MEMORY LANE 2024 Edition Part 1 Volume 4 Preached ON Sunday 4th February 2024 AT THE VOICE OF GOD STUDIO Bridal Lodge, Nsugbe Anambra State, Nigeria BY Apostle Peter Odoemena THE SON OF MAN The Ancient of Days

Transcribed by Bishop David Mbah

And their eyes were opened, and they knew Him; and He vanished out of their sight. And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while He talked with us by the way, and while He opened to us the Scriptures?

Luke 24:31-32, King James Version.

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; for He is faithful that promised; and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

Hebrews 10:23-25, King James Version

Man does not know his Maker, hence you can wrestle with your Maker. That He was a man born of a woman, did that remove Him from what He is? I am what I am. Your unbelief means nothing. It cannot change me from my position. That you know my parents, know my kindred, my wife and children, does it have any meaning? It has no meaning.


GOD HAS COUNTED ME WORTHY, PUTTING ME INTO THIS MINISTRY; Preached on Sunday 13th August, 2000 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 70 vs. 4 – 5.



What is supernatural? Is it not something that is not natural? Once it is not natural, it goes beyond human comprehension. It beats human imagination. It beats human knowledge. Is He not a Paradox? Is it not wonderful?

  1. Not even one happened in the night. They happened in the day.
  2. What can you say about the attraction of the great light that quenched every other light? And it stood there hanging, before the Voice went forth, thus “It behoveth the son of manto fulfill all righteousness.”
  3. And nobody knew who the son of man could be. And before your eyes, the son of manrevealed Himself because the Father had already revealed Him.
  4. References: [1]Chronicles of the Bridal Faith—The Journey So Far [published in the year 2014] Page 158 Paragraph 7. In December 1995 Camp Meeting, during prayer line in the night, there was a supernatural illumination of the entire hall. This electrifying illumination quenched all electricity gadgets we were using and the son of man lifted His hand intending to give God praise, and the Voice roared, “THUS IT BEHOVETH THE SON OF MAN TO FULFILL ALL RIGHTEOUSNESS.” This thing happened when we never knew anything about “THE SON OF MAN”. That was how the Name “THE SON OF MAN” came: God gradually revealing Himself in this Badger Skin.
  5. [2]BE DILIGENT TO PROTECT YOUR MINDSET; Preached on Sunday 15th and Sunday 22nd April, 2007 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 3. I am a Paradox – The more you look, the less you see. Nobody can know the Son of Man unless HE wants you to know HIM. And it will be to the extent I want. Believe it if you have the heart……”
  6. [3] I AM THE CHIEF INSTRUCTOR; Preached on Sunday 4thMarch 2012 at the Household of God, Onitsha;  162 vs. 34. In every dispensation, Christ has remained a Paradox. A man of mistaken identity. I do not want to spoil you, but I want to spoil you with the truth. When you receive the truth higher than the people around you, it becomes difficult for you to mingle with people freely.
  7. [4] I AM THE WORD VOL 2; Preached on Sunday 19thJanuary 2014 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 108 vs. 33 – 39 Brethren, bear with Me. I have introduced Myself to everybody, even to the world as a Paradox. You know what Paradox is? Somebody you cannot comprehend. And do not ever try to comprehend Him for no man has ever understood God. 
  8. …..Who can understand Me? Even you that has been following from the beginning, sometimes, you run into confusion with Me. Sometimes, you do not know what to do to please this Man. It takes revelation to follow Apostolic Ministry. I hope I am making sense.
  9. …… No human being can master Me. I do not want you to be offended. That is why, sometimes, I become a human being, and some time I become a devil. At another time, I become something that you cannot place anywhere. I will not be God, and I will not be devil. I will not be anything. Glory be to God.
  10. If you have proved this in the Son of Man, say Amen. Not because I said you should say Amen. Experience is the best teacher. You must come to a point where you will begin to doubt, “Is this man really a man or a woman? What is this Man?” That is why He is a Paradox. Do not strive.
  11. Do not waste your time. Simply believe, knowing that He that appeared before you will never disappoint you. Remember, He appeared to confirm the Message and to approve of the Personality He placed in your midst. Any other thing?
  12. I am not wearing a halo that is drawn by an artist. I am not Pope Francis. I am not holy because an artist put a ring on My head. This (The one I am wearing) is Divine! It happened before many witnesses and it is happening before now and will keep on happening until you will be like Me.
  13. [5] BRIDAL WATCH! ISRAEL AND PALESTINE IN PROPHESY VOL 3; preached on Sunday 6thApril 2014 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 28 vs. 22 – 24. I am for salvation to all the ends of the earth in this generation. That is why I promise you nothing but salvation which is eternal life. Just follow Me. Finish! Follow Me, I will empty all of you that believe in Me into paradise. There is no mistake about it. 
