The woman of subsequent creation as we have witnessed was made and specially equipped and endowed for a special purpose: [Sure!] Equipped with the greatest delicacy of intuitive perceptions, she should easily swing herself up to the purity of Luminous Heights, and form the bridge to Paradise for all humanity. [Sure!!]  Woman! The Elect Lady! Queen of Paradise. Mummy Nzubechi Joy Odoemena is really the Bride of Christ! [The intercessor!] The Joy of the Bridegroom. [Sure!] As an intercessor, she formed the bridge between humanity and the son of man in the times of need. When the odds were against us, she linked us up to the bowel of mercy.




 P5The Son of Man came to the world so that those that see might become blind, and they that are blind will see. That is why, if I want to destroy you, I will blind you very well. You tell Me you know things, and that you have been preaching for years, fine! I will make you blinder than ever. But if I see you that you need help; maybe, you have been struggling, I will say, “My dear, come to Me, for I am meek and lonely. Come closer. You will not know Him until you come closer to Him.” The Prophet said so. We are here with the Eternal Spirit.

Bishop David Mbah

From the message-THE TABERNACLE OF GOD IS NOW AMONG MEN July, 2023 Pg. 265:5


  1. Oh! gracious and loving Father, the creator of Heaven and Earth, we have gathered here today as you programmed it to celebrate the Birthday of our Great Master, and the Redeemer whom you emptied YOURSELF into, manifesting YOURSELF to us in this closing hour of this generation as a human being. We know that He is the oldest Man on this planet earth spiritually, but as a human being, He is today clocking physically, seventy years of age.
  2. We thank you for protecting Him till date, not minding all the challenges He faced while sojourning on this earth plane doing the assignment You assigned to Him. Though Satan was after His life all these years, but He triumphed over all those odds to be alive today. We are aware that no matter how good someone looks, there is always one person who will hate him for no reason.
  3. They will always make inane (stupid and silly) remarks about Him but to their shame, such lazy and unfounded allegation which can be classified as useless comedy never stopped the divine envoy from carrying out the duties by which He was sent. Yes! His endless drive and unshaken spirit shattered the pride and smelly ego of His enemies, the fellowship clappers, and placed them where they belong.
  4. Your assurance of His ultimate safety and protection gave Him the absolute courage of never feeling afraid of raising His sole voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice, lying and greed.
  5. Though, those who could not bear the harsh Truth came after Him, using all forms of negative devices, resorting to personal attacks, character assassination, or attempted to distort facts, but some of their vocal insults on Him were firing aimlessly like an indiscriminate rocket of attacks, shooting from all cylinders, but in the end they became expired as cannon fodders.
  6. When we reflect on those beautiful and meaningful worship songs He always sang as praises to God, we see your majesty at work. As Bonaventure Perquin wrote, “In the Canticle of Canticles we have a much fuller picture of God as spouse of His Chosen people and of the individual soul than anywhere else”
  7. We also thank you for protecting us; for if we are not among the living, we won’t be here physically today to honour this invitation. Most of us haven’t had the opportunity of seeing Him (Son of Man) physically for some years now but this invitation has granted us this golden opportunity to meet Him once again, face to face. What a glorious outing. Glory be to Him.
  8. Today is a great day in our midst globally, including all those who are far away from this gathering. Bless all of us. All those who are aware of this great light pervading the entire earth space should also, by God’s grace, benefit from this glorious Spiritual gathering. Father, we are thankful for this marvelous gift you extended to us by sending Apostle Peter Odoemena, the very Son of Man to us at this generation, to redeem us from the shackles of darkness.
  9. I believe that just as nature creates men with different faces, it also produces different kinds of mind, with different mission and temperament. This Great Avatar we are celebrating today, has manifested His greatness in our midst (His Church), emerging as the strategic epicenter (central point) under which this glorious divine messages were revealed.
  10. We have seen all His attribute in the Bride, and so, nobody can question His Divinity as the Supreme Intelligence. Historically, today we are full of joy as we mark this glorious birthday. Father we thank you for securing the envoy in our midst till this age, may your name be glorified.
  11. The psalmist will always say, “I will praise you Lord for you have saved me from my enemies. You refused to let them triumph over me. O Lord my God, I plead with you, and you gave me my health again. You brought me back from the brink of the grave, for death itself, and here I am alive!
  12. Oh! sing to him you saints of his; give thankful to His holy name. His anger last a moment; his favour last for life! Weeping may go on all night, but in the morning there is joy.” Psalm 39:1-5.
  13. He, Son of Man, passed a serious test of endurance, will power and the intensity of those challenges He conquered, was unparalleled. That was a great sign that symbolized resilience in the face of adversity, and He safeguarded this trove (treasure) of history like a lion for posterity.
  14. Now, as the Son of Man is standing firmly at this marvelous port of anchor, radiating, and surrounded by seventy glittering Stars which is not an ordinary number, may we rise up and clap our hands to glorify His existence.
  15. Let that Almighty power that resides in Him, that made Him to succeed in this divine mission continue to uphold Him till eternity. We will continue to appreciate your presence in our midst. You made it sure that we never strayed off the radar of your watchful eyes by guiding and protecting us jealously.
  16. You made sure that your love towards us will not wax cold, not minding our imperfections, because we are mere mortals. Our vulnerability towards you is clearly evident in our characters, but you always look away from all those filthy behaviors because you know our weaknesses which have become a pernicious (having a harmful effect) practice that caused us more harm than good.
  17. Thank you sir for your patience by EXHALING the past and INHALING the future. Your legendary achievements trail behind you as a colossus. The hills were tortuous to climb but you approached them with wisdom bearing the strictness of an Apostle.
  18. Lamentably, most of your ministers were driven to distractions by the necessities of life, and we are now grappling with the guilt of our collective betrayal. We put our hearts in trivial and ephemeral material things which were alluring to us, and it hindered our Spiritual progression.
  19. We, the Ministers are, as unfeeling, as we are as unapologetic, about our abysmal failure. We are all involved! We have to confess our sins.
  20. Oh! God, forgive all of us our trespasses because we failed you, and let your love project. We pray that we should be remembered for our little good deeds, but kindly cast away our bad deeds from your mind.
  21. All those who ganged up against you must meet an opposition not from only your trusted ones, but from all lovers of truth who are gathered all over the world today, singing praises to your name, and wishing you HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
  22. Let us honour this divine personality, not as a relic of the past, but as a beacon of hope guiding us towards a glorious future rooted in His abiding promise, appreciation of His majestic presence, and our eternal destiny.
  23. Today, Satan who clad in someone’s else robe as an imposter will be sobbing in confusion and desperation because of the inexplicable (cannot be understood or explain) effect this MAN’S distinguished role on earth has deflated him (Satan) to an extent that his facial outlook was streaked and grimy (dirty) and as dubiously as ever. He has beaten you hollow. You cannot change the course of the tide. Victory is Victory! Shame.
  24. Oh Christ, we don’t know how we can thank you enough for your cares towards us. You have fought hard and long for this ministry. Glory be to your name.
  25. We wish you, Sir, sound health, abundant peace, and happiness as you navigate courageously, leading us across this turbulent waters towards paradise. Amen.

8in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: 9who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;

2 Thessalonians 2:8-9 King James version.



The sands have been washed in the footprints

Of the stranger on Galilee’s shore

And the voice that subdued the rough billows

Will be heard in Judea no more.

But the path of that lone Galilean

With joy I will follow today.

And the toils of the road will seem nothing,

When I get to the end of the way,

And the toils of the road will seem nothing,

When I get to the end of the way.

There are so many hills to climb upward,

I often am longing for rest,

But He who appoints me my pathway,

Knows just what is needful and best.

I know in His Word He hath promised

That my strength, “It shall be as my day.”

And the toils of the road will seem nothing,

when I get to the end of the way,

And the toils of the road will seem nothing,

When I get to the end of the way.

He loves me too well to forsake me

Or give me one trial too much.

All His People have been dearly purchased,

And Satan can never claim such.

By and by I shall see Him and praise Him.

In the city of unending day,

And the toils of the road will seem nothing,

When I get to the end of the way,

And the toils of the road will seem nothing,

When I get to the end of the way.

When the last feeble step has been taken,

And the gates of that city appear,

And the beautiful songs of the angels

Float out on my listening ear.

When all that now seems so mysterious,

Will be bright and as clear as the day,

Then the toils of the road will seem nothing,

When I get to the end of the way,

Then the toils of the road will seem nothing,

When I get to the end of the way.

Thank you Lord for the journey mercy you granted us.






When you believe, all things are possible, but when you do not believe, nothing is possible. By the words of the Prophets, God can never tell lies. We are in the end time. The prophets foretold about the end time. The Lord spoke about the end time. I am in your midst as a confirmation that we are almost at the end; we are almost there.


From the message- WE ARE ALMOST THERE, Preached On 19th December, 2010 Pg. 47: 10.



He who wishes to see what is to come should observe what has already happened, because all the affairs of the world, in every age, have their individual counterparts in ancient time” Niccolo Machiavelli.

  1. The ancient trail of the footpaths left by other avatars have some kind of resemblance in some aspects as regards to the activities of the present avatar, Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Very Son of Man.
  2. Although the culture, ecclesiastical history and language of their own time are not in the same mode as of today, but it is a continuation of His former Ministry. Christ came back to this generation to continue causing spiritual events to happen, which is the holy grail of insight need in this age to spiritually rehabilitate the human race with the present truth, thereby concluding His uncompleted project with a super enlightening discourse.
  3. He is on the scene to reconcile the controversy between religion, the virus polluting the world, and the true Godly worship. Religion has been facing humiliation since the revelation of Christ of this Age, Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Son of Man.
  4. Woody Allen, US Film actor, director, writer made us to understand the different classes of people existing on He wrote that
  5. “People can be divided into three groups: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened.”
  6. One cannot move through this world in any single day without having an impact either positively or negatively on the world around him. What you do or contribute makes a difference, and you have to personally decide what kind of difference you want to make.
  7. Your decision, who you are, and what your Mission is, will determine the experience you will have, so there are definite experiences each avatar must expect in the course of His earthly journey. “A journey of one thousand miles starts with a single step,”so says the wise.
  8. “As a resurrected body, Son of Man knows the form of temptations that will come His way during the period of His ministry. He knew what will confront Him and He knew He will leave a trail of success at the end.”
  9. Though mankind will prove a full-fledged albatross against His envisioned dream, and it would be a poignant reminder of the multifaceted nature of human being. As He navigated through the complexities of His personal life, the ranting of demonically hearted persons tried to create an internal conflict that looked like a bizarre situation for Him to start battling with.
  10. A writer wrote, “If you want to fly, you have to give up the things that weigh you down.” Surely He is not an ordinary human being but a Sage, an infinite personality who came into the earth with the aim of emptying all those who believed in Him into Paradise.”
  11. And His Star shall arise in heaven, as a King shedding forth the light of knowledge in the sunshine of day, and He shall be magnified in the world until His ascension. He shall shine forth as the sun in the earth, and shall drive away all darkness from the world under Heaven, and there shall be peace in all the earth.
  12. The Heavens shall rejoice in His days, and the earth shall be glad, and the clouds shall be joyful, and the knowledge of the Lord shall be poured forth upon the earth, as the water of seas; and the angels of the glory of the presence of the Lord shall be glad in Him.” From the compilations. THE TESTAMENTS OF THE TWELVE PATRIACHS,Chapter 3, page 38: 67-68.
  13. The journey won’t be an easy ride, and He was perfectly prepared to conquer and occupy the religious space by infusing it with His message of the hour. God programmed all the experiences, trials and temptation one will pass on earth, but finally, He will surely make a way of escape. So He stood firm, focus, and escaped all challenges that posed as unnecessary distractions.
  14. He sternly warned us that whatever they call Him, we should not defend Him. In the message FORGIVENESS, Chapter 2, paragraph 9, He reminded us thus, “The same way, I have warned you from the very beginning, you will hear many disturbing accusations against Me; it is a part of “My Calling in Christ,”
  15. Let no man, let no woman ever defend Me. Don’t ever defend Me, even if they call Me a criminal, which they have called Me, they call Me a devil, which they have called Me, They call Me Anti-Christ, whatever they will call Me in your presence, don’t feel provoked, don’t ever defend Me.”
  16. Though it may be sad and tragic to bear, but we must obey that Word of warning.
  17. NOTE this statement of fact. It can come from the brethren, or from the outsiders.
  18. I have seen in My life envy and death, and I wandered not in the truth of the Lord. These My brethren hated Me and the Lord loved Me: they wished to slay Me, and the God of My Fathers guarded Me: they let Me down into a pit, and the Most High brought Me up again: I was sold for a slave, and the Lord made Me free:
  19. I was taken into captivity, and His strong hand succored Me: I was put in hunger, and the Lord Himself nourished Me: I was alone, and God comforted Me: I was sick, and the Most High visited Me.” THE TESTAMENT OF THE TWELVE PATRIACHS,Chapter 11, page 112:2-3.
  20. He always say, “I sincerely believe that what is inside Me is greater than any problems or challenges facing Me”.That is an unshakeable trust on God.
  21. Everlasting arms of love enfold Me,   
  22. Words of peace the voice divine hast told Me,
  23. I Am safe, while God Himself doth hold Me.
  24. In the hallows of His hand.”
  25. In the message RECOGNIZE YOUR GREATEST DOMESTIC ENEMIESpreached by Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Son of Man on Saturday 18th April, 2020 at The Bridal Lodge Nsugbe, page 81:4. He reminded us that we must be spiritually ready at all times. Hear Him “Remember that we are fighting a spiritual battle and the devil has metamorphosed into the spiritual realm. Spiritual Realm! If you are not growing spiritually, you are growing carnally.”
  26. We must be on the alert. There are those in our midst who came into this faith with ulterior motives. Our behaviors are the mirror that reflect our images. Bonaventure Perquin in his book- ABBA FATHER, in pages 182/183 wrote that “Judas had lived with Christ and shared everything, just like the others, yet he did not become holy.
  27. He was the opposite of all that the others became. His fall was prepared for by little sins, apparently quite unconnected with the final one of betrayal: little thefts. At first he was a child of light, probably just as enthusiastic as the others, but darkness crept inside him and no one noticed except our Lord.
  28. There must have been little acts of disloyalty, unfaithfulness, resistance to grace, and so he fell when the big temptation came. This holds a very important lesson for all of us. Judas is not the only one who has betrayed Our Lord. We need to retain our humility, realizing that we shall fall unless the Father keeps us, unless we struggle constantly to be faithful to the end.
  29. The world of darkness is fundamentally opposed to the light. From the very beginning of St. Johns Gospel, we are aware of this antithesis: “And the light shines in darkness, a darkness which was not able to master it.” (John 1:5)
  30. “His life is the light that shines through the darkness- and the darkness can never extinguish it.”John 1:5 (LB)
  31. All those who were part and parcel in hatching any negative plans against Him must be sure and certain that they must reap what they planted. It is an existing cosmic law of retributive justice. “Whatever you sow, you must reap.”
  32. “Yes, “said Jesus,“the same horror awaits you! For you crush men beneath impossible religious demands—demands that you yourselves would never think of trying to keep.
  33. Woe to you! For you are exactly like your ancestors who killed the Prophets long ago. Murderers! You agreed with your father’s that what they did was right- you would have done the same yourselves.
  34. This is what God says about you: “I will send Prophets and Apostles to you, and you will kill some of them and chase away the others.
  35. And you of this generation will be held responsible for the murder of God’s servants from the foundation of the world-from the murder of Abel to the murder of Zechariah who perished between the altar and the sanctuary. Yes, it will surely be charged against you.
  36. Woe to you experts in religion! For you hide the truth from the people. You won’t accept it for yourselves, and you prevent others from having a chance to believe it ” LUKE 11:46-52. (LB)
  37. Due to this prophetic statement in the Bible, some of the Apostles, Prophets, have become, lukewarm, docile and inactive. They are engulfed by the fear of the unknown, but Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Son of Man is still on the march, eagerly moving on fearlessly, and confidently. Hear Him on this.
  38. “Till today, do we not have Apostles? Do we not have Prophets? That the Word of God might come to pass. What are they doing?” Son of Man, from the message.. RAMADAN VOICE, Chapter 6:30.
  39. “Such persons claim they know God, but seeing the way they act, one knows they don’t. They are rotten and disobedient, worthless so far as doing anything good is concerned” TITUS 1:16(LB)
  40. This warning served as a cautionary tale, revealing to us who and who we have to be careful of; but at the end of all those false accusations; trying to exterminate His life, He triumphed. These were the hurdles He initially surmounted as He took off on His missionary journey on earth.
  41. The Son of Man made us to understand vividly that “Too many forces are here. I repeat: too many forces are here, but until you place yourself in the right spirit, you will not discern those forces; you might be living with those forces that may be acting against you.
  42. You can hardly know the extent of injury you are causing to yourself, If I tell you the number of people that have been sent here because of the Son of Man, you can hardly believe it.”
  43. From the message, FORGIVENESS, preached 6th January, 2008 by the Son of Man. Chapter 3, page 58:11.
  44. In the same message paragraph 12, He continued, “How many know that the entire world, both spiritual and physical have been looking for Me? How many know that? So you cannot sneak in here. Moreover, when such spirit comes here, of all the Ministers, they will like to come straight to me.”
  45. The intruders came in pretended to be worshipping God, but they were only fellowshipping with Brethren and not worshipping God.
  46. Later on, they willingly, out of their negative mindsets, plunged themselves into the deepest part of the turbulent sea and was swept away by ferocious waves. Instead of them to be the catalyst devil wanted to use to scatter the Church, Christ sieved them out, and they were one after the other, thrown out of the congregation.
  47. Our Messiah throttled across the length and breadth of the entire Country preaching His divine messages of restoring mankind to the true part of Godly righteousness, so that he can worship God aright. The idea of God reincarnating as a human being was not known to them. That the awaited Messiah will come as a human being, as a black man was above their conception and reasoning.
  48. That He will be the final avatar, who will conclude the conclusion of this present universe is very hard for the people of this generation who are ensnared in religious traps of deception and despair, to believe because of what religion had done to their psyche.
  49. Let us also listen to this, “The Final Messiah will be a normal human being, born of human parents. It is thus possible that He is already born. The final Messiah will be the greatest leader and spiritual genius that the world has ever seen. He will likewise be the wisest man ever to have lived.
  50. He will put these extraordinary talents to use to precipitate a worldwide revolution which will bring perfect social justice to humanity, and influence all people to serve God with a pure heart… The Messiah will see through the sham and hypocrisy of this world. He will have the power to sense a person’s spirit, thereby knowing his entire spiritual record, and judging whether he is guilty or not…
  51. As the Messiah’s powers develop, so will His fame. The world will begin to recognize His profound wisdom and come to seek His advice. He will then teach all mankind to live in peace and follow God’s teachings.”(Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan in the Handbook of Jewish Thought (vol. 2), Mazmaim Publishing 1979)
  52. “Everything excellent is as difficult as it is rare” Spinoza.
  53. Presently, the religious secrets are no more secret because all their gimmicks have been exposed. The secret, the churches have been hiding under a path fraught with deception for many centuries ago, that God is a white man, is now exposed.
  54. The Muslims knew this fact hundreds of years ago, but the Christians still find it very hard to believe that God is a Black man. Well, it is very clear to us in this Bridal Faith that this God that created the entire universe is a black man. We have documented it in many of our publications, and also proved our case beyond all reasonable doubt that He is the Almighty God in human form. He manifested all qualities and characteristics of God before many witnesses which are not disprovable.
  55. The consciences of many doubters who were opportune to witness those spiritual manifestations before leaving the congregation are now warring between acceptance and rejection of the Truth; a complex and piteous situation.
  56. Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Son of Man has a supernatural shield protecting Him, and that’s why He is He combines superlative Zeal and Divine experience in propagating His messages. He has suffered a great deal of discomfort in the hands of ancient men and women in this Bridal Faith.
  57. He made it clear that no one has given Him trouble more than them. He instituted doctrines that became very complex and harsh to those who habour unbelieving minds. All these measures have served to eliminate or sieve out a large number of human beings from our “over crowded” mixed populations.
  58. Based on that, they see Him as the greatest abomination inhabiting this universe, but He remains the greatest light leading the elects to the promised land. But no amount of evidence will ever convince an unbeliever to;“Walk while ye have the light with you, lest darkness come upon you: for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth.” (John12:35),
  59. Many call Him many different derogatory names which mean nothing to Him. His normal word is “it is your right to call Me whatever you like because it cannot change who I Am.”He is the smoking firewood, the Mighty God that has a gorgeous aura that make souls feel seen, heard, validated, loved, understood and supported.
  60. He came with a new message that didn’t go down well with the modern Pharises, and while they were fighting the Truth, the unblended truth refused to bow. Buckminster Fuller clarified this assertion by these words, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” THAT’S WHAT HE DID!
  61. He brought a new revelation about who God is and that shook the foundation of Christendom. The battle line was drawn between Truth and Falsehood, and finally the undisputed Truth triumphed and continued marching on. Old adage says that the dogs may continue barking, while the caravan will continue moving on. If you like, continue to doubt, while He will continue to move. Unstoppable!
  62. “Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded.”(2 Chronicles 15:7 KJV)
  63. So, the present avatar who is a super Legend has set a record that is trailing Him where ever He goes. The record stands unequalled, and it revealed that where He came from into this world remained a mystery, and every manifestations around Him is mysterious.
  64. We welcomed and saluted Him with our two hands up when He was revealed in our midst, giving a full respect and honour to Him as a great Man. As our elders used to say “The highest shrine in the land is always lifted with two hands”, as a sign of the highest respect and honour. His activities on this planet earth are tailored superlatively towards spiritual matters, and He is on the move trying effectively to actualize His aim of coming back to earth in this generation.
  65. He promised to navigate through an untapped route (a Man from the opposite direction), so as to redeem mankind from spiritual bondage and savage mentality. He met challenges while moving through that new road which others cannot easily fathom.
  66. They doubted His claim that He is God in human form; that God has selected Him to carry the Godhead. Carl Jung wrote, “if one does not understand a person,one tends to regard him as fool.” When God has selected you, it doesn’t matter who else has rejected or neglected you.
  67. God’s favour outweighs all opposition. The fellow becomes a winner. “The commander of the heavenly army is here among us! He, the God of Jacob has come to rescue us.”  Psalms 46:11. (LB)
  68. He laid down the Hard Truth that looks like lies which proves very uncomfortable with the existing life styles of mankind. Plato made it clear that, “You should not honour men more than Truth.”How hard it could be to travel through this harsh and unbearable terrain that might become a constraints and a limitations to Him in achieving His slated program. The history of Mankind is replete with innumerable challenges. As Philip Pullman wrote, “All the history of human life has been a struggle between wisdom and stupidity.”
  69. To the mortal minds, this challenge will look like an insuperable obstacle, a road block, impossible to surmount; but regardless what people said, He triumphed over those forces which the society has traditionally venerated in worship as their man made gods. He succeeded in holding the spiritual pendulum tilting to one side effectively. This is possible because He is a Divinely commissioned avatar who came to unlock the gateway of salvation.
  70. For Him to accomplish His divine mission on earth, He has to push His brain even farther to contend with the added religious complexities that will follow His new- spiritual revolution.
  71. Frank .A. Clark wrote, “If you can find a path with no obstacle, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.”Those who can trace a way where there is no way are legends. There is no sign to guide him on His journey. The weight of the unknown bears down on him as the haphazard unmapped areas are revealed in all its formidable complexities.
  72. Joseph Wood Krutch made us to understand that “There must be few other accessible places on earth where it is possible to look into areas not actually explored by man “This could only be traced by this investigative mind that inhabits not the spirit of fear.”There are two great motivating forces in life: fear and hope. Interestingly, both of these motivators can produce the same results.
  73. Fear is a powerful negative force. It compels us forward while inhibiting our progress at the same time. Fear is like a noose that slowly tightens around your neck if you move in the wrong direction. Fear restricts your abilities and thoughts and leads you towards panic reactions. Even when you are standing on the threshold of success, your most creative and inventive plans can be sabotaged by fear.” Fear is demonic, and when they attack you, your only option is to hide in the Shepherd, the Mighty God in battle.
  74. Great Legends are avatars, trailblazers, achievers, creative genius, history makers, adventurous minds, risk takers, confident and fearless beings who climb the inhospitable craggy mountains, risk their lives maneuvering the unfriendly valleys and hills,assessing the rugged, steep and awful looking canyons, and scavenges the dangerous forests invested with carnivorous animals, and navigate across that unpredictable muddy waters, enclosing water reptiles which encamped there as their habitat etc.
  75. Those scenes are weird and lonely, and they maneuvered those dangerous terrains to enable them leave an important trail on the sands of time quite different from the destructive trails by the cyclone wind. Sometimes they face unforeseen challenges in form of unstable health issues, but at the end they will triumph.
  76. Their unwavering commitment to the expansion of the glorious frontiers of God’s kingdom has bountifully yielded results in cities and nations to the glory of God.
  77. Naturally, the births of those Legends are always shrewd in mystery. Once they are born, all natural things existing within that vicinity, including the bushes and its content will start vibrating, paying allegiance and bowing to the supernatural being that is back to earth. They perceive it faster than we mortals.
  78. It will take one that is highly spiritually filled to receive the revelation that an avatar is born in a far away town or country.Biblical history told us about the “The Wise Men” from the East who visited Palestine at the birth of Jesus (who evidently were Israelites, because no nation besides them expected the appearance of the Messiah) and because of their saying.  “Where is He that is born King of the Jews? Contained a hint that Jesus would be honored by those shepherds who were living in the Eastern countries.
  79. They came to welcome the Man who was on a serious mission to earth. During the birth of Jesus there were signs that revealed that something great has happened. It was recorded, and at this dispensation can we say there was no such signs? Is it because it was not recorded? There was a miraculous sign that produced those vibrations that happened around that vicinity. From His birth, the journey has started.
  80. The Igbos will say “Ϙzonie oke njem”meaning another mighty journey has begun.” The towering colossus, the mighty creator is moving on a mission which is self-revelatory in the best way suitable to Him.
  81. They are not daydreamers, procrastinators, wishful thinkers. It takes patience, tenacity, courage, diligence and determination to succeed and leave a positive trail on this challenging world which are mostly filled with negative trails,hunting their auras as a hunting dog sniffs around in search of a culprit. It is only the positive minded achievers, with uncommon divine posture and demeanor that can face those challenges, and still scale the lofty heights of the mountain. Period!
  82. Our ancient fathers will always say that “Talent hits a target no one else can hit but Genius hits a target no one else can see.”Every struggle in one’s life has shaped him into the person he is today. Be thankful for the hard times, they can only make you stronger. That is the mood Apostle Peter Odoemena, the very Son of Man was cast.
  83. “Such a man will not be overthrown by evil circumstances. God’s constant care of him will make a deep impression on all who see it. He does not fear bad news, nor live in dread of what may happen. For he is settled in his mind that Jehovah will take care of him. That is why he is not afraid, but can calmly face his foes.” Psalms 112:6-8. (LB).
  84. This is a typical example of the experiences experienced by those who came into this world by divine birth. Their characters are uniquely impactful, and they thrive in God’s vineyard.
  85. “This incident in the life of avatars is one that is very difficult to approach and more difficult to present to those who have not attained that high degree of mystical understanding and awakening which naturally would bring to the student a spiritual understanding of the conception and birth of the avatars.”Culled from- THE MYSTICAL LIFE OF JESUS.
  86. From the same book, by Dr Spencer Lewis, it is noted that those avatars carry over their old experiences into a new age. He wrote, “They carry over from their previous incarnation the lessons and tribulations which have taught them the necessity for looking above and beyond the common placed things of life and holding a vision of the highest ideals as their goals.”
  87. Avatars don’t believe in non-existing reality, intellectual dishonesty and deceitful religious campaign. Intellectual minds are far away from spiritual reality “They are confused, they sleep; how can anyone still affirm, for instance, that only what he can see exists? That where his eyes perceive nothing there is no life? That with his physical death he himself ceases to exist, all because in his blindness he could not, up till now, convince himself to the contrary through his eyes? Does he not yet know that it is related to the capacity of the brain, which is bound to time and space? That because of this he cannot recognize with his eyes anything rising above time and space?
  88. Has this logical, intellectual reasoning not yet become clear to any of these scoffers? Spiritual life, let us also call it the beyond, is after all merely something that stands completely above the earthly division of time and space, and therefore requires a similar nature in order to be recognized.” ABD- RU- SHIN.
  89. It will take a great understanding and spiritual illumination for people to believe that one soul that can be born in any generation is an avatar or a saviour, or the incarnation of Word of God in that generation. In all the ages past and present there have been generally some members of the society who adamantly refused to believe, or in future, will not accept the new facts of life, and stand to condemn the one who tried to reveal them.
  90. These are the class of people who had been chained under the dark tunnels of unbelief. They tactically tried to justify their intellectual witch crafting by using their religious standpoint as their acme.. Based on their level of spiritual understanding, they are bewildered and vulnerable to manipulation. Aldous Huxley made this comment about them, Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity of taking things for granted.”
  91. If you take things for granted, can you extricate yourself from a bewitched, or difficult religious situation without a Redeemer or a Teacher?  You will be in the dark because
  92. “The Darkness began to stir restlessly, and massed ever more densely, heavily and gloomily around the earth. Here and there it was already hissing up malignantly, and spitting in hate into the ranks of those who wished to disobey the Call.
  93. Ever more closely it surrounded those Called ones who, through their failure, were forced to sink away into the Darkness, to which they had thereby voluntarily held out their hands. Their former solemn vow bound them fast to the envoy spiritually, and drew them to Him at the hour of the approaching fulfilment, while their faults formed obstacles and repelled them from Him, because a connection with the Light was thus impossible,”. ABD- RU- SHIN
  94. “Once more Darkness had settled over the earth. Triumphantly it overshadowed men, and barred their way to the Primordial Spiritual Realm. The Light of God had withdrawn from them. The body that had served It as an earthly vessel hung bleeding and mutilated on the cross, as a victim of the protest of those to whom It wished to bring happiness and holy peace ” ABD- RU- SHIN
  95. Once darkness envelopes your being, the best thing you can learn from that worst time of your life is that you get to see the true colours of everyone; and listen to tale of deceit and betrayal. The only way out is to embrace Christ which is Truth.
  96. “Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.” Albert Einstein
  97. Those devilish elements looked as if their sensory perceptions were blocked, and not functional anymore: their visions are impaired and not clear anymore, the things they touched never had the textures they expected, every sound around them is distorted, and they weren’t sure where they’re putting their feet. They had a fleeting and tangential contact with their feelings which appear to be incompatible with Truth,as Spencer Lewis said, “Criticism of Truth cannot destroy it.” And “Man must not allow himself to be confused by scoffers.” ABD- RU- SHIN.
  98. The LEGENDS of our time is on the scene, and He dared the scoffers and descended to that region where the whole nature of Man would be reversed. Due to the reversal against their expectations, He was hated, challenged by His enemies, was insulted, castigated, and poisoned, etc.
  99. The work of this great Legend is embodied with a heavy responsibility, and it cannot hamper the Divine, Cosmic appointment of His Messiahship which the Divine effulgence and Cosmic manifestation hold Him in high esteem. He fought the manipulative, aggressive and fiercely commercialized nature of religious organs.
  100. It is known that human being is suffering from “Obsessive Greed Disorder” and it is the main cankerworm eating deep into human organs, and if not treated or eradicated, will eventually lead humanity to its spiritual ruin. This quest for material acquisition affects human behavior, and Wina Hoff added “The limit is not the sky, the limit is the mind.”
  101. Henry Ford reminded us that,” Life is a series of experience, each one of which makes us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and griefs which we endure help us in our marching forward.”           
  102. Again Eleanor Roosevelt made us to realize that “The purpose of life is to live it, to test experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer or richer experience.”Not only materially but also spiritually.
  103. Remember, not everyone is going to understand your journey. Not everyone is going to believe in what you believe in. You are on your own path, so never allow circumstances to change who you are.Stay true and be yourself. It is clear to note that, any new message is always a revelation to some and the messenger is the Messiah of that day. He is the one wearing the quality of the Divinity, and residing in the abode of humanity.
  104. The present Redeemer of this generation, Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Son of Man dovetailed His messages at the beginning of His ministry with the past avatar’s messages. That how they start their ministration. If the past is cut off, the future does not exist.
  105. Learn from past history but accept them all as an experience while staying in the present. Son of Man will always cast away everything that doesn’t serve Him well as regards His spiritual journey.
  106. He epitomized patience at its best, and the experience gathered made Him to be sensitive to the hardship of others which may lead to their spiritual downfall. He will always extend a helping hand to those who are challenged either spiritually or physically. Most times He comforts the weaker minds who succumb normally to the hazard of fear and infuse in them resourceful energy and determination that can propel them to succeed in life. It will take a magnetic personality to help one to conquer self, because He truly knows what it is like to live from the bottom of the barrel.
  107. So, of a truth, “The mind once enlightened cannot again become dark.”Thomas Paine.
  108. “Satan is terribly against all Messengers of the Word of God. His aim has been to destroy the Shepherd so that the sheep will scatter.”The Son of Man – The Great Sermons and Holy Spirit Inspired and Revealed Epistles, Chapter 3:104:1.
  109. The evil one is blatant in action, loud-mouthed in speech, and domineering in character, and will always attack Men of God in every generation. His messengers are scattered everywhere looking for who to seduce away from the presence of God.
  110. “For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning and a hater of truth- there is no iota of truth in him. When he lies, it is perfectly normal: for he is the father of liars.” JOHN 8:14.
  111. “Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness and sin, of greed and hate, envy, murder, fighting, lying, bitterness, and gossip. They were backbiters, haters of God, insolent, proud braggarts, always thinking of new ways of sinning and continually being disobedient to their parents.
  112. They tried to misunderstand, broke their promises, and were heartless-without pity. They were fully aware of God’s death penalty for these crimes, yet they went right ahead and did them anyway, and encouraged others to do them too.” ROMANS 1:29-32. (LB)
  113. “All the Prophets and Apostles of old that had the Word of God in them suffered persecution and where even murdered by Satan.”The Son of Man – The Great Sermons and Holy Spirit Inspired and Revealed Epistles, Chapter 3: 104:8.
  114. “And what shall I more say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon, and of Barak, and of Sampson, and of Jephthah; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets. Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtain promises, stopped the mouths of Lions. Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to fight the armies of the aliens.
  115. Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection.
  116. And others had trial of cruel mocking and scourging, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment: They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented: (of whom the world is not worthy) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.
  117. And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise.
  118. God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect.” (Heb.11:32-40 KJV)
  119. A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials…. We cannot always control everything that happens to us in this life, but we can control how we respond…. People have to go through trials and tribulations to get where they are.
  120. “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be firm (steadfast), immoveable, always abounding in thee a works of the Lord (always excelling, doing more than enough in the service of the Lord) knowing and being continually aware that your labour in the Lord is not futile.( It is not wasted or to no purpose)” 1 Cor.15:58.
  121. “So, my dear brothers, since future victory is sure, be strong and steady, always abounding in the Lord’s work, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever wasted as it would be if there were no resurrection.” LB.
  122. While, He, The Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena was/is going about doing the work of God, He encountered serious challenges on the way. He never murmured nor complained. “To suffer without complain is the only lesson we have to learn in this life.” Van GoGH.
  123. “All these years, I have passed through the cruelsome attack of the enemy through the agents within and without that the scriptures might be fulfilled which says,“Inside fear, outside war”. The Son of Man, The Great Sermon, chapter 3, page 110:65.
  124. Yes, most of those who ganged up, fought and disobeyed Him were those close to Him. Most of them were people whom He had helped in life, and mostly all their action were propelled by Envy and Jealousy. “Why should it be Him and not me”remains the bone of contention.
  125. Many are seeing Him as a burden they cannot bear any longer, and they left to start their own churches and it never saw the light of the day. They never realized that this movement was instituted by Almighty God Himself, and no man can pull it down. They have been trying and they have been failing. Why it is painful is that most of them were those milling around Him, eating and drinking with Him.
  126. “I cannot even count all those who hate me without cause. They are influential men, those who plot to kill me though I am innocent. They demand that I be punished for what I didn’t do” psalms 69:4 (LB)
  127. “I have given them your commands. And the world hates them because they don’t fit in with it, just as I don’t.” John 17:14. (LB)
  128. When they come into the midst of brethren, they pretend that they are with us, and we believe the same thing. They are mass of strangers masquerading as members of the Bridal Movement. When they move away from the mist of brethren, they display their true nature.
  129. They became beast of burden. Another ministry of Judas may be rearing its ugly head again in the Bride. It is easy for mankind to judge the mistakes of others but find it difficult to realize their own mistakes. Fault finders. Why can’t we listen to the message of this man, imbibe them, instead of looking for faults. “Anyone can give material things, but giving attention, loyalty, effort and honesty is priceless.”Carlos Dominguez.
  130. We have many Caiaphas in our midst today. They are spies, spying on our liberty, and also monitoring and sending signals, information to the enemy group against the Son of Man as he Caiaphas had been a spy for the Roman Government against Jesus.
  131. Note this.. Thomas Paine made it clear that “A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody” So we must have somebody we trust, respect and fear so that our lives would be moderated. Sincerity is the key rather than illegally poaching on His role and Mission.
  132. “So they come as though they are sincere and sit before you listening. But they have no intention of doing what I tell them to; they talk very sweetly about loving the Lord, but with their hearts they are loving their money. You are very entertaining to them, like someone who sings lovely songs with a beautiful voice or plays well on an instrument. They hear what you say but don’t pay attention to it! But when all these terrible things happen to them- as they will-then they will know a prophet has been among them.”
  133. “Son of dust, your people are whispering behind your back. They talk about you in their houses and whisper about you at the doors, saying, ‘Come on, let us have some fun! Let’s go hear him tell us what the Lord is saying!’So they come as though they are sincere and sit before you listening. But they have no intention of doing what I tell them to; they talk very sweetly about loving the Lord, but with their hearts they are loving their money. 
  134. 32 You are very entertaining to them, like someone who sings lovely songs with a beautiful voice or plays well on an instrument. They hear what you say but don’t pay any attention to it!Ezekiel 33:30-31 LB.
  135. Our Ancient people used to say that “it hurts when someone whom you trust betrays you. It is like stabbing you at the back without you knowing it. You will never know when you will be attacked, or who is going to attack you. Betrayal is one of the worst things you will never want to experience in life.
  136. “Be faithful to thy trust, and deceive not the man who relieth upon thee; be assured it is less evil in the sight of God to steal than to betray.” UNTO THEE I GRANT
  137. “Sometimes your dearest friend whom you reveal most of your secrets to, becomes so deadly and unfriendly without knowing that they were not really your friend.”Micheal Bassey Johnson.
  138. According to biblical history, when the Son of God faced His darkest hour, those who ate and dined with Him, had deserted Him. Those He healed mocked Him–healer heal thyself. The devil was jubilating but the giver of life was humiliated. Peter the trusted companion also deserted Him.
  139. Jesus was abandoned to face His destiny alone. He was pierced, bruised and battered, and it looked like the mischief maker, the devil had won. The third day, Jesus had the victory by resurrecting from the dead.
  140. There is a lesson to learn from this divine experience. When one is challenged, there will be a new experience to be experienced. That will be an undulating period of one’s life, when hope is lost but God will mysteriously disarm the devil and set one free. It will be a spiritual new birth which is the power that God used to regenerate your weakened consciousness that is brought into your present.
  141. Tim Keller added this to buttress the point that “To be born again means that suddenly spiritual realities that you could not sense before- that were either invisible to you or maybe you’d say inaudible to you- suddenly you can sense them, because you are given a new sensibility.” Life is a journey.
  142. The value of what we have in hand is often greater than the potential of what we desire.
  143. There must be boulders, mountains and hills on the way. These are obstacles mounted by the enemy as a means of frustrating one’s spiritual journey. Satan’s greatest psychological weapon against man is feeding your mind with a gut-feeling of inferiority, inadequacy, and low self-worth.
  144. Note–Until you face a great challenge, you will not believe that your trusted friends, some members of your family will even abandon you to your fate. The fact is that in most cases, you will be left alone.
  145. This was what Apostle Peter Odoemena experienced during His trial periods, but later on, He was impregnated by the rhythmic pulsation of cosmic energy which strengthened and gave Him the mysterious mantle which He used to overcome all further approaching challenges.
  146. When you are on a hard road, you will find out that there are unfriendly friends. As Anavell Endayao puts it, “The person you trust the most is the person that creates the deepest wound in your heart.”After realizing that, then the flake will fall of your eyes, and you will become conscious of the reality that you came into this world alone, you walked and worked alone and you will depart alone. The only trusted friend you have is Almighty God.
  147. When it seems there is no way out, be steadfast and unshakeable. God is with you and He made a solemn promise that He will never abandoned you. He never abandoned Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego.
  148. Let your faith hang on God. All the challenges you passed through would become a story to greatness.
  149. “For the Lord watches over the plans and paths of Godly men, but the path of the godless lead to doom” Psalm 1:6 (LB ).
  150. So God is behind all the activities of Apostle Peter Odoemena, the very Son of Man.
  151. “God is alive! Praise Him who is the great rock of protection. He is the God who pays back those who harm me and subdues the nations before me. He rescued me from my enemies; He holds me safely out of their rich and saves me from those powerful opponents.” Psalms 18:46-48. ( LB)
  152. In the Great Sermons and Holy Spirit inspired Epistle, Epistle 13, Chapter 3, verse 27, 2001 AD, it was recorded thus, “From that day Emmanuel was born a human being nurtured by human beings as His parents, God has been dwelling on earth with His people”. The creator living in the midst of His creatures. This is mystery. It is a Paradox.
  153. Since then God has been stationed on earth. At the appointed time, He revealed Himself again to His own, in His Church.
  154. “Any generation, any dispensation where Christ never revealed Himself in human form, no being will be saved in that dispensation. If Christ never appeared, it means a saviour never appeared “(FEAR GOD VOLUME 1; page 55 verse 60 .7th December, 2014)
  155. Who is this Christ? Who is this Saviour? That man who will come and starts revealing all these amazing secrets? It is He that is promised to come in his stead and lead us into the knowledge of all Truths. He will bestow on us some mysterious fundamental strength and courage that will see us through those harsh realities of life through His Words and teachings. He encourages us on daily basis, and helps us to conquer fear.
  156. He always tell us to approach life with determination and commitment, giving your all in every endeavor with unwavering resolve. He is a loving father, our guide and our inspiration. He is the radiating light of an endless infinity. Sometimes all you need in life is someone to wrap his arm around you, hold you tight, and tell you that everything is going to be alright.
  157. “I learnt that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”Author unknown.
  158. “Promise of Hope are sweeter than the rose in the bud, and far more flattering to expectation, but the threatening of Fear are a cross upon which the rose is crucified.”UNTO THEE I GRANT.
  159. Spencer Lewis in his book, SELF MASTERY AND FATE WITH THE CYCLES OF LIFE, made us to understand that “Now everyone who is born takes the first breath of life and breaths into his system that cosmic energy which starts his souls consciousness in attunement with the cosmic vibration and rhythm existing at that time, and according to the ancient observations which have been verified through centuries of careful examination and scrutiny, each person continues to vibrate in attunement with the rhythm established at the moment of birth. It is as though each person becomes an affinity of the rhythmic conditions existing at the time of birth, and therefore, is continuously more sensitive, receptive, and responsive to the effects of that rhythm than to any of the others.”
  160. So, “New birth is the transforming work of God that moves us from a state of spiritual death to life. It is the God-caused act that makes us a new creation, with new loves and affections. And so, as Thabiti Anyabwile puts it, “Nothing could be more vital than God’s people understanding what regeneration looks, feels, tastes, desires, speaks, walks and thinks like.”
  162. When such transformation or rebirth takes place, you will now stand on your new faith to follow a new path and leave a trail. Dennis Weaver clearly stated that “It is fun to be a little bit different in the world, to make a few new trails of your own.”By finding a new channel of existence, you will not follow where the existing path will lead you to but you will go where there is no path, and you will definitely leave a trail. “Being an effective trail advocate begins with deciding just exactly what it is you want to achieve. Before you can get out and champion your project, you need a vision, as plan and maps that show preferred routes and other future. “Bay Area Ridge Trail Council, in Support of Trails: A Guide To successful Trails Advocacy.”
  163. Avatars are very courageous personalities and cautious in equal measures, but they are driven forward, not only by their own desire to reach their destination, but also by the desire to leave a viable way for others to follow. That has been the vision of Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Son of Man.
  164. “Don’t fight the trail. You have to flow with it. You can’t make a mountain any less steep or an afternoon any cooler or the day any longer, so don’t waste your energy complaining. Time and distance and terrain and the trail itself cannot be changed.
  165. You have to change yourself. You have to adopt your heart, mind and soul to the trail. For every five days on the trail, you can expect one day to be uncomfortably wet, one day to be uncomfortably dry, one day to be uncomfortably hot, one day to be uncomfortably cold, and one day to be comfortable.”Warren Doyle
  166. “And behold, the knowledge of the “wise ones”was false, the prayers of the faithful were not genuine; for they did not open themselves to the voice that came forth from the Truth, and which therefore could only be recognized where the spark of Truth within man had not been buried by earthly wrong-doing, the domination of the intellect, and all those things that tend to crowd the human spirit from the right part and cause its downfall.” (Grail Message) In the Light of Truth by Abdrushin, Lecture 88 The Stranger.
  167. One thing I really appreciate and love about the life of this living avatar, the Son of Man is, no matter how bad you have offended Him, no matter what He has been going through, He still has a large heart-a heart of gold and clothed with abundant love which is still hidden inside that spiritual well of His soul.That’s one great thing no one can take away from Him. Marvelous!
  168. No man (but the Son of Man) has ever come with a message that ran across the whole globe at the same time, using all the languages. No man has ever fulfilled that revelation; that prophecy of the Archangel coming with an everlasting Gospel to be preached to all kindred, tongues, languages throughout the whole earth for a witness.
  169. “When our Qain (HAZRAT MAHDI (as) appears, Almighty Allah will provide means whereby even people living many miles away will be able to speak to, see and hear our QAIM from wherever they may be.”(Mu’ jam Ahadith Al-lmam Al-Mahdi, vol.4, page57 and Bilhar vol. 52 page 336).
  170. “And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, The Lord cometh with Ten thousands of His Saints, to execute judgement upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.” Jude 14:15 ( KJV).
  171. We are going to look into the life of this God man of this generation, a Legend, His struggles, challenges and the trail He left behind in the subsequent chapters.
  172. In some of His numerous messages, He taught us that all our activities should be backed with Wisdom. He reminded us that nobody has a total freedom, and a writer clearly stated that he has never believed that man’s freedom consisted in doing what he wants, but rather in doing what he is not supposed to do. Goethe added also that “Wisdom is found only in Truth.”And that “anything you loose by speaking your truth isn’t a loss. It’s an alignment.”
  173. “The only clear and final Truth is the Truth of conscience”.Rene Descartes.
  174. He has revealed the hidden truth to us. He has taken us across the slippery terrain without falling. He has revealed His original body and personality to us. He has driven us across the spiritual sphere, and moreso, He has revealed to us what Salvation is all about.
  175. And so, “One day you will realize that after all the battles you’ve fought, all the storms that you’ve survived and every mountain that you have climbed, you’ve always had the strength to make it through life journey.” Roger Lee.
  176. “Got any rivers you think are uncrossable?
  177. Got any mountains you can’t tunnel through?
  178. God specializes in things thought ” impossible”
  179. And He will do what no other power can do”
  180. Now! Marcus Aurelius told us that we “Do not be wise in Words. Be wise in deeds.”
  181. When we depart from this world what are we going to be remembered for? What are our deeds? What did we do with the talent given to us by Almighty God? What are the total aggregate of our activities on earth? We must answer these questions.

