STOP MODERNIZING THE WORD OF GOD VOLUME 1 Preached ON Sunday 7th May, 2023 Patmos Experience BY Pastor Thomas Eze The Household of God, Onitsha


Transcribed by Sister Ifeoma Eze

I have presented this Message without charge. I thank God that I have maintained My integrity in this Faith up to this end. If I did not mess it up till now, and I have rounded off, do not ever say that brother will make shipwreck. No! I have received My crown already. I am crowned already! The little few days that are left here are to make people around Me know that I am not a hypocrite. However, I have become the Home of Christ. Within these few days, they will come, and they will say, “So, this Man has commonsense!”


GOD HAS COUNTED ME WORTHY, PUTTING ME INTO THIS MINISTRY; Preached on Sunday 13th August, 2000 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 57 vs. 42 – 43



Remain blessed Brethren. We thank the Almighty God who made us to be alive in the land of the living. We are grateful to the Almighty God in our midst, the Very Son of Man Who, by His love and His mercy, we are alive even today.

  1. We are going to look into the Scriptures to consider some Scriptures for our own good. God told us that whatever is written in the Scriptures is written for our own learning and for our own good because when the history of any mistake of the past is forgotten, that mistake will be repeated again in our lives.
  2. If we pay heed and take in the wholesome Word of God, that mistake will not be repeated again.
  3. So the perfection of the Saints of God is our ability to take the Word of God into our hearts and make sure we are living by them. That is our perfection.
  4. It is not what I can do or what you can do, but believing in the Son of Manto be our personal Lord, God and Saviour.
  5. That belief in the Word of God is made manifest by our characters. If you say you believe and you are walking contrary to His teachings, do you believe? No! So you are a hypocrite. You are a mixed multitude. You are deceiving yourself.
  6. Thus, the Scripture made it clear to all and Sundry that many people are carrying Bible. Many are proclaiming or claiming that they believe in God, but God knows those that believe in Him. He knows those that are His.
  7. So without wasting much of our time, let us consider Jeremiah chapter 6 from verse 16 to 21.
  8. In every age, God must send His own Messenger, a Prophet or an Apostle. But in our own age, God came down Himself. The Son of Manis not a messenger of any age, but in those past ages, He sent His messengers.
  9. They heard the Word of God in part, but the Son of Manhas the fullness of the Word of God. That is why He will be the one to judge all, set them free and perfect them.
  10. In the Days of Jeremiah, there were many people that said that they believed God, and that they belong to God, but when the Word of God was revealed to them on what God wants them to do, they rejected it, even telling God face to face that they will not obey.
  11. The same is applicable to our own age. That is why every family is full of vomit. Even when we were having our general gathering, it was just cosmetic fellowship because majority of us were not serious, and God knows.
  12. That is why He prophesied it ahead of time that a day is coming when every man, every woman will be worshiping God from his or her home.
  13. Every family will now be on their own to manifest all we have received from God in our general assembly, for God finished the whole teachings before He sent us home.
  14. In the days of Jeremiah, people were gathering before him to hear the Word of God. They want God to give them what they want, but God gave them what they need.
  15. If they want to be perfect, they want to be holy, they want to be with God eternally, they must abide by God’s own will. But watch! When they hear the Word, they will say no because it is not palatable to them.
  16. The Word of God can never be palatable to any stranger in God’s Family. The mixed multitude in God’s Family can never accept God’s own way of living.
  17. That is why everybody is now modernizing the Word of God. They want it to suite their own lifestyle, the way they want it to be.
  18. If God wants us to live anyhow, will there be any teaching for us? God will not give us any teaching if He wants us to live anyhow and enter Paradise anyhow.
  19. If you say you believe the Almighty Allah, the very Son of Manbut refuse to abide by His Words and His teachings, you are deceiving yourself. You are mocking yourself, and God knows that you never believed for one day.
  20. So, God is right when He is saying even now that nobody is in His Ark, and that nobody has entered there. If by now, nobody is in that Ark, when God is always telling us that He is about to go home, when will we enter that Ark?
  21. In every age, there must be an Ark where God’s people must run into and be saved from God’s wrath– saved from God’s destruction. And the Ark of God for us today is Christ, the Son of Man. He is that Ark.
  22. He must confirm your faith. Any faith without action is dead. You must manifest that truth from the Son of manwhich you say you believe. The rules and regulations He gave us on how husband and wife should live, how they should train their children, how the children should grow and the fear of the Lord even from childhood, where is it?
  23. The situation is such that it is every man and every woman in his or her own way. When we receive the Word of God, we water it down and we modernize it.
  24. Modernizing the word of God is idol worshipping. That is why God will tell us how to dress but we will change it to our own style. We want to compete with the world.
  25. When they are walking about naked, we try to pattern after them. When their children are manifesting disobedience to their parents, our own children will pattern after them. And parents will give them the free hands to live the way they want.
  26. That is why there are reproaches everywhere and every family is full of vomit.

49…God must pry through everything we are doing. He that said, “I know you and your doings” is He not the Almighty? I know you and your doings. 50Even if I do not know and no other person knows, there is one who knows. And He is equally the One before whom you are coming to answer questions, for all things are naked unto Him with whom we have to do.  51I am the God of the heavens and the earth. The Judge of all. The Judge of the living and of the dead. And I am saying that I know you, I know your doings, I know your heart. I have not done you any hurt by healing your wounds.


ARE YOU FOLLOWING THE CLOUD OR THE CROWD PART 1; preached on Sunday 7th August, 2016 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 95 vs. 49 – 51



Now let us read Jeremiah chapter 6 from verse 16 from the Message Bible. “Go, stand at the crossroads and look around…..”

