WORSHIP GOD IN YOUR YOUTH Preached ON Friday Morning, 29th December, 2023 AT VOICE OF GOD STUDIO Bridal Lodge, Nsugbe Anambra State, Nigeria BY Apostle Peter Odoemena THE SON OF MAN The LORD God Almighty

Transcribed by Bishop David Mbah, Students’ Fellowship, MOUAU, Abia State

[4]“I want to make the simpleminded wise!” he said. “I want to warn young men about some problems they will face. [5-6]I want those already wise to become wiser and become leaders by exploring the depths of meaning in these nuggets of truth.” [7-9]How does a man become wise? The first step is to trust and reverence the Lord! Only fools refuse to be taught. Listen to your father and mother. What you learn from them will stand you in good stead; it will gain you many honours.

Proverbs 1:4-9, The Living Bible.

Listen to Me very well. If you are in this Movement with Me. I am the oldest man in this Church. I am the oldest man in this Congregation. I am telling you pure truth. ……. It is only in this Message that you know that reincarnation is a reality. There is something that is hidden in this Message I am preaching. The thing had been troubling the world, but they do not have spiritual reasons. ……. I, first of all, told you the Source. It was made manifest. You saw Him very well. You permitted Him to talk. You all agreed, “Now, talk and we will hear.” He is talking now. I say He is talking.


ACTION TIME PART 2 (TRAINING OF CHILDREN) CAMP MEETING; preached on Tuesday, 30th December, 1997 at the Household of God Onitsha; Pg. 40 vs. 33, Pg. 42 vs. 40 & Pg. 95 vs. 7



  1. I am the Alpha and the Omega. I decide the course of everything. That I am silent is because I want to be silent for now, not that I am not overseeing the activities of the entire world.
  2. You only know Me as your father, your brother and this and that, but the Elohim, you do not know and you have not seen.
  3. You only see the similitude of the Elohim in your photograph, but you have never encountered the Elohim face to face, for no man had ever encountered the Elohim and remained the same.
  4. You must have your own testimony that will shake the entire world, and that is, if you survive it.
  5. This Family is a peculiar Family. This particular place where I am, this is the Supreme Headquarters of the Almighty God. Nobody does anything here because he wants to. Everything here was well-planned before the world began, well-designed to suit My purpose and not anybody’s purpose.
  6. That is why, not all are qualified to be here. If you happen to be here, there must be something that brought you here. I want you to re-examine that thing again.
  7. If it is by coincidence and it is not by divine coincidence, have a re-think. If you are here by coincidence, there is something else that brought you here if not that the Almighty God invited you, I say, have a re-think from this morning.
  8. You have two conditions to be here. [1] You MUST be My offspring biologically. In other words, you MUST be divinely oriented. Your origin and your take-off MUST be the Elohim.
  9. That is why nobody teaches a child of God to fear and honour God. It is already in that person. The germ of life is there. The Bible calls it the divine sperm. Note what I am going to say there.
  10. [2] Another thing that will bring you here is the Elohim inviting you to come and share in His Glory and in His Kingdom.
  11. And to everybody that is favoured that way, the Bible said it is the best of invitations, if you will honour it.
  12. REFERENCES: [1] 1 John 3:9, Amplified version. 9No one born (begotten) of God [deliberately, knowingly, and habitually] practices sin, for God’s nature abides in him [His principle of life, the divine sperm, remains permanently within him]; and he cannot practice sinning because he is born (begotten) of God.
  13. [2] 1 Peter 1:3-4, The Message Bible. 3-4Everything that goes into a life of pleasing God has been miraculously given to us by getting to know, personally and intimately, the One who invited us to God. The best invitation we ever received! We were also given absolutely terrific promises to pass on to you—your tickets to participation in the life of God after you turned your back on a world corrupted by lust.
  14. And that invitation is conditional. It is optional. You have the right to say yes, and you have the right to say no. You have the right to give excuses why you should not honour it. It is not compulsory that everybody should honour every invitation.
  15. But if you happen to be the Elect, no matter where you are, it then means you proceeded from Him. Then you are an incarnate of one of the angels. One of the angels that were loyal to Him was pressed into that divine sperm, and into your mother’s womb.
  16. And while he shuttled between the heavenly plain and the earthly plain, eventually the time for delivery came and the LORD forced that person out to come here to help in showing the whole world that the Deity exists in human form.
  17. And to such people, nobody speaks to them concerning God. Intuitively, whether they are academically educated or not, they MUST be a part of the Deity.
  18. This is because if you are a part of the Deity before the foundation of the world, it then means that you have an inseparable link until you decide to make yourself rebellious.
  19. And you turn rebellious because of what you have decided to make yourself. That is the type of life you have decided or chosen to live.
  20. He will not say no to it. Having warned you about it, He will let off that person to go. He will tell you to go. And He knows very well that the moment you go away, you will not find your way back again. The moment He lets you go, you will never find your way back from there.
  21. Wherever He is, that is the Holy Mountain. That is Mount Zion. That is the Heavenly place.
  22. As many as were with Me at Opi, on 22nd and 23rd of March this year [2023], they can testify that they were not only partakers. They witnessed with their eyes. They heard with their ears before they became partakers, that nothing was happening by accident.
  23. He assumed it. He assumed it. He assumed it from the day His mother in-law dropped. He assumed responsibility. He said, “I loved her. Look at My reason. She was not religious, but she had a good heart. She belongs to Me. Let no man ever plan the burial outside Me.”
  24. That is why I allowed her to drop like My wife without pains. There was no mumbling of the mouth. There was no staccato sound [I mean voice] that was heard around her. She just dropped on her way to check-up in the hospital.
  25. When I was invited, I assumed responsibility straightaway. I told the children that I did not want her to suffer. I was there and I saw everything. And it happened on a Friday, the best of the days. Just like today is Friday, it is My day. Today is the day a human being appeared on earth.
  26. The first human being appeared here on earth on the sixth day. And that was Adam. Eve was not there.
  27. Only the son of man can tell you the number of years Adam lived a lonely life with animals before the idea of bringing Eve into existence came. It was not something that followed after creating Adam. No! No!
  28. Even the Bible highlighted it. Adam continued to live his life without a partner, having no relation with anybody but animals. You do not know how many years that elapsed until God finished everything and said that all He created– All! He declared all of them perfect, but a woman was not there.
  29. Many years after everything was declared perfect, God now saw the plight of the man and said that it is necessary that he [Adam] should have a companion. One to interact with. One to discuss with.
  30. This is because, not even one animal in the Garden of Eden spoke the language of a human being. God never had fellowship with any of them, though they were present each time God came for Fellowship. They were there lifting their heads high, all in their own way of honouring the Almighty.
  31. But to Adam, God was leading Adam by the hand. Every cool of the evening He will come and He will lead Adam by the hand. They will go round and supervise the creatures.
  32. That is why the Psalmist documented it thus in a song: [O LORD my God, when I awesome wonder, consider all that works Thy hands have made, I see the stars. I hear the rolling thunders, Thy power throughout the universe displayed.
  33. Then sings my soul My Saviour God to Thee, “How great Thou art. How great Thou art.” Then sings my soul My Saviour God to Thee, “How great Thou art. How great Thou art.”]
  34. It is unfathomable. That is the only thing He said. Nobody can, through his personal reasoning, fathom out the greatness of God.
  35. Consider the lilies in the forest and how many fishes there are in the waters. He created some animals and human beings for the desert. Who made the desert? The Almighty. He made the arid regions.
  36. Who made the warm temperate areas? The LORD. Who created the cold areas? Who created the hot zones? The LORD. And He created different animals to survive in the different climates.
  37. Who can decide the weather, talk less of the climate? No matter your scientific knowledge, you are just having a figment of something, which is the much He has permitted you with your small thinking. Yet, human beings continue to bluff when they have nothing. Absolutely nothing.
  38. You may know everything in this life, but do you know the day you entered your mother’s womb? Can you tell Me the day you entered into your mother’s womb? Can you tell Me how you were delivered?
  39. You heard it with the hearing of the ear from your mother, but there were things that transpired which your mother could not tell you because during the time of delivery, she lost consciousness.
  40. No woman delivers a child in a conscious estate. She must be unconscious. Everything that transpired during that unconscious state, she knew not.
  41. That is why, in that unconscious state, all are forbidden from nearing the labour room, for the woman can even be mad and go naked. She can slap the doctors and nurses. Yet, at the end of the day, she will not believe all that she said.
  42. She could be destructive. That is why some of them are chained. Some are beaten up to enable them deliver, after which, the wounds will heal. Some are flogged thoroughly.
  43. So, no child here can tell the story of how he or she came out from the mother’s womb. Even the mother herself cannot tell the story. She can talk a little about the labour but not the fullness of the labour that culminated into the delivery of the child.
  44. In other words, human beings are here miraculously. There is no woman that has ever delivered a child by her strength. Sometimes, it will be when the strength is exhausted, you see the child come out.
  45. So, God is great and must be greatly feared and worshipped if you know Who God is. I say, if you know Who God is. He that decides to make a human being His Tabernacle, He wanted to rig away all human intellect.
  46. He hid Himself because He is an expert in hiding Himself, even the Vessel.
  47. References: [1] Revelation 21:3, The Message Bible. I heard a voice thunder from the Throne: “Look! Look! God has moved into the neighbourhood, making His home with men and women! They’re His people, He’s their God.”
  48. Amplified version. 3Then I heard a mighty voice from the throne and I perceived its distinct words, saying, See! The abode of God is with men, and He will live (encamp, tent) among them; and they shall be His people, and God shall personally be with them and be their God.
  49. [2] Isaiah 45:15, New International Version. 15Truly you are a God who hides himself, O God and Saviour of Israel.

