BE SURE YOU ARE NOT AN ANTI-CHRIST AND YOU KNOW IT NOTVOL 1 Preached ON Tuesday Morning, 19th December, 2023 AT THE VOICE OF GOD STUDIO Bridal Lodge, Nsugbe Anambra State, Nigeria BY Apostle Peter Odoemena THE SON OF MAN The LORD God Almighty

Transcribed by Bishop David Mbah, Students’ Fellowship, MOUAU, Abia State

15Do not love or cherish the world or the things that are in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in him. 16For all that is in the world–the lust of the flesh [craving for sensual gratification] and the lust of the eyes [greedy longings of the mind] and the pride of life [assurance in one’s own resources or in the stability of earthly things]–these do not come from the Father but are from the world [itself].17And the world passes away and disappears, and with it the forbidden cravings (the passionate desires, the lust) of it; but he who does the will of God and carries out His purposes in his life abides (remains) forever.

1 John 2:15-17, Amplified version


31Number four of the secrets of retaining your sanctified estate: “SET YOUR AFFECTION ON THINGS THAT ARE ABOVE.” Set your affection on things that are above. Do not allow worldly things to give you sleepless nights. Once your attention diverts to the things that are earthly, surely you will be swallowed up.32Colossians chapter 3 verses 1 through 2. “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.”KJV. 33Put your affections, ministers, when you will be coming to the Pulpit, use different translations for them to see and get the meaning thereof. When you fix your affection on things that are above, surely nothing will move you from your sanctified estate.


16 SECRETS OF RETAINING YOUR SANCTIFIED ESTATE Vol. 2; Preached on 3rd October 2000; Pg. 125 vs. 31-33.



The affection of this very person is in the trending things of the world. And whatever that is trending now between man and woman is trending among yahoo boys. The yahoo girls and boys. Am I making sense? It takes the eyes of the Holy Spirit to show you that.

