like Abdrushin taught us. To God be the glory.
  33. Let us see what the great ancient prophets told us concerning this. Let us see whether what the great Rabbis from the East told us differs from what Abdrushin has told us concerning this Great Son of Man who we have here, about Whom the world have their opinion of what He will be. But today, we are feasting and dining with the Reality.
  34. QUOTES OF THE ANCIENT PROPHETS OF GOD, page 7 verse 17. When Jesus (upon whom be peace) comes, NOT EVERYONE WILL KNOW HIM TO BE THE TRUE JESUS,…
  35. Not everyone will know Him. That is why it took the wisdom of God to send His Prophets and Apostles so as to guide His children on the right path. Without these great Prophets and Apostles, you will be going amiss, thinking you are worshipping God. When He comes, not everyone will recognize Him to be the real Jesus.
  37. Who? His elects and those close to Him! Are you not the one close to Him? Is that not why you have the privilege of being at His feet today to worship Him and to celebrate His 69th birthday? It is because you are His elect. You are the chosen ones.
  38. … IT WILL NOT BE SELF-EVIDENT SO THAT EVERYONE WILL RECOGNIZE HIM… Never! (Bediuzzaman said Nursi, 5th Letters Second Current).
  39. Philip said, “Master, why have you decided to reveal these things to us and not to them out there?”
  40. Yes! It is because unto you, it is given to understand the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. But to them out there, it is spoken in parables, that seeing they will see, without believing, for He had already said in the book of Isaiah, “A great thing will the Lord do in your day, and when it is told to you, you will not believe”.
  41. But blessed, fortunate, to be envied is he who The Almighty God has opened his eyes of understanding and revelation to behold who Christ is.
  42. Hence, He told you in the book of Jeremiah 9:23-24; “Do not boast of your power, your wealth or whatever. Your boast should be that you have recognized who God is and you are personally and practically acquainted with Him”. This is the source of our joy today.
  43. QUOTES OF THE ANCIENT PROPHETS OF GOD, Page 13 verse 31-32. “Before pondering over these traditions of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, regarding the advent of the Messiah and Mahdi, it must be kept in view that the Holy Qur’an as well as the traditions of the Holy Prophet are unanimous in their verdict that Jesus, Son of Mary, had died his natural death. He died his natural death.
  44. Further, the Holy Qur’an and the traditions of the Holy prophet both are in unison that the dead never return to life in this transitory world of ours.
  45. Hence when it is narrated in the traditions that Jesus son of Mary will come, it should not be taken literally…
  46. It should not be taken literally as the world has done today, for which cause they have missed Him.
  47. …but rather to be understood in the metaphorical sense as has been interpreted by a scholar of great repute and regenerator of his century, Mohyyud Din Ibn Arabi, when he says: “His descent in later Ages will be with a different body”. (Tatsir Araisal Bayan, Vol. 1. P. 262).
  48. To God be the glory. He came and we heard it, “I am the Resurrected Body”. And just when you were about to doubt, He said ‘Come with your cameras since you want to doubt Me’.
  49. He waited for that great day which the world says is the day for the celebration of His resurrection. On that selfsame day, we saw the Reality, so that while the world are still living in imagination, the Reality is with the Bride.
  50. We saw the real Original Body, the true Resurrected Body, for we saw Him enveloped in the Cloud of Glory. The Father coming down in the cloud, vindicating the beloved and showing us clearly that indeed, this is the true Resurrected Body, for He will come in a different body, and indeed so He came.
  51. He showed us the reality and then told us, “Behold it behooveth The Son of Man to fulfill all righteousness”. To His Name be the praise.
  52. Let us see that EASTER SEAL again, Page 25 verse 11 through 13. Since the world began, all that know God and the way He does His things will acknowledge that the Divine Personality in the Bride is no other Personality than the very Elohim Himself,…
  53. Do you not acknowledge it?
  54. …who has decided to veil Himself in a human being; a human vessel drawn from among us as it has always been His manner. We are sure and certain.
  55. And this has been His way of handling human beings. Nobody dictates to Him the tribe, the race or the country He will go and pick His representatives. He chooses as He wishes.