  1. Where is that crossroad? Stand still and I will show you the Word of truth. I will show you the Word of God, which if you believe in them, in those teachings, in those warnings, in those doctrines God gave to us, you will now be perfect.
  2. Go back to the old road where those that pleased God went through and they found favour before God. God was pleased with them.
  3. But in our own day, we said, “No! We will take a modern way, the reigning way”,professing godliness but in action reprobates, starting from the Elders and Ministers.
  4. Some fathers do not even have any say in their families, even to correct errors manifested in their families. Nobody cares about what God is saying. All have concluded that at the end, whatever we see, we take.
  5. It will take an Elect of God to be filled with the fear of God. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, knowledge and power of God.
  6. “Go, stand at the crossroad and look around, ask for direction to the old road…..”
  7. Ask for directions to the old road, and how God placed it that anybody that must enter Paradise must go that way, must live that way which is the way of God. It is not our own way or the way we want it, but the way God wants it.
  8. In our families today, fathers want their families to pattern after their own lifestyles and not the way God said we should pattern after. We do not talk of women. They are now taking to the worldly styles.
  9. But go to Romans chapter 12 verse 2 [GNB], God said, “Do not conform yourself to the standard of this world but try to be transformed by the word of God, to pattern after the way God wants us to pattern after.
  10. When we walk contrary to God’s will, God must surely walk contrary to us. It is a must. If we walk contrary to God, God must walk contrary to all of us.
  11. When we think we are smart, we should know that God is smarter than every human being. He is greater than every spirit.
  12. That is why we are crying wolf everywhere in the families that call themselves the children of God.
  13. “…..ask for direction to the old road, the tried and true road…”The tried and true road. The lifestyle which God had approved. A tried and approved lifestyle by God.
  14. He said we should seek that type of life and we are seeing it in the Son of Manand His family, for He is the perfect example for every Saint in our own day. The Son of Man’s Family is the standard for every family that wants to enter Paradise.
  15. “…ask for direction to the old road, the tried and true road. Then take it. Discover the right routes for your souls…”Yes!
  16. The right route which when you find it for yourself, it will give you life. And Christ is the right route for my soul. Christ, the Son of Manis the right route for my soul and for your soul.
  17. “But they said, ‘Nothing doing. We aren’t going that way’.Watch! Human beings have the boldness to confront God face to face.
  18. They said, “No! These things you are telling us, we will not do it. We will not seek the right road; the perfect road, the tried and tested road that leads to Paradise. We can never ask for it. Rather, we will live the way we want.”
  19. That is why the only thing parents are now teaching their children is how to live flamboyant and synthetic life. You see it? That is why God is not happy.
  20. There is no parent that can bend down to teach their children the way of the Lord. Rather, they are teaching them the way of the world.
  21. Are you following the Cloud or the crowd? We have left the Cloud and are following the crowd that is the world, to pattern after them and to compete with the world in everything.
  22. Every child now wants to become a millionaire or a billionaire in a wrong way, even when the time has not come.
  23. “…..I even provided watchmen for them to warn them, to set off the alarm….”
  24. God provided watchmen for us and Christ is our watchman. The Son of Mansees dangers ahead and He tells us not to go this way and not to go that way, but we are bent on going our own way.
  25. That is why majority of us do not involve God in whatever we are planning or doing but when trouble comes out of it, especially when death comes out of it, we run back to God as our spare tyre. We have received that message that God can never be our spare tyre again.
  26. “….I even provided watchmen to warn them, to set off the alarm. But the people said, ‘it is a false alarm. It doesn’t concern us”.
  27. They said that all these warnings from God that God does not mean it. He can never kill us. He can never allow us to go to hell. Let us continue in our own way. What is the need of going back? We are in a modern way. We are in a civilized world. How can we be patterning after God’s own way.
  28. “…And so I’m calling in the nations as witnesses…”God is calling the heathens, the nations as witnesses. He is calling heaven and earth as witnesses against the so called children of God who have stamped it hard that they can never pattern after God’s own way. Yet, they are claiming to be children of the Most High God.
  29. How can God accept such people? Instead, He will cause the stones to rise up and replace the seats of those that claim they belong to God.
  30. “…, witnesses, what happens to them! And, ‘Pay attention earth! Don’t miss these bulletins.’I’m visiting catastrophe on this people, the end result of the games they’ve been playing with me.”
  31. God is revealing the type of punishment He will give to those people that take His Word for granted; the people who take His Word for nothing, “We are in the grace of God.”
  32. God told us last week that we accepted grace and rejected truth but Grace and truth came together. Grace and truth came by the Lord Jesus Christ (John 1:17). Law came by Moses, but Grace and truth came by the Lord Jesus Christ.
  33. Today, we are holding the grace and then threw away the truth. The truth is the Word of God. The grace is God appearing before mortal men like us to reveal Himself and gave us that truth which if we can accept and obey, we become like Him and enter Paradise with Him.
  34. If you reject the truth, you have rejected everything good from the Lord, for God cannot do anything outside His Word.
  35. “…I’m visiting catastrophe on this people, the end result of the games they’ve been playing with me. They’ve ignored everything I’ve said, had nothing but contempt for my teaching.”
  36. You see, people that are playing games. Instead of being serious with whatever they are doing, they are playing games – try-your-luck [gambling].
  37. But God is real, and whatever He is saying is real. In our great sermon,God said, “I mean what I say and I say what I mean.” God does not jest, and we are now taking God’s word for a jest.
  38. In this Faith, God has taught us for more than 30 years. We have been receiving teachings from the Almighty God– perfection Messages.
  39. If you have received perfection Messages from God, what will make you perfect before God? What will make me perfect before God?
  40. Even now that everything has come to an end, God has warned and told us that He is about to go home, look at the report following us even here at Onitsha.
  41. “What would I want with incense brought in from Sheba, rare spices from exotic places?”
  42. Here, God is saying that our sacrifices mean nothing to him. There is no amount of sacrifices from us that God will accept when we are in the wrong. We rejected the truth from God and God is not happy with us.
  43. God, in one of our messages, said that we should not provoke Him to anger for He will never never pardon our transgressions. Why? We have received the truth. We have known the truth.
  44. Whatever we are doing now, both man and woman, we are certain of what we are doing. We are not in ignorance again. We decided to go that way, trying God and tempting him.

While I am here, I am the Light of the world; Whoever follows Me can never grope in darkness. Take Me away, you are living in darkness and you must stumble: I say, you must stumble because I am paving the way for you. Did you get what I said? No matter the way you look at it, across the other way, you cannot hear another voice than the One you are hearing now. All that have been privileged to be taken over to the other side, they never heard any other voice than the Voice of the Bridegroom that is speaking in our midst. Are you getting what I am saying? …


NOW I KNOW THAT THOU ART A MAN OF GOD; Teaching on Sunday 28th February, 1999; Pg. 179 vs. 17 – 18



Let me read from Good News Bible Jeremiah 6 from verse 16. “The Lord said to his people…”