God said, “Behold I place before you my Angel, I place my Name upon Him, I place unction before Him. Follow Him, obey His ministration, do not go to the left, do not go to the right for you have never gone this way before. Provoke him not, because He can never pardon your iniquity.”


 From the Message- FOLLOW ME AS I FOLLOW HIM (THE CLOUD) Preached In the year 1993 pg. 71:12

If you are under the immunity of Jesus, whatever crime you are committing now will be counted against you because the immunity has changed hands.  ALL POWERS, ALL AUTHORITIES ARE CONFERRED ON ME. I am not Jesus. I said, I am not Jesus. Jesus has come and gone but Christ remains. He was Jesus the Christ. Did you get it? Call Me Peter the… Do not call Me Jesus the Christ, for I will not answer. Therefore, whatever crime you committed under Jesus immunity, you must account for it now… I AM THE GREATEST. HE THAT CHALLENGED THE WHOLE WORLD POWERS AND CAME OUT UNHURT. Believe it if you can.


WHOSE IMMUNITY DO YOU HAVE? Preached on 8th October 2002; Pg. 70 vs. 43 – 48 & BEWARE OF ESOTERIC LANGUAGES; preached on Sunday 24th April 2004; Pg. 3



Who is this personality standing on this Divine pillar of Truth? He is an avatar who came to uncover the secret of nature. Buddha, 2,500 years ago explained this human conditions but people just didn’t get it. Jesus the Christ 2000 years ago also explained it but people didn’t listen. This present avatar is also a man like others, that is, He is of the same human structure like all of us. He is also a natural man who can also experience temptations as a human being.

  1. He said, “I came that you might have life and have it more abundantly.” He is sent here for the sanctification of our lives. As far as we all can believe this truth that the sole purpose of Son of Man being revealed on earth at this closing period of this perverse generation is to rekindle a light of new revelation and exposition in the darkest recess of our being which will fish out our spiritual errors and place us on a better route to Paradise, we are on the right track.
  2. Son of Man believes that He is operating at the apogee (highest realm) of spiritual realm, and so, He is here to protect us from the marauding satanic influences in the world.
  3. William Shakespeare wrote in one his plays, “The Tempest” that “Hell is empty and all the devils are here.”Yes, I agree with him. Devils are human beings and all of them are here on earth presently committing atrocities in different shades and styles, and God also had to relocate from heaven with thousands of His Angels to earth to counter all the falsehood Satan and his agents are peddling about that is capable of seducing children of  God away from the truth.
  4. It is clear that someone without knowledge of this hidden truth from God might conclude that what Satan and his agents were speculating was great, glorious and magnificent truth of the hour.
  5. God knows that it is easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.He is aware that those evil teachings would be spiraled out of control if not checked, so He decided to confront them because it is clear they were operating with unbelievably brilliant falsehood, and also with counterfeit lifestyles; parading themselves as something while they are nothing. Those false beings were sending a negative glittering trail of coated lies in the world space.
  6. We should not be ignorant of the depths of wickedness and ungodliness which  this world can sink into without the intervention of this Godman of this era.God is on earth physically to monitor all the activities of Satan which has a strange rigidity (inflexible) and permanence, and put a hold on them by revealing the present Truth to humanity.
  7. Human race needs this indelible truth from this Great God to enable us get free from the religious gallows, and satanic entanglement that has overshadowed the entire world population. This is true! Is it not?
  8. Truth, as we are told is always the most important thing to behold, even when it leads us into dark places. That dark corner may be a place against our natural lifestyle, or a place of safety where God may decide to hide us away from our enemies, and from impending destruction. But there must be a light to illuminate that darkness.
  9. Our express duty is to have faith on the Revealed Christ, obey His instructions and follow Him as a guide. Without Faith we are worshipping God in vain because He came purposely to bring Faith to those that will be saved. Amen
  10. “What a God He is! How perfect in every way! All His promises prove true. He is a shield for everyone who hides behind Him. For who is God except our Lord? Who but He is as a rock?” Psalms 18:30-31(LB)
  11. This God in human form is our Great Leader. He knows the way, goes through that same way and reveals the way, (not two ways) but one way to us. That is the appointed way for us to follow. Any other road is fake and leads to eternal destruction.
  12. “So, do not ever attempt taking a crooked path. When you are taking a crooked path, you are taking the longest path, but you may not know.”Son of Man, from the message. RESIST THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE EVIL, Chapter1, Vol.1, page 34:91-93.
  13. “Truly Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him (Alone). This is the straight path.”(Surah 3:51) A crooked way leads to destruction.
  14. “In every dispensation, Christ has been recognized and identified by His characteristic features. No More! No Less! Why? He is the same yesterday, today and forever.” Son of Man. From the message… I LEFT HOME FULL AND CAME BACK EMPTY..Vol.1, page 114:37-38.
  15. We as children of God must know His characteristic features to enable us relate with Him. Whenever we come before Him, we have grace enough still to guard our tongues. We will not evade the consequences of our actions if we err before Him.There might be corrections either severe or mild depending on our iniquities.
  16. In this dispensation, a prophet known as Marion Branham was ordained to foreran Christ’s second coming as John The Baptist foreran the coming of Jesus the Christ in His first incarnation .
  17. “Now, this is the turn of Africa. And we have received God’s visitation. He sent us an Angel and the Angel prophecied about the forth coming Messiah. And the Messiah finally arrived.” Son of Man. culled from the message. RESIST THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE EVIL, Vol.1, page 12:23.
  18. “The pillar of Fire over Brother Branham’s head was photographed at Houston Texas, in January of 1950, and had accompanied him since his birth in 1909. During a 1933 baptismal service in the Ohio River at Jeffersonville, Indiana, this Supernatural Being appeared before hundreds of people saying, “As John the Baptist, foreran the first coming of Christ, so shall your message forerun His second coming. “Culled from the book, THE REVELATION OF SEVEN SEALS.
  19. Oh, and I remember when He swept down there in that big light, standing yonder at the bottom of the river, 1933, in June, when He said, “As John the Baptist was sent forth to forerun the first coming of Christ, I send you with a message to the world to forerun the second coming of Christ.”
  20. And around the world she’s went when revival fires had been built for fifteen years on nearly every mountain. Divine healing across the nations, and the power, and restoration, and now, I believe she’s ready to strike that final climax yonder, to bring forth a faith that will rapture the church into glory [unclear words] and she’s laying in the messages! We’re really at the end time.
  21. We’ve talked about it and everything, but the thing has moved upon us now. Yeah! Yes, sir! You’ve won! That’s right! Culled from The Absolute by Prophet William Marion Branham, Preached on Sunday morning, the 30th day of December 1962 at the Branham Tabernacle in Jeffersonville, Indiana, U.S.A.
  22. “When the Lord descended in our midst, He said, “My Angel is in your midst. I, the Lord, I Am with Him to lead you in the way you should go, do not go to the left, do not go to the right; fix your eyes on Him, hear Him because you have never gone this way before. Provoke Him not to wrath because He is my own Angel of Judgement, He will never, never pardon your transgressions for my Name is upon Him. I am sending Him as an Angel of Judgement, “Is it not our commission? Son of Man. WHO KNOWS WHAT WILL BE MY RIGHTEOUSNESS? page 43:41.
  23. He is a sturdy soul spiritually prepared to do his duty in any of the difficult conditions to be expected of an avatar. So respect and honour Him because it is not everyday that you can have an opportunity of meeting a living legend in person.
  24. Note this sticking truth… There is no other personality or family in whom the Bridal Brotherhood can now place any hope on except this illustrious being or family, that is, the family of Apostle Peter Odoemena, the very Son of Man, that is favoured by nature.
  25. “That is why He has remained the only Minister that appeared in human form and brought immortality into focus. Through the preaching of the Gospel, He brought down the Godhead. He brought down the cloud. He brought down the original body.
  26. A mobile human being who could travel to any place He wanted. The same being traveling in Theophany form, appearing and disappearing, showcasing Himself in Lagos, in Kaduna, in Kafanchan, in Port Harcourt, and everywhere.
  28. Who can now deny this fact that Son of Man was sent by the Supreme Deity to teach us this surviving truth? “Those who keep learning will keep on rising in life”quote by Charlie Munger. His role as a special envoy to the world, in this generation, demands exemplary conduct, ethical fortitude, and unwavering dedication which are the qualities He is still maintaining till date, and it symbolizes a sacred pact with God.
  29. The Truth about His Missionary escapades which portrayed dangerous activities in most cases, (about His traveling schedules) had never revealed any panic or fear in Him about negative occurrences on the way. He was sure and certain of who the personality that gave Him the assignments is. As we go on, we would be able to reveal some of those harsh experiences He encountered during His Missionary activities.
  30. Epictetus has reminded us that history is replete with examples of those avatars who came in the past generations with different assignments backed with the ebb and flow of the challenges they faced. They never complained, but faced those obstacles with faith.
  31. “Although we can’t control which roles are assigned to us. It must be our business to act our given role as best we possibly can and to refrain from complaining about it. Wherever you find yourself and whatever circumstances, give an impeccable performance.”
  32. God should be feared, for all His activities beats human imagination hollow. There is no other God greater than Him.
  33. REVELATION 15:4– “Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgements are made manifest”.
  34. HEBREWS 1:1-2,God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds. KJV
  35. LUKE 21:27 –And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. KJV
  36. “Before pondering over these traditions of the Holy Prophet, (peace be upon Him), regarding the advent of the Messiah and Mahdi, it must be kept in view that the Holy Quran as well as the traditions of the Holy Prophets are unanimous in their verdict that Jesus, Son of Mary, has died His natural death.
  37. Further, the Holy Quran and the traditions of the Holy Prophet both are in unison that the dead never return to life in this transitory world of ours. Hence when it is narrated in the traditions that Jesus Son of Mary will come, It should not be taken literally but rather to be understood in the metaphorical sense as has been interpreted by a scholar of Great repute and regenerator of His Century, Mohyyud Din Ibn Arabi, when He says: “His descent in later ages will be with a DIFFERENT BODY.”(Tafsir Araisul Bayan Vol. 1. Page 262.
  38. “My greatest and only desire is to bring true understanding of the Word of God, His Prophets and the scriptures, which the Prophets were sent with, pertaining of the world.
  39. You must forget about ever seeing the return of Jesus, who was here 2,000 years ago. Set your hearts on seeing the One that He prophesied would come at the end of the present world’s time (the white race time).
  40. He is called the “Son of Man,” the “Christ,” the “Comforter.”You are really foolish to be looking to see the return of the Prophet Jesus. It is the same as looking for the return of Abraham, Moses and Muhammad. All of these Prophets prophesied the coming of Allah or one with equal power, under many names.
  41. You must remember that Jesus could not have been referring to Himself as returning to the people in the last days. He prophesied of another’s coming who was much greater than He. Jesus even acknowledged that He did not know when the hour would come in these words; “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.”(Mathew 24:36).
  42. If He were the one to return at the end of the world, surely He would have had knowledge of the time of His return, knowledge of the hour. But He left Himself out of that knowledge and placed it where it belonged, as all the other Prophets had done.
  43. No one has been able to tell us the hour of the judgement. No One but He, the great all wise God, Allah. He is called the “Son of Man,” the “Mahdi,” the “Christ.”The Prophets, Jesus included, could only foretell those things which would serve as signs, signs that would precede such a great One’s coming to judge the world. The knowledge of the hour of judgement is with the executor only.
  44. The prophets teach us to let the past judgement of people, their cities, and their Warner’s serve as a lesson, or a sign of the last judgement and it’s Warner’s. Noah did not know the hour of the flood. Lot did not know the Hour of Sodom and Gomorrah until the Executors had arrived, and Jesus prophesied; (Matt 24:37-39), “It will be the same in the last judgement of the world of Satan.”
  45. You have gone astray because of your misunderstanding of the scriptures, the Prophet Jesus, and the coming of God to judge the world. My corrections are not accepted.
  46. Your misunderstanding and misinterpretation of it is really the joy of the devil. For it is the devils’ desire to keep the so-called Negroes ignorant of the truth of God until they see it with their eyes. The truth of God is the salvation and freedom of the so-called Negroes from the devils’ power.
  47. Can you blame them? No! Blame yourself for being so foolish as to allow the devil to fool you into not accepting the Truth after it comes to you. The devil has tried to deceive the people all over the earth with religion, that is, God the Father, Jesus the Son, the Holy Ghost; three god’s into One God.
  48. The resurrection of the Son and His return to judge the world; or that the Son is in some place above the Earth. Sitting on the right-hand side of the Father, waiting until the Father makes His Enemies His footstool. The period of waiting is 2,000 years. Yet, He died for the Father to save His enemies (the whole world of sinners).
  49. I tell you this, my brothers: an earthly body made of flesh and blood cannot get into God’s Kingdom. These perishable bodies of ours are not the right kind to live forever. But I am telling you this strange and wonderful secret: we shall not all die, but we shall all be given new bodies!(1 Cor. 15:50)
  50. Flesh and blood cannot survive without that of which it is made, the earth. Jesus’ prophesy of the coming of the Son of Man is very clear, if you rightly understand. First, this removes all doubt who we should expect to execute judgement, for if man is to be judged and rewarded according to his actions, who could be justified in sitting as judge of Man’s doing but another man?
  51. How could a Spirit be our judge when we could not see a Spirit? And ever since life was created, life has had Spirit. But the Bible teaches that God will be seen on the Day of Judgement. Not only the righteous will see Him, but even His enemies shall see Him.
  52. On that day, a Son of Man will sit to judge men according to their works. Who is the Father of this Son, coming to judge the World? Is His Father of flesh and blood or is He a “Spirit”?
  53. Where is the Son coming from? Prophet Jesus said “He will come from the East” (Matt.24:27),from the land and people of Islam, where all the former Prophets came from. Jesus compared His coming as “the Lightening”. Of course lightening cannot be seen or heard at a great distance.
  54. The actual light (the Truth) which “shineth even unto the West,” is our day sun. But the Son of Man’s coming is like both the lightening and our day sun. His work of the resurrection of the mentally dead so-called Negroes, and judgement between the truth and falsehood, is compared with lightning on an instant. His swiftness in condemning the falsehood is like the sudden flash of lightening in a dark place.
  55. America is that dark place, where the darkness has blinded the people so that they cannot find the “right way” out. The sudden “flash of lightning” enables them to see that they are off from the “right path.”They walk a few steps toward the “right way” but soon have to stop and wait for another bright flash. What they actually need is the light of the sun (God in person), that they may clearly see their way.
  56. The lightning does more than flash a light. It is also destructive striking whom Allah pleases, or taking property as well as lives. The brightness of its flashes almost blinds the eye.
  57. So it is with the coming of the Son of Man, with the truth, to cast it against falsehood that it breaks the head. Just a little hint of it makes the falsehood begin looking guilty and seeking cover from the brightness of the truth. Sometimes lightning serves as a warning of an approaching storm.
  58. So does Allah warn us by sending His Messengers with the truth, before the approaching destruction of a people to whom chastisement is justly due.
  59. They come flashing the truth in the midst of the spiritually darkened people. Those who love spiritual darkness will close their eyes to the flash of truth, like lightning, pointing out to them the “right way”thus blinding themselves from the knowledge of the approaching destruction of the storm of Allah, and are destroyed. “As the lightning cometh out of the East, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be.”
  60. Let us reflect on this prophecy from the direction in which this Son shall come, “out of the East” If He is to come from the East, to chastise or destroy that of the West, then He must be pleased with the East. The dominant religion of the East is Islam. The holy religious teachings of all the Prophets, from Adam to Muhammad, was none other than Islam (Holy Qur’an 4:16), they all were of the East and came from that direction with the light of the Truth and shone toward the old wicked darkness of the West.
  61. But the West has ever closed its eyes and thus making it necessary for the coming of the Son of Man, the Great Mahdi, God in Person.
  62. Being the end of the sign in His person, He dispels falsehood with the truth as the sun dispels night on its rising from the East. Why should the tribes of the earth mourn because of the coming of the Son of Man, instead of rejoicing?”
  63. Culled from the MESSAGE TO THE BLACK MAN (1965) BY ELIJAH MOHMMED.
  64. The illuminating presence of an avatar in any environment is very glaring. It is never hidden. He is a human being born of a woman, grew up in strength and wisdom among his mates, advanced in age and got married with children. He is a MAN of great importance. “When a big masquerade enters the square, the small ones will leave.” This is not a masquerade that can be pushed around. Igbo idiom will say “mmanwu Siri Ike ji isi anya oku”meaning a great masquerade will warm the body using the head.
  65. “See, I am sending an Angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared. Pay attention to Him and listen to what He says.
  66. One Hadith states: “Hazrath Mahdi (as) will come. There will be a cloud just above His head. There will be an Angel who will cry out: this is Mahdi (as), follow Him.”
  67. “Behold, He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him. Even so, Amen.”Rev.1:7 ( KJV)
  68. Do not rebel against Him; He will not forgive your rebellion, since my Name is in Him.” Exodus 23:20-21. Who can this Man be?
  69. Prophet William Marion Branham said, “There is a little sheep out there somewhere and will not be satisfied until that One comes in the fold. By the help of God, and by a vision, and thus saith the Lord, I am returning across the sea.
  70. The Last Sheep may be a Black One, down there, for all I know– where they don’t even think they have a soul, but God knows different.” The Easter Seal, page 40, preached on the 4th of October 1965 at Phoenix Arizona.
  71. “Who is this Man? A MAN that is described as a beacon of intellect and curiosity. A free- spirited soul with an affinity for success in life.He had cultivated a rich tapestry of life style, His family woven with love, resilience, and share experiences that ebbed and flowered like the tide, punctuated by moments of shared remembrance and fleeting smiles tinged with melancholy. People were inquiring about Him both in their private places and in their hearts.
  72. They were wondering who could be this Man. The quest for an answer became a gripping tale of spiritual discovery, resilience, and the enduring strength of the human spirit.
  73. Until one of the chiefest of the Angels led
  74. Prophet Enoch directly to that place and said, “Behold Him.”Look up and see whether you can behold THE SON OF MAN.
  75. Then the name of the person was revealed. When the Name was revealed, all of them rejoiced that at last, the Name of THE SON OF MAN has been revealed and they kept it secret.
  76. In your own day, the Name of THE SON OF MAN is Apostle Peter Odoemena. I do not care where He is drawn from. I do not care about His orientation. Neither do I care about where He appeared nor where He is living. His occupation means nothing to me. Whether married or unmarried I do not care.
  77. “This is the Son of Man who hath righteousness, with whom dwells righteousness, and who reveals all the treasures of that which is hidden, because the Lord of Spirits hath chosen Him, and whose lot has preeminence before the Lord of Spirits in righteousness and is forever.” 1 Enoch 46:3.
  78. But all I know is that I have at last, seen and heard the Name of this Man who has been standing by the right hand side of the Rock of Ages.” Culled from the message…WHO IS THE SON OF MAN TO YOU, preached 23/6/2020 by Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Very Son of Man, Chapter 1:31-36. “And at that hour that Son of Man was named in the presence of the Lord of Spirits, and His name was brought before the head of days.
  79. Even before the sun and the signs were created, before the stars of heaven were made, His name was named before the Lord of Spirits. He shall be a staff to the righteous and they shall steady themselves and not fall. And He shall be the light of the Gentiles, and the hope of those who are troubled of heart.
  80. All who dwell on Earth shall fall down and worship before Him, and will praise and bless and sing and celebrate the Lord of Spirits. And for this reason He has been chosen and hidden in front of (kept save by) Him, before the creation of the world and for evermore.
  81. And on the day of their affliction there shall be rest on the Earth (Because the evil ones will be destroyed), and before Him they shall fall down and not rise again, and there shall be no one to take them with His hands and raise them up; for they have denied the Lord of Spirits and His anointed. The name of the Lord of Spirits be blessed. 1 Enoch 48:2-6, 10.
  82. “And I swear by the Lord who holds my life in His hands that the Son of Mary shall surely appear among you as just arbiter and shall break the cross, annihilate the swine and abolish Jazia.”….Sahih Bukhari, Kitab Bad’ulkhalq Bab Nazooli Isa Bin Maryam.
  83. It will take a spiritually developed mind and not a canally minded individual to trace the footprint of a Legend on the sands of time. This Legend, Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Very Son of Man has left us an astonishing testimony by the trail that followed Him. HE HAS BEING THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, AND HE HAS BEEN BEARING THE HEAT OF THAT LIGHT WITH LOVE   AND ENDURANCE, WITHOUT COMPLAINING.
  84. “I am He that liveth, and was dead; And, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of Hell and of Death.”1:18 (KJV)
  85. He is physically present on earth now, and basically, His main focus is that He came to put people who will actually accept Him for who He is, and believe His Messages, on the right standing with God. Finish!
  86. “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is.”  I John 3:2 KJV.
  87. He has appeared and we have seen Him. He is a Man like us. No argument about that.
  88. We should bear this in mind that “God is our righteousness. God is our salvation. God is our redemption. God is our holiness. God is our perfection. He is even our justification and our sanctification. Understand these basic truth. God made the whole thing clear. It is His Will that we may know He that is true and we are in Him that is true, even the SON OF MAN. This MAN is the True God and is Himself Eternal Life.” Son of Man. culled from the message. ARE YOU WALKING WITH GOD OR WALKING ALONE? Preached Wednesday, 12th December, 2011, page 19:8-9.
  89. “Long ago God spoke in many different ways to our fathers through the prophets, in visions, dreams, and even face to face, telling them little by little about His plans. But now in these days He has spoken to us through His Son to whom He has given and through whom He made the world and everything there is. God’s Son shines out with God’s glory, and all that God’s Son is and does mark Him as God. He regulates the universe by the Mighty power of His command. He is the One who died to cleanse us and clear our record of all sin, and then sat down in highest honour beside the Great God of Heaven.” Hebrews 1:1-3( LB)
  90. He is the Resurrected One.
  91. “Evidences abound. Prophesies bear true witness that this Man is born in righteousness. He is righteousness Himself. All that will be crowned righteous must be declared righteous through Him and you will know who He is through the Light of His belief” Son of Man. from the message.WHO IS SON OF MAN TO YOU, Chapter1:37-38.
  92. This personality we will be talking about was born on Sunday 3rd April, 1955 to a religious family of Mr Ohaeri and Mrs Catherine Odoemena in Umuhitte kindred of Odoemenas, in Uvuru Mbaise, a town in present Imo State of Eastern part of Nigeria. He was born as a soul that masters and controls the four elements of creation -Earth, Air, Fire, and water. The ancient Greeks believed that there were four elements that everything is made up. I hope you believe that this is true. Methinks that towards the end we shall come to accept this statement as truth, and nothing but the whole truth.
  93. Aldous Huxley wrote that, “The secret of a genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never missing your enthusiasm.”He is still bearing that child-like spirit of truth that appeals to the rationalism of our souls based on ancient spiritual injunction; informing us on which road to follow, and not to follow to enable us get into Paradise. Today the veil has been drawn aside.
  94. “The danger is that we shall want to know too much now. If we insist on knowing God’s reasons for things before submitting we shall never be given understanding. The only way in which we can learn something of divine wisdom now is by being very docile, anxious to be taught in his way alone. God will enlighten us, by degrees, by his gift of wisdom, whereby we know more of him because we are becoming more like Him. We shall begin to see things more as he does. But we must remember that we are in the presence of God and take off our shoes: detach ourselves from our worldly knowledge and our own preconceived ideas.Then the Holy Spirit is given freedom to work in us.” Bonaventure Perquin.
  95. Da Vinci made us to know that “The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinion.” And that was why we accepted egregious falsehood with ease, that helped in revealing a life of intricate deception in us, which is a dangerous trap. Joseph Conrad added, “The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary: men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.” The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it. It is our collective actions that affected our environment. Is it from the beginning of creation? Yes!
  96. “This immense ethereal environment has likewise been created from the primordial seed. It takes part in the eternal cycle, and is finally also driven towards and sucked into the rear end of the aforesaid gigantic funnel, where disintegration takes place, in other to be thrust out again at the other end as primordial seed for a new circle.” Abud- Ru- shin.
  97. Yes, a new cycle will begin with the revelation of Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena. This is a Ministry of Reconciliation to mercy, where grace and truth will abound.
  98. “Now we want to establish the reality of the Elohim, the very God, the Diety, the Supreme Intelligence that controls the universe, the Author of all mankind. That is what we want to establish. What is more? We want to separate Him from all religious gods, for every religious groups espouses people to a god. So it is to every other religion.
  99. There is no religion that will never point you to a God. Some say that He is living in the sun where no man can approach. While another one said He is living in a Heaven of heavens; 5th heaven. Some people say that He is a consuming fire. Yes! We believe He is. These are all imaginary stories.”
  100. RANDOM COMMENTS FROM THE SON OF MAN, vol, 2, preached on 21st March 2005, page 38:12-13.
  101. It is from this fundamental facts that we can now assert our belief strongly that His birth was a Divine birth. He was born in an era that needs spiritual purging; sieving out trash from the original truth.
  102. I can accept this philosophical idea of Socrates that this cycle of existence or what he called established institution is a period whereby humanity can submit himself or herself to Divine authority in pious observances, in hopes of benefitting from divine bounty. But will they do it rightly?
  103. And that was the circumstances and environment where He was born; a country of diverse languages, culture and religious worship. Those religious worships were done by indoctrination, especially parents to their children. We can now see that they went the wrong way!
  104. Religious institutions created by adults are designed to introduce certain beliefs to children and thereby ensure that they will carry on a religious tradition. Various societies utilize Sunday Schools, parochial education, tribal transmission of religious traditionals, and parental teaching of children at home to further their aim.
  105. Does this indoctrination work? In many cases it does (Paloutzian 2000). In general, adults tend to adopt the religious teachings of their upbringing. For instance, individuals who are Catholics by the time they are 25 years of age, and who were raised as Catholics, likely will continue to be Catholic throughout their adult years. If a religious change or reawakening occurs, it is most likely to take place during adolescence.”
  106. He was born under this type of religious indoctrinatory circumstances. He faced harsh lifestyle, and that goes to prove that when poverty is persistent and long-standing, it can have especially damaging effect on children, and also psychologists believe that “a child who has been very leniently brought up can acquire a very strict conscience.”
  107. That was what most children suffered during their formative ages.” In the early twentieth century, inspired by the view of G. Stanley Hall (1904). It was widely believed that adolescents everywhere went through a period of “storm and Stress” characterized by self-doubt and conflict.” S. Mazumder added that” Conflict in man’s life are too many and unending are the tensions arising therefrom”Though Odoemena Boniface, later known as (Apostle Peter Odoemena), was spiritually gifted, but that also had its own stress and challenges on Him because adolescents who are gifted are always socially isolated, rebellious against the religious established order, and they are also under challenged.
  108. “It has been proved that there is truly no racial supremacy. Those of any race given equal opportunity and advantage will display in one or more generations an intelligence equal to any other. This has been shown in the case of individuals whose parents and grandparents lived under the most primitive conditions. When the offspring were reared in a higher civilization and given advanced education, they attained success in intellectual capacity.
  109. Remarkable accomplishments, however, on the part of what once were erroneously inferior races, when given the opportunity to develop their natural tendencies, plainly indicate that neither race nor colour have any bearing upon the blessings which each human being may receive from the cosmic.” Lewis.
  110. James Henry Breasted added this “But it is obvious that our fathers, whose efforts have planted these great and prosperous cities along the once lonely trails of our own broad land, received all the fundamentals of civilization as a heritage from their European ancestors.”
  111. Though our ancestor had really been ruthless in their behaviours, they were greedy tyrants, loaded with wicked acts, and presently that is why the human success story has petered out long ago—confusion everywhere, man doesn’t know the road to follow; either the Narrow or the Broadway.
  112. That is the reason why we are always standing static without making any way socially, religiously or otherwise. An unknown author wrote, “The world has become a place of the utmost confusion, a veritable Babel.” As we approach the end of this age, mankind is living in a time of utter confusion. All these circumstances are incomprehensible without Christ. They will create challenges that we cannot fathom, but with Christ we can surmount those obstacles, kill fear of failure and other vices. I will agree with E.A Brutt that hate, fear, greed, bitterness and other dark emotions blind those whom they dominate
  113. “Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main source of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.”Bertrand Russell.
  114. “He who yields to every wind that blows, ruins his life and destroys his character.” George Kaitholil.
  115. Challenges in life should not be a hindrance or problem that would create an obstacle for you from reaching your set goal. Challenges are part of your development, see it as an opportunity to grow as a person.
  116. These class of people who were born under poverty are full of untapped potentialities and capabilities, and those qualities would be revealed when given the opportunity to express themselves. They mostly live in isolation. Nature has thrown them so rapidly into an unfamiliar form of social existence, that there was no time for them to evolve new, genetically-controlled qualities to go with their lives.
  117. Waldo Emerson believes that “a man’s growth is seen in the successive choirs of his Friends” but Apostles Peter Odoemena had no friends nor foes while growing up, but was a loner, moving alone (Self existing One). He likes to sit in a cocoon of silence, loves quiet meditation and hates distractions.
  118. Listen to this statement by Marcus Aurelius who made it clear that He hates those who steal his solitude without, in exchange, offering him true company. Carl Jung wrote “If a man knows more than others he becomes lonely.” Note this, A person’s worth is measured by the worth of what he values.” Marcus Aurelius.
  119. He, Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Son of Man valued/values the work of God from childhood, He also befriends silence and by that we can classify his likes and hates, because, there is something down deep in Him that is eternal. He hates identifying with the crowd.
  120. And so I insist—and God backs me up on this—that there be no going along with the crowd, the empty-headed, mindless crowd. They’ve refused for so long to deal with God that they’ve lost touch not only with God but with reality itself. They can’t think straight anymore. Feeling no pain, they let themselves go in sexual obsession, addicted to every sort of perversion. 4:17 MSG.
  121. “So if they say, ‘Run to the country and see him arrive!’ or, ‘Quick, get downtown, see him come!’ don’t give them the time of day. The Arrival of the Son of Man isn’t something you go to see. He comes like swift lightning to you! Whenever you see crowds gathering, think of carrion vultures circling, moving in, hovering over a rotting carcass. You can be quite sure that it’s not the living Son of Man pulling in those crowds. Matthew 24:26-28 MSG.
  122. “People without knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.”Marcus Garvey.
  123. Let us continue with our history to enable us know our route and understand the biblical statement which says that He will come from among you and speak your language.
  125. “There are over 525 native languages many of which have been around for four millennia. English is their lingua franca. Nigeria pidgin–and English based creole–is spoken by over 60 million people.” en.m.wikipedia,org>wiki> langua…
  126. It can be called a land of many nations like Palestine which represents the same. It is never a gathering of one nation, of one language, with interests that held one people in common bonds, but a land of many nations, of many languages, and many diverse interests.
  127. The tribal hostility is clearly visible, and their cultural diversity makes it impossible for them to live in harmony, not minding the idiomatic expression which says, “Unity in diversity”.There are vast and inharmonious religio-cultural groups in Nigeria; Christianity and other religious gatherings with different tentacles pointing to different directions without universal accepted doctrines and mode of worship. They still pretend they are worshipping the same god, because they belongs to one umbrella body called CAN (Christian Association of Nigeria). Religion, as spiritually developed minds would normally say, “is more dangerous than the devil and weapon of mass destruction by the devil.”
  128. You will find yourself in the hands of charlatan who will destroy your life and give you false hope that is not real. Due to the poverty that is ravaging the society, many people hide under religion as their beacon of hope. They are ignorant of the truth, and ignorance is not a demon you can cast out easily.
  129. You must believe in the Truth if you have the opportunity of hearing it. It is only in One Man, in a small group, that you can hear this life saving messages that is an undiluted truth. A Word of life, in a mission of Redemption. He is a great soul that reincarnated on this planet earth. We should realize this truth, that the lives of great men always remind us of something sublime. He is an embodiment of righteousness.
  130. He speaks the language of the people He was revealed in their State, Nigeria. He preaches and practices godly righteousness and not self or church righteousness. We are told in the scriptures that He will be raised from among His brethren, and speak their language. This prophecy has fulfilled.
  131. “In other words, whoever that will believe what He believes automatically becomes righteous. Then it agrees with the Holy Scriptures, for the only way you can be declared righteous is by believing in and obeying the Words of He whom the Lord has sent. He and His believers will be completely away from others in all respects, both in conduct” Son of Man.
  132. He came with salvation for those who will believe, rely, trust, confide and anchor their faith totally on Him. There is no doubt about His Divinity.
  133. Moreso, we have series of many convincing demonstrations, unquestionable evidences, and infallible proofswhich constitute a trustworthy anchor for our souls about God’s decision and assurances to give us that salvation He has promised us. The Elects’ decision is rightly based on a strong standpoint of conviction about the personality in our midst and His mission, for any decision that is improperly based can never be sustained. The basis of our faith is very well known to us and we are sure and certain.” OUR DECISION DETERMINES OUR POSITION, paragraph 153-154.
  134. One of the most dangerous and expensive things you could ever do is to pay attention to the wrong people with deceptive Messages. Marcus Aurelius wrote, “It is a disgrace to let ignorance and vanity do more with us than prudence and principle,” and also,“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” Aldous Huxley.
  135. Dr Lewis collaborated this statement in the following words, “Man should rid his mind of its idols, of the things which we have wrongly built up in our minds out of fancy, out of superstition, the idols of the tradition, the things which we accept because they have merely the authority of age to support them.”
  136. Without hearing from that singular source, you will run into those people behind the scene who are responsible for pushing into the system seductive lies that they make use of to manipulate, influence and shape minds of the gullible ones, and at the end, they will start believing those lies as truth.This is evil of religion which Carl Marx lamented that “it is an opium of the masses.”
  137. It is in this generation that He was revealed in His church to continue His work from where He stopped in His last incarnation. “For from the beginning the Son of Man was hidden, and the Most High preserved him in the presence of His might, And revealed him to the elect”.
  138. (Isaiah 45:15 Verily thou art a God that hidest thyself, O God of Israel, the Saviour)
  139. “And the congregation of the elect and holy shall bow down, and all the elect shall stand before him on that day. And all the Kings and the mighty and those exalted and those who rule the earth shall fall down before him on their faces, and worship and set their hope upon that Son of Man, and petition him and supplicate for mercy at his hands.” I Enoch 62:7-9.
  140. “There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.”(Joshua 1:5 KJV)
  141. And so has it been, and will continue to be, since His appearance on this earthly plain.
  142. He has been coming and going since the beginning of this world. “The oriental (the East) also knew, through previous experiences, that the great avatars and messengers of God who came to them from time to time as the evolution of the races required were the reincarnation of the previous great souls on earth.”
  143. And again, Dr S .Lewis contributed thus, “whether one believes in the doctrines of evolution of the species of Man or not, there is one thing quite sure, and that is that man as a definite and distant species has been evolving since the time he became man as a distant creature.In other words, man as MAN had some beginning, whether that beginning was spontaneous, as the orthodoxy of some religion’s claim, or whether man’s beginning was the culmination of stages of evolution preceding his distinct nature.
  144. Therefore, from the time of the beginning of Man as the highest creature in God’s kingdom, man has continued to evolve as a man, and his evolution will continue eternally and forever.”
  145. He was born in the zodiac period of Aries, in the middle of the 20th century AD. He is bestowed with very rare qualities, that are –intelligence, responsive, creative, and very sensitive to energy. His ability to quickly adapt to changes is His strength, and He has a potential quality of leadership in any chosen field of human endeavor. He is ruled by the Supreme God which describes His nature mostly adequately. Just like the vast ocean, He is restless, no dull moment and He is fond of change and love traveling.
  146. He, as a personality, possessed unusual and original ideas on things of God, and also the physical. He has evolved highly in spiritual things, and well developed also in the mastership over earthly conditions and greatly illumined in the mystical and natural laws of the universe.
  147. From all these qualities, it has actually revealed that His compassion has risen to a sublime heights, and He will do anything to help out a person in need. In this respect, instead of balancing His own needs, He become a victim of the people He wants to help, and also receives a bit of jealous actions from those hanging around Him.
  148. My elders used to say that the unfriendly people that hang around you are only interested in things they will get from you. “When the sugar is finished, the ants have no need of staying back “They will all disappear.
  149. Son of Man has a lot talents in diverse fields.
  150. It depends on the interests He wants to act. He has excellent communication skills, and He could be drawn to a management positions or working for Himself. He might be a leader if He like challenges .He is highly independent, and He needs certain amount of solitude to possess His thoughts, and moreover, He will be a great valuable asset in His chosen field because of the creative and innovative spirit in Him.
  151. He will also find Himself achieving success in a new job, or winning an award. Sure, He is now standing on a positive platform from where He can make His dreams a reality; and pass His messages which reflects the transcendence of God– superior divine wisdom to humanity.
  152. “The incarnate; Son of Man” expressed God’s divinity through His humanity and conveyed the will of God to mankind. And through the expression of God’s will and disposition, He also revealed to people the God that cannot be seen is touched in the Spiritual Realm. What people saw was God Himself, tangible and with flesh bones. So the incarnate; Son of Man made things such as God’s own identity, status, image, disposition, and what He has and is concrete and humanized.
  153. Even though the external appearance of the Son of Man had some limitations regarding the image of God, His essence and what He has and is, were entirely able to represent God’s own identity and status- there were mainly some differences in the form of expression. No matter whether it’s the Son of Man’s Humanity or His Divinity, we cannot deny that He represented God’s own identity and status. During this time, However, God worked through the flesh, spoke from the perspective of the flesh, and stood in front of mankind with the Identity and Status of the Son of Man, and this gave people the opportunity to encounter and experience the true words and work of God among mankind.
  154. It also allowed people to have insight into His Divinity and His greatness in the midst of humanity, as well as to gain a preliminary understanding and a preliminary definition of the authenticity and the reality of God. Even though the work completed by the Lord Jesus, His ways of working, and the perspective from which He spoke, differed from God’s real person in the Spiritual Realm, everything about Him truly represented God Himself that humans had never seen before and this cannot be denied!
  155. That is to say, no matter in what form God appears, no matter from which perspective He speaks, or in what image He faces mankind, God represents nothing but Himself. He cannot represent any human, He cannot represent any corrupt human. God is God Himself, and this cannot be denied.
  157. “The incarnate God is called Christ, and Christ is the flesh donned by the Spirit of God. This flesh is unlike any man that is of the Flesh. This difference is because Christ is not Flesh and blood but is incarnation of the Spirit. He has both a normal Humanity and a complete Divinity.
  158. His Divinity is not possessed by any man. His normal Humanity sustains all His normal activities in the Flesh, while His Divine carries out the work of God Himself. Be it His Humanity or Divinity, both submit to the will of the heavenly Father. The substance of Christ is the Spirit, that is, the Divinity.
  159. Therefore, His substance is that of God Himself… Given that God becomes Flesh, He realizes that His substance within His Flesh, such that His Flesh is sufficient to undertake His work. Therefore, all the work of God’s Spirit is replaced by the work of Christ during the time of incarnation, and at the core of all work throughout the time of incarnation is the work of Christ.
  160. It cannot be interwoven with work from any other age. And since God became Flesh, He works in the Identity of His Flesh; since He came in the Flesh, He then finished in the Flesh the work He ought to do. Be it the Spirit of God or be it Christ, it all refers to God Himself, and He does the work that He ought to do and performs the Ministry that He ought to perform.”Culled from THE SUBSTANCE OF CHRIST IS OBEDIENCE TO THE WILL OF THE HEAVENLY FATHER.
  161. We have seen His human qualities because He is 100% Man and 100% God, and as we advance, we will look into His Divine calling and see if we can pen down few things concerning His journey in this Divine Ministry, as a young man to this advanced age of 70 years. Adolp .A. Noser said, “Every man has a status which was usually his by birth” His is greatly revealed as an avatar.
  162. Some people have been castigating Him, and those same people are the remnants who will still criticize and condemn any of these qualities which He is manifesting presently or they might term it a deceptive appearance believing that nobody can fathom what is inside a human being because of human nature. Human nature is believed to be unreliable.
  163. They might be partially correct, but in this instance I am quite sure and certain of whom we have been following and having dealings with for more than 26years now. “Even blasphemy against me or any other sin, can be forgiven,–all except one: speaking against the Holy Spirit shall never be forgiven, either in this world or in the world to come. A tree is identified by its fruits. A tree from a select variety produces good fruits; poor variety don’t.” Mathew 12:31-33. (LB)
  164. It is he that is sick that needs a doctor, and that was why Jesus made it clear that He came to call those who understand themselves to be sinful and need of mercy, forgiveness, and a saviour. “When Jesus heard what they were saying, he told them, “Sick people need the doctor, not healthy ones! I haven’t come to tell good people to repent, but the bad ones.” Mark 2:17 (LB)
  165. So those who believe they are righteous will always dwell in total darkness, for they cannot see clearly to identify Christ in their midst. “The Christ has come into the world with the Crackpot idea, to redeem sin and rescue the lost souls of mankind from the prison world of the irascible potter. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil (who fashioned and rules the world of mankind) and for full and complete salvation.” UCHE EPHRAIM CHUKU (2004) THE FINAL TESTAMENT.
  166. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil (who fashioned and rules the world of mankind) and for full and complete salvation
  167. Everyone has to die once, then face the consequences. Christ’s death was also a one-time event, but it was a sacrifice that took care of sins forever. And so, when he next appears, the outcome for those eager to greet him is, precisely, salvation. Hebrews 9:27-28 (MSG)
  168. And just as it is appointed for [all] men once to die, and after that the [certain] judgment, Even so it is that Christ, having been offered to take upon Himself and bear as a burden the sins of many once and once for all, will appear a second time, not to carry any burden of sin nor to deal with sin, but to bring to full salvation those who are [eagerly, constantly, and patiently] waiting for and expecting Him. Hebrews 9:27-28 AMP.
  169. When they see God they call Him Satan and when they see Satan they call him God, a sure sign that they neither know God nor the devil. At my age I can’t see myself believing in something when I am not convinced of that. Though, frankly speaking, it is impossible for me to know all about the present avatar, but from His messages, my interactions with Him, and His lifestyle, I can confidently say that most of His characters are not hidden and basically they are godly.
  170. How do you know God? God is only identified by two things. One, His voice which is His Word. And two, by His manner of life- By His character. In other words, God is identified by His characteristics.Not by flesh.” Son of Man.
  171. “A man’s manners are a mirror in which he shows his portrait.”Goethe
  172. It is the life of Man or the way he lives that has always molded the course of human destiny.No matter how you tend to live your life, people must talk evil of you. They don’t look at your positive contributions to the society, but rather, they target their negative arrows towards that personality.
  173. Whatever the man has been struggling on this earth is to make a little correction, contribution or effect a change so that things will move on better, but those evil minded individuals have revealed their naked human personality which are negatively inclined by their actions, and by their motives.
  174. “As human beings struggled to understand their forced enslavement on the earth and to determine their exact offence or crime against their unseen captor, many so called religious people, directly inspired by the same unknown oppressor, have tried so hopelessly, to advance baseless answers and explanation, which are as deliberately intimidating and misleading, as the situation itself.
  175. And their ultimately aim is clearly unmistakable. Says Dr. Seamand.  “Satan’s greatest psychological weapon is a gut-feeling of inferiority, inadequacy, and low self-worth. This feeling shackles many Christians, inspite of wonderful spiritual experiences, in spite of their faith and knowledge of God’s Word.(D.E.Sloat- THE DANGER OF GROWING UP IN A CHRISTIAN HOME, page 148.)
  176. “Tortured Souls. Human beings, whose self- confidence and peace of mind have been torn to shreds by invisible darts–the evil thought of others. Can envy, hate and jealousy be projected through space from the mind of another? Do poisoned thoughts like mysterious rays reach through the ethereal realm to claim innocent victims? Will wished and commands born in hate gather momentum and like an avalanche descend upon a helpless man or woman in a series of calamities?
  177. Most humanity remain at the mercy of evil influences created in the minds of the vicious? Millions each year are mentally poisoned– are you safe from the scourge? Culled from the book-MENTAL POISONING.
  178. Not even a singular scar on His being came from an unknown enemy. All from those He regards as friends, and brothers. That was why Woodrow Wilson said, “If you want to make enemies, try to change something.”Once done, envy and jealousy would manifest. So, Vincent Van Gogh, a Dutch visual Artist said “Great things do not just happen by impulse but as a succession of small things linked together.”
  179. So also, bad and evil things doesn’t happen by impulse, but as a succession of small evil things, bad thoughts, dangerous wishes, challenges and sacrifices linked together.
  180. Rachel Carson gave us a spiritual warning that “The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction.”
  181. Truth has been the foundation of Apostle Peter Odoemena (the very Son of Man’s) messages, and Marcus Aurelius cried out that it is Truth he is after, and the Truth never harmed anyone. What harms us greatly is to persist in self- deceit and ignorance.With the undiluted Truth He is propagating, freedom is assured, but first, we should discard our old nature. Despite His Legend Status, He always remained humble and passionate about His calling.
  182. “Those who let themselves to be controlled by their lower natures live only to please themselves, but those who follow after the Holy Spirit find themselves doing those things that please God.
  183. Following after the Holy Spirit leads to life and peace, but following after the old nature leads to death, because the old sinful nature within us is against God.” (Romans 8:5-7. L B)
  184. Stay away from people that still see the old you and don’t respect the current you. Your current person must show some degree of changes away from your old nature, and if it is not so, the person is a hypocrite.
  185. The old nature will reveal us as people with darkened mind, the callous heart, and paralytic. These are the roots of all evil because darkness travels towards light, seeking illumination, but blindness, which is our old nature, leads us towards death. The blind cannot see the moving tide. Without discarding our old nature, we will continue to fall prey to exaggerated forms of tyranny, religious falsehood and deceptive traps.
  186. This our old nature, and the spiritual history revolving around our mentality about who God is, has created another picture of God in our minds. Verlag Munchen really warned us of making rash decisions because of the freedom conferred on us.
  187. It is not a total freedom that might take us away from the teachings we are receiving from out Great Master, the avatar in our midst. (Solely for the elect). He said, “History is made by men because man’s mental range has conferred on him the freedom to make his own decisions.”
  188. That decision may be religiously inclined which relatively has sealed our hearts with illusionary picture of lies, because human nature appears to have adopted brilliantly to their extraordinary religious movements, but they have not had time to change spiritually, to evolve into a new, spiritual civilized species.
  189. Spiritual civilization would be accomplished entirely by learning, hearing the Word of God and conditioning our hearts to believe in the revealed One in our midst as our redeemer and sanctifier.
  190. Religious believers in actual fact don’t accept this Truth that God is a human being, but an unseen spirit. We can only survive this spiritual hazard facing us if we can remould our deceptive characters and accept that Almighty God is a human being according to the scripture. By accepting that, we can then be equipped to deal with this religious carnivorous rivals surging towards our unguarded mental setup.
  191. But “Be very careful. We were thinking that when God will come to visit men that He will resemble something else. We don’t know that when He shall visit men that He will put on human flesh. He will be like one of us and be born naturally as a human being” Son of Man.
  192. When we want to wait for God’s arrival, we should wait for Him in His revealed Word. Faith in His revealed Words raises and solidifies our hopes. B.V.Shah said that “Faith is the most valuable and priceless asset in the entire creation of God.
  193. “Evelyn Underhill added that “Faith simplifies our sight and specifies our minds, by subordinating all things to the Reality of God.”
  194. “The great, the unspeakable crime against life is not that we have lived mistakenly or badly, but that we have lived cautiously and half-heartedly, and without believe.” Thomas Wolfe.
  195. Ephesians 6:16told us to” take up the shield of Faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.”
  196. “In every battle you will need Faith as your shield to stop the fierly arrows aimed at you by Satan.” LB.
  197. We should fan the flame of faith, and that should be the pivotal movement in our lives. This singular action we would undertake might attract to us an exponential spiritual returns of greater value.
  198. When Satan runs out of its reserve tank of evil, he will start influencing the gullible minds with his agents.That’s why the elders will always remind us to be very careful and resolute in our thinking and behaviour otherwise, as they say, “if a man keeps himself like a plate of rice, children will use spoon to turn him around.”
  199. When satanic individuals with no more visible enemies to attack, unconsciously, they will violently smash inanimate objects or mutilate their own bodies due to their intricate and complex frustration and conflicts that have become so typical of their nature. We should be very careful not to be engulfed with unwarranted violence and paranoiac outburst.
  200. “And in his warfare against the will of God, Lucifer makes use not merely of man on earth but of nearly all mankind, thus leading them to destruction under the effect of Divine wrath.
  201. Whoever cannot grasp this most obvious fact, that Lucifer himself could be the Antichrist who dares to oppose God, will never be able to understand anything of all that takes place outside the World of Gross Matter, that is, outside what is purely earthly.” Abd-Ru-Shin.
  202. Albert Camus wants to remind us that it takes courage to take up the shield of faithand “Those who lack the courage will always find a philosophy to justify it” Never give up on something you really want. It is difficult to wait, but more difficult to regret but with steadfastness, resolute faith, and trust in God, you will succeed.
  203. “It shouldn’t be easy to be amazing. It’s the thing you fight for and struggle with before earning that have the greatest worth. When something is difficult to come by, you’ll do that much more to make sure it’s even harder- or impossible to lose.” Sarah Dessan.
  204. There is scarcely any happiness, passion or success without struggle. Life is a constant climb, but the journey is rewarding and the view is great at the end of the day when you have arrived at the top. It’s just a matter of pushing forward when the going gets tough.
  205. Nobody will appreciate or recognize you when you are still assessing the tortuous mountain, never listen to their unprintable words by looking back. Once you are on the trail, remember you are not a human being having a spiritual experience, but a spiritual being having a human experience.
  206. There must be a difference, if not, it is not spiritual. Fill your life with experience. Not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show.
  207. Even when Apostle Peter Odoemena, the very Son of Man defines His activities in an unquestionable manner by revealing the truth to Mankind, people still find fault with Him. Anais Nin made it clear that, “It is not the Truth they want to hear but an illusion they could bear to live with.”
  208. Regardless of what they say, He still reigns supreme. I know quite vividly that He, The Son of Man hates man-made creeds and modern doctrines which holds no spiritual truth or backing. He also hates hypocrites, and people who portrays eye-service. Spencer Lewis gave his own view on this matter, “knowing the general outer-objective, material traits, habits, and characteristics of a person does not in any considerable way give as an advantage, a benefit, or a protection to the man who is a thief outwardly and in all of his habits cannot conceal that from the careful observer.
  209. It is the man who is inwardly a thief, a cheat, and a deceiver, while outwardly posing as honest, dependable and reliable, that must be guarded against, and against whom we must be protected and warned.”
  210. When I am talking about this Man, I am talking about Almighty God, a Sage, an Avatar, a Legend, a paradox and a powerful force that can stir the earth and change both human and environmental circumstances. I am not saying it to be praised or be honoured, NO, NO.NO. I am talking as a partaker, and also a strict observer. Note this. All the avatars that had visited this universal plane have one peculiarity.
  211. “There is something about their soul-personality development and spiritual attainment that makes them truly great Masters inwardly, and they are restless and unhappy until they contact in this incarnation that place or point in their soul progress where they left off in the last incarnation. Honour, temperance, and mystical idealism, accompanied by an unusually wonderful imagination, are the keynotes of their real inner character.” S. Lewis.
  212. I won’t delve into His birth records and prophesies proper because we have recorded that in most of our messages, but when He grew to be a man like Jesus, He began to fulfill His mission on earth. He traveled through the villages and cities of Nigeria, and taught the people, and still teaching till date, healed and still healing the sick. From now we shall be reviewing and revealing what made Him an achiever, a legend and a trail blazer.
  213. He was confirmed and anionted by God Himself, so He shall speak the Word without fear, and Stephen Timoney contributed thus, “People who have overcome darkness in their life typically have a fire inside them that is almost impossible to extinguish.”
  214. So “I have anionted you with My Spirit; I have anionted you with My power; speak my Word; fear them not for I will be with you. I have anionted you with my anointing; speak My Word for I have promised to be with you. I have anionted you with My unction. Yes, the Lord of Hosts have promised.” Son of Man, from the message- Mixed Multitude Part 1, page 111:11-15.
  215. In the message, who is the Son of Man to you? He, the Son of Man made it clear to us in Chapter 1:50-54 that “God had already before the world began, patterned and designed His own way of life. And whosoever that wants to live with God eternally, it is a Must; it is a necessity. No reason. No excuse.
  216. If that is your target, or your desire, you must pattern and design your life after Him. Look up to Him for He is the author and finisher of your faith and the firstborn among many brethren. In every generation, Christ is revealed in human form.
  217. So if you’re serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don’t shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that’s where the action is. See things from his perspective. Colossians 3:1-2 MSG.
  218. Do you see what this means – all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it. Strip down, start running – and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it.
  219. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed – that exhilarating finish in and with God – he could put up with anything along the way: cross, shame, whatever. And now he’s there, in the place of honor, right alongside God. Hebrews 12:1-2 MSG.
  220. All the children of God must fix their eyes on Him and pin their hopes on Him, for He is their only hope. Shift your allegiance and loyalty away from Him and get destroyed. Is that clear?
  221. It then means you are carving another way for yourself, and that other way can never lead you to Paradise, for He is the Truth and He is the way. Pay attention! He is the Truth. He is the way that leads to Eternal Life.” The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering.
  222. It is a reality that Almighty God planned everything spiritually before creating it physically. He planned the purpose of the earth and people on it, and knew from the beginning that Adam must fall so we would need the Saviour, which assignment Jesus Christ accepted on our behalf. He knows when Christ will come back, when Israel will be gathered, when the ten tribes will return from the earth, and when the Temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem.
  223. He is in control of all that will happen in the last days, and will bind Satan and all who follow him and will cast them all into the bottomless pit. He will gather all the faithful and take them back to Himself. He planned it all, its all in His control, and if we follow His directions and rely on Christ alone through continued acceptance and faith, we will be among those who will come home.
  224. “But when He, the Spirit of Truth (the Truth- giving Spirit) comes, He will guide you into all the Truth (the whole, full truth). For He will not speak His own Message (on His own authority); but He will tell whatever He hears (from the father; He will give the Message that has been given to Him), and He will announce and declare to you the things that are to come (that will happen in the future).John 16:13 (AMP)
  225. When He arrived on the scene, after this anointing and revelation, He made Himself open to His people by these words, “I am making a proclamation and declaring myself to you. If you like, take it. If you don’t want, don’t take it. But don’t come to me to query this and that, because I am certain that at the end you will know that I am HE. (Saleh) Son of Man.
  226. He continued, “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me; because the Lord hath anionted me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;”(Isaiah 61:1-2. KJV)
  227. In his book, The Sanctuary of Self by Ralph M. Lewis, F.R.C, the writer explained that “God is the primary substance in which all things are said to have their existence, and yet such things are also said to be the fulfilment of His purpose.”
  228. “As it is written in the scriptures, they shall all be taught of God.’ Those the Father speaks to, who learn the truth from him, will be attracted to me. “John 6:45 (LB)”
  229. But in this Most Holy Faith, we gather and then He (the vindicated Apostle, Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Son of Man, the Hidden Revealer, Almighty God on two feet (blessed be to His Holy Name) in a Badger skin will address His people.” Son of Man.
  230. But when He sees mixed-multitude, He roars, roars, roars and then place a dividing line. However, to His people in the room like this, He speaks to them in plain language. He will just address them.”
  231. An extract from the Message, GOD HAS FINISHED WITH YOU BUT HAVE YOU FINISHED WITH GOD? Preached Wednesday 1st March 2017, page 67:32, Almighty God gave us this instruction
  232. “Let the Son of Man be your perfect example. Somebody who will tell you, “if I preach any sermon, teach any doctrine, and you feel it is difficult for you to apply it in your life, He said, ‘ Relax your mind. Do not worry yourself. Simply watch the way I will do it. That is what God is expecting of you.”
  233. Even if His preaching goes against your nature and lifestyle, we are told to watch Him the way He will handle the situation and do the same.
  234. “The mystic stated that man must give up entirely any attempt to know God through the reason or the intellect. But he must enter into a state of contemplation and meditation where he will free his mind of any conception as to whether God is or is not, and permit himself to be absorbed into the absolute; that is, into the very nature of God. When he is absorbed into the very nature of God, he will have a feeling of serenity and peace, and that alone is the only divine reality by which he will come to feel God and will approach Him.” Ralph Lewis.
  235. Can God be confined by the limit, the forms which man’s mind is able to conceive? That remains the big question that mankind must answer. We cannot dictate the ways God should go or act in any circumstance. One who is a child of God, knows that His ways are higher than ours. He is a Man and lives among us.
  236. You are either owned by God or by the Devil. The God we know is a Man. So also is the Devil. The person you listen to and obey is your master because you cannot serve two masters at the same time. You must have a Master you serve.” Son of Man.
  237. “The activity of self, the reality of our inner being, are more complex in this sense than are those particulars of the material or everyday world which we experience. If, for analogy, the cosmic order or God, whichever you please, is the synthesis of everything then that God obviously is complex-infinite in substance and in variety.
  238. If we become conscious of the complex, or the greater evolvements or manifestations of His nature, the closer is our intimacy with Him, the more of Him we experience.”Ralph Lewis.
  239. A Sufi mystic, Hallah has said: “Before creation, God loved Himself in absolute unity. Through love, He revealed Himself to Himself alone. Then desiring to behold the love-aloneness- the love without duality and as an external object, God brought forth from non-existence an image of Himself and endowed it with all His attributes. The image is MAN.”
  240. That Man was the resurrected Christ. He said: I am the Way, the Truth, and The Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. Before Muhammad died he said: I don’t know the purpose of Life. Before Buddha died, He advised us to: Seek for the Light. And when Confucius was about dying, he confirmed that: He is not the way.
  241. Till date the other three are still lying in their various graves, while Son of Man, (Christ) remained the only Resurrected body and in Him is the Father revealed. I agree with Marcus Aurelius who said that “Nothing happens to any man that he is not formed by nature to bear.” This shows that God remains the most powerful energy that controls the entire universe. A name that resonates with the highest vibration that doesn’t obey the law of time and space.
  242. He cannot be found or reached through religious practices. No! People who labour religiously all their lives seeking God through unapproved channels are really wasting their precious time. The words of Christy Burlington made a lot of sense in this regard when she echoed thus:
  243. “So much of religion is exegesis (a religious piece of writing). I would rather follow in the footprint of Christ than all the dogma.”
  244. Those who follow the path of Christ is unprejudiced and examines everything in the light of truth, reason and wisdom, and does not follow blindly or believe all the Words thrown at them without scriptural investigation. Is this truth? Yes, I believe! After your investigation, suspicion and fear will vanish and the person’s experience and observation would blend with his spiritual wit to govern his judgement.
  245. Who will be the judge over his observation? His conscience is a sacred sanctuary where Almighty God alone may enter as judge.
  246. “There is a judge for the one who rejects Me and does not accept My Words; the very Word I have spoken will condemn them at the last day. For I did not speak on My own, but the Father who sent Me commanded Me to say all that I have spoken. I know that His command leads to Eternal Life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told Me to say” John 12:48-50 ( NIV)
  247. At the last day, any word that is not a denial would be an admission of guilt, on a charge that is condemnable, and could send the offender to the gallows.
  248. In the Granath, the Sikh Bible, written mostly in Sanskrit, God is alleged to be a power, a force which permeates all things. In this sense, it inclines toward Hinduism. But it is also stated that the Deity shall be referred to as Sat Nam, the true God, and He shall be nameless. He shall not be called Brahma or Allah, but just true God. Man should not presume to know Him by name.
  249. What is being preached today under the fine guise of progress is nothing but a veiled encouragement of utter shamelessness, the poisoning of every higher intuitive perception in man. It is the greatest pestilence that ever befall humanity. And strange: it seems as if so many had only been waiting for a plausible excuse to debase themselves. To countless people it is very welcome!
  250. All these men who claimed to be preachers that are sent by God are counterfeits. They parade themselves as “Men of God”.They are narcissists, and when they cannot control you by their deceptive and seductive oratory, they will instead, try to control how others see you. Some of them claims to be Jesus Christ reincarnated. Here are few of them: Jesus of Kitwe of Zambia, Inri Cristo of Brazil, Jonas Bendiksen of Norway, Jesus Matayoshi of Japan, Moses Hilowane of South Africa, Vissarion of Siberia, David Shayler of England, Bupete Chibew Chishimba of Zambia, Alan John Miller of Australia.
  251. Pope Pius X, who lived between 1835-1914 believed that “The Pope is not simply the representative of Jesus Christ. On the contrary, he is Jesus Christ Himself, under the veil of the flesh.”
  252. Catholic National July, 1895.
  253. “The Pope and God are the same, so he has all powers in Heaven and Earth.” Pope Pius V, quoted in Barclay, Chapter XXVII, page 218, Cities Petrus Bertanous.
  254. “Pope Nicholas I declared:”The appellation of God had been confirmed by Constantine on the Pope, who being God, cannot be judged by man. (Labb IX Dist.: 96 can 7 Satis Evidentur Decret Gratian Primer Para)
  255. “We hold upon this earth the place of Almighty God” Pope Leo zXIII Encyclical Letter of JUNE 20, 1894.
  256. “All names which in the scriptures are applied to Christ, by virtue of which is established that He is over the Church, all the same names are applied to the Pope.”Culled from the book, ON THE AUTHORITY OF THE COUNCILS book 2, Chapter 17.
  257. “The Pope is of so great dignity, and so exalted that he is not a mere man, but as it were God, and the vicar of God “
  259. “If there is one thing, one argument that some pro-Catholics use that would irk me, it is their trying to prove that the “Pope is God”by showing various quotes from (supposedly) Catholic works which show a Pope or a cleric proclaiming that the Pope is equivalent to and is God Himself under the flesh. I know a few will say, ” come on, these guys have their proof and even provide citations for them! How can you refute this?”
  261. It can be refuted because the ancient manuscripts and scriptures made it clear how the Messiah will be coming back to earth and how He will be revealed. The scriptures even warned us that at the end time such false Prophets and fake gods would arise. They will try to use their gimmicks, unrealistic claims and magics to deceive people for their selfish gain, and pull them far beyond redemption line.
  262. “Any action you are taking; anything you are doing; any word that is proceeding out of your mouth; any reaction which you cannot defend using the doctrines of Christ you have received which you do not have the permission given to you by the teachings, that action is devilish.”Son of Man.
  263. Anything you are claiming that is not backed by the Holy Spirit, or you are commissioned by Almighty God with accompanying signs, if it is not seen or heard, then it is false, and you are a candidate of Satan. There must be an interface between both of you (you and Satan) which must produce a crippling pain and shattered future. Sooner or later all of you will sit down to a banquet of consequences as illustrated by Robert Louis Stevenson.
  264. But in the case of Apostle Peter Odoemena, a voice from Heaven affirmed His Divinity as the Son of Man. This public divine approval of Apostle Peter Odoemena, with this heavenly proclamation” it behoves the Son of Man to fulfill all righteousness” is like that of Jesus in the River Jordan where the spirit of Christ like a dove landed on His head and abode as a sign and a proclamation from Heaven followed ” This is my beloved Son in whom I AM well pleased”. This was to launch Apostle Peter Odoemena into His earthly mission.
  265. Heaven gave this approval so that doubts about the authenticity of His ministry, origin and purpose will be settled from the beginning, but doubters will never understand His transcendental languages which are full of wisdom that are above normal human understanding and experience.
  266. The Word of God coming out of His mouth has a razor edge sharpness which revealed that an age of spiritual rebirth was born. A new community of believers had come into existence in December 1993 of which Apostle Peter Odoemena was not only the spiritual light and physical controller, but also the actual life of the Bride of Christ Ministry.
  267. He masterminded a revolution that brought the change that altered the spiritual narrative of the entire world order. Mahatma Gandhi concluded it by these few words “A small body of determined Spirits fired by unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of History.”
  268. There is an ultimate symbol of mysterious masculinity about His controversial image. With an unfathomable fast rise to becoming a super legend, He became globally renowned because His messages has gone round the entire globe giving insight of spiritual knowledge to His followers, “And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all the Nations will hear it, and then, finally the end will come.Matt 24:14, LB.
  269. And those who believe in Him sincerely are made to know some secret truth about His personality. Despite the respect and honour accorded Him as Almighty God in human form, He remained humble, and much more a mystery to humanity. His enemies are terrified by His rising influence as a legendary Star, illuminating all corners of the universe with His immaculate integrity.
  270. They may say whatever they like. The Igbo proverb says that “Anu ofia ga emesie yoo Biko ka oburu anu uno na mgbe oge gwuru.”Meaning- the wild animal will eventually beg to be accepted as a domestic animal at the end, kneeling and pleading. “He that stands above his fellow must expect and absorb the arrows of their inferiorities” – Son of Man.
  271. Let us hear what the scriptures said about those false and dangerous Spirits. His, is quite different because He radiates a remarkable, incredible ingenuity, tenacious and seemingly innocuous in nature.
  272. Mathew 24:24 (LB) “For false Christ’s shall arise, and false Prophets, and will do wonderful miracles, so that if it were possible, even God’s chosen ones would be deceived.”
  273. “For there shall arise false Christ’s, and false Prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceived the very elect.” Matt.24:24 (KJV).
  274. This means the elect chosen by God can never be deceived by false signs and wonders.
  275. “My dear friends, many false Prophets have gone out into the world. So do not believe every Spirit, but test the Spirit to see if they are from God.” I John 4:1 NCV.
  276. “Dearly loved friends, don’t always believe everything you hear just because someone says it is a message from God; test it first to see if it really is. For there are many false teachers around.” 1 John 4:1. (LB)
  277. “God never sent those men at all; they are ‘phonies’ who have fooled you into thinking they are Christ’s apostles. Yet I am not surprised! Satan can change itself into an angel of light, so it is no wonder his servants can do it too, and seem like godly ministers. In the end they will get every bit of punishment their wicked deeds deserve.” 2nd Corinthians 11:13-15. (LB)
  278. Let us continue in the same chapter, verses 18-20, “Yet those other men keep telling you how wonderful they are, so here I go: (you think you are so wise-yet you listen gladly to those fools; you don’t mind at all when they make you their slaves and take everything you have, and take advantage of you, and put on airs, and slap you in the face “
  279. So, we should be very, very careful about all those people parading themselves as righteous preachers, gods in human form. Their only focus are material conquests. The best option is to remain consistent and resolute in our spiritual journey so that we can emulate the sterling performances of this Great Avatar in our midst.
  280. All His activities and achievements are trailing behind Him, and then, He MUST LEAVE an indelible mark on the sands of Time. By following His ways, we will get transformed spiritually.
  281. Alfred Alder clarified us on this issue by these words, “The business of transforming a human being is not a simple process. It demands a certain optimism and patience, and above all, the exclusion of all personal vanity, since the individual to be transformed is not in duty bound to be an object of another’s vanity.”
  282. James Branch Cabell noted, “while it is well enough to leave footprints on the sands of time, it is even more important to make sure they point in a commendable direction.”
  283. We have touched the Metaphysical background of this LEGEND OF OUR TIME.
  284. We will now continue to look into His noble achievements, trials and the challenges He met in the cause of His triumphant ministry: The Spoken Word Ministry-The ministry of the Dove and not Eagle.