  1. Watch our boys. Their affections are now towards yahoo even in their schools and colleges. That is what they are doing to sustain themselves. And you cannot bring them back again.
  2. Those that are with their parents are doing it before their parents. Shamelessly, the parents are borrowing money from their children without asking them how they are getting that money.
  3. It goes beyond prostitution in the flesh, but there is no way somebody can engage in that life without engaging in physical prostitution because money is the decider.
  4. That is why, if your desire is to make money, you are already in the hand of the devil and you know it not. Money will beat the drum you will be dancing. Wherever that money beats the drum, your ears and your eyes will go there.
  5. I am a Father. I am the oldest man here. An Igbo adage says thus, “That which an elder saw from his sitting position, if a child climbs to the tallest tree top, he or she can never see it. And a child that will be a debtor is known very early in life.”
  6. God knows the end from the very beginning. No matter how you try to suppress your feelings in My presence while you are here, the LORD knows where you are ending your journey. It is a matter of leaving My presence, even here where you are in bondage.
  7. Do you not know that a sinner sees where he or she can be corrected as a place of bondage. If you are comfortable with the truth, you will know. If you are uncomfortable with the truth, you are just managing, may be for one reason or the other, you will know.
  8. This is the period God tests the desires of everybody. Socially speaking, this is the period the devil lets loose all that he has prepared for the year to know how many people that will be attracted to his side.
  9. There is no type of parties and orgies that are not at work right now. “There is no money” is no excuse. Even if you do not have money, people will finance you. I mean, your group of people. Your members will finance you.
  10. Just decide and show willingness to be there. You are already there. Show willingness to be there.
  11. Have you noticed one thing in all these posters these boys are posting here where naked girls are coming to swim? Look at what they normally write. They will write the fees: Men – ₦2000. Ladies – free.
  12. Why are those facilities offered to ladies free? It is because women, by nature, love free things. They love free gifts. They love free evil places. It would not cost them anything.
  13. You should stay in My house and hear what is happening from the window. Hear them talk. Hear the ladies talk and see all of them nude – naked. Not even one wears pants.
  14. And everyone is free with any man that is there. That is their rule. That is why they stay from morning till late in the night. Come to My window and see what is happening.
  15. And such places of evil can only attract one that is evil-minded, both male and female. It takes two to tango.
  16. Watch your affections. God said that you have not started living the life of Christ until you are set free to go and live your independent life as you wish, where nobody will interrupt, intercept, interfere or monitor you.
  17. Do you not know that parents are no longer interested in what their children are doing? Am I making sense? Do you think that all families are like this where you will come in, lock up your gates and live your lives among yourselves to avoid unnecessary pollution?
  18. Many feel uncomfortable. She equally feels uncomfortable because the type of life she wants to live, she has not even gotten half the way. She is not alone. Even you young men, you are equally involved.
  19. I do not need a Prophet to tell Me who I am living with. I know all of you. If I say that none of you here has ever come closer to the Gate of Paradise spiritually speaking, you will doubt Me.
  20. If you think you have come closer, why am I talking everyday? Is it not to see whether I can pull you out from where you had already placed your two feet very solidly. You have remained unyielding.
  21. You appear to be peaceful just to get what you need from Me. You have your needs. You have your wants. You want to appear humble and simple to get what you really need– your basic needs from THE SON OF MAN.
  22. This is for you to stop thinking that you are fooling Daddy. You are only fooling yourself. Any day you begin to yield to the truth, I will know.
  23. Get Me the Book of Titus Chapter 1 from the Message Bible and let us see. Let us know what Saint Paul told his own people in his own day.