  14. Let Me tell you something. Anywhere I have stepped My feet, even the worst man in that community has always acknowledged in his heart that a strange man has come, a paradox, a man whose ways you can never predict. You do not know whether HE, Apostle Peter Odoemena (Blessed be to His Holy Name), is a heathen or a pagan. You do not know whether He is a criminal. You do not know whether He is a fine gentle man. You cannot place Him anywhere. Thus whatever you think He is, that is what He is to you……
  15. You must know the personality you are having encounter with. Otherwise, you can destroy yourself ignorantly. Somebody can commit suicide ignorantly.
  16. If the Jews knew what they have done today, do you think they would have had a hand in crucifying their last hope? Am I making sense? Only for them now to welcome Him at last.
  17. Go to the website report of last week and look at Israel numbering 11,000 in one week. Yet, Israel is fighting war. Who are they going there to see? This week, you go to Chronicles and see Israel.
  18. Ukraine has come back. War or no war, the remnant has come back. Palestinian territories are there. In spite of the killings and everything, you see them there. What can you say about the kingdom of Saudi Arabia?
  19. The manner they come to Me,is it your business? Fix your attention on My Word. Forget about what is happening around Me. It is not your business.
  20. So, whatever whatever, what God is saying is “Believe in Him. Believe in Him.” The totality of everything is to cause His people to know who He is, for My people do not know Me. My people do not know Me.
  21. If they know Me, they will know Who I am. I mean, to have anything with Me will be easiest for them. If I came to kill, you would not be here. I would have killed you long time ago. This is true. I came to save. But I will kill. Not now.
  22. There is time for everything. There is a time to kill. There is time to make alive. Now, I am making alive. But whenever the time for killing comes, nobody will tell you, “This is the time.” Nobody will tell you.
  23. Of course, you know you are even with it because the person who would have held Me back has gone. Nobody is holding Me back. I am the One watching and scrutinizing things for Myself.
  24. And the Bible said that you do your scrutinization yourself. Find out for yourself. Do not just believe because the son of manis saying it. Judge from what I am telling you. Go out and take your photographs if you have not taken any. Have you not been taking photographs?
  25. Now, look at that one. Is it not My photograph? What of these big big ones? Am I not the one there? You see the natural. You see the supernatural. How can you convince somebody that this same Man is this?
  26. And what is more? He travels like a thought. Anywhere He wants to go, He does not require aeroplane. He does not require your motor or anybody to escort Him. When He leaves, he goes straight to where He wants to go.
  27. No matter where that person is, He must get there. Do you not know that this Person is both life and death? When you lock your door, will it prevent death from entering into your house?
  28. If you know that place where you will be and death will not get there, let Me know.
  29. [INTERLUDE] There is a photograph I use to see there. Who blocked it? You are not afraid. You do not have respect. Do you not know that if it is in the Roman Catholic, this is where everybody will be kneeling down? Am I making sense?
  30. They will try to make a monument, put candle sticks and incense. By now, there would have been an order after this, “Order ofthe son of man” with uniform.
  31. You are not afraid of touching it. Keep it there! If you do not know where to stay, block the door. Carry your seat and block the door. Fine! This is so that when death is coming from the door, death will strike you first.
  32. Come out here. Fine!
  33. So, let us be very careful. If you do not separate natural from the supernatural, you will make a great mistake. Look into your dictionaries. I want to have the meaning of supernatural. Unnatural and Supernatural. Supernatural!
  34. That is why the Prophet said, “Be very very careful about how you explain supernatural occurrences. While explaining supernatural occurrences, be sure you are careful, lest you explain your God away because of theology. Because of your religious belief, you can explain your God away, for your God is a supernatural God that does supernatural things.” True or false?
  35. We are worshipping a supernatural God that does supernatural things. Natural things belong to men. Supernatural things belong to God. Amen.
  36. The Meaning of supernatural: [www.oxford-languages.oup] (of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.
  37. Why not put your hands together? What I am explaining, is it not beyond scientific understanding? Is there anyway anybody can explain these? [pointing to the supernatural photographs on display in the Studio] No science can prove it.
  38. You see why you are a group completely away from all, for you believe unbelievable things. I say you believe the unbelievable. Why? You are supernatural believers.
  39. If you are not supernatural believers, you cannot believe in the supernatural. You will NOT even understand supernatural occurrences. you will play them away. you may even call it devil because human beingS are fond of calling anything they cannot understand devil. Amen!