  1. Are we not God’s people? We are not talking of those people in the days of Jeremiah again. God is talking to us in our own day. We are the people of God. God is talking to us.
  2. He said stand at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the ancient path, but nobody is looking for the ancient path again. The ancient path where those people that received favour, upon which those God confirmed to be faithful to him walked.
  3. What made them faithful? What gave them that favour from God? It is their implicit obedience to God’s Word. The fear of God is always in their hearts.
  4. Today, where is the fear of God in our hearts? Every man, every woman, every child is going on his or her own way, but God has vowed a vow that He must punish the wicked people. Wickedness can never reign till eternity. He will punish whosoever that refuses to fear and honour the Lord.
  5. He told us, “Now ask for that ancient pathway.” If we look at Abraham and his family, Abraham was always obeying God and believing God. That was why God made it clear that He is the father of the faithfuls.
  6. That type of faith which Abraham manifested towards God is the type of Faith He is expecting to see in me and in you, in this family and all the families that call themselves children of God.
  7. Abraham’s faith did not have any blemish. That He has not done it is because God has not said it, even when God asked Abraham to go and sacrifice his only son.
  8. He came to Abraham in his old age. He [Abraham] did not confer with flesh and blood. He did not say, “Let me tell my wife before carrying out the instruction.”
  9. But today, when God gives any man instruction, he will go and confer with his wife or friends to hear their version on that matter. And once you begin to negotiate the Word of God, you have already erred. You can never obey.
  10. See Abraham. He never tried to modernize the Word of God nor to water down the Word. He received it raw and practiced it raw.
  11. That is the only way for us to enter Paradise with God now. Receive the word of God raw and practice it raw.
  12. Do not wait for anybody. Do not wait for your husband. Do not wait for your wife. Do not wait for anybody, and always pray that God will help you never to blaspheme His Word.
  13. What the devil is doing now is to make us blaspheme the truth, and blaspheme the Name of God even before heathens.
  14. “The Lord said to his people, ‘Stand at the cross road and look. Ask for the ancient paths and where the best road is. Walk on it, and you will live in peace…”
  15. The best road is the Word of God, not merely professing or claiming that we are in the grace of God and that we have known God. How do you know God?
  16. Watch! Nobody now has any interest for the Word of God. Nobody studies the Word of God again. Nobody is thirsty for the Word of God which is the Word of life. Yet, this is the Word that will perfect you, make you holy and righteous before God.
  17. Nobody is interested. The Ministers are not even interested talk more of their families. You can hardly see someone sitting down for one hour or two to study the Bible, to study the Word or to watch over his or her life first, and then tell others.
  18. Everybody is hell bent on making money, but where is that money? What will it profit me to gain the whole world and lose my soul in hell? Jesus Christ asked that question.
  19. We said no that we will not walk on the right path which is the Word of God. To the teachings, the doctrines, the rules and regulations on how to live in accordance with the Word of God, we said no. Yet, we are waiting for that day God will translate His people, believing that we shall be translated.
  20. How can God plot a coup against himself? Can it happen? Never, never. God will never translate us with evil hearts. Nobody has that perfect love of God in his or her heart again, not even for himself or herself, talk more of brethren or even the Almighty God.
  21. Where is the appreciation that God has saved us from hell to put us into Paradise? Where is the Joy? Where is the Love? God gave us a Message and said that we should retain the joy of our salvation in our hearts.
  22. When you are rejoicing that God has saved you, you cannot grudge, and you cannot complain. There is nothing that will make you to blaspheme the Name of God through your character, for whatever God hates, I must hate. Whatever He loves, I must love.
  23. That is why every family now is living in pieces because any place where Christ is not found, Crisis is found in that place. Any family that refuses Christ must accept crisis.
  24. Christ is the Word and the teaching. If you live by those teachings, you have accepted peace. If you refuse to live by those teachings, you have rejected peace. If you refuse to live by those teachings, you have accepted crisis. You can never see peace all the days of your life. You can never see progress.
  25. If you go to John chapter 14 verse 6 it says, “Jesus answered him, ‘I am the Way, I am the Truth, I am the Life. No one goes to the Father except by me.”
  26. There is no way we can have peace when we reject the truth– when we reject the Word of God for our own day. Christ is that Ancient Path. Christ is that Ancient Way. Christ is that Ancient Truth like we just read in John 14 verse 6.
  27. And where is the best road? It is in Christ. God said that we should walk in it, but they said, “No, we won’t”. Where is the fear of the Lord? Yet, we want to go to heaven.
  28. verse 17. “Then the Lord appointed watchmen to listen for the trumpet’s warning. But they said ‘we will not listen.’” They said, “We will not listen to God’s teaching.
  29. “So the Lord said, ‘Listen, you nations, and learn what is going to happen to my people”.
  30. God is now calling witnesses to hear what he has planned for these rebellious people, the wicked ones among God’s people, mixed multitudes and hypocrites. He is calling witnesses against them.
  31. So the LORD said, “Listen, you nations, and learn what is going to happen to my people. Listen, earth!As punishment for all their schemes I am bringing ruin on these people, because they have rejected my teachings and have not obeyed my words.”
  32. Have we heard it now? Rejecting God’s teaching and refusing to obey the Word of God is an express answer we are giving to God that we are not ready to enter Paradise with Him.
  33. We are now saying that we do not want to enter Paradise with Him, and that we want to perish with the world. God is warning us, but we are saying No to it.
  34. “What do I care about the incense they bring me from Sheba, or the spices from a distant land? I will not accept their offerings or be pleased with their sacrifices.”
  35. Remember a time like this in the family of Eli. God swore an oath against that family that there is no sacrifice they will bring or anybody will bring on behalf of that family the Almighty will accept and stop destroying that family.
  36. So if we continue to provoke God by rejecting His teachings, the same thing that happened to Eli and his family will be repeated.
  37. That is why God is warning us now to make haste, to correct our wrongs, stop continuing in that road that leads to death, destruction, hell fire and then turn back to God. God is calling us to return back to Him so that we will live.
  38. But no matter what God says, no matter how He shouts, mixed multitudes must go the way they are ordained.
  39. From this Message now, you will know where you belong to, individually and collectively as a family or the Saints of God in general.
  40. “And so I will make these people stumble and fall. Parents and children will die, and so will friends and neighbours.”
  41. Parents, children and families refuse to honour the Name of God by living according to the teachings, according to the doctrines and according to the Word of God revealed in our own day for our perfection.
  42. Any family that refuses to live according to that message must receive condemnation from God and must perish.
  43. God can never punish those that did the same thing in the past and allow us to go scot-free or to enter Paradise anyhow. It can never happen.
  44. John chapter 14 verse 15 “If you love me, you will obey my commandments.”
  45. The evidence that you love Christ or that you love the Almighty Allah in our own day is to live by His Word. Do not pamper the Word of God. Do not pamper any man. Wherever you see wrong, you condemn it. Wherever you see good you praise it.
  46. The evidence that I love you or that the love of God is in me is to condemn that wrong character, that wrong behaviour that you found in me or that I found in you immediately.
  47. John chapter 14 verses 6-7. “And Jesus answered him, I am the way, I am the Truth and Life. No one goes to the father except through me. Now that you have known me…”
  48. Have we not known God? We have known Christ. Not merely knowing Him physically but spiritually, by revelation that His Word stands firm and that He has sworn by His Name that whatever He says must surely come to pass.
  49. “Now that you have known me, he said to them You will know my Father also and from now on You do know him and you have seen him.”
  50. From now on, we know Christ and we have seen Christ. Christ is nothing but the truth, the life and the way.
  51. Today, every man, every woman is trying to modernize the Word of God to suite our own way, but God says, “No! it can never happen.”

I am watching too many things around you, besides the Lord will not permit Me to make noise with you. Knowing of a certainty that I have brought every Tom, Dick and Harry in this Bridal Faith to the door of Paradise, but the door is still locked. I am backing the door while I am facing the Bride. You are going to receive the last minute instruction from Me on how you will enter that Paradise. You may stay too long at this Gate! For no unbeliever will enter the Gate.


AS WE WAIT AT THE GATE OF PARADISE VOL 2; preached on Sunday 3rd April, 2011 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 33 vs. 7 – 8


Whatever you esteem HIGHER than the word of God is your god

Let me read Jeremiah Chapter 8 from verse 4 through 11, GNB. “The Lord told me to say to his people, “When someone falls down doesn’t he get back up? If someone misses the road, doesn’t he turn back?”