  24. Saint Paul said, “I am aware that many grievous wolves have crept into your midst. And they are waiting for my departure. The moment I depart, they will not spare any of you. The grievous wolves are not coming. They are in your midst already.”
  25. Titus 1 from verse 1, The Message Bible. 1-4I, Paul, am God’s slave and Christ’s agent… Look at the introduction. This is the Angel Messenger to the first Church Age. Look at the introduction.
  26. I, Paul, am God’s slave and Christ’s agent for promoting the faith among God’s chosen people,…
  27. Please underline that area in your heart. God’s chosen people have a peculiar Faith they are known for. And as many as are completely in that Faith, they behave alike.
  28. They protect that Faith. They guard themselves against error because the moment you are not protecting the Faith, truly speaking, the Faith is going to destroy you.
  29. When the Faith exposes you to ridicule because you want to ridicule the Faith of Christ, the Faith of Christ will, first of all, ridicule you. The Faith will expose you and make you public so that the world will know who you are. Is it not contained in your Sermons?
  30. If you protect the Faith of Christ, the Faith will protect you. If you destabilize it, it will destabilize you. If you attempt to destroy it, which you know is impossible, it will destroy you. Nobody can destroy the Faith of Christ. It is an indestructible Faith.
  31. Even if you do not believe in it. God will preserve it somewhere. Somebody will need it tomorrow. Many need it for diabolic purposes and for diverse purposes.
  32. Some want to get a little of the Faith to exploit their fellow Brethren because it will help them to regulate them and their activities in such a way that will deceive them into believing that they have become one of us. Such people are those grievous wolves found in your midst, men and women alike.
  33. If you have all yielded– if you are all bending towards this truth, why am I screaming? Why am I shouting?
  34. I know it is not easy to save a human being because of the army of evil desires that are in man. True or false? Have I not read it here before you? The reason why it is difficult for you to live a stable, Christ-like life is because of the army of evil desires that are warring in you.
  35. You know your own army. And you know what army is all about. A brigade or army of desires, legion of evil desires, uncountable.
  36. That is why any man that does not have Christ is insatiable. He does not know what it takes to be self-satisfied. Godliness with contentment is not in his agenda which, to God is the greatest gain.
  37. You do not even mention godliness.
  38. Wherever a man’s attraction is, there the heart is. William Branham made a statement in his own words saying, “If you see them. Know where their attractions are. Leave them alone, for there they are going to be at the end. No matter how you try to force them in, they must burst out in the end.”
  39. You cannot remain a boy. Neither will you remain a girl. A day will come when you will use your mouth to say, “I am no longer a boy. I am now a man. Allow me to do as I wish. By the way, are you going to decide for me at old age?”
  40. Have you not heard such statements? Even if you do not have the courage or you lack the boldness to say it before Me, it is because your desire, that which you need and which you really want to get from Me is not yet fully met. Any day it is fully met, you will know how stubborn you are to the truth. You will know whether I am speaking the truth or I am telling lies.
  41. Am I drunk this morning? Am I talking like one that is drunk?
  42. If you know what I pointed OUT in you anD made a statement concerning you, which you have escaped, stand up and declare it.
  43. I pointed at you and I told you something concerning your life and you know you have escaped it, stand up and declare it to Me. This is a Family.
  44. How can you escape it? You only set it aside. It is there preserved for a certain time.
  45. Nobody will be here with Me indefinitely. Even if you want to stay with Me indefinitely, of course, you know My nature. I will not argue. I will send you away. You do not need to tell Me that you are of age. Before you nurse that idea, I have already sent you away.
  46. Those who wanted to show Me that they have arrived, before they concluded it, I had already dismissed them from My presence. And My wife pleaded for Chika. I asked her, “Can you manage Chika?” She said, “Daddy let us try for the sake of the parents.” I said, “Ok because you said so, but do not complain tomorrow. Do not complain tomorrow.”
  47. Your quietness means you are sober. Your quietness is what will help you to have a second look into your personal life and what is happening in you.