You must know your position, your status in Christ, your position in THE SON OF MAN and it should be so clear to you so that you will never accuse any Brother or any Sister of either blackmailing you or biasing the mind of THE SON OF MAN against you, for it will be another affair between you and your Maker directly.


BRIDAL WATCH! ISRAEL AND PALESTINE IN PROPHESY VOL 2; preached on Sunday 30th March 2014 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 55 vs. 36



  1. So, in this hour we are in, we have to be very very cautious. We went to bed last night and we came out this morning. The date has changed in the calendar. I say, the date has automatically changed. Nothing will ever take you back to yesterday. It is gone and gone for good. This is a new day.
  2. Sufficient unto the day is the trouble thereof. Yesterday is gone together with all its goodness, all its follies and all its wisdom. Everything about yesterday is completely gone.
  3. Today is a new page. You have to turn over to a new page. And this new page shows that you are progressing. You are not retrogressing.
  4. But if you are carrying yesterday into today, shame on you. That goes to show that you are living in the glare of past days. Even if you failed yesterday and you survived, today, you are standing. That you failed yesterday does not mean that you will fail today.
  5. If you fell down yesterday, does it mean that you will fall down today? The experience you gathered yesterday will save you from falling today. Is it not true?
  6. The experience you had yesterday proved to you that you are still on course. You are not yet a master. Today, you have to convince yourself that through what you experienced yesterday, you have mastered what pushed you down, and you will not fall there again.
  7. God is always on the move. If you remain static or stationary, God is not waiting for anybody. Worshipping of God is an individual affair. Your secret covenant with God is between you and God alone. Believe what I am saying. I am not drunk.
  8. There is no body who is not connected with the Almighty God. All your activities follow you through the life cord. You have your life cord. If it snaps, you are dead. That is what will prosper your activities.
  9. Do you believe what I am saying to be true? Do we have it in the Scriptures? Can we get it in the Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 12. It is either Ecclesiastes 12 or 13, but I know it must be there.
  10. You see! You have lost control of the Bible because you take delight in using your phone. You are a Bishop and I have not seen the fruit of a Bishop yet. You are a Bishop on trial. Read your Scriptures. I placed you on trial as a Bishop.
  11. Then if you succeed, I will confirm your appointment as a Bishop. That is what I know the LORD told Me. When you have come nearer to attaining that position, you will be placed on probation. You will be placed on trial.
  12. Even the Pastors. There are too many that are not yet Pastors, but they are on trial. Until you cross the trial, your appointment will not be confirmed.
  13. See how many minutes it has taken you to get Me Ecclesiastes. Look at! You are now going to Ecclesiastes in Genesis and revelation.
  14. You see! Gradually, we drift away from God. The moment we begin to drift away, and you fail to notice it, truly speaking, play-play, play-play, you will see yourself into a ditch.
  15. A bishop is one that is seasoned like a Pastor. If you are not a Pastor, you cannot be a Bishop. First of all, you must be a child of God. Two, you must have a calling from God. As you progress in that calling and make good result in that office, you will be exalted.
  16. The Bible said that those that are working hard are entitled to double honours. What is the double honour a Pastor will earn if not a Bishop? But he must work hard. He must work hard to be there. You do not fold your arms.
  17. The extent you yield your life to your calling in Christ determines the extent you are going to go in that calling. This is the reason why people make shipwreck of their calling. They soon lose vision of their calling. They lose vision of where they are heading to.
  18. I said Ecclesiastes 12 or 13. It must be there. I know I mentioned it here. You were not with Me. If you were with Me, you would have seen it. That is not the Scripture I want to read because it flew into My mouth, for there is something I was talking about – the life cord.
  19. Ecclesiastes 12:6, The Living Bible. [6]Yes, remember your Creator now while you are young—… Remember your Creator while you are still young. Is there anybody here who is above 60 if not THE SON OF MAN? Apart From Myself, there is nobody here who is not under 60.
  20. In other words, THE SON OF MAN has seen more days than any of you. I have seen more days than you. If you see Me in your midst, give God the glory because I am now a rare visitor. A rare visitor! You do not have Me often.
  21. When the LORD Jesus Christ was upbraiding Judas who was suggesting that the gift that was given to Him by a prostitute who recognized the Majesty in Jesus should have been monetized so that his salary will be paid and that of others who were there, or the money should be used to take care of the widows and orphans and beggars on the streets.
  22. Jesus said, “You have them every day around you, but you do not have THE SON OF MAN every day around you so as to offer Him gifts. You do not! You do not!”
  23. How many days do you think He can come to you in a month or in a week? Oftentimes, you may stay for years without capturing a glimpse of His face. You must catch a glimpse of His face before offering anything at His feet.
  24. But how many times do you think He will appear before you in 365 days?
  25. So when you have that opportunity, maximize the usage for you may have it that day and it may be your last time throughout your life period here on earth.
  26. Remember, there were some he banished from His presence outrightly. He banned them outrightly. Just like He continues to warn here that if in anger or provocation, he tells you never to cross His gates again, you are doomed.
  27. And there are many living and fellowshipping with you He banned from crossing His gates, talk less of stepping their feet into the compound.
  28. And He told you something, “If I ban you from visiting Me or anything around Me, and you feel offended, if I come near you, place such a ban on Me for I know I do not go to anybody.” I do not visit people.
  29. Thank God for yesterday. You have visited our Pastor’s house. How many years has he been with Me? Who ordered for the house and told them about everything about that house? Yet, My eyes have not seen it physically talk less of My feet.
  30. I have taken his drink inviting Me long long time ago even before he got married, but up till now, I have not stepped My feet into his house.
  31. What can you say about those living along the same street? I equally know they are living along the street. Have they seen My face in their houses? I do not have time for that.
  32. Even under emergency, you do not see Me anyhow. When I need your services, I send for you. By revelation, you know Who called you. That will be the Source of the invitation. You suspend every activity. I can keep you here throughout that day.
  33. But where you feel worried, you have the right to say, “Excuse Me my LORD.” I know you have decreed yourself out of My presence. That which you want to pursue, go and pursue it.
  34. Any translation of the Bible is Ok for Me. I will use different translations. Now, pay attention. Start from verse 1.
  35. Ecclesiastes Chapter 12 from verse 1.
  36. [1]Don’t let the excitement of being young cause you to forget about your Creator. Fine! That is exactly where I am heading to before I get to that life cord. Do not allow the excitement of your youth, the exuberance of your youth– Please I am drumming this as a drum into your ears and your hearts.
  37. [1]Don’t let the excitement of being young cause you to forget about your Creator. …
  38. Do not allow the excitement that follows your being young– You think you will be young forever. You think you will be strong forever. Do not permit that excitement that follows youthful age to remove you from the presence of God.
  39. There is nobody here who was alive when this warning went forth. These things form part of the things that were written aforetime as a warning. If there is no danger ahead, warning is useless.
  40. If people never allowed the excitement of their youth to hinder them from serving God faithfully; if there were people that were not victims, do you think this record would have been kept?
  41. Who kept these records? This is the one God adjudged to be the most righteous and the wisest of his day. King Solomon inspired by the Holy Spirit.
  42. He knew he grew up as a youth. He saw all those excitements. He saw people that followed them to perdition. He saw people who honoured God using their youth. He made comparisons.
  43. For the Bible said that no matter the way you look at life, experience has shown that those that serve God are better placed than those that do not serve God. Those that volunteer their lives to serve God live better life and have better prospects than those that refuse to serve God.
  44. I want all of you to pay heed to what I am going to say. If it is possible, record it with your handsets. Record it with your best hard discs. And that is your heart.
  47. And remember that I have been warning. Whatever you have made yourself– Wherever you are standing in your youthful days automatically determines where you will sit down in your old age.
  48. Wherever you are standing now– Whatever you are doing right now automatically decides what your future will be. Believe it for I am the one telling you the truth.
  49. Like I said in the beginning, none of you here is above 60 years of age. You are all under 60. I am the oldest in your midst right now. I have seen more days.
  50. I have seen the plight of people who dedicated their lives in their youth serving God. I have seen the plight of those that turned their backs against God in their youth and I have seen where they sat down in their old age.
  51. That is why even the Bible helped us as parents by admonishing us using the words of our fathers that we should train our children in a godly way as they are coming up, so that at our old age, we will have rest.
  52. Refuse to train your children in the fear of God when they are coming up at their tender ages, wait until they become adults. You have missed them. At your old age, you will never see rest, for the greatest disturbance in every family is one coming from irate youth, unguided youth, unguided children who were allowed to have their ways.
  53. And the Bible crowns it all by saying, “Any child that is allowed to have his or her way must bring shame, dishonour and reproach to the family and to the parents.”
  54. [1]Don’t let the excitement of being young cause you to forget about your Creator.
  55. Do not allow the excitement of your being young to cause you to forget your God in your youthful days. Are there people you can cite wherever you have lived? Is there nobody?
  56. Are there no group of people [man and woman] who, because of the excitement of their youth, have turned their hearts against God? Do we not have such people? Are they not everywhere?
  57. Have you not seen the end of some? Some have ended it in disaster, in death, while some are now bed-ridden. I mean, they are now in the limbo.