  1. If God finds fault with the way I am living or the way my family is living, would we not repent and turn back to God and start doing the right thing? Shall we continue to go the wrong way?
  2. That is rebellion and open challenge to God. We are indirectly telling God, “If you know that which you want to do, do it. We can never listen to you.”
  3. If someone falls down, he must get up. If someone misses the road, does he not turn back? The only way to connect to the right road that you want to go is to turn back. Turn back and ask questions.
  4. “Why then my people, do you turn away from me without ever turning back? You cling to your idols and refuse to return to me.”
  5. The children of God will be hearing God’s Voice roaring against us that we have provoked Him by walking contrary. Yet, we still have something to say. That is the evidence that the fear of God is no more in our hearts.
  6. If the fear of God is there, when God speaks, everywhere must be silent. You will bow your heads. How can you raise your heads when you are in error or in wicked behaviour?
  7. That our idol is our senses. You cling to your own sense, claiming that you are right. So, man is right, and God is wrong? How can I be right and God is wrong? Can it happen? Never never! Even till eternity God can never be wrong and ordinary mortal men, ordinary maggot will now be right.
  8. Job said in Job chapter 22 verses 1 to 2 that if you are doing good, you are doing it to yourself and not to God.
  9. When you are listening to the Word of God– when you are obeying you are bringing peace to yourself. Peace that endureth till eternity, for God is peace.
  10. Now you cling to your idols, to your senses and to the way you want to live your life. You are modernizing the Word of God. You are watering the Word of God so that it will not to be effective in your own life.
  11. But till eternity, the Word of God is sharper than any double-edged sword. The Word of God must be effective in the lives of the true believers – those that have faith in Christ, who are striving everyday by God’s mercy, God’s power and God’s love to live right.
  12. That we are alive every day is because God wants to use us to achieve His own good purposes.
  13. “I listened carefully, but you did not speak the truth. …” God listened carefully after rebuking and indicting us, but instead of feeling sober or feeling remorse, we start grumbling and grudging against God.
  14. So God is wrong, and we are right. God can never speak in vain. God does not speak because He has mouth. Rather, He is speaking to us for our own good. He does not want to destroy us.
  15. If anybody will be destroyed, not we that God has chosen before the world began but our stiff-neckedness, our hard heartedness is what will destroy us.
  16. “Not one of you has been sorry for his wickedness; not one of you has asked, ‘What have I done wrong?’ Everyone keeps on going his own way, like a horse rushing into battle.”
  17. When God is rebuking me or rebuking you, it is my own duty to pause and think, and then find out why He is angry at me or why He is angry at you. Then I will repent and turn back to God. But if the fear of God is not in you, you can never do that.
  18. “Even storks know when it is time to return; doves, swallows, and thrushes know when it is time to migrate. But my people, you do not know the laws by which I rule you.”
  19. You see it? Those that call themselves children of God that want to enter Paradise with God, abandoned God’s way of getting ready for that place. You cannot enter Paradise anyhow.
  20. God has placed a teaching by which He will measure me and measure you if we are obeying or patterning our lives according to that teaching. If you do not pattern your life according to that teaching, you have exempted yourself from being part of that Paradise. You have removed yourself not God.
  21. “How can you say that you are wise and that you know my laws? Look, the laws have been changed by dishonest scribes.”
  22. You see it? We have changed the teachings of Christ. We have modernized the Word of God to suite our own selfish and destructive desires. God does not want anybody to perish, but we want to perish. If we do not want to perish, we will stick to the Word of God.
  23. Stick to the word of God. That is the evidence that you do not want to perish. Families that do not want to perish must stick to the Word of God. This family must stick to the Word of God if we do not want God to destroy us.
  24. Can any man be wiser than God? The wisdom of men is foolishness before God. It can never take you anywhere. The laws have been changed by dishonest and wicked people among us.
  25. We are always twisting the Word of God to suite us, and also refusing to live the way God had instructed us to live and be perfect before Him. God knows those that are twisting the truth and knows those that are taking God by His Word.
  26. If the fear of God is in you, you can never change the truth one bit no matter the person. No matter the position you occupy, you must take sides with the truth. You can never try to change the truth. You can never try to modernize the word of God.
  27. God gave us the message “Modern Idolatry”. And that modern idolatry is twisting the truth and changing the truth. Who are those twisting it? Ministers and elders.
  28. When God instructs you to carry out one thing or the other, you will find one minister that will give you your heart’s desire.
  29. When you fail, you will be spreading it about that you told God and he gave me instructions, but you can never tell any man that you tried to go your own way.
  30. You tried to go in your own wisdom and now look at it. Instead of getting the right answer, you got the wrong answer.
  31. The doctrines of Christ have been changed by dishonest men and women. It has been changed by dishonest youths. They want to make money anyhow. They want to pattern after the world, dress like them and make their hair like them.
  32. You see, these yahoo boys and bad children make their hair dreadlocks, and someone that said that he is in the faith of the Son of manis trying to pattern after them.
  33. They will carry beards like mad people and they are claiming to be children of God and that they belong to Christ thereby bringing blasphemy to God and to the faith of Christ. Yet, they are hoping to enter paradise with Christ with that type of devilish spirit.
  34. “Your wise men are put to shame; They are confused and trapped. …”
  35. Your wise men and your wise women are put to shame. When you think you are wise, you do not know that you are living in a fool’s paradise.
  36. “They have rejected my words; what wisdom have they got now?”
  37. They got foolishness. They got the wrath of God. They got God’s destruction.
  38. “So I will give their fields to new owners and their wives to other men. Everyone great and small, tries to make money dishonestly. Even prophets and priests cheat the people.”
  39. God will give their fields to new people. They will lose that their position in Christ. They will lose their seats in Paradise God will now give it to other people.
  40. This was what Jesus Christ even told people that were paying attention to him. He said that the seats of Paradise will be given to other nations because the real owners of the seats are misbehaving.
  41. Whatever you value more than the Word of God is your God. If you value money or food or cloth or worldly beauty, whatever that thing might be which you value more than the word of God, that is your idol.
  42. You want to live the way you want. That is your own idol. Even Prophets and Priests, ministers, teachers, elders they are even telling lies and giving the people false hope because they want to get one thing or the other from them.
  43. “They act as if my people’s wounds were only scratches. ‘All is well’, they say, when all is not well.”
  44. Let us go over to Matthew Chapter 8 verse 11 to 12, GNB. “I assure you that many will come from the East and West and sit down with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob at the feast in the Kingdom of heaven.”
  45. You see it? Jesus the Christ warning ahead of time in his own day that these people that are meant to inherit the word of God, they are now sitting at ease in Zion and their seats will be given to other people that were not even meant for the Kingdom.
  46. So do not sit at ease in Zion. You must continue to strive that you may enter. I must continue to strive that I may enter by studying and praying earnestly that we do not forget the teachings God has given to us.
  47. Are you hearing what God is saying? Eating and drinking will not take you into Paradise. It is the Word of God which you have heard, accepted into your heart and which you put into practice that will take you into Paradise.
  48. These people that are misbehaving, do they not know God? Do they not know the teachings God has given us if we must enter Paradise? They know. But did they enter? No.
  49. We should not forget that those that left Egypt with Moses, at a time they forgot what God had manifested in their midst and started provoking God. They were willfully provoking God in different ways.
  50. At another time, they moulded another god for themselves, and God vowed a vow that He must destroy them, 18 years and above. He vowed that they will never see that promised land, Canaan.
  51. The Word of God came to pass, and all of them were destroyed. God continued delaying them in the wilderness until all of them perished except ancient people that took sides with God from the very beginning like Joshua and Caleb.
  52. They took sides with God from the very beginning. They never took sides with the hypocrites and evil elders that always specialized in deceiving people.
  53. Instead of taking the teachings they have received from the Almighty Allah serious– instead of taking it raw and putting it into practice in their families, and as individuals, they modernized the Word and lowered down the standard of the truth. They watered it down to suit their own selfish and destructive lifestyles.
  54. What happened? God vowed a vow against them that they can never enter there. He brought another set of people and replaced their seats. God said that it has started happening in our own day.
  55. “But those who should be in the Kingdom will be thrown out into the wilderness, where they will cry and grind their teeth.”
  56. Those whom the kingdom of God are meant for, will now be thrown into outer darkness where they will gnash their teeth day in day out till eternity.
  57. So this Word is coming to you and I now. Maintain your own seat. Find out where you have erred and turn back to God now. The Bible said that when you hear the Word of God, harden not your heart.

