BE SURE YOU ARE NOT AN ANTI-CHRIST AND YOU KNOW IT NOT VOL 2 Preached ON Tuesday Morning, 19th December, 2023 AT THE VOICE OF GOD STUDIO Bridal Lodge, Nsugbe Anambra State, Nigeria BY Apostle Peter Odoemena THE SON OF MAN The LORD God Almighty

Transcribed by Bishop David Mbah, Students’ Fellowship, MOUAU, Abia State



Look at that Titus Chapter 1.

[The LORD reacted to a disturbing and persistent phone call] This man will not let Me rest. When I gave him cartons of My own products, did I disturb him?

  1. Go and discuss with him o. Tell him that we are not coming to collect the goods. He is the one to bring them to us. Good. And we are not receiving the product for the purpose of supply. Make sure you tell him ahead of time. Good.
  2. He packed his own inside his shop and three cartons got expired and he returned them to Me. When I supplied him My own products, did I disturb him? He sold only eight packets, and I still retrieved the rest. The other woman sold six.
  3. I retrieved the remnants and single-handedly sold all of them before the time. His own stock was about being exhausted and he pleaded that I should just take three cartons. I helped him.
  4. This is just one product that has not been proved to be effective or not. There is no feedback from any of the persons to whom we had dispensed it.
  5. The fast-moving products are only those whose efficacy have been proved. But this is a product that you know is rare. We have not proved it. There is no patient who has given us a feed back that it is effective. How can I courageously give it to somebody with authority?
  6. That is why we collected only six and then paid him to experiment. That is why he is disturbing Me that I should collect three carton and help in the distribution. Please, let Me be.
  7. Titus Chapter 1 from verse 1, The Message Bible. 1-4I, Paul, am God’s slave and Christ’s agent for promoting the faith among God’s chosen people,… [being an Apostle of Christ]
  8. …getting out the accurate Word on God and how to respond rightly to it. And how to respond rightly to the revealed Word of God.
  9. My aim is to raise hopesMy aim is what? …to raise hopes… My aim is what? …to raise hopes by pointing the way to life without end. Eternal life!
  10. This is the life God promised long ago—and he doesn’t break promises! This is life God promised we should live long long time ago when He made the promise. And He does not change His promise.
  11. Titus 1:1-2. Living Bible. From: Paul, the slave of God and the messenger of Jesus Christ.
    I have been sent to bring faith to those God has chosen and to teach them to know God’s truth—the kind of truth that changes lives—so that they can have eternal life,
    [Period!] which God promised them before the world began— [Amen!!!] and he cannot lie.
  12. Is there any truth greater than this? All that we have been reading here, were they written today? So you that love places of evil, you love the evil people, you promote evil people, instead of condemning them, you are giving them gifts. You dash [freely give] them one thing or the other, know it that anybody who is promoting evil, is he or she promoting the spreading of the Gospel of Christ? You cannot promote evil and promote godliness.
  13. The assignment I want us to give to ourselves is to go back and take a second look at these places we have read. Let us look at Romans Chapter 1 from verse 1 to 32 so that we can see where we are guilty. I want us to see what is called army of evil desires saturating the heart of a hypocrite.
  14. I know that with many people, the only evil they know is that of the pope and that of the archbishop of Canterbury. He has signed into law and blessed gay marriage. Do you not know that gay marriage is one out of the numerous evils?
  15. Who is the antichrist among us? Is it not one who is walking contrary to the truth? Who is spitting on Christ’s face? Is it not the antichrist? How many antichrists are in our midst? Every hypocrite is an antichrist subject to extermination by the Almighty God.
  16. My duty is to promote the Gospel of Christ, the Gospel of truth so that believers will have the hope of eternal life. Anywhere you are going, it is either you are promoting Christ or you are promoting the devil.
  17. Find out where your affections are leading you everyday. See the army of evil desires in you while you rant and castigate the pope, “God will surely deal with the anti-Christ.” You are the anti-Christ.
  18. If you go to the Book of 1st John, he said that too many antichrists have gone on into the world already. And yet, the world knew it not.
  19. References: 1 John 2:18-19, KJV. 18Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. 19They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
  20. 1 John 2:18-19, TLB. 18Dear children, this world’s last hour has come. You have heard about the Antichrist who is coming—the one who is against Christ—and already many such persons have appeared. This makes us all the more certain that the end of the world is near. 19These “against -Christ” people used to be members of our churches, but they never really belonged with us or else they would have stayed. When they left us it proved that they were not of us at all.
  21. 1 John 2:18-19, MSG. 19Children, time is just about up. you heard that Antichrist is coming. Well, they’re all over the place, antichrists everywhere you look. That’s how we know that we’re close to the end. 19They left us, but they were never really with us. If they had been, they would have stuck it out with us, loyal to the end. In leaving, they showed their true colours, showed they never did belong.
  22. People are thinking that there is one man who when he will come out just like pope Francis said that he is a Jesuit and the antichrist. Then yes! I am happy with him. The son of man will remain happy with him for acknowledging it and making it public so that those who think they are holier than him will have a rethink.
  23. Have you escaped from all these evils? Rampant evils? Have you escaped from them? No man escapes from evils until he escapes from the desires of evil.
  24. Take a look at the Book of James. Give me Good News Bible. I am not here to preach. Give Me Good News Bible. Let us see how evil comes into a man. It comes in through your army of desires. Is there no Good News Bible here? Evil desires that are at work. Check Temptation as subheading.