  48. Even if I do not send Okwuchukwu back, he has already fixed his own date.
  49. As for Chiemelie, no matter the favour I showed him in this Family with My wife, My children and everybody, he became very outstanding among the Mbas, even among the youth, but he had already fixed a date he will not cross.
  50. He devised a means of circumventing every instruction. Even when he pulled out from the school. He never knew that we had already heard it.
  51. In the morning, he will dress up in his school uniform, only to go and hide just behind the house. Before we knew it, he found fault with the school. We transferred him to the place of his choice.
  52. A little while, he pulled out and said that it was unnecessary going to school and that many are now writing their exams from home. He said that it is just to register in a special center, this and that.
  53. Before you conceive any idea, God had already captured it. Every step a man takes in life leads him somewhere. The first step you take will determine where the second leg will march, for the two legs cannot move at the same time. It is one after the other.
  54. When you are marking time, left-right, left-right, left-right and then move, one leg will move first. And the distance that is covered by that one leg will determine the distance the other one will cover, for you cannot run faster than your legs. Neither do you walk faster than your legs.
  55. When destructive ideas borne out of harbouring destructive spirits engulf a human being, it is not that moment that the nature of that spirit erupts. It stays in until it gathers enough strength.
  56. Rebellion is not planned in one day. I say rebellion is not planned in one day. Nobody uses a day to plot a coup that will topple a government. Do you believe that to be true.
  57. The day Judas conceived the idea of betraying his Master, was it the day the Master was betrayed? Was it the day He was arrested and killed? It took him time. He had consultations. He attended nocturnal meetings from time to time as recorded in the Scriptures.
  58. The money he was pilfering from the purse of the disciples, that money was not enough. He was pilfering more than he collected from the people for he was bent on betraying the Faith. In the attempt to betray the Faith, who died first? Judas.
  59. He never knew he was fulfilling a dangerous prophecy that will linger all through his generations. You were not there when it happened, but today, we are using it to learn our lessons.
  60. The evil that frustrates a man out of the presence of God is never fomented and carried out in just one day. Do you believe that?
  61. The LORD will know the day it took off. Keep on fomenting. Keep on lying. Keep on deceiving yourselves. Why do we go ahead with that evil plan even when we are caught, even when the LORD has revealed everything to us?
  62. It is because we think that we are doing God a favour by serving Him or by doing anything we think we call service. Between you and God, who is serving the other? You and God, who is depending on the other?
  63. Tell Me. How can God depend on you? What do you think you are offering God that will make God to die without you? Without you, God will not prosper. Without you, God will not do this or that. You see! Is the devil not cheating you?
  64. The devil can only cheat one that has submitted himself or herself to the devil. Do you believe that to be true? How can the devil cheat somebody that has never come into contact with the devil through his thoughts and imaginations, and through the feelings of his heart?
  65. It has been their desire to be like others. That has killed many before and it is still killing. Who are those people you want to be like? Who are those people? Question them. Are they not the people of whom God said, “Come out from among them and be ye separate?
  66. Was it not what Jared told all his sons and daughters? Never intermarry and never intermingle with these people. Come out from among them and be ye separate.
  67. They obeyed and they stood there with the LORD and with all their parents until evil thought of unbelief, evil heart of unbelief rose up in them. It started with one man. That one man became a dangerous fellow among them. A crafty fellow.
  68. He might be humble in appearance. He might be sober. He knew how to seduce the hearts of his fellow brethren to buy his views.
  69. And he succeeded. From one man to two. From two to five, from five to 10. Then the whole camp was set on fire. It is good that only four were left. And God remained with the four. And with the four, God achieved His target.
  70. Did He know that they will decamp? He knew. Warning goes forth before destruction.