When you hear His Word, do not harden your heart as in the day of provocation. If you are outside, struggle to come inside. If you labour to hear from Him (The Son of Man, The Elohim on two feet) directly (live), I want to say that you have chosen a good path which no man can take away from you.


AS WE WAIT AT THE GATE OF PARADISE VOL 2; preached on Sunday 3rd April, 2011 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 14 vs. 18



Let us go over to Jeremiah chapter 8 from verse 18 through 22, GNB. “My sorrow cannot be healed; I am sick at heart.”

  1. Look at what God is saying. We have caused God to be sorrowful by the way we are living our lives in our families, in our working places, in our schools, in our market places and everywhere.
  2. Nobody is out again to defend this truth. Nobody is determined to defend this truth – this Faith. And when you defend this Faith of Christ, this Faith will defend you. If you blaspheme the Faith, you must receive the reproach, the punishment and then destruction.
  3. We are crying wolf where there is no wolf. This is what we have brought upon ourselves. God is now sorrowing because of the evil lives we are manifesting, bringing reproach to the Faith.
  4. In the families, husbands and wives are fighting at this stage of the Ministry. And still, they want to go into Paradise with God. Everybody going his or her own way. Nobody is mindful of the Word of God.
  5. Even when you remind the person, he or she will retort, “Leave that thing! Everything cannot be done holistically the way it is said. Ah ah! Are we not human beings?”It will take a seed of Satan to say things like this and behave this way.
  6. Every Word of God is very simple and easy for a true seed of God – every Saint of God. The Word of God is not a burden to a true seed of God, but it is a very big burden to mixed multitudes among us.
  7. “Listen! Throughout the land I hear my people crying out, Is the Lord no longer in Zion? Is Zion’s King no longer there?”
  8. With everything happening now, the true sons and daughters of God are sorrowing in their hearts. God is also sorrowing. The true seed of God may even ask, “Is God not seeing all these things happening among us?”
  9. God is seeing all of them and He has already told us ahead of time that every man must go the way he is ordained.
  10. There are some people that will say, “Had I known”at the end. There are some people that will say, It is true. God has taken his people away. We were with them, but we refused to obey. That is why we were left behind. 
  11. And God told us that every one of us must see his or her position in the Son of Man[Christ] before the day of translation. You will know whether you are among those God will take in, translate or not.
  12. Every Word from God, every teaching and every instruction must be palatable to you if you belong to Christ and if you love truth.
  13. “The Lord their King replies, “Why have you made me angry by worshipping your idols and by bowing down to your useless foreign gods?”
  14. Why have we made our God angry by living the way God has not taught us, by trying to modernize the truth and watering down the truth?
  15. Husbands are now dumb dogs, allowing their children to live the way they want. Thereby, bringing blasphemy to the Faith. So, every family is still full of vomit.
  16. The Word of God has come to cleanse us from every evil and from every wrong, but how many are ready to accept the truth? How many are ready to come back to the right way?
  17. Stand at the crossroads and ask for the ancient path, tried and tested road and that is Christ. Tried and tested truth whereby, if we live by them, we will live in peace. Perfect peace from the Lord and we are sure of being translated whenever the time comes.
  18. Every man and woman going his or her own way, abandoning the way of God and abandoning His teaching. God said that my people mingle with the heathens and have learnt their evil ways.
  19. As for our children who are in their various places and pursuing their academic careers, most of them mingle with the heathens and learn their evil ways. Fathers and mothers alike. Everybody is trying to pattern after the heathens – the children of the devil. What can you learn from them if not their evil characters?
  20. So, we have caused God sorrows and He is sorrowing because of our wickedness.
  21. “The people cry out, The summer is gone, the harvest is over, but we have not been saved. My heart has been crushed because my people are crushed. I mourn; I am completely dismayed”
  22. Why? Because we have refused to be saved by God. We refuse God’s teaching. We refuse God’s warning. We refuse to get up from where we have fallen and then ask for the ancient road that leads to Paradise. We have brought sorrow to God.
  23. He said that His heart has been crushed. Harvest is over, and Summer is over. Yet, we are not sure of being translated. We are not sure that we will be translated with God.
  24. If you ask someone now, “Are you ready for translation?”, He will tell you, “By the grace of God.” Which grace of God again? The grace of God is already with us. Christ is the way, the truth and the life.
  25. “Is there no medicine in Gilead?..”Is there no truth among us again that will change us for good? God has brought His word which is the truth to transform us from evil characters, from evil life into God’s own peaceful and true way.
  26. Even our children that are born into this Faith, who know no other religious doctrine or teaching, just look at the life they are manifesting. They mingle with the heathens and learn their evil ways.
  27. God told us not to make any friends at all. It is better because your friend knows your secret. He or she knows what you believe and what you cannot do. And that is where Satan will use that person to bring you down or to cause you to provoke God.
  28. “Is there no medicine in Gilead? Are there no doctors there? Why, then have my people not been healed?”
  29. Why then are we still living in error, provoking God to anger of which He warned us ahead of time never to do, for He will never never pardon our transgressions?
  30. That is why the hour we are living in now calls for prayers and being sober. Do not speak because you have mouth. Make sure that your heart is always clean. Never harbour anything against any human being. Allow the Word of God to cleanse your heart and make you pure and holy before God.
  31. Jeremiah chapter 6 from verse 9 through 14, GNB. “The Lord Almighty said to me, Israel will be stripped clean like a vineyard from which every grape has been picked. So you must rescue everyone you can while there is still time.”
  32. That is what God is doing now. If you want to enter Paradise with God, God has brought His Word to rescue you and me from destruction and from being destroyed with the wicked world; from this adulterous and wicked generation.
  33. God does not want any one of us to be destroyed with this world. That is why He came down by himself and in His fullness. He never sent any messenger again. While there is still time, make haste and come back to God.
  34. “I answered, ‘Who would listen to me if I spoke to them and warned them?”Who will pay attention to me now? Who will see the danger, the destruction at our door steps and run back to God?
  35. As I thought on my ways, seeing that I was heading to destruction, I ran back to God. Who will now listen to God’s Word? Who will now fear, tremble and run back to God?
  36. “I answered, ‘who would listen to me if I spoke to them and warned them? They are stubborn and refuse to listen to your message; they laugh at what you tell me to say.”
  37. Look at it. The so-called children of God are now laughing at the Word of God.
  38. But I believe that it will take mixed multitudes and strangers in this Family of God to mock God’s Word, to laugh at God’s word, to refuse to fear and reverence God, to refuse to tremble before the Lord and refuse to come back to the true path – tried and tested path which is the Word of God.
  39. If you can take the wholesome Word of God, you remain holy. You will remain perfect till the end.
  40. Look at this man of God – Jeremiah the Prophet is telling God the attitude of the people He sent him to. Look at what they are doing and that is what we are manifesting today.
  41. God has been giving us messages upon messages, teachings upon teachings which, if we abide by them, we will please God all the days of our lives and we will receive the whole blessings of God both here and hereafter.
  42. “Your anger against them burns in me too, Lord, and I can’t hold it in any longer. Then the Lord said to me, “Pour out my anger on the children in the streets…”
  43. The anger of the Lord. What God has planned to do to us if we continue in our wrong ways. If we continue to live anyhow and if we continue to live carelessly. This is God’s wrath which He is planning to unleash on us.
  44. God is even sorrowing for us because He does not want us to perish. So, we should listen to him and run back to Him. God’s anger has risen against hard-hearted people among us – the stubborn people among us that have refused to fear the Lord, honour the Lord and abide by His teachings.
  45. “Then the Lord said to me, “Pour out my anger on the children in the streets and on the gatherings of the young people. Husbands and wives will be taken away, and even the very old will not be spared.”
  46. When God wanted to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, did He spare anybody? Even the little children, the ones in the womb and the pregnant women were all destroyed. God destroyed all the oldest people. It is that same God that we are having dealings with today.
  47. “Their houses will be given to others, and so will their fields and their wives. I am going to punish the people of this land.
  48. Everyone, great and small, tries to make money dishonestly; even prophets and priests cheat the people.
  49. They act as if my people’s wounds were only scratches. “All is well” they say, when all is not well.”