This generation should expect no other sign than the sign of the Son of Man. But people are looking up towards the sky when he guided them perfectly: “When the Son of Man shall come, He shall be revealed in the Cloud of Heaven. No man knoweth the Son, but the Father and to whomsoever the Son shall choose to reveal Himself.” Thus, if the Son does not want to reveal Himself to you, you are wasting your time. Anybody can come claiming to be the Son of Man, but anytime the Son of Man comes, all the children of God, all the Elect who are conversant with the Word of God, who believe God seriously will always look for the sign of the Cloud for He shall be revealed in a Cloud.

–The Son of Man.

(FOLLOW THE CLOUD; Preached on Thursday, 14th September 2003 Pg 42, Verses 54 & 55)



Come to Christ, who is the living Foundation of Rock upon which God builds, though men have spurned him, He is very precious to God who has chosen Him above all others.

  1. And now you have become living building-stones for God’s use in building His house. What more, you are His Holy Priest; so come to Him- (you who are acceptable to Him- because of Jesus Christ) and offer to God those things that please Him. As the scriptures express it, “see, I am sending Christ to be the carefully chosen precious Cornerstone of my Church, and I will never disappoint those who trust in Him.” I PETER 2:6
  2. He is an immutable solid entity. Assessing Him with any other personality is like trying to compare a gazelle with an elephant. Though rejected, but His formidable personality will always give Him the courage, fearless mindset, persuasive charm to defy the enemy day and night; but underneath this hard exterior was a sensitive and Spiritual man. With that He could navigate the uncharted territories with it’s treacherous uncertainties as some of the missionary trips were sobering eye opener for Him. It was this searing experiences that had forged in Him an iron will and Spiritual Faith which could carry His rugged body through any test against adversity.
  3. After many years of mental slavery, man out of conviction is armed with an armour of God {Word of God} to fight for spiritual victory, emancipation, conquest led by the impeccable and resourceful divine envoy, Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Son of Man.
  4. “Unto whom coming, a living stone, rejected indeed of men, but with God elect, precious, ye also, as living stones, are built up a spiritual house, to be a Holy Priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. Because it is contained in the scripture, behold I lay in Zion a Chief Cornerstone, elect, precious: And he that believeth on him shall not be put to shame.”1 Peter 2:4-6 American Standard Version (ASV)
  5. “The Almighty who knows all things, had already predicted how people will reject the only indispensable stone that will form the Chief Cornerstone of His building. Without this stone, the building will not stand. It must surely collapse.
  6. This rejected stone by the builders will later be discovered to be the indispensable Cornerstone by the builders with time. I have always made you to understand that mankind is always guilty of rejecting the truth that saves them and sets them free.” Son of Man, EPISTLE 19, Chapter 1:3-5.
  7. “Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold,I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious Cornerstone, a sure foundation; he that believeth shall not make haste.” (ISAIAH 28:16 KJV)
  8. “WHEN THIS LIFE IS OVER, YOU WILL KNOW THAT I AM HE. Go anywhere you want in search, you must be pointed back to the Son of Man. Fly to the sky, you will be told, “Go down there, He is standing in your midst.” Believe it if you can. The Son of Man
  9. Hear Him again, “I Am the Bridegroom. The Bride will go where the Bridegroom is. There can never be a Ministry of the Bride if the Bridegroom is not there. Who then owns the Ministry?
  10. Every decoration a woman is putting on is to make the woman presentable to her own husband, appealing to her own husband. Any day a woman starts dressing to appeal the people out there, the marriage is gone.
  11. Every dressing is aimed at winning the confidence, approval of her own husband because all her desires must be upon her own husband.
  12. And he will have rule over her in all things according to the scriptures.” Son of Man from the message. HOLDING UNTO THE CERTAINTY OF THE FAITH: FOR THERE UNTO I AM BORN Vol 2; preached on Sunday 9th April 2017 at the Household of God Onitsha, page 109:6-8.
  13. He cannot claim to be the Bridegroom without God anointing Him, prepared Him while He was in her mother’s womb to be revealed in the Bride, covered with the supernatural cloud (the Shekinah), as He anointed Jesus Christ, St. Paul and other messengers in their own dispensations. Still when He was born, there was a confirmation of His Diety and Ministry as it was with others.
  14. “In the days of Prophet William Marion Branham, the same supernatural cloud and Pillar of Light was displayed around him and the same voice spoke to him, commissioning him. This made a total difference in his life and in his ministry.
  15. In this our day, do we have such a Man who is vindicated by God with such a supernatural sign of Cloud and Light? If the answer is yes, then we shall be grateful to God forever for counting us worthy to receive His visitation.
  16. “Nothing exists without the Will of God, Which alone gives movement. Everything in creation conforms to it. Only the human Spirit has not adjusted itself to these threads! It has tangled them and thereby entangled itself, because it wanted to follow new roads according to it’s will, and disregarded those already prepared and in existence.
  17. The increasing power of the Light is now changing this. The threads of all the Divine Laws in creation are being charged with increased energy, so they become powerfully taut. This enormous tension caused them to spring back into their original position. What is tangled and knotted is thereby disentangled, so suddenly and irresistibly that everything that cannot still adapt itself to the right position in creation is simply torn down in this process!
  18. Whatever it may be, whether plant or animal, whether mountains, streams, countries, States or Man himself, all will collapse that cannot prove itself at the last moment to be genuine and willed by God.” ABD- RU- SHIN, culled from the book.. IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH, page 155/156.
  19. Let us go to Luke 10:22and see the confirmation of the above statement that nothing exists without the Will of God. “I am the agent of my Father in everything; and no one really knows the Son except the Father, and no one really knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.” (LB)
  20. He alone knows the Father and Father also knows Him. He is in the world to conclude the end of everything.
  21. I am sure and certain that we have a Man who is revealed in the midst of the Bride to fulfill this scriptures we quote around Him.” EPISTLE 20, chapter 2, 19-22.
  22. “And the glory of the God of Israel (The Shekinah Cloud) had gone from the Cherubim upon which it had rested to (stand above) the threshold of the (Lord’s) house.” Rev. 10:1 LB.
  23. “Whenever the people of God are growing in grace, they will be constantly obtaining a clearer understanding of His Word. They will discern new light and beauty in it’s sacred truth. This has been true in the history of the Church in all ages, and thus will continue to the end.
  24. But as real spiritual life declines, it has ever been the tendency to cease to advance in knowledge of the truth. Men rest satisfied with the light already received from God’s Word, and discourages any further investigation of the scriptures.
  25. They become conservative and seek to avoid discussion-when new questions are started by investigating the scriptures, when no difference of opinion arises which will set men to searching the Bible for themselves, to make sure that they have the truth, there will be many now, as in ancient time, who will hold to tradition, and worship what they know not.“(5T page 706-707). If you claim to be above God and do not perform more than God, you have fooled yourself – Son of Man.
  26. We know whom we are worshipping, and we have to celebrate Him as a living legend of our time, by showering Him with the flowers He so richly deserves. His legacy and achievements are etched in the chronicles of His journey on this planet earth.
  27. This is a mind that continues to inspire, mentor, uplift the consciousness of Man by utilizing rare ability to bring out something out of nothing from all human being that came in contact with Him. He is strong, tenacious, athletic and rugged in appearance.
  28. He combines agility and physicality in the pursuit of His every day’s activities which are fraught with difficulties and human challenges. “Challenge only becomes an obstacle when you bow to it.”Ray Davis He possesses extraordinary talent and energy, and driven by an unstoppable force, He had fought a tremendous fight against insuperable odds.
  30. He (Hazrat Mahdi) is a young Man of medium stature and with a beautiful face…The radiant of His face shines like day in His hair, beard, and the blackness of His head and gives Him greatness.- (Al- Uqayli, Al- Najmu Al- Saqib).
  31. He was highly matured spiritually to handle the assignment awaiting Him. “A mature person is one who is sufficiently objective about himself to know both his strength and his weaknesses and has created a planned program for overcoming his weaknesses.”
  32. “And there I saw one whose face looked ancient. His head was white like wool, and with Him was another being whose countenance had the appearance of a Man, and His Face full of graciousness, Like One of the Holy Angels. 1 Enoch 46:1.
  33. “The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto Me; unto him ye shall hearken; And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my Words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.” (Deuteronomy 18:15, 18-19 KJV)
  34. There will rise a messenger at the end of this Pentecostal Age and wind up the thing. It will be a Man, not a group, not a denomination; but a Man. It is always been, and God cannot change his program, he is the eternal one.EVENING MESSENGER title MESA.AZV-8N-563-0116 page32.
  35. The Son of Man has already come from glory and is revealing himself for the past few years to His Church in mercy, showing them His great presence, doing the same things that He did when he was here on earth, revealing Himself like He did to Abraham.
  36. Before the destruction, He has come now in mercy, revealing Himself to the Church. It’s being laughed at and scoffed at. The next time He reveals Himself, it’ll be in judgement of the world and nations that forgot God and sinned their way of grace, their day of grace, rather away.CALLED OUT title CHICAGO.IL 58-0109.
  37. God made Himself known in human flesh. Do you believe that to be true? With all your heart, you believe it? Don’t shut yourself up like a turtle in a shell. If there is any turtle in you, take the shell out. Let the holy Spirit come in. Don’t close yourself to some creed or denomination.
  38. Brother, sister, the hour has arrived. I believe that God’s done as much as He’s going to do. The next thing is action of the Church or either we’re going to be lost. SUPERSIGN title SHREVEPORT.LAV-17N-763-1129, page 22.
  39. “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anionted me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourns.” (Isaiah 61:1-2 KJV)
  40. Based on these divine activities that He is sent to perform, people call Him many names according to their languages, understanding, and belief. “The names by which people on earth call Me cannot articulate My entire disposition and all that I AM.
  41. They are merely different names by which I AM called during different ages. And so, when the final age, the age of the last day arrives, My name shall change again. I shall not be called Jehovah, or Jesus, much less the Messiah but shall be called the Powerful Almighty God Himself, and under this name I shall bring the entire age to an end.”Unknown author.
  42. “This is to say that the titles Mahdi, Christ, Krishina, Shah-Bahram, Kalki, Maitreya, Muhammad, and the likes are interchangeable just as the prophecies that herald each of their appearances are likewise. The world, in all its niches and groups, are awaiting the same thing, that they all await Maitreya. One of the most significant of these prophecies of the world, are the ones that give dates or times by which we may recognize when the Messiah will arise.
  43. The prophecy given by Buddha gives a near to exact date of when the Maitreya will come. The clue that helps us to understand when the Maitreya will be manifested is: “When the dispensation of the perfect Buddha, who was sent to India, spoke to a Hindu audience, in terminology that they could relate to and understand.” Culled from THE GREAT SERMON, page 47:15- 19.
  44. Thus the Lord commanded the Kings and the Mighty and the exalted, and those who dwell on the earth, and said: “Open your eyes and lift up your horns if you are able to recognize the Elect One.”
  45. And the Lord of Spirits seated Him on the throne of His glory, and the Spirit of righteousness was poured out of Him, and the Word of His mouth slays all the sinners, and all the unrighteous are destroyed from in front of His Face.” 1 Enoch 62:2
  46. It is a very strong belief by man that nothing really happens by chance, and that there is a cause for all things, either known or unknown to man. That has been the mystery surrounding certain births, and soul personalities reincarnating on this earth, at different generations.
  47. When the Holy Ghost, a figure of a great Master appeared to Mary, He informed her thus “Fear not. I come to bring thee a message of great joy, Mary, Holy virgin and Sacred Dove of Helios, for thy day has come to fulfill the prophecy of the Magi. Thou has found favour with God and thy brethren, and now thou shall conceive from the Word of God.”
  48. Confused, she didn’t understand what the Holy Ghost was telling her and she responded; And when Mary heard this she disputed saying, “Shall I conceive from the Word of God? And yet shall I bear as every woman beareth?”
  49. The Holy Ghost that appeared to her said, “Not in the manner of thy understanding shalt thou conceive, but in the manner of thy understanding shall thou bear. For through the lips of Man may kiss thee as the hands of the high priest hath blessed thee, so shall the seed of Man be thy heritage; but the Word of God shall be breathed upon thee and it’s power shall make thee Holy and bless thy seed that it may be of God.
  50. Wherefore also, that Holy life which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God, and He shall attain the name Jesus because He shall be the God in Man and will become the God with Men.” And Mary replied, “It shall be according to Word of God.?”Culled from THE MYSTICAL LIFE OF JESUS.
  51. “And because he said unto them that Christ was the God, the Father of all things, and that He should take upon Him the image of Man, and it should be the image after which man was created in the beginning; or in other words, he said that man was created after the image of God, and that God should come down among the children of men, and take upon Him flesh and blood and go forth upon the face of the earth.” BOOK OF MORMON, Mosiah chapter 7:27.
  52. “And now Abinadi said unto them: I would that ye should understand that God Himself shall come down among the children of men, and shall be called the Son of God, and having subjected the flesh to the will of the Father, being the Father and the Son.”BOOK OF MORMON, Mosiah chapter 15:1-3.
  53. “But I will, when I shall come down from Heaven, and shall become flesh of thy seed, take upon Me the infirmity from when thou suffereth, then the darkness that come upon Me in grave, when I Am in the flesh of thy seed. And I who am without years, shall be subject to the reckoning of years, of time, of months, and of days, and I shall be reckoned as one of the sons of men in order to save thee “THE BOOK OF EDEN, chapter 14:4-5.
  54. The Holy Qur’an states that the Messiah would come and that Messiah is Jesus (Isa), the Son of Maryam.
  55. “These are the facts concerning the birth of Jesus Christ: His mother, Mary was engaged to be married to Joseph. But while she was still a virgin she became pregnant by the Holy Spirit. Then Joseph her fiance, being a man of stern principle, decided to break the engagement but to do it quietly, as he doesn’t want to publicly disgrace her. As he lay awake considering this, he fell into a dream, saw an angel standing beside him. “Joseph, Son of David,”the Angel said “don’t hesitate to take Mary as your wife!
  56. For the child within her has been conceived by the Holy Spirit. And she will have a Son, and you shall name Him Jesus (meaning ‘Saviour’), for He will save his people from their sins. This will fulfill God’s message through his prophets–Listen! The virgin shall conceive a child! She shall give birth to a Son, and He shall be called “Emmanuel(meaning “God with us”)
  57. When Joseph awoke, he did as the Angel commanded, and brought Mary home to be his wife. But she remained a virgin until her Son was born; and Joseph named Him Jesus.” Mathew 1:18-24 (LB)
  58. And He will become “The Eternal Judge, The Eternal Spirit, composes the one and indivisible soul of the universe, which alone creates, contains and animates the whole”. He alone has willed and created. He alone has existed from eternity and will exist without end. He has no equal either in heaven or on earth.
  59. The great creator shares His power with no one, still less with inanimate objects as you have been taught, for He alone possesses supreme power”D.Shams; Ex-Imam of the London Mosque. WHERE DID JESUS DIE? Page 159/160, last paragraph.
  60. It remains a fact that in every age and in almost every religion of the Asiatic World, there seems uniformly to have flourished an immemorial tradition that one God had, from all eternity begotten another God.
  61. John Piper made a striking comment when he made us to understand that” We do not cause the new birth. God caused the new birth. Any good thing that we do is a result of the new birth, not a cause of the new birth. This means that the new birth is taken out of our hands. It is not in our control.
  62. And so it confronts us with our helplessness and our absolute dependence on someone (namely God) outside ourselves.”
  63. “The wishes of God may truly be the dictates of an omnipotent being, and man is unquestionably affected by the will of God. The method whereby the will and desires of God are expressed and brought to the consciousness of Man, however, is little understood even by those who devote their lives to the propounding of God’s laws and His direction of the universe.
  64. The belief in a personal God who has destined and decreed for each individual before birth a course or career which will inevitably become manifest in the life of each individual after birth, regardless of the will of Man and his application of the Divine Power within him, which is his birthright, is a pagan belief, unsupported by the testimonies of life itself and by the revelations of spiritual and natural law when applied understandingly.” Spencer Lewis.
  65. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also made a striking comment, that “There has been no prophet who has not tendered sheep. Being a shepherd helps build qualities like patience, humbleness, responsibility, bravery, mercy, compassion and the ability to deal with hardship.”
  66. The Son of Man means a Prophet, one that is the mouthpiece of God. The Prophet declares only “Thus saith The Lord”. He does not speak until God tells Him what to say. He is also an Apostle, A Bishop, An Evangelist, A Pastor, A Deacon, A Teacher and, A Master of all knowledge. As an Apostle, He is a representative of God in human form. When you have seen Him you have seen the Father. Both are One. It is not a Trinitarian concept, but a One-God reality.
  67. “Know there is but one God, the author, the governor of the world; Almighty, Eternal, and incomprehensible.”And “To the One who is Supreme, most wise and beneficent, and to Him alone, belong worship, adoration, thanksgiving and praise.” UNTO THEE I GRANT.
  68. All things proceed from this God–Man. His power is unbounded. His wisdom remains till eternity, and His love and goodness endureth forever. By the wisdom of God, He returned back to earth to complete the works He couldn’t complete in His first advent. He came as an Apostle and Son of Man, Christ, the Great Avatar and our Redeemer.
  69. “Who is like unto God in glory? Who in power shall contend with the Almighty? Hath He any equal in wisdom? Can any in goodness be compared unto Him? There is none other than Him!” And also “Hear then His voice, for it is gracious; and he that obeyeth shall establish his mind in Peace profound; and bring everlasting growth to the Soul that resideth within his body, state after state, on this earth.” UNTO THEE I GRANT.
  70. As an Apostle, He is “A Sent One.”No man sent Him. The Father sent Him in His stead and all the ancient manuscripts bear witness that this Man existed. Even when there was no beginning, He was there at the right hand side of the Majesty.
  71. He was there hiding His identity and that was why the seventh generation Prophet Enoch when he was finally led to Him, it was said, “And at last, the Name of the Son of Man was revealed. There was great joy in Heaven and on Earth.” SON OF MAN, from the message. WHO IS THIS SON OF MAN TO YOU? Chapter 1:23-24.
  72. And in the midst of the seven candlesticks One like unto the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle- Revelation 1:13 ( KJV).
  73. And He said unto me, it is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.- Revelation 21:6 ( KJV)
  74. And then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.- 24:30 (KJV)
  75. Before He became “The Son of Man,” by divine proclamation, His brethren used to call or refer to Him as “Brother” or a “Minister of the Word”, and in the synoptic Gospel we do not find the disciples at first calling their master by the name of Jesus, but they did call Him “Rabbi” meaning ” Teacher” and
  76. “Adonai” meaning”, Master,”and other titles of respect and love.
  77. Those names continued until when He was revealed as the Messiah of that age, and His name then changed to Jesus Christ. It was so with Apostle Peter Odoemena-His name which his brethren used to call Him changed when He was vindicated or He was divinely proclaimed as Son of Man by Almighty God. From then on He was referred to as The Son of Man. Son of Man means the Messiah, Saviour and Son of God and eventually God Himself. He also means a Prophet, God’s mouthpiece; God’s spokesperson. And finally, Son of Man means an ordinary human being, a man born of a woman.
  78. Ezekiel was also called The Son of Man by God. “And he said unto me, Son of Man, stand upon thy feet, and I will speak unto thee. And he said unto me, Son of Man, I send thee to the children of Israel, to a rebellious nation that hath rebelled against me: they and their fathers have transgressed against me, even unto this very day.
  79. And they, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear, (for they are a rebellious house,) yet shall know that there hath been a prophet among them. And thou, Son of Man, be not afraid of them, neither be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns be with thee, and thou dost dwell among scorpions: be not afraid of their words, nor dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house.
  80. But thou, Son of Man, hear what I say unto thee; Be not thou rebellious like that rebellious house: open thy mouth, and eat that I give thee.” Moreover he said unto me, Son of Man, eat that thou findest; eat this roll, and go speak unto the house of Israel.” ( Ezekiel 2:1,3,5,6,8; 3:1 KJV)
  81. Many great minds past and present had triumphed over pain and despair with indomitable mindsets in their spiritual journey. They ploughed through swamps of demons, and stumbled over hills of adversities, lashed by the unfavorable winds of frustration and beaten by rain of confusion but still, undettered, they conquered and waded those obstacles whose zig and zag formation nearly strangulated their individual visions.
  82. It wasn’t easy for them because they faced harsh challenges from in and out of their domains. They had come to different ages with some portions of truth to help mankind find his way back to God, His maker.
  83. It is no doubt that those splinters of truth can be found among those religious, mystical, spiritual, philosophical groups. “At the last, at the consummation of the ages, God has come down in the person of a man, One beloved of Him and is here with the full revelation of the whole truth, hence, He is the One gathering all the loose ends together, uniting them in One Man, Christ Himself.
  84. Behold He that is not a Muslim, not a Christian, not a Hindu, not a Hebrew, not a Pagan, etc. but He picks the splinter of truth from all those religions and bring all together, lifting up Christ, for all that believe Him to be saved by Him irrespective of where they are coming from. This is the Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Great Iman Mahdi, The Christ of this age, The Krishna, Maitreya, Messiah, Avatar, Saviour of Mankind etc.
  85. Every religion on earth acknowledges that the Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena is the expected Messiah, Saviour of Mankind in all the dispensations, both this present dispensation and the dispensations gone by. It should also be noted that God is not partial. He is benevolent and accessible to all He has created. The scripture says that God is no respecter of any person but that in all nations, whoever that lives right, that fear Him, is acceptable to Him.” Is this not a great opportunity? Culled from the Bridal Compendium.
  86. But in every nation he who venerates and has a reverential fear for God, treating Him with worshipful obedience and living uprightly, is acceptable to Him and [a]sure of being received and welcomed [by Him].Acts 10:35 AMP.
  87. The Son of Man is not just a mere mortal that can die; He is not just a Prophet that is the mouthpiece of God, bringing the mind of God to the people of God. He is the very Son of Man with the ancient of days; He is the express and visible manifestation of the Lord of Spirits; the visible manifestation of the creator of Heaven and Earth and all there in. He is all and all; THE I AM THAT I AM. He is the Almighty God in human form. Do not be confused when you hear the Son of Man say, “My Father” and “Almighty God.” Yes, He says that because He is tabernacling in the body not made with hands which He made for Himself.
  88. See the powerful authority He is manifesting. Nobody can challenge that He is not what He claims to be. A Great Oracle, A Sage, The laminated body, The Resurrected body and, the most creative power that control the universe. The valiant veteran of countless battles and His Will to persist was inextinguishable
  89. “I AM the King of Glory. The power upholding the universe; the greatest stumbling block in this generation. Believe it if you can.
  90. I am the God of the ages, the Holy and Great One, the All powerful, The all knowing creator, The All- Wise. The God of God’s, The Hidden Revealer. Believe it if you can. The Son of Man. UNTO YOU GOD FIRST APPEARED Page 3.
  91. The teachings of Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W) explains that Jesus Christ is coming this time to propagate the word of God and importantly to do things He was unable to do during His life time on earth due to the direction and assignment given to Him by his Master, Allah. But His second coming will give Him the chance to marry and give birth to children. The second coming of Jesus Christ signifies the end of time and there will be a great fight between Him and Dajjai (Anti-Christ) and Christ will overcome… “And (Jesus) shall be a sign (for the coming of) the hour (of judgement): Therefore, have no doubt about the (hour) but follow ye Me: This is a straight way”.Surah 43:61.
  92. He has appeared on the scene to pull down all structures which had false foundations. We have to follow Him with patience, but we should bear in mind that while following Him, the world may accuse you of all crimes because you have refused to join them in their system of worship, and refuse their manipulations. Manipulation happens when the focus shifts from their offensive behaviour to your reaction. You will be ridiculed by atheists, patronized by liberals, and often allegorized even by conservatives.
  93. To everyone who is an atheist, God is nonexistent. The only way to survive on this spiritual journey is to be focused. If you face the rest of your life with the spirit you showed on the trail, it will have no choice but to yield the same kind of memories and dreams.
  94. It is better to note that “The soul does not give itself up to despair (loss of hope) until it has exhausted all illusion, (False ideas and beliefs)” Victor Hugo.
  95. They will call you a rebel because you refuse to be manipulated by their outdated traditions and be controlled by unjust authority. YES, you are a rebel, but only to those who want to manipulate and imprison you. The best option is to unconditionally surrender to God, and it must have a ring of finality about it.
  96. The victory that would be gained at the long run would be complete. Leonard Ravenhill, a 20th Century revivalist and preacher once said,” smart men walked on the moon, daring men walked on the ocean floor, but wise men walk with God.”
  97. Apostle Peter Odoemena has tirelessly worked to elevate human consciousness above the mundane level. “Another plan He has is setting men right with the law of nature: He turns nature into a great law book of illustrations, showing that every bush was a flame, every rock a fountain of water, every Star a pillar of fire, and every Cloud the one that leads to God “(THE ARCHEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL WRITING OF SANHEDRINS AND THE TALMUDS OF THE JEWS. Page 55-56.)
  98. Behold, He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindred of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen. 1:7 (KJV).
  99. And then shall they see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Luke 21:27 (KJV,)
  100. “And I saw another Mighty Angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: And a rainbow was upon His head, and His face was as it were the Sun and His feet as pillars of fire. And He had in His hand a little book open: And He set His right foot upon the sea, and His left foot on the earth, and He cried with a loud voice, as when a Lion roareth: And when He had cried, Seven thunders uttered their voices.”  Rev. 10:1-3.(KJV)
  101. Revelation 10:5-6.
  102. “I am The Eternity, The Infinity, The Perfect Justice. The infallible Rectitude, The immutable love, The Creator, The Guardian, The Preserver, The Supreme Governor, The Supreme Judge. Believe it if you can.” From the COVENANT GOD.
  103. “Since the Incarnation then, Christ is not only seen as God, but also as Man, with all that divine Sonship involves. Through the Incarnation his whole human nature is drawn into the Son’s complete and utter orientation to the Father.”
  104. This great avatar has conquered litany of evil spirits challenging our mindsets. All the morbid fears inhabiting our minds have gradually vanished.
  105. This fear that destroys both the vision of truth and power of right action have been brought under control. Until we recover our sense of reasoning, we will not be able to accept that “as far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being.”Carl Jung.
  106. The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled. This spiritual fire that is burning in us should be reflecting in our characters, thereby helping us to display a laudable interest in the affairs of the Bride. The wind of truth that is blowing around us in the Bride will help in attracting to us the sound of cheering and praises from the portal of peace. That will help in keeping us spiritually alert always. It will protect our joy not to fade, our hopes not to dim, our purpose in life not to be disappointed.
  107. Some of us were born to be Truth Tellers in a world addicted to comfortable lies, and those liers would always want to ask their victims where the warmth went after they had put out the fire in them. This is a wicked world full of deceit.
  108. This addiction to lies is masterminded by the devil himself, parading as an angel of light. I am yet to see a devil that will discourage anyone from going to hell. Does it exist?
  109. That is why they will continue praising you when there is something they will benefit from you until you lose your spiritual bearing and balance, and get lost.
  110. “Those false teachers who are so anxious to win your favour are not doing it for your good. What they are trying to do is to shut you off from Me so that you will pay more attention to them. It is a fine thing when people are nice to you with good motives and sincere hearts, especially if they aren’t doing it just when I am with you” Galatians 4:17-18 ( LB)
  111. “If there is a Prophet among you, or one who claims to foretell the future by dreams, and if his predictions come true but he says, “Come, let us worship the gods of the other nations, don’t listen to him. For the Lord is testing you to find out whether or not you really love him with all your heart and soul. You must never worship any God but Jehovah; obey only his commands and cling to him.” Deut. 13:1-4. (LB)
  112. Note, “No enemy is worse than a bad advicer.” We should watch our steps and people we associate with. Satan is very crafty, and without tactfulness, your admirers, the praise singers and close associates will abandon you when you need them most.
  113. Once they have roped and pulled you out from the presence of your God seductively, you won’t see them again. You will see the manifestation of this word, “betrayal of Trust” in full glare.
  114. Your life will be in jeopardy, and you will be faced with serious threat which will manifest at a turbulent time in your life. The world will look like a concrete jungle to you, because you have been caged and your vision blurred. Probably you followed them due to your financial situation, and you needed whatever you will do to improve your financial base.
  115. Due to your desperation which you exhibited, you are then dragged into the den of Satan. Igbo old adage says: “He who uses his head to prepare charm so that harsh situation will improve, has laboured for others.” This is a forlorn hope, and the situation becomes precariously off balance strategically and spiritually. Is it a lie?
  116. All evil suggestions that have grave consequences have been traceable to friends and not enemies. Nobody exposes a friend to rough life more than a friend. Friends have even lured their fellow friends to their death ground unsuspectingly.
  117. The easiest person that can poison you is your friend. Love him or her and do good to your friend but do not blink your eyes whenever he or she is around. If it is possible, maintain no friends, no enemies. The best friend you have in this life that is trustworthy is yourself,”Son of Man from the Message; PRESERVE YOUR YOUTH AND ACHIEVE YOURSELF DREAMS. Preached 17th September 2006, pg 74:7-8.
  118. You will not understand human nature until you have made success in any of your endeavors, then you will experience a lethal dose of attacks from all those you trusted as friends. The crazy thing about people who don’t like you, they monitor everything you do. Once there is nothing more to benefit, the game is over.
  119. “Even in Prophet William Marion Branham ministry, many people were attracted because of the great signs and wonders that surrounded it. Immediately he opened the Word of God to declare the message for which cause he was sent, many left him and called him false prophet. Some even published books against him, and circulated it worldwide of which we can still lay hands on some of such destructive publications.
  120. It was not until he died that many started believing him to be a man sent by God, and yet they could not stay with his ministry.
  121. The same way, it was not until Christ died that His enemies started to recognize their follies. A man of God is only accepted while he is alive by the elects of God in his day. The rest only acknowledge him and his ministry after his death.
  122. The same will happen in this Faith. All my enemies are asking for my head day and night, even in their daily prayers. Some have predicted my death and even fixed dates and My God refused them. Any day they looked for Me and do not see Me, they will recognize their follies also. Who is this one Man that concluded all religious associations in his day in unbelief?
  123. Who is this Man that has troubled the whole Churches and challenged all of them openly and remained unhurt? Who is this Man that is having this doctrine that is entirely new and scriptural.” (THE GREAT SERMON by the Son of Man, Epistle 2, chapter 10:38-49.)
  124. Many of Jesus followers denied Him during His trial period, even those close to Him lead by Peter. “Meanwhile, as Simon Peter was standing by the fire, he was asked again, “Aren’t you one of His disciples?” Of course not, he replied.
  125. But one of the household slaves of the High Priest-a relative of the man whose ear Peter had cut off– asked, “Didn’t I see you out there in the olive Grove with Jesus?” Again Peter denied it. And immediately a rooster crowed.”John18:25-27. (LB)
  126. Peter and the other Apostles lost their courage and denied Christ once He was arrested. Not minding that they have lived with Him, worked and walked with him, ate with Him. In this perversed generation, denial and unbelief will still replay out again. The Saints should watch out for this and pray hard so that none of us would find ourselves in this situation. “A Saint is a person who behaves decently in a shockingly indecent society.”Kurt Vonnegut. This is truth and it doesn’t hide. Suzy Kassem wrote “Truth does not sit in a cave and hide like a lie. It wanders around proudly and roars loudly like a Lion.” For God is still repeating the old things He did in time past. Are we going to deny this golden message of our age? But in finality, all religions will still die a natural death and Truth will still remain and flourish till eternity.
  127. “As the 19th century wore on, critics of religion became bolder in their attack. Not content with just pointing out the failings of the churches, they may begin to question the very foundation of religion. They raised questions such as: What is God?
  128. Why is there a need for God? How has belief in God affected the human society? Men like Ludwig Feuerbach, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, and Friedrich Nietzsche offered their arguments in philosophical, psychological, and sociological terms.
  129. Theories such as ‘God is nothing more than the projection of Man’s imagination, ‘ Religion is the opium of the people,’ and ‘ God is dead’ all sounded so new and exciting compared with the full and unintelligible dogma and traditions of the Churches. It seemed that finally many people had found an articulate way of expressing the doubts and suspicious that had been lurking in the back of their minds. They quickly and willingly embraced these ideas as the new gospel truth.”Culled from MANKIND’S SEARCH FOR GOD, page 332.
  130. “Thus God is the greatest Architect and mathematician, and the very complex map of geometrical motions and designs for the movement and existence of all things is but slowly being comprehended by man. We may never know the origin and general plan of God’s entire universe, and we may never know the reason for the mathematical progression of all events.
  131. But we can know through observation and through test and trial the effect of these mathematical progression in our own lives.” Spencer Lewis Culled from SELF MASTERY AND FATE WITH THE CYCLE OF LIFE.
  132. Life will always be hardest when you’re crossing over to a new level. Don’t get discouraged.
  133. “Since in their so-called progress mankind today no longer know what they really want, they will at last have to experience what they must! As they both seek and criticise in a supercilious way, this type of people will pass by, just as even at that time so many also passed by Him for whose coming everything had already been prepared through the revelations.” Abd- Ru- shin
  134. Most of those reformers tried to reform the Church doctrines but they couldn’t succeed until the current avatar, Apostle Peter Odoemena arrived on the scene to conclude all religious groups in unbelief. He is the Divine entity that came to this earth as an envoy, to save mankind from the negative clutches of Satan. The voices of most of the reformers were like slumbering volcano, not effective and piercing, but very ponderous and weak.
  135. Those very trying circumstances contributed to their decline in performance. When the envoy came on board, He added His weights to the struggle by waging a ferocious battle against the devil, the deceiver because He had a lifetime of experience to reinforce His natural wisdom in that direction, with His message of the hour. Piercing and hard, His message echoed along the horizon, the hearts which had been drowsy in the heat of unbelief, came fluttering out with plaintive cries, disturbed as much by divine call, as they had been, by the trumpet sound of the heavenly voice. Unbelief is a dangerous thing to behold.
  136. Within the walls of their dirty hearts the heat of unbelief was pitilessly reflected inwards to a murderous concentration, so that even the corners which had fake coolant were also dreadfully hot with rebellion.
  137. The Divinity (Shekinah) has come to chase away the spirit of falsehood from the midst of children of God. This ugly spirit which has psychologically tortured and traumatized our human minds will definitely escape from among us to continue their (depredations) damages elsewhere.
  138. Son of Man, in the Message, RESIST THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE EVIL, Vol.1, page 12:24 lectured us on what Divnity signifies   “Today, I want us to understand what Divinity is all about. That is, if I will get there. This is because there is no envoy except the Divinity (Adonai); One that proceeded from the Divinity (Adonai), with the power of the Divinity (Adonai) and with all the characteristics of the Divinity (Adonai) embedded in Him from birth” This is a factual illustration of what Divinity (Adonai) is all about.”
  139. He is One, and there is no deceit here; this is not a religious statement, but a statement of fact. Religion symbolizes disharmony of truth, which is deceit. “It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”Mark Twain.
  140. Those fooled, though their eyes are thoroughly accustomed to the spiritual darkness, could, by the help of starlight see a little shadow, to enable them pick their ways spiritually waiting for a total repentance. This repentance should be focused on the belief of the revelation of God in our present generation, and His creative powers or find their ways to hell.
  141. Though, I can accept what the writer who postulated that the Biblical account of creation is ridiculed by atheists who concluded there is no God, patronized by Liberals who respect other people’s views, and often allegorized even by conservatives, those who are opposed to social change. The fact is, however, that it is God’s own account of creation recorded in the scriptures that we will accept as reality.
  142. Benjie Rose Torres made it clear to us by these statements that” Seeking reality is an act of redeeming your life from the brink of fantasy. It is something we hate to hear and see but it purifies life and makes it worth living.”
  143. “Accursed now be those who through leading millions of people astray have so enslaved them that today they no longer dare to open their eyes to the Light, but blindly revile anything coming to their knowledge that sounds different from what they have hitherto heard, instead of at last listening attentively and examining inwardly to see whether the new does not come nearer to their understanding than what they have learned in the past ” Abd-Ru-Shin, culled from THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM, PG. 79.
  144. The Word of God is incorruptible and all those who believe in Him, do His bidding have incorruptible spirits and they cannot be seduced away by the invading negative Spirit of Satan. It is a well known fact that there are negative and restless Spirits, powerful, crafty and very cohesive in it’s attack formation, and those Spirits have roped the Churches with an unethical religious practice, takes absolute control of the Governments and its agencies, and society at large.
  145. Many have sold their souls to the Devil and still look human from the outside. He or she is so sync (not working in agreement with others) and shameless.
  146. Almighty God warned us in 28:29that, “For the Lord will send His personal curse upon you. You will be confused and a failure in everything you do, until at last you are destroyed because of the sin of forsaking Him”( LB)
  147. He is reminding all those who are doubters of His existence that “before anything else existed, there was Christ, with God. He created everything there is–nothing existed that He didn’t make. Eternal Life is in Him, and this life gives light to all mankind. His life is the light that shines through the darkness and darkness can never extinguish it ” John 1:1-5 (LB)
  148. Everything happens for a reason. You may not see it now, but sooner or later, God will reveal why He let things happen. Always remember that His ways are higher than our ways. His will is beyond our will. Put your trust in Him.
  149. HIS TRAIL at this incarnation, there arrives a clever and promising young man destined to make His mark on this material world by His messages to the entire universe. “His birth was not greeted by Arabs in flowing robes or Africans who sounded gleaming trumpets, and drums; dancers from His neighboring communities or of a regal splendor but because the prophecies heralding His coming into this world illustrates the mode of His emergence. The child came and has a harmonious union with the cosmic forces that pervades Heaven and Earth.” Culled from the CHRONICLES OF THE BRIDAL FAITH, page 53.
  150. NOTE THIS! He is who He is. Not who we think He is, and not who we want Him to be. He is Him.
  151. That is why I am not here to praise Him (God) because my praises will not add or change who He is. I am here to excavate and write about the little Truth I know about Him, backed with full-fledged reality, and also try to break down the wrong notions people have about Him. Some will say when He is  hundred percent human, He must have some human deficiencies in Him, yes, but His redemptive power of love, beyond human comprehension, have overshadowed any, if at all there is any human negative characteristics in Him. He is living a life of sanctity covered by the righteousness of God.
  152. Writing about this Man will throw a brilliant light along His trail on this planet earth. He dedicated Himself with a particular sober gravity while expatiating nature and its qualities in a characteristically spectacular way that marvel the brain and mind of the hearers. He exhibits master-qualities, and He is nimble-witted, observant, dependable and adaptable in all His activities.
  153. As a man of superior culture, He is strong, inflammable, open-minded and imbued with a tradition of selfless discipline which had been further dinned into Him by a particularly strict and searching spiritual education early in His life. He exhibits a gentle and sweet nature, that stands Him out from other beings around Him.
  154. His preaching contains new light and new knowledge. Though there was public frown upon His method because His Words and preaching attacks the fictitious walls of their prevailing falsehood which pervades the mind of Man, and the experiences He encountered are transcendental in nature which had been spiritually and divinely prepared for Him.
  155. He is on a mission of Redemption, backed with humble benediction and covered with a light that is magnificent, and with a blinding aura of iridescent illumination.
  156. Believe it or not, this heavenly visitor came solely to open the eyes of those who believe they are blind and close the eyes of the intellectuals who always doubt the existence of God. “For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.” 2nd Corinthians 13:8. (KJV)
  157. With His unfiltered message, He gathered a few blind people whom He has revealed the Divine Truth to, which has given them sight. They now know the hidden truth about the kingdom of God. He came to set the captives free, usher in an era of pure worship and terminate the era of mechanical worship, because it was weak and canal and also to liberate us and domesticate our wild life.
  158. It is not doubtful that people are now detecting the deception of their false worship. If this religious quality had been helpful to them in their early life, when on their arduous religious voyage, the spiritual gain must have been very visible now. If they will accept this new message, it will be useful to them at this present dispensation as they stood on the threshold of a new and vastly more revealing form of spiritual worship. He passed through all these challenges with the divine consciousness of nothing else but the goal He was sent for.
  159. It is recorded in the scriptures that when the Spirit of Truth shall come, He will reveal all truths, the ones the listeners could not hear then, in this present generation. That is what that Spirit is doing now, but Satan is at work both in the minds of people and families, in making sure the faithful’s can never practice this Truth that is handed over to them.
  160. Our local proverb would always say that “the movement of a fowl is never pleasant to the kite” But we can ascertain that “ordinary human wits are of no use against a divinity.” Isidore Okpewho.
  161. To fall into a trap set by Satan is lack of obedience to the truth. To abide in this Faith confidently, you must be clarified of what it is all about. Confidence without clarity is a disastrous process. Where there is no clarity, there must be hesitation to enable the inquirer to dig more or research more into the messages to ascertain the facts about them. That’s why Son of Man would always say that one should not believe immediately untill he or she is convinced because the truth that is handed over to the believers is an uncomfortable truth that saves life, and also deals with existential reality-(you are responsible for your own actions. What you sow, you must reap).
  162. “Sometimes a fruit falls from a tree and rolls so far away from its roots that it’s no longer of the tree. The hard fall and long journey bruises the fruit so much that it totally changed it. It is the same way for some of our people. This is why some can’t be awakened regardless of how much truth you present to them. The journey has totally brainwashed them to such a degree that they’re no longer of the original tree.” From the book, QUOTATIONS OF MALCOM X. “Those who are on this track must have realized guiltily that they have lost their original self.
  163. New light will ever be revealed on the Word of God to him who is a living connection with the Son of Righteousness–The diligent seeker for truth will find precious rays of light yet to shine forth from the Word of God– Let no one come to the conclusion that there is no more truth to be revealed.
  164. There is no excuse for anyone in taking the position that there is no more truth to be revealed. We are not safe when we take the position that we will not accept anything else than that upon which we have settled as truth.COUNSEL ON SABBATH SCHOOL WORK, page 34.There are more truth to be revealed. Son of Man came to espouse us to the present truth. “I have come myself. No Angel came. No Ministry came. I came myself to handle the matter once and for all. It takes a Governor to sign a death warrant for condemned persons. (Son of Man). WE ARE ON THE CONCLUDING SIDE OF THE MINISTRY, 2019. Page 63:37
  165. “The self-glorification of all the Churches, which is hostile to God, separates their believers from God instead of leading them to Him. Their doctrines were false! But the people should easily have found this out themselves, for they clearly contradict the simplest sense of Justice! And therefore the Church believers are just as guilty as the Churches themselves!
  166. The Churches proclaim in the words of Christ from the Gospel of John: Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth. And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness! And will bring the judgement. I, however, go to the Father and you will henceforth not see me. I came forth from the Father and am come into the world. Again, I leave the world and go to the Father!”
  167. These words are read in the Churches without understanding; for it is quite clearly stated by the Son of God that another than He will come to proclaim the Truth and to bring the judgement.
  168. The Spirit of Truth Who is the living Cross! And yet in this matter, too, the church teaches wrongly and against these clear words. Even though Paul also once wrote to the Corinthians: “For we know in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away!”
  169. Here the Apostle shows that the coming of Him Who will proclaim the perfect Truth is yet to be expected, and that prophecy of the Son of God concerning it should not be taken to refer to the well-known outpouring of the Power of the Holy Spirit, which at that time had already taken place when Paul wrote these words.
  170. He testifies thereby that the Apostles did not regard this outpouring of power as the fulfilment of the mission of the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, as strange to say many churches and believers now try to interpret it at Whitsuntide, (the week or days close to Whit Sunday, which is Pentecost) because these things would not otherwise fit into the structure of their faith, but would form a gap which must cause serious shocks to this false edifice. Yet it avails them nothing; for the time has come for the recognition of all these things, and everything that is false collapses!
  171. Until now there could not yet be a true Pentecost for mankind; the recognition through spiritual awakening could not come to them, since they acquiesced (without arguing) in so many false interpretation, in which the churches especially have a great share. Nothing of their great guilt will be remitted to them!
  172. Now you men stand amazed before the new Word, and many of you are no longer even capable of perceiving that It comes from the Luminous Heights, because It is so different from what you had imagined!
  173. For in you, too, there certainly still lives some of the tenacious indolence in which the Churches and the schools have enveloped you, so that you would remain faithful followers, and have no longing for the awakening of your own Spirit!
  174. Until now men on earth have been indifferent to what God demands! Once more, however, I say to you: “The broad and easy road which the Churches have hitherto tried to stimulate for their own advantage is wrong! With it’s promise of an arbitrary, illusory forgiveness, it does not lead to the Light.” ABD- RU- SHIN–IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH (Indolence of the Spirit) Page 160-161.
  175. Son of Man preached against obeying the Jewish laws that can’t save anybody. The law was introduced by Moses and Grace and Truth by the Lord Jesus Christ. They Jews could not bear the truth that Christ came within that generation because it contradicts their mode of worship and belief. They want strict adherence to the law and St. Paul made them realize that it is an impossible route to Heaven.
  176. “Before his conversion, St. Paul was hostile and cruel, for the scripture teaches that he spent his time persecuting and jailing Christians. Even after his conversion, his strong-willed determination turned to unreasonable bullheadedness, as when he went up to Jerusalem against the will and warning of God.
  177. His writings and Ministry demonstrates the combination of the practical-analytical reasoning and self-sacrificing. He is a good example of God’s transforming power. One who is completely dedicated to God “ Tim Lahaye.
  178. If you don’t know God, you don’t know the truth. We are talking about Christ which is God Himself. He is a present tense God we are worshipping. We are turning from an old page of the Mosaic Law to the new page of Grace to enable us kill the legalistic inner turmoil. “You cannot swim to new horizon until you have courage to lose sight of the shore.” William Faulkner.
  179. “As long as the Law of Moses becomes and remains effective, you will remain guilty of sin because the Law is where Satan gets its power (Sin) to rule over mankind except us, whom Christ have saved. But hear what Christ has done for us if we believe and accept Him” EPISTLE 7, Chapter 1:30.
  180. “For as many as are aware of the works of the Law are under the curse: for it is written, cursed is everyone that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the Law to do them. But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for the just shall live by faith. And the Law is not of faith: but the man that doeth shall live in them.
  181. Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the Law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree.” (Galatians 3:10-13 KJV)
  182. “And then, God decided that through the law, nobody will know Him, nobody will interact with and worship Him. In other words, God revealed Himself in the law, but His people rejected Him. He turned to Edom and the people were astonished, “Who is this Man that is coming from Edom wearing black garment; dyed skin? Who is this Man that is coming from Edom? The Bible said, “Believe it Esau is Edom. And God sojourned in Edom.” WHO IS THE SON OF MAN TO YOU? Page 158:60-61.
  183. “Who is this who comes from Edom, from the city of Bozrah, with His magnificent garments of crimson? Who is this in kingly robes marching in the greatness of His strength.” ISAIAH 63:1 ( LB)
  184. “Who is this that cometh from Bozrah? This that is glorious in His apparel, traveling in the greatness of His strength? I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save.”(KJV)
  185. “No doubt that God Himself Who is the Law giver was the One who wrote the Laws and handed over to Moses to pass on to the people of Israel. These Laws were strictly meant to be observed by the Jews as a nation and no other nation.”Son of Man… Epistle 5, Chapter 1 THE LAW HAS BEEN ABOLISHED. Page 212:11-12.
  186. And in verse 17-18, it is recorded that ” But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the Law, to redeem them that were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption of Sons. And because ye are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father” (Gal. 4:4-6, KJV)
  187. “For Moses wrote that if a person could be perfectly good and hold out against temptation all his life and never sin once, only then could he be pardoned and saved. But the salvation that comes through faith says, “You don’t need to search the heavens to find Christ and bring Him down to help you,” You don’t need to go among the dead to bring Christ back to life again.
  188. “For Salvation that comes from trusting Christ-which is what we preach-is already within easy reach of each of us; infact, it is near as our own hearts and mouth.” Romans 10:5-8 LB.
  189. “Everyone who trusts in him is freed from all guilt and declared righteous-something the Jewish law could never do.” Acts: 13-39.( LB)
  190. “For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to anyone that believeth.” Romans 10:4 (KJV).
  191. “Every good gift and everything perfect is from above, and cometh down from the Father of light, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow nor turning.
  192. Of his own will beget he us with the Word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfriuts of his creature.” James 1:17-18 ( KJV)
  193. “But whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God, the Creator of all light, and he shines forever without change or shadow. And it was happy day for him when he gave us our new lives, through the truth of his Words, and we become, as it were, the first children in his new family.” (LB)
  194. “Most of them professed to be of the sect of Sadducees. On the other hand, the priestly elements, or the Pharisees known as the “pure, separate ones,”were constantly warring in their determined effort to secure power and force strict adherence to the letter of their laws. The Sadducees were their enemies, especially when the latter were favoured in anyway with rank position.”
  195. “Men, WHAT has been your attitude towards your God up till now! Hypocritically you have sort to deceive Him, even as you have always wished to deceive yourselves with the false piety which was only lip-service, but never shared by your spirit. You have established rules and observances, in your temples, your churches, without asking whether this way was pleasing to God.
  196. If only they please you, then that settled the service to God for you! Do you not see how arrogant all this was. You wanted to decide the way everything should be arranged. In doing so you never cared about God’s will. What you termed great was to be equally acceptable to God. You wanted to force your options in all things upon God as justified, irrespective of what you were dealing with.
  197. What you considered right was to be rewarded by God as righteousness; what you chose to call wrong God was to punish. You have never seriously wanted to find out what God regards as right, and what before His eyes is wrong. You have paid no attention to the Divine laws, nor to the inexorable Holy Will of God, Which has existed from all Eternity and has never yet changed, nor ever will change.” ABD- RU- SHIN.
  198. This God became flesh and assumed a human nature, dwelling in a badger skin. He has been existing from generation to generation. There cannot be another Message or another Messiah. We are co- workers with Him, human beings loaded with iniquity and co-opted to work with God. It is very difficult to adopt a child with criminal mind, but God adopted us to work with Him.
  199. What is the difference between us and a criminally minded individual? This is the highest point of grace (unmerited favour), and we have continued to abuse this grace. He made Himself approachable to us, but we never value this honour extended to us.
  200. “God is a Man”backed with many scriptures that we can’t marshal all of them out here.
  201. Let’s go to Hebrew 2:14-15 (LB) and hear what the scripture said about God as a human being.
  202. “Since we, God’s children are human beings- made of flesh and blood – he became Flesh and blood too by being born in human form; for only as a human being could he die and in dying break the power of the devil who had the power of death. Only in that way could he deliver those who through fear of death have been living all their lives as slaves to constant dread.”
  203. “And Christ became a human being and lived here on earth among us and was full of loving forgiveness and truth. And some of us have seen his glory-the glory of the Son of the heavenly Father” John 1:14 (LB)
  204. If God is not a Man, how can He relate with human beings? Is it possible! No, it is not. God must be a man, and not a spirit, to relate with human beings. Can we deny this fact, or are we ignorant of this truth? I will concur with William Golden who said that, “I believe that man suffers from an appalling ignorance of his own nature.” We the spiritual students on the path of truth are appalled at the amount of havoc religion has brought upon mankind; fed them lies that looks like Truth.
  205. The truth that God is a Man is not questionable. It is a reality. “Check your Bible; He made Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden as a personality. He visited Abraham as a person. Manoah- the father of Samson-and family, He visited them as a person. He met Abraham when he was returning from the battle as a person. He met Joshua as a person. He met Zachariah as a person. He spoke to Joseph as a person. Believe it if you can, the Church has existed as a person.
  206. I can say that the personality of God is in our midst, live (physically). After all we have seen the fullness of the Diety descending and we know where He ended it. From that place He came out, that day He went back. We are not following a Man; we are standing on a firm foundation, for there is a Star illuminating our ways. He that is walking with a full light, can he stumble? He knows where there is gallop, there is obstacle.” Son of Man, from the message; OUR FATHERS DID NOT GET THE LAND BY THEIR POWER, page 70:35-37.
  207. “Anytime Christ comes in an age, He comes with grace and truth; He comes to open the way. He comes to open the eyes of the blind. He comes and says, ‘see the way, the fresh, new and living way,’ but how many will see it.” Son of Man, from the message; REMEMBER YOUR REWARD, Page 28:44.
  208. He attacked the false prophets by using His message, “CRY OUT AGAINST THE SYSTEM”,when He saw that the Gospel of God has become commercialized. “You false Prophets! You who lead his people astray! You who cry “peace” to those who give you food, and threaten those who will not pay. “Micah 3:5 (LB)
  209. “Thus Saith the Lord concerning the Prophets that make my people eer, that bite with their teeth and cry, peace; and he that putteth not in their mouths, they even prepare war against.” Micah 3:5 (KJV)
  210. They preach lies and make people to believe that God is three in one. They tried to commercialize everything about religion, and to them the Kingdom of God is non- existence. They are noisy set of worshippers, worshipping an unknown god.
  211. He told the entire world, not minding your religious assembly that God is One, and the “fundamental percepts of Sikhism is there is no Mohammedan, there is no Hindu, there is but One God,”and there is no other except Him (Jesus Christ). That, He, God is tabernacling in Him. He is the masquerade carrying God about. That was one of the main reason Jesus was crucified, because they said, He blasphemed by calling Himself God. And today the same Spirit is back on the scene proclaiming the same message, and sounding more authoritative. He wants everyone to know who He is, and what He is made up of.
  212. They committed a very serious error by their deeds, and no excuse. Thomas Aquinas backed up this statement by saying that “No evil can be excused because it is done with good intention”They will argue they did that based on their belief system, but there is no wrong way of doing a good thing. See their encounter with Jesus as recorded in the Bible.
  213. “At God’s direction I have done many a miracle to help the people. For which one are you killing Me? They replied, “Not for any good work, but for blasphemy; you, a mere man, have declared yourself to be God.” John 10: 32-33 (LB)
  214. “Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from My Father; for which of those works do ye stone me?
  215. The Jews answered Him, saying, for a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.” John 10:32-33 (KJV).
  216. He reminded those who are collecting tithes in their churches that it is scripturally wrong to do so. It is an old order under the Levitical priesthood and is not obtainable again today. We have a new temple where Almighty God is worshipped alright.
  217. He made us to know that drinking alcohol is not a sin, but should be done under doctrinal control.
  218. “For John the Baptist used to go without food and never took a drop of liquor all his life, and you said, He is crazy! But I eat my food and drink my wine, and you say, what a glutton Jesus is! And he drinks! And has the lowest sort of friends! But I am sure you can always justify your inconsistencies.,” Luke 7:33-35 (LB)
  219. “For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine; and, ye say, He hath a devil. The Son of Man is come eating and drinking; and ye say, Behold a gluttonous man, and a winebibber, a friend of Publicans and sinners! But wisdom is justified of all her children.” Luke 7:33-35 (KJV)
  220. He threw more light in the evils of watching Television, and how it could be controlled if it must be watched. He revealed the harm the, (GSM) Hand set has caused among the youths. That’s why He advocated that those harmful instruments should not be allowed to get into the hands of fools, and many other areas which He touched in the course of His Ministration which space would not accommodate here.
  221. Let continue in another chapter where we will look into His Prophetic utterances.

We have rolled into the most dangerous part of the Ministry. If it wants to rain, let it rain now. I have come to the end of the Message already. I have spoken to you in plain language. I have pointed you to the Cloud. I have pointed you to everything, even to Christ. I have pointed you to the Covenant which God had already confirmed. Everything is clear. If you have been making the sad mistake of breaking the Covenant in ignorance, it is forgiven. But from now, it will no longer be forgiven.

Bishop David Mbah

From the message-THE TABERNACLE OF GOD IS NOW AMONG MEN July, 2023 pg. 166:32-33.




  1. “ISAIAH the Prophet cried out concerning the Jews that though there would be millions of them, only a small number would ever be saved. For the Lord will execute his sentence upon the earth, quickly ending his dealings, justly cutting them short.” (Romans 9:27-28 LB)
  2. Who will be the victor, and who will be the victim? The victor will be the predestined one who bears the mark of ownership. The hidden power behind the spirit of recognition will reveal it to him or her if he or she is an adopted child or an elect. The revealing instrument remains the Word of God. A true seed of God will only receive what God promised him or her, and the Prophet through the scriptures will reveal the Truth surrounding that statement.
  3. “By what right has man being denied the Words of the Prophets. Who dared expunge from the Holy Bible one of its inspired messages? For centuries many have laboured under the illusion that there have been preserved for him the collected books of the great teachers and disciples- yet one has been withheld – The Book of Jasher.
  4. Within the hallowed pages of the great Bible itself are references to this lost book which have puzzled the devout and students for centuries. As if by Divine decree, the Bible appears to cry out to mankind that it’s sanctity has been violated, it’s truth veiled, for we find these two passages exclaiming: ” Is not this written in the Book of Jasher, JOSHUA 10:13;” Behold, it is written in the Book of Jasher” 2 SAMUEL 1:8.
  5. Flaccus Albinus Alcuinus of Britain discovered this great Book of the Bible written by Jasher. He translated it from the Hebrew to English in 800AD. Later it was suppressed and then rediscovered in 1829, and once again suppressed.”
  6. The Book of Jasher which means the book of the upright or the book of the Just Man, is a lost book mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. It talked about prophecy regarding Joshua’s ancestor Ephraim.
  7. “Prophecy is the warning for God’s true Saints to understand the times and seasons of the Lord’s return to catch His people away from God’s thundering judgment, but in the meantime, we must live Holy and sanctified lives to be ready to go with the Lord when He comes ” org.
  8. “For unto us a child is born; unto us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulders. This will be his royal titles: “Wonderful,” “Counselor,” ” The Mighty God,” “The everlasting Father, and “The Prince of Peace“ ISAIAH 9:6
  9. A prophet must be on the scene first before He can foretell or predict the coming event. It must be a divinely inspired prediction, instructions, or exhortation. That’s the required qualification.
  10. “Without the Son of Man at this Gentile side of the world, no flesh from the Gentiles shall be reconciled to the Almighty God. “I remain the point of reconciliation. Of all the messengers that have appeared here on earth, not even one can smell eternal life or rapture if the Almighty God never sent me. They are all trapped in their graves, for what they came with could not quicken any flesh at all. Even William Branham knew more than that for they are all earthly messengers and they spoke about earthly things. Most of them got up tied to earthly rules and regulations which can never in this generation or any generation to come make anybody right in the sight of God.”Son of Man, culled from the message AFTER ME COMETH NO OTHER, Vol. 2. Preached on 9/12/2018, page 76 Nugget.
  11. “Believe it if you have the heart. I, Apostle Peter Odoemena, have reincarnated several times in this life. Do not think that this is my first existence. This is how I have been coming and going. There is no generation that will not meet me. Even this generation, if it will have a succeeding generation, ODOEMENA will be there.”Son of Man, from the message. ENVY AND JEALOUSY, EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF FAILURE. Preached on 25/5/2008, page 3.
  12. “Reincarnation has been criticized by some as conflicting with sacred literature, and as being without verification. This is the world’s most disputed doctrine.”Reincarnation or what we may call transmigration of souls means that the soul of a human being can successively lead several lives in different bodies. But if it is false, why are some religious groups- Christians, Moslems and others, are still waiting for the second coming of Jesus or their Redeemer. Will He magically appear on earth? Even if He magically appear on earth, what will they call that experience? Incarnation or reincarnation? All are the same.
  13. “Christian sects such as the Bogomils and the Cathars, who professed reincarnation and other gnostic beliefs, were referred to as “Manichaean,” and are today sometimes described by scholars as “Neo- Manichaean.”
  14. Son of Man has reincarnated back to earth and is on the scene as a prophet, prophesying the coming events in His Church and to the entire world. The problem with mankind is that they always reject anything that comes from their country, town, village, family or unknown to them as inconsequential and valueless while in some other clime, they accept and respect the personality. That’s why the old adage says that “A prophet is not recognized in his own town.” Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Very Son of Man is a Black Man who was born and breed in Uvuru Mbaise, a town in Imo State of Nigeria. His people rejected His Divine Message and called it heresy, and that was how the messages of Jesus Christ, Mohammed, and other avatars of their days were also rejected by the people they brought their messages to.. Hear the Son of Man on this matter, “Brethren accept Me, I AM A BLACK MAN. I am your Kingsman Redeemer. The sun has acted on Me well, well. Weather has acted on Me very well. Do not look down on Me because I AM A BLACK MAN. I AM YOUR MESSIAH, I AM THE GATE, I AM THE DOOR, without Me you are not making any headway” From the Message I AM THE DOOR, page 86:19 preached on 12th Feb, 2012.
  15. “I am an Apostle, God’s messenger, responsible to no mere man. I am one who has actually seen Jesus our Lord with my eyes. And your changed lives are the result of my hard work for Him. If in the opinion of others, I am not an Apostle, I certainly am to you, for you have being won to Christ through Me. This is my answer to those who question my rights.” 1 Corinthians 9:1-3 LB.
  16. Let us look at another Message that will reveal Him, Apostle Peter Odoemena as the sent Redeemer of our dispensation. The Message is, THIS GENERATION IN PROPHECY preached by SON OF MAN, in 1999. Page 37-38, para 11-14.
  17. “There has never been an age past without God sending a man with a Message that will reveal to the people of God in that age, God’s provided place of safety in that age. But the guilt of Man in every age is that people will go at all lengths with their various religious activities. They will be busy preaching their own messages, praying and fasting doing all religious rites they know, but fail to believe, welcome, acknowledge, trust, adhere, and rely on the man from God with God’s message of Salvation for that age.
  18. Many people claimed they equally heard from God in the generation of Noah and Lot, thereby countering whatever Message Noah and Lot preached. They pointed people to their self- provided places of safety, but what happened in the end? I believe also that many did not take the harlot Rehab seriously when she told some people that God had made her house a place of safety for anyone who wanted to escape God’s judgment against Jericho.
  19. Everyone has a right by his message to point wherever he feels is a place of safety, but God will vindicate the Man He has sent and the Message He had approved and the place of safety because we have come to the end of the road.
  20. Do you know that outside the BRIDE OF CHRIST every other denomination and religious groups are in Babylon? What we have on the land today in this age is Babylon religion, and the voice of God in this age is that all God’s people should come out of Babylon and go back to Zion”
  21. “But you to whom He has revealed Himself, there are testimonies following this revelation of how God is vindicating everything, and He was prophesied long time ago to appear here on earth in this last days. Even before the Bible was written or compiled, the prophecies had gone forth about Him and His mission.
  22. Before your eyes, these things are coming to pass and you and I are in this end time generation when all these things are fulfilling as the Prophet Enoch saw and prophesied.” Son of Man, CONFIRMATION OF THE SON OF MAN by the ANCIENT BOOK OF ENOCH. Page59:5-6.
  23. “There is therefore no condemnation to those that are holding unto the righteousness of Christ; who are found in Him always, not holding their own righteousness that is of the Law; Who are free, for the Law of the Spirit has set them free from the Law of the Flesh; Who do not count on what they can achieve in the flesh, for the flesh profited nothing. Because they are worshipping spiritually, it is impossible for them to murmur against God. It is impossible for them to complain, for they know that all things work together for good to those that love God, to those that are called according to His purpose. And these are numbered among the Elect, whom the LORD cannot impute sin.” THE SON OF MAN. Culled from the message…THE LORD SHALL JUDGE AND VINDICATE HIS PEOPLE, Vol.2, preached on Sunday 11th February 2018; page 101:45-47.
  24. Those who are called according to the purpose of God in this incarnation were to be found in His Church, hear His Messages which are prophetic, and basically simplifying the complexities of nature, and also believe in the present truth that He reveals which are unapologetically assertive. It is a normative experience whenever God is revealed on this earth plane, that His mask will change but His nature will not.Generally, He will always manifest His prophetic nature as a prophet.
  25. Son of Man, made us to know that, He writes history before events that could make history happen. He that will tell you what will happen in the future, document it and pass it around, and before your eyes, it will come to pass. Has He not documented history before the event?
  26. “And we realize that, in the scriptures, over in Malachi 4, there is to be one like John, an Elijah to whom the Word of God can come to. And he is to reveal, by the Holy Spirit, all the mysteries of God, and restore the Faith of the Children back to the Faith of the Apostolic Father’s, restore back all these mysteries that’s been probed at, through these denominational years. Now that’s what the Word said. I’m just responsible for what it said. See! It is written, is right. That’s what it is.” WILLIAM MARION BRANHAM – culled from THE REVELATION OF THE SEVEN SEALS, page 65:43.
  27. In the scriptures, Ezekiel 37:3-10the Lord instructed Prophet Ezekiel thus” Son of dust, can these bones become people again?” I replied, Lord, you alone know the answer to that. Then He told me to speak to the bones and say: “O dry bones, listen to the Words of God, for the Lord God says, see! I am going to make you live and breathe again! I will replace the flesh and muscles on you and cover you with skin. I will put breathe into you and you shall live and know I Am the Lord.”
  28. So I spoke these Words from God, just as He told me to; and suddenly there was a rattling noise from all across the valley, and the bones of each body came together and attached to each other as they used to be.
  29. Then, as I watched, the muscles and flesh formed over the bones, and skin covered them, but the bodies had no breath.
  30. Then He told me to call to the winds and say: “The Lord God says: Come from the four winds, O Spirit, and breathe upon these slain bodies, that they may live again.”
  31. So I spoke to the winds as He commanded me and the bodies began breathing; they lived, and stood up–a very great army.” (LB)
  32. Also in Acts 1:16, we are told about how the prophecy about Judas fulfilled.  “Brothers, it was necessary for the scriptures to come true concerning Judas, who betrayed Jesus by guiding the mob to Him, for this was predicted long ago by the Holy Spirit, speaking through King David. Judas was one of us, chosen to be an Apostle just as we were. He bought a field with the money he received for his treachery and falling headlong there, he burst open, spilling out his bowels. The news of his death spread rapidly among all the people of Jerusalem, and they named the place ‘The field of blood.’ King David’s prediction of this appears in the Book of Psalms, where he says, and ‘Let his house become desolate with no one living in it. And again ‘Let his work be given to someone else to do ‘ Acts 1:20 (LB)
  33. Hazrat Ahmad ibni Hajar- I Makki wrote almost 200 (Two hundred) symptoms of Hadrat Mahdi in his book Al- Qawl Al- Mukhtasar fi “Alamat al-Mahdi. (Vol 2, Letter 67). It was declared in a lot of Hadith- I sharifs thus, “There will be a cloud just above Mahdi’s head. An angel from the cloud will say, “This is the Mahdi. Listen to His Words”
  34. He is physically present in the midst of the Bride.
  35. Any statement He makes must follow His trail as a very strong aroma, and definitely it must come to pass. He does not declare “Thus Saith the Lord.”
  36. Let’s see a confirmation of this statement by another eye witness Bishop Joe Ukpong in the Message APOSTLE PETER ODOEMENA, (LIGHT AND DARKNESS IS NO OBSTACLE TO HIM). Page 111:42.
  37. He wrote, “Whatever God (Apostle Peter Odoemena) says is final. That is why it is very, very necessary for you to have your own personal knowledge of who He is. The Bible said that we should be zealous and press on to know Him personally and practically. Also be acquainted with Him.”
  38. THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN (The background) PREACHED BY THE SON OF MAN, 8/1/2017, page 154:46-48 has this to tell us.
  39. “As the Lord has gathered all Nations. Wherever the Gospel of the kingdom have been preached, people must come from there. For the end will not come until the Gospel of the Kingdom be preached throughout all the Nations of the world and that has been accomplished by the Son of Man. For He is the Arch Angel that came with the everlasting Gospel that has now encircled the whole earth. And before Him shall be gathered people from all the Nations and He will separate them into two distinct blocks, The Sheep and The Goat, place them where they rightly belong; right hand side, left hand side. Any side He places you determines your reward, determines your destiny. And you have to work to earn yourself a place either in the right hand or in the left hand.
  40. Let’s hear Him as He reminds us of some of His prophetic utterances, proclaimed many years ago.
  41. ANOTHER DAY PREACHED BY THE SON OF MAN ON 8TH APRIL 2012, PAGE 50:3-4. We have shown you the pillar of Cloud as it was captured around an individual we worship so that you will know that He that called us is very much around us. If we gather and He is not in our midst, our gathering is useless-nonsense.
  42. The presence of the Pillar of Cloud in our midst is the essence of our gathering, for the presence of God in our midst is what made us Holy. We are not holy because we have done this or that, we are Holy because the Holy God is in our midst.
  43. THE STAGE IS SET. HOW READY ARE YOU FOR YOUR FLIGHT? Preached by The Son of Man on 17th July, 2011, page 126:75-78. “God is now locking and unlocking the hearts of people, stirring them up, using them to complete all His programs. Watch out for the unfolding of world events, for God has fixed His eyes in the world as well as in Israel, bringing His prophecies to pass. The world means the Gentiles, Israel is there. God has no plan for you and I again. The plan God has for the Gentiles is over; He has asked you to be there because the two must receive the same blessing, all in Christ, wait for the day.
  44. THE STAGE IS SET. HOW READY ARE YOU FOR YOUR FLIGHT? Preached by The Son of Man on 17th July, 2011, PAGE 134:1-7. Let us go into the scriptures. “Please crosscheck what I am going to say. Please take note. I want to start from the foreign lands. I am not talking about the science world; but I am going to reveal to you in case you do not know that the entire world is on labour pain.
  45. The entire world, there is distress in the nations in the world. Every country is distressed with political problems, religious problems, and economic problems. For the hand of the Lord has rested upon the nations of the earth for judgment and there is no more going back. For the sickle has been thrust in, the earth is about to be harvested. God is about to collect the jewels from the Earth.
  46. Remember Israel is our timetable. Fix your eyes on Israel, not neglecting events in Nigeria and Africa in general. Take note of what I AM saying. You watch Syria, the same place where you read about the King of Assyria; Assyria is Syria with her capital in Damascus.
  47. Please note. I told you that the King of the North is Russia. If you do not understand it, come to me privately and I will explain it. Whatever that is happening in the Middle East now, including North Africa, they are all prophetic developments. God has earlier spoken concerning them thousands of years ago, and revisited all of them, even in the days of Jesus Christ and the Apostles; events that must take place, which will culminate to the end of the world or this generation.
  48. Any group or people that will live to see it fulfill in their day, are the same people that will fulfill the rest of other good events. Note: the entire Middle East is tensed up against Israel, whether you call it Iraq or Iran, you call it Tel Aviv, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, all of them including Tehran, Sodom, even Libya and Egypt, Sudan and the rest of them, the entire world are all against Israel because Israel has refused bluntly to allow Palestine to become a Sovereign State and an independent Nation. THE STAGE IS SET. HOW READY ARE YOU FOR YOUR FLIGHT? Preached by The Son of Man on 17th July, 2011, PAGE 138:11-12, 15-17.
  49. I want you to see the picture of Israel, in other words Jerusalem is now compassed about by her enemy. Is like the entire world has gathered together against God’s Holy City for the final time.
  50. I remember God said expect a third world war, it is going to be a religious war and that is so called Armageddon. Where the Almighty will come and prove His might and redeem Himself and redeem His people. Note where we are heading to. Hallelujah! Amen.
  51. BE ON THE ALERT! 9TH FEBRUARY 2014, PAGE 65:65-67. The moment the whole thing boils down to Jerusalem, we are at the Gate of Paradise. That is what it means! For the last battle will be fought in Jerusalem and that is the battle of Armageddon–the third world war. Where the dragon, the last dragon will carry the whole world to make war with the Lamb. And there will come, a lion from the tribe of Judah that will prevail. Remember, Judah is a controversial city in Jerusalem. They do not know that there is a big lion there. They are trespassing on the land that is manned by the BIG LION. The battle is in God’s operational home, Operational Headquarter.
  53. The Bible contains many prophecies about the end of this age and return of Jesus Christ. Many of these prophecies foretell specific events that will happen in the land of Israel, so Israel has always been great interest to people who study Bible prophecy.
  54. When war erupted between Israel and Hamas, religious groups around the world began to wonder: is it the beginning of the end?
  55. The tide is gathering every day. The beginning of the end of all things started yesterday (24/5/2014). I announced it and God knows that I am announcing the Truth. For the voice that spoke to Me said, “Son of Man arise, blow the trumpet in Zion once again. Tell your people and My people that it is all over.”And I never minced words. I announced it. Yesterday marked the beginning of the end of the world. Note what I AM saying. Did I say that the world came to an end yesterday? I AM saying and announcing it not only to you but to the entire human race worldwide. 24th May 2014, marked the beginning of the end of the world. The wave has been sent into motion and the Lord cannot withdraw again. Every Tom, Dick and Harry know this Truth.
  56. “But the Lord says, “Be patient; the time is coming soon when I will stand up and accuse these evil nations. For it is my decision to gather together the kingdom of the earth and pour out my fiercest anger and wrath upon them. All the Earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.” Zephaniah 3:8.
  58. Remember that God has plan to reduce the population of the world. Is the world aware of this? No! He will not stop until He has achieved His plan. He has also planned, (1) to separate the goats from the Sheep in the flock. (2) To separate the weeds from the tares, and (3) to separate the Bride from the Church. And that is exactly what He is doing.” From the message, WHO IS THE SON OF MAN TO YOU? Page 101, Chapter 4:44-45
  59. “I will show you that God is not happy in this message. God helping Me, I will use only but one hour to read few things just to remind you of those things, because when we see the days approaching, we remind you of those things we heard in time past, which are now coming to pass, so you will know how to conduct yourselves, because we are closest to the end than any other generation. We have come closest to the end of everything, more than any other generation, more especially when we see prophetic events coming to pass. Amen”
  60. Mark 13:23-27 (KJV) “But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things. But in those days, after that tribulation, the Sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light. And the Stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken.
  61. And then shall they see the Son of Man coming in the Clouds with great power and glory.
  62. And then shall He send His angels, and shall gather together His elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.”
  63. Just bear with me. We are being reminded again of what we heard in the past so that we can prepare ourselves for the future.

Nothing is left. Once Christ is revealed in His body, which is the Church, nothing is left than the burning of Sodom and Gomorrah. The Prophet said so. It is scriptural. The Elohim has been revealed in human form. (Selah) What is left? To crush all living. Nothing is left. That is why for years now, God has been busy trying to gather His elect, trying to secure His own, before the whole world will go into blaze. Amen.

