STOP CONTRADICTING YOUR BELIEF IN CHRIST BY THE WAY YOU LIVE VOL 1. COMPILED ON 14TH NOVEMBER, 2023. BY Bishop Emmanuel Innah Household of God Cross River State, Nigeria.


“That is why He is the Son of Man. He calls Himself the Son of Man because He knows Himself. He declares it boldly that He came down from heaven and is going back to heaven. He is the only Being on earth today calling Himself the Son of Man just as He was the same Christ in the man Jesus and called Himself the Son of Man.” Son of Man.





Remain bless all Saints of the Most High God. I thank Almighty God in our midst, Apostle Peter Odoemena for His Love, goodness and mercy and for all He has done for us. My heart brims over with joyful praises and thanksgiving.

  1. This great and awesome being, The Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena (May His Name Be exalted forever), the Great Essence, the Ultimate reality, the benevolent One, the Root and Shoot of Jesse in the midst of the Gentile Bride, has always been the reason my heart beats for joy and gladness.
  2. Thank you Lord for saving us from this untoward generation. May your mighty and everlasting Name be exalted above the heavens and earth forever and ever. Amen
  3. Brethren, our God is worthy of worship, praise, adoration and thanksgiving. Do you know that, there is no generation without the Son of Man appearing but His appearing in this our day happens to be His last appearance?
  4. His appearance in our day is so unique, in that He came with full and complete salvation. He came with grace and truth to all that have accepted Him in spirit and truth.
  5. BEWITCHED preached by the Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena, page 69 verse 70 at the Household of God Nasarawa on the 21stMarch, 2007…. I am the oldest man on earth-forget about My stature,-that is why I brag too much. I brag too much because I am the oldest Man that is living on earth. A LIVING LEGEND. Believe it if you can.
  6. A living legend is one who has an extraordinary reputation or level of fame while still alive. The Son of Man has succeeded in carrying the everlasting gospel of salvation to the whole world, to the remotest part of the world where Bible and Holy Quran cannot reach. Who has ever achieved this feat since the world began? Jesus never achieved it, St. Paul never achieved it. Only one man has done this.
  7. All over the world, the glory and the Spirit of the Lord is moving, picking all the elects in their various locations just as the prophet said it would be at the end; that every predestinated seed of God will be positionally place where God will reach him or her.
  8. Turn with me to page 3of the message CHANGE YOUR HEART AND MIND preached on Friday 31st October 1997 by the Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Fountain of Living Waters.  I am the oldest man on earth. I have reincarnated several times. I remain the only being that can tell you how old the world is. Believe if you can…
  9. The only person that can tell us how old the world is, remains He that was there before the world began. Whatever science is telling you about the world is based on assumption and not the real fact about the earth.
  10. He that created the earth knows how old the world is. He equally knows the day everything about this present world will come to an end for he has fixed a day in which He will destroy this world and replace it with a kingdom of righteousness.
  11. Let us hear Him again in the message ENVY AND JEALOUSY EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF DEFEAT preached on Sunday 9thOctober, 2005 by Apostle Peter Odoemena the Son of Man page 3, I have reincarnated several times in this life. Do not think that this is my first existence. This is how I have been coming and going. There is no generation that will not meet Me even this generation, if it will have proceeding generation Odoemena will be there. Believe it if you can.
  12. This is to show you that He is the Ancient of days. He has been in existence before the beginning of all things. There is no generation without God incarnating in human form to see things for Himself and at the same time gather His own children around the truth pending the day He will finally come to give them full and complete redemption.
  13. He is the divine light in every generation. Without Him in any generation, no life exists. In other words, He is the source of life.
  14. I am saying that the God that had appeared finally at this last lap of the history of man came with full and complete salvation for His children and He equally came with full and complete destruction for the children of disobedience.
  15. Let us take a ride to the book “THE GOSPEL OF BUDDHA” chapter xcvi compiled from ancient records by Paul Carus illustrated by O. Kopetzky Chicago and London the Open Court publishing Company 1915.And Ānanda, suppressing his tears, said to the Blessed One: “Who shall teach us when thou art gone?”12
  16. And the Blessed One replied: “I am not the first Buddha who came upon earth, nor shall I be the last. In due time another Buddha will arise in the world, a Holy One, a supremely enlightened One, endowed with wisdom in conduct, auspicious, knowing the universe, an incomparable leader of men, a master of angels and mortals. He will reveal to you the same eternal truths which I have taught you. He will preach his religion, glorious in its origin, glorious at the climax, and glorious at the goal, in the spirit and in the letter. He will proclaim a religious life, wholly perfect and pure; such as I now proclaim.”13
  17. You see, this man knew that he is not the last one but One greater than him is coming who will be supremely holy and in all his ways glorious.
  18. Job also affirmed it, that in the last days, the Last One will be here on earth to redeemed him. Is he here now? Yes.

Job 19:25 For I know that my Redeemer and vindicator lives, and at last He, the Last One, will stand upon the earth.

  1. At the end of the consummation of time, the Last One will be here on earth to redeem His own that are still here on earth. This man is here at last.
  2. We continue with Gospel of Buddha.Ānanda said: “How shall we know him?”14  How are we going to recognize and know this personality since there will be so many that will come claiming to be the messiah?
  3. The Blessed One said: “He will be known as Metteyya, which means ‘he whose name is kindness.'”15 You will recognize Him through the light of His belief and in the light of his teachings for Christ is known by His characteristics.
  4. An Iranian prophet, Zoroaster by name also prophesied about this unique Man that will come to do away with evil.
  5. ASTVAṰ.ƎRƎTA, the Avestan name of the Saošyant, the future Savior of Zoroastrianism. Zoroaster, according to the tradition of his community, lived to old age, and must therefore have realized that he would not himself see the coming of Frašō. kərəti (transfiguration of the world; see Frašegird). It seems that he taught his followers accordingly to look for a man who would come after him, and who would lead mankind to final victory over the forces of evil, after which the kingdom of God would be established on earth.
  6. A direct reference to this teaching has been seen by H. Lommel in the difficult Gathic verse Y. 43.3, which in his translation runs: “And the man shall come who is better than a good man, who would teach us . . . the straight paths of salvation who is faithful, resembles you, O Mazdā, who possesses the right knowledge and is wise.
  7. Let us go further with the message ISRAEL AND PALESTINE page 88 verse 51 preached 1stJuly 2012 by the Son of Man Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Rock of Ages at the Household of God Onitsha.I am here. There has never been any generation that appeared without meeting me. I am the oldest being that has been on Earth since the world began, changing forms, changing locations. However, in these last days, it has pleased Him that I should settle down in my own homeland.
  8. He is here at last, relaxing in His own homeland. He has been changing locations but this time around, at the closing hour of the history of the world, history of human race, He has decided to reside in His hometown.
  9. We are no longer in doubt as to whether He was the one that has appeared or not for we are sure and certain, that this personality in our midst is the very God that created the heavens and the earth.
  10. John 3: 13.AMP. And yet no one has ever gone to heaven, but there is One Who has come down from heaven-the Son of Man Himself, who is (dwells, has His Home) in heaven.
  11. He never hid it from us when He appeared. He made it plain to us that He is not an earthly messenger but the Man of heaven whose dwelling is in heaven.
  12. No man born of a woman has gone to heaven and come back.  Only one man and that man happens to be the Son of Man. He made it clear, then said call me not Jesus Christ, “Call me not this and that. I am the resurrected body.” I am He that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive forever more. Come unto me o ye nations and be saved, for I am He that liveth and was dead.