Youths! If not for the Son of Man, many of you would have indulged in violent occupations because of the great reward that follows it temporally. But the Son of Man said, “When a man chooses the way he wants to live his life, he has chosen the way he wants to die. If you choose a violent occupation, you must die a violent person, for destiny is not a matter of chance but a matter of choice.” Violent occupation. The Son of Man condemns it in its ramification and then gave you a new ethical re-orientation which has produced many graduates in our midst who are now productive pillars, prospective productive agents that will move the nation forward if time permits. Glory be to God in the highest. Amen.

THE SON of man

He has come, He has gone; Preached on 23rd September 2012 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 146 vs. 63 – 64



  1. Ecclesiastes 12 from verse 1, The Living Bible. [1]Don’t let the excitement of being young cause you to forget about your Creator. Honour him in your youth before the evil years come—
  2. Honour God in your youth before the evil days come. So there are evil days ahead. There are evil days ahead. And you are witnesses and partakers that things are getting worse with every passing day.
  16. … Honour him in your youth before the evil years come—WHEN YOU’LL NO LONGER ENJOY LIVING.
  17. Do not allow the excitement of youth, which is very much short-lived. The life of a youth is the life of a flower. No matter how flamboyant and conspicuous the flower shines or appears to be, it does not last long.
  18. The beauty of a woman is like that of a flower. You are beautiful today on appearance. Give birth to two or three children, you become like an ancient mother. Before you know it, you are plucked off and your place will no longer be remembered.
  19. Only your children will be there as legacies. When people see your children, they will remember they have a mother. Am I here with My own wife today? But her children are here.
  20. When you look at them carrying their babies, you might not remember that they had a mother. But they are mothers today.
  21. There was a time they were infants. From infant to girls. From girls to ladies. Today, they are mothers. They are on the same platform with their mother. One day, they will fizzle out. Do you believe it to be true? Do you believe this to be truth?
  22. We come and we go. The world continues as if nothing happened. But something is taking place every day.
  25. [1]Don’t let the excitement of being young cause you to forget about your Creator. Honour him in your youth… Why?
  26. Because you cannot be young forever. Honour Him while you are still young and strong. Run like a deer. Now that you are strong, you are a youth. Necessity is laid on you to stand in the strength of your youth.
  27. Then, let your folks know that God exists. Let you folks see your godly composure. Let them see where God is leading you to. It is a challenge to all of us.
  28. …Honour Him in your youth before the evil years come—… Evil years are coming o. Remember, the days we are living in are full of evils. True or false?
  29. Is it easy now to repent. With the excitement, with the glamour of iniquity and with everything the devil is offering the world, especially the youth, do you think it is easy for people now to turn away from wickedness to righteousness?
  30. Is it easy for people to now turn away from Satan when they are neck-deep [neck-deep!] into the world and its follies? Do you think it is easy for them to turn their backs against the world and then turn to Christ? Do you think it is easy.
  31. Do you not have them in all the schools and colleges, in the market places and everywhere? Who are greater in population? Are they not people in this category.
  32. You see why God said, “Come out from among them and be ye separate.” You are a peculiar people. You are a holy priesthood. You are God’s own purchased possession. You do not do things because heathens do it.
  33. According to an Igbo adage, the condition of a rat can never be the same with that of a lizard after both must have jumped into water.
  34. God has fixed a day in which He will judge them in righteousness by no other person than the One talking to you right now. I came because My time was set for Me to come and see things for Myself, and then redeem My own from the earth before wiping off all the wicked, after which they will come for the White Throne Judgment.
  35. …Honour Him in your youth before the evil years come—when you’ll no longer enjoy living. When old age comes, evil days come, you will no longer enjoy what? Living.
  36. [2]It will be too late then to try to remember himIt will be what? Too late to try to remember God, Who you never remembered at the prime of your youth. Why? The youthful excitement has consumed you. You have been consumed into that youthful life.
  37. [2]It will be too late then to try to remember him when the sun and light and moon and stars are dim to your old eyes,…
  38. A time when everything has become dim. You are now walking with a dim light, for your eyes are growing dim, your strength failing you and your legs are now feeble and shaky.
  39. God Whom you turned your back against when you were strong and healthy because of youthful excitement, is it in this old age that you will remember Him?
  40. It is the worst crime human beings commit to carry evil habit from childhood to old age. Did you get what I am saying?
  41. He that was not introduced to the ways of Christ as a youth when he or she was coming up, is it at that old age when he or she has started losing his or her memory, when his or her only fancy will be “Give me food; Give me drink”, is it that time?
  42. His or her legs cannot carry him through again. The strength is gone. He or she is only resting, waiting for the day the LORD will push him or her into hell. His or her hell started here.
  43. To those that worship God, their heaven starts here. If your heaven does not start here, your hell starts here. it is here that will determine where we are going to. everywhere and everything we Want to do starts here.
  44. If we cannot live harmoniously with God and with our fellow Brethren here, forget about it in Paradise. People with identical character must be clustered together. People with identical behaviours MUST be lumped together.
  45. If you have the character of Christ you belong to where Christ’s people belong. If you have the character of the world, you will be where the entire world is. No mistake about it.
  46. When the eyes will be dim and the teeth in the mouth will be few, you will no longer enjoy living.
  47. …and there is no silver lining left among your clouds. [3]For there will come a time when your limbs will tremble with age,…
  48. A time will come when your limbs—your hands and your legs will be trembling with age. They can no longer sustain you. The young MUST grow old whether we believe it or not.
  49. Every day adds to your number of years. Every day makes you older and not younger. I say, every day makes you older, not younger. Every passing day also makes you weaker and not stronger, physically speaking.
  50. [3]For there will come a time when your limbs will tremble with age, your strong legs will become weak, and your teeth will be too few to do their work,…
  51. What is the work of the teeth? You have not seen aged people with few teeth in their mouth. If you give him something to chew, while chewing he will be shaking his head and tears will be coming out from his eyes.
  52. I want you to know that these things were documented today to preserve the wise, for the Word of God is given to the wise to make him wiser.
  53. It goes to the foolish to make him more foolish, for the Word of God is foolishness to people that are destitute of the truth and who are heading to perdition.
  54. This thing the Bible is now referring to, is it not life experience? Who has ever escaped it? Who has ever escaped old age?
  55. From infancy, from day one, as you carry your babies who are now in our hands, they are depending on their mothers and everybody to carry them about. One day, they will be like Temi or Before you know it, they will become like us.
  56. Whether you like it or not, the young shall grow. And the more you are growing, the more you are ageing. I hope you are hearing Me.
  57. If you miss setting your trap to catch a bird in the early hours of the morning, you will come back with an empty net. Catching birds is most certain during the early hours of the morning. To set your traps to catch a bird, it must be early hours of the morning or else no catch. No catch!
  58. So it is with fishermen. If you happen to be a farmer or a fisherman or you know them, go and enquire. You make the best of your catch during the early hours of the morning. That is when the tempest has calmed down a little. Then you make the greatest catch, not during the day when the sun has melted everywhere and every fish will go into hiding.
  59. …and your teeth will be too few to do their work, and there will be blindness too. …
  60. Blindness is associated with old age. Whether you like it or not, one day, your eye muscles will collapse. The moment you begin to use eyeglass like Brother Chibuzor here, although his own was not caused by old age, that is the end.
  61. But now, it has rolled into old age. How long do you think he will wear eyeglass and get transformed? He has not more than seven years to wear this eyeglass, and the eyeglass will not magnify anything again. The eye muscles will be weak.
  62. The moment he finishes its magnification, it returns to zero. The highest magnification he will carry is 450 on both sides. Any time the 450 can no longer give him the required vision, it then means it is all over. He becomes blind.

The mystery of iniquity is already at work all over the world. Who will it trap. It is one that does not have the word of God already settled in his or her heart. That is why I am giving you what I will call spiritual vaccination against mystery of iniquity. Spiritual vaccination against mystery of iniquity that is at work in the world today. That is what I am giving you, for without Christ in your heart, you cannot overcome this evil age with all its trials and temptation. Whatever the devil is producing is against us. Do you believe that?


BE STRONG IN THE LORD Vol. 3; A Teaching on Sunday 18th April 2021 from The Voice of God Studio at The Bridal Lodge, Nsugbe; Anambra State, Nigeria; Pg. 124 vs. 19-21