Total submission to the will of God is demanded from every true Seed of God. And there is nothing difficult in it. Obedience to the truth is not a difficult thing. Anybody who is finding it difficult to obey the truth, loves falsehood.  He has devilish orientation. The devil is his father. So, we are now trying to force him to change his nature. And it is very cumbersome. Very worrisome. That is why truth disturbs the evil doer. I say, truth disturbs the evil doer. Falsehood is enjoyed by evil doers. They enjoy falsehood. And they enjoy all the gains of iniquity.


BE STRONG IN THE LORD & IN THE POWER OF HIS MIGHT Vol. 1: Preached on Sunday 18th April 2021 at the Voice of God Studio, Nsugbe, Nigeria; Pg. 147 vs. 14-16



Listen to Me. He that says that he has rejected idols but eats the sacrifices meant for the idols, has the person rejected idols? I mean, one that declares that he has rejected idols.

  1. Get Me king James version of the Bible. It said, “God’s wrath is revealed upon those children of disobedience who do not only do evil things but they approve of them that do it.”
  2. The wrath of God is not coming upon evil doers only, but also upon those who delight and are made happy about others who perpetrate evil.
  3. Is it not Romans Chapter 1. Look at verse 16 through 18. King James version.
  4. 16For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
  5. 17For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
  6. In whose Faith are you now established? In whose Faith are you established now? Everybody has ceased from talking to Me.
  7. [The Brethren answered, “The Faith of Christ.”]
  8. Good! You are all stupid. You are all unreasonable.
  9. Christ is revealed from faith to Faith. Do you not know that all the Prophets and men of God of old had the spirit of Christ in them, but a portion of the truth was allotted to each generation. Are you walking with a portion of the truth?
  10. You see why I say that not even one of you has ever come near even to joining the line. You have remained unyielding and unbending.
  11. If you cannot answer this simple question, how can perfection now be your target? So you do not even know the Ministry you are in. You do not even know your own generation. You do not know your own day and its own Message. You do not even know the Messenger of your day.
  12. So, now I am vindicated that you cannot answer a common question. Basics. Have you recognized your own day? Have you recognized your own Message? Have you recognized? I am not saying acknowledge. Have you recognized your own Messenger?
  13. Am I saint Paul? Am I Martin? Am I Irenaeus? Am I Columba? Am I Luther? Am I Wesley? Am I Branham? Where are they? They are gone by. I am not any of these.
  14. You do not even believe the Scriptures and you do not believe your Prophets. And all of them are earthly Messengers. All! And they spoke to men using earthly language.
  15. William Branham said, “I am earthly. I am not a heavenly messenger. A Heavenly Messenger will come after me whose foundation I have laid.”
  16. John was an earthly messenger and not a heavenly messenger. And he knew about the earth, not about heaven. And was pointing people to the advent of One who will come from heaven with a heavenly message. He said, “Only heavenly-bound beings will believe Him. The rest would not.”
  17. If you are heavenly bound, you are the only people that will believe this message, but where you are not heavenly bound, you are earthly bound.
  18. You cannot be earthly-bound and heavenly-bound at the same time. Once you are earthly-bound, all your desires must be earthly. If you are heavenly-bound, all your desires must be heavenly.
  19. You will only be comfortable, free and exercise yourself and freedom in Christ among those that have your faith. That is why the Message goes to them that have obtained like-precious Faith with us.
  20. Romans 1 from verse 17. 17For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
  21. 18For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
  22. Do they know the truth? Yes. Are they living right with the truth? No!
  23. 19because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
  24. 20For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
  25. 21because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
  26. 22Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things.
  27. 24Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
  28. 25who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
  29. 26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
  30. 27and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.
  31. 28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge,…They did not want to retain God in their knowledge. …God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
  32. 29being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
  33. Note that verse. 32who, knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
  34. You have heard about the different evils. Army of evil desires will fill their hearts. A sure sign that they have departed from the truth. The moment a human being departs from the truth, army of evil desire– the devil will capture you. Those spirits you had already conquered will come with their hosts of angels and then possess you fully. Is it not the return of evil spirits?
  35. When an evil spirit is cast away from a man, it wonders into the desert. And when it comes back only to notice that the place where it vacated is empty, for nothing is found there, he will go out and then bring in seven more dangerous spirits worse than itself and possess the individual. And the person is worse than his former estate.
  36. REFERENCE: Matthew 12:43-45, New International Version. 43“When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. 44Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. 45Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation.”
  37. That is why, to control the evil habit of somebody who had known the truth, but departed from the truth, has always been an uphill task. There is no way you can control the level of atrocities, evil desires and evil habits anybody that has already tasted the truth about Christ will do whenever the person departs from the presence of God. Take note of what I am saying.