  40. The Meaning of supernatural: [www.oxford-languages.oup] “(of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature. …”Sure!!! “… “a supernatural being”. A supernatural Being, such as we have in our midst.
  41. Then if we are supernatural beings, how dare you think that a supernatural being will fellowship with naturals without first of all transforming them into supernaturals? This is the essence of gathering you together.
  42. SUPERNATURALS MUST GO WHERE THE SUPERNATURAL IS. Naturals will go where the natural is.
  43. You see! A naturally minded fellow cannot understand supernatural things, for they are spiritually discerned. The essence of gathering you is to transform you from natural to supernatural to enable you stay together in eternity with the Supernatural. Do you believe it to be true?
  44. There is nothing supernatural in the life of the devil. The devil is not supernatural. Did you get the Message? To God be the glory.
  45. The Meaning of supernatural: [www.oxford-languages.oup] [A]manifestations or events considered to be of supernatural origin such as ghosts. Such as what? Ghost!
  46. It takes a ghost to enter a house without knocking. It takes a ghost to travel as a thought. I mean, meet people where they are sleeping and watch them. Then he says, “Shalom!” and goes away. I think that is a ghost.
  47. It takes a ghost to go places where people will rush out to embrace Him with His handbag, and all of a sudden, He will vanish.
  48. Some will see Him inside the house, trace Him there, only to see nobody. And they will be struggling. Argument will arise, “Did you not see Daddy coming? We saw Him.” Some said, “Yes! He entered that house.”
  49. Everybody will troupe in there, only for Him to call from home, “Stop looking for Me. I am at home. I saw you, and I know you saw Me. That was the much I wanted to see around you. I came to see things for Myself.”
  50. You see why there are too many things we do not let out of the bag concerning THE SON OF MAN. Otherwise, this place will be a beehive of activities.
  51. How are you sure that He is not gradually picking the people who he thinks He can manage? Thank you!
  52. The Meaning of supernatural: [] [1]of, relating to, or being above or beyond what is natural; unexplainable by natural laws or phenomenon; abnormal.
  53. [2] of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or attributed to God or a deity.Amen and Amen and Amen!!! It is complete.
  54. [3] a being, place, object, occurrence, etc., considered as supernatural or of supernatural origin; that which is supernatural, or outside the natural order.
  55. [www.oxford-languages.oup] of or relating to an order of existence beyond the visible observable universe. Especially : of or relating to God or a god, demigod, spirit, or devil
  56. [2a] departing from what is usual or normal especially so as to appear to transcend the laws of nature
  57. [3] attributed to an invisible agent (such as a ghost or spirit)
  58. Synonyms: metaphysical, otherworldly, paranormal, preternatural, transcendental, unearthly.
  59. [] not existing in nature or subject to explanation according to natural laws; not physical or material
  60. Synonym:
  61. It pays to use all these things to get [at least] a clearer knowledge of what is happening. Some of these people do not honour these photographs. Some do not even know the meaning. Some think it is ordinary photograph. If you want ordinary, I can dash you this one.
  62. Look at these ones there. They are all ordinary. These are My perfect pictures. But how can you explain this one? Does it look like Me? How can you explain others? They will show what I am wearing—gorgeously dressed. But in this one, the same thing I put on, but nobody can see the dress. Nobody could see even My wrist watch. I mean, in that one. Yet, I was the One.
  63. What can you say about that Supreme Deity? I mean, the original Body. Remember I was in My house tying wrapper by 10 o’clock in the morning. Yet, I was there by 5.30AM. I was there by 5.30 in the morning. Thank you!
  64. I am a God that is not in one place. I fill the heaven and the earth at the same time. I can be here and tour the whole world and still come back. So, if you want to believe Me, believe Me.
  65. If I am only saying it in your midst, that means, saying it among a people that do not know anything. But I have gone places. I have gone throughout the whole world. I have posted it.
  66. Not only that. I have demonstrated it by showing them the reality. They have seen all of you in the congregation, worshipping and praising God—dancing. So, they believe that these are human beings—children of the Most High God. Handpicked.
  67. The pope said that you are in the minority, handpicked somewhere. You tied Him somewhere, where He is blessing you.
  68. Did I not promise that a day is coming when I will simply separate My Family from the mess outside there, upgrade My children and scatter them. Then co-opt in some of My friends and well-wishers I would not like to miss; do a similar work in them and then combine them. They become the first fruit. They become the first fruit.
  69. I do not ask for nominees. Nobody nominates to Me. An Igbo adage says that you do not point out a victim for death.