If God does not give you a believing heart, what I am saying will be sounding strange to you. And the more I speak, the more you stumble. I am here standing as the Rock of offence where people stumble at. And what is that thing they stumble at? THE WORD.


BE PATIENT WITH GOD; preached on Sunday 14th December, 2014 at the Household of God, Port Harcourt; Pg. 67 vs. 29


God is looking FOR a willing heart

1st Chronicles chapter 28 verse 9 – X, GNB. “And to Solomon he said, “My Son, I charge you to acknowledge your father’s God and to serve him with an undivided heart and a willing mind. …”

  1. God is now telling and asking us, “My Son! My daughter! My children! My family! Those that are called by My Name. All of you my children here, acknowledge your father’s God.”
  2. My God is the Son of Man, Almighty Allah, the Creator of the heavens and the earth. And He made us to be His own before the world began.
  3. Pattern after me if I am patterning after Christ, the Son of Man. I am now warning you, “Pattern after my God, the very Son of man.Which means, pattern after His teachings.
  4. If I am patterning after him, my wife will follow, and all of you will follow suit.
  5. I charge you to pattern after this God I am patterning after and to serve him. And to do what? Serve Him with all your heart. Fear Him all the days of your life. Worship Him all the days of your life for He is the truth, the way and the life. He is that Ancient Way, the Ancient Road that leads to Paradise.
  6. Do not follow these people that are modernizing the Word of God, adding and subtracting. Do not have double mind in following this Christ. In anything God says, always believe with all your heart, for whatever God says must surely come to pass.
  7. Tell God whatever you want to do and stick to His advice. Stick to His instruction and stick to it. You can never say, “Had I known.” Rather, you will raise up your two hands and glorify the Name of the Almighty God.
  8. Serve Him with undivided mind and a willing heart. He knows all our thoughts and desires. God knows all the thoughts in our heart and all our desires. He knows our needs. He provides for us even before we ask.
  9. So do not follow these people that are modernizing the Word of God to suit their own selfish desires. If you go to Him, He will accept you.
  10. And that is, if you believe without doubting anything, if you go with no iota of doubt in your heart and believe wholeheartedly the Words of the Almighty God in our midst the very Son of man, Apostle Peter Odoemena, blessed be to His Holy Name. Amen.
  11. Believe without doubting. Go to Him. Believe His Word. Always have it at the back of your heart that God’s Word can never fail.
  12. If you see anybody that says that the Word of God failed him, know that he failed himself. He refused to take God at His Word. Take God at His Word, for that is the only way for us to succeed both in this life and in the life to come.
  13. In the book of James, God said, “If you lack wisdom, come to God. He will give you wisdom and the wisdom of God is the fear of the Lord. The Book of Proverb chapter 1 says that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
  14. God in your heart will make you to love everybody equally, having no grudge for anyone. Firstly, you love God. Love His word. That love which you have for God will now compel you to love without hating anybody.
  15. Remember this and understand it: to love is to hate evil.
  16. If I say I love God, I must hate evil. Anywhere I see it, I must hate it. I must condemn it both in life and in death.
  17. Now, He said that He knows all our thoughts and desires. If you go to Him, He will accept you. But if you turn away from Him, He will abandon you forever.
  18. 1st Chronicles chapter 28 verse 9-10, TLB. Solomon, my son, get to know the God of your fathers. Worship and serve him with a clean heart and a willing mind, for the Lord sees every heart and understands and knows every thought.”
  19. This God that has been protecting and guiding your father, try to know that God because He is the way, the truth and the life.
  20. Do not try to pattern after the wicked people who say only with their mouths that they believe God, but they do not believe Him with their hearts. Do not pattern after those that modernize the Word of God for their own destruction.
  21. Knowing God means knowing what He loves and what He hates. That is the evidence that you know God. And you will always try to pattern after God’s own way of living.
  22. God sees every heart. If you are a hypocrite, God knows. If you are sincere with God to the core, He knows. If you are faithful, God knows. If you are unfaithful, He knows.
  23. Nobody tells God about anybody or any human being. He knows every secret conversation. He knows the thoughts of my heart. He knows the thoughts of your heart. Whatever may be my plan or your plan, He knows all.
  24. If he keeps quiet and does not want to talk, it does not mean that He did not catch you with what you are planning to do. He just wants you to come out fully so that when He speaks everybody will see the truth in God.
  25. “If you seek him, you will find him; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever.
  26. So take this seriously. The Lord has chosen you to build a Temple as his sanctuary. Be strong and do the work.”
  27. So, be very careful, for the Lord has chosen you to build His Holy Temple, and we are God’s holy temple. God has chosen us so that He will prove us as His holy temple. Building the true temple is a Message we have in prints, and we are the temple of God which God is building to be perfect like Him.
  28. God said that we must be perfect like Him, for He is perfect, but if you warn these wicked elders they will tell you that nobody is perfect. When God said that we must be perfect, for our God is perfect, what is our perfection?
  29. Our perfection is nothing but our ability to live by God’s instruction – God’s Word. That is our perfection. Once you are living according to God’s own will, you are perfect.
  30. “Be strong and do the work…”Be strong in the heart. Be faithful to God and do as God has commanded you to do. This is the instruction of God to you and me today.
  31. Know the God you are worshipping. Know the God your father is worshipping and pattern after him. Be strong in the heart. Be faithful to God and faithful to one another.
  32. 1stTimothy chapter 6 verse 6, Kjv. “But Godliness and Contentment is great gain.” Godliness and contentment is a great gain. When you are contented with what God has given to you, you are contented with how God has made you because God has made us His children and told us not to compete with the world in any form or shape.
  33. When you are contented with that way God has made you, you now have great gain. Living the way God wants us to live, that is Godliness. Being like God and accepting the way God has made you to be like Him is a great gain.