  1. IT IS FINISHED. PREACHED BY THE SON OF MAN on 16th September, 2012, PAGE 175:22-23. I declare it once again, it is finished. My mission in the Gentile World is accomplished. I AM about to present the few I collected. You know many are called, but few are chosen. The few I collected are about to be presented. As a result, expect nothing higher. Even if a Prophet will come down from the sky to tell you that earthquake will do this and that, relax do not pay attention for it is all over.
  2. IT IS FINISHED. PREACHED BY THE SON OF MAN on 16th September, 2012 PAGE 176:26-28. I know the end of My Mission on earth and I know what I AM billed to do. I have done it and I AM happy that I have ended this Ministry with joy for the Devil fought Me relentlessly night and day, intending to stifle life out of Me but the Mighty hand of the father prevailed.
  3. I want to assure all and sundry in this Faith that where you are now is by far better than where you were yester night. If the journey is hundred miles, you have clocked 99.99 miles. If you should doubt Me, who is steering up the trouble in the Middle East? What is He trying to accomplish there? Is that not your calendar? The abomination that maketh desolate is nearer to the city. It is like from Onitsha to Nkpor right now.
  4. That is not all; old friends, that is, America and Israel are now trading tackles. Something that has never happened before. What does it tick now? God bringing His Word to pass. The programmes are not for you; this is your last Time Table.
  5. IT IS FINISHED. PREACHED BY THE SON OF MAN on 16th September, 2012 PAGE 190:73-74. Young men, everybody, young and old, man and woman; behave like Me, be gallant. I told you that I AM stirring up trouble in the Middle East that will encircle the World. Besides, no other person is going to fight the war but you and Me.
  6. When the whole world, all the Nations upon the Earth shall gang up against the people of God to exterminate Israel from the map of the World, God and His army will fight for Israel. Moreover, I told you that you will not be in this mortal flesh; you will be in the theophany body, appearing and disappearing. You will be flying, traveling as a thought. I, The Son of Man, the Lord will be your Leader. All of you in your chariots.
  7. ..MATHEW CHAPTER 24:16-22 “Then those in Judea must flee into the Judea hills. Those on their porches must not even go inside the pack before they flee. Those in the fields should not return to their homes for their clothes. And woe to pregnant women and to those with babies in those days. And pray that your flight will not be in the winter, or in the Sabbath.
  8. For there will be persecution such as the world has never before seen in all its history and will never see again. In fact, unless those days are shortened, all Mankind will perish. But they will be shortened for the sake of God’s chosen people.”
  9. Looking at this scriptures, LUKE 21:6 (LB):this was an encounter between Jesus Christ and His disciples when they came out from the Temple. They were telling Jesus Christ how beautiful the temple was, how the Temple was very attractive. Jesus Christ looked at them and shook His head saying, “Verily, Verily I say unto you, a day is coming when not even one stone will remain in the building, for all will be pulled down.”
  10. Then they began to ask Him, for His disciples were surprised on hearing such a thing; having seen the house built by their fathers and how glorious the building was. Then Jesus Christ began to tell them when they asked Him, “Tell us what will be the sign of your coming when these things will take place at the end of the world.”
  11. Jesus Christ started narrating to them, you know the story very well. However, I want to pinpoint one thing there. After telling them everything, there was one significant point He wanted them to hold in mind, after narrating to them all that the Prophets said, and the events that is happening, He said to them, “Watch when you see that abomination that maketh desolation, that was prophesied by Daniel, standing in the Holy City, know that everything has come to an end.
  12. Then you pray that your flight will not be in winter or in the Sabbath day. When you see it, do not tie yourself to the material things of the world. “That was what He meant by saying that if you are on the mountain, do not try to come down and carry anything from your house whenever you see that abomination that maketh desolate, which Prophet Daniel prophesied standing in the Holy Place. That is, do not entangle yourself with the material things of the world, do not go to take your cloth, do not go to take this or that, do not pin your hope in worldly things, and make sure you fly away.
  13. We have seen prophecies from all the Prophets especially William Branham, seeing where we are now, seeing that all his prophecies have come to pass before our eyes. Showing us the last sign that the Church will see before the destruction of the Gentile World is seeing God in human form standing in His Church.
  14. Before our eyes it has fulfilled to the later. Now we are going to consider what He the Almighty God in the person of Peter Odoemena told us concerning the hour we are in, because Jesus Christ told His followers saying, “When you see that abomination that maketh desolation standing in the Holy place, know that everything has come to an end, and do not entangle yourself with things of this world.
  15. Do not remember your cloth, do not remember your wife, do not remember your children, do not remember your business. Woe is that woman that is pregnant because they cannot run.” Now you have seen everything place before our eyes. Son of Man– IT IS FINISHED, preached 16/9/2012, page 8:10-16.
  16. Follow me to the GREAT SERMON AND HOLY SPIRIT INSPIRED REVELATIONS AND EPISTLE (Revised Edition) by APOSTLE PETER ODOEMENA, THE VERY SON OF MAN, page 10:38-41. “The consolation of the people of God in every dispensation is complete only when they find a man from God who can save them from their plights and guide them safely throughout their life here on earth.
  17. A Man that can reveal the mind of God to them. A man who’s Ministry can be traced back to the Holy Scriptures.
  18. With every boldness and gladness of heart, we thank Almighty God for sending His servant and our brother Peter Odoemena unto His Church in these last days with every scriptural vindication as a Man sent from God to guide the Bride of Christ back to immortality.
  19. We have witnessed to the whole world concerning this man’s ministry and we know, only the elect of Godwill acknowledge Him to have come from God at present, but non-elect will acknowledge Him when it will be too late.”
  20. Majority of His prophetic utterances have fulfilled to the later, the ones that are not yet fulfilled will one day get fulfilled. We are here to fulfill prophecies and bring the Word of God to it’s conclusion.
  21. “The path anybody must go was determined even when the person was in his mother’s womb, whether you will be a Christian or not, it already been predetermined by God before the foundation of the world”, Epistle 12:1:20.
  22. When He told us that one day something will cause us to go back to our homes, we never saw it coming until it fulfilled in the year 2020.
  23. John 16:32-33confirmed this statement and it happened as predicted.
  24. “But the time is coming – in fact, it is here- when you will be scattered, each one returning to his own home, leaving Me alone. Yet I will not be alone, for the Father is with Me.
  25. I tell you all these things ahead of time so that when they will begin to unfold, you will remember I earlier told you. Nothing will take us unaware because there is a SEER in our midst. We are serving the only God that revealeth secrets. The cloud is here.” Son of Man from the message; THE BRIDAL WATCH, Vol.4 Page 52:37.
  26. I have told you all this so that you will have peace of heart and mind. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows; but cheers up, for I have overcome the world.”
  27. He talked about Nigeria, where He prophesied about a civil unrest. “Will there be a civil unrest in Nigeria? The answer is Yes! But it will toe religious line. It will start as a political riot and end in religious riot. Time will vindicate Me.”Son of Man… PROPHETIC REVELATION Page 55:28.
  28. Again He prophesied about America, Russian, Middle East-Israel, Palestine, Syria, Iraq and other nations of the world, and the events that will take place all over the places such as economic situations, ecological problems, hunger, sicknesses, death, end time events, Satanic events, crimes, idol worshipping, quest for materialism and educational knowledge in the increase, Churches and religious groups going into extinction, many will not endure this hardship and challenges till the end, Judgment of the World will commence, and Eternal Life will be given to those Almighty God will want to live together with eternally. For here lies the hope of the world, against which the dark powers of Satan may not prevail.
  29. “Run away from every modern Church. There is no modern Church. There is no modern faith in Christ. And there is no modern God. We must worship the same old fashioned God in the same old fashioned way like the Apostles and Prophets that were before us.
  30. After all, Faith in Christ and the worship of God did not start with us. It started with some people. We only received the Baton and that same Baton we started with, the same Baton we shall complete the journey with. Anything else is counterfeit. Come out from counterfeit Churches.” Son of Man. WILDERNESS VOICE, Vol.2 Page 58:41-42, preached 23rd September 1995.
  31. Note this truth, the fake and the real cannot achieve a harmonious union. A child who does not possess experience in life will easily take a fairy tale for the truth. Religion exploits the childlike qualities of mankind, setting out metaphors as reality. But it is not as easy as Satanic Religion plans because the scriptures told us in 1John 4:4 that “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”
  32. “Dear young friends, you belong to God and have already won your fight with those who are against Christ, because there is someone in your heart who is stronger than any evil teacher in this wicked world.” 1 John 4:4.LB
  33. That’s why religion have been hiding under this falsehood, using evil teachers for long to influence the world negatively. And that is why the seat of Satan-Antichrist is negatively placed on seven hills in Rome, while Jerusalem is positively placed as the seat of God on seven hills. Hear the Master speak about this matter.
  34. “But always bear in mind that Jerusalem is a city seated on seven hills and Rome is also a city seated on seven hills. Do you know that? As God made Jerusalem His seat, Satan made Rome his seat. One is opposed to the other. One is Christ, the other is Anti-Christ. The East is Christ. The West, that is the leftist that is the very anti- Christ.
  35. If America had ever been on the side of God, she would never agree with Rome. I will show you something that it was still in the prophecy that a time will come when America will surrender its powers to Rome. She will surrender all her powers to Rome, to the woman, Rome, the whore, the harlot, and then something will take place
  36. Authority will now be conferred on America again to wage war with any nation that refuses the Papal authority, because with this agreement, the fusion of the wealth of the world will be in their hands. Hence any nation they want to make rich, they will make rich. A
  37. ny one they want to make poor, they will make poor. In other words, the fate of mankind will be dictated by the great Dragon. May be you do not know.” The Son of Man. Culled from the message–EVENT ARE MADE CLEAR BY PROPHECY. Page 70:13-16.
  38. No matter how your fate would be affected by the Dragon, your greatest prayer should be that God will show you mercy, the greatest mercy that will fortify you from denying this glorious faith of Christ.
  39. The Holy Spirit should help us, the Children of God to have victory over Satan by discerning and overcoming teachers, doctrines and spiritual manifestations that are not from God. Hear this promise from our redeemer.
  40. “I am for Salvation to all the ends of the earth in this generation. That is why I promise you nothing but Salvation, which is Eternal Life. Just follow Me, Finish. Follow Me, I will empty all of you that believe in Me into Paradise. There is no mistake about that.” Son of Man.
  41. He said that He will empty all that believe in Him into Paradise. That is a great promise. Our duty is to crosscheck our lives, and correct those areas Almighty God found fault with in us. It is a personal search now! We must do it for our survival!
  42. We are even warned that “we should forget about what God said concerning others, but pay attention on that which He said concerning us. That is why our message said, “We must be mindful of the Words that is spoken concerning us” and take them serious. It is also a Prophetic utterance.
  43. “Day by day, what you choose, what you think and what you do is who you become.”
  44. Son of Man told us to fix our eyes on the King of the North. “Fix your eyes on Russia. Any day, even as I am talking to you now, if Russia drops a bomb-due to provocation-in America, the world has come to an end.”  Son of Man.
  45. BRIDAL WATCH,VOL.4, 82: (Word in block)
  46. “That Russian is keeping quiet for now is prophetic. That American is now the policeman of the world is prophetic.”Son of Man. How do we know all these things that are about to happen? We should be grateful that Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Son of Man reincarnated into our midst to direct, redeem and protect us, if not, we cannot even fathom what could have happened.
  48. “You are that little group the Prophet foretold that will be here in the last days where Allah will come down and be there with them and that is the group He will take with Him. They will not be Christians. They will not be Muslims. They will be combination of both, for the reality of God will be in their midst. And they will now hold the reality of the Bible, before the Almighty, respecting His Prophets, His Apostles and all His Messengers. Son of Man.
  49. “We have come closest to the end of everything, more than any other generation, more especially when we see prophetic events coming to pass.”Son of Man.
  50. “All the enemies of the Cross of Christ today will use their money and campaign to stir people against us. They will label us false preachers, heretics and even call us devils.
  51. Christianity has not changed. I have decided to document this because many of you doubt the faith each time opposition comes especially from false brethren who crept into our midst unawares. Son of Man. EPISTLE 11, Chapter1. Page 301:22-23.
  52. “And that because of false brethren, unawares brought in, who came in privy to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage.
  53. To whom we gave place by subjection, no, not for an hour; that the truth of the gospel might continue with you “(Galatians 2:4-5, KJV).
  54. “The same will also be seen with the Son of Man! The Dove above Him, the cross of redemption behind Him; for He again is inseparably linked with them as the Bringer of Truth.“Who stands in the power and the Truth”! They are the infallible signs of His genuine Mission to fulfill the Prophecies. The signs that can never be imitated, which are indestructible, warning, and despite the fearfulness of the severity also promising! Before these alone must the Darkness yield!
  55. Looks upwards! As soon as the inexorable harbinger of His coming have appeared, clearing the way for Him of the obstacles that human conceit heaps upon it, the bandage will fall from the eyes of many to whom is granted the grace to recognize Him thus! Then, forced by the power of the Light, they will have to bear witness openly.
  56. Not one of the false prophets and of the leaders, today still so numerous, is able to stand his ground against this; for in these two sublime signs, which no one but the Son of God and the Son of Man can bear, God Himself speaks for His Servant, and all human wisdom must become silent because of them.- Watch for that hour, it will be nearer than all men think.”
  57. ABD-RU-SHIN…Culled from the message.. IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH. Page 186.
  58. “When we think of God, we are apt to think of Him in human form. In the Epiphanies of the Old Testament God revealed Himself to Joshua and others in human form. He put Himself within the compass of our highest conception, in other that He may make Himself real to us in His Love and sympathy and power.” A.C. Dixon.
  59. “But you to whom He has revealed Himself, there are testimonies following this revelation of how God is vindicating everything, and He was prophesied long time ago to appear here on earth in this last days. Even before the Bible was written or compiled, the Prophecies had gone forth about Him and His Mission.
  60. Before your eyes, these things are coming to pass and you and I are in this end time generation when all these things are fulfilling as the Prophet Enoch saw and prophesied.
  61. What will be your condition? What answer are you going to give, if tomorrow, you are not saved? Will you say that God hates you? If God hates you, will He bring you into His family? If He hates you, will He reveal this truth to you? Son of Man from the message. CONFIRMATION OF THE SON OF MAN BY THE ANCIENT BOOK OF ENOCH, page 59:5-7.
  62. Monsignor Walsh’s assertion that, “To know God is wisdom: to love God is virtue, to possess God is happiness.”This statement is marking the spiritual development of an empirical perception of reality.
  63. This will make us to have absolute trust in Him, obey His instructions and experience the power of God in our lives.
  64. “Once the Child has gained some insight into the wisdom, love and care that lie behind his Father’s will, he experiences a deep desire that his Father’s will should be done in all circumstances “on earth as it is in heaven” He wants that Will to be done in himself, in every aspect of his life now and forever, regardless of what it may cost; and not only does he want this in himself, but in the whole world. This is sharing the Son’s constant willingness to do his Father’s Will, making it the nourishment of his daily life. Of course this desire springs from love, for love means identity of Will. In the case of the child it means submitting his Will to that of the Father, not because he has to, but because he wants to. Such a petition as, “Thy will be done” is characteristic of the true child.”Bonaventure Perquin.
  65. This paragraph quoted above illustrates how a true child should obey and rely on the Father for every activities in his life. His Father’s Will remain his anchor, and obedience to his word seals everything. No rebellion! No disobedience. No Murmuring and No castigation of his father.
  66. Disobedience can even be found in the Church, among the Ministers. That is the reason why “A pastor in-charge of a Church can rise up against the Man of God who called and ordained him like you can see in the Scriptures above.
  67. It happened in Abuja Church before Pastor David was ordained. It also happened in Dadin-Kowa Church. Who knows where it will happen again, it may be your own Church.
  68. Remember what happened during the Minister’s Meeting in 1997. The voice of the Son of Man said “One of you must lift up your heels against Me. It must be a Pastor of a local Church.” All ministers went to the Altar. There was calm everywhere.
  69. These Ministers could be divided into active and passive individuals; into those eager for responsibility and action, and into those content to wait until action was forced on them. Before that He had observed that the Ministers could be divided also into another sub group, the efficient and blunderers, and also into the intelligent and visionless categories.
  70. In 1998, precisely, the month of July, it came to pass before your eyes. The same way dreams from God that came many years ago are fulfilling before our eyes and yet men are not afraid.
  71. If people leaves this faith today, please stop seeing it as strange thing no matter who that person may be. God bless you all.” Son of Man EPISTLE 10, Chapter 1. Page 298: 81-86.
  72. Son of Man told us that what will make people to stumble is around the corner. This is a serious warning! We should watch our mindset and those earthly things that will cause us to start murmuring against God.
  73. This rebellion starts from the heart, and it will manifest in our characters. That is why somebody can be bold enough to challenge the instructions of Almighty God after hearing all about the manifestation and testimonies surrounding His Deity. Doubt God, He will doubt you. Believe in Him, He will believe in you.
  74. Is it not those who have heard this message before that took Him to Onitsha South magistrate court for arraignment and judgment? He was accused falsely of what He never did, but at the end God gave Him victory.
  75. Let us continue reading from the same Epistle, page 294:40. Son of Man made it clear that “These people that labelled the Message an offensive and unbearable one, were they not the ones that were milling upon one another calling Him even the Christ.
  76. Jesus Christ being God knew from the onset those that believed and those that did not believe. So, to Him it was not a surprise when they left Him because He knew them to the core.”
  77. Note this scripture, John 2:23-25. (LB)
  78. O” Because of the miracles He did in Jerusalem at the Passover celebration many people were convinced that He was indeed the Messiah. But Jesus didn’t trust them, for He knew mankind to the core. No one needed to tell Him how changeable human nature is.”
  79. Many ancient Ministers out of overfamiliarity or envy left this faith. They cannot be counted; Many of them. Once you leave God, you must embrace Satan. Some of them are finding it extremely difficult to come back, instead they go about preaching messages of calumny and distortion of truth against the Son of Man. Will that solve the problems? Those of us who are still here may not be better than those who left. It is the grace of God that is keeping us here. We should be very careful of our activities now, and let us show our commitment to the Faith of Christ practically, or in actions and stop bragging and assuming what we are not.
  80. James 3:13-14reminds us about this statement of fact.” If you are wise, live a life of steady goodness, so that only good deeds will pour forth. And if you don’t brag about them, then you will be truly wise!
  81. And by all means don’t brag about being wise and good if you are bitter and jealous and selfish; that is the worst sort of life.”
  82. Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.
  83. “As many of you as will like to please men or hear what men are saying instead of paying attention to God, you are free to join these people that have left this faith now or never.
  84. A time came, when some disgruntled individuals who were seeking recognition went out from the Church at Jerusalem on their own to trouble the believers in the Gentiles who had believed justification by faith. They were upsetting their faith by telling them that believing in Christ was not enough for their salvation and that they must also observe the Laws of Moses.
  85. Saint Paul ran mad with such preachers and dragged the matter to Jerusalem where there were pillars of the Church.” Son of Man. Epistle 11, Chapter2, page 306:28-31.
  86. On Paragraph 37, we can see what Peter said about that matter “There at Jerusalem, Peter who received the commission to open the gate to the Gentiles through Cornelius, warned those mischief-makers to stop burdening the believers with the law of Moses, which neither they nor their fathers could keep “
  87. “We are not called to pleased men but God. If we aim at pleasing men, we cannot please God again. All those that have left us that scriptures might be fulfilled, have become men pleasers and that is why they are always soliciting the favour of heathens and denominations.” Son of Man.
  88. “Now am I trying to win the favor of men, or of God? Do I seek to please men? If I were still seeking popularity with men, I should not be a bond servant of Christ (the Messiah). (Gal.1:10 AMP)
  89. “The true disciples of God are after the Spirit, believing only the promised word of their day. The legalists believe in their own traditional way, defending their doctrines and are full of hate and envy as Cain had been. This is why our Lord Jesus Christ rightly addressed them as generation of vipers “Son of Man.
  90. Who are those been referred to as generation of vipers? What are their characteristics? In page119 of the same EPISTLE paragraph 37-39, we can know what they are made up of. “Envy, jealousy and hatred are the marks of those who are not born again and have not experienced the saving power of the Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
  91. They may be in the Church and even hold very high positions in the Church. The soul is the actual man and must have salvation experience and the renewing of the Holy Spirit.
  92. The anointing alone is not enough. The whole religious world today is full of such as never before and yet salvation is too far from them. The Lord Jesus Christ even warned about such anionted ones in the end time.” They are all carnal minded individuals, parading themselves as men of God. Their gatherings are evil, and their activities evil also. We should note this! Evil association corrupts, and “evil people always support each other, that is their chief strength.” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
  93. Millions of persons today, as in past ages, are very conscious of the evident of futility of planning. Today’s accomplishment may be shattered by tomorrow’s unforeseen events. Therefore as the blindfolded individual reached out to guard against a possible unknown danger, so millions try to tear aside the veil of the future to get a glimpse of what lies ahead. Even the revelation of but one year in advance would quite patiently be a tremendous asset in establishing confidence and evading possible catastrophes.” Ralph Lewis. THE SANCTUARY OF SELF, page 292.
  94. So, that is the supreme benefit of having a seer in our midst. He has been telling, or reminding us about the coming events and those revelations help in giving us confidence and assurance against the approaching calamities.
  95. “This is the age of Son of Man. If it is not prophesied, you will not believe it. If it is not scriptural, we will not believe it. If God never came down to confirm it live, we will miss the way. He confirmed it before many witnesses in diverse ways, Who can believe it? We do not say it to curry any man’s favour. That a human being can come out of a human being, visible with human eyes and still go back to that same human being. A confirmation that IN HIM DWELLETH THE FULLNESS OF THE GODHEAD BODILY. That He and the Father are One. Son of Man… Culled from the Message…BE PATIENT WITH GOD, preached on Sunday 14th December, 2014, page 49:16-26.
  96. “There is never a time God will want to accomplish anything upon the earth without calling upon Me, because I Am the instrument He will use to do that thing.”
  97. Son of Man from the message. CONFIRMATION OF THE SON OF MAN BY THE ANCIENT BOOK OF ENOCH, page 99:49 our duty is to listen and adhere to His instructions given. We should try and change our mindsets and embrace the Truth from the portal of Light. “Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and sculptor.” Alexis Carrel. “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” Victor Frankly.
  98. Trying to change our mindsets mean having integrity, determination, faithfulness and knowledge. God told us that our decision in everything we do determines our disposition on that matter. It is recorded that Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without Integrity is dangerous and dreadful. We should take note! When character is lost, everything is lost.
  99. “The cosmic clock can be heard on earth as it now booms out the hour of twelve through the universe. Frightened, Creation holds it breath, and every creature bows down in fear; for the voice of God rings down and demands! Demands that you render account, you who have been permitted to live in this creation.
  100. You have mismanaged the bounty which God in His Love made over to you. All those servants who have thought only of themselves and never of their master will now be expelled! And all those who sought to make themselves the master.” ABD- RU- SHIN.
  101. “I have blown the trumpet in Zion. I have told you that time is finished. However, something remaineth in the Bride. I am putting finishing touches on the Building, I am the Master Builder. I do not want my work to be destroyed by fire. I want my Building to stand the test of fire. Thus do not think I am crazy, I am not crazy.” Son of Man – from the message. GOD’S NATURE IS OUR TICKET TO PARADISE. Preached 9/1/2011, page 97:1.
  102. This is the language of a man who has stamped His feet on the sands of Time. His good works are trailing behind Him, and whoever that wants to place an obstacle on the way is digging his or her own grave. God is a consuming fire, and His simplicity cannot overlap His Lordship.
  103. He will hand over any rebellious or disobedient fellow to a reprobate spirit and place him or her in a situation where he or she can’t say I am sorry.  Almighty God enjoins us to learn our lessons from those who have left. Once any of us follow the road they followed, he or she will experience the same thing they experienced. Establish your own road and forgot about the road your father’s followed.
  104. “Woe upon the world for all its evil. Temptation to do wrong is inevitable, but woe to the man who does the tempting.” Matt.18:7 (LB)
  105. We are warned to run from all the evil pervading the entire universe. If you come to Son of Man seeking genuine advice, He will give you but it depends on you to follow or not. Whatever decision you take, it’s consequences good or bad, you will have to live with them. Josh Billings concluded the matter by these words, “Most people, when they come to Him for advice, come to have their own opinions strengthened, not corrected.”

The Covenant of the Lord belongeth to Him and His people. Brethren, I am included in God’s Covenant. When you know the Covenant of the Lord in your day, happy are you; you will now discover whether you are included in the Covenant or not. If you are included in the Covenant, then you will discover that the Covenant is an everlasting Covenant.


From The Message- THE COVENANT GOD Preached On 21st August, 2003 Pg. 42:9-11

 36What am I saying? At a time when they knoweth it not, THE SON OF MAN appeared, born in the likeness of a Man, by a woman, married like every other person. Because the people He was sent to are human beings, He also became a human being, for only as a human being can they hear Him speak. … 39It is not out of place for Him to talk about family life. He must experience it and use His experience to help others. … 41What is My Mission on earth? To gather the loose ends. To gather the law, the prophets, the Psalms, the Apostles and then present nothing but Christ.


IT IS FINISHED; Preached on Sunday 16th September 2012; Pg. 163 vs. 36, 39 & 41



Your Faith must be tried, tested and with the confession of your mouth, you will overcome those challenges. Jesus Faith was tested, and other prophets were also tested.” Son of Man.