  56. And even if His choice does not sink well with the people, it makes no meaning to Him. God’s own choice of a Personality He dwells in has always been a stumbling block to the people He sent the person. They can hardly accept Him.
  57. They can hardly accept. So if God has opened your eyes, why not give Him the glory?
  58. EASTER SEAL, Page 105 verse 59. Through a human being, He is born. With the Cloud, He is revealed. Again? Through a human being, He is born. With the Cloud, He is revealed.
  59. Through a human being, He is born. By the Cloud, He is revealed. What revealed Him unto us? What is our human intuition? Did we sit down to cast votes? Did we sit down to do election?
  60. If at all we were to sit down to elect The Son of Man, do you think He would have been our choice? Do you see the reason why He said, “You had your favourites then who you saw as holy men of God”.
  61. Today, where are those favourites? Is there any one that is still standing on their feet? They are all gone. It was not by ordination of human hands, but God’s instrument for leadership has always been Divine. It takes the Cloud to reveal who The Almighty is.
  62. Through a human being, He is born. By the Cloud, He is identified. Did you get the message?
  63. To His Name be the praise. Now listen to His Word in the Message, HOW DO YOU KNOW GOD preached on the 5th of April 1997. In Page 60 verse 25-27, God said these words:
  64. People were thinking that the Son of Man will be revealed maybe in the air. They never knew that He must be in their midst unknown to them, hidden to them until He Himself will reveal Him. The Father will reveal Him.
  65. And who is His Father? The Father is in Him and He is in the Father. The Father will always reveal He that is in His bosom.
  66. Then, how have you known the Father from the very beginning? Has He not been known as the Pillar of Cloud? I do not know whether you are getting the Message!
  67. The Father is the Pillar of Cloud! Did we not just read it? He will be born as a human being but revealed by the Cloud Who is the Father. To God be the glory.
  68. From the message BE READY TO GIVE ACCOUNT OF YOUR STEWARDSHIP TO ALMIGHTY GOD Volume 1, on Page 78 verse 33-38, God said,
  69. I have one who beareth the greatest witness that I proceeded from Him. And that is the Father who sent Me, …
  70. And have we seen the Father? In thirteen different positions we saw Him wrapped by the Father in the Cloud on the 7th of April in the year 1996. How many years today? 28 good years! To God be the praise.
  71. This same day, 28 years ago, in thirteen different positions, Christ was vindicated in our midst. We give Him the praise.
  72. I have one who beareth the greatest witness that I proceeded from Him. And that is the Father who sent Me, Who is still with Me till this hour. And when I said it, I invited everybody to come and see.
  73. When they came, they saw nothing but the Cloud surrounding THE SON OF MAN on the pulpit. They were amazed that the Cloud was moving from one direction to another. Thirteen different directions appeared. Even in the congregation.
  74. I promised that as we journeyed along, I must bring down the Godhead, as a confirmation that the totality of the power was conferred on Me both in heaven and earth. I brought the heavenly being down here on earth; the Godhead.
  75. I promised to showcase the Original Body when I want to glorify Myself in the midst of the Saints. And that I did.
  76. What type of witness do you want? You have seen the written Word witness. You have seen the Spoken Word witness. You have the supernatural witness which is the greatest. What else do you need, for you to obey the Word of God? Is there any other thing? To God be the glory.
  78. But to the rest, it is like a mirage. They are in the dream world. They are yet to realize it.
  79. And that is why as many of us as have realized it, we have gathered at His feet this day to celebrate His 69th year of sojourning here on earth with us.
  80. Blessed, happy are those who have come by revelation to dine at the feet of the Master. Who have come like the Maggi to worship and behold the Lord’s Christ. To His Name be the glory.

Trouble in the Golan Heights, trouble in the Gaza strip, West Bank, everywhere. Even now, people are contending over the Holy City, Jerusalem. Why do you think all these things are happening? God has forsaken them because they went awhoring after other gods. God keepeth His Word. God is no longer there. I say God is no longer there. We want to trace God and know where God said He will run to, for God is in exile. I say God is in exile. You know, if He will run to the black nations’ land, like we are here, surely He must be one of us. If He will come here wearing another uniform, we will spot Him out. He will be a stranger and His people might even trace Him down here and bring Him back, “So, for Him to hide fully, He will hide inside one of us here.”