  38. If you know somebody who has departed and got recovered again, mention that person. You may recover him to your fellowship, but not to Christ. You may recover him by restoring him to fellowship, saying that he cannot be better out there, but has he been better in your midst.
  39. What do you think you will use to restore and reconcile him to Christ again seeing that he has crucified Christ the second time. To renew such people again, the Bible said it is impossible.
  40. Have you not read it? One that has tasted the truth, tasted of the power of heaven to come and everything, has seen the revelation of the Deity, jubilated, but after, he strays away and joins the children of Cain, tell Me what you will do to bring that person back to Christ again.
  41. The Bible said it is absolutely impossible, for the dog has gone back to its vomit.
  42. Romans 1:28-32, The Message Bible. 28-32Since they didn’t bother to acknowledge God,… Since they did not bother to acknowledge God which is the truth; …God quit bothering them and let them run loose.
  43. God does not bother them again. God does not trouble them again. God set them at liberty.
  44. When God quits [Q-U-I-T-S] bothering you– because a wicked fellow who is not ready to change is very very allergic to the Word of God. The person is easily irritated by the Word of God. The fellow will not confess it with his or her own mouth, but by the person’s attitude, you will know that this person is not comfortable with the truth.
  45. Why? The fellow has his eyes and heart somewhere. He is desiring a type of lifestyle which he has not tasted.
  46. That is why I am reminding Ekemma’s child the words of the maternal grandfather, which put the child into trouble when they were in Saint Mark.
  47. She is a married woman. Her father said that Emma has never given him money since he married her and that she should go and make money for he [Ekemma’s father] needs money.
  48. Is it not in tapes? Do you not know about this matter? Everybody is moping at Me as if I am talking about something else. Do you not have this information in the Sermon Books? Is there anything pertaining to Emma Agu and his family that is not contained in the Sermon Books?
  49. Is there anything pertaining to Shadrack Onah and his family, and how he found a wife who happens to be the mother of this Chika here that are not all in the Sermon Books? Is Shadrack dead? Is his wife dead? Were all these things not revealed before them? Was there anytime they came out to declare that these things were lies?
  50. That is how you know the truth. That accusation you present before someone while he or she is still alive is for the person to confirm it to be truth or contest and refute it, and then present the correct version.
  51. And you were there to hear the person who was accused testify that the accusation is pure truth and even explain how it all happened. But when this matter is being relayed to you, it will sound like story to you.
  52. Hear Me very well. If God is against you, it is because you, first of all, turned yourself against God by rejecting the truth. By setting truth aside, you have turned yourself– you have made yourself an open enemy to God.
  53. Hear Me very well. The only way God can redeem you is when you, as an individual, have not desired to continue in evil. A child of God does not continue in evil for the seed of God abideth in that child of God.
  54. Since they didn’t bother to acknowledge God, God quit bothering them and let them run loose. God let them loose to go and behave and do as they wish. If you know that thing which you want to do, go ahead and do it. If you know the way it is in your heart, go and do it.
  55. And then all hell broke loose:… What? And then all hell broke loose:…
  56. Do you know what it takes for hell to break loose upon somebody? Hell breaks loose. The person is now Satan himself walking on the face of the earth. The person becomes unprofitable in all things. Useless!
  57. This is especially the fate of one in whom God has lost interest and abandoned. Hell is let loose on that person. The devil uses the person the way he wants. What I am telling you is the truth.
  58. There is a Message God gave us, “DO NOT IN ANY WAY PLACE YOURSELF WHERE GOD WILL ASK YOU WHY”.
  59. Many do not believe in the omnipresence of God. They do not believe in the omniscience of God. Neither do they believe in His omnipotence.
  60. That Personality who can query Balaam, “Who are these people you are harbouring in your house this midnight, Balaam?” His visitors did not hear the Voice, but Balaam heard it.
  61. That is how God relates with every child of God. You will hear the Voice others cannot hear. You will equally see what others cannot see. And that is, if you are a child of God.
  62. If the fellow is a wise and understanding fellow, he will gently and without attracting any attention, bolt away and escape from there because he has been caught there. He will be shown the thing and he will see it.
  63. He [God] will ask you, “This front seat of a car which you are comfortably occupying, where are they carrying you to? These people you joined in that vehicle, seated in front with your seat belt on– this chewing gum in your mouth and the heavy paintings on your face, were you doing all these things before? All these things you know you were not doing before God, why are you now decorating yourself before these people? Who are they?”
  64. What will be your answer? What will be your answer?
  65. Anybody who is found before the shrine of an idol, what is the fellow doing? One who is eating of the sacrifice presented to an idol even in the shrine, what is the fellow doing?
  66. If the fellow is asked, “Who are these people? What are you doing?”, what will he say? What are you doing in that place? What are these people doing here? What are you holding in your hand? What do you have in your mouth? How about the drink in your hand?

