MEMORY LANE 2024 Edition Part 1 Volume 3 Preached ON Sunday 4th February 2024 AT THE VOICE OF GOD STUDIO Bridal Lodge, Nsugbe Anambra State, Nigeria BY Apostle Peter Odoemena THE SON OF MAN The Ancient of Days

Transcribed by Bishop David Mbah

And their eyes were opened, and they knew Him; and He vanished out of their sight. And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while He talked with us by the way, and while He opened to us the Scriptures?

Luke 24:31-32, King James Version.

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; for He is faithful that promised; and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

Hebrews 10:23-25, King James Version

And I wish to say it loud and clear. “There is no other Messenger that has come from God– no being that has appeared here on earth that has succeeded in carrying the Message of God’s salvation to all the ends of the earth and eyes have seen and believed that God is on the scene.” ……No human being ordained Me. No human being called Me. There was no vote that was cast for Me. Of course, you know more than that. I never assumed to be anything. I just appeared. A Branch that existed without a tree, without a stem. Where He came from, you do not know. Where He is going to, you do not know. You were waiting for the Messiah. Suddenly, He appeared wearing the picture you never knew and became the greatest stumbling block of the Age.


BRIDAL WATCH! ISRAEL AND PALESTINE IN PROPHESY VOL 3; preached on Sunday 6th April 2014 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 109 vs. 28 & Pg. 118 vs. 15 – 17



First and foremost, use your dictionaries in your handsets. Let us see know the meaning of LEGEND. L-E-G-E-N-D.