  13. Get me St. John 1:18 KJV.  No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declare him.No man has seen or has known who the Father is except the unique Son, the Son of Man who is in the bosom of the father.  
  14. No one has ever seen God. But the unique one, who is himself God, is near to the father’s heart. He has revealed God to us.
  15. He has unveiled the Father to us. We are no longer guessing or imagining who could be this God and how He would look like. We are seeing the Father in plain view now, because this person, who is God Himself, has brought Him to focus.
  16. Being the Father and the Son, He is the Holy One, the Perfect One, the Blessed One and the Almighty God because the eternal truth, the sovereign spirit had taken abode in Him.
  17. Follow me to the message, ARE YOU THE PROMISED ONE TO COME OR DO WE WAIT FOR ANOTHER? Vol.2 preached on Sunday 26thAugust, 2012 page 3.
  19. He is both the Father and the Son. Very plain. No ambiguity. See the father in the Son. See the Son in the father. The Father and the Son are one personality. He has rent the veil in two. We can behold the father in plain view.
  20. THE REVELATION OF WHO GOD IS GOES TO THE ELECT ONLY preached by Apostle Peter Odoemena, at the voice of God Studio on 10thDecember 2000, page 145 verse 20. Believe it if you can, I and My Father are one. If you have seen Me, you have seen My Father. Thus, there is no other place My Father exists than where He exists now. If you see Him existing in another place, you are an idolater. You do not even believe in the Godhead.
  21. Do you know where the father exists now? If you see God outside where He is existing now, you are an idolater. If you see God outside where He (God) is dwelling presently now in our day, my brother, my sister you are worse than a pagan. To start with, you do not know who God is.
  22. We continue.  I Cor. 15:47 AMP.  The first man was from out of the earth made of dust earthly-minded; the second Man is the Lord from out of heaven.
  23. This second man is the Lord from heaven. Remember we are talking about the man of heaven, the Son of Man who is always in the presence of His majesty, THE UNVEILED CHRIST. The Divine- proof of this age.
  24. Let us hear Him, the Inexhaustible Fountain of Living Water in the message CALL CHRIST IN THE TIME OF CRISES preached on 15thAugust, 1993 page 3. ” I know the glory I left on my throne to come and identify with you.
  25. A man of heaven.  He knows what He left behind just to identify with us, to redeem the promise He made to our Father, Adam. That at the expiration of 5,500 years He will come down to restore Adam back to paradise. Restoring him (Adam) back to paradise means full and complete salvation.
  26. The earth can never exist without this supernatural being. Any day He leaves the scene, the entire world will be plunged into darkness and disaster. Is He not the light of the world? The messenger of every age has always been the light of that age. Moses was the light in his own age. The Lord Jesus, St. Paul, the seven church messengers, down the lane were all lights in their various dispensations.
  27. In our own day also, the Son of Man is the supernatural light of this generation. Anybody who refuses to walk and abide in this light must surely grope in darkness.
  28. John 8:12. Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world.
  29. Follow me as we read the message THE BASIS OF OUR FAITH preached on 22ndOctober 2000 by The Son Of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena, PAGE 3.
  30. I am the Light of Divinity, the divine fountain, and the fullness of the Godhead, the Great Mind, and the divine essence. Believe it if you can…
  31. Who can make such can authoritative statement if he does not know who he is? You call “Father, He is the one. You call Son. He is the one. You call Holy Ghost, He is the very one. Whether you call father, the Son of Man or the Holy Ghost, you call Christ, you are referring to one personality, the Lord Christ. Believe it if you can, He is the father of all spirits, the Son of man and the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of truth.
  32. John 9: 5 KJV As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.
  33. I repeat. Every messenger of every age is the light of that age. Moses was the light in his own day. Jesus was the light in his generation. St. Paul the same thing, down the lane. Anyone who refuses to walk with the divine light in his or her day must surely grope in the dark. In our day also the Son of Man, the great God is the divine light of this generation.
  34. In other generations gone-by, they saw the light in part but today the light is so bright.  In as much as He is here, He is the light of life that shineth into the hearts of every living being here on earth. Without Him no life exist.
  35. NOW I KNOW THAT THOU ART A MAN OF GOD preached on 28thFebruary, 1999 at the Household of God Onitsha by the Son of Man Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Rock of Ages page 179 verse 17.
  36. While I am here, I am the Light of the world; whoever follows Me can never grope in darkness. Take Meaway, you are living in darkness and you must stumble: I say, you must stumble because I am paving the way for you. Did you get what I said?  
  37. Any day this Light is withdrawn from the earth, the whole world is doomed. Have you seen why the scripture said that, as children of light we should walk while this Light is still here with us? This light is a man. Do you believe that to be true?
  38. Join me as I read John1: 4 KJV. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. He is the light. He is the life eternal.
  39. Let us see what is documented in Islamic Hadith concerning God’s Divine proof. Amir ul-Mominin Ali (A.S) said, “The earth shall never be devoid of the Divine Proof, He may be apparent and prominent or he may be concealed and hidden. And it is because of him that the proofs and signs of Allah are not wasted.” (Kamaaluddin, Pg.291)
  40. The earth has never been devoid of the divine proof that God has been a man right from creation. It is because of this MAN that the proof and signs of Allah are not wasted.
  41. The Bible also confirmed it that nature proves the Divinity of God and that no human being has any excuse or justification why he or she should not believe.
  42. Romans 1:20 AMP. For ever since the creation of the world His invisible nature and attributes, that is, His eternal power and divinity, have been made intelligible and clearly discernible in and through the things that have been made (His handiworks). So [men] are without excuse [altogether without any defense or justification]
  43. Nature revealed his identity yet the people refuse to believe and acknowledge His majesty.
  44. This Man must be prominent among the elect but unpopular, unknown to the world. Why? He will be concealed and hidden to the world, but made known to the elect for the revelation of who God is goes to the elect only.
  45. Judas, not Iscariot, asked the Lord Jesus why He had to reveal Himself or make plain His identityto them and not the world.
  46. John14:22. Judas, not Iscariot, asked Him, Lord, how is it that You will reveal Yourself make Yourself real to us and not to the world.
  47. Philip also asked the Lord Jesus, could you please show us who the father is?  Jesus replied, how long will I be with you, Philip and yet you do not know that I am the Father.
  48. John 14:8-9KJV 8Philip saith unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us. 9Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?
  49. Nature revealed the attributes of God. The prophets did the same thing. Isaiah said who would believe our report and to whom will the arm of the Lord be revealed that God has been a human being from creation.  The Lord Jesus made it clear by telling them, “I am in the Father and the Father is in me. Whosoever that have seen me has seen the Father.”
  50. Isaiah 53: 1. AMP  Who has believed (trusted in, relied upon, and clung to) our message [of that which was revealed to us]? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been disclosed?
  51. Brethren God revealed Himself to His own for it is only the elect that will believe in Him others would not believe.
  52. It is because of this divine personality that the Divine Proof-the Shekinah, is not seen in any other place except in the vessel God himself has chosen for that purpose. The Shekinah, God’s divine Proof, is not placed anyhow; otherwise, Satan would have impersonated it long, long time ago.  
  53. He (God) places it in the vessel He (God) has chosen in every generation and that vessel becomes the super sign, the divine proof of that generation. Whatever you see in the land as the Shekinah presence of God outside the chosen vessel is an apparition, illusion, and magic aimed at deceiving the world.  