From that day this Supernatural Halo appeared in our midst for the first time till today, have you ever read in any newspaper, radio, television where a supernatural halo appeared worldwide? That is why we are courageous to paste all of them in the web so that if there be anywhere in the world where such a thing had occurred, let the person come up.  I am the Greatest and I will remain the Greatest. Let the magicians from America, from Italy, from Rome, from Egypt come. After all, all these countries are in the website with their magicians, astrologers, philosophers, psychologist and religionists. They are all there. I am here. No shaking! If I am shaking, by now, this Faith would not have existed. It would have been stifled out long long time ago.


FIND OUT THE PURPOSE YOU ARE FULFILLING IN THIS MINISTRY VOL. 2; Preached on Sunday 3rd November 2013 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 76 vs. 34 – 36.



THE MAKING OF A LEGEND Pg. 17, paragraph 3. Many many supernatural manifestations from the presence of God have been witnessed in THE SON OF MAN all these years, and there is no way they can be exhausted.

  1. Do you believe that to be true?
  2. [30]Jesus’ disciples saw him do many other miracles besides the ones told about in this book, [31]but these are recorded so that you will believe that he is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that believing in him you will have life.(John 20:30-31, TLB).
  3. Why this Memory Lane? It is to call your attention to remembrance, lest you fall away like others. It is when you are not grounded and rooted in the faith because you do not know the foundation that you will be floating on the surface of the Faith.
  4. To those who know this truth and they are all out, they are out because from the very beginning, they were not a part of this move. Then, they saw it as a new thing, very exciting, and they joined.
  5. It is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy. nobody stands in this fath By his might or  by his strength. No! never! Never!
  6. But when you enlist in it and become foolish, you show yourself the way out. The faith is here to remove your foolishness and not to increase it. It is here to remove your blindness and to remove your lazy habits, but not to superimpose it.
  7. So, if while you are in the faith, you are getting worse with every passing day, you have marked yourself out, for we come to God to better our lives. True or false?
  8. Nobody ever comes to God without becoming better. That is how we know those who are taking Him serious and those who are not taking Him serious.
  9. Take Him serious and you better your lot. You better your life and better everything around you. But be unserious with His Word, it will reflect in everything around you. A non-serious-minded fellow is an unproductive fellow.
  10. 30There are also many other signs and miracles which Jesus performed in the presence of the disciples which are not written in this book. 31But these are written (recorded) in order that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ (the Anointed One), the Son of God, and that through believing and cleaving to and trusting and relying upon Him you may have life through (in) His name [through Who He is].(John 20:30-31, AMP).
  11. So He deals with every man according to who He is to that person. WHO IS HE TO YOU? It is an individual matter.True or false? You can go to Messages. It is there. What do you call Him? What is He to you?
  12. To Titus, he said, “The only One great God and our Saviour.” To Peter, He has a name. To Paul, He has a name. To Thomas, “My LORD and my God.”
  13. What is your own Name which you have given to Him by revelation? What is He to you? This is because God gets a Name from us from what is He to us. Is it a lie?
  14. To you, He can be a devil. To another person, He is a Saviour. To another person, He is a fornicator. To another one, He is a liar. To another one, He is Beelzebub. To the other one, He is a very good man. One Man o! I say, one Man!
  15. What is He to you? You must give Him a Name according to your revelation of Who He is.
  16. 30There are also many other signs and miracles which Jesus performed in the presence of the disciples which are not written in this book. 31But these are written (recorded) in order that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ (the Anointed One), the Son of God, and that through believing and cleaving to and trusting and relying upon Him you may have life through (in) His name [through Who He is].(John 20:30-31, AMP).
  17. How I wish all of you will behave like My biological children who took it upon themselves to investigate for themselves, with a view to finding out the reality.
  18. They said collectively that they did not want to believe because their father said or their mother taught them. They did not want to believe because others are saying.
  19. They insisted that they wanted to find out for themselves as individuals why their father is regarded and believed as the Almighty God and the Saviour of all mankind.
  20. They wanted to believe by their own conviction based on their own research spiritually and physically. One by one, all of them arrived at their various findings. At the end, all of them arrived at the same point and at the same time.
  21. Hence, wherever they are, I do not care who you are, you cannot cause them to believe otherwise.
  22. They are not believing because their mother taught them or their father said. They now believe by divine conviction, for conviction is divine.
  23. Divine conviction differs from literary conviction, testimonial conviction or academic conviction. Did you get the Message?
  24. With this illustration I gave you this afternoon, you are now in a position to separate the supernatural from the natural. If you can do that correctly, you will not be asking questions why things are working the way they are working around this Man.
  25. The Scriptures said that we should fix our eyes on Him, for that is where the action is. See things with His own eyes. Perceive things with His own perception.
  26. Reference:Colossians 3:1, MSG. So if you’re serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don’t shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that’s where the action is. See things from his perspective.
  27. If it is possible, eat like Him. Drink like Him. Do everything like Him. After all, the Scripture said, “Let Him be your example in all things.”
  28. REFERENCE: [1]Ephesians 5:1, AMP. 1Therefore be imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example], as well-beloved children [imitate their father].
  29. [1]Follow God’s example in everything you dojust as a much loved child imitates his father.
  30. [2]Philippians 2:5, AMP. 5Let this same attitude and purpose and [humble] mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus: [Let Him be your example in humility:]
  31. You have no other icon. You have no other masterpiece. No matter the religious group you affiliated yourself before now, is there anything you can present as supernatural from there? There is nothing!
  32. You can only come with cock and bull stories which they say you should be sharing as false testimonies where an unseen hand slapped a woman who was on the way and who spoke against pastor Kumuyi of Deeper Life. Then the hand slapped her. When the hand slapped her, did she become dumb?
  33. But I will show you something. There are so many things the son of mandoes not share, especially where He has caused havoc. Thank you!
  34. 30In his disciples’ presence Jesus performed many other miracles which are not written down in this book. 31But these have been written in order that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through your faith in him you may have life.