  1. The most turbulent period in a man’s life is when he finds himself in a situation where he cannot place food on the table, that is, feeding his family and overcoming other responsibilities. Apostle Peter Odoemena, the very Son of Man found Himself in this ” very challenging circumstances when He was retired from the Federal Civil Service (Federal Ministry of Labor and Productivity) in the year 2007, without clocking the required mandatory years needed for one to retire. His children approached Him to permit them to start small businesses to support the family, and vehemently He rejected their proposals. He couldn’t wait for the situation to weigh Him down, but rather, He rose up to the challenge and decided to go and learn a trade which some people saw as an action that was odd. That is Him! A man from the opposite direction. He had a strong belief that what is broken can be mended. What hurts you can be healed. And no matter how dark the circumstances reveal, the sun is going to shine again. “A good life is given to those who make effort to achieve it.” Leo Tolstoy.He became an apprentice and without shame He doggedly struggled to do any menial job to enable Him feed His large family. “He Hung His coat, tie and started wearing casual clothes and slippers” As Haruki Murakami said, “I can bear any pain, as long as it has meaning.” He began to change circumstances around Himself; His vision started enlarging with extraordinary capabilities, and He believed that success is a state of the mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as successful. He had absolute confidence in God believing that whatever He is about to experience has been planned and ordained by the One who sent Him.
  2. “True believers should all seek their comfort, security and provisions from God alone, through the Holy Spirit and not from the world store house of temporal blessings. This will lead a believer to true prosperity, being steadfast, unshakeable, unwavering, patient, enduring afflictions and standing on the Rock of Salvation which is Christ. This is the true message of prosperity taught by Christ our LORD and His Apostles to the Churches, not material prosperity.” Son of Man, from the message, WILDERNESS VOICE Vol. 2, page 54:24-25.
  3. Within six months of that deep plunge, He started climbing out from that rugged dungeon, and found peace in the “Stoic Wisdom” which reminded Him that “Do not seek happiness outside yourself. It is an inner journey, a path of self-discovery and growth.” Again “Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside dreams fall, who looks inside, awakes”Carl Jung.
  4. He had absolute confidence in Himself that what is inside Him is greater than any obstacle confronting Him. He never kept company with renegades during that challenging period of His life.
  5. What He came for is basically a spiritual work and since His spiritual work would be in the objective world, among mortal beings, so would His tests, trials challenges and confrontation be of the outer world.
  6. He said,” I used God’s mighty weapons, not those made by men, to knock down the devil’s strongholds. These weapons can break down every proud argument against God and every wall that can be built to keep men from finding Him…” Son of Man. WILDERNESS VOICE, Vol.2, preached Saturday 23rd September, 1995.
  7. This is a practical demonstration of absolute faith and trust in God. Doubting nothing! It was a fight for survival which doubtless had a symbolic significance. “Sow kindness, reap compassion, sow effort, reap success, sow negativity, reap consequences. Choose your seeds wisely for they shape your harvest.” Unknown. “But he, that dares not grasp the torn should never crave the rose,”Anne Bronte. This is a spiritual war, because He is a spiritual Man and any challenge that comes to Him must be spiritual.
  8. The aim is to defeat any obstacle which confronts Him, and it does not determine who is right or wrong, but only who is left. The coming of this iconic personality in this generation has brought a historical and spiritual change on this planet earth. Change in system of worship, change in doctrine and He delivered the Churchgoers from the ruinous extortion and humiliating payment of tithe. That was the heaviest defeat and disaster upon the commercial religious market where the haggling and haggling of prices were undertaken.
  9. Gradually, backed by His virtuous wife they started their Herb Tea business. He studied the efficacy of the herbal content of the business very well and found out that “Very few things in human existence have touched the whole being of Man as have herbs. Not only did they provide man’s earliest foods and became remedies and medicine for his illness, but they also symbolized certain of his emotions and psychic feelings. Further herbs are one of nature’s products that we still depend upon for their virtues, even in our modem age.”Ralph Whiteside Kerr. Culled from the book. HERBALISM THROUGH THE AGES.
  10. He was focused and never entertained distractions. Two serious challenges that confronted Him were His family and the Divine Mission He was sent for. Both were important to Him, and so He was aware of the villainous spirit around, monitoring His activities. He was frequently prey to devastating spiritual attacks .He knew it was a war between those two forces. He can never be a victim. He must remain the conqueror, for He knew quite well that Satan is already the defeated monster.
  11. All those undulating circumstances could not blunt His exploratory urge. He eventually clambered over all those slippery obstacles, and even the malicious rumours and insults peddled against Him.
  12. They were all traumatic experiences, but we give Glory to God that our teacher has practicalized His teachings, so it now a visual experience. The latent rhythms of His inner spiritual aspect, courage and forthrightness has transformed into an outward appearance.
  13. “Man must not allow himself to be confused by scoffers. Rightly viewed, doubt and derision are nothing but the expression of wishes.Quite unconsciously every doubter expresses what he wishes for himself, thus exposing his inner-self to the searching glance. For denial and defense also harbor deeply hidden wishes which can be easily recognized. It is sad, or even revolting, to see what negligence or poverty of mind is thus sometimes revealed, because just through this a man often drags himself inwardly down below the level of any ignorant animal.
  14. One should have compassion for such people without, however, being indulgent; for indulgence would indeed mean cultivating indulgence in serious investigation. He who seeks earnestly must become sparing with indulgence; otherwise he will ultimately harm himself without helping the other thereby.” ABD-RU-SHIN. IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH, page 140: Last Para.
  15. This is a personality that once He comes into your life, He must leave footprints in your heart and mind, and your life can never be the same again. Quote me anywhere! “Lives of Great Men all remind us we can make our lives sublime. And departing, leave behind us footprints on the sands of time.” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
  16. We are now going to sniff and follow this pleasant aroma that trails this Mighty Personality, Apostle PETER ODOEMENA, The Very SON OF MAN about; Find out the pains He endured during that challenging period of His life, and analyse why people find it very difficult to accept Him and His Messages of Truth which He came with in this end time.
  17. When we are approaching the end of any journey, people will start revealing their hidden qualities which they have been hiding for a long time. “No mask is won forever”.They can’t hide them anymore. Complaining upon complaining, rebellion, disobedience, unbelief etc, all will start rearing up their ugly heads Great minds do believe that your attitude to circumstances, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude. Will Durant gave a good graphic illustration of this by saying that, “There is hardly an absurdity of the past that cannot be found flourishing somewhere in the present.
  18. “These are the group of people mounting obstacles on the way against the advancement of the Gospel of Christ in this dispensation. The Son of Man is equal to the challenges, though the stakes may be risky, the pace more breathless and the sufferings and challenges coming from the numerous trials and enmity that targeted Him (Son of Man) will look unbearable, but He eventually wended through that way that is laden with rugged boulders.
  19. Like the early Apostles, He experienced long, dangerous travels, persecutions and the challenges of living among the Pagan majority, and the complex missionary challenges and risk encountered. The love of God was/is still with Him abundantly, and He continued to protect Him jealousy from all harm.
  20. “Who then can ever keep Christ’s love from us? When we have trouble or calamity, when we are hunted down or destroyed, is it because he doesn’t love us anymore? And if we are hungry, or penniless, or in danger, or threatened with death, has God deserted us?
  21. No, for the scriptures tell us that for His sake we must be ready to face death at every moment of the day-we are like Sheep awaiting slaughter; but despite all this, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ who loved us enough to die for us. For I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love. Death can’t, and life can’t.
  22. The angels won’t, and all the powers of hell itself cannot keep God’s love away. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, or where we are- high above the sky, or in the deepest ocean–nothing will ever be able to separate us from the love of God demonstrated by our Lord Jesus Christ when he died for us.” ROMANS 8:35-39 (LB)
  23. Who then were the accusers pointing accusing fingers at this Great Mahdi for nothing. He has triumphed against all odds they placed on His way, and till date none can stand before Him and challenge Him openly. He is a Sage, a Paradox, a Man of many parts, the Mighty Man in battle; The Supreme Commander of God’s army, The Supreme or ultimate reality. Such is a being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped because He is the creator, and ruler of the universe.
  24. We are warned not to have anything to do with those that hate the Lord God Almighty, and the accusers of Brethren. “Don’t be teamed with those who do not love the Lord, for what do the people of God have in common with the people of sin?
  25. How can light live with darkness? And what harmony can there be between Christ and the devil? How can a Christian be a partner with one who doesn’t believe?” 2 CORINTHIANS 6:14-15 (LB)
  26. We are asked to separate from heathens who don’t believe what we believe. Evil association corrupts. What we need now is coming together, and focus our attention in helping the envoy to succeed in His ministry. We are called to work with Him so that should be our priority.
  27. “This is what I have asked of God for you: that you will be encouraged and knit together by strong ties of love, and that you will have the rich experience of knowing Christ with real certainty and clear understanding. For God’s secret plan, now at last made known, is Christ himself. In him lies hidden all the mighty untapped treasures of wisdom and knowledge. “COLOSSIANS 2:2-3 (LB)
  28. He is a human being full of divine authority, and had been so since the world began. He is a disciplinarian by nature: He is a perfect judge, and one who punishes an offender with love, as a correction and not to kill.
  29. “So, the Messiah and the perfect judge must be a human being. The Scripture said, “When He shall come, we will be like Him, for He is going to be a human being like us.”
  30. That is correct, because Truth, righteousness, and justice are found in Him. His wisdom is unmatchable, and His overall track record is unquestionable. Fools will talk ill about Him due to ignorance, but the wise will always bow down before Him because He bears a divine nature.
  31. “A Divine mission is the procession of a Divine person with the extrinsic effect that the person thus sent becomes present in a new manner in rational creatures, uniting them in a supernatural union with God.”> religion.
  32. “At first many scoffed at His broad and positive statements that were like proclamations and Prophecies, while others smile at His descriptions of the misery that would come into the lives of the wealthy and the rich, the lazy and the neglectful. The learned men of the synagogue, the religious rulers, the political controllers, smiled in ridicule at the growth and development of His little band of followers. He was looked upon as a harmless radical or a harmless extremist who might catch and hold the interest of a few for a few minutes.
  33. But to those who were sincere and those who in every generation and period of time constitute the real seeker for Truth, there was something strange and mystical about His manner of delivery, about His method of performing a demonstration of the simple but mysterious laws of nature.” Dr. Spencer Lewis.
  34. The Son of Man is the house tabernacling God; a Vessel God dwells in, and without Him God will be crippled. And through Him, God will reconcile the world of Elect to Himself.
  35. There are those who feel that this statement is false. Do you believe so? It is pure Truth!
  36. “So far, of all the hidden truths that were brought to light, has there been any that ran contrary to the truth we were holding before then? Rather they are all laying credence that we are not deceived, and that we are riding on the right road.
  37. By this, we believe Hazrat Mahdi is on the scene. And He is the One that leads straight to Paradise. Has there been any other that has appeared? Anybody anywhere?
  38. How we ought to be very very serious with this truth God has committed into our trust. How we ought to be very grateful to God who counted us worthy, putting us into this priceless Ministry without charging us a dime. Those who have the revelation have no hesitation in worshipping God” SON OF MAN, from the message. I LEFT HOME FULL AND CAME BACK EMPTY, Vol.1, page 128:12-14.
  39. So, following and believing the Message of Apostle Peter Odoemena, the very Son of Man in this closing Chapter of this generation should be a thing of joy.
  40. “In commanding us to hear and follow His Son, our Father is gradually forming us into His likeness. All the words of Christ are thus words of Eternal Life, as St. Peter said, and contain the germ of our growth as Children of God.
  41. That is why Our Lord’s standard are so high: they must be, because He is Eternal Wisdom. He demands much, and it is all for our good, just as in the classroom the best teachers demand a certain standard of behavior for the good of the children.
  42. Our Master insists on our constant loving submission to the Father’s will, because otherwise we should have no capacity to receive His gifts. When we comply with His wishes, He loads us with His gift and graces. But we know that the Father is not prepared to accept anything from us: half-hearted service will not do for Him, for He is perfect Love.” Bonaventure Perquin.
  43. “If you are a seed of God, stand firm. I say stand firm even in the liberty where Christ has set you free. Not liberty to do evil, but liberty to do good, knowing that in the end, we shall give account of how we have lived our lives here-young and old, whether we like or not. “SON OF MAN.
  44. Our liberty is not to do evil, but to continue doing good. Our characters will reveal individually who we are, and the word of God will definitely expose all our activities. Son of Man reminded us about how the Word of God will continue to expose our hidden activities in the message titled, REMEMBER YOUR REWARD, page 10:12.
  45. Hear Him “The word of God does what? It exposes us for what we are. Anybody can impersonate anything, claim to be anything, once the Word comes to us full of living power piercing every aspect of our being, revealing and bringing it into focus, it will expose us for who we are.”
  46. “There are thousands of these, and again thousands who imagine that they alone possess the true faith! Wherever they meet with anything beyond their comprehension they humble, and with inner satisfaction, warn against arrogance! These belong among the worst!
  47. They are the very ones who are even now rejected, because their religious obduracy (stubbornness) makes it impossible ever to help them. Once they realize their error no dread, no lamenting and no petitioning will be of no avail. They did not want it otherwise, they missed their opportunity. There should be no mourning over them.
  48. Each moment is far too precious still to be wasted on those who think they know everything better; for they will never in any case come to an awakening from their obstinacy but will blindly perish in it! With nauseating words and assurances of their faith in God, their purely imaginary recognition of Christ!
  49. ABD- RU- SHIN, culled from the message- IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH. Page 178. Last paragraph
  50. “Hear Me very well. A good character is difficult to copy or to pattern after. But people readily pattern after bad character. An evil man is infectious in every family. An evil man in any family transfers it to others faster than a man with good character.”Son of Man.
  51. That is how evil and idol worship comes into a family. It is truly disheartening to notice our denial of this undiluted Truth passed on to us, and the false worships in our families which we deified and worshipped fervently. Our characters show our belief, and the God we worship in our hearts.
  52. Worshipping an imaginary god makes you an idol worshipper. What you worship is what artists sculpt, model or carve. No life in them. To invoke false powers in them, they create them very ugly and once you see them, you will be scared. They are produced with woods, silver, marble, gold coating or piles of stones.
  53. Let us read psalm 115:4-8 and hear the descriptions given “The ‘gods’ of those nations are only statues that some human made from gold and silver. Those statutes have mouths, but cannot talk. They have eyes, but cannot see. They have nose but cannot smell. They have hands, but cannot feel. They have feet, but cannot walk. No sounds come from their throats. The people who make and trust in those statutes will become like them.”
  54. So, the God we worship is a HUMAN BEING; a MAN, and God is hiding in Him. “That is God, being a spirit, has now tabernacled in a Man called ” THE SON OF MAN”,the Word made flesh. The Word has become THE SON OF MAN.” From the Message…THE SON OF MAN, Vol.2 Page 69:1-3.
  55. Son of Man continues, “I have been revealed so the Gentiles days are numbered. We are now counting in days. Remain steadfast, immovable, and unshakeable in your faith in Christ.”
  56. “I am here to declare the wholesome truth, which if you believe, will change your entire life, your entire vision and you have rest of mind. For there can never be the rich without the poor. Neither can there be poor without the rich. It is one of the laws of diametric opposition. And you can never be rich and poor.”Son of Man 29/12/1997.
  57. He has been revealed as God in human form, but the question remains, is He free from satanic accusations? No! The enemy, the false one have been working day and night to rubbish all His efforts of trying to pull mankind out from the threshold of darkness pervading the entire universe.
  58. Son of Man has stood victorious! He has passed through it all with the impulsive consciousness of nothing but the goal. He is focused towards the mission He came to accomplish. Giving salvation to mankind!
  59. “And I heard a loud voice saying in Heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before God day and night.” (Rev.12:10, KJV)
  60. “Then I heard a loud voice shouting across the heavens, it has happened at last, God’s salvation and the power and the rules, and the authority of His Christ are finally here, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down from heaven onto earth–he accused them day and night before our God.” (Rev.12:10 LB)
  61. “Then I heard a strong (loud) voice in heaven, saying, Now it has come–the salvation and the power and the Kingdom (the dominion, the reign) of our God, and the power (the sovereignty, the authority) of His Christ (the Messiah); for the accuser of our brethren, he who keeps bringing before our God charges against them day and night, has been cast out! (Rev.12:10, AMP)
  62. He has been cast out into the earth and his activities center more around the children of God, doing everything possible to influence them negatively so that they would continue to have problem with God. He treacherously sneek into their congregation pretending to be part of the movement.
  63. “Satan specializes in creeping into the congregation of God’s people, even claiming to be one of them. It will take God to notice his (Satan’s) presence among his people. Because he will religiously mix up with them so that brethren will not even notice or suspect him or her at all.
  64. He will be prominent and command influence, but can never command respect. I repeat, Satan can command influence but he cannot command Respect.” Son of Man, from the GREAT SERMON, Epistle 7, Chapter 1, page 242:12-14.
  65. “Thus, once you hear that Satan is at work, Satan is at work in the homes, for that is the only way the world can be destroyed. When the home is destroyed, the entire nation is destroyed.”Son of Man.
  66. “Christ in you, the Word of God in you, finish. That is your own insulator against the attack of the devil. If you are not completely insulated by the Word of God, you will fall prey in the hand of Satan anytime, any day.This is why even in your families; you cannot raise your children in a very strong way to resist these devilish attacks because you are taking side with evil.
  67. Don’t ever make the mistake of telling people that there is nothing called witches and wizards, it is another way of saying that there is no God. If there is no God, there is no devil.” Son of Man. from the message. BEWITCHED page 57:47.
  68. “Thus, thanks to the willingness of all the human Spirits, the Darkness became ever denser as the time approached when the Son of Man had to be incarnated upon earth.
  69. Joyful activity in the elements heralded the earthly birth. Angels lovingly accompanied Him down to this earth. Primordial Beings formed a solid rampart around Him and around His earthly childhood. His earthly youth was allowed to be bright and sunny. In the evenings He saw the comet, radiant above Him, like a greeting from God the Father; He regarded it as nothing unusual, as one of the other stars, until the bandage which He had to wear during His bitter training on earth was put before His eyes.
  70. Then life around Him seemed strange; only a great unquenchable longing filled His Soul, increasing to a recklessness, to a continualnervous seeking. Nothing the earth offers could satisfy it.” ABD- RU- SHIN- IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH, page 189 (The Stranger)
  71. “He is called World Teacher not because He is to teach the World, and will perhaps found a religion that united the World, or more specifically the earth, or better still humanity on earth, or that holds sway over the earth; but He is called World Teacher because He explains the “World”and brings the teaching about the World. That which man really must know. He teaches how to recognize the “World” in it’s automatic activity, so that earthman may adjust himself accordingly, and thereby be able consciously to ascend in the recognition of the actual Laws of the World.”
  72. Sin entered into the world through one man and correction was accomplished by One Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Very Son of Man. This sin emerged and expanded by the introduction of false Religious system of worship by the Roman Catholic congregation where human beings venerate a woman, Mary, the mother of Jesus.
  73. “Over the centuries the Mother-of-God teaching has been developed and adorned by the Roman Catholic Church, with the result that many Catholics venerated Mary far more fervently than they worship God.” MANKIND’S SEARCH FOR GOD.
  74. “Religion pegs God. Religion limits God to certain things but you should know that God is not limited to anything at all. As long as you are in this Faith, which comes from God, I want to raise your awareness about God to a point where you will go beyond the Christian awareness.” Son of Man. Culled from the message BEWARE OF ESOTERIC LANGUAGES Preached 24/4/2004, page 5.
  75. God never thought us that He is limited to anything at all; Believing that, means you are worshipping God without revelation, or an experience. Anyone who does that is worshiping in vain.
  76. “But that isn’t the way Christ taught you! If you have really heard his voice and learned from Him the truths concerning Himself, then throw off your old evil nature–the old you that was a partner in your evil ways–rotten through and through, full of lust and sham.
  77. Now your attitudes and thoughts must all be constantly changing for the better. Yes, you must be a new and different person, holy and good. Clothe yourself with this new nature.”
  78. Ephesians 4:20-24. (LB)
  79. “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” Albert Einstein.
  80. Change becomes very difficult when we cannot spiritually discern Truth from Falsehood, more so notice False teachers when they are on parade, backed with their false doctrines, and idol worship. Those who live this way will find it extremely difficult to make their way into His (Son of Man’s) inner cycle like Jesus had during His era.This action of theirs become immutable.
  81. It was only His nearest, and those trusted who got to experience the true limits of His generosity and kindness. They will protect His name and family from external influence and attack. Ancient wisdom says, “When there is no enemies within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.”
  82. The enemy fights from all fronts. When he applies his signs and wonders and it doesn’t work, he will devise another means of confusing his listeners. Their association won’t last long, despite their increasingly shared aims and common policies, there are tendency for them to split, sooner or later, because falsehood doesn’t last.
  83. This gathering or association is the gang of evil doers from who seducers are deployed into the earthly system. They can claim whatever they want to claim- Prophet, Doctor. This and that, General Overseer, Pastor Etc. that will not change their signature, the only thing visibly known everywhere is that they are “fakes,” and “Dupes”which is a fact.
  84. That position you are claiming, who dedicated, ordained and confirmed you? Confirmation as a ‘Man of God” has a divine process. There are spiritual events that will prove that. “We know that signs and wonders are not enough evidence to confirm a man to be from God, because Satan can perform signs and wonders, yet we cannot deny true signs and wonders which God has wrought in our midst because of fear of impersonation and counterfeits.
  85. We know without original there is no counterfeit, without original there is no photocopy. Any man that is sent of God is not only known by signs and wonders but also the very Word of God which He speaks. We really thank Almighty God who has given us such a privilege to be partakers of His move in our day, to have a man from God whom we can look up to.” Son of Man from THE GREAT SERMON, page 12:58-59.
  86. “Watching such people from the outside, one can call them blessed. They prophesy, speak in tongues, perform signs and wonders and even talk of having revelation from God like Kenneth Umeh and Dr. Francis Nwufo who left our midst claiming God poured Olive Oil on him and ordained him Son of Man, but are cast away by the Lord for He never spoke to any of them for one day.
  87. If any of them thinks that God is leading and is talking to him, let him come out openly and declare what the Lord has told him and stop attacking individuals.
  88. Brethren, this is not a time to think about those in other faiths or Churches so called, but a time to take to heart what is written in the scriptures”.
  89. THE GREAT SERMON, Chapter 5. Pages 120:42-44.
  90. “Examine and test and evaluate your own selves to see whether you are holding to your faith and showing the proper fruits of it. Test and prove yourselves (not Christ). Do you not yourselves realize and know (through by an ever-increasing experience) that Jesus Christ is in you–unless you are (counterfeits) disapproved on trial and rejected.” (2 Corinthians.13:5 AMP)
  91. “If God was revealed as Spirit without flesh and blood, how could He have eaten and drank wine even with the seventy elders of Israel? How many died because they saw, ate and drank with God?”
  92. THE GREAT SERMON, EPISTLE 13, Chapter 2. Page 331:22.
  93. “Then went up Moses, and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel: and they saw the God of Israel: and there was under His feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness. And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not his hand: also they saw God, and did eat and drink.”(Exodus 24:1-11, KJV)
  94. “This God deemed it necessary to manifest Himself among human beings He has created. The book of First Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 told us that the mystery of godliness is that God is manifested in the flesh, that is God become a human being. And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory KJV. He dwells with us, we believe and preach the same message that God is a human being to all the Nations of the world.” Son of Man from the GREAT SERMON, chapter 1, page 14:6.
  95. He came as a divine warrior and not a materialistic warrior to conquer kingdoms.
  96. “As the encyclopedia Judaica explains, by the first century, Messianic expectations were high. The Messiah was expected to be” a charismatically endowed descendant of David who the Jews of the Roman period believed would be raised up by God to break the yoke of the heathen and to reign over a restored kingdom of Israel.” However, the militant Messiah the Jews were expecting was not forthcoming.
  97. Yet, as The New Encyclopedia Britannica notes, the Messianic hope was vital in holding the Jewish people together throughout their many ordeals: “Judaism undoubtedly owes it’s survival to a considerable extent, to it’s steadfast faith in the Messianic promise and future.” But with the rise of modern Judaism between the 18th and 19th centuries, many Jews ended their passive waiting for the Messiah. Finally, with the Nazi-inspired Holocaust, many lost their patience and hope. They began to view the Messianic message as a liability and so reinterpreted merely as a new age of prosperity and peace. Since that time, although there are exception, Jews as a whole can hardly be said to be waiting for a personal Messiah.
  98. With these questions in mind, we suggest that sincere Jews re-examined the subject of the Messiah by investigating the claims regarding Jesus of Nazareth, not as Christendom has represented him, but as the Jewish writers of the Greek Scriptures present him. There is a big difference. The religion of Christendom have contributed to the Jewish rejection of Jesus by their non-Biblical doctrine of the Trinity, which is clearly unacceptable to any Jew who cherished the pure teaching that “THE LORD OUR GOD, THE LORD IS ONE.” (Deuteronomy 6:4 JP)” culled from the book… MANKIND’S SEARCH FOR GOD.
  99. When Son of Man came on board, He challenged the religious establishment of His day. He was subjected to ridiculed, contempt and mockery, only because He is telling the people the truth that will save them. He and His followers were called names, and insulted because they were saying an unpalatable truth which the hearers called heresy. It is unfathomable to imagine the agony, stress this Man went through while spreading this Gospel Truth. All these experiences reflect the amount of suffering and hardship that He faced and is still facing in this arduous and circuitous journey He is undertaking in an attempt to rescue mankind from this dangerous death trap Called Religion.
  100. “All these years, I have passed through the cruel some attack of the enemy through the agents within and without that the scriptures might be fulfilled which says’ Inside fear, outside war.”Son of Man.
  101. “One of such agents of Satan, took it upon himself and his wife to even publish a book against Me, calling Me, “The Son of Perdition.”He said in his write up that I crept into their midst unawares and has caused them to sin through My “devilish” teaching titled ‘JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH.’ If I crept into your midst unawares, that shows that he was in the Faith before Me. The wife proclaimed “Thus Saith the Lord, My daughter, lead them to the North and you will succeed for I Am with you.
  102. I am not surprised at these things and I am the least offended for if these things do not happen, how can the scriptures be fulfilled?
  103. Brother Ignatius Anonye, the Evangelist and Apostle of our Lord Jesus Christ, Brother Andrew and Emmanuel, who were the first fruits of Abuja Church, can tell the whole world the story of the conversation of Dr. Francis Nwufoh and his wife. They know how the wife of Dr. Francis Nwufoh exercised such a great influence and dominion over him that she was dictating whether they will believe the Truth or not and even command her husband to abandon the faith several times even before I came into contact with them during my missionary trip to Abuja in 1996.” THE GREAT SERMON, Chapter 3, page 110:67-73.
  104. Friedrich Nietzsche gave a graphic illustration about all the lies peddled by religious adherents when he wrote that, “Some people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.”
  105. “Any preacher that refuses to preach the truth of the Gospel because he does not want to be persecuted or ridiculed or become unpopular, is never called by God. He is preaching to make a good living out of it.
  106. He knows that if he preaches the wholesome doctrine of Christ, many of his followers will leave him as has been the case with all approved men of God that have appeared on Earth from the beginning of Creation.” Son of Man.
  107. All the Prophets and Apostles of old that had the Word of God in them suffered persecution and were even murdered by Satan’s agents.
  108. Remember that the Son of God was murdered and He reincarnated as The Son of Man. The Son of Man is the continuation and consummation of the ministry of the Son of God. He came in another manner, this time not as a bachelor but married, and raised a family. All His followers must do the same, and be like Him. This His marriage posed a serious stumbling block to fault finders who were only interested in scandalizing His name or rubbishing His personality by going from house to house with their stupid campaign of hatred, asking “can God marry?”
  109. Their blindness and lack of historical facts revealing the prophetic aspect of His coming back to earth, hindered them from knowing the Truth. But He remained fearless and undaunted in the face of those hostile challenges and life’s uncertainty. The Deity in Him has commanded thus, “Remember that I have commanded you to be determined and confident! Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for I, the Lord your God, am with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
  110. “The devil, which is normally a man, and an enemy of Truth, can do everything with the intention to destroy the credibility of the One in Whom the Word of God dwells and create doubts in the minds of his followers about his claim and ministry.”Son of Man THE GREAT SERMON Chapter 3, page 108:44.
  111. And in the same Book, chapter3, page 104:1, it is recorded that “Satan is terribly against all Messengers of the Word of God. His aim has been to destroy the Shepherd so that the Sheep will scatter.”
  112. “Epictetus made us to understand that, “The trials you face will introduce you to your strength. “And your character leaves a trail behind you. Leland Val Van De Wall made this mind expository assertion that “The degree to which a person can grow is directly proportional to the amount of Truth they can accept about themself without running away.
  113. And “A trail is a rough path across open country or through forest…unpaved path, track, route, way” www.collinsdictionary,com.trail
  114. A trail is a print, mark or marks made by a person.
  115. This spiritual personality is been trailed by divine footprints, covered with aromatic perfume.” Every person is a creature of the age in which he lives and few are able to raise themselves above the ideas of the time.”
  116. He has definitely raised His awareness above the idea of His time. A Great Mind; He believes in Himself totally, and have raised His awareness above the systematic historical ideas of His time. And that is why His words are confidently spoken. Listen to this statements of His. “I was young but now I am old. If there was a time I was young, I know that the Ancient of Days dwelleth in Me. In Me is the oldest Being in the world. That is why I proclaimed it that I remain the oldest human Being walking here on earth.” Son of Man
  117. “For we have not been telling you fairy tales when we explained to you the power of our Lord Jesus Christ and his coming again. My own eyes have seen his splendor and his glory: I was there on the Holy mountain when He shone out with honour given him by God his Father; I heard that majestic voice calling down from heaven, saying, “This is my much- beloved Son; I Am well pleased with Him”.
  118. So we have seen and proved that what the Prophets said came true. You will do well to pay close attention to everything they have written, for, like lights shining into dark corners, their words help us to understand many things that otherwise would be dark and difficult. But when you consider the wonderful truth of the Prophets’ words, then the Light will dawn in your souls and Christ the Morning Star will shine in your hearts. For no prophecy recorded in the Scripture was ever thought up by the Prophet himself. It was the Holy Spirit within these godly men who gave them true messages from God.” 2 Peter1:16-21. (LB)
  119. Again “You may not be able to alter reality, but you can alter your attitude towards it, and this, paradoxically, alters reality.”Margaret Atwood.
  120. It will take All-pervading intelligence of Christ to redeem mankind from their irredeemable tragic sense of life which are filled with tension and hostilities; world of fantasy is of a more private and troubling nature because one says with his mouth there is a sole and living God, and in his heart he is convinced there is no God; he is a hypocrite and a monstrous devil that can cause the mind to deny realities.
  121. “In this age, which people believe that there is a short cut to everything, the greatest lesson to be learned is that the most difficult way is, in the long run, the easiest.”Henry Miller. “On our way to success, see every obstacle as an enemy as you March on. When you succeed, all eyes will see the reason(s) why you took the action(s) you took. When you succeed people will worship you.” Son of Man, RE-EXAMINE YOUR FAITH, page 14:15-16.
  122. Son of Man’s experiences have fortified our faith. With Him in the front we cannot fear any obstacle again. He has defeated all and set us free. We should stand by Him because as Jesus died on the cross to redeem us from our sin, so Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Son of Man has laid down His life for us by accepting all the negative arrows channeled towards Him just for our sake. He was waylaid with the intention of killing Him in many instances, poisoned and insulted because of us. He embraced the challenges in making sure none of us given to Him was snatched away. Not possible!
  123. “The obstacle in the path becomes the path. Embrace challenges not as burden to bear, but as opportunities to strengthen your resilience and fortify your spirit.”Stoic Wisdom.
  124. “Today, if the enemy cannot murder the true Man of God physically, he will resort to slander, blackmail and assassination of character through speaking lies which is his nature and he manifest very softly as the accuser of the brethren.”Son of Man.
  125. Truth must take its position, and it can walk naked, but a lie always needs to be dressed and hidden (dangerous spirit). This is why the Son of Man said, He does not defend a lie because He will add credibility to a lie by defending it and whatever is hidden must come to light with time.
  126. But now you must at last have awaken and must accept the Truth as It really is, not as you think It is! With this what is false collapses, and the gaps due to your hypocritical claim of knowing everything better become apparent. Nothing can hide in the Darkness any longer; for through the Will of God there will henceforth be Light, so that the Darkness will fall and perish!
  127. Now there will be Light also on earth and in the whole great World of Matter! It blazes forth radiantly in every part, disintegrating and burning all evil as well as all evil volition.
  128. Everything false must show itself wherever it seeks to hide, must collapse of itself before the Ray of God’s Light, which now illuminates the entire Creation! All that is not and does not wish to live in accordance with the Sublime Laws of God will sink down to the region of destruction, where it can never arise again!”ABD-RU-SHIN.
  129. Let’s continue with the Message of Abd-Ru-Shin, about Son of Man, who came into this world as a Stranger. He was rejected by those He came for. The Mosiac Law was their albatross, and believing in the revealed Messiah became unrealistic to them. The Law cannot save anybody, and Apostle Paul embraced God’s grace every day and dared not contaminate it with a shred of Law.
  130. Abd-Ru-Shin continues “This brought conflict among the intuitive perception of men. The very being of the Stranger was enough to awaken in those who met Him hopes of the most varied kinds which alas, because of their attitude, were always brought down to merely earthly wishes, which they nourished and fostered within themselves.
  131. The Stranger, however, could never heed such wishes, since His hour had not yet come. Thereby many were often greatly disappointed through their own imaginings and, strange to say, even felt themselves deceived. They never reflected that in reality it was only their own selfish expectations which were not fulfilled and, indignant about this through disappointment, they laid the responsibility for it on the Stranger.
  132. Yet He did not call them, but they forced themselves upon and clung to Him because of this Law which was unknown to them, and they often became a heavy burden to Him, with which He was journeyed through those years on earth that were ordained for Him as His time of learning.
  133. Men on earth perceived something mysterious and unknown about Him, which they could not explain, they sensed a hidden might which they did not understand, and in the end through ignorance they naturally suspected only intentional suggestion, hypnotism and magic, according to their nature of their lack of understanding; whereas there was no question of any of these.
  134. Their original attachment, the consciousness of being strangely attracted, then very often turned into hatred, which expressed itself in moral stone- throwing and attempts to defile Him from Whom they had expected much- too soon.
  135. No one took the trouble to make a just self- examination, which would have revealed that the stranger, living apart with different views and ideals, was the one made use of by those who crowded towards Him, but not that He had taken advantage of anyone, as the intruders, in their bitterness over the non-fulfilment of their desires for a life of ease, encouraged themselves and others to believe. Blindly they repaid the friendliness shown them with senseless hate and enmity, similar to the deed of Judas.
  136. But the Stranger on earth had to bear everything patiently; for it was only a quite natural consequence of His existence, so long as mankind were still living in error. By this alone He, to Whom all wrong-doing and wrong thinking were entirely alien, was able to recognize what earthmen in their nature could become capable of.
  137. At the same time, however, such experiences also gave Him the necessary hardening, which slowly laid itself like an armour around His otherwise ever-present helpfulness, and thus created a gulf between that and mankind through the wounds inflicted upon His soul, which brought about a separation, and which can only be healed through the complete change in mankind.
  138. These wounds inflicted on Him have formed from that hour the gulf which can be bridged only by that man who wholly follows the road of the Laws of God. This alone can serve as a bridge. Everyone else must be dashed to pieces in the abyss; for there is no other way over it. And to remain standing before it means destruction.”  When the writer is talking about “laws of God,” he is actually referring to the natural laws of nature quite different from Mosaic laws. This law of Moses is a direct road to Hell! The only accepted path to eternity is Grace! The Son of Man made it clear to us that He was born a stranger here on earth and one of these days, He will take His cross and go home to rest with the angels.
  139. “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful”(This statement translates the Arabic text, above, from the Qur’an) It continues. “Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds: The Beneficent, the Merciful: owner of the Day of Judgment. Thee (alone) we worship; Thee (alone) we ask for help. Show us the straight path: The path of those whom Thou hast favoured; not the path of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray.” The Qur’an surah 1:1-7, MMP
  140. “Do not forget the long journeying by which for forty years, the Lord thy God led thee through the desert, testing thee by hard discipline, to know the dispositions of thy heart, whether thou wouldst keep his commandment or not.” (Deut 8:2 KJV)How many kept it. NONE!
  141. “The Chosen People, God’s adopted children, had much to learn about their Father and about themselves during their wanderings in the desert. How often their Father found them a “stiff- necked people. “Always trying to go off on their own, refusing to trust and obey Him.
  142. In the Book of Deuteronomy Moses reminds them of his descent from Mount Horeb, bearing the tablet of stone with the commandments written on them, when he found the people worshipping molten calf. How quickly they had forgotten God’s words “from the midst of the fire,” Only through his prayer had the Father kept patience with them and spared them.
  143. Moses reminds them of the Wonderful deeds of God on their behalf at the time of Exodus, and tell them that they must remain faithful to Him if they are ever to enter the Promised Land.” Bonaventure Perquin.
  144. Some people may ask, why must Someone greater than all, create another, just to impose some impossible laws on him, and then torture him to death because he couldn’t keep those laws? So somebody asking you to follow the same deadly path hates you with perfect hatred.
  145. In Deuteronomy 33:26-27 (KJV),we are made to understand that “The beloved people has a God greater as no other; he rides in heaven to deliver thee, the clouds making way for his majestic coming; there, on high, is his dwelling, and yet the eternal arms reach down to uphold thee.”
  146. We have to mirror God’s divinity in our ability to actualize the unique qualities with which we have been endowed, and which makes us different from other creatures. He came to save us from the route our fathers took and majority of them died in the desert. If that law is still active among us today, check what could have happened?
  147. Though it is said that Grace is more dangerous than law; I believe it is when it is abused.
  148. Upon having this Great God in our midst, we still don’t value His presence and what we are gaining from Him which others are lacking. We the called ones are really messing up, compounding his problems instead of reducing them. NOTE!
  149. “It was with grief that the stranger on earth saw the havoc among the group of the Called ones. That was one of the most bitterest experiences for Him! Much as He had learned, much as He suffered in the hands of men… before this last fact He stood uncomprehending; for He found no excuse whatever for this failure. In His conception a Called one who, in the granting of his petition, was specially guided and incarnated, could do no other than faithfully carry out his task in the most joyous fulfilment!
  150. For what other purpose was he on earth! Why had he been faithfully guarded up to the hour when the Envoy needed him! Everything had been given to him solely for the sake of his necessary service.
  151. So it was the Stranger, on meeting the first Called ones, put His full trust in them. He regarded them only as friends, who simply could not think, intuitively perceive and act in any other way than in the most steadfast loyalty. Was it not the highest, the most precious privilege that could fall to the lot of a human being.
  152. The possibility never entered His mind that even Called ones could have become impure during their time of waiting. It was inconceivable to Him that any human being, in view of such grace, could wantonly neglect and trifle away the real purpose of his earth–life. With the faults clinging to them they only appeared to Him as being in need of great help.
  153. And so the dreadfulness of a recognition struck Him all the more severely when He had to experience that even in such exceptional cases the human Spirit is not reliable, and that it shows itself unworthy of the highest blessing even with the most faithful spiritual guidance!
  154. Deeply shaken, He suddenly saw before Him mankind in all their unspeakable inferiority and depravity. They filled Him with disgust.” ABD- RU- SHIN, culled from the book, IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH.
  155. He will always remind us that we all are in this Salvation mission, why are we sitting down and reacting negatively while He is still standing? We are doubting His Divinity and more so, we don’t accord Him the needed respect or reverential treatment meant for God.
  156. For years, there has been a stubborn resistance to interpreting these wicked trends as an indicator that something is spiritually wrong with our gathering. We have repeatedly refused to read them as danger signals, warnings us that we are heading for a major spiritually and evolutionary disaster.
  157. Everything possible has even been done to stop those negative activities, and to protect the further breeding of those false practices, and conclude it by living right according to His Messages to all believers.
  158. “Dear friends, remember what the Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ told you that in the last times there would come these scoffers whose whole purpose in life is to enjoy themselves in every evil way imaginable. They stir up arguments; they love the evil things of the world; they do not have the Holy Spirit living in them.” Jude 1:17-19. (LB)
  159. “Stand silent! Know that I am God! I will be honoured by every nation in the world. The commander of the heavenly armies is here among us. He, the God of Jacob, has come to rescue us.” Psalms 46:10-11. (LB)
  160. “Woe to those who command their lifeless wooden idols to arise and save them, who call out to the speechless stones to tell them what to do. Can images speak for God? They are overlaid with gold and silver, but there is no breath at all inside! But the Lord is in his holy Temple; let all the earth be silent before Him ” Habakkuk 2:19-20 (LB)
  161. REMEMBER” Hearing God is not all that difficult. If we know the Lord, we have already heard His voice-after all it was the inner leading that brought us to Him in the first place. But we can hear His voice and still miss His best if we don’t keep on listening.” Love Cunningham.
  162. Coming close to Him with negative mind is not safe. Don’t be another traitor like Caiaphas who did everything possible to frustrate the Ministry of Jesus Christ, and even went as far as looking for evidences that would make the Roman Government to issue a warrant of arrest against Jesus, and have Him tried. He was more enemy to Jesus than Judas.
  163. “There are a number of references in the ancient records showing that an assassination of Jesus had not only been thought of, but had been planned by some of the hirelingsof both religious fanatics of Jerusalem and the local Roman authorities.
  164. It was decided however, that such an act would be attributed to the Jews rather than the Romans, because the Romans had every reason and every power to proceed openly and have Jesus condemned as a political trouble maker.” Spencer Lewis. Culled from book. THE MYSTICAL LIFE OF JESUS, page 191- the last paragraph.
  165. In this our own dispensation, is there any difference? In many occasions the life of the Son of Man had been tried in form of assassination, by forcing Him to drink poison, by filing a false legal matter against Him, and many other devilish tactics had been employed in making double sure He was exterminated from this horrible earth. All these evil plans were masterminded by wicked minded religious fanatics who felt He was either spoiling their businesses by what He preached, or pulling their self-ego down. They did everything possible to overcome this challenge, but they couldn’t succeed.