  54. Moses prayed that God should never allow this divine proof, the shekinah to be seen or perch in any place except within the people of God. MOSES MUST ACCUSE THIS GENERATION preached on Friday night of 28th& Saturday morning 29thmay 2021  at the Bridal Lodge, Nsugbe, Anambra state, Nigeria by Apostle Peter Odomemna the Son of Man, the Spirit of Truth, page 20 verse 9-13
  55. 1Moses still cherished three other wishes: [1] that the Shekinah might dwell with Israel; [2] that the Shekinah might not dwell with other nations; and lastly, [3] that he might learn to know the ways of the Lord whereby He ordained good and evil in the world, sometimes causing suffering to the just and letting the unjust enjoy happiness, whereas at other times both were happy, or both were destined to suffer.
  56. 2Moses laid these wishes before God in the moment of His wrath, hence God bade Moses wait until His wrath should have blown over, AND THEN HE GRANTED HIM HIS FIRST TWO WISHES IN FULL, but his third in part only.
  57. He granted Him His first two wishes in full. [1] That the Shekinah, the Presence of God will not be seen anywhere else, except in God’s own nation.That is why, when the Shekinah Cloud appeared in our midst, the LORD spake expressly that if you go round the whole globe, till eternity, you will never see this Shekinah Cloud around any other person. This is the exclusive preserve of the Almighty God. That is His identity.
  58. When you mention the Shekinah, you are talking about the presence of the Almighty God. And two cannot appear at the same time.
  59. Let us look at another Hadith narrated by Imam Ja’farSadeq (A.S) said, “The (Divine) Proof was existing before creation (of other things), during creation and after creation”.(Kamaaluddin, Pg.231.232)
  60. This man, who is a divine proof, existed before the world come into existence. He dwells with His creation as a man and will be with them after creation, in the hereafter. It has become a revelation to us that the Son of Man is the human-God, the Almighty God in human flesh.
  61. The Holy prophet (PBUH) said: ‘Even if a single day remains for the Day of Judgment, Allah will send a man from my Ahlubait. He will fill the earth with justice just like it is filled with tyranny’.
  62. Even if it remaineth one day or second that was allotted to this material world of ours to be destroyed, God will come down to earth as a man to restore justice on earth. Has He not returned? Are we waiting for his return again? No! He is here live.
  63. Acts 3:19-23 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB). Therefore, repent and turn to God, so that your sins may be erased; 20so that times of refreshing may come from the Lord’s presence; and he may send the Messiah appointed in advancefor you, that is, Yeshua. 21He has to remain in heaven until the time comes for restoring everything, as God said long ago, when he spoke through the holy prophets. 22For Moshe himself said, ‘Adonai will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your brothers. You are to listen to everything he tells you. 23Everyone who fails to listen to that prophet will be removed from the people and destroyed. 24indeed all the prophets announced and continuing through all followed.
  64. He was appointed in advance for restoring everything back to its original State. No wonder the whole creation are groaning in pain and are awaiting for Him. Now, he has arrived to restore everything back to its original state.
  65. Let us continue with the message THE SALVATION LINK FOR YOUR AGE HAS BEEN REVEALED preached on 6thMay 2012 at the Household of God Onitsha by the Son of Man Apostle Odoemena the LAMINATED HUMAN BEING, Page 41 verse 10.
  66. I travelled a long distance with you and this is the last sign and the last move. Expect nothing higher than this.
  67. This is your rapture (translation). This is your paradise; this is your eternal life. For you have seen Him that is true, you are in Him that is true, even in the Son of Man, that is the true God and eternal life.
  68. We have seen He that is true. We have seen the Father of all spirit. Oh glory! This Son of man, the Lord Christ, Apostle Peter Odoemena is the true God and eternal life. He is the divine proof that God is here with us in human form.
  69. You want to look for God; then look at Him standing before you. Right from the beginning, He has been introducing Himself to us to see if He can attract our worship so that He can give us the right heart of worship. A heart that worships God in spirit and in truth.
  70. Ezekiel 36:26 GNT I will give you a new heart and a new mind. I will take away your stubborn heart of stone and give you an obedient heart. 27I will put my spirit in you and will see to it that you follow my laws and keep all the commands I have given you.God will put His spirit in us who believe in Him that will inspire us to obey his instructions at all times.
  71. The book of revelation made it clear that the resurrected body is now living here with His creation.
  72. 1:18 AMP. Am the Ever-living One, I am living in the eternity of eternities. I died, but see, I am alive forevermore; and I possess the keys of death and Hades (the realm of the dead).
  73. 1:18 VOICE Bible translation. And I am the living one. I entered the realm of the dead; but see, I am alive now and for all the ages-even ages to come [Amen.] I possess the keys to open the prison of death and hades.
  74. The scripture said Christ was alive before the world began and is Himself God.
  75. John 1:1-2.LB. Before everything else existed, there was Christ, with God. He has always been alive and is himself God.
  76. Bear with me as we read Luke chapter 11 verse 30 KJV. For as Jonas was a sign unto the Ninevites, so shall also the Son of man be to this generation.
  77. LUKE 11:30 NLT What happened to him was a sign to the people of Nineveh that God had sent him. What happens to the Son of Man will be a sign to these people that he was sent by God.
  78. Note: Jonah was in the belly of fish for three days and three nights. When he resurrected from the belly of the fish, he found himself in the land of the Gentile. Remember that Nineveh is a gentile land. This signified that when He (Christ) will resurrect, we should not look for Him among the Jews but among the Gentiles. He will be there until the time of the Gentiles is over. It is only there and then that He will return to the Jews.  
  79. Note also, that Jonah was speaking to the people of Nineveh as the resurrected body. He was therefore a sign of resurrection to the people of his time. In the same vein, the Son of Man, the Resurrected body is a supernatural sign to this generation.
  80. GOD IS KNOWN BY HIS ATTRIBUTES preached 4th January 2015 by apostle Peter Odoemena, at the Household of God Onitsha. Page 35 verse 2-3.  No other sign shall be given to you than the Resurrected body who has cumulated into a being called the Son of Man-the Resurrected body as evidence by the Pillar of Cloud, has no doubt to mean the very Son of Man, Jehovah Emorphy.
  81. We can rightly say, ‘He is the Emmanuel of our day,” Meaning God that is living, dwelling, sojourning among us in our own day with all supernatural manifestations of the Deity accompanying Him.
  82. We have come to the full revelation that this Man is the very Elohim. We have come to know Him that is true.
  83. The people of Nineveh repented on hearing the message of the resurrected body in their day, but greater than Jonah is here speaking to us. Greater than Moses is here. Greater than Solomon is here. Greater than Jesus is here.
  84. Have you seen why Jonah’s generation will rise in judgment against this present generation for refusing to hearken and obey the voice of the resurrected body in our own day?  Instead of repenting and acknowledging Him, many have rejected the only savior, the resurrected body. Do you know that there will be sorer punishment for this wicked generation?  
  85. We have come to the full knowledge of He that is in the midst of seven candlesticks. This is the very being that giveth light unto the angel messengers of the seven church ages. He is the life wire of every living creature that existed and still exists on earth.
  86. Hebrews 2:16 LB. We all know he did not come as an angel but as a human being- Yes a Jew.
  87. We all know that the Lord Christ has come as a human being. Yes in the fashion of the Gentiles. Let me tell you, there is no human being, whether believer, unbeliever, hypocrite, make-believer or skeptics even the Devil himself who does not know that the Lord Christ, the Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena (Glory be unto His Most Holy Name) is the Almighty God that has come in the flesh. That is as a human being.
  88. Some out of envy, jealousy, rivalry refuse to acknowledge Him and give Him honour due to Him. But unfortunately for them, the more they try to disprove the truth, they end up confirming the truth; and the more they are spreading the truth. In their attempt to block the course of the river, they cause the river to enter places it wouldn’t have entered.