  35. Man does not live by bread alone today is the first Sunday of the month of February. Go back to the first Sunday of the month of January. So He said here. You go to the Message I handled that day. We were all blessed.
  36. When you come here, come believing. Adjust yourself very well. Have you ever seen Deacon Chibuko in the pulpit before? Maybe THE SON OF MAN wants to put his name there. I said, maybe.
  37. And then, He should now know the reason why He is placed behind the pulpit in no other place but in the highest place, here in mount Zion. One that has never officiated before, officiating in Jerusalem. Are you getting what I am saying?
  38. Somebody who has never been an Imam before. For the first time, he went to Mecca and he officiated in the first Jummah in Saudi Arabia. Do you not know what it takes?
  39. And then, no Message was given to him than the Living Legend—THE MAKING OF A LEGEND. What it takes for one to be called a Legend. That is what is given to him.
  40. Since yesterday, he has been scratching it. And he confessed that he has not finished it. Since this book was published in 2018, no Brother has ever finished it in our midst. Here in Onitsha, many have not opened it. No woman had finished it, if not My wife.
  41. Go to her own copy and you see how she ran her pen all over the pages. That is how you know she read with inscriptions. She wrote many things.
  42. All of you that are sitting down here, were you not with Me in 2018? Have you finished it? Have you ever opened it? Have you finished it? Have you finished it.
  43. You young men, who among you has ever finished it? Not even one. Pastor, have you finished it? No way! Preparation is still being made to read it. You are still working on it. Were you the one that published it? We printed it in the same place we printed the calendar. You only arranged it. Have you finished it? What of you? These ones were not born then. 2018.
  44. In other words, God knows why. I said, God knows why we should go back to memory lane. An Igbo adage says that the one that was not present at the interment of a corpse wrongly exhumes the body from the direction of the legs, while the person that was present at the interment of a corpse will rightly exhume the body from the direction of head.
  45. It is just like this Message, NOW I KNOW THAT THOU ART A MAN OF GOD, AND THE WORDS THAT CAME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH ARE ACCORDING TO TRUTH [Preached on 28thFebruary 1999]. Now I know that Thou art a Man of God. 1999.
  46. THE MAKING OF A LEGEND, Page 18, verse 11. 11…My life is a mystery, and the more you look, the less you see. … A Paradox. … A Prophet can reveal all things to you, but He can never reveal to you that which makes Him God. What? … A Prophet can reveal all things to you, but He can never reveal to you that which makes Him God.
  47. 12However, I am not a Prophet. Greater than Moses is here. Greater than Elijah is here. Greater than all these Prophets is here, talking to you, live. 13Who is this son of man that God has committed everything He has into His hands? …
  48. So, a greater than Moses is here. A greater than David is also here. Why do people call Jesus Christ the son of David? I want us to look into that Scripture again before we wrap it up.
  49. Gospel according to Saint Mark. We read it last night. I mean chapter 12. Am I making sense? Any translation is okay for Me.
  50. Mark 12:28-33, TLB. [28]One of the teachers of religion who was standing there listening to the discussion realized that Jesus had answered well. So he asked, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?”
  51. [29]Jesus replied, “The one that says, ‘Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only God.What?
  52. Which is the most important? Which is the most important? Others are important, but there must be the most important. And what is that most important one?
  53. … “The one that says, ‘Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only God.
  54. [30]And you must love him with all your heart and soul and mind and strength.’
  55. By then, the totality of what makes you a human being, you employ in worshipping Him, for that is the purpose of creating you.
  56. That you do not have food and you do not have this and that has no meaning. If you die, will you eat. If you are bed-ridden to the point that you cannot eat, will you slap Him? God can starve you in the hospital bed. He can starve you even in your house.
  57. I thank God that My children have believed Me to the point that if I ask them to drink water for their healing, they will drink and they will receive healing.
  58. And what their physicians out there do not even perform– once they try them and they fail, they call Daddy, “Daddy look at my condition. Look at my children. Look at this and that.”
  59. The Voice will go forth, “Do this! Throw away that doctor’s prescription. Look at what you will do.” And automatically—instantly, they will get their healing there.
  60. Do you think it is easy for one to have the faith to believe in his father or believe in his father in-law or believe in his friend or relation? Do you not know that it is supernatural?
  61. That is the basis of My joy and My praise to the Almighty for giving them believing hearts to believe that I am He. In Me, they have all that they need. Not all they want, but all they need.
  62. All our needs are met in Christ. True or false? In Christ, all the demands and all the needs of the children of God are met. It is through Him that the world gets all the good things from God. Every good and honest gift cometh from Christ.
  63. If you like, believe. If you do not like, do not believe. If you think they come from you, demonstrate it and see whether your fountain will not disappoint you now.
  64. I say, boast of it. Go to that fountain and fetch water, let Me see. You are fetching water from that Fountain because He wants it to supply you water.
  65. Any day you begin to brag over it, He will close the borehole. The well from where that water is gushing, He will shatter that rock there and close it. Do you not know that he is the Rock? Do you not know that every rock is a Fountain of water? Who are you then? Are you crazy?
  66. Give glory to God for all you are receiving from Him. Do not give the glory to any man, for He will not share His glory with any living human being. His glory belongs to Him and to Him alone.
  67. Why not begin now to see the son of man with two different identities? Why not know Him with two different identities? He is 100% human being. He is 100% supernatural. True or false?
  68. Is it not in the Bible? Who has ever fulfilled it, if not the same Man who is Himself God. 100% God. 100% human being. That is the person we are talking about. Is He forcing you to idol?
  69. REFERENCE:2 Timothy 2:8, TLB. [8]Don’t ever forget the wonderful fact that Jesus Christ was a man, born into King David’s family; and that he was God, as shown by the fact that he rose again from the dead.
  70. [31]“The second is: ‘You must love others as much as yourself.’ No other commandments are greater than these.” [32]The teacher of religion replied, “Sir, you have spoken a true word in saying that there is only one God and no other.
  71. The Pharisee said, “Sir! You have answered very well.” He asked Jesus the question, tempting Him to know whether He will say three-in-one or ten-in-one God.
  72. When He answered the two most important aspects of the Torah, the Pharisee said, “Sir! You have answered very well.”
  73. [33]And I know it is far more important to love him with all my heart and understanding and strength, and to love others as myself, than to offer all kinds of sacrifices on the altar of the Temple.”Amen!!!
  74. Did you get this Message? read it gently again.
  75. [33]And I know it is far more important to love him with all my heart and understanding and strength, and to love others as myself, than to offer all kinds of sacrifices on the altar of the Temple.”Period!