  1. Ecclesiastes 12: [4]Then let your lips be tightly closed while eating… Because the teeth are few.
  2. When you want to eat, the lips join together because there is nothing holding the upper roof and the lower one again. You have not seen an aged person.
  3. I remember one when we were living at Benjamin. When we were living at Benjamin, though we were living at the road, one day, I was in the front with My children.
  4. We saw an old man who was stooping with his walking stick. One of My sons said, “Daddy! Daddy! Come and see this old man. Daddy, is this the way this man will be walking and reach his destination?” I said yes.
  5. He went further, “Why is he using the stick and bending?” I said, “Old age has set in. One day, I will be like this man.” All of a sudden, “God forbid! God forbid! It is not our portion.”
  6. I told them, “No no no! If I do not walk that way, you are wishing Me evil.” They insisted, “Daddy, do not allow that.”
  7. God is describing nature whether you like it or not. This man who is clinching his lips and everything, can he remember God with tears rolling down because he wants to eat? Is he enjoying life? He is enduring life.
  8. You see why you must get enough knowledge of God, enough fear of God that will sustain you when you get to this condition, for by and by, if life permits, you must become old.
  9. How many years will the excitement of your youth last? It will last as long as you are not yet married and blessed with children. The moment you begin to bear family responsibilities, youthful days are completely over.
  10. The foolishness that is associated with youthful ages automatically vanishes. Suffering sets in with much thinking about life.
  11. [4]Then let your lips be tightly closed while eating when your teeth are gone! And you will waken at dawn with the first note of the birds; but you yourself will be deaf and tuneless, with quavering voice.
  12. [5]You will be afraid of heights and of falling—a white-haired, withered old man, dragging himself along: without sexual desire, standing at death’s door,…
  13. He will be afraid of walking lest he will fall. He will be afraid of climbing steps. He will be afraid of descending steps. Sexual desires, gone! I hope you are hearing Me.
  14. Youth means both male and female. Look at God describing what awaits you and I. This is where I am gradually heading to.
  15. When you are praying for long life and prosperity, you are praying that you will witness it and be a partaker of it. Anybody who never reached this stage died in his youth. He never died in his old age. So whatever you have now is what will sustain you during old age.
  16. [5]You will be afraid of heights and of falling—a white-haired, withered old man, dragging himself along: without sexual desire, standing at death’s door, and nearing his everlasting home… Nearing his what? Everlasting home.
  17. This is because it is not the beginning that determines your destiny but the end. Some started very badly, but ended very well. Some started very well and ended very badly. The take-off does not determine the end. I hope you are hearing Me.
  18. We took off here. And then we have the end ahead. Where a man stops, automatically is where his final destination starts, either in hell or in heaven because that is the point of no reversion. You cannot make a U-turn again. Everything has been decided. It is all over.
  19. The journey that started here is ending either in Paradise or in hell. How is it going to end there? The choice you have made here and you remained upholding it till the end determines your final status.
  20. [5]You will be afraid of heights and of falling—a white-haired, withered old man, dragging himself along: without sexual desire, standing at death’s door, and nearing his everlasting home as the mourners go along the streets.
  21. [6]Yes, remember your Creator now while you are young—before the silver cord of life snaps
  22. The moment that silver cord which God assigned to every human being– I have My own here. You have your own. Even infants have their own. As for those that are in the womb, the moment they are born, the silver cord is connected.
  23. That is what records all human activities. That is why, in the White Throne Judgment, books are opened. I said, “Books are opened.” Then, another Book—one Book—is opened. The Book of life.
  24. But the other ones are books. I do not know how many they might be, where the names of the lost are documented. They were documented in books, but the names of those that will be saved are documented in one Book.
  25. Books are opened and another Book is opened, the Book of life. And anybody whose name is not found written in this Book of life from the beginning of the world is cast into hell, which is the second death.
  26. REFERENCE: Revelation 20:11-15, Amplified version. 11Then I saw a great white throne and the One Who was seated upon it, from Whose presence and from the sight of Whose face earth and sky fled away, and no place was found for them.
  27. 12I [also] saw the dead, great and small; they stood before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is [the Book] of Life. And the dead were judged (sentenced) by what they had done [their whole way of feeling and acting, their aims and endeavours] in accordance with what was recorded in the books.
  28. 13And the sea delivered up the dead who were in it, death and Hades (the state of death or disembodied existence) surrendered the dead in them, and all were tried and their cases determined by what they had done [according to their motives, aims, and works]. 14Then death and Hades (the state of death or disembodied existence) were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. 15And if anyone’s [name] was not found recorded in the Book of Life, he was hurled into the lake of fire.
  29. Is your name among the names in the books or in a Book? Are you following the crowd or the Cloud. Those that follow the crowd are always in the majority are you following the majority or walking alone?
  30. If you are following the majority, it is because your name is among the majority. If you are following the Cloud, you are in a Book, for only a few will recognize the Cloud, know the importance of the Cloud and then follow the Cloud.
  31. Those that follow the crowd are following attraction, but those that are following the Cloud are following Christ. Christ has never been an attraction anywhere. Only a few recognize, acknowledge and follow Him. The rest won’t.
  32. Where do you belong to in your youth? Is there anything that is hindering the youth from worshipping God if not the excitement of their youth and that they will remain here forever? They believe that they will remain shining and inventing every kind of evil.
  33. A time will come when you will run away from your dress box. Your wardrobes will be there, but you will prefer to wear rags because your body cannot bear to carry the weight of the dresses you have in your wardrobe.
  34. There must be a time where you will even find it difficult to tie wrapper, for it will be disturbing, but you have a lot of them. During that period, even to wear shoes will be difficult. You will prefer wearing slippers like I am wearing slippers now.
  35. I have shoes. I have suits. Assorted! Do I wear them again? I cannot carry them and move about. They are too heavy for Me now. I am reducing My weight so that I will not fall on the way and disgrace Myself and My Family.
  36. But there was a time when those things were trending. Whatever that is trending will soon fizzle out. AS YOUTHFUL AGE FIZZLES OUT, SO EVERYTHING THAT IS TRENDING WILL FIZZLE OUT. True or false?
  37. Check too many fashions that have trended and fizzled out. But when we were coming up, we felt we will remain like this, bubbling.
  38. What if you neglect this instruction and refuse to serve God fervently in your youth? And then turn your back against Him because of youthful excitement. And join the youth in whatever they are doing which is hindering them because if they do not go that way, they will become mumu [one considered to be socially naive].
  39. For that reason. You do not want to be called mumu. Some will say you have now arrived because you have joined them. Once you join the world, they will declare you have now arrived, “Now, you speak our language. This is what I have been asking for all the while. Can’t you see how you look now? Enjoy life with us!”
  40. Those are the children of Cain, that is the language of the children of Cain when they gave a rousing reception to the children of Jared. But the children of Jared could not enjoy that life. They lived miserably in their midst for they could not adjust to that dangerous lifestyle that was unknown to them.
  41. They desired to go back to the Mountain from where they fell down. What happened? They could not find their way back so that the warning they received might come to pass, “Please do not go down. Do not join them. Sever yourself from them. If you dare mingle yourself with them, the glamour of iniquity will lay hold on you, and you will not drop it again.”
  42. That is why Saint Paul said, “Even if I am given the opportunity to go on doing that thing and I know that when I want to break away from it, it will not be possible, I will say no.”
  43. From that same Bible you are holding, I want to read it. Hold unto that same place. Give Me 1st Corinthians 6 verse 12. The Living Bible.
  44. There are some habits which you will inculcate, when you want to break away from that habit, it will be difficult. And you who inculcated the habit will equally know that it is not helping you one bit. You inculcated it because it is the order of the day. You want to be like others.
  45. That was the crime Israel committed, requesting for a king. Am I making sense? They said, “God, give us a king. We want to be like other nations, who will lead us to war like other nations.”
  46. They were not requesting for a king that will help them to fear, honour the LORD and serve the LORD, but the king that will make them be like other nations.

When the heart is not filled with the Word of God, that person is doomed. U7i


BE STRONG IN THE LORD Vol. 3; A Teaching on Sunday 18th April 2021 from The Voice of God Studio at The Bridal Lodge, Nsugbe; Anambra State, Nigeria; 17 vs. 13-14