  89. Let us hear what St. Paul said concerning this matter as evidence in his own day. Philippians 1: 15-18 CJB. True, some are proclaiming the Messiah out of jealousy and rivalry, but others are doing it in goodwill. 16The latter act from love, aware that I am put where I am for defending the Good News; 17while the former announce the Messiah out of selfish ambition, with impure motives, supposing they can stir up trouble for me in prison.
  90. 18But so what? All that matters is that in every way, whether honestly or in pretense, the Messiah is being proclaimed; and in that I rejoice.
  91. The Holy scriptures (the Holy Bible, the Holy Quran) the Ancient manuscripts, the Buddha religion, the Grail Massage and all other sacred books of other religions testified of no other person but the Person-the Son of Man, the Lord Christ, Apostle Peter Odoemena standing in our midst as the One and only true God. The prophets also testify that the eternal One is in His Church revealing and having love affair with His Bride.

God knows the best for telling us to go home and worship. It is only now that we know those that are ready to worship Him. It is not only gathering that makes us children of God. What makes us children of God is in our hearts and in your consciences. And when you surrender to the wrong ways of life, you have walked away from God. When you hide your identity because of what you intend to achieve or get, you compromise your conscience and compromise the Faith.




1 John 2:6. AMP Whoever says he lives in Christ that is, whoever says he has accepted Him [as God and savior] ought as a moral obligation to walk and conduct himself just as He walked and conducted himself.

  1. If you have believed in the revealed God, the Unveiled Christ, your character must be a reflection of your believe in Him. His character must be your character. You become one with Him.
  2. If you say no to His teachings, doctrine, His instructions, that you will never walk in them, your life will contradict your claim of believing in Him. If you drift away and fail to live in the teachings of the Anointed One, the Messiah, the Son of Man, you will not have God. Believing in Him means accepting Him as God and walking in obedience to His words and teachings. That is all. Anything outside this, means you have made yourself unworthy to receive the salvation He came with.  
  3. What am I saying? If you are saying that Almighty God is Christ in human form because the Pastor or the Apostle or the Evangelist said it, or the Bible or the ancient manuscripts said it, let it be known to you that you are not grounded and rooted. You can be easily deceived and will be tossed to and fro by every win of doctrine.
  4. However, if you said it because you have that conviction, you are sure and certain, you have that personal revelation, that God is a man and that He has been revealed in the person of Apostle Peter Odoemena, (May His Peace be upon All His children worldwide), nothing on this earth whether man, woman, hardship or even death can cause you to lose your conviction.
  5. Jesus the Christ once told his disciples,‘Forget about what people are saying concerning me. What do you as an individual say about me?’
  6. Mathew chapter 16 verse 13-15.  13When Jesus arrived in the villages of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “What are people saying about who the Son of Man is?”
  7. 14They replied, “Some think he is John the Baptizer, some say Elijah, some Jeremiah or one of the other prophets.”15He pressed them, “And how about you? Who do you say I am?”
  8. It is the level of revelation or the experience you have in Christ that will sustain you in this Most Holy Faith. I am saying that you must come to the level of revelation where you must know what we believe and why you believe what you believe. Not that somebody told you or that you heard, they said it, or that you read it from the scriptures (Bible, Quran, Ancient manuscripts etc.). No!
  9. You must have that personal revelation that the Lord, Apostle Peter Odoemena is God. It is this personal revelation or experience that will sustain you in this Most Holy Faith. If the Bible said it and the rest of sacred books said it, do you believe it? We speak because you believe. If you do not have this kind of revelation in you, you have believed in vain, although you are sitting down in our midst; you are lost.
  10. Ephesians 4:14 TLB.Then we will no longer be like children, forever changing our minds about what we believe because someone has told us something different or has cleverly lied to us and made the lie sound like the truth.
  11. WHY ME? Preached on Sunday 22ndJanuary 2023 by Apostle Peter Odoemena, The King of kings, page 76 verse 65.  Watch anybody who is a counterfeit. His character will always contradict his faith, whether man or woman. He will preach one thing and do another thing. That is a religious fellow. He is making politics. Are you getting what I am saying?
  12. Remember that a politician is one who is good in using people or situations to their his/her advantage. In other words, he or she is a manipulator. They are people that try to manipulate the word of God to suit their evil motives.  The person lacks the revelation of who God is.
  13. The moment your character contradicts your faith you are a counterfeit. Your character identifies you in Christ or in the devil.
  14. The Prophet William Braham said, ’Don’t preach me a sermon but live me a sermon.’ That means your character must be in harmony with your faith. There should not be any contradiction between your character and your professed belief in Christ.
  15. Follow me as read the message CHECK POINT EXPLAINED-The book that unveiled the secret on how to live a worthy lifepreached from 9th March to 16th March 2008 at the Household of God Onitsha Anambra State by the Son of Man Apostle Peter Odoemena, THE HUMAN GOD, Page 26 verse 4-5.
  16. What is faith? Faith is nothing but what you believe and what you believe will determine what your character will look like, for no man behave above his belief.
  17. Your behaviour is directed by the teachings you receive. That is why, once you reject a teaching in this faith, it reflects in your character. You may preach it, you may tell others about it, you may explain it very well, but deep in you, the message is not there.
  18. You may have head knowledge of the faith, of the doctrine, but in-depth heart knowledge, which will transform your life is completely void. That is why we are experiencing difficulty with some individuals, with many families.
  19. Head knowledge or brain knowledge or intellectual knowledge of the word of God does not make positive impact in the life of any individual. Have you seen the reason why we are experiencing difficulty in many individuals both youngand old? They have head knowledge of the word of God, that is why their lives are not transformed.
  20. The rejection or lack of in-depth heart knowledge of the word of God in your heart produces unbelief and once you reject the word in your heart, your character must be in opposition to the word of God.
  21. What am I saying?  I am saying that your character is the manifestation of the aboudance of your heart. The heart is the compass director of every character a man is manifesting. That is why if your heart is evil your character will be evil.
  22. In the message, “Influence” preached on 30thNovember, 1963. By Prophet William Braham, said,“We’re bringing influences everyday, and the life that you live proves what’s on the inside of you. You cannot change that. It reflects. Every person reflects outside, what he is inside.”
  23. The Lord Jesus made it clear that, it is not what you eat that defile you but, the content of your heart. So, your character is determined and directed by the contents of your heart.
  24. Mark 7:14-23 NLT 14Then Jesus called to the crowd to come and hear. “All of you listen,” he said, “and try to understand. 15It’s not what goes into your body that defiles you; you are defiled by what comes from your heart.”
  25. 17Then Jesus went into a house to get awayfrom the crowd, and his disciples asked him what he meant by the parable he had just used. 18“Don’t you understand either?” he asked. “Can’t you see that the food you put into your body cannot defile you? 19Food doesn’t go into your heart, but only passes through the stomach and then goes into the sewer.” (By saying this, he declared that every kind of food is acceptable in God’s eyes.)
  26. 20And then he added, “It is what comes from inside that defiles you. 21For from within, out of a person’s heart, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, 22adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, lustful desires, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness. 23All these vile things come from within; they are what defile you.”
  27. So, what determine or dictates your character is what you have treasure or accumulated in your heart. Your behavior therefore remains your identity. This is because your behavior depicts your personality. Your behavior places you either on the side of truth or on the side of falsehood.
  28. Remember that an identity is what you are known for, whether good or evil. Which means your character is your identity, your certificate. The only visible thing that gives the clear facts or vivid explanation of who you are, about your personality remains your character.