GOD IN DESPISED PLACES; preached in the year 2000 at the Household of God Onitsha; Pg. 149 vs. 6 – 7



Let us see the EASTER SEAL, a quote on Page 117. If He (Christ, the Apostle) never resurrected, our faith is useless. Our Faith is useless if He never resurrected. We are worshipping in vain. Remember He resurrected for our sanctification.

  1. He resurrected for our sanctification, but guess what? Even the world knows that they are beginning to make His resurrection become a myth. It is a myth in the Christian world.
  2. It is only in the Bridal Faith that the resurrected Christ is now a reality. And that is why you can see people like Vladimir Putin coming out with drawings and whatever to prove who Christ was. Does that matter?
  3. The reality is with us! The reality is here! Who is looking for drawn images? Who is looking for artistic impressions? Who are you trying to deceive anymore?
  4. We know the Reality because we have seen Him. Resurrection remains a myth in the world that they celebrate from year to year. But in the Bride, the Resurrected Body is here with us.
  5. Remember He resurrected for our sanctification. My Christ is not in the grave. He really resurrected. And He is here today.
  6. He has presented Himself through THE SON OF MAN. Hence, we call Him the Resurrected Body. Are you not highly favoured? We are!
  7. Have you heard it from THE SON OF MAN? Do not expect another second coming. It is all over. The Last Sign is on the land. I am the Resurrection and the Life. The Resurrected Body is here. The Original Body is here. [I AM THE WORD EXPLAINED Vol 1; Preached on Sunday 27 April 2014; Pg. 73 vs. 30 & Pg. 76 vs. 36-39.]
  8. The Resurrected Body is with us today. To His name be the praise.
  9. SONG: We are most favoured because the Living God is a man, and He lives among us, the despised of this age.
  10. So we give Him the praise. We are with the Resurrected Body. While the world is still expecting Him and talking about Him as a myth, the Bride is talking about Him as a reality.
  11. Here, He is in our midst fulfilling all that we have been talking about. He is here fulfilling all written in the volume of the books.
  12. Psalms 40 verse 7, AMP. That is what the Personality in our midst is doing. Fulfilling all that was written concerning Him and that is how you know the real sent One, for He must fulfill all that is written concerning Him.
  13. He came according to Scriptures, according to time and according to prophecy. That is why everything about prophecy and scripture is lining up behind Apostle Peter Odoemena – The Son of Man, proving to you on a daily basis that this is indeed the Sent One.
  14. Psalms 40:7, AMP. Then said I, Behold, I come; in the volume of the book it is written of me;
  15. Hebrews 10 verse 7, AMP. Then I said, Behold, here I am, coming to do Your will, O God–[to fulfill] what is written of Me in the volume of the Book.
  16. Is there anyone we have not touched? And is there any of the Books pointing us outside the Person in our midst? There is none. All have pointed to The Son of Man. Amen!
  17. EASTER SEAL Page 120:36-37. To tell people that God can be a Man is the greatest stumbling block of all the ages. But is He a Human Being? Yes!
  18. Are you a human being? Yes! Does the Bible confirm it? Yes! Ancient manuscripts? Yes! What then is the trouble? Whoever He is remains immaterial.
  19. Who He is remains immaterial. What will reveal Him to us is the Cloud. And whoever the Cloud has revealed to us, we will bow down to. To God be the glory.
  20. The most important thing is, “Let us welcome Him”. Let us welcome Him with open hearts. Let us say welcome unto Him.
  21. That is why we sing in Hausa; “Allah mun gode hallelujah. Domin kauna ka zuwa garin mu hallelujah. Cheton Allah a garin mu, mun gode hallelujah, mun gode hallelujah, mun gode hallelujah”
  22. Interpretation: “God we are grateful because of your love for us coming to our town/locality. For the salvation of God in our locality, we are grateful. We are grateful. We are grateful”.