  166. We should be grateful having this avatar in our midst. One who could tell us what will happen in the future and it will come to pass.
  167. In the Message, I AM THE WORD, vol.2; preached on Sunday 19th January 2014, page 44:63-64, Son of Man gave us this information, “Let Me tell you. Do you know that you are the only people that are watching events prophetically? You are the wise people of this age. The wise people in the wilderness fixed their eyes on the Great Star, and when they saw the Star, they consulted with no flesh and blood. We have seen the Star. We have come to worship the King.
  168. Everything is around us. The Star has been given, that guides every people of God in every age. In our age, A Star has been allotted. In every age, God gives His people a Star that will guide them through.”
  169. In this our own age, our Prophetic Star with its radiant illumination is shining brightly. This Great, sparkling and Mystical Star has been leading us courageously towards Paradise.
  170. CHAPTER 5
  172. “HZ Ali Ibu Abu Talib says: The promised Mahdi(as) will be descended from Me and will appear in the End Times. THERE IS NO OTHER MAHDI AWAITED BY ANY OTHER NATION APART FROM HIM.” (isbat Al- Hudat, vol.7, page 148). In this Hadith our Prophet (saas) tells us that MUSLIMS, JEWS and CHRISTIANS are all awaiting the same saviour, and that ALL THREE FAITHS ARE AWAITING HAZRAT MAHDI (as).
  173. That is to say, that “All world religions believe that a saviour will appear on the earth towards the end of the world. Christians are expecting Christ (second coming of Jesus); Jews are expecting the Messiah, Moslems are expecting Al- Mahdi, Buddhist are expecting Maitreya; Grail Message teaches about the coming of Son of Man.
  174. Buddhist say that the titles Mahdi, Christ, Krishna, Shah-ahram, Kalki, Maitreya, Mohammed, and the like are interchangeable just as the Prophecies that herald each of their appearances and refer to One and the same person, the same Man– Maitreya.” The Son of Man (God in human form)
  175. Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Son of Man was born into this world as a human being by a woman, grew up in stature and got married. In this generation, His forerunner, William Marion Branham got married and had children, and the present Avatar, Redeemer, Apostle Peter Odoemena who is the controller of the entire universe, came on the scene, got married to a virtuous woman Sister Nzubechi Odoemena (now late physically) in 1988 and both of them begot seven children: Three boys and four girls. Only a human being can He marry and have children with.
  176. This marriage wasn’t accidental, everything about it was preplanned before the world began, arranged and executed by Almighty God Himself. “Nature does nothing in vain, and so whatever is, is for the sake of something else.” Marcus Aurelius.
  177. The curse thus created by mankind fell heavily on the whole world, pressing them into an ever-greater limitation of understanding.
  179. IN HIS YOUTHFUL AGE – THE FUTURE SON OF MAN. He was already then being prepared for His Mission, a process which took thousands of years…
  184. In the Light of Truth, the Grail Message by Abd-ru-shin, Lecture 22, the Woman of Subsequent Creation.
  185. The Spirit of Jesus is back in human form and whatever He was in the past dispensation, is what He is today. He is no other person than Apostle Peter Odoemena, carrying the GodHead, the Cloud (the Shekinah) and the Majesty (the Original Body) (May His Name Be Blessed)
  186. “Aretas, one of the kings of Arabia, who was a philosopher as well as a King, in speaking of the laws of nature, (vol.7, page 14), says that Jesus of Judea was a philosopher above the Laws of nature; that He controlled all the elements of nature with Almighty Power; that the wind, thunder, and lightening obeyed Him; and speaks of these facts as being so common that it would be folly to dispute them “
  188. That is pure truth, so, in this dispensation the same Spirit has risen again, and is manifesting all He did in His past incarnation. Now it looks like the burden of His past seemed to have descended upon Him now because most of the events He met in the past are now replaying back again as a recoiling decimal.
  189. “In the Ethiopic Book of Enoch, the seventh generation prophet from Adam foretold the appearance of THE SON OF MAN at a moment when the small flock of Sheep (small believing remnant of Allah), though they are vigorously persecuted but will be defended by a humble ram; And this ram Will be attacked by the birds from above and carnivorous beast on land as we are witnessing on the land today.
  190. The land is filled with falsehood and violence against the Truth and the children of Truth. But the Ram shall overcome them all “Son of Man.. culled from ..BIRTHDAY SERIES OF LECTURES, 2022, vol.2 Page 41:49-51
  191. “Thereby all that is false will collapse, judging itself through the power that is in these currents, which had been wrongly directed by humanity’s conceit, contrary to what God willed; for these currents can only bring about blessing when they follow those courses which are intended for them by primordial law, this ordained for them by the Creator. Never otherwise.
  192. That is also why the end could be foreseen already thousands of years ago, because owing to the wrongly-willed attitude of men it could not possibly come about any differently, since the final result of anything that happened always remains strictly bound to the Primordial laws.
  193. Since the human spirits have proved their utter inability to recognize their task in this creation, since they proved their unwillingness to fulfill it by repudiating and misinterpreting all the warnings given by called Ones and Prophets, even those by Son of God Himself, sealing their enemity by the crucifixion. God now forcibly intervenes.
  194. Hence the Millennium!
  195. Only by force can Subsequent Creation still be helped, as well as mankind, who have proved that they would never voluntarily be persuaded to take the right path which they must follow in Creation in order to live in it according to God’s Will, and also to work and bring blessing as the being that they really are by virtue of their spiritual nature.” ABD- RU- SHIN, –IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH. Page 175, para 2.
  196. “The days of Allah (God). These are the Days of the Son of Man and the days of the removal of the old world of evil, filth, and unrighteousness.
  197. These are the Days of setting up a clean world under the guidance of the Original people (Black Nation) who were never guilty of doing evil until one of the gods by name of Yakub discovered the essence of the Black Man to make a white man and Yakub did just that- he made the white.
  198. The days are full of evil and THE SON OF MAN is here to guide, protect and to redeem His own from this sinful world. “Son of Man. THE SON OF MAN 67th BIRTHDAY SERIES OF LECTURE, 2022, vol 2, page 55-56:33-35.
  199. It took 2000 year of intense preparation to get this young man ready for the herculean task ahead. The host of Heaven knew that the job He is coming to handle is very risky, so must be equipped very, very well.
  200. All the Prophets of old who transverse this earthly plain met different types of challenges. They have to face being despised by priests and others while trying to let people know the mind of God about the evils revolving in their generations. “There could be no justice, unless there were also injustice; no courage, unless there were cowardice; no truth, unless there were falsehood.” Chrysippus.
  201. People like Amos was humiliated by Amaziah (Amos 7:12-13) and Jeremiah by Pashur (Jer. 20:1-2);being opposed by false prophets (Jer 29:1-7); being rejected by familiar friends  (Her.20:10) and by one’s own family ( Matt 13:57)
  202. Prophets must by instructions: Speak only what God has really inform them, (Jer 1:7);not to water God’s word to make it more acceptable (Isa.30:10,); uphold the authority of the scriptures (Jer.17:19-27) and be prepared to bring the same message over and over again (Jer. 7:25, 29:19, 35:15).
  203. Everything that needs to be said has already been said by the Prophets, especially the reincarnated personality in our midst bodily, Apostle Peter Odoemena, the very Son of Man, that His ministry is a Prophetic one. But since no one was listening, everything must be said again so that He won’t be blamed at the end, but rather the disobedient ones should blame themselves.
  204. “I have spoken of these matters very guardedly, but a time will come when this will not be necessary and I will tell you plainly all about the Father.” (John 16:25.)
  205. His ministry is to gather the pieces and round up the messages that echoed in the past. He came for the betterment of mankind, their personal evolution, and the awakening of their latent and dormant faculties that would enable them to achieve the highest degree of spiritual success, and achieve true happiness in life. He is not here to raise Church people, but He is interested in raising the Resurrected Christ, and God’s people. Since Creation, God’s children are always in the minority.
  206. “The evolution of Man’s soul-personality proceeds through its contact with the experiences, trials, tribulations, and lessons of this earthly life as well as through its contact with the universal, Divine Consciousness of the cosmic mind of God “Spencer Lewis.
  207. Truth must be said. It is often not complicated but what gets complex about it all is trying to evade the truth.“Nature does nothing in vain, and so whatever is, is for the sake of something else.”  M. Aurelius.
  208. These ancient Prophets faced great challenges that threatened their life existence; Many were killed. Chinua Achebe said, “It is praiseworthy to be brave and fearless but sometimes it is better to be a coward.”
  209. So, many of those Prophets listed below ran for their lives when there were signs of danger, but some were later captured, returned and killed.
  210. “The true man is revealed in difficult times”Epictetus
  211. ELIJAH was threatened by the wicked queen Jezebel after his confrontation with the Prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel, and he ran for his life. Let’s see what the scriptures says in (I KINGS 19:1-4 LB)
  212. “When Ahab told Queen Jezebel what Elijah had done, and that he had slaughtered the Prophets of Baal, she sent this message to Elijah: “You killed my Prophets, and now I swear by the gods that I am going to kill you by this time tomorrow night. So Elijah fled for his life; he went to Beer- Sheba, a city of Judah, and left his servant there.
  213. Then he went on alone into the wilderness, traveling all day, and sat down under a tree and prayed that he might die.”
  214. AMOS was insulted by the Chief Priest at the sanctuary in Bethel and warned never to prophecy there again.
  215. (AMOS 7:10-17)would tell us the full story.
  216. “But when Amaziah, the Priest of Bethel, heard what Amos was saying, he rushed a message to Jeroboam, the King: “Amos is a traitor to our nation and is plotting your death. This is intolerable. It will lead to rebellion all across the land. He says you will be killed, and Israel will Kingsbe sent far away into exile and slavery.
  217. Then King Amaziah sent orders to Amos, “Get out of here, you prophet, You! Flee to the land of Judah and do your prophesying there! Don’t bother us here with your visions, not here in the capital, where the chapel is!”
  218. But Amos replied, “I am not really one of the Prophets. I do not come from a family of Prophets. I am just a herdsman and a fruit picker. But the Lord took me from caring for the flocks and told me, “Go and prophesy to my people Israel.
  219. Now therefore listen to this message to you from the Lord. You say, ‘Don’t prophecy against Israel.’ “The Lord’s reply is this: ‘Because of your interference, your wife will become a prostitute in this city, and your sons and daughters will be killed and your land divided up. You yourself will die in a heathen land, and the people of Israel will certainly become slaves in exile, far from their land.”
  220. MICAIAH– This Prophet had the courage to contradict the prophetic announcement of four hundred false prophets when they declared that Ramoth Gilead would be defeated by the combined forces of Kings Ahab and Jehoshaphat. He discerned that it was a lying Spirit that was deluding these Prophets– for this he was slapped in the face by Zedekiah and put in prison under the order of King Ahab. Follow me to 1Kings 22:5-8 LB).
  221. “But, he added, “We should ask the Lord first, to be sure of what he wants us to do”So King Ahab summoned his four hundred heathen prophets and asked them, “Shall I attack Ramoth- Gilead, or not?” And they all said, “Yes, go ahead, for God will help you conquer it.” But Jehoshaphat asked,
  222. “Isn’t there a prophet of the Lord here? I’d like to ask him too.”
  223. “Well, there’s one,”King Ahab replied, “but I hate him for he never prophesies anything good. He always has something gloomy to say. His name is Micaiah, the son of Imlah.” “Oh, come now!”Jehoshaphat replied. “Don’t talk like that!” He was sent for, and when he arrived and the King threw the same question to him, though he wanted to say what other false prophets said, but the King persuaded him to say what the Lord have asked him to say. Then Micaiah told him (in verse 17)
  224. “I saw all Israel scattered upon the mountain as sheep without a shepherd. And the Lord said, their King is dead; send them to their homes.” At the end the King ordered the arrest of Micaiah.
  225. ZECHARIAH, is the son of Jehoiada the priest, and he was stoned to death for rebuking the people who turned aside to Asherah poles and idols, and for forsaking the Temple. This was an especially heinous crime, as Zechariah’s father had helped King Joash and been honoured at his death for the good he had done in Israel for God and his Temple. As this persecuted prophet lay dying, he felt that King Joash had been particularly unkind and he exclaimed “May the Lord see this and call you to account.”
  226. Let us go to 2 Chronicles 24:16-22. (LB)and look at the story again. “He was buried in the city of David among the Kings, because he had done so much good for Israel, for God, and for the Temple. But after his death the leaders of Judah came to King Joash and induced him to abandon the Temple of the God of their ancestors, and to worship same-idols instead! So the wrath of God came down upon Judah and Jerusalem again. God sent Prophets to bring them back to the Lord, but the people wouldn’t listen.
  227. Then the Spirit of God came upon Zechariah, Jehoiada’s son. He called a meeting of all the people. Standing before them upon a platform, he said to them, “God wants to know why you are disobeying his commandments. For when you do, everything you try fails. You have forsaken the Lord, and now He has forsaken you.
  228. Then the leaders plotted to kill Zechariah, and finally King Joash himself ordered him executed in the court of the Temple. That was how King Joash repaid Jehoiada for his love and loyalty-by killing his son. Zechariah’s last words as he died were “Lord, see what they are doing and pay them back.”
  229. HANANI- He the seer reproved King Asa for relying on the King of Aram, instead of on the Lord, saying that from that time onward he would be at war. The King was so enraged that he put Hanani in prison. 2 Chronicles 16:7-10 relayed the story clearer.
  230. “About that time the prophet Hanani came to King Asa and told him,”Because you have put your trust in the King of Syria instead of in the Lord your God, the army of the King of Syria has escaped from you. Don’t you remember what happened to the Ethiopians and Libyans and their vast army, with all of their chariots and cavalrymen?
  231. But you relied then on the Lord, and he delivered them all into your hand. For the eyes of the Lord search back and forth across the whole earth, looking for people whose hearts are perfect towards him, so that he can show his great power in helping them. What a fool you have been! From now on you shall have wars. Asa was so angry with the Prophet for saying this that he threw him into jail. And Asa oppressed all the people at that time.”
  232. URIAH- from Kiriath Jearim is described as “another man who prophesied in the name of the Lord, he prophesied the same thing…as Jeremiah did. When King Jehoiakim heard what he said, he sought ways of putting Uriah to death. In fear of his life, the Prophet escaped to Egypt. There upon the King despatched a party of men to find and arrest him. When they brought him back to the King, he had Uriah struck down with a sword and his body thrown into the common burial place.
  233. Open to Jeremiah 26:20-24 (LB)
  234. He is “Another true prophet of the Lord, Uriah (son of Shemaiah) from Kiriath- Jearim, was also denouncing the city and the nation at the same time as Jeremiah was. But when King Jehoiakim and the army officers and officials heard what he was saying, the King sent to kill him. Uriah heard about it and fled to Egypt. Then King Jehoiakim sent Elnathan (Son of Achbor) to Egypt along with several other men to capture Uriah. They took him prisoner and brought him back to King Jehoiakim, who butchered him with a sword and had him buried in an unmarked grave.
  235. But Ahikam (Son of Shaphan), the royal secretary, stood with Jeremiah and persuaded the court not to turn him over to the mob to kill him.”
  236. Some New Testament prophets were persecuted also.
  237. JOHN THE BAPTIST. “He was referred to by Jesus as a prophet and more than a prophet”
  238. 11:9“Or a prophet of God? Yes, and he is more than just a Prophet” LB) He was persecuted, especially by King Herod. John the Baptist had the courage publicly to rebuke Herod for marrying Herodias, his brother’s wife. For this, Herod had John put in prison where he lay bound.
  239. On Herod’s birthday, the celebration included a sensual dance performed by Herodias’ daughter. Herod was foolish enough to promise her anything she asked for will be given to her. Prompted by her mother, she asked for the head of John the Baptist. The King was distressed but felt he had to keep his promise, and he had John beheaded.
  240. Follow me to Luke 3:19-20 (LB)
  241. (“But after John had publicly criticized Herod, governor of Galilee, for marrying Herodias, his brother’s wife, and for many other wrongs he had done, Herod put John in prison, thus adding this sin to all his many others).
  242. (Mathew 14:3)“For Herod had arrested John and chained him in prison at the demand of his wife Herodias, his Brother Philip’s ex-wife.”
  243. Verse 10, “So John was beheaded in the prison.
  244. JESUS CHRIST.  He was greeted with the word of the crowd, “A great prophet has appeared among us” (Luke 7:16) LB. The two disciples walking to Emmaus, bewildered by what has happened, summed up their conclusions in the words, “He was a Prophet, powerful in word and deed before God and all the people, and like all other true Prophets Jesus was persecuted. He was redicled, His teaching was opposed, had His miracles attributed to the devil, was handed over to the authorities and suffered at the hands of violent men. Finally, He was crucified and accused (as men thought) to be a false Messiah.
  245. Let us read (Luke24:19) LB, “What things?” Jesus asked. “The things that happened to Jesus, the Man from Nazareth,” they said. “Hewas a Prophet who did incredible miracles and was a mighty Teacher, highly regarded by both God and man. But the Chief Priests and our religious leaders arrested Him and handed Him over to the Roman government to be condemned to death, and they crucified Him. We had thought He was the glorious Messiah, and that He had come to rescue Israel.”
  246. MUHAMMAD, the revered Prophet of Islam who revolutionized Arabia by spreading a monotheistic faith and establishing a lasting legacy as one of the strongest religion on earth. He faced various challenges in Medina, including tribal conflicts, economic issues, and opposition from the Quraysh in Mecca. (Quraysh were the ruling tribe of Mecca at the time of the birth of Prophet Muhammad. There were ten main clans, the names of some of which gained great lustre through their members’ status in early Islam). Despite enduring persecution, economic hardship, and the loss of loved ones, he remained patient and resilient.
  247. WILLIAM MARION BRANHAM. The Prophet who foreran the coming of the Messiah from a jungle in Africa. He faced his own persecution during his own time. Throughout his Ministry, Branham taught a doctrine of faith healing that was often his central teaching during the healing campaign. He believed healing was the main focus of the ministry of Jesus Christ and believed in a dual attonement, “Salvation for the Soul and healing for the body “> wiki> Branham.
  248. “His radical teachings on Serpent Seed and his belief that membership in a Christian denomination was connected to the mark of the beast alienated many of his former supporters. His closest followers, however, accepted his sermons as oral Scripture and refer to his teachings as The Message.> wiki> willia.
  249. Again, Branham’s insistence that believers who baptised in the name of the Trinity must be re-baptised in the name of
  250. “Jesus”put him on the fringes (the outer edge of), but other teachings plunged him into heresy.”
  251. All the Prophets that walked this earth were either humiliated or killed because they refused to compromise. Anybody who refuses to be manipulated must be prepared for rejection. The world cannot accept you or your preaching once it is against their own belief.
  252. They hate the Truth, and converting one who doesn’t believe what you are saying is like stopping a fire that started from the river.But when they will realize their folly, if at all, they will have the worst feeling of their lives when they realize late that they have been deceived and lied to.
  253. Only those the truth is pricking their consciences that would start inquiring about what they heard. If you really want to escape from the things or thoughts or Words that are tormenting you, the action you have to take is not to change your position to a different place or location, but to change your heart and reasoning, so you can become a different person.
  254. The centuries rolled by, and the Reformers appeared with the sole aim of reforming the Churches; A system that had been corrupted. Such reformers as John Wycliffe, John Hugus, Zwingli Ulrich, Melanchthon, French John Calvin, Scottish John Knox, French Gaspard Decoligny, Spanish St Theresa of Avila, English John Wesley and many others who staked their individual lives to fight those evils in the Churches.
  255. Though, the Churches never grew out of those prevailing faults of theirs, and their sins today multiplied, and even became worst. If not these men, one could not have understood or assimilate the true radiation of the chromatic wave about this false religion that we are all witnessing today as “evil on rampage,”towards the human race.
  256. Almost all of them paid the revolutionary prices with their lives. Many were burnt, some were hanged and others butchered.
  257. The Light of the Reformers are not shining anymore today because there is a Light on the scene and that Light is shining brighter more than ever. That light is no other personality than Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Stranger, the very Son of Man. He is still being attacked by His jealous enemies. They are there waiting for any opportunity to strike. “Your enemies are still present, (false religionists). They have not repented from their evil practices, but they only changed their colours. We should be watchful against their current antics.”
  258. Then came the Seven Church Ages- Ephesians Age, Sminy Age, pergamos Age, Thyatira Age, Sardis Age, Philadelphia Age, to finally the seventh Church Age, which is Laodicean Age, that the messenger was Prophet William Marion Branham. He was the last messenger of the Church Age, and He prophesied about the coming of God Man in person as a Black Sheep, from the jungle of Africa. His prophetic utterances were Divine, and events have confirmed them to be true.
  259. Now, we are in another era. An era of spiritual rejuvenation which brought into focus a new Light upon the earth. “We must approach life as though stepping from a dark chamber into a lighted one for the. First time, without any anticipation or expectation as to what we are to see or hear, and then subject each experience to our own analysis, not coloured with the analysis of others.
  260. The person who really wishes to approach the mystical life in a frank manner, with the hope of them being able to govern himself properly, must not be a coward. He must not fear public opinion. He must not hesitate to oppose or challenge tradition.” Ralph Lewis, culled from the Book- SANCTUARY OF SELF.
  261. APOSTLE PETER ODOEMENA, THE VERY SON OF MAN, is a Prophet, an Apostle etc. He has come with His own Prophetic statements that will reveal a lot to the world. He has His own personal experiences of which none is palatable. He suffered almost what other Prophets went through in the course of carrying out their Spiritual mandate or commission.
  262. People assume that His calmness, experience, and modest way of living must have come from an easy channel, but they don’t know that He walked through the thick and challenging darkness alone, and transformed His pain into power, His wounds into wisdom, His humiliation into strength, and other lethal disappointments into experience.
  263. He has triumphed over lies that look like Truth, and brought forward Truths that look like lies. He came and also met the Word of God been commercialized, and He CRIED OUT AGAINST THE SYSTEM, and the system couldn’t withstand the surge of the magnificent power of God in His Words, and that dismantled every atom of lies that religious adherents were peddling about.THE STORM LEFT BEHIND IT A TRAIL OF MANIFESTED DESTINY. Truth dismisses lies as faith dismisses doubt.
  264. A fool who can be blinded by the things of this material world would not be able to notice those higher religious evils perpetrated by the Church leaders. Can there be evil without human beings causing it? Never!
  265. Once you run away from evil, you will be named and hated. Once you are with God, the world would avoid and hate you, but it is better to remain with the Light than darkness.“And everyone will hate you because you are mine. But all who endure to the end without renouncing Me shall be saved.” (Mark 13:13,LB)
  266. “Truth does not always bring an immediate satisfaction. The realization of it is often quite disconcerting. It may cause a distracting adjustment in our affairs. Consequently to seek, or at least to embrace, a truth often requires courage and sacrifice.
  267. Though many persons affirm a desire for Truth, their statements are from the lips rather from the heart. When confronted with a Truth that requires an abandonment of their customary ways of believing or living, they will often actually oppose it; they will prefer hypocrisy or self-deception because it is familiar, or because it requires less effort.
  268. Truth that is suddenly thrust upon us is often not appealing to the emotional self as some fantasy. Many persons cling to superstitions only because they intrigue the imagination and are surrounded with an air of romanticism, which the reality of the truth that exposes them does not possess. To summerize, there are persons who prefer a world, an existence of their own explanation, even if it be contrary to the fact.” Ralph Lewis.
  269. I think we have come a long way from Frazier’s reasoning, which essentially saw “religion as evolving from magic in the history of human culture.” All their activities are laced with magical formulas, backed with false miracles.
  270. History recorded it that most of those religious leaders were proxies to those elemental forces and their nefarious activities. They had most pathetic, intriguing and dangerous records of stewardship within the ecclesiastical order. They cultivated extreme false politeness, piousness and godliness in order to ingregate themselves with people of heavy financial standing just for material gain.
  271. The question would be, who are those alien beings that have taken over the entire earth, and are trying out everything possible to dislodge the mentality of mankind from the Godly chapter to the ungodly page?
  272. Some of their teachings and doctrine affects all those who believe in their practices which portrays a kind of initiation (magical) that would transmute their corrupt being into an unreal world of illusion where illicit pleasures are galvanized, and irresponsibility actively encouraged.
  273. It is now crystal clear to all initiates into those religious cults that the main figures of their cult belief systems which are hierarchically organized, have been subjected to worldly patterns of behavior which tend sometimes to distract them from the awe in which they were traditionally held, especially now that they are being treated as treacherous scammers and fraudsters.
  274. Our God in person is different and all His teaching are not watered with falsehood, and He did not add nor subtract from the original teachings He came with, but shall ever attempt to preserve them in their pristine purity. About drinking and eating, there are rules of moderation in all things enshrined in the doctrine. Note!
  275. There is no gluttony or intoxication allowed doctrinally. All the doctrines He gave to us, are not man-made doctrines, but divinely designed. He is God sent, and He came with the message of Truth.
  276. “I am the agent of my father in everything; and no one really knows the Son except the Father, and no one really knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him.” Luke 10:22. (LB).
  277. His message centers more on rebirth of the mind, belief in the One who is sent in this generation to redeem mankind, and accepting the Truth He came with in this incarnation. These are His main focus which leads to Eternal Life, backed with sacred realities.
  278. “The journey to Paradise is not an easy one and will never be an easy one. There are so many giants that must be on the way to oppose but God will surely give us victory l.
  279. This is the revealed way of Salvation from God, which I have made known to you by the preaching of the gospel of Christ which is committed to my trust for your sake in these last days.
  280. Even if Satan tempts your heart to reject it because it does not agree with your philosophy, you will still hear a still small voice in your conscience telling you that it is the right way, walk in it.” Son of Man. THE GREAT SERMON… Chapter 4, page 112:3-5.
  281. So you must be transformed from what you used to be to what you are supposed to be so you will become God like and can make it into Paradise.
  282. MARK THIS STATEMENT, “To be born again is, as it were, to enter upon a new existence, to have a new mind, a new heart, new views, new principles, new tastes, new affection, new likings, new disliking ,new fears, new joys, new sorrows, new love to things once hated, new hatred to things once loved, new thoughts of God, and ourselves, and the Word, and the life to come, and Salvation,” unknown
  283. “He that is born of God is born with all the attributes of God. He that is born of God has the Spirit of God and with the Spirit of God in you, you will identify the things of God in your day for whoever that has the Spirit of God can never call what God is doing accursed.
  284. In other words, you must welcome what God is doing in your day, you must be in His own rightful place then you now understand. There must be something in you, telling you, “Do not reject it! This is the finger of the Lord.” Note this fact,
  285. “God never presented two individuals that will help us to go to heaven. He presented only One. I Am the truth. I Am the way. I Am Life. No man cometh to the Father except by Me”.Son of Man.
  286. “I am the Son. I am the Father. I hold the key to Hell and Heaven. I make laws and I cancel laws. I am the Supreme Authority, the Supreme Intelligence, the Supreme Judge, the judge of all flesh. When you hear,” l am the Lord, the God of all flesh” where do you look at? See Him in your midst. The Lord, the God of all flesh, who said, “Is there anything impossible for Me to do? For with Him all things are possible; both life and death.” The Son of Man. Whatever God cannot do does not exist; and whatever He cannot see or know does not exist.
  287. Can Satan confirm what God is doing? Satan can never preach about God and His goodness to anybody, otherwise he is supporting his enemy. Neither can God take His child and hand him or her over to Satan. Unless for physical discipline because Satan is a tormentor.
  288. “If you misbehave yourself for too long, and you neglect instructions, counsels, God will take you to reformatory institution. There, Satan will torture you very well for your soul to be saved.”Son of Man. Culled from the message. OUR FATHER’S DID NOT GET THE LAND BY THEIR POWER page 43:46.
  289. Misbehaving is unbelief. “Unbelief is the greatest cankerworm that eats deep into the fabrics of our spiritual standing. Satan’s greatest destructive equipment is unbelief. It is not a matter of confessing with the lips that you believe. Unbelief is in the heart. That is why God said, “With the heart man believeth unto righteousness. With the mouth, man confesses his belief unto his salvation.”Son of Man. To find fault with truth that is originally believed from God is a denial of God.
  290. “As I thought on my ways, as l thought on the wrong direction l was heading to, as l meditated upon the wrong direction I was heading to, l saw destruction on my way. I saw horrible situations awaiting me at the end. I meditated; I thought about it, I reasoned, I concluded that I wouldn’t continue going that way. It is always in man to walk in the wrong direction.
  291. Even from the beginning of Creation when the Almighty placed before man life and death, He commanded man to choose life that He may live but the Bible said that man decided to choose death. Man has always been interested in making the wrong choice, and he is always fed up with God leading him. Man by nature wants to be the leader.
  292. I want you to see where you belong to now, that God in His mercy deliberately decided to save you and I, not because of what we have done, not because we are good enough, not because we are qualified even to be in His presence; it is just amazing grace. In addition, He is doing it to stupefy those ‘big men,’ to nullify their so-called wisdom which could not help to recognize the things of God.” Son of Man, culled from the message, AS I THOUGHT ON MY WAYS ( Vol.2) pp12 & 13:3-5; and THE BASIS OF OUR REJOICING IN CHRIST, pg 56:1.
  293. “Until Christ came, we were locked up under the Law, kept in protective custody because the Law has condemned and imprisoned us. We were waiting execution. We were already concluded under sin, because under the Law all flesh have sinned, and have fallen short of the Glory of God. They must die because the wages of sin is death.
  294. The Lord has concluded everybody in sin. We do not need those Laws any longer to teach us and guide us to Him. WE DO NOT NEED THEM AGAIN. God has introduced a NEW WAY to heaven, away from the OLD way our Fathers followed which they could not even follow to the end. This new way to heaven, which was made, you can call it “Heaven made easy,” or “Heaven made possible,” Heaven is possible; very possible and very easy. Our Fathers were following the impossible road to heaven, yet they did not know Why? Their teachers were blind. And they were blinding them from recognizing this new way to heaven. Son of Man.
  295. They befriended them, and were moving with a dangerous and deceptive Spirit that made it impossible for them to recognize that they were on the wrong track. Old proverb says, He who befriends a monster must be very careful lest he thereby becomes a monster.
  296. And if you gaze for long at a dangerous Spirit, the Spirit gazes back at you. Almighty God told us that, “You cannot befriend a leper without a handshake.”
  297. God said that, “doubt is both a visible and invisible sign of unbelief. Doubt takes place in your heart. You must be giving the impression that you are with us when you are not with us. So whatever that is making you to doubt it has already put you out of God’s salvation.” Son of Man. BE SILENT, AND KNOW THAT THE LORD IS GOD page 43:6.
  299. I have to delve deep into researching about this important Soul personality and try within the contest I can, to get to a reasonable extent, and try to know “This Man”and who He is. It is not an easy task trying to unearth the path of growth and experiences this God–Man crossed through. I agree with E.C. Osuala’s analytical teaching in his book-Introduction to Research Methodology that “Research is simply the process of arriving at dependable solutions to problems through the planned and systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of data. Research is a most important tool for advancing knowledge, for promoting progress, and for enabling man to relate more effectively to his environment, to accomplish his purpose, and to resolve his conflicts.”
  300. All the experiences He will pass through was shown to Him before He came into this earth. They were all created as a TEACHING INSTRUMENT to enable His students witness and watch Him practicalize all as a human being, proving that with God all things are possible; all can be scaled through. He is the creator of the entire universe and all the things inside it, and nothing that will happen in future that will be hidden away from HIM. Nothing!
  301. “The first thing that the Bible tells us is that God is a creator. In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth” (Genesis 1:1 NRSV).God speaks and things come into being that was not there before, beginning with the universe itself. Creation is solely an act of God. It is not an accident, a mistake, or a product of an inferior deity, but the self-expression of God.” www
  302. “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jer.29:11,LB)
  303. “One of the strongest characteristics of a genius is-the power of lightning its own fire.” John. W. Foster.
  304. When He lit His own flame in the congregation, by preaching a message, “Mixed Multitude”,attacks backed with jealousy started manifesting itself. They thought He wanted to take over and become popular but they never knew that like Jesus Christ, He wants no fame, no glory, nor wealth, but only an opportunity to serve and to keep the faith while life is still in His body. He wasn’t discouraged because of all the experiences He faced when He started manifesting who He is. His humility hid Him from what He is. Been born in a poor family, He never found things easy because ,”it is a hard experience of life to be born in a poor family where parents cannot take care of their children” Immediately after the civil war, all those who came back from war thorn areas called “Biafra” saw hell.
  305. Things were so tough that the rich families were not left out in the economic challenges; then think about the poor families and the situation they found themselves. Listen to His testimony. “I was sold into slavery for £20 to a man from Azu-Ogbunike for two years. It is Almighty God that preserved my life till date because the challenges I faced where horrible. I was conscripted into the Boys Company of the Biafran Army during the war as a small child, and rose to the rank of a Major. During my childhood days, something extraordinary was following me. It is now I can give Him a name. My parents then were scared of me, including those from my village who were calling me a devil. All are now respecting me.” We can now notice that “Only in the storm can you see the art of the real sailor; only on the battle field can you see the bravery of a soldier. The courage of a simple person can be seen in how he copes with the difficult and dangerous situations in life.”Daniel Achinsky. The courage of a man is not measured by where he stands when all is well, but where he stands in the time of perplexities and adversities.
  306. He suffered as a child, living without any future in sight, but in all situation He was courageous and full of determination to succeed. “A cultivated and descent man cannot be vain without setting a fearfully high standard for himself, and without despising and almost hating himself at certain moments.” The Igbo proverb says that “You can only determine the mindset of a child by the strength he or she uses in tieing up a bunch of wood” And note this, the birth of a Great man really or automatically marks a turning point in the history of a town, or a village, or a country. So it was with this Mysterious Being in our midst. His character was painted in villainous colours which was intended to cause Him a great deal of stress and misery within his community, and beyond. His frustration was palpably noticed, but He endured all with equanimity. His survival since his childhood days was being controlled by the wisdom of the Divine Mind within him.
  307. Leo Tolstoy statement about our unmovable stand on a particular station which looks like we are falling away from the right path, but “Once we’re thrown off our habitual paths, we think all is lost, but it is only here that the new and the good begins.”
  308. To some, your decision may not be right to them but you know what you want, and what is true. As I have quoted this statement before, let me repeat it again, “I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicle of others, rather than to be false, and to incure my own abhorrence.” Frederick Douglass.
  309. He came by a time, for the time and will conclude His assignment by the time He alone knows. “The wheel of time never turn backwards, and fortunately so. Whatever we have to do we must act quickly, for a spiritual minded individual will believe that nobody should “differ not to the evening what the morning will accomplish,” That is,”an exigency of time is utterly personal and flexible.”
  310. One thing I know about this Great personality living among us is His Character is clear as the Crystal Star. Though He went through excruciating hardship which were emotionally and psychologically devastating, but one thing stands out about Him: His Character was never dented. He never, to my knowledge, committed any evil behind the close doors.
  311. Everything about Him is made open. British writer and politician Thomas Macaulay (1800-1859), said “The measure of a man’s character is what he will do if he knew he never would be found out” I believe and sincerely acknowledge this statement to be true. What would definitely destroy a man or woman hoping to advance to higher callings is not so called or misinformed notion of an enemy hiding somewhere, but the trail of his or her character following him or her there.“A man’s Character is his fate.”
  312. “He knew from the lives of the previous lights of the world, from the Prophecies of the great patriarchs, from the visions that God had revealed to Him, that He must suffer this persecution at the hands of the very ones He would help and that He would be betrayed by one He trusted; and that again, as in thousands of instances in the story of past civilization, one traitor must be found in the midst of the true and loyal to exemplifies the spirit of darkness and the character of Satan.” Dr Spencer Lewis. culled from THE SECRET DOCTRINE OF JESUS.
  313. Those patriarchs, their lasting legacies stemmed from their impactful works in God’s vineyard. A clergy man wrote, “I want to say emphatically that, “character is not optional,”it is SACROSANCT to the future that God has planned for you and your Home. No matter where you place prayers, character matters. “The greatest fraud in life is Religion without Character.” A Man without Character is RECKLESSLY Alive.”
  314. When He started His Ministry far back 1993, he was attacked, not by outsiders but Brethren within. Those were the people he regarded as his friends and brethren. One false friend can do more havoc than five enemies. They peddled false and malicious stories about Him just to tarnish His image. They saw him as a threat, thinking that he came to usurp their office.
  315. He wasn’t a Minister in their group, just a floor member, then, seeing the way he was going, it ignited panic in them, so they became uncompromising to his messages. Confrontation and opposition had been existing since the world began. Moses was first opposed by his brother and sister– Aaron and Miriam; all of the same father and mother. Elders whom Moses appointed and ordained opposed him also.
  316. They incited all the congregation of Israel against their leader.” One day Miriam and Aaron were criticizing Moses because his wife was a Cushite woman, and they said,
  317. “Has the Lord spoken only through Moses? Hasn’t He spoken through us too?” But the Lord heard them. Immediately He summoned Moses, Aaron and Miram to the Tabernacle: “come here you three” He commanded. So they stood before the Lord. (Now Moses was the humblest man on earth) Then the Lord descended in a cloud and stood at the entrance of the Tabernacle.
  318. “Aaron and Miriam step forward,”He commanded and they did. And the Lord said to them, “Even with a prophet, I would communicate by visions and dreams: but that is not how I communicate with my servant Moses. He is completely at home in my house! With him I speak face to face. And he shall see the very form of God! Why then were you not afraid to criticize him?Numbers 12:1-16 MSG. 
  319. Note, “Before you criticize some people, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.” Jack Handey.
  320. How about Potiphar’s wife who claimed she loved Joseph in Egypt, but turned around and labelled him her greatest enemy. I have mentioned in the preceding chapter about the case of Naboth and his vineyard experience with Mrs Jezebel.Their negative activities continued to fester rather than abate. Their dismal performances, concorted stories and rebellion were all futile attempt to debase his character. All were tissues of lies, intricately woven to either suppress or poison that spiritual movement that they were not comfortable with.
  321. It is very disheartening to see how people were orchestrating unhelpful personal agenda against an innocent person. They see all His messages as blasphemous, but truth is bitter.
  322. “All great Truths begin as blasphemy.” George Bernard Shaw. Can we kindly listen to Denis Didero as he gives his own observation, thus “We swallow greedily any lie that flatters us, but we sip only little by little at a truth we find bitter.”
  323. They became very edgy and reactive when they realized that they couldn’t do anything negatively possible to dwarf His generous vibration, His kind heartedness and ever willingness to help out in any area that will bring positive advancement in this Ministry. So, we have to align with the reality on the ground which proves His innocence and shows that He never committed any crime against humanity, but rather He is committed to the work of God.
  324. The first message that heralded this Ministry was titled, LIFE AFTER PENTECOST AMONG BELIEVERS, Part 1, 2 and 3 .The second Message titled, HOLY GHOST AND NECESSITY FOR HOLY GHOST BAPTISM – Preached for two consecutive days. And that was the message that brought down the whole powers in Heaven and on Earth: forces met together to confirm the message to be true.
  325. “For the first time, people could hear that Holy Ghost is a human being that could talk, that could hear, that could move about; no longer the unseen Spirit as they used to think or feel.” His preaching of the message-THE MIXED MULTITUDE revealed a lot to the congregation that all in the Church were not Children of God.
  326. Before He assumed His Spiritual position as an Apostle of Christ in the Church, the congregation were all spiritual comedians because none knows the way of Truth until He was revealed. All they were doing was rigmarole around the Bible without any spiritual insight. His opening messages: MIXED MULTITUDE, JERUSALEM TO JERICHO, FAITH which was preached on 12th March, 1993 were to chart a new path, explore a new horizon towards a brighter, greater and safer future for mankind. He came as an architect of Spiritual change, the catalyst for progress, and the guardian of hope.
  327. “Many times, we pray, fast and bind demons that do not exist when our real demons are just our greatly FLAWED character,” that are filled with malice, envy and jealousy. What is our Name? Our character remains our Name. You can call us what our character reflects.
  328. “You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him. The way we Treat people we think can’t help or hurt us, like Housekeepers, waiters, Drivers, Salesmen, Artisans, and Secretaries tells more about our character than how we Treat people we think are important. How do we treat people?”
  329. This is a big question that we must answer. If you care and respect people you meet on daily basis, your character must reveal it. It takes humble mind to show a godly character.
  330. And the humility comes from the teachings and practice of Word of God revealed by a Man. The power of that Word of God was let loose by this Man we are talking about. He is moving against the tide, and that’s why He is attracting a global traffic.
  331. There is a transforming power embedded in the Word of God that pulled us out from the Mosiac Laws to the saving Grace, (the present truth) and that transforming power was made manifest in the month of December 1992, and it was revealed in a Man. The Words that came out of His mouth were Divine, undiluted Truth, cleanser and mind purifier.
  332. “It will take God Himself to come and make His choice of a people; and He will not do it in secret. When God makes His choice, it is final. Any other person that is not in that choice is rejected. If you like go ahead in worshipping God, you are worshipping like the Moabites. The Moabites are not pagans. Maob is a descendants of Lot. Moab has everything in common with Israel. Moab worshipped Jehovah, that was why they hired Prophet Balaam to become god and hear from God. He could set the altar in order, Moab worshipped Jehovah, kept the same tradition with Israel.
  333. There is only but one thing that marked them out; that is the covenant. There is no covenant between God and Moab. No matter how they placed the altar right and do everything according to the pattern the people of Israel do it yet, God is not interested.” Son of Man, from the message OUR FATHERS DID NOT GET THE LAND BY THEIR POWER.
  334. So, the message of Mixed Multitude wasn’t accidental, but pure Truth. “Facts does not cease to exist because they are ignored” Aldous Huxley.
  335. Many have insulted people that were DIVINELY placed and ORCHESTRATED to help them FULFILL their Destiny. Some people are keeping malice with their Destiny Helper.” Treat people with respect. Treat Strangers with courtesy. Never look down on anybody. GOD can USE anybody to CHANGE your story.
  336. Son of Man’s self-awareness did not even prevent Him from absorbing harsh insults, false accusations and despicable behaviors notably from those whom He trusted and loved; It was not only traumatic but injurious to His soul. That is human nature.
  337. Envy and Jealousy were the main causes of those actions perpetuated by them. Ultimately, their tormenting characters, coincided and merged with their level of wickedness, and they thereby marshalled out their attacks against the Truth; In other words they doubted the existence of God.
  338. The road he traveled through hasn’t been easy, but he is still here with us. The only reason he is still here today with us is because God is walking the harsh road with him, guiding every step of His on the way. He has a great mind, and Great Leaders are fanatically consistent with their strategic habits.Apostle Peter Odoemena is renowned for His unparalleled wisdom backed with unwavering faith and courage. He is a great communicator, able to find creative solutions for complex problems and also, He has a rare and inspiring personality trait that is more motivated and devoted to His Ministry.
  339. The journey continues into another chapter of His life and we cannot be economical with the truth. We will follow Him gradually and escavate His historical data from archives as much as we can. We are talking about a legend who came and survived in the midst of those who have deep aversion for Himself and His messages.
  340. In the face of adversity and uncertainty, He kept moving, traveling far and wide in a missionary trip, preaching His messages without fear or favour. He transversed the entire country, East, West, North and South with His Message of the hour, harvesting souls for Almighty God. While on this same missionary assignment, he was also serving with the Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity resident at Onitsha, Anambra State. Combining both assignments wasn’t easy, and also, think about his young family.
  341. He will leave the family in the hands of his virteous wife and travel out. Some for three days, others more than that, all for the sake of the Ministry and humanity. If God had fulfilled the promise of immortality, where do we think we would have found ourselves? We should be grateful to God to have preserved our lives till we met Him in human form.
  342. The Message, THERE IS VIRTUE IN FORGIVENESS preached on 6th January, 2008 by The Son of Man, was the beginning of a New Era in the Ministry of “Bride of Christ” This is the beginning of His” New Contract” with Almighty God. GLORY BE TO HIS NAME! AMEN.