Let Me just tell you one thing. If you are a seed of God, watch your steps. Watch over your steps. Watch over the step you are taking, for every step you are taking is leading you somewhere.It is reducing the distance between where you were and where you are heading to. If that step is heading to destruction, the more you take further steps, the nearer you are to your destruction. Am I making sense?


BE STRONG IN THE LORD & IN THE POWER OF HIS MIGHT Vol. 1: Preached on Sunday 18th April 2021 at the Voice of God Studio, Nsugbe, Nigeria; Pg. 163 vs. 60-61



Romans 1:28-32, The Message Bible.28-32Since they didn’t bother to acknowledge God, God quit bothering them and let them run loose. God quit bothering them and let them loose to behave the way they wish.

  1. And then all hell broke loose:… All hell broke loose upon them. …rampant evil, grabbing and grasping, vicious backstabbing. Brethren, is it a lie?
  2. As they are grabbing, so they are grasping. Robbery and everything is abundantly found among them. When nobody is looking he will steal a handset and put inside his pocket. When nobody is looking, whatever she grabs, she hides away even in her pant or tight.
  3. Nobody indulges in this type of stealing more than people that attend ceremonies where they find evil doers like themselves.
  4. If your handset goes missing, do you go to the main market to look for it. It got missing in your midst. All that are happening are happening in your midst because there is no evil among them again.
  5. Rampant evil, grabbing and grasping because hell has broken loose upon the individual. Nobody can check the person’s excesses anymore. Army of evil desire will fill his head and his heart. He cannot condemn anything again.
  6. …rampant evil, grabbing and grasping, vicious backstabbing.
  7. Brethren, is this not the reason why they are killing themselves? Is it not. Do you know what it takes to be vicious. It means to be deadly. Do you know what it takes to backstab? Do you not know what it is? Is it not the reason for putting poisons in people’s drinks, fruits juices and everywhere?
  8. With any little opportunity your girlfriend who you brought in will kill you. The same way the ladies are killing their fellow women. The women are killing the men and the men are equally killing the women because hell has broken loose upon them.
  9. They made life hell on earth with their envy, wanton killing, bickering, and cheating. Look at them: mean-spirited,… Mean-spirited human beings. Useless human beings. Very mean.
  10. …venomous,… They have become venomous. I hope you know what venom is. Poisonous! Poisonous!
  11. …fork-tongued God-bashers. Are we talking about this one again? Bullies, swaggerers,…
  12. So this swaggering did not start today. They now pull up their trousers with their hands while moving because they do not wear belt any longer. They even clutch their private parts as they move along.
  13. The females now move about naked with their sleeveless tops. Some even go about on the streets with their swimming dresses.
  14. You saw those ones who came out with their swim dress [pant and bra]. This was the outfit they wanted to have on while going outside the hotel to buy somethings. Two girls went out that way and bought whatever they wanted wrapped in a waterproof bag, and they came back that same way.
  15. Initially, they came out naked, but their members urged them to wear something at least. The ladies protested asking, “Does it matter?” the others insisted, “Please put on something.”
  16. They now put on their pants and bra and the others were satisfied and then encouraged them to go that way.
  17. Is this person a human being? You can imagine the distance from where they came out to the place where they went to buy something at Emmanuel Lodge. Shamelessly, they walked back the same distance with their package.
  18. …fork-tongued God-bashers. … When you ask that person, “But there is a church you attend.” Before you will finish that one he will deny the church and tell you, “I am not the one. I am not the one you saw. How can I be that stupid? How can I worship God from my childhood? How can I join old men and women in worshipping God when I am still young?
  19. But he will not worship God in his youth. He can even die in his youth. Does death not kill the youth also? He has learnt every evil in his youth believing that when he gets old, he will come out of all those evils. How many people escaped from evil in their old age?
  20. I am using this person’s mother as an example. I have the boldness to talk about the family because the mother was married with My sweat. My money was used in marrying her. Till today, the father never put in one naira. Everything was done with My money. Post-natal care when this child was born was undertaken by Myself and My wife.
  21. When something happens, I learn from that, but do you learn from your experiences?
  22. All these characters God is explaining here, were you the person they saw and documented them? Was it written now that you came into this world? Was it not here before you came into this world? Do you know that you can fulfill all.
  23. As you are fulfilling them, so you will know where you came from and know that you are wasting your time calling upon the Name of God.
  24. It is not following God that matters. It is in making sure that God knows you are following Him.
  25. You can follow God for many things o. You can follow God for many reasons other than eternal life.
  26. Only those who are following God for eternal life are the sons and daughters of God. the rest are children of men. the rest are children of men who must be destroyed in the end.
  27. Is there any human being that is created who is not benefitting from God whether the person is righteous or wicked? Is there anybody who does not benefit from God?
  28. Bullies, swaggerers, insufferable windbags! They keep inventing new ways of wrecking lives.
  29. They keep inventing new ways of wrecking human being’s lives. To wreck up your life is very easy. To wreck up human lives, they keep on inventing new, new, new, new, new, new ones. They are never tired.
  30. Brethren, are you not witnessing all these things that are being noised abroad. Even if you do not recount the ones you read from the books, do you not see those ones that are happening right in front of you here.
  31. Ways of wrecking human lives. If they invent one and it fails, they will invent another one. There is no new year when there will not be new inventions of evil. There must be new inventions.