  23. Yes! For the love of God and the salvation of God coming to our own town, we give God the glory for that. Let us welcome Him with open hearts.
  24. If He had been a Man from America, how would we have reached Him? Would we have been glad that He should be a Man from Germany? How would we have reached Him?
  25. If He had been a Caucasian, how would we have reached Him? If He had been a South American, how would we have reached Him? What if He had been an Indian?
  26. So we are glad that He came as an Igbo Man. One that is easily accessible to us is the One who the Cloud has revealed. Let us welcome Him for we were told to expect Him as a human being.
  27. Now, He has come as a human being, why should the problem be the particular human being God has chosen? No! It should be a joy giver that that human being is accessible to you and I. To Him be the praise.
  28. That is the Vessel God has chosen. And His choice is final. If you are taking offence over it, that is up to you.
  29. If you are taking offence over it, up to you, but the Bride does not care. What we care about is that we are here to celebrate the master on His 69th
  30. IN THE END, WE SHALL SPEAK ONE LANGUAGE preached on the 30th of June, 2019. Page 142 verse 50. What am I saying? The Name of this Faith is THE SON OF MAN.
  31. If somebody asks what my belief is, the answer is THE SON OF MAN. What is my Faith? THE SON OF MAN. What is my rallying point? THE SON OF MAN. Who am I worshipping? THE SON OF MAN. Who do I reverence? THE SON OF MAN. What is my all and all? THE SON OF MAN!
  32. So if I spend all my resources; I spend all I have to be at His feet this day, am I not privileged? Count yourself as privileged and worthy because all and all must end in THE SON OF MAN. I was pointed to Him and Him alone.
  33. What am I saying? The Name of this Faith is THE SON OF MAN because God has transferred you from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of his dear Son [Colossians 1:13] where you now have the privilege to call him Abba Father [Romans 8:15].
  34. IN THE END, WE SHALL SPEAK ONE LANGUAGE preached on the 30th of June, 2019. Page 140 verse 43 He said; You see why I am against anybody who is causing the name of this Faith to be blasphemed. The name of this Faith is THE SON OF MAN. Do you know that in my community that I have no other name than THE SON OF MAN?
  35. That is who we are. The name of this Faith is THE SON OF MAN. So, I do not know what else will be the rallying point or the centre of attraction to a member of this Faith if not THE SON OF MAN.
  36. That is our rallying point. That is who we have to celebrate. We are celebrating nothing else but the Advent of The Son of Man in our midst.
  37. From the message HOW DO YOU KNOW GOD on Page 53 verse 4-6, God said, The revelation of the Son of Man is not coming of Christ. That is the problem people are having. In the Pentecostals, you were being misled to believe that revealing the Son of Man in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah means Second Coming. It is not.
  38. In the Second Coming of Christ Himself, all eyes will see Him. And when He is coming, He is coming with Me and with you. He is coming with ten thousand of His angels to execute judgment upon the wicked.
  39. But that is not the matter at stake. That one is still too far. But we want to be qualified to be in the number that will be with Him and rule with Him. That is what we are striving for now. But, I am trying to tell you something.
  40. That is the emphasis, not for us to wail. Is that not what is in the book of Revelation? And all shall see Him and there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth because they missed the Advent of His visitation when He came in mercy, with full and complete salvation in His arms.
  41. Let us hear and rejoice in the personality before us. See the significance of the month you are in. Understand Who is in your midst and give God the praise.
  42. EASTER SEAL Volume 1. Page 132:6-34. I want to give you something that is astonishing. Heaven bear Me witness. I have never taken my time for one day to note these things, although they have been in all our sermon books.
  43. Brethren, pay attention. Look at your sermon books. You will see the supernatural signs. Number one there is the Cloud. Watch what is written concerning the Cloud and the day it was photographed as I read it from here. Any sermon book at all.
  45. And today is the 7th of April 2024. To Him be the praise. There is a great significance being in His presence on this same day.
  47. Is it written in all those things? Take note of the date and the month and the feast. The Feast, the date, the month. Feast of Easter Sunday, April 7th. That was the first month of the year.