  1. 1st Corinthians 6 verse 12. The Living Bible. [12]I can do anything I want to if Christ has not said no,… This is because you are a free moral agent provided Christ has not said no. and that is, if you have the fear of Christ.
  2. …but some of these things aren’t good for me. Even if I am allowed to do them,… Even if I am allowed to do them, I know that they are not good. Some of them are not good to me. Even if I am permitted to do them anyhow, I will not do.
  3. If I discover that if I indulge in that type of character or life, to break away from it will be difficult for Me, I will not. I will say no.
  4. [12]I can do anything I want to if Christ has not said no, but some of these things aren’t good for me. Even if I am allowed to do them, I’ll refuse to if I think they might get such a grip on me that I can’t easily stop when I want to. Finish!
  5. Are there certain habits we inculcate because of the fun associated with it? Looking at it, it may be all right. Saint Paul, being a man filled with the Holy Spirit said, “I know I have the powers to join them in their excessive drinking and wildlife. I know my limitations. But if I notice that if I join them in that wildlife, doing what they are doing, although I am not a sinner, but it will have such a dangerous grip over Me that when I want to stop it, I can no longer stop it, I dare not indulge in it.”
  6. There were too many people that have been drawn into excessive drinking. To come out from it has become difficult. Play-play, play-play.
  7. Let Me tell you, there is no habit that is formed in one day. It is a gradual development. If you want to be a night star, it begins by leading people out in the night. Before you know it, night becomes another day.
  8. When you begin to stay out late at night, gradually you form it as a habit. Instead of changing, you will be building up defense, “I met my father on the way.” And you make it a defense. Every evil thing you want to introduce, there must be a defense. The devil will put it in your mouth.
  9. Find out. It is not what you are doing that is very much important, but giving yourself over to it. When you become a slave to a certain habit, to break away becomes very difficult.
  10. Is this not what is killing our youth? Our youth holistically surrendered their lives to the devil and to the affairs of this present world. They do not realize that Jesus Christ was born a human being, nurtured like this My little girl here.
  11. If you read saint Luke’s Gospel Chapter 2, Jesus was nurtured. He grew up in stature and in knowledge, having favour with God and with man. True or false? True or false?
  12. Was He not a youth? At the age of 12, was He not a youth. He who started teaching the Word of God in the synagogue at the age of 12, is He not our example today?
  13. Who are you commanded to look up to? Is He not Christ, the Bringer of the Faith? He is the One that pre-planned it. He is the leading Angel. From that Age of 12, check your Scriptures. Was there any time He departed from serving God? Till this very hour, is He not serving God?
  14. That which you never formed as your habit from childhood, and you hardened in iniquity, truly speaking, you are in danger of being called to question as we continue.
  15. Why do I make a little exclusion? It is this. If there be any of My children here– if there be any that decides to wander away, he is not wandering away because he does not know the truth, for from the day their mother conceived them till this day, they were not introduced to anything called religion, they do not know anything called religion. They do not know any other faith. So what they know is what they are upholding till now.
  16. Concerning serving God, they are pure virgins. In the knowledge of truth, they are pure virgins. From the womb till this day, can you compare them to some of you who attended CMS [Anglican communion], held positions in the CMS church and in the catholic church.
  17. You were introduced to different kinds of religions. I remember when they were burying Queen Elizabeth II. I called Ikem upstairs. Two of us were there. I said, “See ancient Anglican.”
  18. Do you know what he asked me? He said, “Daddy, is this thing worshipping God or serving idol?” I said, “That is where the world is. You are asking Me this thing because you have not known anything about it.”
  19. He does not know the use of candles, incense and all those rituals. They are unknown to him. So he is a pure blooded virgin of the Word.
  20. You do not compare My own children biologically to you who were baptized in the denominations, brought up in the denominations with catechism, with different types of lies and religions. You do not come near them at all.
  21. I want to show you why they are a peculiar people. But they can turn renegade through influence or through contact. This is because when they begin to associate with people God said, “Don’t”, they are in danger of being lured into that life. I hope you are hearing Me.
  22. I do not need to tell you My records because you know who I am. You know who I am. No mistake about Me. That is why I tell people that I am the only human being with unmistakable identity o, unless you do not know who Christ is. And then, check his genealogy. Check history. Then you can come closer to knowing Me eventually.
  23. So, if you know, no matter how good and dandy that lifestyle is, and you are a child of God, even if THE SON OF MAN permits you to do it, “Continue; Join them; It means nothing”, and you are of the opinion that this thing is not going to help you in the long run, and it is such a dangerous habit that when you imbibe it, when you allow that habit to make you its slave, people are slaves to whatever they indulge in.
  24. If you become a slave of sin, a slave of ungodly living, to break away is never an easy thing. True or false? True or false?
  25. Look at common social arrangement called marriage. Hear My Voice this morning O heaven and earth. I said, look at this common arrangement that answers marriage. A social arrangement. It is a social arrangement. A social arrangement from where children can come out.
  26. Pay attention to what I am going to say here. It is easier to enter into it than to break it. I say it is easier to enter into this social agreement than to pull out of it. True or false? It is easier to enter into marriage than to break away from marriage.
  27. If it is like that with that social arrangement, begin to check other vices people indulge in and why they find it difficult to come out.