  25. James 4:1, The Message Bible. Where do you think all these appalling wars and quarrel come from? Do you think they just happen? Think again. They come about because you want your own way, and fight for it deep inside yourselVES.
  26. You do what? You fight for it deep inside yourself. It is a struggle. You fight for it through your desires—army of evil desires warring in you. There is something you want to be in life. Yes! That thing which you want to be, is it what God wants you to be? That thing you want to be, is that what God wants you to be?
  27. [That same phone call came again and the LORD replied him, “Sir, please we are in a meeting.”] This man must be a catholic. A drunkard.
  28. James 4:1, The Message Bible. Where do you think all these appalling wars and quarrel come from? Do you think they just happen?
  29. What we are considering is greater than money. I know that if he gives Me the three cartons or two, I will make profit, but the greatest profit is My soul. I hope you are hearing Me.
  30. What will it profit a man if he will gain the whole world and lose his soul to the devil—to hell.
  31. Even if I do not work, I will eat, for God knows how to supply all My needs. My desire is to fulfill My Commission. I am through with My nuclear Family but I am not through with any of you.
  32. You are all heading to destruction for you are insincere to yourselves.
  33. The Cloud is here this morning. I say, the Cloud is here this morning because I never slept last night. I was moving about and I caught all of you in wrong doings. I caught all of you here in wrong doings. No exemption.
  34. James 4:1, The Message Bible. Where do you think all these appalling wars and quarrel come from? Do you think they just happen? Do they come about or happen just like that? No!
  35. Think again. They come about because you want your own way, and fight for it deep inside yourselVES.
  36. You want to have your way. And it becomes a struggle deep inside you. You will be struggling with yourself deep inside your heart. When you want to win, your desire will be struggling to win you. God and Satan are fighting inside you.
  37. You lust for what you don’t haveYou hunger for that which you do not have …and are willing to kill to get it. For that reason, you are willing to do what? Kill and to do everything, “After all, I am not the only one involved in it”, to make sure you get it.
  38. Is that not what leads to all vices? Is that not what leads to all forms of prostitution? Is that not what leads to manslaughter, murder, backstabbing and all these evils? They are all caused by one thing: Departure from the presence of God. Departure from the Spirit of truth.
  39. Then, hell is broken loose. The devil has gotten that which he is looking for concerning you.
  40. You want what isn’t yours and will risk violence to get your hands on it.
  41. Violence is not only in killing somebody. You will violate the Word of God which is the greatest act of violence. You violate the Word of God. Then you begin to violate your fellow human beings. You begin to violate even the rule of life. Violation!
  42. Go and look for the meaning of violation in your dictionaries. Meaning of violation.
  43. You violate even your wife and violate your children and violate every kind of persons. We have domestic violence. Is it a lie Brethren?
  44. Violence is violence. Violation is violation. Is the breaking of the Word of God not violation of the Word of God? Is it not? Then disrespect, no respect for human form of living, is it not violation? No respect for human rights and privileges, is it not violation? Many violate their parents.
  45. You can equally violate yourself. When you go against your own principle, have you not violated yourself? You can violate your vows and violate your covenant with God. You can violate your agreement with one another.
  46. That is what makes you truce breakers, agreement breakers, covenant breakers.
  47. 2-3You wouldn’t think of just asking God for it, would you? And why not? Because you know you’d be asking for what you have no right to.
  48. You know you are asking for what you have no right to. Yes!
  49. You are spoilt children. You are what? …spoilt children. Can there be spoilt children? Just think of when God looked at people like this and called them spoilt children. Tell Me how God will accommodate spoilt children.
  50. Tomorrow, you will think that your parents are the ones that are spoiling you. See how you are making yourself far worse than what you claim your parents did to you.
  51. How can God label Me a spoilt child and I will be happy? How can I be happy that the Almighty God who created me called me a spoilt child—an incorrigible child, a heartless fellow, a cold-blooded human being, a spoilt human being? God forbid!
  52. 2-3You wouldn’t think of just asking God for it, would you? And why not? Because you know you’d be asking for what you have no right to. You do not have right to it. You are spoilt children, each wanting your own way. Each wanting his or her own way.
  53. You are cheating on God. You are doing what? …cheating on God. Brethren, the matter is finished. You are cheating on God. Can that person go scot-free? Can that person go scot-free? Because you have known the truth.
  54. If all you want is your own way, flirting with the world every chance you get… Flirting! Flirting! F-L-I-R-T-I-N-G. Flirting with the world at every chance you get. Just because we are in the Christmas season, has it not started? Have you not seen people flirting with the world?
  55. The person will tell you that he or she was given a contract to cook for them. Who are you cooking for? What ceremony is that? They contracted me to bake a cake and deliver to them.
  56. Was it just to bake and deliver the cake? Did you not partake in the eating of the cake? Did you not accompany it with dancing? Did you not give a talk about your cake? Did you deliver this cake and they did not spray money on you there? Did you deliver the cake and they never placed their hands around your shoulder and your waist? Did you bake the cake and did not enter a vehicle which you did not purchase?
  57. You will still collect complimentary cards which now turns out to be contacts. There is no way you will do that business without exchanging contacts and fail to promise exchanging visits. Brethren, is there truth in it?