  48. Of course, you know My calendar. THE SON OF MAN never minced words. He told you, “I do not use Roman calendar. I use My own calendar. My first month in the year is always April. The month of Nissan. That is what I always observe”.
  49. Have I not been telling you this? I documented it also. And now watch! My first month of the year, Nisan [April].
  50. I am not surprised that this family is April family. This is April family. If you want to know why I call it April family, I will tell you. I am April Myself. Did you get the message?
  51. I know when I was born. I know when I was born. And I have made it known to you. I have corrected whatever they documented. And I never saw these things. I know I was born in April. And you know the date. My wife was married in April.
  52. Mummy Odoemena was married in April. So you can see that what happens in this Faith is not just done randomly. Things happen by revelation. So it is not out of place if we are celebrating the birthday of our Lord in April, the month of Nisan!
  53. It is also not out of place that we are celebrating the memorial of our mother as well in this same month of Nisan! This has been a significant month God has been Divinely doing things.
  54. God gave Me a wife in April. While she was in the service, I was in the service. And we worked together as a family till I left and she continued. Now, she is about to come back; to retire, she is retiring also in April. She is retiring in April. Did you get the message?
  55. And she is being celebrated once again in the month of April.
  56. She started work, precisely on April 22nd, married April 26th; not the same year but many years after. And then retiring in April. And April is the month of Nisan.
  57. But let us look at the Easter day. On the Easter day, what are they celebrating all over the world? Is it not in commemoration of the Resurrected Body? Christ that was crucified by the Jews because of envy and jealousy, for they never accepted him.
  58. He came to His own and His own rejected Him. But as many as will accept Him and receive Him, He gave the power to become the sons and daughters of God. KJV
  59. But as many as did receive and welcome him, He gave the authority (power, privilege, right) to become the children of God, that is, to those who believe in (adhere to, trust in, and rely on) His name.. [John 1:12 AMP].
  60. But those who are still skeptical, sitting on the fence, they are children of Belial, mingling with the children of God.
  61. Now, watch that first sign there. What was the sign? We saw the Pillar of Cloud for the first time around THE SON OF MAN, vindicating Apostle Peter Odoemena to be the prophesied Messiah that will ride the trail, with all the promised prophesied supernatural signs, which the devil can never or will ever impersonate surrounding Him.
  62. What is more? The Voice went forth, “THUS IT BEHOOVETH THE SON OF MAN TO FULFILL ALL RIGHTEOUSNESS”. Pay attention!
  63. That He is still strong today is in line with the prophecy, “May the LORD Almighty strengthen the Man on His right hand, even THE SON OF MAN, Whom Thou madest strong that we may worship you rightly”. He made Him strong for Himself.
  64. That is why, amidst oppositions within and without, amidst cruel mockery, amidst persecutions, amidst denials, amidst all forms of troubles, difficulties, imprisonments, He has remained undaunted and immovable.
  65. Is He the one doing it? No! He that is in Him is still with Him, empowering Him, according to His Word, that He will never be discouraged.
  66. I have met serious discouragements. Most coming from those I call My brethren. Co-workers! Co-workers! Among them were Apostles, Teachers, Evangelists and so on.
  67. Now turn with Me as we go to the second vindication. It is there in all the sermon books. I read from here.
  69. Is it like that in your own? Put your hands together. The first time; the second time. All in the month of April, Easter Sunday, proving that God is alive forevermore in our midst, closing the mouths of all doubting Thomases, that you may know and acknowledge that the Personality that is talking to you is a Divine Personality.
  70. And from that day, it became clearer to us all that God’s instrument for leadership in the midst of the Bride is Divinely oriented.
  71. As it has always been, all instruments for the leadership of God’s people had always been Divine; Divinely selected. Divinely sent. And divinely, they accomplished their missions.
  73. Those who were thinking that second coming means taking them away, how many were living right before He came? How many were found in right standing?
  74. The LORD Jesus knew that there must be a total falling away from the Faith, and then declared, “When THE SON OF MAN shall come, shall He find Faith?” When He appeared, was there Faith anywhere?