  28. We were at Ugwunabamkpa [Inland Town, Onitsha]. I was there with Pastor Thomas. A man [married] was caught stealing motor parts. They reported him to the police and the police came.
  29. When he was taken to the police at Isiokwe Road, the man knelt down and surrendered all his goods and told the police plainly that he is a married man with children, and that if they spare his life, he will remain stealing.
  30. He also told the police that if they kill him, even in the next world that he will continue stealing. He told the police that stealing has become a spirit living in him and that he does not know when he is stealing.
  31. He said all these things before the woman that owns the vehicle and all of us. We were worried. The woman asked the man a question, “Sir, you mean that now that I am here, I am the owner of this vehicle and you are holding My spare parts, are you saying that if I set you free, you will still go ahead stealing?”
  32. The man said, “Yes madam. I will not stop. Do you know how many years I have indulged in this thing? I started stealing before I married. And I have tried to stop but no way. It has become a part of my life.”
  33. Madam said, “Police, please leave him. Give me my parts. Sir, go! Go!”
  34. I called Pastor Thomas and said, “Pastor Thomas, I love this man. This man is my friend. This man is my friend. And this woman is an angel, for the woman spoke my mind.”
  35. In fact, what I was trying to tell the police entered into the mouth of the woman. I said that this man has confessed to everybody here shamelessly. He is married. He has four children. The wife is there.
  36. The man confessed, “This is what I do for a living. I started before I got married, but I do not carry arms. I do not wound anybody.”
  37. When he was asked, “Why do you steal?” He answered, “I steal, but I do not know whether it is for the fun of it or to make a living.” When he was asked whether he drinks, he answered and said, “I do not drink alcohol. I do not smoke, but I steal. I will keep on stealing.”
  38. I love that man. This is the type of person God will show mercy, but I had not the opportunity because the crowd was too much. I would have called him to a corner to see whether I could speak to him. But seeing that he had already drawn a line, it became unnecessary.
  39. He started this stealing one day. Gradually, he developed it. True or false?
  40. Everything that yokes a man into bondage is a habit that starts with a small thing.
  41. Smoking cigarettes starts by attending a party where they pass it freely, “Give me one jut.”
  42. This snuff [ground tobacco leaves] people sniff, this is harmattan period. The habitual intake starts with “I am having catarrh. Give me small tobacco so that I can put into my nose.” From there, it will be in your teeth or in your mouth.
  43. Drink, the same way. It is from one cup to two cups. From there to one full bottle. From one bottle to one carton. You keep on developing until you become a slave to it. That is why the Bible said, “We should not become slaves to sin or slave to evil habits.”
  44. REFERENCE: Romans 6:12-22, New International version. 12Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires. 13Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness.
  45. 14For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace. 15What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means! 16
  46. Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey–whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?
  47. 17But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were entrusted. 18You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.
  48. 19I put this in human terms because you are weak in your natural selves. Just as you used to offer the parts of your body in slavery to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness, so now offer them in slavery to righteousness leading to holiness. 20When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the control of righteousness.
  49. 21What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of? Those things result in death! 22But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life.
  50. I have the right. I have the power to do anything. Even as I am here, if I want to kill, I will kill. I would not be the first murderer. True or false?
  51. But I know God said no to it. And because God has said no, I dare not try it. I dare not think about it. Shedding human blood? I cannot try it.
  52. Then the other area is this: If I am allowed to do anything because these things do not constitute offence before God, and by My own assessment, I am of the conviction that these are useless to Me, they are unprofitable to Me and I gain nothing by indulging in such behaviours, and I am sure that if they hold firm grip over Me, if that habit grips Me very well, to break away from it will be difficult for Me, I will not attempt it.
  53. Have you seen the decision of a wise man in His own youth? How many of our youth can take this firm decision, a bold step because God Said no?
  54. Say no to the other one because it is unprofitable and it can have firm grip over you. Then you become an unprofitable human being, waste your time, energy and resources in things that do not profit you anything, thereby fulfilling the Book of Isaiah which asked, “Why waste your time and energy? Why wasting your money on things that do not profit? Why not come unto Me that I will teach you how to profit thereby.
  56. REFERENCE: Isaiah 48:17, King James version. Thus saith the Lord, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go.
  57. 1 Corinthians 6:12, king James version. All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.
  58. Amplified version. 12Everything is permissible (allowable and lawful) for me; but not all things are helpful (good for me to do, expedient and profitable when considered with other things). Everything is lawful for me, but I will not become the slave of anything or be brought under its power.
  59. Good News Translation. 12Someone will say, I am allowed to do anything. Yes; but not everything is good for you. I could say that I am allowed to do anything, but I am not going to let anything make me its slave.
  60. New International Version. 12“Everything is permissible for me”–but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible for me”–but I will not be mastered by anything.
  61. The Message Bible. Just because something is technically legal doesn’t mean that it’s spiritually appropriate. If I went around doing whatever I thought I could get by with, I’d be a slave to my whims.