  58. Only a true Seed of God will acknowledge the truth. That is what I am telling you.
  59. There is no way somebody will enter the river and come out with dry feet. If the feet are not covered with water, they will be covered with sand. It is impossible for you to step into the river and come out the same. If your legs are not covered with water, they must surely be covered with sand. Brethren, is there truth in it?
  60. Whatever we have heard this morning, this is the best God is giving to us.



James 4 from verse 4, MSG. 4-6You are cheating on God. If all you want is your own way, flirting with the world every chance you get, [Opportunity] you end up enemies of God and His way.

  1. All you know is the pope. Pope endorsed gay marriage. The archbishop of Canterbury has endorsed gay marriage. Everywhere gay marriage, gay marriage.
  2. Pope is the antichrist, but he has produced trillions of antichrists. There were antichrists before he was born, but I love him. I love his vocal statements that he is the antichrist. I love and appreciate it for acknowledging himself, acknowledging what he is doing and doing it publicly.
  3. You that are doing your own secretly, are you not worse than the pope? That is why we have to be very careful that after criticizing people, we do not fall victim of the same thing or become worse than the people we are criticizing.
  4. So when you want to criticize evil, be sure you have escaped from that evil. You have no right to criticize the evil of which you are a partaker. You are partaking of the evil. You are not only partaking. You are reaping the reward. You are benefitting from the reward. Your family is benefitting.
  5. The Bible calls it gains of unrighteousness. A reward you get from evil practice is a reward devoid of righteousness. Do not ever associate God with it. Do not mention God there. Is it not what is causing the trouble? Is that not the cause of the trouble?
  6. Is it not a simple letter I wrote and posted, rejecting the way they handled the so-called birthday? It has generated strife. It has generated calling Me names. What is that thing that will be done so that THE SON OF MAN will be happy?
  7. That goes to show you do not know Me. That goes to show you do not know Me.
  8. That I rejected the money you gave to Me for I do not like the way the money came, did I commit abomination? There is nothing that can be done and Daddy will thank the people that did it. Yes! There is something you will do and I will thank and praise you.
  9. All those things do not get My head swollen. Rather, simple simple things; minor minor things you may not even value that are done with pure hearts.
  10. But these ones you are doing to exude your flamboyance and your wealth to the negation of the truth, some of them might be stolen money. Then you want to use it to come and please THE SON OF MAN. There is no way. There is no way you can get through. You can never get through.
  11. Were you the first person to attempt it? Have you ever been following My testimonies. I have seen such things in the past. And I am still seeing them till today.
  12. If I could not compromise it when I was coming up, when I will say I was very poor, though I was never poor, for I was still struggling, is it now that I will compromise?
  13. If I am poor today, this Faith impoverished Me through the bearing of the burdens of the Brethren. Even if we take as an example this situation where you are here with Me, how many persons are here? Do you know how much I spend on you to make sure you eat, you drink and you feel comfortable on a daily basis?
  14. When I am spending from My pocket, is the money coming back to My pocket again? Only God knows how He is replenishing it.
  15. Am I doing it because I am the wealthiest? No! I do not even know when I am doing it. To Me, it is not a burden. To Me, it is My way of life because I am used to living with too many people.
  16. I run a big Family. The biggest of all families. This time around, I am running a family composed of all adults, and no longer infants. Is it not true?
  17. And I have come to realize that it is better to run a family of infants than to run a family of adults. Infants are better preferred to adults.
  18. I now begin to see why Jesus said, “Unless you make yourself like these little children, you will never smell the Kingdom of Heaven.” Unless you behave yourselves like infants, possessing infants Faith. Adult faith is very destructive because it is filled with army of evil desires.
  19. And when you see the fellow pass by, you will think that he or she is holy, walking holy-holy, slimy-slimy, pretending to be harmless, but if you are told what the person did in secret, you can never believe it. If what the fellow is harbouring in his or her heart is revealed to you, you can never believe it.
  20. A green snake in a green grass. Very quiet, but you will never know that it is very harmful and very venomous.
  21. 4-6 You’re cheating on God. If all you want is your own way, flirting with the world every chance you get, you end up enemies of God and his way. And do you suppose God doesn’t care? Do you think God does not care?
  22. The proverb has it that “he’s a fiercely jealous lover.” Sure!!! He will consume you in the anger of His jealousy. He introduced Himself to Israel, “Only Me shall you worship of all the gods. Remember I am a jealous God. Thou shall not have any other god besides Me.”
  23. But today, the interpretation is, “We will worship God. We are also worshipping those things.”
  24. And do you suppose God doesn’t care? The proverb has it that “he’s a fiercely jealous lover.” And what he gives in love is far better than anything else you’ll find.
  25. It’s common knowledge that “God goes against the willful proud; God gives grace to the willing humble.”
  26. 7-10 So let God work his will in you. Is it not the matter at stake? There is a verse I am looking for. And that is “Where does this army of evil desire come from?”
  27. James 4 from verse 1, TLB. 1What is causing the quarrels and fights among you? Isn’t it because there is a whole army of evil desires within you? Sure!!!
  28. I have gotten what I was looking for. A whole army of evil desires. A brigade of evil desires in a man because he wants to have his way.
  29. Look at Galatians Chapter 6 verse 7 before we go.
  30. For those that are spitting on God’s face and cheating God thinking they are doing well, I really do not know what to say again Brethren. It is all finished this morning.
  31. Galatians 6:7, MSG. 7-8 Don’t be misled: No one makes a fool of God. What a person plants, he will harvest. What any man plants, he will harvest.