P21The Mission of the Son of Man on earth is the continuation and completion of the Mission of the Son of God, as the Mission of the Son of God could only be a transient one. Hence this continuation and completion is at the same time a consolidation of Christ’s Mission!

Bishop David Mbah – From the message-THE TABERNACLE OF GOD IS NOW AMONG MEN July, 2023 pg 198:21.



I am not here to go telling tales. I hope you all who have come in contact with this soul personality personally can bear me witness that Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Son of Man is not an ordinary human being. His history is a fascinating, honourable, tabulated and glorified one.

  1. One popular phrase remains in the consciousness of the people which says, “From among your brethren I shall raise One who shall guide my people.” Documented evidences about His mysterious life, and His reappearing in this generation are scattered in sacred literatures, ancient manuscripts and religious exegesis.
  2. He came into this world for a divine purpose and He has completed it, what is remaining is presenting the collected few to their owner. After many years of traversing from one Church to another in search of where He can locate the ordained church, finally, He saw one, at Mkpor, which was later code named Church at Mkpor, Anambra State.
  3. He and his wife started attending their fellowship and remained a floor member for two years without any of them noticing who He was, and the aura around Him. He concealed His personality and the reason of His joining them in their fellowship. He was an unrevealed Prophet to them, and as a Prophet to be revealed, He must be patient and wait confidently for the fulfilment of God’s Prophetic Words.
  4. Because they couldn’t discern the personality in their midst, would they be classified as unbelievers? No! They were not, because there was no Truth to be believed then, so they believed what they can find.
  5. They were roped by the artificial laws and complex codes which were imposed on them. Unbelief will start manifesting once truth is revealed. He was veiled to almost all of them till the appointed time in December 1993 during first Camp Meeting entitled Back to Pentecost.
  6. Then He took off gradually by preaching the Message “Mixed Multitude,” “Jerusalem to Jericho” and “Holy Ghost Baptism” which marveled the congregation. From the beginning when His Ministry took off, He saw before Him a map of all He has to pass through in His earthly ministry. He had no alternative then than to stand up gallantly and arrest the bestial weaknesses of the erring ministers.
  7. A counter-trend started developing gradually as they journeyed along without the congregation knowing who was in their midst. As a leader, He had to make tough decisions backed by Godly wisdom as a way of putting the Church in a spiritual order.
  8. Some may be unpopular and even some believers rejected them, as they were still doubting “who is this Man,” in their midst? What is His Mission? He is behaving as or did He say He is God among us? Many, among the Ministers became fossilized (unable to change or develop) or accept the new movement.
  9. It was on the 7th day of April 1996 that He asked the congregation to come with their cameras to see WHO has been sojourning with them all these while unnoticed. They obeyed. After taking several shots and it was printed, they were marveled in what they saw, a Man swallowed up by a pillar of Cloud.
  10. To their utter amazement they never knew that Almighty God, in a Badger skin, had been in their midst for some years without them finding out. It beats their imagination hollow.The doubting Thomas’s swallowed their voices, and their eyes were opened. Without God opening our eyes, we won’t find out the religious errors inhibiting our spiritual journey.
  11. This was the Climax. The scripture has been fulfilled; “The last ship is here, the last Ministry is hear, the last revival is here, THE LAST SON OF MAN IS HERE. TRUE OR FALSE?
  12. As they journeyed along, out of desperation or envy, many of them became over ambitious and they started inviting the Devil. Son of Man told us that serpents will always be serpentine in behaviour.
  13. The Devil is a man, as God is also a Man, and a hater of Truth. As they started hatching their negative plans to frustrate this Eternal Movement from Almighty God, He, God was on the move laying the foundation stone of the Church, knowing that they were fulfilling negative prophecies. At the end, all of them lost out. We should be very careful of who or whom we listen to when it concern matters bordering on God’s Word.
  14. Just because someone is a member of the Bride of Christ Ministry doesn’t mean you have to tolerate lies, chaotic manners, manipulation of truth and disrespect of Church order.
  15. Our Igbo people used to say that, “A person who does not know where rain started beating him or her will also not remember who lighted the fire with which he dried his body” When you deny the source of your wisdom and knowledge of the present Truth, you will have yourself to blame.
  16. You will be likened to the fowl that left the knife that killed it, (disobedience to the truth) and went ahead to bend it’s head towards the pot that never contributed to his or her calamity.
  17. Are we numbered among those? We should be very careful and “watch your backs” as our Lord had previously warned us. History has recorded them as trouble shooters, demonic elements, and their names were noised abroad. What a piteous spectacle? Till date, there are still some hidden remnants hanging around, and they are manifesting the same devilish programs in our midst. It is more active since we went to our different homes. It may not be spoken out but stored in the hearts of those involved.
  18. An unknown author wrote, “I pay attention to actions, not Words. I heard what you said, but I see how you act.” Are there people like that? Yes! Life is great when you stay away from negative influenced, jealous filled hearts, and unhappy people.
  19. They are black scorpions hiding under a black cloth. Terrible human beings. “A pig will remain a pig even if you bathe it with a diamond water, and so is an ungrateful person.”
  20. We know the Biblical history of how Haman made himself the archenemy of the Jews. He hated them even when they did nothing to him. He did not only plan to hang Mordecai, Esther’s uncle; he wanted to eliminate God’s people. Eventually Haman’s plans turned against him and his entire household. Besides losing his wife, his ten sons were hanged on the gallows he made for Mordecai. Is there a lesson to learn? God help us!
  21. They might be looking for converts or associates with whom they may carry out their satanic plans. Will they succeed? NEVER! We should learn from those who had involved themselves in such hideous crimes before, and, if their present circumstances will either encourage you to go ahead or not. It is foolhardy for one to keep on putting his hands inside the fire. You are the person to be burnt, you alone will feel the pain, and you will bear the scar. Is it not foolishness?
  22. Why did they at all started the leadership struggle? Do you think it is easy to be a leader? Why are you envious about someone’s divine destiny?
  23. “Leadership isn’t about the title; it’s about the impact. The ripple effect you create through your actions defines your legacy.”
  24. Is that not correct? Can anybody who had come close to Him doubt the strength and divine manifestations surrounding the Son of Man’s existence? Is it because He remains quiet and watching over us? Never assume that loud noise is strong and quiet is weak. It’s the lion’s silence that signals danger, not his roar.
  25. Due to their hearts was full of evil, the illiterate ones among them used their mouths to write their own wicked lines against Him. They moved from house to house, office to office having nocturnal meetings against a Man who did nothing against them. Did it not happen to Jesus during His own incarnation? He experienced same. Once anybody is sent by God, Satan knows, and he must find a way of rubbishing the name of that avatar. It is documented that some stories were written with pen, while others write theirs with pain (hate).
  26. Some of the educated ones tried to run Him down using their pens. Even in His home town, Mbaise, He was not left alone. Accusations and counter accusations was trailing Him. Even litigations was instituted against Him in many instances but at the end He triumphed against evil. Was those activities not effort in futility? What did they achieved? NOTHING!
  27. The lion is still roaring, the heavens are still rumbling, and the earth is still shaking and quaking, bringing everything to reality; and the scriptures are fulfilling in galloping progression. It is highly interesting to watch their animation ebb away.
  28. Benjie Ross Torres reveal what reality is all about, “Seeing reality is an act of redeeming your life from the brinks of fantasy. It’s something we hate to hear and see but it purifies life and makes it worth living.” Maya Angelou lamented, “You may write me down in history with your bitter, twisted lies. You may trod me in the very dirt but still, like dust, I’ll rise!”They have the right to criticize Him, say whatever they like. Is it a new thing or a new story? NO! It has been happening.
  29. “If a man hates your God, distance him. I say, distance him. Do not give yourself to him. If a man hates your faith, distance him. Whatever he is doing for you, you think he is doing you a favor; he is tracking and trailing and tempting you.
  30. He is pulling you to his side. He will bring you to a point where you cannot give reasons to go out again. Then, he will introduce his mission, which may be one second introduction and you see this sky no more.”Son of Man.
  31. Don’t allow their voices of condemnation full of atrocities unabatedly influence your life and shake your conviction. Our leader, Apostle Peter Odoemena, the very Son of Man passed through all these obstacles and remained unmoved.
  32. Do you think he wasn’t challenged and tempted? Jesus Christ was tempted by the evil one, but at the end the victorious conquest must be confirmed and celebrated.
  33. As John 3:14wrote, “And as Moses lifted up the Serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up” Definitely He must be lifted up as a Great soul who has stamped his feet on the sands of time. Nothing is permanent in this world.
  34. When He concludes His assignment on this planet earth, He will leave the scene, and His marvelous works will continue trailing Him. Let me repeat it again, nothing could be more wrong than our impression of permanence. That is what is deceiving us that Son of Man will remain with us in our evil nature permanently. It is not possible. He said that He will be with us till eternity, but not in unbelief.
  35. We must repent and emulate His nature. Is it not scriptural? He will leave this world for those wicked souls, while they wait for their collective destruction. This world is inhabited by a group of people that can be a terrible nuisance to the advancement of both physical and spiritual growth of mankind. These group of people were created only to fulfill negative prophesies.
  36. Weak minded individuals whose main occupations are gossiping about, sowing seeds of discord among brethren and looking for flimsy excuses to blame who never did any wrong to them. People these days don’t apologize for doing wrong, rather they blame us for acting how we react to situations.
  37. Son of Man is aware of the existence of this group and their members. He has been enduring the pains those chalatans are inflicting on His person, giving them endless opportunities to change their minds but it seems they are caught in the web held by their foolish imaginations, and the carnage they are causing is enormous. What a loving and understanding personality He is?
  38. As a human being, He feels the pain as me and you. Some people think that to be strong is to never feel pain. In reality, the strongest people are the ones who feel it, understand it, and accept it. Listen to this advice from God, Himself.
  39. “Remember that God’s purpose is not to be lying you down every day and be flogging you. You are a human being and not a goat. I say, you are a human being and not a goat. Because of this, whenever God is correcting you or rebuking and admonishing you by the Word of His mouth, the Bible says, “Do not despise it.” Count it as something to be taken serious. Never be weary of His correction.”SON OF MAN. GODS ENVOY IN THIS GENERATION.
  40. “But, oh, how few believe it! Who will listen? To whom will God reveal his saving power? In God’s eyes he was like a tender green shoot, sprouting from a root in dry and sterile ground. But in our eyes there was no attractiveness at all, nothing to make us want him. We despised him and rejected him– a man of sorrows, acquainted with bitterest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way when he went by. He was despised and we didn’t care.”ISAIAH 53:1-3. (LB)
  41. That was why when God came into His Church and joined in their worship for years, they couldn’t notice it. Probably they had a different notion about God and His characteristics. The Hindu says, “If God wishes to hide, God would choose man to hide in. That is the last place man would look for God.”
  42. Due to their blindness, they couldn’t notice when God came inside their midst unnoticed. He came and started teaching and opening their eyes. “And your citizens shall be taught by Me, and their prosperity shall be great.” ISAIAH 54:13 (LB)
  43. “And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children.” (KJV)
  44. “All your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be their peace.” (NIV)
  45. “All your Children will have God for their teacher- what a mentor for your children! ( MSG)
  46. “And since the world began, God has been sending Messengers. I do not think there has ever been one that appeared on the scene and became a Scribe more than the Son of Man, holding the ink bottle and the writer’s pen. Not even one has written or documented His messages while he is still alive more than the Son of Man. If you know any, quote. You can browse. Find out if there is one.”Son of Man.
  47. “Just follow Me doubting nothing. Follow Me, that is all. Do you need Salvation? Follow Me for I do not want you to perish. I do not want you to perish and I know, I know the way. I know I am holding the truth. I know very well that I am He. I know very well.” The Son of Man …culled from the message… GOD HAS A HIDING PLACE, vol. 1, preached 28/4/2013. Page 178, 39:39:41.
  48. He is very honest about His statements, and He has created a special world of fantastic spiritual intricacy. Over the years, He has been subjected to forces of stress and strain by His constant efforts applied in changing the privailing narratives surrounding the religious ingrained belief of worshippers, worshipping an unknown God. The world have known the truth, but accepting the dynamic change remains their albatross. Their unconventional view point had been challenged vigorously and it became a bold twist and departure from their societal norms of believing and worshipping Man–made objects as gods. Let us follow Him, He knows the way. He is sincere! His honesty, stamina, strength and determination are in line with the call of duty. Thomas Jefferson made it explicitly clear that, “Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.”
  49. Deep inside our hearts, we can ascertain that this humble Man had found more resolve, more determination and power to enable Him push this glorious messages to all the continents of the world using the website to reach the human race. A very powerful cosmic rhythmic move that have placed the religious world in utter confusion. The Igbo adage says, “If the snake does not do what makes it a snake, children will carry it with their hands”It is not out of love that an ant visits a tree, but to destroy that tree that is producing bad and wicked fruits. He has conquered the religious world. He has also proved Himself to be who He claims to be, and the ENTIRE WORLD MUST one day acknowledge and bow down to adore Him. The Anti-Christ that placed a fake crown on his head by himself will later remove it with his own hands. The battle line has been drawn, between imitation and Reality.
  50. This will be a glorious time when the power of Almighty God will manifest and save the savable from the hands the evil one, and also conclude the war between Israel and the entire world, (as was prophesied). We can now recall the battles, as it was then between David and the Philistine giant – Goliath, Elijah against the Prophets of Baal and Son of Man against the Legalists in this era- Positive against Negative.
  51. Have we accepted Him, this handsome and honorific personality as God of our day after witnessing all that transpired around His existence? He undertook a long and tedious journey on earth, despite the hazards, trying to bring those He came for with His unique appeal, to perfection.
  52. “I believe that if any man receive a man of God, as a man of God, he will surely receive the same blessings from God that follow that man of God.” He that receiveth a prophet on the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward.” (Matt. 10:41, KJV)
  53. It is because of this passage of the scripture that people go all length to entertain any man that claims to be a man of God. Unfortunately, people do not know the danger of receiving an accursed man, a man of sin and unrighteousness. They do not know that instead of receiving a blessing when they receive such a man or men, they equally become accursed and incur the wrath of God. It is very dangerous to associate with an evil man.” Son of Man from the message. BEHOLD THE MAN OF SIN, First published in the year 2997, page 126:19-20.
  54. Plato said, “There are three classes of men; lovers of wisdom, lovers of honour, and lovers of gain. The third set of people as Sun Tzu reminds us are, the evil ones. The accidental remnants of the wicked race. If they have the opportunity, they will burn down their own nation to rule over the ashes. They hate any positive advancement in life, and they will stand to oppose any good move either spiritually or socially significant that will benefit the masses once they are not the leader or involved in the program.
  55. They will create a wedge and become a disruptive force of rebellious torment. Their fundamental objective is their personal gain; that is, they are self-centered human beings. There is no worthiness or sincerity of purpose in their actions. Worthiness must be attained, preparedness to serve must be made manifest, and there must be a divine sign that will create confidence on the ruled, that is, the marvelous power of humility, sorrow for others, the inner goodness of the heart, and hunger and taste after righteousness. Apostle Peter Odoemena, the very Son of Man have all these sterling qualities in Him, and no wonder the dangerously enlarged gang group could not contain the radiations radiating around Him.
  56. Their resistance culminated into wicked traps, landmines which they laid everywhere, but they couldn’t explode. As my people used to say “Ikuku amana onya”,meaning air cannot be trapped. After all their unsuccessful negative struggles, their rejection became multifaceted, and Apostle Peter Odoemena, the very Son of Man emerged as an enigmatic discovery to those who are sincerely waiting for His arrival.
  57. All those who united to oppose this divine personality; their problems revolved around leadership, and, as they couldn’t succeed in their quest, they were all excommunicated from this Faith of Christ due to their covetous and rebellious spirit. On March 15th, 2003 one of them, a front liner, Bishop of repute, was excommunicated because of the same matter. He was blind not to have noticed the developing events manifesting around himself.
  58. Bishop Okey Nwankpa was a close friend and confidant to Son of Man’s family, and so overfamiliarity came over him, and then Satan took control of his mind and body as a vehicle of negative change. It is said that a friend who becomes an enemy after a little misunderstanding has been an enemy all along. He was just pretending. We all shall learn from what happened to him. It can happen to anybody. We should be very careful of overfamiliarity. Will I say He was blind or careless? I cannot say what took over him.
  59. Though it has no advantage to be near the light if the eyes are closed; not only closed physically but spiritually. Son of Man has faced numerous spiritual challenges, such as during the burial of Bishop Ifeanyi Eze at Enugu Ezike, He was confronted by native doctors whose minds were tainted with evil, and He faced those dark chambers of darkness vigorously, and curtailed their arrogance, but at the end, they were all humiliated and the result was catastrophic in the sense that every action must produce an effect.
  60. At Isi-Ala Ngwa where brethren were locked inside a house, God opened the gate and they escaped. How about Umunguma in Imo State, where they planned an extensive evil to exterminate us, but they couldn’t. He has staked His life in this faith by waging a very strenuous attack upon the heathen’s religious philosophy and esoteric symbols. There are numerous instances where He was attacked.
  61. Our leader is in front and we believe that there is no storm He cannot paddle us through.No bridge, no matter the condition God won’t help us cross. No battle, no matter the setting, God won’t help us win. Trust God and never give up. There are people who are out to betray this spiritual journey; their minds were clotted by indescribable jumble of congealed liquids, emerging from the grips of satanic influences.
  62. Their intellectual conception and reasonableness negates the spiritual facts which have been observed. What they hate in Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Son of Man, is lacking in them. It is not the stab on the back that hurts; It is when you turn around and see who is holding the knife.
  63. Better to have an enemy who will be bold enough to slap you in the face than a friend who stabs you at the back. Dr Laura added that, “Be careful who you vent to. A listening ear can also be a running (Basket) mouth. When they fail to bring you down, they will start influencing others to hate you for no just cause, revealing your secret you trusted upon them.
  64. Son of Man has kept His radiating form, because they cannot stop Him from carrying out His commission. All their plans will surely fail. When Son of Man is preaching, don’t assume that His messages are pointing to you. But if you are affected then that means you’re guilty of something.
  65. Son of Man cannot be scared of them for Mighty God is in Him, who can He Fear? He is a being relatively immovable and enduring and on Him the children of God attached themselves and hopes.
  66. “Fear not, for I Am with you. Do not be dismayed. I Am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will uphold you with My victorious right hand”ISAIAH 41:10 LB.
  67. Son of Man made it clear that “Everything that is happening here on earth is a fulfilment of God’s Prophecies, prophesied by one Prophet or the other at a time or the other in different dispensation.” Is it not true?
  68. All the excitement and upheaval of the initial revolution came to an end, then the next chapter was when He changed the narratives of their belief from law to Grace which created a tendency for them to fragment among those who accepted the new message and those who wants to remain as legalists.
  69. The legalists notably sought only gratification from their congregation, and they also tie them up with the Law only as far as it permitted them to gain their selfish end. “Most of them professed to be of the sect of Sadducees. On the other hand, the priestly element, or the Pharisees, known as the “pure, separate ones,”were constantly warring in their determined effort to secure power and force strict adherence to the letters of their Laws. The Sadducees were their enemies, especially when the latter were favoured in any way with rank or position.” Follow me to Mark 7:5-8 LB, “So the religious leaders asked him, “Why don’t your disciples follow our aged-old customs? Jesus replied, “You bunch of hypocrites! Isaiah the Prophet described you very well when he said, “These people speak very prettily about the Lord but they have no love for Him at all. Their worship is a farce, for they claim that God commands the people to obey their pretty rules. How right Isaiah was! For you ignore God’s specific orders and substitute your own tradition.” (LB)
  70. Son of Man reminded us the awful consequences of disbelieving God’s Word in the Message, THE DESTROYER OF THE YOUTHS, page 42:42. Hear Him” What is killing us is when our hearts are set to disbelieving God, it is so hardened in us that we cannot even reverse it. That is the evil of this age. The hearts of men are continually set to doing evil, until they have reached irreversible level. The moment you reach the irreversible level, your duty is to wait for the day you will die.”
  71. In the same message, page 65:8 He continued,” But watch, God saw it ahead of time. How do you know those that do not belong to God? When you give them the Word of God, they will call it old fashion. He will tell you to leave him first to live his life the way he wants, after everything, he can then consider whether to follow you or not. That the word of God is made for old people.” “Is there anything that can strengthen us more than the fulfilment of the Word of God? If the fulfilment of the Word of God in your day does not give you inner strength to remain steadfast, what else will give you that inner strength? Amen. Son of Man.
  72. As dirty water doesn’t stop plants from growing, so negative words can’t stop your voice from echoing through the entire universe, proclaiming the Word of God.
  73. Once a baby is born, that means God wants human race to continue evolving and that was the more reason why nature sent us a Redeemer cosmically ordained, who will direct us in all we do, redeem you and me from the false religious order controlling the entire universe, show you affection, unconditional love and give you rest in eternity.
  74. Luke 9:10 LBsaid, “For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost” Once He came, great mystics and spiritual minded individuals like Prophet William Marion Branham, Prof Nathan Uzorma Protus and many others perceived the spiritual radiation that the presence of God was upon the face of the earth and some miracles is about to be wrought.
  75. This is the testimony of Professor Nathan Uzorma Protus. Hear him. “For many years now, I have involved myself in the search for the unknown, the search for the coming Messiah through reading the extraterrestrial philosophies and profiles. In the cause of same, I have uncovered many mysteries that are not native to conservative religious man.
  77. This is a Professor of Religious Studies in a University and also vast in Religious matters. He has travelled to many countries of the world preaching the Word of the Bible as a member of the Assemblies of God’s Church. So he knows what he is talking about. He made it clear that at his age and exposure, “he cannot be decieved.”
  78. He was talking about the “THE STRANGE BEING I KNOW NOT” This strange being has appeared to him severally, physically and spiritually. Hear him. “It appears that the whole world is ready to usher in the master of this era-the Christ who will come to lead men in the right path. I am not here to question any religious faith but to prove to humanity via my experience through extraterrestrial connection, permutation and inclination that what man may be expecting from beyond the skies may be within him.
  79. But ignorance which is the progenitor of many religious and irreligious creeds have indeed blinded the sight of many (I think am among them) from seeing the Truth within us. The Truth of this strange being goes beyond the frail premises of human beliefs, above the loosening grasp of creeds and credo to demonstrate the reality of spirituality inherent in African soil.
  80. Is the Reformer possessed of any demon? Never! God forbid! But he has an experience that seems to authenticate the Pan-African paradox that what the elder sees while sitting, a child may not see while standing. Our various religious traditions hide externalTruth from us and finally produce the ills of which we complain hitherto. For over some years now, a strange being has been appearing to me to teach me mysteries of higher realities, he comes with the host of Angels to tell me about the appearance of Christ (The Second Advent)
  81. Let us continue. Now, I am aware that Christ is coming back, and I am also ready to receive Him, but surprisingly, a being who introduced Himself as Christ has always appeared to me physically and spiritually. I have always seen Him as a Blackman “And He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and His name is called the Word of God.” REVELATION 19:13.
  82. He made me realize that He is Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, and that He comes from Edom (The Black Nation) as evident in ISAIAH 63:1-6.”
  83. What is the difference between the vision of Prophet Marion Branham and this, by Professor Nathan Uzorma Protus. Both of them saw Him as a Black Man, and from a Black Nation. There are others who might have had such experiences but do to their religious background, they were/are not bold enough to share their experiences. On the last day be prepared to answer why?
  84. Can we now start doubting these revelations? It will take a fool to do that. It is obvious that the end is on our heels. RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!
  85. The Man with the keys to the portal of the future has arrived, and He came to give children of God rest. “Come unto Me, all thee that labour, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
  86. The scripture, HEBREWS 4:8says, “If Jesus had given them that rest, there would not be a mention of another day of rest.” Up till date, a day of rest still awaits God people wherever we are. And we have already come into it. It is just one step and we will step into that place.
  87. God has started ravaging the Mediterranean land that is occupied by the enemies of God. From the day God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden, nobody has ever stepped in there as Garden of Eden.
  88. The heathen world occupied it. And they are killing themselves because of that fruitful land with good vegetation’s and with good climate and from where all these good, good fruits you are eating, are coming from. Son of Man, from the message BE SILENT AND KNOW THAT THE LORD IS GOD, page 49/50:21-26.
  89. This is the place we will enter and rest in our labour. Since His arrival on this earth, He has been showcasing His courage, tremendous heart, toughness and determination to conquer all the challenges confronting Him in His ministry. What is His crime?
  90. Nothing, but His devoted interest is focused on pursuing His service to God, and selfless service to humanity. He came to preach the Word of God to humanity. Through the scriptures, we will have the knowledge of God. “No thief, however skillful, can rob one of knowledge, and that is why knowledge is the best and safest treasure to acquire.” Frank Baum.
  91. He made it clear that” The Word of God reveals our conditions. The Word of God is the mirror through which we can see ourselves, assess our performances. However, the Word of God will not remove any. We are the people that will effect change in our conditions. If I say change your mind, it requires decision.
  92. If I say relocate from where you are living, it requires decision. Amen.” Son of Man. culled from the message… DECISION. Preached 30/12/2007, page 135:22.
  93. “Over and over again Jesus frankly and modestly explained that the things He taught and the things He did were not the result of the prowess of His own intellect, but the result of divine inspiration and divine revelation and of a special preparedness that constituted a divine Messiahship.
  94. Let us take another example of His secret way of dealing with these matters. In the fourth chapter of the book of Mark we have an interesting story of the public teachings of Jesus with parables and symbols, allegories, and veiled phrases, and then in the 10th verse we read that, “When He was alone, they that were about Him, with the Twelve, asked of Him in parables. And He said unto them, “To you is given the mystery of the Kingdom of God; but unto them that are without, all things are done in parables.”
  95. A careful reading of the entire story shows us that the multitude stood about and listened to a large number of His parables, and when He apparently was through with His period of teaching for the day, the multitude passed on whispering among themselves and asking one another what it was all about, and whether He was to be relied upon, and whether some of His remarks were meant sarcastically for some of them or directed towards certain others in the country, and, perhaps, meant to be critical of their Religious beliefs.
  96. The scoffers and the half- believers along with the evil-minded ones and the self-satisfied ones passed on, gaining little or nothing from the parables they had heard. Today we find duplicates of that early picture!” Spencer Lewis.
  97. “But one thing is certain in connection with the ancient records regarding the avatars and great lights that preceded Jesus-they did fulfill a mission in life, regardless of whether or not it was divinely ordained, or they were uniquely born.”Spencer’s Lewis.
  98. He married a virtuous wife who stood by him in thick and thin. “If you can find a truly good wife, she is worth more than precious gems. Her husband can trust her, and she will richly satisfy his needs. She will not hinder him, but help him all her life.” (Psalms 31:10-12 LB)
  99. Her price is far above rubies and deep within herself, she has found more resolve to stand beside her loving husband, more power to back him up in his ministry and more determination to share the misery and that will help to solidify their authentic friendship behind the curtain.
  100. Nothing happens to anyone which he is not fitted by nature to bear. She had a deep respect, admiration and a defined purpose of marrying her husband because in the absence of purpose so says Seneca, “life becomes an endless journey to nowhere.”
  101. Her goal is to see that her husband succeeds in His ministry, and also help in training their children to embibe in them the godly way of life. Marcus Aurelius wrote, “If you don’t have a consistent goal in life, you can’t live it in a consistent way.”
  102. She believes that loyalty is the best gift you can give to someone you love. The actions of her love was visible. That was true. She was the type of person who was capable not only of deep feeling, but also of decisive action whose unobtrusive engaging smile and charm was dear to the soul of her husband.
  103. She followed the instructions of her husband unhesitatingly from the beginning of their married life till she left the scene physically. Sister Nzubechi Odoemena, The Queen of Paradise was a special personality who lived a glorious life on earth, and exhibited an example of pure humility. Her spirit when she was alive was a combination of childlike naivety (innocent and simple), moderate lifestyle and calm demeanor; but, she yet kindles a flame ready at any moment to light up the spiritual aspect of her life. Yes, her spiritual image blends organically with that of a woman and a mother.
  104. The eternal themes of womanhood and motherhood possessed profound moral significance. It is our mother who gives us our first ideas concerning good and evil. It is through her voice that we first become aware of our native land. From her we learn the language of the people to which we belong. The moral center of an individual is formed under the direct influence of the mother. That is motherhood!
  105. She left a legacy as a charming woman, and a transient creature who left us when we never expected. Throughout her life on this planet earth, she was inspired by the joy of her perception of reality, and the discovery of her destiny.
  107. Let us listen to the Son of Man’s testimony about His marriage. How God led Him to His wife.
  108. “He guided Me into making the right choice of a wife, for He saw my heart. He listened to my prayers that I needed not a woman or a wife. I needed only but one who will be a help-mate to Me not to raise children, not that I abhor children; not to become prosperous. No! Not that I hated prosperity.
  109. One who will stand by My side, a big encouragement to Me, help Me to run this race faithfully till the end, upholding it without wavering, for I have no other desire than to serve God in spirit and in truth when I was coming up as a young boy. And I proved it before everybody.
  110. Hence, they were thinking that at the end of the day that I will be preaching celibacy. No! I told them I will marry when I will marry. Concerning My wife, I knew her not. And she knew Me not. The Lord presented her, contrary to other pictures human beings presented, and then became the desire of My heart. I accepted her and then sat down with her to infuse My faith in her and then made her what I want her to be, for she knew nothing called God.
  111. The God she knew was a religious god. She knew nothing called the Holy Scriptures. The one she knew was the little she knew in the college and the little she was hearing in the religious world.
  112. But I sat her down. Two of us had no child. She was not pregnant. I infused the truth into her heart, for that was the sign I placed, “If she will accept to go all length with Me, that will be the woman, that will be the wife.” That was the sign I placed. I sat her down, open the scriptures from Genesis, and began to tutor her. I began to school her into the scriptures.
  113. I noticed that she was very receptive to the Word of God, very eager, morning, afternoon, night. Even in the office, it was our conversation. Our break period was scriptures. All scriptural materials I had already packed in My house, I let all of them out, even concerning family life and womanhood. I had a unique vision of family life in it’s homely setting. Within the space of one year, she became older than the oldest woman in the knowledge of God, in the knowledge of family life, and in the knowledge of training of children, for I had already packed materials concerning all these things before the thought of marriage came into my heart.
  114. I had already painted a picture of a godly home that will be attributed to Me; a pattern away from what I saw in the world. And I was not ashamed, for I was alone doing all these things with My God in My own way. Today I give God the glory.
  115. I traversed with her. I took her round to all denominations that were present in our own area. I took her far beyond to see different denominations and before her eyes I condemned all. “Son of Man, from the message EVERY FAMILY IS FULL OF VOMIT, vol.1, Chapter 2, paragraph 6-15.
  116. You see, we can now learn from our sister’s response to her spiritual training. She never doubted her husband in all the scriptural lectures she received, no argument and no negative reaction. She was not absorbed on the contemplation of outside world, that she is wholly oblivious to what is passing on within herself. She was courteous and hospitable, and moreover she accepted everything the husband revealed to her about Himself. He never hid anything from her.
  117. Note! C.R Jain explicitly made it clear that “Those who perform virtuous deeds rise higher in the course of their career.”
  118. Sister Odoemena is a favoured woman who worshipped God with expressiveness, and knowledge acquired from her training. Plotinus said, “Knowledge, if it does not determine action, is dead in us.” She understands life as William James said, “The greatest use of life is to spend it on something that will outlast it.” She has spent all her life in worshipping God, something that will outlive her. She is gone but her memory and the legacy she left behind can never be forgotten till eternity. She soaked herself in the Word of God and that was her vision in life. The infallibility of empirical knowledge about God guided her footsteps throughout her life.
  119. Hebrew 4:12reveals to us the power of Word of God and it’s  potency. “For whatever God says to us is full of living power: it is sharper than the sharpest dagger, cutting swift and deep into our innermost thoughts and desires with all their parts, exposing us for what we really are.” LB.
  120. An old proverb tell us that, “The Goat said that it is the person whose yam he ate that he regards as a yam farmer.”The only yam she ate was Word of God from the Lord’s farm, who came to plant righteousness and His plan of salvation on earth, and Him alone she regards as a Great Farmer.
  121. She refused to allow her dreams to die. The words of Spencer Lewis clarified it thus, “As a great flash of lightning dispels the darkness, so the astonishing, yet simple statement of Jesus revealed the fundamental of God’s laws.
  122. Love thy neighbor, become a child; do unto others as you would have them do unto you; abandon the vain-glorious things of the world; seek the kingdom of Heaven within; lift up your consciousness to God in prayer and communion,” and other easily understood rules, that constituted the true path to Eternal Life.”
  123. Let us go to Mark 4:11-12,”He replied, ‘ you are permitted to know some truths about the Kingdom of God that are hidden to those outside the kingdom. Though they see and hear, they will not understand or turn to God, or be forgiven for their sins.”
  124. She survived many storms to be bothered by rain drops; and also she experienced intense self-torment and humiliation. If the husband is humiliated and insulted, invariably she has her own share. When the husband was fighting for Gender equality, taking ardent and vocal stance on that sensitive issue, she was solidly behind Him.
  125. The husband was also an unrepentant advocate of youth empowerment; this He demonstrated in all the lectures He delivered at University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus in various instances. A great mind who has underlying aggression to succeed against all odds. Late Mummy Joy Nzubechi Odoemena, the Woman of subsequent creation, Queen of Paradise is a super human being.
  126. “By this ministry, Mummy Nzubechi Joy SON OF MAN Odoemena corrected the errors of Eve and thereby, secured the eternal victory for all women who are in Christ. She is indeed the Queen of queens, the most favoured and the first fruit; such wondrous Love! All to the Glory of the Almighty God, who came as the second Adam Amen.”
  127. This was the second Adam that I personally transversed many towns and nations in the world trying to find with my “ART EXHIBITION” tagged “IN SEARCH OF ADAM”I never knew He was hiding somewhere in a Man, a Black Man; hidden away from human comprehension until He asked me to come and see Him. I cannot forget the question He posed to me when I met Him, “Have you seen Adam?” God is mysterious!
  128. Mummy Odoemena Joy Nzubechi, the woman of Subsequent Creation was glorified and, as the Elect Lady from where other women will get their purification, she was honoured and “Equipped with the greatest delicacy of intuitive perceptions, she should easily swing herself up to the purity of Luminous Heights, and form the bridge to Paradise for all humanity. Woman! Streams of Light should flow through her.
  129. Her entire physical, gross material nature is adapted to this. Woman only needs to will honestly, and all the offspring from her womb must be strongly protected and encompassed by the power of the Light even before birth! It could not possibly be otherwise, because every woman through the wealth of her intuitive perception can almost entirely alone influence the spiritual nature of the fruit! Therefore she remains primarily responsible for all her descendants!
  130. In addition she been richly endowed with unlimited possibilities to influence the entire people, indeed even the whole of Subsequent Creation. Her starting-point of the greatest power is, for her, home and heart!There alone lies her strength, her unlimited might, but not in public life!
  131. In home and family her ability makes her queen. From the quiet, intimate home her incisive virtue extends through the whole people, present and future, and pervades everything.
  132. There is nothing upon which her influence cannot absolutely be brought to bear, if she stands in that place where her inherent womanly ability fully unfolds to blossom. But only if woman is truly womanly does she fulfill the mission which is assigned to her by the Creator. Then she is completely what she can and should be.
  133. And it is only genuine womanliness that silently educates the man who, supported by this quiet activity containing undreamed-of power, feels like storming the heavens. Out of inner naturalness he will then gladly and joyfully seek to protect true womanhood as soon as it only shows itself to be genuine.”Abd-Ru-Shin, IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH, page 147.
  134. She must be remembered as one of the monumental pillars in a different moments of our individual lives. She always stand on the gap for brethren when the heat became too hot to bear. A very understanding and hospitable woman.
  135. We must learn how to treat people with courtesy. It will take a spiritual eye for one to know when God comes around Him. Abraham recognized God when He came around his house. Jacob did same, and many others. The Shunammite Woman MUST have been praying for a child all through her life. By being hospitable to a Man of God, she eventually got her much awaited miracle. “It wasn’t prayer that opened the door for her, it was her character.”Assuming she wasn’t hospitable, she would have missed a CRITICAL miracle.
  136. We have become so spiritually in tune with prayers that we neglect the place of character in our relationship with people. You can speak with spiritual eloquence, pray in public and maintain a holy appearance, but it is your behavior and Character that will actually trigger the manifestation of all that God has for you.
  137. Thomas Halliburton reminds us that “The happiness of every country depends upon the character of its people, rather than the form of its government.” Son of Man have been warning us about loss of character. Ones thought and imagination determine what his or her character will be.
  138. Ancient Chinese ruling government had no character as a nation, and it reflected in their performances. The Chinese people realized much later that the best defense against the enemy is not a fortified wall, but a fortified character. Thus the building of human character comes before building anything else. Hear this!
  139. One of the most impressive Architectural feats and the greatest military defense project in history is the Great Wall of China. The wall was built to ward off enemies, and the size of the wall gave them false defensive hope, but their characters were licking. During one hundred years of its existence, the ancient Chinese were invaded three times. The enemy never climbed the high walls but they bribed the guards, and came into the Chinese territory through their gates. The scripture says “While men slept, the enemy came and sow tares into the harvest and go away.
  140. “The prophet also confirmed it that the Devil will not allow us to remain like this. He will inject poison, spiritual poison using somebody, using a brother, using a sister, using your relation, to seduce you. He said, “But do not ever give heed to that. Do not allow it to happen. Resist the Devil and he will flee from you.”Son of Man.
  141. He has given us warnings upon warnings as regards the attacks from the Devil. For us to overcome this Devilish challenges, we should bind together as believing brethren and help each other because, rivers don’t drink their own waters, trees do not eat their own fruits; the Sun does not shine on itself and flowers as it said do not spread their fragrance for themselves. Living for others is a rule of nature. We are all born to help each other to survive on the spiritual journey. No matter how it is, life is good when you are happy, but much better when others are happy because of you.
  142. “To you all that are privileged to be numbered among those that have met God live, or shall I rather say that God met you live, what is your attitude? What is your character? How do you herald His presence? How do you herald His appearing?”
  143. These questions are tailored to those who were anxiously waiting for Him. Many may be humanly debased character wise, but few may be patiently waiting for Him sincerely. They know that the most powerful warriors are patience and time. Patience is bitter but it’s fruit is sweet. His appearance on the scene was glorious, and it was heralded magnificently to flash more light for the trail to be exposed. Son of Man reminded us thus!
  144. “Brethren, before the faith came, were you not counting your righteousness on your ability to keep the Laws. Be sincere to yourselves. Why were you crying at the alter from time to time? Because the law was accusing you, every step you take, sin. Every comment you make, sin. Every thought in your heart, sin. The way you look, sin.
  145. No wonder the Bible made it clearer that by the deeds of the law no flesh shall be saved. But now that you want to justify yourselves by keeping the law, are you not witnessing against yourselves again that you do not believe Christ? If I disbelieve Christ, who then will save me?
  146. Why following a system that will not save you? Eternal salvation does not depend on what you have done or what you have not done. What you did counts for nothing in the sight of God. Eternal salvation depends solely alone on what Christ has done. You contribute nothing.Your duty is to believe, Lord I believe.” From the Message… WHAT IS THE BASIS OF OUR REJOICING, page 76:15-16.
  147. That is it. Many of us find It very difficult to believe in the One sent in our generation. This is total blindness and it brings voice of condemnation against the atrocities of unbelief we committed. It is a fact that the value of the personality before you, when you are spiritually blind, is not seen until His absence is felt. There are many kinds of illusionary worshippers. Son of Man has revealed to us that “There are many superficial worshippers among us and these are the people that are bringing reproaches constantly in our midst, causing themselves untold sorrows and pain, destabilizing their families and incurring the wrath of God upon themselves.” From the message EVERY FAMILY IS FULL OF VOMIT, Vol.1, page 121:41.
  148. Our Lord made it clear that He is not here for everybody’s salvation. He is here for a few, and they are the lost sheep of Israel. Listen! Son of Man captured it succinctly when He said, “I am not sent to everybody. I am sent to the lost sheep of Israel. I am not sent to everybody. I am not a worldwide Minister. I told you that. I came in search of My own. Anywhere I see that My own, I will make noise, he will embrace Me. My sheep heareth My voice and they follow Me. The only thing that will attract them is My voice. Once I speak, they will follow Me.” The Son of Man, BE CAREFUL OF LAST MINUTE MANIFESTATION OF UNBELIEF (FOLLOW ME AS I FOLLOW THE CLOWD) Reviewed. Preached 8/9/2013, page 75:28-29.
  149. He hates violators of natural laws or those dealing with inharmonious living such as Homo sexuality, Lesbianism or same sex marriage. He is now concluding His assignment as He has always been telling us. He is now separating between Church goers and Christ worshippers. Not many people will be ready to go the extra mile or pay the price of Salvation because our teacher told us that “there is a price to pay” It is not an easy road, full of challenges, and also, there are obstacles created by Satan with the intention of blocking any child of God from entering Paradise, but our Leader is able to take us through. We must sacrifice our time, our energy in the work of God.
  150. Show me a man who succeeded, I will show you a man who succeeded by serving the Lord with all his heart. Though some will remind me of what the scriptures says, “salvation is not by works” but our Lord told us that we must be part of what God is doing in our day. Peradventure you may be remembered by the legacy you left behind. “Don’t give up! The hardest battles are given to the strongest soldiers.” Ramxo Khan. Kindly know your worth as a child of God, but don’t let ego make you unteachable or unpastorable.That will be glamorizing incompetence and mediocrity which are arbitrarily displayed by unbelievers.
  151. If we behave so, it will be shamelessly desecrating the divine message of God which will be most scandalously grotesque (distortion of the truth in an unpleasant and offensive way)
  152. This Man, (an icon) we are following His footsteps is not imperious and importunate but rather, He has a large heart to accommodate our shortcomings, and also have an irresistible fascination for our spiritual growth and improvement.