  1. The Meaning of LEGEND: [1] A story about visible or supernatural being or event
  2. [2] Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary, 10th A very famous person, especially in a particular field, who is admired by other people.
  3. [3] Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary (Cambridge University Press). Someone who is very famous and admired, usually because of an ability in a particular area.
  4. Excerpts from THE MAKING OF A LEGEND; a publication to commemorate the 65thbirthday of Apostle Peter Odoemena, THE SON OF MAN, The Almighty God counting in days, weeks, months and years for the last time.
  5. Page 4, Second Paragraph. “… 21I am going down to see whether these reports are true or not. Then I will know. …”
  6. I am going down Myself. God went for investigation for Himself to see whether the reports were true or false.
  7. He said He was going to Kaduna to the troubled zone to see things for Himself and to be a part of it. Did He go there? By what means? By air!
  8. Where did God take off? He was heading to Abraham’s house, being friends in Haran. Where did He take off from? Did Abraham know His abode? He took off from somewhere.
  9. Then Abraham saw Him near his house. He [Adonai] claimed to be passing by. Was He passing by? He wanted to test Abraham once again to know whether He was still holding on to his conviction of Whom Jehovah Adonai is.
  10. Where did He take off from? Where did He meet with Abraham. Where did Abraham meet Him? He met him very close to his house.
  11. He [Adonai] was passing by, for so He claimed. But He was testing Abraham’s Faith to see whether it was still anchored in that indestructible asylum or whether He lost his conviction of Who Adonai is.
  12. Abraham automatically recognized the Man Who had been guiding, leading and instructing all the while, for God never spoke to him in a dream. He spoke to him face to face and guided him by His own hand.
  13. Are you trying to tell Me that Abraham did not know Who He [Adonai] was? Then when He pretended He was going somewhere else, Abraham persuaded Him to come and, at least, take a glass of water.
  14. You can read that encounter. The Bible said, “God pretended.” Can you imagine God making a pretense? He knew He was hungry. He knew He needed water, for it was a sunny weather.
  15. Even if He did not need it, what of the two persons that were with Him whose names are still unknown? Do you know the names of the two?
  16. Somebody might be saying they were Caleb and Joshua, but was Moses born that time? There could not be Caleb and Joshua without Moses somewhere. Who could be the two, whose names were withheld?
  17. How did Abraham rush to the three and accorded respect to the One at the middle. The One at the middle had two escorts—well-equipped escorts. True or false?
  18. He [Adonai] pretended He was not going in, but Abraham pleaded, “Please let us see if we can find a little cake and then you eat and take a little water.” He [Adonai] replied, “I am not even hungry. I am not complaining of thirst. Thank you very much for your hospitality. I know you to be very hospitable and generous. I have known you over the years My friend.”
  19. Abraham insisted, “If I have found favour in your sight, please do not ever pass by without stepping Your feet into my house.”
  20. That is what Philip is suffering up till this day, for I told Philip, “I am coming to his house. You will lead Me somewhere.” I called the wife and she confessed that she was told that I was coming.
  21. I went with somebody to enable him lead us somewhere. Instead of waiting for us in his house, he went and waited for us on the highway. I called him and he said that he is in one filling station, and that we should come there. I called the wife and she said that she was in the market and that the husband left ahead of time to wait for us at the filling station. I said, “Ok. No problem.”
  22. I do not forget that day. That was the day Bro Chibuko married his wife, and I went with Bro Steven, for he was the one I thought and deemed fit to be with Me in that trip, while I permitted My wife to go to Anam so as to put things in order before I will be there. My wife went to Anam ahead of time while I went to Nnewi.
  23. While we were coming back, we signified interest in going in, at least, to have a glass of water because we were not given a place, for the wedding did not hold due to troubles. Everywhere was in disarray. The pastors and everybody ran away. The Grace of God [Church] could not even officiate.
  24. We signified interest to go in, only for the man who could have had the opportunity to tell us, “Eeh! I do not have the keys. My wife is holding the keys.”I said, “Thank you very much.” I vowed a vow.
  25. The first time I stepped My feet there, I left a memorial—a monument. It is still there till today. And you know the monument.
  26. I was the One that asked, “What do you want Me to do for you, seeing that you are the only first family that has hosted Me this midnight, though we did not go to bed?”
  27. I did not eat. I did not drink. I remain sitting on the chair till day break, but I felt very happy that I was accepted when I came there on emergency that night.
  28. “What will you want Me to do for you, for I must leave something behind.” They looked at themselves—husband and wife. I said, “Okay, since you are all reluctant to tell Me, I know your need. You are blessed with three girls, and your wife, I suspect, is pregnant now. I do not care what is there.”
  29. I said, “Sister, come here.” She came and I placed My hand on her stomach, “Whether man or woman, I confirm the content to be a man. Bro Philip, this will be your first son. And whenever he is born, his name shall be called Chukwumaobim. This will be for a memorial that I stepped My feet into your house.” I left early hours of the morning. He carried Me.
  30. Some months later, the wife delivered a baby boy. He named him Chukwumaobim.
  31. And then, he had another opportunity after many years for us to step in there. Of course, he never knew the implication.
  32. And Okechukwu Nwamkpa, the Bishop, had already handled a Message titled, “WHOEVER THAT RECEIVETH A PROPHET IN THE NAME OF A PROPHET MUST RECEIVE THE PROPHET’S REWARD.”
  33. God has never visited any family in a beggarly way. Most of the families He went, He provided for their needs. Whether He visits in the name of a Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor or Teacher, He must honour something. He must honour His Name.
  34. The Pastor will evoke His Name. He will confirm it, if He is the one that sent the Pastor. So the Pastor will go in His Name. Whatever assurance or promise he makes there, He will honour it.
  35. This is because if you receive whosoever God sends, you have received God who sent him.
  36. If you receive anybody the president designates to visit you, have you not received the president? So it is in your house.
  37. And you have seen in the Message, WE ARE IN DANGER OF BEING CALLED TO QUESTION, the origin of poverty in Onitsha. The genesis of poverty and why Onitsha will remain living from hand to mouth.
  38. Only a few individuals that by revelation discovered the mystery, the secret, only those ones will reap the food thereof. The rest will be observers.
  39. So, what happened? Seeing that he did not accept us, we bypassed. Then what did I do? I commanded him to come down. He said that he would like to follow us, but I insisted, “Come down. If you want to come to Anam, pay for it. Use another vehicle.”
  40. In less than one hour, we were there. We joined in the meeting inside the house before we ever came out to celebrate. I went there and on time. I reached there before people that came from Umuikwu. I had opened discussion before Romanus took his seat. I concluded everything and My wife drove everybody outside and led in the dancing troupe.
  41. I cannot clarify what happened there, but we are still alive because our children are growing, lest we create enmity in their hearts.
  42. If you must share reports and testimonies, do not share that of evil before your children, especially concerning those they know, for if they know, they will never find it easy to mingle with the fruits of that person, for you cannot hate a woman and love the children. Neither will you hate the father and love the wife. True or false?
  43. Let Me stop there. Let us continue with the Message, THE MAKING OF A LEGEND. Who is this Legend? I am the Living Legend.
  44. Our Bishop Fryde Okoh from Enugu wrote, “History will live to quote THE SON OF MAN from generation to generation, if there will be another generation. Even if there is no other in Paradise, the Saints will keep on quoting the son of man, for without Him, nobody is found in Paradise.”
  45. The making of a LegendPage 4, 2nd [20]So the Lord told Abraham, “I have heard that the people of Sodom and Gomorrah are utterly evil, and that everything they do is wicked. [21]I am going down to see whether these reports are true or not. Then I will know.” Genesis 18:20-21, TLB.
  46. Is it not repeating in our own day? Is it not according to Scripture? When I will return, the world will be in this chaotic and useless condition—lawless condition!
  47. Today, human beings eat fellow human beings. Human beings are now cannibals. They use their fellow human beings as sacrifices to make money.They even use their mothers. Human beings can kill their mothers and roast them as suya [beef barbecue] and eat the flesh.
  48. It has happened. It is still happening. Some roast their wives. Some roast their children and eat, just to make money.
  49. People will go as far engaging a woman in marriage, marry, do everything, do a great wedding ceremony—flamboyant wedding, only to use her as sacrifice. So, women are now goats that are purchased for sacrifice. So women, be careful. This is the world we are in.
  50. And because iniquity is now very great on the land, and iniquity has entered all the churches, mosques and everywhere, dominant among the Bible-carriers and Holy Qur’an-carriers. True or false?
  51. For that reason, the love of many for God is now waxing cold. For that reason, God severed us. A hand-picked minority. He hand-picked us and locked us up as He did in the days of Elijah Tishbite when God told the Prophet that He still has His own people who are yet undefiled and who are holding on to the virginity of the Word of God unadulterated, who are holding the Faith of Christ without compromise.
  52. REFERENCE:[1] 1 Kings 19:18, KJV. 7Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him.
  53. [2] Romans 11:2-5, AMP. 2No, God has not rejected and disowned His people [whose destiny] He had marked out and appointed and foreknown from the beginning. Do you not know what the Scripture says of Elijah, how he pleads with God against Israel?
  54. 3Lord, they have killed Your prophets; they have demolished Your altars, and I alone am left, and they seek my life. 4But what is God’s reply to him? I have kept for Myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal!
  55. 5So too at the present time there is a remnant (a small believing minority), selected (chosen) by grace (by God’s unmerited favour and graciousness).
  56. God had them, but they are in a small believing minority. They may be smaller than the number we have here. If you ask Me, “Who are believers here?”, I will number the infants I gave biscuits. Unsuspectingly, they have collected the biscuits, and they are eating joyfully. These are My delight.
  57. May be the essence of telling the parents to come closer is to enable Me save these offspring and not the parents. Yes! If there should be iniquity in these children, their parents have installed it. I said, installed. I do not say teach. Iniquity can be installed, mounted and made permanent in a man.
  58. When you indoctrinate your child from childhood, you have mounted iniquity. You have installed iniquity in the heart of that child to grow thereby.
  59. But when you instruct your children in the ways of righteousness, in the way of the LORD, you have mounted righteousness, right living and faithfulness. Everything about God is mounted in the heart of that child. While the child is growing, he or she will grow thereby Did you get the Message?