  32. The person who plants selfishness, ignoring the needs of others—ignoring God!—harvests a crop of weeds. All he’ll have to show for his life is weeds!
  33. But the one who plants in response to God, letting God’s Spirit do the growth work in him, harvests a crop of real life, eternal life.
  34. The choice is yours to enjoy the world and perish with the world. Far be it from Me if I should withhold the truth from you. The Psalmist asked a question, “Where will I hide myself and the LORD God Almighty will not find me?”
  35. There is no secret place God does not penetrate. Is there any secret place before God? All things are naked unto God Whom we are having dealings with.
  36. Believe it if you can. There is no place you will hide and do evil and God will not find you there. There is no place you will stay and do good and God will not find you there.
  37. Run to the heavens, He is there. Run to the deepest ocean, He is there. Run to the valley of valleys, He is there. Even in the deepest valley, His hand will bring you out.
  38. Darkness before God is like bright day. Have you not read it? For that reason, everything is wide open to Him Whom we are having dealings with. And that is the LORD God Almighty. Is it not Bible? Is it not Scriptural? Everything is naked and wide open to the Almighty God Whom we are having dealings with.
  39. REFERENCES: [1] Psalms 139:7-12, NIV. 7Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? 8If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. 9If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, 10even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.
    11If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” 12even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.
  40. [2] Hebrews 4:13, KJV. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.
  41. Look at Hebrews 12 verse 4, TLB. After all, you have never yet struggled against sin and temptation until you sweat great drops of blood.
  42. Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.
  43. 4-11 In this all-out match against sin, others have suffered far worse than you, to say nothing of what Jesus went through—all that bloodshed! So don’t feel sorry for yourselves. Or have you forgotten how good parents treat children, and that God regards you as his children? …
  44. You have not yet struggled and fought agonizingly against sin, nor have you yet resisted and withstood to the point of pouring out your [own] blood.
  45. Brethren, is there truth there? Who has ever struggled [resisting] here, vowed to the binding of your soul, “Instead of getting involved in anything that will make me miss eternal life in Paradise or indulge in anything that will bring down the wrath of God to me, let me die this morning.”
  46. That is why God protects his own. Whoever among His own He inspects thoroughly and discovers that there is something coming ahead which may likely take the person out of the Faith, for God knows the person’s inadequacies, He [God] will parcel the person home ahead of time. Is it not so? This is so that the person will not be defiled.
  47. What are we benefitting from? Hebrews 4:12, MSG. 12-13 God means what he says. What he says goes. His powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon’s scalpel, cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense,…
  48. Whether doubt or defense, it will cut it through. …laying us open to listen and obey. Laying all of us open to listen and obey. Nothing and no one is impervious to God’s Word. We can’t get away from it—no matter what.
  49. You can never get away from it, no matter what. That is why the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, but fools have concluded that there is no God. What are they doing before God. They spit at His face. They spit at God’s face. “He thinks we are with Him.”
  50. “We know what we are looking for. Let us keep playing Him But you do not know that God is in possession of all those things you are saying in your heart.. We will show him wonders. We will do this and that.”
  51. Just look at what a human being is harbouring in his or her heart, that he will steal from God. You indulge in all kinds of evil practices and claim that you will show God wonders. You are cheating on God.
  52. “And He thinks that we are with Him. We are mindful of what we are doing. How can someone in this same world we are in just believe in this man like that?”
  53. There is no thought that comes up in your mind which God does not capture. It is common among men.
  54. So, be it known to you that this day– note it very well. Today is 19th of December 2023. The LORD has given you your result sheets. I say the LORD has given you your result sheets. Thank you and let us pray.
  55. Go to your scoreboard and know what your score is. Weigh yourself in the balance and know your weight before God.
  56. Do not just jump into praying. Have a second look into your life, into your hearts and into your ways. Find out whether you are justified before God now. Find out whether you are that antichrist. Find out whether you are one of them.
  57. The Bible said that many of them have gone forth into the world, who put on the cloak of religion pretending to be good, but they are evil.
  58. They condemn people that are better than them simply because they are in the Bride of Christ Ministry. For that reason, every other person is evil as if Bride of Christ will save you.
  59. Christ will never save you if you are a spoilt child before Him. The moment God has labeled you a reject, a spoilt child, cry for yourself from now.



  1. Our Heavenly Father, we will ever remain grateful to You. Till eternity, You will be our God. You will rule over us. You will exercise Your Authority over us.
  2. Each time we come before You, we mirror ourself using Your Word as our standard. We have seen O LORD that we have fallen short of Thy glory. We have fallen short of the standard meant for our salvation.
  3. We have seen [O God] that all these years, we have been deceiving ourselves. We have remained unyielding spiritually and unyielding even physically. We were thinking we were playing fool of You.
  4. We have been cheating You. We have been spitting on Your face. We acknowledge our guilts, for our guilts are naked before us.
  5. We cannot deny that we are not the very antichrists of today. As many [of us this morning] as will acknowledge this truth and confess it fully and depart– depart completely [O God], Father extend Your mercies and salvation to that soul.
  6. I make this solemn request this hour, not only for the sake of those that are here with us, but for all who are called by You and chosen for salvation wherever they may be and have been tricked by the world, by the devil to romance with the world.
  7. They have been flirting with the world. They have been promoting evil in one form or the other. They have been taking delight in reaping the gains of unrighteousness by promoting evil and by endorsing evil even in their families.