  29. SPARE TYRE vol. 1 preached on 16thApril, 2023 by the Son of Man Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Eternal One page 84 verse 20. ….. CHARACTER focuses on the inner qualities which make up an individual and draw others to those qualities.
  30. What attracts people to you is your character. What draw people away from you is also your character. You can hide everything but you cannot hide your character. You cannot suppress your character for too long. Events must surely expos you.
  31. There is but one authentic and reliable instrument that exposes every person’s nature and that instrument remains the word of God.
  32. Hebrew 4:12. LB “For what the word of God says to us is full of living power; it is sharper than the sharpest dagger, cutting swift and deep into our innermost thoughts and desires with all their parts, exposing us for what we really are”.
  33. The word of God recreates, reshapes, redefines your character, ideology, thoughts, idiosyncrasy, your vision about life; and finally deposits the seed of eternal life into one’s life as an individual. A new life has begins. Is it not true?  If these things do not take place in you, it then means the word has not yet taken hold of your heart.
  34. The word of God is the only instrument that exposes the true nature of every human being. What exposes the hypocrisy of the Pharisees is the word of God; otherwise, one would have adjudged them righteous. Looking at the way they carry out church activities, the way they talk, the way they walk, you will think they are already in paradise. But what reveals their nature is the word of God.
  35. From the audio of message of 1stAugust 2023 God said,  ‘John the Baptist told them to stop coming, claiming to be Abrahams children, bear fruits meet for repentance, show that character Abraham is known for, showcase the character of Abraham.
  36. Manifest God’s character, God’s life for the difference between the Devil and God is character. It is not all these teachings, it is not all these preaching you are preaching, the Devil does the same but the thing he cannot do is to live the life of God.
  37. So it is not preaching or teaching that is the paramount thing but manifesting the character of God. Remember God’s nature remain your ticket to paradise
  38. The Lord said further in that message of 1stAugust 2023, that there is no way you can be spiritually right with God and physically wrong. That if you clean your heart from all evil, then watch your character reflecting sanity. Clean your brain, clean your mind from every traces of ungodly act, ungodly spirit, flush all of them out and then watch your life.
  39. Stop living in craftiness, in hypocrisy, and embrace the truth with your whole heart and then watch your character and life being transformed, for good. Remember that anybody whose life is not directed by the word of God does not belong to God.
  40. Romans 8:14. The Voice Bible. If the spirit of God is leading you, then take comfort in knowing you are His children.
  41. Brethren, the only thing that can flush the brain, the heart and the mind from evil remains the word of God. When the word of God takes its hold in your heart, your character will now be directed by the word of God.
  42. Philippians 4:8 AMP.  For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them].
  43. Brethren, believe ye me, there is nothing as praiseworthy, pure, lovable, kind, winsome, gracious and excellent than the word of God. If you meditate on the word daily, I tell you, you will be sanctifies, for the word sanctified. No wonder the scriptures enjoined us to mediate on the word of life we received from God constantly.
  44. Verse 9:Practice what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and model your way of living on it, and the God of peace (of untroubled, undisturbed well-being) will be with you.
  45. Keep to the script. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from the Lord of Glory in our midst. Model your life on the everlasting word of God. Everything you heard from Him and saw Him doing put in practice that is the only way our hearts can be purified and be flushed from all forms of evil.
  46. Do you know that character is nature expressed? The nature of every human being is known through his or her character. A man is evil because his character is evil. I am saying that if your nature is evil, you will manifest evil character and if your nature is godly, you will manifest godly character.
  47. Believe it if you can, Almighty God has come in the person of the Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena, (May His mighty name be praised forever) a man born unto righteousness to perfect godly character. Without Him appearing, nobody will be made perfect before God. He is the perfection of the Saints. He came to perfect all the Saints right from Adam.
  48. One can deduce from the scripture we just read, (Philippians 4:8-9) that godly character simply means adhering to the truth and putting them into obedience. Evil character is one that is in opposition to the truth, one geared towards disbelieving God and practicing evil.
  49. Character per se is the spirit that breaths life or death into our belief. If your character is evil, it then means that you are breathing death into your belief. In the other hand, if your character or manifestation is godly, then life is breathed into your belief.
  50. I want us to know that, the very thing that is accessible to the innate rational nature of every human being is character. What gives vivid or real nature of who you are, is your character.
  51. We know a good man by his fruits. We know a bad man by his fruits. We know the spirit that is in a man by his actions.  If God is in a man, his actions will be godly. If the actions are devilish, we say that Satan is in him.
  52. A bad man is one whose character is evil while a godly man is one whose character is godly. So, character is the visible manifestation of your inner nature.
  53. Remember your life is your own. Your choices and the results of them are yours alone to bear. Nobody bears or shares it with you. The man who shows you the right path will not reap your reward if you walk in it, and the man who lure you or lead you to the wrong path will not bear your judgment from God if you follow them.
  54. The old Prophet that lured the young prophet from Judah away from the instruction God gave him never took part in the calamity that befell the young prophet.
  55. 13:11-25 MSG.11There was an old prophet who lived in Bethel. His sons came and told him the story of what the holy man had done that day in Bethel, told him everything that had happened and what the holy man had said to the king.
  56. 12Their father said, “Which way did he go?” His sons pointed out the road that the holy man from Judah had taken.13-14He told his sons, “Saddle my donkey.” When they had saddled it, he got on and rode after the holy man. He found him sitting under an oak tree.
  57. He asked him, “Are you the holy man who came from Judah?””Yes, I am,” he said.15“Well, come home with me and have a meal.”
  58. 16-17“Sorry, I can’t do that,” the holy man said. “I can neither go back with you nor eat with you in this country. I’m under strict orders from God: ‘Don’t eat a crumb; don’t drink a drop; and don’t come back the way you came.'”
  59. 18-19But he said, “I am also a prophet, just like you. And an angel came to me with a message from God: ‘Bring him home with you, and give him a good meal!'” But the man was lying. So the holy man went home with him and they had a meal together.
  60. 20-22There they were, sitting at the table together, when the word of God came to the prophet who had brought him back. He confronted the holy man who had come from Judah: “God’s word to you: You disobeyed God’s command; you didn’t keep the strict orders your God gave you; you came back and sat down to a good meal in the very place God told you, ‘Don’t eat a crumb; don’t drink a drop.’ For that you’re going to die far from home and not be buried in your ancestral tomb.”
  61. 23-25When the meal was over, the prophet who had brought him back saddled his donkey for him. Down the road a way, a lion met him and killed him. His corpse lay crumpled on the road, the lion on one side and the donkey on the other. Some passersby saw the corpse in a heap on the road, with the lion standing guard beside it. They went to the village where the old prophet lived and told what they had seen.
  62. In the messageTHUMBPRINT VOL 1 page 173 verse 64 preached on 10thJuly 2022 at the Voice of God’s Studio the Bridal Lodge NsugbeAnambra State Nigeria. The Lord said and quote Your woes belong to you. Your joy belongs to you. Your eternal life belongs to you. Your eternal condemnation belongs to you. Everything about you is personal.
  63. Your sorrows and joys are yours alone. So if you are a wise man or a wise woman choose the kind of life that will bring you eternal joy. Moreover, that eternal joy comes because of your obedience to the truth. Truth brings peace and joy. It leads to everlasting life.I am saying that obedience to the truth is the only thing that can give real peace and joy to the soul. Money does not give real peace. Pleasure of this life does not give lasting peace and joy. It will only give momentary happiness, which is very dangerous. Living in pleasure here and living in anguish and torment eternally in hell in the hereafter.
  64. So your attitude towards the word of God you are hearing either delivers you from death or puts you to death if you are disobedient to the word of God. The rejection of the word of God is death and the acceptance and obedience to the word of God is life.