  75. Then He started a work by the Message that will create Faith; abiding Faith. And through that Faith in Christ, He will know those that believe in Him and those that do not believe. He will now know those who are sons and daughters of God and those who are merely witnesses.
  76. You can be a witness and still perish. You can be a faithful and true witness, witnessing all that happened justifying the truth. As long as your life; your character does not reflect that truth, you will end it as a witness.
  77. God forbid! We are not witnesses. Why not say God forbid! I will never end it as a witness. I am not a witness, witnessing what God is doing in my day. I am a partaker of what God is doing. I am not just a witness. I will never be only a witness but a partaker also.
  78. EASTER SEAL Volume 1. Page 147 vs. 45. I do not want to be a witness only. I want to be a witness and a partaker of eternal life. I do not want to be a witness. After telling people about the Kingdom of Heaven, about the coming Christ, about the return of Christ and about the revelation of Who he is and at the end, I will be a castaway. I say, God forbid!
  79. We can never be witnesses but partakers of what Christ is doing in our time and in our day. To God be the glory. So we have seen the significance of this glorious month of April.

 In My family, I gathered them, not like Job. Job was gathering His Children peradventure they have cursed God. It was not so with My family. I gathered them to tell them that They are a part of My Ministry. They are partakers of My Ministry – That is the Church where I am the Overseer. ……. I am saying that the seed of the fruit is germinating, because I am an able minister of the New Testament, I am not Eli, I am not David, I am not Moses, but some may like to go after such people, it is not for Me. What I am holding has power enough, what I am holding is not weak. I am holding a spiritual Law not a carnal Law. What I am holding is profitable and not unprofitable. ……. God is in the midst of His people, if you are tempted to leave this Church you are a cursed person……


FOLLOW ME AS I FOLLOW HIM (THE CLOUD); Preached in the year 1993 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 12 vs. 14, Pg. 33 vs. 42 – 43 & Pg. 78 vs. 32.



In the RAMADAN VOICE Part 2 Volume 3, Preached on the 24th of May 2020, God said in Page 105 verse 5-8, DO NOT EVER MAKE THE MISTAKE OF THINKING THAT I AM PREPARING THE WORLD FOR SALVATION.

  1. So why do you expect the world to acknowledge Him? God is not here for the world.
  3. Why not say “I am a member of His family”.
  6. To God be the glory and the praise. So God is preparing His family for salvation, and you and I are members of that family. This is why we have gathered to worship Him, the glorious One.
  7. Let us see how connected all these are as we go to the Message; TAKE YOUR FLOWERS WHILE YOU LIVE Volume 1, Preached on the 6th of February 2022, Page 70 verse 82.
  8. “I am the ELAH ELOHIM”, One that dwells with My family. I have My nuclear family. All of you are integral part of My family.
  9. All that must be saved must be part of that nuclear family.
  11. And that is why we are celebrating The Lord and at the same time celebrating the Woman of Subsequent Creation. We are saved by that family.
  12. I told you we are not doing things in this Faith by sentiments. We are not here by sentiments. This is not Daddy G. O. and Mummy G. O.
  13. We are here by revelation. Everything is happening Divinely as we are celebrating the Almighty. We are saved by His family. And as He is exalted, so is the Woman of Subsequent Creation.
  14. It took two to miss it at the beginning. It must take two to correct the mistake. So it is not happening by chance.
  15. That is why this is a glorious day that finally, we can celebrate the Man and the Woman that has given us the victory. To God be the praise. Why not repeat that statement.
  17. Can you see it even on your calendar?
  18. TAKE YOUR FLOWERS WHILE YOU LIVE Volume 1, Preached on the 6th of February 2022, Page 98:142-146. [ONCE HISTORY IS FORGOTTEN, THE MISTAKES OF THE PAST MUST BE REPEATED Vol. 1; Preached on Sunday, 24th October, 2021; Chapter 4 verse 11 to 12.]
  19. I married Nzubechi SON OF MAN Odoemena. She is My legal wife. My divine wife. And she will remain My legal earthly divine wife even till eternity.