  8. Father, as many as have seen the danger inherent in saying no [Father divine] to Your divine Word– as many as have set Your Word aside and continued in evil, [Father] they might not know the implications.
  9. This morning, as many as will have the revelation through the Spoken Word that is made manifest here, and also those in distant lands that will lay hold of this Message this morning, [Father] You need [O God] to bring conversion to their souls.
  10. As many as are really struggling, vowing using the last drop of their blood, if it is what it will take to conquer evil with good deeds, to conquer evil with your enabling help of the knowledge of truth, [Father] give them a helping hand.
  11. May they overcome. May they never perish. Save them the same day you will save the Saints.
  12. All our activities today, we bring before You. Guide, lead, preserve and protect us. Provide for our needs spiritually and physically.
  13. We owe You Father a big THANK YOU this morning, for we have never seen ourselves from this angle. We have been highlighting the very deeds of the pope of Rome, other denominations and people living round about us. Little have we seen ourselves that we are also the offshoots of those people, and that we have not departed from the same evil we are condemning.
  14. Rather, in a very crafty, subtle and slimy way, we have been implementing them, thinking that You are overlooking all. Now we know that You do not overlook anything called evil.
  15. Of a truth LORD, You are what You have been from the very beginning. You have been of a purer eye than to behold iniquity. So it is even today and will remain till eternity, for You are the Lord, our righteousness, the Lord our holiness, the Lord, our perfection. And You seek [O God] perfection from us.
  16. Help us O God today that we will turn our backs against all forms of evils. Help us so that the armies of evil desires in us will stop [O God] this morning. Quench [O God] the force, the pressure they are mounting on our souls. Liberate us O God from the hands of those armies and soldiers of evil.
  17. May we become overcomers today, having exposed all of them and their various ways of operation. Father, help us to escape even where others became victims so that we have a testimony to share to Your own glory of how we overcame.
  18. Bestow upon us that overcoming spirit which You bestowed upon all overcomers from the time of old till this day. Let it be the everlasting portion of Your sons and daughters.
  19. May we never be labeled [O God] spoilt children or accursed children. May that [O God] never be our portion.
  20. From this morning, help us [O God] to effect some drastic changes for the better so that our souls will have rest in Thee, now and throughout eternity. This is our earnest request.
  21. Help us to esteem [O God] this truth here more than pursuing money and the affairs of this world. Father, may we be aloof from all of them. May we always be strongly attached to you.
  22. Give us the willingness to do Your will at all times and not to have our ways. May You never [O God] quit from us. May You never quit [Father] from bothering us. May You never cease from chastising us. May You never quit from correcting us. May You never quit from the work You have initiated in our lives. Remain working in us and through us until Your perfect will concerning us is achieved. Stop at nothing. Relent not.
  23. This is our request which we have presented to You on our behalf and on the behalf of every Elect of God worldwide. Complete this work You have started in righteousness, and take the glory thereof, for to You alone belongeth the victory, the glory, the honour, the praise and adoration from human beings because in You alone belongeth the Divinity. In you alone belongeth the Godhead. In You alone belongeth the Majesty, now and throughout the eternity of eternities.
  24. Answer us, for we have known You, acknowledged You, and now we are living in Your presence. Answer our prayers, for Your Name’s sake we pray. Amen.




Titus Chapter 1 from verse 11, MSG. 10-16For there are a lot of rebels out there,… There are lots and lots of rebels out there. …full of loose, confusing, and deceiving talk. Sure!!!

  1. It is only a fool that can be deceived by foolish talks. Foolish thoughts, deceiving talks, forming unholy alliances and lying because a dying man does not want to die alone. He must surely take someone with him.
  2. Today, what is happening? One who is supposed to help his brother or sister ends up spoiling the person. When a man subscribes to evil ways, he will integrate his biological brother. If a lady gets involved in evil ways, she engages her biological sister also.
  3. Today, biological sisters sleep with a man on the same bed. Is it a lie Brethren? The first daughter in a family is a prostitute and her immediate younger sister is equally a prostitute. When the elder sister is going for business, they will both sling their handbags and go together. Do you not see this thing?
  4. The senior sister is prostituting. The junior sister, the same thing. And they have good agreement. Nobody exposes each other’s faults. They go together. They know where they are heading to. They come back together and pretend that all is well.
  5. Parents pretend to be blind, but they will be reaping the gains of unrighteousness. Nobody queries his children again. How did you come about this or about that? Nobody is willing.
  6. Parents no longer ask their children how they made the money they are holding. Nobody asks his children the question, “How did you get the money you have? How did you get this?” Do parents ask that question again. Who even asks the question, “Who gave you this or that?”
  7. We are living in an era where children of our own days know their relations more than their parents. Is it a lie Brethren? They now know their relations, their relatives more than their fathers and mothers.
  8. “Uncle this” and “Aunty that”. We are living in the age of uncle and aunty. Even people that are from different states, the common description is uncle and aunty. “He is my uncle.” “He is my aunty.” That is the common description today.
  9. Let us be very very careful. Out there, there are too many rebels. People that are rebellious to the truth. They are in the majority among us. 95% of members of this Faith called Bride of Christ are traceable to the Antichrist.
  10. Condemn not the pope or the archbishop of Canterbury. You are the offshoot of those people. They are better preferred to you for they have acknowledged their faith publicly, and then publicize it so that you will know them.