I am for salvation to all the ends of the earth in this generation. That is why I promise you nothing but salvation which is eternal life. Just follow Me. Finish! Follow Me, I will empty all of you that believe in Me into paradise. There is no mistake about it. Let Me tell you something. Anywhere I have stepped My feet, even the worst man in that community has always acknowledged in his heart that a strange man has come, a paradox, a man whose ways you can never predict. You do not know whether HE, Apostle Peter Odoemena (Blessed be to His Holy Name), is a heathen or a pagan. You do not know whether He is a criminal. You do not know whether He is a fine gentle man. You cannot place Him anywhere. Thus whatever you think He is, that is what He is to you……


BRIDAL WATCH! ISRAEL AND PALESTINE IN PROPHESY VOL 3; preached on Sunday 6th April 2014 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 28 vs. 22 – 24



Do you think it is easy to disarm all these Roman Catholics and all these block rosary crusades on whom parents have decided to mount their religious beliefs and make it permanent pillars in their hearts, and they are growing thereby?

  1. That is why, even as adults, academic attainments notwithstanding, professors among them still handle chaplets. They hold chaplets everywhere as a religious act. You see them with sign of the cross.
  2. Some carry wooden cross. Some carry it in their hands signifying the cross of Jesus.He told us to carry our own cross and follow him. Everybody, follow him, carrying his own cross.
  3. Then they go ahead and make crosses. Some will carry theirs like a load. Some will sling it as necklace, while some will tie the biggest one on the waist to touch the ground and tie the other one on the right hand. They are too many. They will also wear the scapular, front and back. I call them religious masquerades.
  4. Will those things cover iniquity in the hearts? And they crowned it with the worst doctrine on earth. The doctrine of indulgence. That is when you say that prayer in the scapular, carry these things and you recite chaplet seven or eight times, the sin you are going to commit in 1,000 years are remitted. The ones you committed 2,000 years ago, remitted.
  5. If that is true, why should the pope make confessions? Why did the pope not go to his fellow pope to make confessions? The reverend fathers that demand members to come and do confessions before them, why did they not go to their fellow reverend fathers to confess their sins one to another and pray for one another? Why? Are you crazy? Is there any mad man here?
  6. Know when you are playing religion like the Scribes and Pharisees. I have shown you their picture. Do not be like them who walk holy holy When they are not holy.
  7. Be like the Son of manwho is a radical and a rascal. And He does not practice rampant radicalism but attitude radicalism. Yes!
  8. I told you I am raising sensible mad people. You may begin to think or say, “What does He mean by sensible mad man?” To the eyes of the world, we are mad. As many as have the Spirit of Christ, you are an oddball. The more you look, the less you see.
  9. REFERENCE:Hosea 9:7, KJV. 7The days of visitation are come, the days of recompense are come; Israel shall know it: the prophet is a fool, the spiritual man is mad, for the multitude of thine iniquity, and the great hatred.
  10. Hosea 9:7, AMP. 7The days of visitation and punishment have come; the days of recompense have come; Israel shall know it. The prophet is [considered] a crazed fool and the man who is inspired is [treated as if] mad or a fanatic, because of the abundance of your iniquity and because the enmity, hostility, and persecution are great.
  11. Hosea 9:7, GNB. 7The time for punishment has come, the time when people will get what they deserve. When that happens, Israel will know it! “This prophet,” you say, “is a fool. This inspired man is insane.” You people hate me so much because your sin is so great.
  12. Hosea 9:7, NIV. 7The days of punishment are coming, the days of reckoning are at hand. Let Israel know this. Because your sins are so many and your hostility so great, the prophet is considered a fool, the inspired man a maniac.
  13. Hosea 9:7, TLB. [7]The time of Israel’s punishment has come; the day of recompense is almost here, and soon Israel will know it all too well. “The prophets are crazy”; “The inspired men are mad.” Yes, so they mock, for the nation is weighted with sin and shows only hatred for those who love God.
  14. Hosea 9:7, Complete Jewish Bible. [7]The days of punishment have come, the days of retribution are here, and Isra’el knows it. [Yet they cry,] “The prophet is a fool, the man of the spirit has gone crazy!” Because your iniquity is so great, the hostility [against you] is great.
  15. When they cannot comprehend My character, they will tell people that I am a guru or that I am this and that. That is your right. This Man is not a human being. This Man is a character of its own. His belief is not traceable anywhere.
  16. One was astonished, and even asking Me what his friend who died remained asking. He said, “SON OF MAN, this type of wisdom and teaching that You are imparting on these people, which we have never known all this while, how did You manage to have it?” Okay! Uko, you were there!
  17. This is his question even with all his education and everything. He read policy and strategic studies, being a lawyer. He read everything readable and is also a knight of saint Mulumba and also a knight of saint Gregory—papal knight who spent six million naira [₦6,000,000.00] just to make a dress for ordination as a papal knight.
  18. Just to make him a knight, six million naira [₦6,000,000.00] was used to make a dress. And then five million naira [₦5,000,000.00] was spent in organizing a party, all so that he will make it to heaven. on the whole, eleven million naira [₦11,000,000.00].
  19. They warned him never to attempt buying the material nor making the dress. Rather, he was instructed to pay the money into the church account.
  20. Brethren, do you not see that religion is an opium. Religion denies a man wisdom, but Christ will give you wisdom. If you are a Seed of God, this is your own citadel of wisdom. I say, citadel of wisdom.
  21. Reference:Ethiopic Book of Enoch 5:9. 9And then wisdom shall be given to the elect, and they shall all live and never again sin, either through forgetfulness or through pride: But those who are given wisdom shall be humble.
  22. The Bible said, “Do not believe all things, but learn to prove all things”, for too many things are under the cover. Do not believe because somebody is saying it. Do not believe because he is saying, “I saw a vision. I dreamt a dream.” Tell the person, “Yes! It is good, but allow me time.” Prove every spirit to know whether that spirit is of God.