  65. So, the identity of every child of God is in Christ. You must be identified in Christ. For Christ is the identity of every elect. That is why the Bible said, ‘Let him that nameth the name of the Lord depart from iniquity.’
  66. 2Timothy 2:1. Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
  67. God knows everyone everywhere. No man is hidden from God; therefore, if you say you are of Christ, your character must be Christ. No more. No less.
  68. We continue with message THE TRUE TOKEN vol.1 preached 29thDecember 1994 by the Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Great God. Page 97 verse 39-42 Thus, by your character, now we will know the spirit that is dwelling in you. By the spirit that is dwelling in you, we will know the nature of your soul; if your soul has the nature of God or of a beast. For the separating line between God and the devil is character.
  69. I have told you before that man is likened to Fanta or Coke or Sprite soft drink. They are all contained in a bottle that can be broken. They are all made up of water and sugar. Coke is the same thing with Sprite but colour is the only difference there.
  70. Yes, the difference between Christ and the devil is character. The difference between a believer and unbeliever is character. The difference between a follower and believer is character.
  71. Man is made up of soul, the spirit and the body. The soul is the will of God in a man. The soul is also the will of the Devil in a man. The spirit tells the nature of the soul while the body (character) describes the nature of the spirit because behind every action, it is the spirit that is inspiring it. And by the spirit that is inspiring, you can know who occupies the soul. That is why you must be sure that you have a true soul.
  72. The occupant of the soul determines the spiritual nature of the soul and the spiritual nature of the soul will determine what character you will manifest. A living soul is one that has been occupied by Christ while a dead soul is one occupied by the devil.
  73. If God who is holy will dwell in a temple, the temple becomes holy. Now, by your character, we will know whether you have the true token or the false token. We will know the spirit that is dwelling in you.
  74. Page 139 verse 49 of the message “ARE YOU SURE AND CERTAIN THAT YOU ARE IN THE NUMBER SAVED BY GOD’S ELECTION OF GRACE? Preached on 19thMarch, 2023. The moment you begin to walk contrary to the revealed truth that was given to you, you have lost your identity in Christ.
  75. That is the reason Almighty God withdrew the I.D Card. Many were thinking carrying the I.D Card about is what gives them a place in Christ. Little did they know that it is for the identification of membership of this earthly arrangement called the Bride of Christ Ministry. It does not give you a place in Christ. The real and authentic I.D Card that gives you a place in Christ or in the Devil is your character. Your faith in Christ gives you a place in Him while your unbelief or lack of faith in Him gives you a place in the Devil.
  76. Brethren, if Christ is not your identity, you are doomed. You are merely existing waiting for the day of your execution.
  77. Turn with me to the message IF YOU HAVE BEEN WITH CHRIST WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?  Page 97 verses 28 and 31 preached on Thursday 11thFebruary 2021 a sermon initiated by Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Son of Man expanded by Pastor Chizobaudochukwu as directed by the Son of Man at the Bridal Lodge Nsugbe during usual morning meeting with some brethren in the presence of Pastor Thomas Eze, Pastor ChizobaUdochukwu, Deacon ChibukoEgwuatu, Bro Stephen Eze, and Sunday Eze.
  78. Once your life is contrary to that truth which you are professing, you are fighting the truth. You are fighting the truth.
  79. You see why you should be careful the way you live? Have you seen why that your life, your character is the greatest testimony in the sight of God? You might be the most respected Minister. Yet, you are a backslider in the heart.
  80. Check your history, check your scriptures, from the creation of the world till this very day, nobody has ever fought the truth and succeeded, even Lucifer never succeeded when he tried it, and has never succeeded. Anybody fighting the truth is fighting a loose battle.
  81. The evidence that you have been with Christ is your manifestation of Christ in your daily life.
  82. Let us confirm this truth in the message FEAR GOD EXPLAINED vol. 1 preached 3rdMay 2020 by the Son of Man, the Ageless Being, Apostle peter Odoemena
  83. …When your character contradicts the message, you are giving the message a wrong interpretation. Is it a lie?
  84. So be very careful that your character is giving the right interpretation to this honest truth coming to us from God. When you nullify it with your character, you are erasing your name from the book of life. That is why you do not commit a deliberate sin.
  85. Have you seen why Almighty God said He will never erase or drop anybody’s name from the lamb’s book of life, but that we will be the one that will use our own hands to do the erasing of our names from the lamb’s book of life. How will you do it? By living contrary to the revealed truth that is evidently made clear to you.

Your problem is that you think you know our characters but you do not know any. You think you know God, but you do not know Him. If you really know God, you would have understood that God is known for truth. That’s all! You will know God for love without hypocrisy. And this love without hypocrisy abhors evil.






Is your character confirming your faith in Christ? It is either your character is confirming your faith in Christ or it is in contrast to the Faith of Christ. Your character, which is your nature expressed, is the only thing that will attracts God’s interest to confirm your faith in Him.

  1. At any given time that your character runs in contrast, in opposition to the truth, to the word of God revealed in your day, you are telling God and  the world around you that you are not part of God. That you are a hypocrite, a mere pretender, and a make-believer.
  2. Remember the message “MY salvation is now in my hands.”  So it is now in your hand to consolidate your faith in Christ or disconnect completely from Christ. The choice is yours. Tell me, how would you say, you believe in your teacher when you refuse to imbibe his teachings into your life.
  3. Remember what happened in Antioch, that it was the character of Jesus’ disciples that made the people to call them Christians, meaning Christ-like. The character of the disciples confirms that they have been with the Lord Jesus. The people of Antioch were highlighting that they (Jesus’ disciples) are not merely followers of Christ but believers of Christ and that they are no longer viewing them as mere sect within Judaism.
  4. Today, can your character tell people around you that you are a believer of the Son of Man? Does your character confirm that you are not among the hypocrites that are milling around Him but believer of Christ? Are they still viewing you or seeing you as mere religious sect within the denominations?
  5. Remember that this Faith is beyond any religious faith in the world. It is not a religious faith. It is unique and divine. It is uncommon faith. It is a man, a human being. It is a spiritual Faith that transcends from above and beyond any other thing you might call faith.
  6. SECRET OF RAPTURE vol. 1 page 36 verse 7-10 preached 19thDecember 1999 at the Household of God Onitsha. In the time past you have no faith, whatever you claim was your faith was not Christ’s faith, because nobody can have Christ’s faith until Christ appears on the scene. Note it, Christ is no other person but the anointed one. You do not have the faith of Christ in you until Christ reveal His faith, faith is always hidden until it is revealed. Even Moses’ faith, nobody has it until Moses appeared on the scene and then revealed his faith.
  7. Besides, if you said you believe in Him, you are his disciple you have it as a duty to pattern after His life. In other words, you are a replica, a carbon copy of His life and of His testimony. Place Christ, place a Christian, place a believer, place a child of God, no difference.
  8. In Antioch, the Bible said they saw them moving, they were not talking and people studied their lives and said, ”Behold these people are like Christ,”  and there they were called Christians, that is people that behave like Christ, they knew Christ, they saw Christ. They knew Him as a good man, they saw His way of life.
  9. When they saw people that behave like Him, they immediately identified them. We have come to the point where people can identify us today and say. “Really, they are like their leader.” People that know our leader, our instructor, they know Him, they know His manner of  life, they know His doctrine , can they see somebody that said he has believed Him today and say, “In short, without anybody telling me, you are His disciple, you behave like Him.”
  10. Let me ask this question ‘Is your daily character confirming that you had been taught by the Greatest Rabbi, Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Lord of the Spirit in our own day?