  11. But in your own, you are slimy. You are subtle. You are sneaky. You are crafty. You call it smartness. You think you can outsmart God? You think you can outclever God? Rubbish! Rubbish. Absolutely rubbish!
  12. Titus 1:10-16 10-16For there are a lot of rebels out there, full of loose, confusing, and deceiving talk. These are rebels out there!
  13. Those who were brought up religious and ought to know better are the worst. What? Read it into this magnetic tape. Those who were brought up in a godly way.
  14. Those who were brought up religious and ought to know better are the worst. They are expected to know better than the people of the world. God is saying that they are the worst. They are the worst.
  15. Remember where we were coming from. It is not gay marriage that made the pope the Antichrist. Gay marriage did not make the archbishop of Canterbury Antichrist. No!
  16. You are the Antichrist. By your fruits– by your manifestations, you are the very antichrist. You are condemning the people, that are better than you.
  17. Is the only sin you know gay marriage? Was it because of gay marriage that Adam and Eve were sent out of the Garden of Eden? Every sin is a condemnable act in the sight of God. Let hand join hand, no sinner will go unpunished.
  18. What does it take to be a sinner? How many sins will you commit to be a sinner? To be a sinner means violating God’s Word, violating God’s instructions, deliberately walking contrary to the revealed truth.
  19. When you are living the life of violation of truth, do you not know that human beings are involved? Are you not violating your fellow human beings?
  20. This is because every act of violence affects your fellow human beings. Every evil a man is perpetrating is affecting his fellow human being. Do you believe this to be true? You might be benefitting from it. You call it benefit, but it is unrighteous benefit.
  21. That is why all of you that are splashing money, promoting those that are indulging in those evils, you are equally guilty, reaping the fruits of unrighteousness, welcoming them, storing them, even devising ways of hiding them for those criminals.
  22. Provided your family is favoured, it is not evil. Provided your community is favoured, it is not evil. Is it a lie Brethren? Whatever that favours a man’s family, he justifies. He does not care about the source. He does not care about how God looks at it.
  23. Whatever that can bring financial succour to a family, to a community, do they care again? Do they care again? He that is receiving those things with joy, promoting that person– in many ways, the community honour those people more than the real godly people. Godly people are hardly recognized for such honours.
  24. Watch all of them. Who is not promoting evil now? Who is not promoting evil? It is evil when it is happening in another family, but when it comes to your family, it becomes development.
  25. It is evil because your son is not involved. But any day your son or daughter is involved, it becomes an act of righteousness. True or false?
  26. Better speak this truth and stand by it. Otherwise, hell is open. Armies of evil desires in men and women caused God to quit burdening them and disturbing them with corrections. From bothering them, God quit. And then, hell is let loose upon them. They will reap what they have sown.
  27. If you condemn the pope for one sin, and you have committed over one million, how dare you think you will be justified in the presence of God? How dare you think that way or that God will acquit the wicked. Is it not an act of wickedness to walk contrary to the revealed truth from God?
  28. See the Word of God. It says, “Such people are spitting on God’s face, sneering at Him.” You call it the sin of the last days, but they were documented for your learning, for your warnings and for your admonishments, to stop you from going that way.
  29. These things were documented ahead of time by AD 70 and preserved that we will not perish. But today, what is happening? We have set all of them aside.
  30. Titus 1:10-16. 10-16For there are a lot of rebels out there,… Rebels! People that rebel against the truth. They rebel against everything God’s injunction. Always using every slightest excuse. Every slightest chance they have, they use it to perpetrate evil.
  31. …full of loose, confusing, and deceiving talk. Those who were brought up religious and ought to know better are the worst. Have you not been hearing this from Me? They are greatly found among the Ministers and their families.
  32. An Igbo adage says that,” spots are better on a python. When a python is spotted it is beautiful, but if any other snake develops spots, it becomes an abomination.
  33. Another adage says that,” fart [effluvim flatulate] is better from the king, but if any other person produces the gas, it will no longer be fart.” No matter who farts, what it shall be called remains fart. It is bad. If the king farts it is bad. Even if you who is here farts, it is bad.
  34. There is nobody God has permitted to do evil. If you know that person mention his name whom God said, “I have permitted that person to do evil, for that is pleasing to Me, for I am the Almighty.”
  35. Mention the person. Mention the Messenger. Mention the Age the Messenger appeared and I will tell you it is a silly talk inspired by the devil who is always on the opposing side of God using silly talk, confusing talk and deceiving talk to destabilize you, giving you false interpretations of the Word of God.
  36. Do you need to interpret it? The Word of God interprets the Word of God. Since morning, have we not been reading from one Chapter to another? It has been a little here, a little there; line by line, precept upon precept, with all speaking the same thing.
  37. Any day God begins to justify evil, know that God Himself is evil. Far be it from God to justify evil. He is not in our midst to justify evil but to find fault with evil and to cleanse evil from among His people, for He cannot afford to dwell among unholy people for He is holy. Be ye holy for I the LORD your God am holy.
  38. Find out what it takes to be holy in the sight of God. How many are working with God? How many are walking by the revelation they are receiving from God? How many are obeying His teachings? Everybody is looking for ways of circumventing the teachings.
  39. Those who were brought up religious and ought to know better are the worst. [Yes!] They’ve got to be shut up. They’re disrupting entire families with their teaching, [Fine!!!] and all for the sake of a fast buck. That is their belly—for the sake of making money.