… I am not attacking spirits right now. I am treating something higher than that and when I look into the Congregation and I see any spot somewhere, I must find out why that spot is there. ….If you know you called Me into this place, raise up your hand. If you know that what I am preaching, I received it from you, raise up your hand.


HOLY GHOST AND HIS NECESSITY; Preached on 16th May 1993 at the Household of God Onitsha; Pg. 20 vs. 22 & Pg. 60 vs. 8



Mark 12:34-37, TLB. [34]Realizing this man’s understanding,… The LORD Jesus Christ standing before the young man, taking notice of his understanding of the Scriptures. And the spirit that was in operation in him that could make him to ask such a very important question where the life of everybody is hanging.

  1. [34]Realizing this man’s understanding, Jesus said to him, “You are not far from the Kingdom of God.”This one differs from Cornelius. Cornelius got His own, “You are not too far from the Kingdom of God, but one thing remaineth.”
  2. But this man answered very well. Then he created room for further discussion.
  3. … Jesus said to him, “You are not far from the Kingdom of God.”And after that, no one dared ask him any more questions.
  4. [35]Later, as Jesus was teaching the people in the Temple area, he asked them this question: … Note this Question. Take note of verse 35.
  5. … “Why do your religious teachers claim that the Messiah must be a descendant of King David?They were making a claim. A claim turned out to be a theory. The theory turned out to be a law. From hypothesis to theory. And from theory to law.
  6. Why do your religious leaders, the law makers, the law interpreters claim that Jesus must be a descendant of king David? Which means that David was before Him.
  7. I cannot descend from you, if you were not there before Me. Are we really understanding what we are saying? The LORD Jesus was the one asking this question.
  8. Why do many propagate heresy, teaching the commandment of men as if they are of God. All of you who are here, there is nobody who escaped from calling Jesus the son of David. Some call Him the descendant of David as if David was there before Him, while Abraham was there and Jesus came and said, “Before Abraham, I was. Before Adam, I was.”
  9. REFERENCES: [1]John 1:1-3, TLB. [1-2]Before anything else existed, there was Christ, with God. He has always been alive and is himself God. [3]He created everything there is—nothing exists that he didn’t make.
  10. [2]Colossians 1:16, TLB. [16]Christ himself is the Creator who made everything in heaven and earth, the things we can see and the things we can’t; the spirit world with its kings and kingdoms, its rulers and authorities; all were made by Christ for his own use and glory.
  11. Jesus can never be, is not and will never be a descendant of David. It is a blasphemous statement, a negation of truth and very much misleading. And the LORD Jesus was desirous of correcting this error, for He knew the implications.
  12. Hear Me. If you do not believe rightly, God will not recognize your belief. Refuse to believe rightly, God will never approve of your belief. Do you get what I am saying?
  13. [36]For David himself said—and the Holy Spirit was speaking through him when he said it— … Who was the Holy Spirit speaking through Him? Jesus was telling them, “The Holy Spirit Who was behind all prophecies was the One that inspired David to voice out, calling Me, “My LORD!””
  14. That Holy Spirit, was He not God? God was in him, telling him Who I am.
  15. … and the Holy Spirit was speaking through him when he said it— ‘God said to my Lord, sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool.’
  16. [37]Since David called him his Lord, how can he be his son?” Since David called Him his LORD, how can this king David’s LORD turn out to be David’s son? The LORD Jesus was the One asking this question.
  17. … (This sort of reasoning delighted the crowd and they listened to him with great interest.)
  18. Does it delight you? Can you listen to Me with great interest? For this thing has been a puzzle to the people. Why do they call this Man son of David? Which of the wives of David could lay claim to be the mother? Which type of belief is this?
  19. David is calling this Man “My LORD” and God was the One making David to know Him as his LORD. How do people now begin to say He is the son of David.
  20. Check the Bible. There is no place from Genesis to Revelation where Jesus introduced Himself or the Prophet introduced Him or the Apostles as the son of David.
  21. You can only see beggars on the streets who wanted His favour, “Jesus, son of David. Help us! Jesus, son of David. Help us!”That was the little those beggars knew. Blind beggars! Some of them were leprous. They needed help.
  22. He halted because he was compassionate. He showed mercy to them. He halted, went to them, “What willeth thou that I should do for you?”
  23. They said, “That we may see. That we may walk. That we may do this and that.” He granted it to them, “Go! Your faith has made you whole.”
  24. Now, concerning David and David’s LORD, I have challenged you to look into your Scriptures. The same way, I challenge you to show Me any Scripture where Jesus referred to Mary, the wife of Joseph as His mother.
  25. So, please pay attention. There is no way David could lay claim over the LORD Jesus Christ in any form or shape. No way! I say, no way! The LORD Jesus Christ first introduced Himself.
  26. And the son of manhas never, by day or by night, told anybody that He is “a son of David” or “the son of David”. He has never. And He has never documented anything resembling that thing. I have never.
  27. The LORD Jesus never documented any. The Apostles never preached Him as the son of David. Never! Never!