  11. Why are we still lingering and unable to answer the question that Almighty God asked us on 11 February 2021? If you have been with the Lord, where is the evidence? Where is the evidence that you have been with Him? Why is your daily character not reflecting the truth, the teachings we have received from Him?
  12. Is it not an indication, a sure sign that we have not believed in Him as the Lord God Almighty? You may say you believe Him to be God. There is no problem, the devil also believes, but is your daily character actually proving to God that you have believed in Him? Let your daily character convince God that you have believed in Him.
  13. Brethren, I am saying that we must bear fruits according to the truth we have received from God. We must, as a necessity, justify through our character that we have received teachings from no less a personality than Almighty God Himself.
  14. THE SECRET OF SURVIVAL LIES IN CHRIST (morning altar message) page 32:8-10 preached on 21stFebruary, 2015 at the Bridal Lodge NsugbeAnambra state Nigeria by Apostle peterOdoemena, the Great Light. When the gospel is not reforming your life, it is condemning your life. This is what you must know. At any point in time when the word God goes forth, if it is not reforming your life for the better, it is condemning your life because when you hear, you listen and refuse to obey, you stand condemned.
  15. I want us to read this passage of the scripture in another version of the Bible.I read from the Voice version of the Bible.John 3:18 No one who believes in Him has to fear condemnation, yet condemnation is already the reality for everyone who refuses to believe because they reject the name of the only Son of God.
  16. Condemnation is what? A reality to those who reject the truth, and does not believe that the son Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena is the Almighty God. Believing means that the life you are living now is Christ’s life. Your life is nothing but a replica of Christ. No more no less.
  17. But when you hear, you listen, you understand and obey, definitely, you have reformed your life. Your life can never be the same again. That is reason I always want you to understand that there is no other God’s power of transformation other than hearing and obeying His word. The transformation power of God lies in His word if you obey.
  18. Follow me to page 12 verse 14 through 16 of the message “THE YEAR OF GOD’S VENGEANCE HAS COME AT LAST” preached on 5th June 2011 at the Household of God Onitsha Anambra State Nigeria by Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Ageless being.
  19. For the message says God has given us His word as His regulatory instrument to regulate our habits, our characters and this is the essence of the preaching of the gospel of Christ: ONE to bring salvation into focus, to highlight immortality, which is in Christ. TWO, to regulate your habits to suit the purpose of Christ calling you into His family.
  20. God can never run a disorderly family. Our message made it clear concerning the words of our Prophet William Braham, that if the spirit of Christ is in you, your action must reflect Christ, for Christ is the identified by His character.
  21. However, if the Spirit of Christ is not in you, your life and character will contradict the character of Christ. If you feel that Christ is in you and your character does not reflect it, that means you have received a deceiving spirit. He (the Spirit of Christ) is not there. You have encountered a spirit that resembles Christ. If it is not Christ, it is not Christ.
  22. STOP CONTRADICTING YOUR BELIEF IN CHRIST BY THE WAY YOU LIVE FOR WE ARE ABOUT TO GO HOME. That is the little topic of this compilation. Stop contradicting your faith in Christ by your lifestyle, for the character of every human being is the manifestations of the integrity and strength in one’s inward personality into action. Stop contradicting your testimony in Christ by living a false life. Is your character confirming or contradicting your faith in Christ?
  23. Follow me as we read Jeremiah chapter 11 verse 9. Again the Lord spoke to me and said, “I have discovered a conspiracy against me among the people of Judah and Jerusalem. 10They have returned to the sins of their forefathers. They have refused to listen to me and are worshiping other gods. Israel and Judah have both broken the covenant I made with their ancestors.
  24. Who discovered the evil that is being perpetuated in the families? God. The greatest undoing a man can commit against himself is to conspire against his maker by turning down on Him, setting His word aside breaking the covenant he made with his creator.
  25. Conspiring against God simply means walking contrary to the truth you have received from God. So, when you are walking contrary to the teachings, messages, instructions you have received from God, you are conspiring against God.
  26. APPOINTMENT AND CONFIRMATION BEFORE PROMOTION Vol. 1  page 141 verse 93- 95, preached 28thFebruary 2020 by the Son of Man Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Greatest Rabbi at the Bridal Studio Nsugbe, Anambra state Nigeria.   Then when you come to the gate, what evidence will you produce? The evidence of the ticket to paradise is Christ’s nature. Did you get the message? It is Christ’s nature.
  27. When you are staying in the faith without imbibing Christ’s nature, what are you going to present to me when you get to the end? Nobody is presenting any other thing but Christ.You are not coming to say, “I am presenting a message. It is written in the Bible. The Great sermon said,” nobody wants that.
  28. There is no other thing that is required at the gate of paradise if not the nature of Christ in you. Christ in you, the hope of glory. The only ticket that gives entrance into paradise remains the nature of Christ. If your character is not reflecting the nature of Christ forget about translation, forget about paradise.
  29. SECRET OF RAPTURE vol.1 page 41:19 -21.  In other words, God is expecting everybody that is coming to show only but one character, only one character will be found in paradise. one character will enter paradise, not two characters, only one character. That one character is the nature of Christ.
  30. If the doctrine is one, the faith is one, baptism is one, the Lord is one, Paradise is one, character must be one. After all character is your doctrine reflected, for your doctrine reflects in your character. No man can live a life higher than his doctrine.
  31. If I have given you doctrine after holiness, surely it must reflect in your character. If in this faith we teach you how to fight, if it is our doctrine that we can fight or go to court or make trouble with anybody or even go to police, surely it will be reflecting in your character. Whatever you say you believe must reflect, it is your doctrine, it is your faith.
  32. Page 57 verse 16 of the message RE-EXAMINE YOUR TICKET AGAIN preached on 20thMay, 2022. What do you use to validate it? Your manifestation validates your ticket. He that validated the ticket is already with you and has given you teachings, doctrines, instructions which if you obey gladly will transform your life to be like his own. The moment it is done, He marks you okay. He places a seal on you and that seal is an irrevocable seal.
  33. We continue with verse 19.  He is not using how many years you have stayed in the movement. You can stay two hundred years in the movement without one second in Christ. Your character always marking you out. Your manifestations marking you out. You see why it is necessary that you must know where we are right now.
  34. We go back to the message APPOINTMENT AND CONFIRMATION BEFORE PROMOTION Vol.1 Page 142 verse 96-97   we want to see what the Bible said, what the Quran said, what the great sermon said.
  35. We want to see it in your life and in your character, for your character is a reflection of whatever the Quran, the Bible, or the Son of Man said. Is it not character? Is it not nature?
  36. Nature is intrinsic or inherent and no human being can manipulate it. If you watch the behavior or characters of the Pharisees, you will conclude that they are already in heaven, but what gives us the true picture of their personality is their nature, which is being made manifest through their characters.
  37. The Lord Jesus said that we would identify, and recognize these people by their fruits, by their characters. By their characters, we shall come to know them fully. So when any man or woman come to you claiming that he or she believes in Christ that has been revealed in our midst, he said, look for his or her fruits, watch his manifestation to know  whether it depicts Christ or the Devil.  
  38. Matthew: 7:20 NLT.  Yes, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their action.Is it not true? We identify a bad man by his actions, by his character. We identify a good man by his character.
  39. In the message, CHRIST IS THE IDENTITY OF EVERY ELECT preached on 8thFebruary 2015 by the Son of Man Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Fountain of Living Waters, page 61 verse 5, God said, Remember my message titled “Give yourself a name“give yourself a name. I may not name you anything; your character is your name. If you are behaving like a thief, your name is a thief. You behave like ‘Agboro” (a Tout), though you answer innocent, your name is agboro.