  23. You were with us when we were studying yesterday. Good! A dreamer can dream a dream and it will come to pass. A Prophet can prophesy and it will come to pass, but if he points you away from the true God, to something that is no God, to idol, cancel both the dream and the Prophet, for you cannot be wrong and right at the same time.
  24. It is God that is doing it that way, testing you to know whether you are still loyal and faithful to your conviction. God allowed it to happen that way to test you who is a child of God to know whether you can allow anybody to confuse you or convince you against your conviction.
  25. One who is convinced against his conviction, was he convinced. Never! Never!
  26. That is why, even in that document, THE GREAT SERMON, God warned, “Do not allow anybody to come your way with teachings that contradict what you had been taught to be true, confirmed and vindicated by God.”
  27. Let no man ever come your way, telling you that he went to Zakibiam, Argentina or Indianapolis. He is in Nigeria.
  28. This is because when a woman is envious of her fellow woman concerning her achievements, all her examples will be drawn from abroad. Oh! Concerning this car she just bought, there is one which one of my friends has. She bought it in Kano. She posted it in her status. If you see that car, you will bow.
  29. When you buy a new clothe and show it to her, she will say, “There is one clothe we saw the day we went to Umuoji. My friend came back with the clothe from America. If you see that clothe, ….” She did not go anywhere. She did not see anything.
  30. When a jealous person is at a loss as to what to tell a beautiful woman, she will rather say, “Are we going to eat beauty? What do we do with beauty?”
  31. There is no human being that does not know one who is greater than he or she is. He that is standing above his fellows– if you know you are standing above your folks, your fellows, get ready. I say, be ready to absorb the shock of the arrows of their inferiority.
  32. Envy is born out of inferiority. Jealousy is born out of inferiority. Gossip, murmuring are acts of inferiority practiced by cowards I say, cowards.
  33. It is just like gossip. Gossip is spread by fools. It is spread by wicked people and it is believed by fools. No wise man believes gossip because a gossip advertises his stupidity.
  34. This is because if what the gossip is saying is right, why did he or she not go to the person involved directly? Why did you not make it public so that he can come and put up a defense?
  35. Why telling me not to tell others. And you know you are wrong. If I want to investigate, you will say I should not investigate. Are you stupid? Keep your mouth shut.
  36. If you do not know what to say, go and pick chewing gum so that your mouth can become active. Make your mouth active with chewing gum instead of being idle which is not your intention. You can also come and take some garden eggs, for a goat that is always chewing something does not die untimely.
  37. Engage in something meaningful instead of being bla bla mouth when you are not sure, and you are not certain. At the end of the day, it will turn out to be hearsay. Then you begin to spread hearsay all over the places. And as you keep on spreading, so the thing will be changing meaning. Is it a lie Brethren.
  38. We are making tape for global consumption. MEMORY LANE. This is because too many people are here today but they do not know what is happening. Let us go back to the very beginning.
  39. THE MAKING OF A LEGEND, Page 12 Paragraph 1. 13I saw in the night visions, and behold, on the clouds of the heavens came One like a Son of man, and He came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before Him. 14And there was given Him [the Messiah] dominion and glory and kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him.THE SON OF MAN is the Messiah. His dominion is an everlasting dominion which shall not pass away, and His kingdom is one which shall not be destroyed. (Daniel 7:13-14, AMP)
  40. Daniel saw the days of the son of man, the Messiah, ADONAI.
  41. THE MAKING OF A LEGEND, Page 12 Paragraph 2. [9]I watched as thrones were put in place and the Ancient One sat down to judge. His clothing was as white as snow,…
  42. Did we see the Ancient of Days yesterday?
  43. …His hair like whitest wool. He sat on a fiery throne with wheels of blazing fire, and [10]a river of fire was pouring out, flowing from His presence. Millions of angels ministered to Him, many millions stood to attend to him. Then the court began its session, and the books were opened. (Daniel 7:9-10, NLT).
  44. How many will like to appear in that court?
  45. THE MAKING OF A LEGEND, Page 12 Paragraph 3.13During this vision in the night, I saw what looked like a human being. He was approaching me, surrounded by clouds, and he went to the one who had been living forever and was presented to him. 14He was given authority, honour, and royal power,…
  46. All heads will bow down before Him. Remember that Iblis refused to bow down because of pride. And look at where it landed him.
  47. …so that the people of all nations, races, and languages would serve him. His authority would last forever, and his kingdom would never end.(Daniel 7:13-14, GNB).
  48. THE MAKING OF A LEGEND, Page 13 Paragraph 1. “Then Solomon said, The LORD said that He would dwell in the thick darkness. (1 Kings 8:12, AMP).
  49. Have we seen it? In our midst?
  50. THE MAKING OF A LEGEND, Page 13 Paragraph 3. “The Solomon prayed, “You, LORD, have placed the sun in the sky, yet you have chosen to live in clouds and darkness.(1 Kings 8:12, GNB).
  51. The Cloud and darkness are all around Him because He chose to be hiding Himself from time to time. Finally, He decided He will no longer hide where people will notice very easily, for once they see Cloud and darkness, they know He is there.
  52. He decided to Hide Himself in a human being. Human being among human beings, where no being will think He will go and hide.
  53. Since you know the signs you will see and know that He is there, there is no problem. I will hide Myself in your midst as a human being. Then start looking for Me. Anyone that finds Me, it will be his or her portion.
  54. REFERENCES: [1]Isaiah 45:15, NIV. 15Truly you are a God who hides himself, O God and Savior of Israel.
  55. [2]India’s Gracious Gift to Mankind by Crystaqueous; Chapter 7; THE REALITY; Page 66, Paragraph 2. The Hindu says: “If God wants to hide, God would choose man to hide in.” That is the last place man would look for God.”