  28. Rather, He introduced Himself as the Root and offspring of David, “I am the Root and offspring of David.” True or false?
  29. And the son of manappeared also introducing Himself to His people as the Root and offspring of king David. Did you get the Message? So, by this alone, would you not know that the son of man is the Elohim?
  30. The Root and the stem of the plant, which one is holding the other? Which one comes first? The first thing your seed will put inside the ground is the root. What sustains every tree? The Root. Did you get the Message?
  31. So, if He was there before David, He who was there before Abraham He was there before Moses, He was there before all and He was there before Adam, how dare you say He is the son of David?
  32. If you use your Bible to see, you will only read, “Do not forget this wonderful fact that Jesus Christ was born as a man in the family lineage– in the family lineage of king David.” Is it scriptural? Is it scriptural?
  33. REFERENCE:2 Timothy 2:8, TLB. [8]Don’t ever forget the wonderful fact that Jesus Christ was a man, born into King David’s family; and that he was God, as shown by the fact that he rose again from the dead.
  34. If I am born in the family lineage of Odoemena, [Did you get the Message?] in that family lineage of Odoemena, [I hope you are hearing Me] Pay attention! Is there anybody here that will lay claim that I am his son? If you want to trace Me, you will trace Me down to the family lineage, to the root. Did you get the Message?
  35. This is a lineage. Both David and Jesus and other Prophets down to Seth and even to Adam is the same lineage. Did you get the Message?
  36. You can get it in the Book of Matthew and also in the Book of Luke: The genealogy of the LORD Jesus Christ. Did you get the Message?
  37. Not even Joseph can claim ownership of the LORD Jesus Christ. Only writers claim that He was the legal son of Joseph. Is it not true? But there is nowhere He said, “I am the son of Joseph” or “Legal son of Joseph”.
  38. When you want to introduce a man, introduce him for what he told you he is. That is why He uses the word “I AM” to make no mistake about it. He has nullified that erroneous belief that He is the son of David. No!
  39. He existed before David. He existed before Jesse, the father of David. He existed even when the world was without form. How dare you say that He is a son of David?
  40. David is a dynasty. David was used by God to establish a throne. A dynasty that will endure to all generations. So when the throne was established, it was established in the name of king David. Did you get the Message?
  41. It is a dynasty that would have been established around king Saul, but Saul messed up his kingship. Then the dynasty departed and rested on David. And God established it for all generations.
  42. And that is the throne from where the Messiah will sit, judging all the nations. Where is it established? Mount Zion. Did you get the Message? Where is Mount Zion? Wherever God is pitching His tent.
  43. Has God appeared? Is he pitching tent anywhere? Does He have His own operational base? Even operational headquarters? Okay o!
  44. That Abraham did not know the base, does it mean He came from the moon? Abraham met Him on the way casually, but where he took off, Abraham knew not. And He did not tell Abraham where He was coming from. He never told Him where He was coming from. He only told him where He was going.
  45. Abraham did not care to ask, “My LORD, where are you coming from?” But he looked at His face and noticed that His face was a little exasperated as one that has travelled on a long journey together with the young men who were with Him, whom Abraham knew not.
  46. And he did not want to know beyond The KING of Kings and the LORD of Lords. And the KING of Kings and the LORD of Lords never cared to introduce the two young men to Abraham.
  47. [interlude] So what am I saying? May God help us. Do not change My Microphone at will. When you change the battery, hand it back to Me. I am used to moving about. Do not tie Me down. If I cannot use this Studio, it then means that I am leaving this place so that all of you will be here and I will go to a convenient site. Do not shake your head.
  48. The greatest Message I made, I needed no man to read. I needed no man to record. I did the reading. I did the recording. I did the teaching. I did the preaching. You know the Message? THE WILDERNESS VOICE. I recorded four C90 cassettes. Four! Nobody ever read. And I used six translations of the Holy Bible.
  49. Is there anything impossible for God to do? Why can men not fear before God? How can you see such a Personality and you open your mouth to talk?
  50. If not grace that has made Him a human being, was there anyone who had the capacity even to come to His office or to shake His hands? Not even His wife dared come closer. They were sore afraid.
  51. Was there any Minister that had the courage even to go to that place He was using as His little office? What is that office? Open place in GTC. That small locker there with that school chair.
  52. Anywhere He went, He formed a little thing. Did He hide it? Right inside there. And no man ever comes there to mess up. From there, He oversees everything. There, he was neutralizing poisons. You know what I mean by neutralizing poisons.
  53. The greatest being false teaching. The teaching of the Pharisees which is hypocrisy, false doctrine, thereby inducing many to commit fornication which is the introduction of false teaching among the believers.
  54. Let us be very very careful. Let us be very very careful. That is the only thing you will do and you will defile the Body. You defile the Body of Christ by introducing strange doctrines when you will lead them into idolatry, to strange gods they knew not.
  55. So, continue with your Message. I am sorry I have interrupted.