  40. Turn with me once again to the message:  WHAT DO YOU WANT GOD TO CALL YOU? VOL. 1 preached on Sunday 6thOctober 2019 by Apostle Peter Odoemena, the All-knowing God, pages 86 verses 1 through 3 and page 130 verse 10 Your Name is your character, my name is my character.If my character is the character of Nebuchadnezzar, my name is Nebuchadnezzar. If my character is a resemblance of Ahab, automatically, though I bear “his holiness,” “holy reverend,” my right name in the sight of God is Ahab.
  41. If you behave like Christ, your name is Christ. Your name is your character. Brethren, when your heart is purified, sanctified by the word of God and is in right standing with God, the actions must be right. For an evil heart must produce evil actions. Unsanctified hearts are known by its evil manifestations.
  42. FROM THE SHORT PRAYER AND MESSAGE OF AUGUST 2023 TO THE BRIDE,by the Son of Man, the God of Mercy. God have this to say, “When the spirit is right, the action cannot be wrong. If you are not spiritually tied to Christ, you are not tied to Christ. For he that is tied to Christ, Christ will have firm grip over him. Must be spiritually devoted spiritually committed to the things of God. He will consider the word of God of great importance to his life. So, the importance you are attaching will be reflecting in your attitude towards everything you are doing.
  43. You are not behaving right because your spirit is not right. When your spirit is right, everything is right. There is no way the spirit will be right and the manifestations wrong. Character is the manifestation of what is in the spirit of everything whether the spirit of God or of Christ.”
  44. Christ in me makes everything right. Christ in you makes everything right.
  45. Almighty God told us clearly in the message, LEARN OF ME EXPLAINED   (DO NOT TAP OUT), preached on Sunday 16thJuly, 2023 at THE VOICE OF GOD STUDIO, BRIDAL LODGE NSUGBE, ANAMBRA STATE NIGERIA: That the greatest stumbling block to the faith of Christ has remained, one who claims that he believes, but clings seriously to his former association.
  46. He says amen to the truth but his life is not in line with truth. His life and character contradicts the faith of Christ he or she claimed to uphold.  
  47. Page 94 verse 30 of the message CHRIST IS THE IDENTITY OF EVERY ELECT preached on 8thFebruary 2015 by the Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Father of all Spirits. Saying amen means changing your attitude and addressing the truth without hypocrisy. That is what saying amen means. When you say amen and continue in your old way of life which is condemnable in the sight of God, I bet you disaster awaits you, disappointment awaits you.
  48. This is the reason we must be very careful, for when you are saying ‘Amen’ to what you know you do not believe; you are bringing condemnation to yourself. You are incurring the wrath of God to yourself.
  49. Mark 7: 8 Amp. You disregard and give up and ask to depart from you the commandment of God and cling to the tradition of men keeping it carefully and faithfully.
  50. They are very careful and faithful in keeping the tradition of men, teachings that run contrary to the word of God but when it comes to the word of God, they become weak and unfaithful. That is a sign that such individual or group of individuals are not from God.
  51. Holy Quran said that such are hypocrites. It is natural for such people to carry out the work of their father the Devil. They have the nature of the devil.
  52. Let me tell you, your nature can never be separated from you. Your nature is your personality.
  53. James 2:26 The Voice Bible. Removing action from faith is like removing breath from a body. All you have left is a corpse.Meaning that faith is action expressed. Your character gives breath into your faith. Any Faith you claim you have that does not manifest in your character is a dead faith.
  54. Please, have it behind your mind that we are not looking at character in the world’s perspective but in God’s own perspective. For what the world in general considered good character, is far behind what God calls good character. Something is good because God said it is good, otherwise, it is bad. There are too many things the world considered good, which are an abomination before the Lord God Almighty.That was why the scripture enjoin us in Roman 12 verse 3-4 that we should not be so well adjusted to our culture without thinking.
  55. Romans 12: 1-2. MSG So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.
  56. I am saying that, to be of good character simply means that your habits, actions, thoughts and emotional responses are all united and directed towards the truth, towards the word of God, otherwise you are evil in nature.
  57. Proverb 21 verse 8 LB. A man is known by his actions. An evil man lives an evil life; a good man lives a godly life. Pure truth!
  58. TAKE MY YOKE chapter two verse 13 through 14 preached on 9th September, 2007 by the Son Of Man (Apostle Peter Odoemena)at the Household of God Onitsha. If we represent the image of God, first, know it that God is a being. What it implies is that we must have the nature and attributes of God, whether man or woman, because we all possess the Spirit of God; and then if we are not being controlled by the Spirit of God, we are counterfeits; we are claiming what we are not.
  59. THE SECRET OF RAPTURE VOL 1 preached on 19thDecember 1999 at the Household God Onitsha page 57 verse 11.  We must all have one character and one spirit. Because by one spirit are we all baptized into one body, and if we have one spirit and the spirit controls our character, our characters must be one. Ministers take note, whatever is your motive in the faith is what you are going to reap in the end.
  60. We must have one uniform and the uniform must be the word, which is Christ in every one of us. The Bride must adorn herself with the word. This is the only acceptable and approved uniform that God requires from each of us. No more, No less.
  61. We continue with the message TAKE MY YOKE verse 14. 14God is not looking for preachers or hearers, God is looking for one man, one woman that will stand boldly before the crowd and manifest the fullness of the attributesof the Deity.
  62. God is looking for that individual that will showcase Christ to the world through his or her character. The World has heard enough of the preaching. What they needed now is the manifestation of the truth in our lives because the greatest sermon that makes the greatest impact is the manifestation of truth in one’s life. They want to see the practical reality of your faith which is Christ in our lives.
  63. WHENEVER YOU ARE CONVERTED STRENGTHEN YOUR BRETHREN preached on 1stOctober, 2023 by the Son of Man Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Fountain of truth at the Bridal studio NsugbeAnambra State Nigeria. Whatever you said you believe, God must verify all because you may believe whatever you want to believe. It is your right, but is it according to truth?
  64. Too many people are holding erroneous belief even in our midst that is why we do not have a uniform character.
  65. Your faith must be verified by Almighty God. Are you holding religious faith or the faith of Christ? Until you differentiate between religious faith and faith of Christ, your life will never be transformed. Many in our midst are holding religious faith instead of the faith of Christ. That is the major reasons their lives remain the same. No transformation.
  66. Translation is for those that have migrated from religious faith to the Faith of Christ. Remember that what was on earth before He came was religious faith. He came and demolished everything called religious faith and then established His faith, which is far away from what people were holding as faith.
  67. I am a member of the Bride of Christ ministry. I was there from the official beginning. We are the pillars, this and that. If I die, the Bride of Christ ministry worldwide will give me a glorious burial. My brother, my sister if that is the reason you are in this faith, I tell you, you are still in the periphery of religious faith. You have not yet found your feet in Christ.
  68. Why do we have uniform message, uniform teachings and uniform doctrines with differing characters? With differing manifestation?
  69. Every individual in this Most Holy Faith must answer this very pertinent question. The reason we are having differing character is that many have not yet believed the truth God has revealed in our midst. They have not allowed the truth to have its ways in their lives. They are still holding religious faith that they inherited from their fathers.
  70. It is a sure sign that some are yet to come to the unity of the faith. A good number are yet to come to real unity of the faith where we can now have one spirit, one mind, one mindset, one attitude and one character. We cannot have Christ with differing characters.
  71. We don’t have two Christ’s neither do we have two gods. So our character must be one. Anybody having characters different from Christ’s nature is not of Christ.