Who will go through the tribulation? It is those elect, who because of their unbelief could not abide in the promised Comforter’s ministry whom Jesus Christ prophesied and William Branham said will come in the last days.


From the Message- FOLLOW ME AS I FOLLOW HIM (THE CLOUD) Preached In the Year 1993 PG 70:10

Many people call Me Son of Man without even knowing the meaning. They do not even know Me. We may eat and drink together. You can say God is in your midst, but you do not even know what makes Me God. You cannot even explain to someone what you know about Me for you know nothing about Me. You can preach Jesus and Moses because there is a document concerning them but there is no document concerning the Son of Man. There is no operating instrument anyone can use to talk about the Son of Man or the Deity.

BEWARE OF ESOTERIC LANGUAGES; preached on Sunday 24th April 2004; Pg. 72



I have to use this golden opportunity to thank Almighty God for His love, guidance and protection throughout the period of scavenging for facts with which to gather together this little compilation.

  1. The most important aspect is keeping me alive and healthy as I sit for hours in the quiet solitude of the night, researching and typing without stress or feeling sleepy. I thank you sir. That was a great revelation I cherished. It revealed to me that you were with me at that challenging hour.
  2. It was a highly spiritual revelation, and a transformative experience that left an impressive record about this Great Avatar in my memory and it will linger with me throughout my existence on this earth. Thanks for giving me such a privilege to delve into The Life and Times of this Great Mind, who has been able to so effectively mask His divine permanence and kept many secret in his heart, only the little He revealed to me were the quantity I can lay my hands on. He has a descriptive quality of an elephant, and so the area you touch or feel is the side your eyes or consciousness is directed to. Nobody can document any perfect write up about this enigmatic personality. A man who has sacrificed His entire life for a cause that will bring a better ending for all believers of this Gospel Truth worldwide. Thank you Sir, and You are highly blessed.
  3. Zig Ziglar reminded us of what gratitude is all about; he wrote that “Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for”Sir, I say once again, I am grateful for having this opportunity.
  4. Having documented the little I can compile about this Great Avatar and His achievements which are trailing behind Him graciously, there is no body who will have the opportunity of reading this piece that will not raise both hands to the glory of God for sending this Redeemer to Mankind in this concluding age. He brought them a New Way to Eternal Life, and He also brought them a realization and fulfilment of the Prophecies of the wise men of the past. He came as a messenger of God to be the Redeemer and Saviour of Man. He did not come with a sword to destroy life, but with a fiery sword to destroy evil and to give truth more power.
  5. That was a great achievement, and demonstration. Of love.
  6. “I think people forget that having someone who care for you is a gift that should not be taken for granted.”Unknown Author.
  7. It wasn’t easy to leave behind such legacy for mankind. According to Peter Strople, “Legend is not leaving something for people, it is leaving something in people.” Leonard Sweet added also that, “what you do is your history, what you set in motion is your legacy.”His life as I earlier documented was also encumbered with physical challenges; that is, in most cases he faced public hostilities.
  8. As I earlier wrote, He was born by a woman, raised by his poor parents, lived a very harsh and turbulent life in His youth like any other person from his background, was sold into slavery, trained Himself in the secondary School by doing menial job as a labourer, grew up and gained employment, married and raised a family. He is hundred percent Man and hundred percent God. That remains a stumbling block. His beginning to the present day are full of challenges. The mystics will always say that, “The beginning is in the end and the end is in the beginning.”
  9. “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”George Shaw. He created Himself and manifested same in this generation as a human being. This is a fact that cannot be denied, though this truth is accepted by a few. Majority are hooked by the religious lies that God is a spirit, and not a human being.
  10. “A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right, and evil doesn’t become good, just because it’s accepted by a majority.”
  11. He came from an unknown background as most avatars did. None of them, to my knowledge were ever revealed from a known background, that is, in the families of Kings, learned personalities etc. God is always hiding in despised places, where no mortal will ever believe He could be found. There is an old adage which says that “Great minds hardly begets great children.”
  12. Great children in most cases are born in a poor family (disadvantaged, impoverished, deprived, poverty- stricken), and from birth they suffer all kinds of illnesses, face unhealthy challenges. Note this word of wisdom from this great mind. He made us to understand that “Any child that the devil started battling from childhood, the devil knows what the child would become”. If eventually God gives that child victory over the constant battles from the devil, you will see what he or she will be.
  13. Charles Darion made it clear that,”It is not the strongest of the specie that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is one that is most adaptable to change.” That child’s transformational change from the harsh ghetto to even a semi- urban area will definitely impact faith of survival in him or her.
  14. This mysterious entity called God is a Legend, a Man from the opposite direction. The wisest being to exist on this planet earth. He came for a mission. We are told that the wisest person that we can walk effectively with in this life is the Holy Ghost. Your knowledge of HIM will help in your repentance. No disappointment! no fears! The only way to please Him is to find faults in all He hates. That is, you are spiritually converted.
  15. He was revealed as a shinning Star in His Church, re-baptized by former brothers– Malachi and Bon Diuka. He came to manifest extraordinary qualities that will beat human wisdom and strategy. He is the personality that will wear the revered “CREATOR STAR”, which is known in Hebrew as the Seal of Solomon.
  16. “What a marvelous, as well as unique, mission! Is there any reason to wonder why He enshrouded His mission with mystery and secrecy? Was He here to reveal to man the greatest of all mysteries, and where not these mysteries secret ones? Was not such a mission fraught with dangers and with dire consequences to all political, social, and religious standards and practices throughout the world.” SECRET DOCTRINES OF JESUS, page 70.
  17. American writer James Agee captured yet another of life’s richest meanings: “In every child who is born, the potentialities of the human specie is born again.”
  18. This black potentiality, having Godly attributes “was revealed from Edom in accordance with the Holy Scriptures. There is no Scripture that said that God is revealed from the Jewish land, but the Prophet said that God is revealed from Edom, but Edom is the cursed man. Jacob I love, Esau I hate. Malachi 1:2-3. The people thought that God meant it with His heart.
  19. For God to do away with that hatred (for if God will continue to look at Esau, He will keep on hating him). He had to change Esau (from Esau to Edom) so that he will love Edom and hate Esau. In the same way if He will continue to look at Jacob, His anger will continue, He had to change it to Israel.” Son of Man… From the message…WHO IS THE SON OF MAN TO YOU? Page 159-160, para 64-67.
  20. When this Black Man carrying the GodHead was revealed in the midst of His church, nobody ever knew that a Great Lion was lying low in His domain watching over His children unnoticed, until He was revealed. Listen to this revelation. “When the Lord descended in our midst, He said, “My angel is in your midst. I the Lord, I am with Him to lead you in the way you should go, do not go to the left, do not go to the right; fix your eyes on Him, hear Him because you have never gone this way before. Provoke Him not to wrath because He is my own Angel of Covenant, He will never, never pardon your transgressions. I am sending Him as an Angel of Judgment,
  21. “Is it not our commission”?SON OF MAN…WHO KNOWS WHAT WILL BE OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, Chapter 2, page 43:41.
  22. His coming at this end time is to separate the two entangled chains, (Truth and Falsehood) and also extend His helping hands to us as a saving virtue and love, which will help us realize the ridiculousness of our former self which was caged by the “flyer-flying” deceitful religions. The man this arduous task rested on His shoulder is the same person we are talking about. They are not two, but only one Man- Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Very Son of Man. “I count him braver who overcomes his desire than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self “
  23. Son of Man persevered and conquered the quest for human desires and placed them where they belong.The world should be so proud to receive this Great Black Soul back to earth again. A spiritual warrior who came with great potentialities that will overrun the entire creation. A Man of strength and power, an erudite preacher, a mountain of knowledge and His oratory is sintilating. I am exited to proclaim that this Man cannot be short of what He is made up of.
  24. A Great trailblazer, an Amazon of repute, a situation changer, a healer, a loving mind who is also a blazing and consuming fire. Don’t say that this compilation is obviously absurd, NO! If one does not understand a person, one tends to regard him as inconsequential, but He remains the only authority today holding the keys of heaven and hell. If you like believe my testimony, but if you don’t you will regret your action.
  25. As we come to the end of this compelling irrefutable documentary, (a spiritual compilation), I will have to leave you with the following montage of thoughts and images that conveyed the beauty and complexities of this resurrected personality in the midst of the Bridal Ministry worldwide.
  26. Our disobedience to this Divine Truth being propagated by this Heavenly envoy that is transversing this universal plane now, will be, if care is not taken, cause a devastating tragedy to humanity on a monumental scale. The end will be eternal destruction. Our humble prayer is that He should forgive us our transgressions and cast them into the ocean of forgetfulness, bearing in mind that we are mere mortals.
  27. This refined soul personality stands on a sure platform as regards the hard-to-dispute claim that He is the Almighty God that had been existing since the world began. He has been coming and going. His claim has made Him more vulnerable to attacks from inside and outside the congregation.
  28. Not minding that in many occasions, He is/was confronted with questions bothering on His being and His mission on earth, and He answered them without quavering and quivering, but many are still doubting the credibility of His claim. So, there are increasingly grisly violence channeled towards Him in His various ministerial outings to some places like -Eha Amufu, Enugu Ezike, Opi, Enugu, Nsukka, Lagos, Abuja, Owerri, Aba to mention but few. He also visited other places in Northern Nigeria, and some others States in various parts of Nigeria, yet He never took any single punitive measure against any of them; Instead He returned their negative actions with Love.
  29. A Man with large heart. Not only that, He had threaded through a maze of rumbled and jumbled terrains littered with all forms of deadly obstacles but undeterred He wrestled and won degrees of victories from the jaws of death. His imperturbable mindset is very hard to upset. He has an impregnable personality, very strong and impossible to defeat. He is a very simple Man and He bears no grudges against any living soul. “It is very simple to be happy, but it is very difficult to be simple.” Rabindranath Tagore.
  30. Today, the great seed of achievement He sowed had graciously dispersed to all corners of the universe, making His name indelible in the history of time. “So woe is that person who through his wrong life, people will start talking evil about the Gospel of Christ, and will make the Kingdom of God very difficult for people to enter because he is a wicked fellow. Sure!!!” SON OF MAN….THE REMINDER, Part1, vol 1, page 114:47.
  31. I am not compiling this messages just to open old wounds, NO! But we need to preserve the truth about atrocities and hostilities committed by those paid or seduced hirelings against the Son of Man in this dispensation, as was recorded in past ages.
  32. There are some obvious dangerous explosive mines laid on His way, but their plans were all bungled. Son of Man is here to rewrite history by placing truth where it belongs as a Good Shepherd. OPEN YOUR HEARTS AND HEAR HIM! His Words are Truth, factual and real.
  33. “I am the Head of The Family of God Worldwide, and the Husband Man. I am the Good Shepherd. You are My Flock. So, you have to understand it. That is why you cannot avoid THE SON OF MAN and smell Heaven or Paradise. There is no way you can detach from THE SON OF MAN through willful disobedience to His teachings and smell Paradise. Detaching means eternal separation from God.”
  35. “Whoever that abides in the Lord, the same will leave forever with Him. There, you get abundant life, abundant happiness, abundant joy, abundant pleasure, all these things are sufficient in Christ. Thus, let Christ be your sufficiency. Christ is my sufficiency. He is sufficient to me. If Christ is not sufficient for you, you have a problem you cannot solve. If you do not know what to do, come to God. You do not know whether to go left or right, come to God. For without Him you have no helper.”  James 1:5 LB.
  36. LET CHRIST BE YOUR SUFFICIENCY by the Son of Man, preached 23rd October, 2011; page 12:9-10.
  38. “Have you stopped to think whether you are a part of the world or a part of Christ? Why are you desiring that the world will follow you in your status? It is because you are a part of the world.
  39. “Therefore, My brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things you will never fall, and you will receive a rich welcome into the Eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have. I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body.”(2nd Peter 1:10-13 NIV.)
  40. Try as you live to be part of what God is doing in your day. Playing nonchalant attitude towards the things of God is very dicey. Who knows what will be his or her righteousness. He called us to be co-workers with Him. Are we contributing to His success or failure? If He succeeds, we will be part of the success. Now that He has succeeded will we be part of the Success story? So let us get up from our slumber and join the race.
  41. “And the world would acknowledge her own, the world will follow you. It is better you begin to do the work God assigned to you, if you are a man or a woman. You can do that, no exemption there.”
  42. SON OF Man, from the message…WHAT SHALL I SAY IN THE END? Preached 15th June, 2023. Page 127:39-40.
  43. Yes, it is better we start obeying God’s Word and instructions, than joining a disobedient gangsters to rebel against Him. It will profit us nothing if we embark on such a useless venture. Can you stop a moving train? Make sure you are not counted among those who are ganging up against this move of God, because it is noted that “There has never been a time God made a move without people conspiring against it.
  44. From the Holy Bible, we saw various ways people conspired against God’s move. Some went as far as writing petition to the Head of State against the move. Some even in their petitions recalled previous events. When the order went forth that the Children of God should go and rebuild Jerusalem, many people came in pretending that they were really on the side of the Jews, but they had bad intentions.
  45. The Bible said that they were going there to frustrate the work. They pleaded they should be allowed to participate in the work. And even claimed that they are worshipping the same God with the people of Israel. Wise men of Zerubbabel said, “No, though we worship the same God; call Him whatever we are calling Him, you have no part in this work. For so has our God declared that no foreigner, no stranger should join in the work.”
  46. In other words, no matter how they worship God there, they were regarded as foreigners and strangers. But to the True Elects, you are no longer foreigners. But to the true elect, you are no longer foreigners and strangers but fellow citizens. Hence, you can now participate in the work of the Lord. It is a serious matter. “THE SON OF MAN…from the message. HOW PEOPLE CONSPIRE AGAINST THE MOVE OF GOD, page 25:6-11.
  47. Those foreigners were trying to meddle in their Godly affairs only to conspire against that move, and nothing more. All those intruders have sold their lives to Satan, and were representing the darkest forces in the universe. They have turned into a gigantic beasts masquerading as Children of God, but unknown to them there are unique experiences associated to Children of God. That is their mark of ownership.
  48. The children of God believe in the teachings passed over to them by God in their midst. Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena preached the Resurrected Christ and not the crucified Christ. Many religious organization are still skeptical about the resurrection of Jesus. Many are still nailing Him on the cross till date. Professor J. N. D Anderson and author of “Evidence for the Resurrection” concurs, with this statement:
  49. “Think of the psychological absurdity of picturing a little band of defeated cowards cowering in an upper room one day and a few days later transformed into a company that no persecution could silence–and then attempting to attribute this dramatic change to nothing more convincing than a miserable fabrication–that simply wouldn’t make sense.”
  50. Looking at this scenario, people who were hiding yesterday from persecution and only to come up today very bold, having no fear of imprisonment, torture or death. There must be a miraculous occurrence that happened that fortified their faith and increased their confidence.
  51. Yes there is, the master applied a mystical demonstration which enabled Him to project His personality and consciousness to places distant from His physical body. Using that principle He was able to appear before His disciples. That was when Thomas inquisitiveness manifested. He wanted to touch the wound to make sure that what he was seeing was real. From them their faith enlarged beyond proportion.
  52. Everything done in the house of God is shrewd in secrecy.
  53. “What? A mystic secret! Note it. Everything in the house of God is a secret. Everything pertaining to God and His children in His Kingdom is a secret hidden in God only to be revealed to His sons and daughters.If you reveal the secret of a cult to non-initiates, it is a punishable offense in the village. That is why there are things we preach outside and there are things we preach inside. You cannot through (with the help of) the publication: Last Trumpet,” “Man of Sin,” “Hard Truth.” Know us.
  54. We were permitted to give you those things to get an idea that there is something somewhere. But the fullness of what we are made up of is in us. You will not know it until you come in. You must come in. If you remain outside complaining and murmuring and then disputing, you cannot know us unless you come inside.” Son of Man, from the message, OUR FATHERS DID NOT GET THE LAND BY THEIR POWER, page 30:27-29.
  55. “The mysteries which Jesus dealt with were of a transcendental nature and revealed divine principles and a special power to perform, which the student of the ancient wisdoms and spiritual revelations had always understood as existing in some being somewhere, or as potential with God and probably transferable to an avatar or divine messenger of some unique qualifications, but undemonstrated and untaught to more than a secret few.” Spencer Lewis.
  56. Frank Morison, a British Journalist continued investigating this mystery. “He began to examine the motive of Jesus’ followers. He reasoned that something extraordinary must have happened because the followers of Jesus ceased mourning, ceased hiding, and began fearlessly proclaiming that they have seen Jesus alive.
  57. Remember that Jesus as the scriptures informed us only appeared to His disciples and also, to Caiaphas, the High Priest to warn him to repent from his wicked heart, and not to the general public. In the case of Caiaphas, he broke the law of Time and Space to appear inside his house that all the entrances were locked.
  58. The investigator and the Roman rulers didn’t know either to doubt or believe what the disciples of Jesus was proclaiming. That was why some believed that a tiny insignificant movement was able to prevail over the cunning grip of the Jewish establishment, as well as the might of Rome. NOTE,
  59. “Never underestimate the power of a loosely knit group working for a good cause.”
  60. The Jewish and Roman community decided to rubbish the resurrection with a negative story which they enlarged fictitiously, to dounce it’s existence.
  61. When world historian H.G Wells was asked who has left the greatest legacy on history, the non-Christian scholar replied, “By this text Jesus stands first.”
  62. The spirit of Christ is moving from one body to another. None initiates would not understand that it is the same personality that is here now continuing the same spiritual progression. Jesus, as a name, was accorded that honour during that dispensation as the first.
  63. In this dispensation, there is no other soul on this planet earth that can say he will leave a legacy greater than this legend we are talking about.
  64. Morison was one skeptic who reversed his thought on this resurrection matter and changed the Title of His Book, to WHO MOVED THE STONE? Which documents the evidence that persuaded him to believe that the resurrection of Jesus Christ was a true historical fact.”
  65. Till date many religious inquisitive scholars are still investigating. Another scholar who wrote about evidence for Jesus’ Resurrection was Dr. Simon Greenleaf, founder of Harvard Law School. Greenleaf wrote the rules of evidence still used in our legal system till today. Applying those rules to the events surrounding Jesus’ death, Greenleaf concluded that any honest jury would render a verdict that Jesus Resurrection really happened. As with Morison, it was the sudden change in the disciple’s behavior that persuaded him to have a rethink. He writes, “It would have been impossible for the disciples to persist with their conviction that Jesus had risen if they hadn’t actually seen the risen Christ “
  66. Jesus resurrection convinced his disciples that He was the Messiah who had died for our sins. He was”the only way to God,” and “the resurrection and life” They now knew Jesus alone had the power over life and death, and they gave their lives proclaiming Him as the risen Lord.”
  67. Son of Man is the way, He is the Light and the One masquerading God. No one comes to God without passing through Him. If we, from now on, continue to elaborate about the electrifying tale of His magnificent achievements, which book will contain it? They are too numerous to be recorded in a book, likewise the activities of Jesus Christ.
  68. Although he was originally skeptical about the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but later this Oxford Scholar C.S. Lewis explains how Jesus’ resurrection was unique among all events in human history. “Something perfectly new in the history of the universe had happened. Christ has defeated death. The door which had always been locked had for the first time been forced open.”
  69. Concluding this compilation, there were other great names in Biblical history; We have to mention some. These are the people Son of Man came to justify, because He is the justifier at this closing age, and if not, none of them will enter Paradise.
  70. Adam and Eve, first two people on earth, Noah famous for building the Ark. Abraham, a man though not perfect, obeys God’s command to leave his homeland in Mesopotamia and venture to an unknown promised land (ancient Canaan, later Israel.). Moses, the Hebrew Bible described him as the greatest Prophet who ever lived. David, he is Israel’s second and greatest King. As a boy he courageously defeated a mighty enemy warrior named Goliath with only a sling and a stone. Elijah was one of Israel’s greatest Prophet, as well as God’s heavy weight champ in an epic bout against a deity named Baal (the Canaanite storm god). Can we talk about Isaiah, one of the most influential Prophets in the Hebrew Bible. Mary, being Jesus mother. Jesus, according to the New Testament story He is the Messiah (anointed One, Christos). The promised deliverer of Israel who died on the cross by crucification and resurrected.
  71. How about Peter, he was a fisherman until Jesus called him to be a disciple or a “Fisher of Men.”Paul or Saul, as he was first called is arguably the person most responsible for spreading Christianity throughout the Mediterranean region, on its way to becoming the Religion of the Roman Empire. He was the Apostle of power and grace. Solomon who although expanded the Kingdom of Israel to it’s greatest size and amassed unprecedented levels of wealth, had a harem of hundreds of concubines and many wives but didn’t die with a deep connection to his Lord. About Enoch, he was a mighty man of Faith, who many have been around during some very perilous times. He worked with God and never tasted death.
  72. Isaac lived a very quiet and peaceful life. He had a single wife, Rebecca and her two sons whom he loved dearly all his life. He never left the Promised Land that God has given him. He was a very meditating man. To Joshua, he was a great man, in word, in deed, and in action. He led the ancient Israelites from their desert dwellings of 40 years, to the Promised Land flowing with milk and honey. Another prominent personality was Joseph the dreamer who saw himself in the right light. During those dark years of his life, Joseph never saw himself as a slave or a prisoner. He was the one who refused to let his outside circumstances define himself. He always chose to embrace the Truth that God loved him and was with him, no matter what.
  73. Daniel was a man of great wisdom and Integrity. He was also a refugee.
  74. Talking about John the Baptist, he was Jesus cousin and was declared by Jesus to be the greatest prophet (Luke 7:28) “Inall humanity there is no one greater than John. And yet the least citizen of the Kingdom of God is greater than he “(LB.) and essentially the last prophet of the Law. (Matt. 11:12 -13) “And from the time John the Baptist began preaching and baptizing until now, ardent multitudes have been crowding towards the Kingdom of Heaven, for all the laws and prophets looked forward (to the Messiah).Then John appeared.” He was the one who chose to see Jesus as the Lamb and disregard the world, throwing it’s conformity to the ground.”
  75. All these personalities mentioned above were great prophets and leaders whom God used in different dispensations but most had frosty relationship with God before departing this earth. Son of Man came purposely to lead all those fallen heroes back to God. He acknowledged their flaws, and is seeking genuine connection to the God head. He will justify all, and set them free.
  76. “He decided to make us holy in His own eyes without a single fault. In other words, He that will justify you is with you. Once He has justified you, you are justified.That is why He puts it this way: If the Son of Man shall set you free, you shall be free indeed.” I remembered the Prophecy we heard those days, that the Justifier of the Gentiles is on the scene, and the Destroyer of the Gentiles is on the scene also. It is a Prophecy. He that will justify the Gentiles is here.” Son of Man; Culled from the message.. GOD HAS COUNTED ME WORTHY, PUTTING ME INTO THIS MINISTRY; preached on Sunday 13th August, 2000. Page 71:7-8.
  77. “There is many a man who lifts up his eyes seekingly for Light and Truth. His longing is great, but very often he lacks earnest violation! More than half of the seekers are not genuine. They bring their own preconceived opinion. Should they have to change it in the slightest degree, then they would much rather reject all that is new to them, even if it contains the Truth.
  78. Thus thousands must go under because, entangled as they are in erroneous convictions, they have restricted the freedom of movement which they need to swing themselves upwards to Salvation.
  79. There are always some who imagine they have already grasped all that is right. They have no intention of subjecting themselves to a strict examination based on what they have heard and read.” ABD- RU- SHIN. Culled from the book. IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH, page 129. Para1.
  80. “I am here to correct all stupid truths, expired truths. Our forefathers used them to their own hurt and perished. They are all anti-progressive slogans and proverbs that held them captive. So ask Me whether My life is Worthy of My Gospel. I will say, yes! I believe that is why I preach it. So, I am living a shining example before you for you to emulate.”THE SON OF MAN…BE DELIGENT TO PROTECT YOUR MINDSET. Page 139:37.
  81. Some even when they approach the Son of Man for an advice on a matter will first of all make up their minds about the results they are expecting to get from Him. Anything short of that will not go down well with them. The question remains why did you come to Him for a solution when you have the needed solution to your problems? These are the group of people who are eagerly trying to find fault with Him.
  82. “The mixed multitudes must leave us! This is the last shaking of the Bride. Almighty God told us that there is something that is going to expose all of them. He said, “Watch! Their cup is full. They will no longer abide in the congregation of my people. I am going to expose them publicly. Shamefully, I will throw them out, and they will never come back again.”SON OF MAN…THE REMINDER, part 1, vol 2, page 44: 46.
  83. And in paragraph 48 of the same message, He continued, “So God has been discarding people. As at 1997, He had already discarded many. Yet, the rest remained, troubling this little flock, selected, chosen, consecrated and set apart by God alone “
  84. “The accusers of the brethren walks up and down testing the power behind the Churches and having only but one aim. The aim is to influence the Children of God to displease their God by their actions and doctrines. He will introduce satanic lifestyles into the Churches so that the Holy Ghost will be grieved out of the Church. What does Satan use to accuse brethren?
  85. “The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the Law.” (1 Cor. 15:56, KJV)The only thing Satan has as his armour to accuse the children of God is the Law of Moses. Accept it if you can. Without the Law, sin has lost its strength as we see from the scriptures.” EPISTLE 7, Chapter1, page 243:18-24.
  86. This is the consolation of Son of Man.
  87. “Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by Me: whosoever shall gather against thee shall fall for thy sake.
  88. Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy. No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgement thou shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.”(Isaiah 54:15-17, KJV)
  89. “My consolation has remained the promise of God to all His vindicated servants which cannot fail in all the ages. I have fought a good fight, I have kept the faith. I have won the battle by His enabling power and grace. Praise the Lord.” SON OF MAN. “I have fought long and hard for my Lord, and through it all I have kept true to him. And now the time has come for me to stop fighting and rest.” 2Timothy 4:7(LB)
  90. The world of spiritual space have collapsed irretrievably with intractable crisis between darkness and Light which is on now. The world is covered now with evil of different kinds and shapes. Whatever the spiritual promise the devil is dangling before the children of God is unworkable, and he had devilishly launched a deliberately evil plan that will not bear the inescapable consequences he planned. They brought misery, anguish and grief within the family of God.
  91. They tried to demand unfettered (not controlled or restricted) access to the inner circle where they want to commit atrocities so that the Name of God will be defamed. God is wiser than them, and the moment they started regrouping, He started throwing them out from the Bride of Christ one after the other. He knew them and their antics more than they know themselves. What are the reasons they hated Him?
  92. It’s only because of my doctrine which they speak malicious words against, and I know the source of my message. I also speak boldly without fear or favour which they have been making scathing (criticizing) remarks about. Can their attacks water down my stand? NEVER! NEVER!! Those irresponsible renegade and their factions had a limited power which cannot change or affect anything. They are mockers and scoffers. Most of us had sometimes mixed up with them, but Almighty God, out of love came our ways and helped us to change our hearts.
  93. Those who refused to abide, seemingly abdicated (refused to perform) their responsibilities in the Household of God again so as to frustrate the working mechanism of the movement. Guardedly, in anticipation of this approaching development, He, Son of Man countered their plans and reacted sharply by making some administrative changes which brought in new energetic youths to man the pulpit and take over the essential duties in the Bride of Christ Ministry. That showed that He had started separating the Sheep from the Goat, and most of them had seized in becoming genuine members of the Bride of Christ Ministry.
  94. They are here physically, but spiritually they are million miles away. All their efforts were to make Him feel dejected, but His faith is pledged fully to the living and true God, and with Him their evil plans will not materialize.
  95. This Great, Trusted, powerful and Loving God being indescribable, incomprehensible, unchangeable, and, of course unnamable remains His anchor point; but their own dead woods, handmade gods are tottering (with weak unsteady steps) on the premise of illegitimacy.
  96. A god that operates with draconian (extremely cruel and severe) policy. All their efforts are focused on the prism (very bright and clear) of self-interest. Nothing more! Son of Man have crossed many rivers, oceans, hills and mountains of challenges created by the evil ones in this era. We can’t number how many shrines His pictures had been taken to by those enemies of truth so that He can be eliminated by the native doctors. Did they succeed?
  97. NO! All the spirits in the entire world have tried to kill Him, but their efforts were in futility. Do you know how many underwear’s I have lost? Some people collected them for diabolical purposes. All these signs were proof that He wasn’t alone. William Shakespeare confirmed that, “The path is smooth that leadeth on to danger.”
  99. Nature has laws, and it is called “natural laws.” Nothing speaks louder than nature. Anything can be suppressed, but not nature. And those laws of nature govern the universal activities. It works in consonance (agreement) with what George Eliot believes that, “It will never rain roses: when we want to have more roses, we must plant more rose.”
  100. Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena has planted more roses in His life time and this is the actual time for Him to harvest them. He never depended solely on anybody to help Him out while planting those roses. He believed that human nature is unpredictable, and so as your shadow without notice can leave you while you are in the dark, so somebody can disappoint you when you need him most.
  101. Son of Man has made us to understand one basic truth; He told us that every character somebody exhibits in this faith that the hand of God is behind it. “No matter the level of rebellion or wickedness people manifest in this Faith, you should not feel disturbed or discouraged because the hand of God is behind all actions of men to bring His word to fulfilment.” EPISTLE 12, Chapter 1. Page 314:17.
  102. Our greatest joy is that we have not followed a cunningly devised fables. This is a great privilege. We should be prayerful and thankful to God for the personality He has given to us in this generation, a valuable jewel. We have no idea how many people would love to have what you’ve got. We should guide it jealously.
  103. “I the Lord have called you to demonstrate my righteousness. I will guide and support you, for I have given you to my people as the personal confirmation of my covenant with them. You shall also be a light to guide the nations unto me. You will open the eyes of the blind, and release those who sit in prison darkness and despair.” Isaiah 42:6-7 (LB)
  104. So don’t ever be tempted to look for outside approval from all those seducers, if you do, you have compromised your faith and Integrity.Our leader has made a great mark on the sands of time, so we should follow His footsteps and get to where He is standing. That is His mission on earth, to bring us to Himself so we reign with Him in paradise. Upon all He passed through in this life, He still preserved the spiritual essence of His being as an icon seeking out the trait of individuality. This path He took leads Him to the summit (highest point) of His Ministry.
  105. This battle which is about to be concluded started since the world began between the Greatest warrior, Christ who is in total control of the human existence, and Satan who is struggling to drag some unbelievers to the pit of hell, will soon explode. Son of Man’s presence on this planet earth has created a state of fear and anxiety on the minds of unbelievers and their captain. Without their presence, the illumination of the present Star in our midst won’t be noticed.
  106. He has informed us that it is All OVER! Definitely, Son of Man is about marshalling out His Great armada against the Satanic agents. That is the war of Armageddon and that is where He, the Son of Man will make the world believe what He has been echoing since He was revealed, that– “I AM HE!”The world must bow down before His footstool, and worship Him.
  107. “I have sworn by myself and I will never go back on my word, for it is true-that every knee in all the world shall bow to me and, every tongue shall swear allegiance to my name.” ISAIAH 45:23 (LB)
  108. That was a Prophecy and it must come to pass.
  109. This activity will brings the tortuous journey that started a long time ago to an end, and we should glorify our God who created the Heavens and the Earth for giving the Son of Man victory over the powers of darkness, and this victory will be celebrated in the heavens, and His Golden Crown is there for Him. Congratulations sir, for your dodged spirit and determination backed with unconditional love.
  110. He remains a great factor in our lives. He has stamped His feet on the sands of time. He is a great and visionary leader and not a champion. Leaders are born, and not made while champions are made and cannot be a Legend. We cannot forget a person who came to us with a torch in our darkest hour, opened our eyes and showed us the way.
  111. He made us to understand, as Henri Fredrick Amile said that, “Truth is not only violated (to go against) by falsehood; it may be equally outraged by silence.” (A strong feeling of shock and anger).
  112. The value of what we have in hand is often greater than the potential of what we desire. Let’s preserve it!
  113. He elaborated on the teaching which Jesus taught that brethren should seek the kingdom of God first and all other things will be added to it. That we should think more of our souls, help in uplifting the work of God, and more so learn to be a good ambassador of Christ.
  114. As Socrates added,” Are you not ashamed of caring so much for the making of money, and for fame and prestige, when you neither think nor care about wisdom and truth and the improvement of your soul?” Our God told us that “if you are earthly, you will be trapped by earthly possessions”, but if you are spiritual you will not be covetous.
  115. “A man’s life consistent not in the things he possesseth.” LUKE 12:15.
  116. “Beware! Don’t always be wishing for what you don’t have. For real life and real living are not related to how rich we are.” (LB)
  117. Through this compilation, Almighty God has opened my blinded eyes the more, and now I can appreciate this Man in our midst greatly as not ordinary human being.
  119. It is said that behind every successful man, there must be a virtuous wife who will always back him up effectively in all endeavors, both physically or spiritually. Once the man is successful, both of them will share the success story. If you are trapped by a devilish woman, and you rest your head on her laps, you will definitely wake up in hell.
  120. Though, Mummy Joy Nzubechi (Son of Man) Odoemena, the Queen of Paradise has lost the bond of earthly existence and rose up into Paradise; we still feel her physical absence from our midst. She was the virtuous wife of our Great Mahdi who stood behind Him strongly during all His Ministry assignments.
  121. She played a great part in what we are celebrating today, though her presence is not felt physically but spiritually, we will continue to appreciate her endeavors in this Bridal Movement. The quick assimilation of the spiritual lessons of life helped her to display her human dignity. While alive, she was responsive to the sufferings of her fellow human beings, and also she responded with her whole being to all the events that happened around her home, encouraging her husband when the need arises.
  122. She was a generous soul, and there was not a mean motive in her. By her character, we learnt a great lesson about humility. That we should be humble and never show that we are better than anyone else. We should also humble ourselves before God so that He will exalt us in due time. With humility we should serve others, with humility we should worship God. We all must leave this world with nothing.
  123. Those of us who are not married yet should pray that we will get a virtuous wife and a responsible and caring husband.
  124. That is why we are here today to celebrate Son of Man who has achieved greatness in His divine Mission, including the wife, the children who contributed in His success story .We your children far and wide have gathered here today to wish you-the legend of our time a HAPPY BIRTHDAY and CONGRATULATIONS. Your success story will continue to echo and vibrate throughout the entire universe. Amen, Amen and Amen.
  125. Socrates says,” By all means marry. If you will get a good wife, you will become happy, if you get a bad one you will become a philosopher.”
  126. Finally Sir, I pray that you should not use this compilation to judge me. Many have written, preached and fallen away. Though, you have taught me a lot through the researches I conducted while compiling these messages, so I won’t deny the fact that my eyes had not been opened the more. I need your sole help to enable me stand firm in this glorious spiritual movement. What I have understood now has ignited fire in my heart, and the revelation of who you are is now made manifest to me and my family. Thank you for giving me and my family this opportunity of compiling this piece. Glory be to your name!
  127. You are highly revered and blessed. Sir.

Believing in He whom He has sent means relying and confiding in Him, depending on Him, hearing from Him, believing His words, putting His words into action, stopping where He says stop, moving where He says move. You do nothing except at His words.


LEARN OF ME PREACHED on 11TH AUGUST 2002 pg. 73vs41

Are you truly in this Faith? Are you truly in the Faith of the Son of Man? If you are not in the Faith of the Son of Man, you are in the “religious faith” (a churchgoer). Religion makes God invisible. And there is no experience in an “imaginary God”. If you do not believe that GOD is a MAN, your salvation is questionable.


From The Message- AS I THOUGHT ON MY WAYS VOL 2; Preached on 24th December, 2000 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 51.