  34. “For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.”
  35. When you my son Wisdom was born, did you come out with any cloth? Any money? The same is applicable to all of us.
  36. We all came into this world empty and naked, the same way we are going to be empty and naked when we die, which means that we should not let things we see in this world make you to disobey the God that created you.
  37. There is a purpose why God allowed you to appear on this earth. So you will do well to find out the mind of God on why He allowed you to appear here and fulfil God’s mind for bringing you into this earth.
  38. And that is what God has done. He has made us understand the reason why He allowed us into this world which you will see in Ecclesiastics chapter 12.
  39. If you see any human being especially we that belong to God, we that are made the temple of God where God dwells.
  40. The whole of our duty must be to fear God, to reverence God and to worship Him all the days of our lives. That is the main purpose why God created you and me.
  41. He did not create us to worship the idol of this world which is money – wealth. All these things must be destroyed in one day, and Satan has used it to blind even the so called children of God.
  42. They are always after money in dishonest ways just to eat and to buy this and that, therefore competing with the world. Nobody wants to please God or even worship God with what God has blessed us.
  43. Even the money we have today, it is God that gave it to us. Yet, we are not satisfied. That is why we do not use it to support the Ministry of God. Everybody is now Oliver twist (I want some more). No contentment!
  44. This place we are considering says we should be contented. It is when you are contented that you have the spirit of Christ in you. Most of us do not have time for God anymore. No time to read. No time to study. No time to praise and worship God or even to do the work of God.
  45. Look at God. Up till now, He is still writing letters, compelling us to support the work of the Ministry and the work of evangelism.
  46. Everybody is selfish after his or her own heart desire. We are now competing with the world to build skyscrapers everywhere, ride the highest cars and the highest airplane but where can these things take us to.
  47. Satan brought these things to blind you so that you perish with the world. You see, Brethren are bragging with the type of phone they bought and the amount for which they bought it.
  48. “This my phone is two hundred and fifty thousand”, but the person cannot give offering of one thousand naira to God. Rather, you will see ₦500, ₦200, ₦100 naira.
  49. Whatever you receive here on earth, God will test you with it. If God gives you a child, a husband, a wife, money or anything at all, God will test you with it.
  50. Those things in life we did not work for, and God gave it to us free of charge, even the life we are living and the air we are breathing in and out now are all gifts from God. We never worked for any of them. They are all blessings from God.
  51. So our whole duty is to worship God, to reverence Him and acknowledge Him. It is certain that we will go back to God. We will leave this earth without carrying anything. It is certain.
  52. If it is not clear to you, let it be clear to you today that these things for which you are inordinately desperate to have, thereby disobeying the Word of God A- Z, not even one will follow you beyond this earthly life.
  53. That which you want to get and disrespect the Word of God, that thing cannot take you into Paradise. That thing must hinder you from being translated with the Saints.
  54. Why is God reminding us of all these things? It is so that we will not say, “Had I known” on that day. You will not say, “Had I known” because we have known everything now. There is no truth that is said now which you will say you have not heard about.
  55. “And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.”
  56. Let us be contented in this economy. We have food. God is providing for us. We are not going out naked. He is giving us more than we ask of Him so that we will be satisfied with the way God made us to be.
  57. There is an Igbo adage that says that it is better to go without food and reach your home safely than eating to your satisfaction and then die on the way.
  58. Instead of eating very well and afterwards fall inside a gutter, it is better to go on an empty stomach. And in that way, you will retain your dignity and respect.
  59. Jesus Christ said in his own day that if it is your hands that will prevent you from entering Paradise, you should cut it off.
  60. What this means is that if it is money that will prevent me from doing the will of God, it is better I am poor. If it is clothing, it is better I go naked. If it is a wife or husband, it is better I remain unmarried. If it is a child, it is better I have none. If it is my parents, it is better I become an orphan.
  61. Anything whatsoever that will make you to displease your God and to disobey the Word of God [even before the heathens], throw that thing away.
  62. Bringing shame and blasphemy to the Name of God means nothing to many individuals and families now.
  63. “But they that will be rich fall into temptation…”But they that are what? Those that are rich who like to compete and pattern after the world will fall into temptation.
  64. That is why many are now [spiritually] dead among us. They are competing with the world and trying to be richer than Dangote. This is something you know will not take you anywhere.
  65. We can never take a pin from this world. Whether you are dead or nearing translation, you will not take anything with you while resting on.
  66. Why then will you allow that thing to take away your crown? Why will you allow that thing to hinder you from being translated with Christ and the Saints of God?
  67. Those that are trying to become rich– those that are trying to beautify themselves to be the most beautiful or the most handsome on earth, patterning after the world, they must fall into error. They must fall into temptation.
  68. And that thing that will make you to be an enemy of God can never help you to escape God’s wrath. Never never!

The Lord has promised to give you abundant life and that life is in Christ, The Anointed One, The Saviour, The Messiah. He is here this hour to touch you, to change your condition. “Thou shall decree a thing and I will establish it.”……. Nevertheless, remember that the Last Sign – The Promise, The Son of Man, The Elohim on two feet – is here with you, for Prophet William Branham said, “The last sign is here. You will not see any other sign than the Elohim in human form, completing the work.” He went further to say, “The Son of Man remains the last sign. You are looking for another sign out yonder there? You will see no other sign.” Do you remember that? Anywhere you like go. You will still be called back to us.