  40. One of their own prophets said it best:
    The Cretans are liars from the womb, barking dogs, lazy bellies. He certainly spoke the truth. Get on them right away.
  41. Stop that diseased talk of Jewish make-believe and made-up rules so they can recover a robust faith. Stop it! Stop it!
  42. People do it so that they can get a robust faith by getting too many converts to themselves. This is because we are living in a world where people cherish lies more than truth and where people love evil more than good.
  43. The moment you begin to give them messages that will favour them, you gain many converts. They choose a robust status. They gain prominence with its evil. And those they are engaging are their like-minded fellows who love and appreciate what they are hearing from them because it is favouring them.
  44. If any Message is from God, the world will not pay attention. There is no way the Word of God will attract the crowd. What attracts the crowd is the word of the world. Every man that is earthly and with an earthly message, the world will go there.
  45. But here where we are, only a few, chosen, selected of old by the Almighty God for eternal life will rally around THE SON OF MAN. The rest will see Him as a primitive, non-progressive element who will like them to be impoverished. Let us be very careful.
  46. See the Christians who wanted to gain prominence using the rules and regulations made by Moses which they were not obeying. Seeing that it was favouring the people, and not that they were obeying, but to subject the people under their rulership, they gained robust faith.
  47. Is that not the reigning thing today? Odoziobodo [reformer]! Yet the nation is not reformed.
  48. He certainly spoke the truth. Get on them right away. Stop that diseased talk of Jewish make-believe and made-up rules…
  49. Jewish make-belief. A make-belief will produce a make-believer. Do we have make-believers? They are the people that are pretending to be good when they are deadly bad.
  50. They make pretenses that they are serving God, but they know that they are serving their bellies. God’s righteousness is too far away from them. They are not even willing to look at the Man God sent to them, talk less of emulating Him. They have not seen anything in Him which they can emulate.
  51. Stop that diseased talk of Jewish make-believe and made-up rules so they can recover a robust faith. Everything is clean to the clean-minded;… Finish! …nothing is clean to dirty-minded unbelievers. Note that! Everything means whatever God approves.
  52. They leave their dirty fingerprints on every thought and act. They say they know God, but their actions speak louder than their words. They’re real creeps, disobedient good-for-nothings.



1 Corinthians 6:12, TLB. [12]I can do anything I want to if Christ has not said no,… I can do anything I want to if Christ has not forbidden it. …but some of these things aren’t good for me. … Amen!

  1. Have I shown you forbidden things from God which the grace of God that bringeth salvation cannot tolerate?
  2. [The LORD speaks to Bro Lucky Eze when he read the wrong portion of the Scripture] I told you that you are discouraging this family. “The grace of God that bringeth salvation has appeared to all men”. I told you that you are discouraging this family. Am I not vindicated?
  3. His mouth has to be stopped. I am only waiting for Wisdom to come down here. Then, I will give him My own version, My own side of My own experience with him.
  4. Nothing is putting him away more than armies of evil desires. No matter how slimy and sneaky he walks or this and that, they are mere pretenses.
  5. Hear Me very well. A wise man, Prophet Noble said, “You cannot remove a man from his desires when his mind is already set to achieving it.” You cannot remove– you cannot stop a man from pursuing the desires his heart has already welcomed and registered. You cannot do that.
  6. When the heart is already fixed to doing evil, who stops it. Was this not the crime in Noah’s day? The hearts of men were set on doing evil continually, and the LORD repented why He created man.
  7. You think human beings have changed. As many as are heading towards destruction, they have made up their minds.
  8. Titus 2:11-12, KJV. For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;
  9. Did it say in another world? Look at the life that is expected of us. This is what the grace of God is all about. It denounces all forms of evil. All forms of wickedness and rebellion which is the greatest form of wickedness with respect to God’s Word, spitting at His face.
  10. Verse 13. looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
  11. Has He not appeared? It was a prophecy that time. Today, look at Him.
  12. Verse 14. Who gave himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity, [Sure!!!] and purify unto himself a peculiar people, [Amen!!!] zealous of good works. [Thank you!] Purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works
  13. Verse 15. These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.
  14. Is this thing he read now crammed in his head? He read what is documented in the Scriptures. Who is trying to distort the truth if not he that is struggling with the truth within.
  15. Oftentimes, what people read is what they have in their brains or their minds and not what is written. Faint of hearts that are not willing to change.
  16. I have given you your result sheets this morning as present members of this Family. I am doing it because it is necessary I do it before those guests will be coming.
  17. My children to Me now are guests. I am the Host. They will be arriving from different states. They are My biological children.
  18. This is so that when they come, they will know who you are. Nobody will complain. They will now begin to see if there will be a way of helping you out.
  19. Otherwise, whenever they come, you normally put on another uniform. You put on a hypocritical dress, giving them the impression that you have been good with the son of man and that they have no reason even to be afraid of you, not knowing that you have remained stiff-necked, hard-hearted, unbending and unyielding to every truth. But the moment you see them, you put on a cloak of righteousness you do not have.
  20. Let your life so shine before men that they might see your good character, your good works from the depth of your hearts, not manufactured one and not made-up righteousness. Let them see you for who you are and have reasons to glorify God. It is not when you see them, you put on a cloak of the Pharisees, but when they go away, your grievous nature will burst out.
  21. The same way, in My presence, you try to adjust a little. But out there, you begin to be another human being which is exactly who you are.