I know you are expecting Me to preach a Message. I am here to arouse translation consciousness in you. You have already believed that God sent Me. You have heard much of My Messages. You have all of them. I have nothing to tell you than to say that you should continue in the Message you have received, knowing the person who gave you the Message. You know the Source of the Message. My duty is to encourage you to continue there. That is why I am here. There is no other reason why. But if you are expecting a great sermon, you will be disappointed. I will raise things that will help you believe that you do not know God, but God knows you. …


INTRODUCTION OF THE HEAVENLY COMMANDER OF GOD’S ARMY; Preached on 16th June 2001 at the Household of God; Onitsha; Pg. 51 vs. 19 – 21



  1. [The LORD warned a Brother who was reading] Any day I will give you My slap, the anointing will live you. You have only but a few days and that will be one year you have sojourned with Me without a break. And you have maintained the most contact with Me upstairs, downstairs and everywhere.
  2. Ecclesiastes Chapter 12 from verse 6, Amplified version. 1REMEMBER [earnestly] also your Creator [that you are not your own,… You do not own yourself.
  3. You see! From time to time, we appear to be commanding the air of omnipotence—of omnipresence. We command the air of the owner of the world—creator of heaven and earth. True or false? Do you not see it?
  4. [The LORD warned again] This child is not My disturbance. You are! Wherever your eyes are, there your mind is. You can hand that baby over to the kids. Anything that distracts your attention from the Word of God, check by your side, it is the enemy.
  5. There is something God wants to achieve in our lives this morning. I did not plan to come here to stand. I wanted to make an announcement from the back to correct the imbalance that I have noticed since all of you came here so that you do not think that it is how this house is.
  6. This house has a pattern of life. Everything here is done in a legal order. That is what this Family is known for. And nobody has ever succeeded in influencing us to do otherwise.
  7. We have lived in that Christ-like life, habit and environment over the years to the extent that we feel discomforted when we see anybody distorting it. It is My no-go-area. It is My point of no compromise.
  8. I can compromise with you in every facet of human life, but on matters that pertains to God and worship, I do not make friends there at all. If you do not know Me for that, know Me there.
  9. I am not easily provoked, but once I am provoked, I find it difficult to calm down. I do not hear, “I am sorry.” I am the only one that does not tolerate “I am sorry.” If you say, “I am sorry”, I will tell you to relax your mind. In other words, I have finished with that. “Relax your mind” does not mean go free.
  10. 1REMEMBER [earnestly] also your Creator [that you are not your own, but His property now]…
  11. You are not your own but you are what? The property of your Creator—Whoever that brought you into existence here where the excitement of your being here is now depriving you of worshipping Him rightly.
  12. Have a second thought about this statement we are reading since the Bible was written before you were born, recorded for your warning, for your admonition, for your training and for your learning because you are bound to grow.
  13. And one day you will come to the end of your own life here on earth. Our lives here on earth started one day. It will terminate one day. Every man’s life is tied to time. Believe it if you can.
  14. 1REMEMBER [earnestly] also your Creator [that you are not your own, but His property now] in the days of your youth,…
  15. You are His property in the days of your youth. Our youths behave as if they own themselves, as if they own heaven and earth, as if they are the commander-generals and untouchables.
  16. Come out from among them and be ye separate. Then, I will be your God and you will be My sons and daughters saith the LORD God Almighty. Is it not in the Book of Corinthians?
  17. So be very careful. You must know where God is severing you. You are the people of the Most High God. The Bible in the Old Testament said, “You are the children of the Kingdom of God.”
  18. Because of you, a Saviour is sent. Without you, God would not be here as a Saviour. Saviours would not be sent in time past. They are sent to redeem God’s people in every age from this sinful world.
  19. If God does not come in any age, nobody is saved. Who will sever you from this sinful world filled with the glamour of iniquity? Do you not know that it will take God to make a separation.
  20. Who will make the youth in our own day to say no to the trending things of the youth—the fashions of the world? Who will separate the youth and create enmity in their hearts against such habits?
  21. That is why, fortunate, happy, to be envied is that youth who started in his youth to follow the things of God. He prospers in all he does according to the Scriptures.
  22. How can a young man or a young lady find peace, find life, find success, enduring peace and enduring life? It says, “It is by paying heed to the Words that proceeds from the lips of Christ.”
  23. 1REMEMBER [earnestly] also your Creator [that you are not your own, but His property now] in the days of your youth,…
  24. You are God’s property. Have we not been emphasizing on this point? Are we not God’s property? Are you not God’s own purchased possession? Who brought you into existence? Is He not God? Is He not your Maker—your Creator? Your all and all, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and ending of your life.
  25. It is just like My children that are here. All of them came from My loins. They were unknown. They were in the invisible world as angels without bodies until they were compressed into Me. One by one, they came out. Can they say that they were human beings before? Through Me, they have become human beings.
  26. As for Myself, I was not a human being before. For your sakes, I became a human being that you might be received, restored and reconciled to the Deity again. That is all!
  27. REMEMBER [earnestly] also your Creator [that you are not your own, but His property You are not your own, but God’s own property, Who is your Creator, your Maker.
  28. you are not your own, but His property now] in the days of your youth, before the evil days come or the years draw near when you will say [of physical pleasures],…
  29. When you will now begin to say of physical pleasures and gratifications, I have no need of it. I am tired. I am tired! The strength is no longer there. The will power is not there. The desire is no longer there. Why? Old age has now set in.
  30. Is it old age in Christ—in the truth or old age in evil? We have people that have grown grey hair in evil. Do we have such people? Old age in evil. As a man is growing, so everything in him is growing with him.
  31. the years draw near when you will say [of physical pleasures], I have no enjoyment in them– 2Before the sun and the light and the moon and the stars are darkened [sight is impaired], and the clouds [of depression] return after the rain [of tears];
  32. 3In the day when the keepers of the house [the hands and the arms] tremble, and the strong men [the feet and the knees] bow themselves, and the grinders [the molar teeth] cease because they are few, and those who look out of the windows [the eyes] are darkened;
  33. 4When the doors [the lips] are shut in the streets and the sound of the grinding [of the teeth] is low, and one rises up at the voice of a bird and the crowing of a cock, and all the daughters of music [the voice and the ear] are brought low;
  34. 5Also when [the old] are afraid of danger from that which is high, and fears are in the way, and the almond tree [their white hair] blooms, and the grasshopper [a little thing] is a burden, and desire and appetite fail, because man goes to his everlasting home and the mourners go about the streets or marketplaces.
  35. Can you not see them? When man sleeps in death, what follows? Mourners! You see them on the streets. You see them in the marketplaces.
  36. We are intelligent. We will pay heed to the Word of God.
  37. This is the fate of every man. I say, this is the fate of every human being. What if when they come to your turn at a time you knew not God, when you have spent all your days in vanity?
  38. Any year, any time, any moment spent outside God is a time spent in vanity. I hope you are hearing Me. Wherever a child of God is, God is there with Him. The knowledge and consciousness of God does not depart from a child of God, no matter where he is, even if he is the dungeon.
  39. When Paul and Silas were in the dungeon, the consciousness was there and God rescued them. When Peter was in there, the consciousness was there and God delivered him. And too many others.
  40. No true seed of God loses consciousness of God. Wherever he is, he is godly-conscious. That is why he does not behave like the people around him.
  41. He assesses his surroundings. He assesses everything around him. He does not talk because he has the mouth or because others are talking. He does not want to be in trouble in the hands of God.
  42. What restrains us from certain habits is the fear of God in our hearts. If you do not have the fear of God in your heart, nothing restrains you from anything you want to do whether it be good or bad. Am I making sense?
  43. That is why anybody whose knowledge of God does not instill fear into his heart of who God is, especially the fear of His impending judgment of evil, that person has never come to the knowledge of truth about God.
  44. Hear Me very well. Because iniquity is not quickly executed—it is not easily judged by the Almighty quickly, for that reason, the hearts of people are set on doing evil as if they will escape in the end. Nobody has ever escaped from God’s judgment in the end as the person continues in evil.
  45. The moment you continue in those evil things, you delight yourself in doing those things God hates and He has been condemning them, and you think you are escaping, what you are doing is what we saw in the Bible. You are heaping the judgment of God upon your head.
  46. You are accumulating it according to the Book of Numbers Chapter 2. You accumulate. Through willful disobedience to His Word, you accumulate judgment against yourself in the end. That is what the youths of our day are doing.