  20. That is why all My children are divinely oriented. And this is because they came from My loins. I am the Divine Incarnate. I came to restore God’s family here on earth … God’s essence of being here on earth in these last days is to restore God’s family here on earth.
  21. I came to restore God’s family here on earth which was messed up by the devil who appeared to your foster fathers Adam and Eve,…
  22. He messed it up at the beginning. So there must be Adam and Eve to correct it at the end.
  23. I came to restore God’s family here on earth which was messed up by the devil who appeared to your foster fathers Adam and Eve, in an apparition and deceived the two and brought about the whole confusions.
  24. [EASTER SEAL Vol. 1; Preached on Sunday 4th April 2021; Chapter 4 verse 9 to 10.] I know Myself. I know My wife. My wife knows herself. She knows Me also.
  25. We never married by accident. We never came together as husband and wife by accident. It is a Divine Design foreordained before the world began.
  26. Otherwise, this Ministry would not have taken off from here, sustained by God, vindicated by God, and confirmed by God with series of many convincing demonstrations, unquestionable evidences and infallible proofs.
  27. For God can never make an imperfect choice; for God who is perfect can never make an imperfect choice, for whosoever He wants to use, He will perfect Him before using Him. Is it not true. Glory Glory, Alleluia!!!
  28. So is it a mystery why Mummy Nzubechi Joy Odoemena is the Woman of Subsequent Creation? God perfected her for that purpose. God brought her for that purpose. And the moment she fulfilled her ministry, she left the scene.
  29. And you heard the Voice of the Lord, that the testimony will never change. God took His maidservant home at the right time because she has fulfilled the mission, corrected that point where Eve made the mistake.
  30. Hence, making an avenue for all to be saved even in this generation. To God be the glory.
  31. TAKE YOUR FLOWERS WHILE YOU LIVE Volume 1, Preached on the 6th of February 2022, Page 160 verse 115-118. [ACTION TIME Part 1 [Husbands and wives]: Preached on 30th December 1997 [CAMP MEETING]; Pg. 50 vs. 26-29.]
  32. You know, at times I wonder where I can go without My wife. I try to wonder how that place will look like and what will give Me comfort if not this Message because the battle front is not good for women. The battle front is never good for women because they cannot endure hardship.
  33. Otherwise, I can hardly step out without My wife. Whatever you want to call it, call it. I have many reasons. ONE: It has become My nature. I believe I am incomplete without her.
  34. NUMBER TWO: The experience of Adam and Eve lingers in My memory even till today. Eve was never deceived until Adam was away.
  35. This is why Adam did not go away this time. Eve had to go and rest after fulfilling her mission. Adam is summarizing everything. There was no avenue and there can never be an avenue for the devil to come into this righteous family.
  36. Adam’s greatest enemy was not too far from the Garden of Eden. By this Ministry, Mummy Nzubechi Joy SON OF MAN Odoemena corrected the errors of Eve Repeat!
  37. By this Ministry, Mummy Nzubechi Joy SON OF MAN Odoemena corrected the errors of Eve and thereby, secured the eternal victory for all women who are in Christ.
  38. Why not put your hands together for God. Do you see the reason why we are celebrating? When we say the second memorial remembrance of Mummy Nzubechi Odoemena, we are not coming to mourn. We are coming to celebrate victory.
  39. When we talk of the 69th birthday of The Son Of Man, we are not coming to mourn but to celebrate victory. So it is a win-win situation. It is a celebration all round.
  40. We are celebrating the life and times of The Son Of Man as well as celebrating the victory of the Woman of Subsequent Creation. To God be the praise.
  41. By this Ministry, Mummy Nzubechi Joy SON OF MAN Odoemena corrected the errors of Eve and thereby, secured the eternal victory for all women who are in Christ.
  42. She is indeed the Queen of queens, the Most favoured and the first Fruit; Such wondrous Love! All to the Glory of the Almighty God, who came as the second Adam. AMEN!
  43. To His Name be the praise. And that is why Abdrushin in the Grail Message had this to say about her, the woman of Subsequent creation.
  44. He said: Thus, out of the horrors, the new true woman must first arise who has to become the mediator and therewith, also provide the foundation for the new God-willed life and human activity in subsequent creation. The woman who will have become free from poison and corruption.