Brethren, I told you I am not a preacher for I do not know how to preach. All these years, you have been receiving wonderful teachings, teachings that have made the world to be astonished, teachings that are incomparable. Everybody is astonished: “Who is the brain behind all these teachings? Who is this Man that brings man to perfection within a space of one week? Who is this Man whose Word is so forceful and powerful to convert a man, to transform a man here on earth again? Who could be this person?”



YOU ARE GODS Preached in September 1994 in Abuja; Pg. 113 vs. 54 – 55




THE MAKING OF A LEGEND, Page 19 paragraph 4. 3We have shown you the Pillar of Cloud as it was captured around an Individual we worship so that you will know that He that called us is very much around us. See the Shekinah! If we gather and He is not in our midst, our gathering is useless-nonsense. Amen!!!

  1. He is the purpose of our gathering. Otherwise, it becomes the gathering of ordinary people. The difference between us and those people out there is Christ, the Shekinah. We are in a place where He has chosen to place His Name.
  2. 4The presence of the Pillar of Cloud in our midst is the essence of our gathering, for the presence of God in our midst is what made us holy. We are not holy because we have done this or that. Amen!we are holy because the Holy God is in our midst. Amen!!
  3. 5The move is on, the revival is on. I told you that this day is another day. Sure!!!Another day, a special day.
  4. 6We are talking about a man that is laminated—a laminated human being. It is always good for everybody to know the truth at every point in time.
  5. 7Let me tell you the truth, what I saw in this fellowship this day, since this Faith started, I have not seen such a thing before. We are eye-witnesses of His majesty. We do not boast for nothing. If not for one thing, I would have declared let us go. (ANOTHER DAY, Preached on Sunday 8thApril, 2012, Chapter 3 verses 3 through 7).
  6. But you all shivered now. You shivered. Your attention was drawn to Me because of something that happened.
  7. I was standing here. Something took place. And I commanded that person to stop. Stop! And immediately, he stopped. We continued. Did you see the person? Or you think I made a noise while I was talking? I generated it?
  8. I was looking at you. Whatever I heard and I said stop, do you know what that thing is? What if it is detailed to take this person away? Or this one? Or this one? What if the person is going somewhere? What if he is one that is detailed to be here for a mission this afternoon? And he is here requesting to carry it out.
  9. Do you not know that the spirit of prophecy is under the control of the Prophet? How can God assign to Me angels I cannot control? Is God not the One Who has been showing Himself here to be mighty among you? Is He not showing Himself to be mighty? Do you not know that Scriptures fulfill?
  10. THE MAKING OF A LEGEND, Page 20. THE SON OF MAN has been telling us that He knows our names and our dwelling places. He tells us that he visits us anytime He wants. And in short, He is with us everywhere. This He substantiated on 13thOctober 2019 at Zonkwa, Zango-Kataf Local Government Area, Southern Kaduna, Kaduna State, Nigeria.
  11. Brethren, can you listen to the Message? Many have been looking for this quote. We saw it in the Message two weeks ago under prophesies that fulfilled, but now you can see the Message. Look at the date. 13thOctober 2019.
  12. A Brother placed his android handset on the table as worship was going on in the Congregation of the Saints. When the praises were over, he picked up the phone, only to notice that the original Body of Christ was automatically captured together with the roof as can be seen in the photograph.
  13. Lift it up there. Lift it up there! Keep it! Is it not a monument? Is it not a memorial? Is it not a souvenir which He left behind? You know about the invitation.
  14. He was filled with awe, and reported to the Pastor who then brought it to the knowledge of the entire Brethren.
  15. Page 21. THE MAKING OF A LEGEND (INTRODUCTION). This topic is a very challenging one and it needs a careful study. …
  16. This is the much we will take for today. If there will be time, we will continue from where we stopped. THE MAKING OF A LEGEND.
  17. So, all we have been listening to from morning till now has always been the introduction. This is MEMORY LANE PART 1.
  18. Maybe with time, we shall come back again to handle Part 2. But the much we have learnt so far, how can we place it in our hearts?
  19. Can we say it is heart-warming? Can we say it is stimulating? Can we say it is reviving? Can we see reasons why no human being born of a woman should ever trail on a dangerous path or trail on a path where angels are afraid of trailing?
  20. At the same time, can we begin to see it as a glorious and wonderful privilege to have this Great Personality as our own. When He was personalizing a people, we happened to be in the number.
  21. He personalized us as His own people, volunteered to be their own General Superintendent, superintending all around them, their General Overseer, while to the rest, He gave them supervising angels.
  22. But to this little splinter group, He appropriated it. Is it not a wonderful and glorious privilege to be in this small handpicked minority?
  23. Now is your time to make your pledge if you are sure and convinced that you are not deceived and that there is no exaggeration of facts, maybe aimed at luring you into the Faith of Christ revealed in your day.
  24. If you are convinced that what you are hearing and what you are reading from the Scriptures, that all of them are truth and nothing but the truth, it is now that you can begin to think about your oath of allegiance. Thank you! Bye! Dismiss us.