I am the oldest Man on earth. Forget about My stature. That is why I brag too much. I brag too much because I am the oldest Man that is living on earth. A Living Legend. Believe it if you can……


MOONLIGHT STORIES; Preached on Friday, 14th October 2005 at the Household of God Nasarawa. Pg. 3



THE MAKING OF A LEGEND, Page 14 Paragraph 3. 1THEN I saw another Mighty Angel coming down from heaven, robed in a cloud, with a [halo like a] rainbow over his head; His face was like the sun, and His feet (legs) were like columns of fire. 2He had a little book (scroll) open in His hand. He set his right foot on the sea and His left foot on the land, 3And He shouted with a loud voice like the roaring of a lion; and when He had shouted, the seven thunders gave voice and uttered their message in distinct words. (Revelation 10:1-3, AMP).

  1. 64Jesus said to him, You have stated [the fact]. More than that, I tell you: You will in the future see the Son of Manseated at the right hand of the Almighty and coming on the clouds of the sky. (Matthew 26:64, AMP).
  2. Note! Right hand of power. Right hand of Almighty.
  3. 1The Lord reigneth; let the earth rejoice; let the multitude of isles be glad thereof. 2Clouds and darkness are round about him: righteousness and judgment are the habitation of his throne.  (Psalms 97:1-2, KJV).
  4. Righteousness and justice are His habitation. How do you know God? How do you know God?
  5. Go to the Book of Jeremiah. Let us see how much you know Him. Jeremiah 9:22-23, Complete Jewish Bible. [22]Here is what Adonaisays: “The wise man should not boast of his wisdom, the powerful should not boast of his power, the wealthy should not boast of his wealth;
  6. [23]instead, let the boaster boast about this: that he understands and knows me — that I am Adonai, practicing grace, justice and righteousness in the land; for in these things I take pleasure,” says Adonai.
  7. Jeremiah 9:22-24 Complete Jewish International version. 22Say, “This is what the LORD declares: “’Dead bodies will lie like dung on the open field, like cut grain behind the reaper, with no one to gather them.’”
  8. 23This is what the LORD says: “Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches, 24but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,” declares the LORD.
  9. Let the boasters boast that they have the understanding to know Me and what I stand for, which nobody can change.
  10. If you know Me and you do not know what I am standing for, you have not known Me.
  11. THE MAKING OF A LEGEND, Page 15 Paragraph 8.From the above Scriptures, it is clear that the thick darkness, Cloud and Rainbow, all reveal God. With Moses, each time Moses appeared, the Cloud will appear. In other words, Moses was the tabernacle of the Cloud. Without Moses, no cloud. The Cloud is the presence of God and cannot be impersonated. So, THE SON OF MAN has appeared, and we have seen the supernatural Cloud surrounding Him! THIS IS INDEED ALMIGHTY GOD IN HUMAN FORM. … What?  …THIS IS INDEED ALMIGHTY GOD IN HUMAN FORM. Believe it if you can. …
  12. This is indeed the ADONAI in human form. You have seen the Shekinah, ADONAI the Great God. Where did we see Him? In our midst!
  13. When we least expected Him, lo, He appeared. He sought us. He found us. We did not seek Him for one day.
  14. REFERENCE: [1]Malachi 3:1, KJV. Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts.
  15. [2]Isaiah 65:1, KJV. I am sought of them that asked not for me; I am found of them that sought me not: I said, Behold me, behold me, unto a nation that was not called by my name.
  16. [3] Romans 10:20, KJV.But Isaiah is very bold, and saith, I was found of them that sought me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me.
  17. Nobody here has ever gone out searching for God. If you were searching for God, do you have His picture? Do you have His identification marks whereby you can know Him on the way? It takes God to halt you.
  18. THIS IS A SURE SIGN THAT GOD IS A MAN!!!And He has been a Man right from Creation, In every generation, God has always been a Man. So, your own cannot be an exception unless you have believed in vain.
  19. THE MAKING OF A LEGEND, Page 16 Paragraph 1. The Head Stone:On 8th April 2012, THE SON OF MAN, during a thanksgiving service was photographed by a Bishop in the Church…
  20. I hope you are taking records. A good number of you were not here when these things took place, but they were documented and preserved to enable you have full and complete experiences like your fathers that you might be saved.
  21. He preserved His Word and preserved all those supernatural occurrences so that we will not perish. Believe our reports, for they are according to truth.
  22. See how many countries in the websites, even last week that ended yesterday. See how many countries and check whether there is any country in the world that was excluded.
  23. Yet, somebody here who has never crossed the River Niger– he has never cross the Niger Bridge, is here challenging God, querying God and demonstrating against God. I mean, God has not even seen great minds. How much less maggots.
  24. You know, the lizard carries itself with so much pride. See the way it positions its hands, thinking that it is meat for consumption. If lizard were to be used for meat by human beings, will it be passing where it can be easily seen? Does the rat move anyhow? Not even the mouse [Ewi in Igbo language].
  25. But lizards are rampant, climbing the guava tree and the vehicles, nodding its head. How many people hunt it since it thinks that it is worthy to be eaten? If lizard were good for meat, it will be sold in the market. You will even see people who use it to make pepper soup and customers will be paying to have it.
  26. THE MAKING OF A LEGEND, Page 16 Paragraph 1. The Head Stone:On 8th April 2012, THE SON OF MAN, during a thanksgiving service was photographed by a Bishop in the Church, Bishop Moses Chukwuemeka, who used his handset to take the photograph. Lo and behold, what was seen was the Headstone in fullness. We rejoiced because that fulfilled the Voice of THE SON OF MAN that went forth many years ago at the inception of the Ministry. The Voice said, “I will preach down the Headstone.”
  27. Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain: and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto it.Amen!!! (Zechariah 4:7, KJV)
  28. I am ADONAI. I practice grace. And grace brought down the Godhead. Grace brought God down to us as a human being. Under the law, nobody saw God the same way we have seen Him.
  29. William Branham said that He will never continue that way, for God will always hide away from this human race. He will only be revealing Himself to the Elect. The rest of the world cannot know Him and will not see Him. Of course, they will be searching for Him, all in vain.