  45. And who is that woman? Mummy Nzubechi Joy Odoemena Son of Man. To God be the praise.
  46. Brethren by this I believe you are glad to witness such a day like this, where you have the opportunity to celebrate the Almighty God sojourning with us in flesh as He marks His 69th birthday and to celebrate Mummy Nzubechi Odoemena’s second memorial service of her passing on to glory, a victory which God granted unto the entire Elect of God. To His Name be the praise.
  49. We are entering the land, which our forefathers saw in preview. We are entering Eden where the sorrows will be wiped away, and fear wiped away. No sickness, no hospital, no death, and no mortuary.
  50. It is not a place where you will labour to get food to eat. Nobody will live in fears anymore. Many do not believe that such a place exists.
  51. That is why God came down and revealed Himself to confirm the promises which He made unto our fathers, to be steadfast, immovable and unshakeable. Though it tarries wait for it. Though it tarries, wait for it!
  52. It is on this note brethren that I use this little exhortation as a way of celebrating The Lord’s 69th year of sojourning with us in human flesh in these last days, and to commemorate the event of the second memorial remembrance service of our Mother, the Woman of Subsequent Creation.
  53. To His Name alone be the praise. We are grateful for this privilege He has given us to come before His feet, face to face in Mount Zion, Nsugbe, Anambra state, Nigeria this day, to celebrate Him and to join the Hosts of Heaven to mark this Great day in the month of Nisan.
  54. A Great and significant month to this Faith, when God decided to take flesh to save us in these last days. And surely, we know that this month shall never pass away.
  55. Remember He has already promised us, “Thrust in the sickle, harvest the earth. The month of Nisan shall never pass away”. Yes! It shall be one day known unto the Lord.
  56. On this note, I conclude by reading the welcome message to the Messianic month. WELCOME TO MESSIANIC MONTH, 1st April, 2024. May the grace and peace of Almighty God, the Creator of the whole universe and the fullness therein be greatly multiplied to all the Elect of God chosen, consecrated and set apart for Himself for eternal life throughout the whole universe.
  57. I welcome all of you to this messianic month, Nissan by Jewish calendar and April by Gregorian calendar, this 1st day, which equally is a leap year with lively expectations.
  58. Although the road may be very rough and even tougher than we had it in time past, all and sundry should be rest assured that when the journey becomes roughest, the end is near and when the night becomes darkest, the day is about to break.
  59. Be rest assured that there shall be a golden day break when sorrows will cease, when death will cease, sufferings of all sorts will cease, troubles, temptations of all sorts will cease and eternity will unfold.
  60. Although this promise has lingered for too long, be assured that it is tied to time. No matter what people say, it shall be one day known unto God. It is not going to be in the day, it is not going to be in the night. It shall be in between the day and the night, in the twilight and it is around us right now.
  61. Let no man or woman indulge in unnecessary predictions concerning the day, the hour, the time, concerning the year, let no man ever attempt doing any useless calculations for all of them must fail.
  62. Only the one which the mouth of the Almighty shall proclaim will hold. The rest will fail.
  63. As we travel along this narrow path meant for only the redeemed who are in right standing with God, not because of their self-attained righteousness but by His graciousness, we persevere steadfastly with Him, the Almighty in front guiding and leading in the journey from the beginning till the end.
  64. Also, bear in mind that tough times do not last long. It is my prayer that all individuals and families that are called by the Name of the Almighty God, that are called by the Name of Christ revealed not to many but to a few will find abiding peace, abiding faith, abiding love as they abide in His presence.
  65. May the grace of God and the love of God that passeth all human understanding see all of you through. My wish is that we shall embrace you and the departed loved ones that transcended from the righteous side of Adam in paradise where our joy will be full and complete because we shall be there with the Elohim, Adonai Himself never to part again from eternity to eternity.
  66. Until then, shalom to all that call upon His Name with good hearts. Messianic Message from the Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena.
  67. Remain Blessed in Him Eternally. “Taqabbal Allahu Minna wa minkum” (May Allah accept (our good deeds) from us and you).