  32. Is next year not 2024? If we come into 2024 alive, you must witness another spate of crime. There will always be something that is called social crimes. And that is the worst.
  33. Social crimes. That is the crime that one person can be perpetrating right inside his house. One person can indulge in it alone. It can also take two persons to perpetrate it. Social crimes.
  34. Take a look at your social media. Is that not the window? Brethren, is it not a window. Window is made for display. They perfect it and advertise it so that people will know about it, knowing that there must be patronage.
  35. There is no evil that is advertised which people will not patronize. Ungodly men!
  36. They ditch their parents when they get in the way. Sure!!! Can you not see what is happening in the house of Philip Onovo with his daughter? I used it as a reference while talking to her twin sister and the father said that he spoke to her in the same vein.
  37. This is because I know the direction which this one is about to go now, “How can my twin sister have up to three children and I am empty handed. It is not as if I am married.”
  38. Before you know it, because she does not know that her own experience as one that saw evil and refused to flee from evil and decides to go ahead to perpetrate it, her own will be worse. She does not know that her own will lead to her death.
  39. Her twin sister went that way but has remained alive. She saw it but instead she is not taking correction. If she goes in that direction, she will never come back alive. You will be finally taken because you saw it, condemned it, but you turned to head in that same direction.
  40. Stupid, slimy,… [S-L-I-M-Y] You see such fellow moving harmlessly. They look harmless and craftily sneak away. You will never know that he or she is the perpetrator.
  41. …cruel, cold-blooded. Do you not hear that there was a cold-blooded murder? Do you not hear it? It emanates from among these people. They are involved in robbery. In the process they can kill someone and use a bucket to fetch the blood of their victim.
  42. They then pour the blood into the water cistern toilet and flush the blood down the soak-away drainage so that there will not be any trace of the victim’s blood.
  43. They will then harvest the organs of interest from the victim’s body and take the parts away wrapped tightly in a combination of water-proof and jute bags and hid it in the booth of their vehicle.
  44. In the night, they will carry the remain of their victim and dump it wherever they wish. Search will be going on to trace the victim but there will not be any trace of him or her. You will not see the person in the police station. Neither will you see the person along the road. Little will you know that the person was a victim of a cold-blooded murder that took place in the house.
  45. Some will use something to gag the mouth of their victim. Others may blindfold their victims. These persons [assailants] will kidnap their fellow human being, man or woman and rip the body open.
  46. It is just like the one that is reigning now. It will take a fool to fall victim of their ploy. Organ harvesting! Whether man or woman, they can kidnap.
  47. In organ harvest, the victim will be alive, but gagged and blindfolded. He will be injected and the organs will be harvested. Immediately, it is transferred to the freezer, packaged and mailed.
  48. The buyers are around. They collect it immediately. Their millions are already in their pockets in their bank account before the organ harvesting.
  49. The next place you are going to see the victim is where he or she was buried in a shallow grave because no victim of this organ harvesting survives it judging by the crude way they carry it out inside their houses today. They call it organ harvest.
  50. Is it not the business with which this boy they call Steven used to make a movie? Was it here with us before now? Did you not see it? That thing which they are criticizing has come to stay with us. Organ harvest.
  51. A man is kidnapped now and they collect his two testes. They will seize him and harvest them while he is still alive. I mean his testicles. The collectors are around.
  52. This is perpetrated by the same people. Cold-blooded human beings.
  53. …stupid, slimy, cruel, cold-blooded. And it’s not as if they don’t know better.It is not that they do not know better. It is not that they do not know that what they are doing is wrong.
  54. They know perfectly well they’re spitting in God’s face. They know that with what they are doing, as evil men, they are spitting on God’s face.
  55. They all know that what they are doing is direct mockery to God and spitting on His face. They know that very well. There is no evil fellow that does not know what he or she is doing. There is no evil fellow that does not know whether what he is doing is good or bad.
  56. Andthey don’t careBrethren, is this not an abomination? They do not care. It does not mean anything to them. “God will talk. After that He will close his mouth. Am I sharing my life with Him. If I go to hell, am I going with Him. Let Him go to His Heaven!”
  57. Andthey don’t care—worse, they hand out prizes to those who do the worst things best!
  58. What? Worse! They do what? The perpetrators are rewarded with prizes from them. They spray money on them. Do you not see them? They spray money with both left and right hands while those that are picking the money are picking.
  59. Where is it taking place? Instead of getting out of it, they are handing out gifts and prizes to those who are excelling in that evil, and also hailing them. They are all popular. They all have big big names they are known for. The city owners. Everybody wants to be a part of the city owners—the pillars, “We have arrived. We own the city.”
  60. If you know all that you are doing and what you are thinking and where you are heading to, they had already been documented ahead of time. Before your parents ever came into this world, God had already documented the characters that shall be seen among those that know not God and those who tasted the truth. That is what we are treating.
  61. One who tasted the truth, knew the truth, but afterwards went away and headed for that thing which he knew that he should not get himself involved in and that he should not even go there. He knows about it perfectly well.
  62. They know perfectly well they’re spitting in God’s face. A human being that was created by God is spitting on God’s face. God forbid! That is what an evil man does.
  63. And they don’t care—worse, they hand out prizes to those who do the worst things best!
  64. I want a situation when after here, everyone should be sober and quiet, taking a look at this thing.