  30. But He will be revealing Himself to anybody He wants to co-opt in. If He wants to bring you into His Family worship and into fellowship with Him, which is fellowship unto eternal life, He is the One, not you. He will see you even in the midst of others, take you and allow others to continue.
  31. And He will give you no other condition than to say, “Follow Me.” Follow Me!
  32. Nothing, not even a mighty mountain, will stand in Zerubbabel’s way; it will flatten out before him! Then Zerubbabel will set the final stone of the Temple in place, [Amen!]and the people will shout: ‘May God bless it! May God bless it!’ “ (Zechariah 4:7, KJV).
  33. Translation shall be great.
  34. THE MAKING OF A LEGEND, Page 17 Paragraph 1. The Original Body of the Deity: On the 18thof August, 2012, THE SON OF MAN told some Elders to be early to Fellowship the following day. …
  35. Are these things stories? Some of the people who were there are still alive. Those who were infants have grown to adolescence, while some have joined their ancestors. But the greater majority are still alive till today.
  36. Some will be alive and become partakers of translation, for these are things God did in our midst confirming the revelation of the Word and creating faith for translation in the Elect.
  37. He that has forgone all these things is telling you that everything is real—practical. Real and practical.
  38. God hates counterfeit. Counterfeit faith, counterfeit religion. Everything counterfeit, God hates it. We have too many counterfeited Ministers. Counterfeited men of God.
  39. There in the Bible in the apostolic days, being the days of Paul, they tried those that said that they were Apostles and proved them to be counterfeits.
  40. There is nothing God does here on earth without the devil attempting to counterfeit it. That is why He came with One where the devil does not know where the material to counterfeit will be found. So there is nothing the devil will lay hand on to begin to counterfeit what you have. Never, never!
  41. For He was driven out from there so that he could not lay hand on it. The little he knew, he used on Adam and Eve. He used on the children of Adam and Eve. But the ones he knew, he was not given access to them.
  42. If not for his son Cain, who stole the Garment, there would not be apparition. There would not be apparition.
  43. THE MAKING OF A LEGEND, Page 17 from paragraph 1. The Original Body of the Deity: On the 18thof August, 2012, THE SON OF MAN told some Elders to be early to Fellowship the following day Sunday 19th August 2012 and that He Himself will be very early to Fellowship to enable Him look into some very delicate cases that might rock the Faith, if not properly handled.
  44. On 19thAugust 2012, some of the Elders came very early as instructed. One of them, a teacher of the Word of God, Brother Amankem, [who] used his mobile phone to take the photograph of the beautifully decorated altar. …
  45. I was told that he was at the Fellowship of the Elders yesterday night, but I did not see him. And he did not care to come to Me, for he was afraid.
  46. From the time he came back from the burial of his late father, has he ever testified to the Brethren of how his father was buried? Has he ever stood before us, thanking us for participating in the burial? No way! Has he written us a note? No way!
  47. What can we say about Kelechi Uwakwe? He has died there spiritually. From the day he left here till this day, he has never called My line.
  48. Only the sisters were reporting to Me. And finally, few days ago, the youngest in the family he tutored here, Okechukwu Uwakwe, the grandson of Papa Uwakwe called Me and gave Me a rundown of what took place. He was full of appreciation for the church for the participation. And then left for Cross-River. He is an undergraduate of the University of Nigeria Port-Harcourt.
  49. Both Amankem and Kelechi do not know what is happening around the boy since he left Onitsha. And I am giving God the glory that at last, Papa Uwakwe, from his own compound, a graduate young man can emerge, courtesy of the boy’s mother who they do not enquire about.
  50. She is there in Cross-River, labouring to train the little children, but the people she is taking care of the son of their eldest brother who died, feigned ignorance.
  51. Another thing may be devising how to kill him. Maybe because of that house their grandfather erected, which is no house when assessed in the community.
  52. I earlier predicted it. If Amankem is here, Amankem is here because the wife will never volunteer to stay in the village. She will stay here with her two children.
  53. And Amankem will be staying around her because Amankem cannot feed himself at home. Amankem is here because the wife is taking care of him and paying the rent. Take away that, Amankem will be at home.
  54. What can you say about Kelechi? Everything about him was, first of all, prophesied. Are you surprised at what is happening? Play-play, gradually, gradually, he used the father’s death as reason.
  55. When did we bury the father? [A Brother answered, 29thDecember]. But he was at home before 29th. And he is still at home burying the father. He is still at home now. Did he tell any of us? Is he communicating with us? The answer is no.
  56. Of course, you know he is getting his letter according to My word. [Pastor Chizoba: It is ready] Oh! It is ready. Thank you. Get it to Me so that I can endorse it. And many others.
  57. There are some I have even ceased. Of those ones I withdrew, I am releasing them now. I now have enough reasons why I should release them. When I release them, the person involved will now evaluate to know whether anybody accused him falsely.
  58. But the unfortunate thing is that the person may not be on his way to come back again. That has been My fears over these things because it is not easy to sign a death warrant.
  59. What can you say about the family? Who hears about the family? From that time they came here to tell Me that they have returned and gave Me a gift from their sister [one bucket like that], I have never heard anything from them again. They do not call anybody.
  60. The wife is teaching.  She is a qualified teacher as an NCE holder. She is teaching there in Rock Foundation presently now, but she does not communicate with anybody.
  61. So the children walk fearfully among the Brethren. No boldness. This is because when you are not in right standing with God, you must lose your boldness. And that will affect your children. Your children will be very timid.
  62. Do you not know that evil in the heart causes timidity. It breeds fear. Unnecessary fear. In the midst of your colleagues and even friends and age mates, you will be looking very cold. You will even be looking cheated.
  63. But if you are bubbling in the spirit, holding unto the Faith without compromise, I mean, you have boldness of speech. Is it not true?
  64. This is because once the mouth is found guilty, the jaw will drop, living the mouth open, says an Igbo adage.