  22. This is the time we should have a full inventory of who we are.
  23. You heard it there. I heard it also when Bro Lucky was saying, “The year is running to an end. Let us go to the reminder.” I then asked, “Is it what you need?” I halted him from the useless Message he introduced only to criticize the pope of being the Antichrist.
  24. But you are the children of the very antichrist. You are the children of the whore. Your real mother is the prostitute. That is the real Jezebel—Babylon. And now, she is fallen. All her daughters and all her sons must be made manifest because now, hell has broken loose.
  25. Nobody here can suppress his or her feelings anymore, for God has injected something into you right now that will force out everything from you—within and without.
  26. If you are from God, the best in you will come out now. If you are of the devil, bet Me, the worst in you will burst out now. I am announcing it so that when it begins to happen, you will remember that I earlier said it.
  27. That is the much I want to say. I am using this last exhortation to say welcome to all of you that have been here. You have been here all the while, but today, you came in when we had concluded. Yet, the Spirit was still bubbling in Me that it is not yet over.
  28. For the sake of this thing bubbling in Me, because I Passed the night with it, I denied and refused blatantly receiving a call to make money. A call to make money this morning.
  29. Why is he calling continuously. I do not need your money. I do not want to make money. If I will not eat, let Me go hungry. But I must eat for God Who feeds the lilies and the fowls of the air has made a wonderful provision for Me which I can never exhaust till the day I will join My ancestors either in Paradise or in the Cave of Shelters, which ever that comes first.
  30. Anybody can be worrying himself, but not Me. I made this vow right from Amazu Oil, “If it takes eating ordinary sand until that great day, instead of polluting Myself because of money, I will eat that sand.”
  31. And the LORD saw My determination. He saw My decision that I never defiled Myself because of money [unrighteous mammon], but instead I resisted it because He tried Me and He proved Me by presenting that money in diverse forms from different individuals and different companies until I was labeled the only Nigerian, the only Igbo man who hates money by a Lebanese who gave Me a cheque.
  32. Instead of hundred naira, the man wrote hundred million. And I was asked to go and bring the police and bullion van. I was surprised. What he wrote was one thousand naira cheque to ACB [African Continental Bank] – a company cheque.
  33. From there, I called the man and asked, “What is wrong with you? Look at what you wrote. You wrote hundred million. What is wrong with you Morat?”
  34. He said, “Ah ah! Foolish man. So you did not read it. Come back! Come back! Come back!” I went back with the accountant to enable him correct the cheque and he said that he is not correcting it again.
  35. He then asked the man whether he had ever seen something like this. He said that I already had the power to use police and billion van and that he would not have even queried Me.
  36. He said, “But I know that Boniface will never try it. I have proved him beyond doubt. Boniface is the only Nigerian and Igbo man I have had an encounter with right from my journey from Kano State to Ibadan and down to the East and he is the only one I have proved that does not have the love of money. I have tried him in different ways.”
  37. I have served people who will do the pricing of everything that we needed in the factories. They will price all, know the prices without My knowledge and then send Me out to go and buy.
  38. On coming back, I will render full account of all I bought and tender the whole receipts.
  39. These are the tricks people use to prove somebody who is covetous who has his eyes on money and not on the development of his place of work so that others can be accommodated.
  40. Money-minded people because of unrighteous mammon soil their hands, wound their consciences, and they have left the Faith. They are nominally sitting down among the Brethren, clapping hands.
  41. That you come among us and come to our Fellowship does not make you a child of God. The more you know the truth, the clearer it becomes to you that you are not obeying. The more the truth is espoused to you, the clearer you will see yourself in the mirror of the Word of God that are not yet near unto salvation from God, for the elementary side of life has not been witnessed in your life.
  42. Even the basic knowledge of Who God is has not been established in your heart, when you are still harbouring the notion that there are things you will do and God will not know, places you will go God will not find you and thoughts in your heart God will not know. Do you know God?
  43. He is the All-knowing God. He is the omnipresent. He is the omnipotent. There is no secret before Him. Where will you hide yourself and then God will not find you out? Does it exist?
  44. It is that fear–it is that fear of who God is to the individual that restrains him from sinning against God. That is the knowledge we harbour in our hearts, “Thy Word have I hidden in my heart that I will not sin against you.”
  45. That is why they call Me a sinner and I said, “Yes! That is because you have an impure heart. If your heart is pure, you will judge Me from the Word of God revealed and not with your conscience that is already seared with a hot iron. Not with your own human perception.”
  46. Was it not what they were using to condemn the LORD Jesus Christ who has already been adjudged holy, righteous and perfect.
  47. So let us be very very careful now that we are at the end. If you do not watch yourself to the extent of raising up your leg and placing the sole of your feet on the mirror the same way you place the palms of your hands to see whether there are some spots there–
  48. Raise your leg and place the sole of your feet before the mirror and check whether there are spots on the sole of your feet. The sole of your feet represents your heart.
  49. Mirror your heart. Mirror your mind. Mirror your brain to see whether there are spots, wrinkles or blemishes God can never overlook.
  50. I do not need to stay longer. I have even over stayed this morning because this is the way I am led.
  51. Is the pope the only antichrist? Is the pope the only antichrist you know?
  52. Title the Message, “BE SURE YOU ARE NOT AN ANTICHRIST, AND YOU KNOW IT NOT”. Be very sure you are not an antichrist, and you know it not.