LIVING BEYOND THE PRIMITIVE SIDE OF LIFE; Preached on 3rd June 2007 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 12 vs. 10 & Pg. 24 vs. 13 – 15



1st Timothy 6 from verse 9, KJV. “But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, …”

  1. The snare they will fall into is the one the enemy has placed for them. They will fall into that snare. They will just be roaming about. The only thing you will be hearing from them is “Remain blessed”. That’s all! But spiritually, they are in the region of the lost.
  2. That is why God gave us the Message, Disappointed expectation. That is the reason why some people will be disappointed that day. Some will call the Son of Man,talking about this Message, but it is all a lie.
  3. They think they are deceiving God, but watch the life they are living in their houses. In their various homes and amongst the heathens, they are blaspheming this Faith every minute of the day, thinking that God is not seeing them.
  4. “But they that will be rich fall into temptations and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.”
  5. What did we bring into the world? Nothing! What can we take out of the world? Nothing! So then, if we have food and clothing, they should be enough for us.
  6. Did God say we should not build houses? If the money comes, we build houses. If it is car, we buy car. If money comes, we do the needful things that will help us in life, but that should not be the number one thing in our lives.
  7. On this road that leads to Paradise, becoming rich is not the weightier matter in our lives now and can never be. Rather, the weightier matter is to fear God, reverence the Lord, worship him, be happy with God, be happy with one another and be contented with whatever God has blessed us with.
  8. So then, if we have food and clothes that should be enough for us. Those who want to get rich fall into temptation. They fall into every kind of temptation. They deny their Faith just to get that money. They deny their Faith which they claim to believe in just for them to get that money.
  9. Even most of our children in the higher institutions especially among those that refuse to read, they deny their Faith so that they will make the lecturers pass them.
  10. Those who want to get rich fall into temptation. They want to get rich by all means. They now twisted the truth they received. In this way, you get rich and become God’s enemy. You will get that money and become the enemy of truth.
  11. Can grace cover this one? Grace can never cover evil. Rather, grace will rip open every evil and secret thoughts. Truth and Grace go together. Those things that the truth hates, they will do all of them, just like the people of Israel.
  12. They know very well that their God is a human being. They know that He is alive and has been guiding them from Egypt.
  13. At a time, God said, “Wait here!”, as we are now waiting at the gate of Paradise, and God said that we are bound to wait for too long. We are going to stay long in that gate.
  14. So, Moses told the people to wait just for few days that he will come back. He told Aaron to pilot the affairs of the people and that he [Moses] will be coming back to them.
  15. Before Moses could return, they made for themselves another god because they thought God was not seeing them. They said to themselves, “Moses is now away. Let us behave the way we want. Nobody is here again to rebuke us.”
  16. That is why God is angry at those ministers, those fathers that refuse to condemn evil in their homes even among brethren. Instead, they are pampering them.
  17. Look at Aaron. They told him to make a god for them and he said, “Okay, bring your gold earrings and whatever whatever. He gathered all and made a god for them – a calf.
  18. Now, the devil has set forth the riches of the earth to trap the children of God. You see it? The same thing is happening today, and they allow themselves to be trapped by those things.
  19. God said that we should be contented with whatever God has given to you and me. Let us be contented with the one God gave us.
  20. Do not brag with it if you are more prosperous than your Brother. Rather, help your Brother. Help your Sister. When you eat, remember your Brother and remember your Sister. That is the Message God gave us this January 1st 2023.
  21. Remember your Brother and Sister in prayers so that nobody will be found wanting on that day.
  22. “But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.”
  23. Have we seen what will make many people among us to get destroyed. This is something that will make some to say “Had I known”, because every one of them is now going after the riches of this world.
  24. “For the love of money is the root of all evil; which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”
  25. You see it? That love to become rich and have the whole world as your own and as my own must take you out of the way of truth.
  26. Instead of loving the Word of God, loving the teachings of Christ, loving to be humble, loving to be lowly, loving to pattern after Christ, we now turn it the other way to love money and to love the wealth of this world that belongs to the devil – Satan.
  27. Money is the root of all evil. That is why nothing is evil now in the eyes of those that are after money and after wealth and for those that want to live in a mansion, cohabiting with the children of the devil.
  28. These people that are eager to make money, to be rich by all means and anyhow too, they are now out of the way of truth. They have become God’s enemies. Even they themselves know it.
  29. God is calling us back. Ask for that tested and tried route. Come back to it, and you will find peace with your soul. God will be happy with you, and you will be happy with yourself.
  30. Change your heart and mind from that evil way which Satan has placed on that path that leads to Paradise.
  31. “But thou, O man of God, flee these things and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.”
  32. God is saying we should flee from bad thoughts and hatred since we know that it is only perfect love that will enter Paradise with God.
  33. If I love God, and I love my fellow Brethren, will I strive to get money by all means? Will I fall into the temptations that come with the love of money?
  34. You will not like to fall into those temptations. You will always praise God and be contented with the one He has blessed you with, even supporting the Ministry with what God has blessed you with. Everyone will be supporting according to the blessing of God.
  35. During my stay in the hospital at Enugu, it gave me the opportunity to study the way birds live their lives. I saw how the hawk builds its nests with big firewood while the little birds pluck small stems and leaves of plants for building their own nests.
  36. So you see! They fetch their own firewood according to their size. You have to support the Ministry according to the way God has blessed you. And every true son and daughter of God does not need to be reminded on how to support the ministry of God where you are born.
  37. This is the Ministry that has blessed you. This is the Ministry that gave you the hope of eternal life. I do not need to be reminded on what to do.
  38. Strive for righteousness. Obedience to the Word of God That is our righteousness. If you love God, obey His Word and that is your righteousness.
  39. Be easily entreated. If God tells you to calm down, calm down. If he tells you to stop, stop. If he tells you to move, you move. If He commands you to sit down, you sit down. Do not follow this thing this way. You obey. Follow it this way. You obey. Seek peace and pursue it. You obey.
  40. Be gentle, be faithful to God and to one another which is the theme of this month, May 1st 2023. The topic of the Message that God handled at the Bridal Lodge on May 1, 2023 was “Be faithful”.
  41. Faithfulness unto God and unto one another. That is what we should look up to throughout this month and henceforth. Be faithful to God and be faithful to one another. Be sincere to the core.
  42. “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called,…”
  43. Fighting the good fight of faith means striving to pass through that narrow door. The door is very very small. Strive! Struggle that you may enter, for that is the approved door. That is the approved way.
  44. The road that leads to righteousness is tough. It is narrow to one who is devoid of patience, to one who lacks faith, to one who does not have a forgiving spirit or the love of Christ in him.
  45. A covetous man or woman cannot pass through that door. Nobody will win eternal life for me. Nobody will win eternal life for you. I will get it for myself, and you will get it for yourself.
  46. I can only get it for myself by being obedient to God, loving the Word of God, loving God and loving one another. Obeying every teaching and advice from God, I will win eternal life for myself.
  47. So God cannot save me because of your own faithfulness. If I remain unfaithful, God cannot save me because of your own. He will only save you. Then if I turn to God and become faithful, I will now obtain that eternal life also.
  48. “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.”
  49. Many witnesses in this our yard now know that we are children of God. What they are now watching to see is that life of Christ in us. They are watching the way we are comporting ourselves, the way we dress, the way we look, the way we act and the way we do everything. They are watching us.
  50. God told us that since we have many witnesses watching us, it is important that we pay heed to the type of life we live so that we will not bring blasphemy to the Name of God.
  51. We continue with the First Timothy Chapter 6 verse 10 through 12 which says, For the love of money is the root of all evil which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”
  52. But thou,O child of God, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.
  53. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.