Now I want to visit another problem. Like I told you, I hate suppression of feelings. Nobody reported any case to Me, but I believe I am your Father. I am the oldest man on earth. Forget about My stature. That is why I brag too much. I brag too much because I am the oldest man that is living on earth. The Living Legend……


BEWITCHED; preached on Wednesday 21st March 2007 at the Household of God, Nasarawa; Pg. 69 vs. 70



THE MAKING OF A LEGEND, Page 17 from paragraph 2. The Original Body of the Deity: On 19th August 2012, some of the Elders came very early as instructed. One of them, a teacher of the Word of God, Brother Amankem, [who] used his mobile phone to take the photograph of the beautifully decorated altar.

  1. When he looked at what he captured, lo and behold, it was the ORIGINAL BODY OF THE DEITY, THE ELOHIM, having the stature of THE SON OF MAN standing by the pulpit with His hand resting on the pulpit, in immaculate white, THE THEOPHANY BODY. …
  2. Why was it like that even up to this very day? There is no sensible fellow who does not know that the container determines the shape of its content. Who does not know that every container determines the shape of its contents? True or false? True or false?
  3. If in there is the Deity, and outwardly is a man called Apostle Peter Odoemena, do you not know that Apostle Peter Odoemena becomes the container?
  4. Now, let Me disapprove of it. I say, let Me disapprove of it. I know, naturally speaking and scientifically speaking, water takes the shape of its container when it is in solid form. Take note of what I going to say.
  5. Naturally speaking– naturally speaking, scientifically speaking, a pinhole camera is likened to a mirror. It can only capture the physical aspect of every object. The mirror cannot dissect a human being and then portray what is inside a human being, for a mirror is not an x-ray equipment.
  6. It is designed to show one the pictorial part of that being. Hence, if you are putting on multifarious colours, you will see it in the mirror. If there are pimples or spots on your face, you will see it there. Whatever you are in the mirror is what you are in outlook. True or false?
  7. That mirror is the lens. That lens is inside that little gadget called camera. Whether handset or pinhole camera, what is inside it is a lens designed to capture the physical human being just as the person is with all that the person puts on.
  8. So, when you want to know your physical appearance, you take a photograph. That photograph will show you both your hairdo, your earrings, your ornaments and everything you are, but it cannot reveal what you are putting on inside.
  9. Whether you are wearing pant or singlet inside, it will not show it. So, the pinhole camera portrays your outward view only. You cannot see your intestines. The only photographic equipment that can show you what you are within is either the x-ray or ultrasound scanner.
  10. With the use of the x-ray and other rays that fuse with the x-ray—the gamma rays and the infra-red rays that have the power to penetrate the human system and photograph whatever that is inside the body of a human being and print it out as an x-ray film so as to enable experts to study.
  11. And it is very dangerous because the damage it causes to the patient is by far greater than its usefulness. Hence, it is not advisable to take x-ray more than two times in 12 calendar months, for the rays are very destructive. There is no radiologist that does not know this truth. Better verify My facts.
  12. But now, to show you what is happening, carry these experiences and put them together. X-ray machine or ultrasound scanner revealing that which is inside the body which eyes cannot see.
  13. But first and foremost, the dresses of the patient must be removed. X-ray can never show what is inside the body when the patient is wearing dresses. True or false?
  14. You must remove your dresses the much the radiologist wants to take. The area that is marked for x-ray will determine what and what the patient will pull off. I hope you are hearing Me well.
  15. Do you not know what I am describing? Have you not seen x-ray films? They are purchased from the market, even the machines are fixed together.
  16. The machines are merely designed to attract the rays from the sun. All those rays we have mentioned including your communication and so on, all these wireless equipment, they are getting their power from the sun.
  17. Oh! You do not know this? You think they are coming from the moon. Think of your wireless radio. Your handset is equally wireless. It has radio. It has every kind of equipment mounted inside it. That is why it is very very dangerous. It is very very dangerous.
  18. There is no amount of rays that do not pass through it. That is why it is dangerous to carry it about where it can cause damage to your bones by attracting the rays into your body or into your eyes.
  19. If you are fixing your eyes on the screen of the handset every now and then or on a computer [especially laptop] that is connected to the internet, you are running a risk of becoming blind at a younger age, no matter the protective covering.
  20. And you will never cease from having migraine. Migraine is not headache. You will be having the problem of sleeping. Any day you stay longer than necessary, you will never sleep that day. So, take note of what I am saying.
  21. Now, concerning God, the Almighty, the supernatural human being, let Me stand up for Him because when I want to talk about this matter, I feel like being permitted to cause havoc.
  22. This is because the language people hear easily according to William Branham is when God visits them in the form of thunder, earth quake, great wind, and begins to kill people here and there, setting houses ablaze and mountains will crack, accidents. Then you see people lie flat. They will fear God.
  23. But in simplicity, they see themselves either as equals with God or they are above Him. In simplicity, many bypass Him.
  24. What is supernatural? Supernatural is something that is beyond natural comprehension.
  25. It is natural for the mirror to show what I am wearing and to show Me everything. It is natural for your lens to capture Me and My physical appearance completely. True or false?
  26. It is unnatural for Me here to appear with this black Safari suit, and you can see Me very well. And a photograph of My physical outlook is taken, only for you to see something that is grotesque in nature, something that is unbelievable.
  27. You begin to see a picture that differ one million miles away from what you captured. And you are sure and certain that amidst witnesses, you just took it when people surrounded that man.
  28. There is no way the camera can pick that person and avoid so many other faces, avoid people in that row and behind that flanked Him about, and then picked that person. It is impossible. Did you get the Message?
  29. How can you think it is natural to take the photograph of a human being [an adult] only to see Him resembling another thing all together.
  30. What appeared before the lens was what the lens captured. In the eyes of a man, He is a human being. But before the lens, you have seen what He is. Did you get the Message?
  31. And whatever that is in the lens is what He has decided to present, depending on the purpose he wants to achieve.
  32. On that day 8thApril 2012, the Voice went forth, “The Bishop, the Bishop! I know you want to know who I am. I know you want to be sure that you have used your own hand to take My own photograph.”
  33. He said, “Yes! Not that they said.”
  34. I said, “Okay! Thank you sir. Pull out your handset. You are now free to take. Take it.” And he captured the Godhead which you are still pointing at till today.
  35. What of those you did not see that happened in other places during missionary outings and during weddings here and there where people tried to get His photograph but no way?
  36. They attempted but He called them, “Come!” He anointed the camera and said, “You can take.” Even in your midst in GTC, did I not spoil many cameras including that of My friend at Post Office?
  37. This is because he knew Me. He is a Pentecostal. So when I warned him at GTC, “My friend! We know ourselves. Now, you are seeing Me in another form. Do not look at this suit I am wearing. Bring that your camera. I know you. You know Me. You know My wife and you know My children. Bring the camera and let Me anoint it or else, you are going to spoil it”, he asked “How?”
  38. I said, “I know you want to get Me. you are being paid, but not to spoil your camera.” He ignored it. Before our eyes, what happened? The lens blew up.
  39. He entered a motorcycle, went back and brought the highest. He tried and tried, but he could not get it. He said the problem was with the camera, but I said no, “It is with you. Since you do not want Me to anoint it, well, up to you. You can take it again.”
  40. He brought it in. The thing could not flash. Instead of flashing, the machine burnt.
  41. It happened even here when Bro Ojiakor was boasting of BP apparatus and so on with his son who is more or less a medical doctor also.
  42. I told them that they were wasting their time, “Bro Ojiakor, remove this thing. You know My body works in the opposite direction.” He said, “No no no! let us use this and that.” Before his eyes, the first one burnt. The son brought his own. It burnt also.
  43. He went and brought the original—the lengthy one. By the time he finished tying it, that was the end of the thing. The light went off and the cable coiled. That was the end of BP measurement till today.
  44. If I tell you to do it, do it. IF I say do not try it and you want to try, you enter into difficulty. There is no place I went where signs and wonders never followed Me.
  45. But the greatest wonder is that you could see a human being, thinking that He is like you, a human being, not knowing that you are having dealings with a Spirit in the guise of a human being. He is eating. He is drinking and having everything in common with you.
  46. Take His photograph if He permits you. What you will see will frighten you. You will run away from Him if you do not have the courage. Did it start today? From My youth, I gave testimonies.
  47. Anywhere I went to take passport photograph, the people will return My money and everything.
  48. Who has taken a photograph He paid for, six passport photographs, and the man [photographer] did everything within his power at No. 1 Ugwunobamkpa Street, Onitsha.
  49. While he was developing the films and then washing the photographs, the more different photographs he was getting out of one shot until he got 13.
  50. And I was not shocked that in the fellowship, we saw 13 different locations of one man. One Man in one place. One place in the pulpit showcased Himself in 13 different locations.
  51. Are you shocked? After Judas, cometh the 13th Do you not know that? Judas was replaced by Matthias. They remained 12. On the way to Damascus, God added Saul of Tarsus. He became Apostle and then making them 13.
  52. REFERENCES: [1]Acts 1:26, KJV. And they gave forth their lots; and the lot fell upon Matthias; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles.
  53. [2]1 Corinthians 15:3-9, KJV. 3For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; 4and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the Scriptures: 5and that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: 6after that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. 7After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles. 8And last of all he was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time. 9For I am the least of the apostles, that am not meet to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.
  54. One man! One photograph! In the same pulpit where they were taking the photographs, He appeared in 13 different positions. Can you not begin to wonder?
  55. Even this same man who was doubting had his own experience with Sister Egbuna when I went there to take passport photograph for My driving license.
  56. The first set, he threw it away. When I came to collect it, he said, “No! What I got was not your photograph.” I said, “Okay, try again. I am here. And make sure you give it to Me. It is urgent.”
  57. I sat by the side. He did it. He examined it from the camera screen and said that I should come and look at it, but I said, “I do not have to see it. Just print and give Me.” He said, “You will pay Me again.” And I said, “Just print.”
  58. He printed the first one and My face was like that of a woman. The second one, a man. The third one, a man, but not even one was like Me. The more he printed, the more confused he became, until he started seeing pictures that are not even human beings. From one film!
  59. I collected the seven pictures from him and paid him. And he went about telling people that I am Spirit and that I married to deceive the whole world.
  60. Really, I married to deceive the world. I am a Spirit. Does one die for telling the truth. I am that Sovereign Spirit.
  61. I change forms. I change forms. I can be whatever I want to be, but what I will not be is what I will not like to be.
  62. If I want to be a lion, I will be a lion. If I want to be a fool, I will be a fool. If I want to be a mad man, I will be a mad man. After all, there was a day king David was a mad man.
  63. So, what am I trying to say? A camera cannot change the appearance of He that is standing before the lens. If it must change, it must first of all, come out with the photograph before designing will start. From the original, you begin to design. But this time around, it is the original that is printed out.
  64. What can you say about it? Since you were born, have you seen a man who used camera to photograph Himself while He was hanging in the air? The camera or the handset is on the table on the ground, switched off. He that is hanging in the air, invisible to the worshippers, used His hand to take his own photograph. Without switching the handset on, He perched on the screen. The moment it was switched on, the photograph appeared.
  65. What then is supernatural? I mean, these things are happening to enable you believe in those which you did not see,  but you are hearing about them, all concerning one Man who is everything but evil.
  66. But He can be evil. He that created evil and maketh peace, can He not be evil when He wants to be evil?
  67. REFERENCES: [1]1 Samuel 2:6-7, KJV. 6The Lord killeth, and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up. 7The Lord maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up.
  68. [2] 1 Samuel 16:14, KJV. But the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him.
  69. [3]Proverbs 16:4, KJV. The Lord hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.
  70. [4]Amos 3:6, KJV. 6Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it?