I am raising young young men and women with elderly vision. That is wisdom, which if it is displayed, people will know that you have had an encounter with THE SON OF MAN. ……. If any Message does not go directly to human nature, how can it effect a change in human nature? It has no power to transform the human nature. That is why, if you have come into contact with Me, THE SON OF MAN, the Smoking firewood, the I AM that I AM, I mean the Great Rock of Ages, the Supreme Intelligence that govern the universe, and your life remains the same, two things are there: It is either I am not sent for your salvation or you never proceeded from God. Amen.


DIDN’T OUR HEARTS BURN WITHIN US VOL. 2; Preached on Sunday 30th April 2017 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 101 vs. 31 & Pg. 106 vs. 54 – 55



  1. 6[Remember your Creator earnestly now] before the silver cord [of life] is snapped apart, or the golden bowl is broken, or the pitcher is broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern [and the whole circulatory system of the blood ceases to function];… What is he describing?
  2. 7Then shall the dust [out of which God made man’s body] return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return to God Who gave it.
  3. What made you a human being is the spirit. That is why worshipping God must be in spirit and in truth, for the dust is what you ate from your mother’s milk. Everything thereof is out of the earth, down to the day you will go to the grave. It is dust.
  4. But there is something in you—the breath of life, which the LORD breathed into the nostrils of Adam, and Adam became a living soul. Because of that spirit, God connects every human being that appeared on earth to a life cord so as to record activities of that being from birth to death.
  5. Then the moment the circulatory system clogs, ceases, the body is still. Cancer or death will sap the whole blood. Man becomes still. The spirit is withdrawn. The spirit, like your magnetic tape which rolls [O Glory be to God]–
  6. Do you know that from the womb, there is something God infuses in a living soul that remains alive in the womb from the day the person comes out as a human being?
  7. The first thing you notice in conception is something that looks like water which percolates in the uterus of a woman. Once it circles that sperm, go to a microscope and watch it. That little spec of something there starts breathing.
  8. That is how doctors know that there is life in it. You see it breathing, breathing, breathing like tadpoles breathe. All animals breathe. You see that thing breathing inside the uterus. How many days old? From one day. From one day!
  9. That thing that is breathing is what the heart of man is all about, for the first thing that is formed in a human being is the heart.
  10. And the heart is the strongest engine God implanted in every human being that has the greatest capacity to pump blood from cradle to grave, non-stop. Non-stop!
  11. Once it stops, the person is gone. There is no circulatory system without the heart. The heart functions when the other parts of your system are asleep. Your brain can sleep. The same with your ears, your eyes and your nose. Every part of your body will sleep, but the heart does not sleep. I say, the heart does not sleep. And it functions 24/7. I say, 24/7
  12. If you know the number of years man lasts here before he stops operation, multiply it. This is where the life cord is connected. As long as there is still blood circulation, death has not occurred.
  13. But the moment blood circulation ceases, the body chills. Death has occurred. What is left in the bed people mourn around is dust. It is what we have eaten. It must go back to the dust.
  14. But the owner of that body, God who created that body and brought it into existence will roll the spirit. So do not say that you have no spirit.
  15. The spirit of man is what man is all about, for it is the spirit that is in a man that determines his character. You behave according to the spirit that is in you, whether it be God or devil.
  16. Know that of a surety, nobody gives God any report about anybody, for what He will receive is already implanted in you. It is implanted in Me.
  17. So, do not ever abuse your youth. God is giving you this divine knowledge so that you know how to conduct yourself, for you do not know yourself. You never brought yourself here.
  18. You are not here as a finality, but as a means to achieving finality. You are not here in vain. God brought you here to fulfill a purpose. When the purpose is fulfilled, He will bring you back, straightaway.
  19. You have come. You have sojourned here. How do you intend to go back? How do you intend to go back?
  20. Do you want to go back serving God like Nzubechukwu who never ceased from serving, who never mumbled in the bed, who never, even amidst pains and so on, spoke in another language, who never discredited God nor asked why. Rather, she remained praising.
  21. I was halting Wisdom on that great day saying, “Wisdom, it is enough now. This song has become too lengthy. You are over-labouring her.” He said, “Daddy, I had stopped several times, but she is still singing.”
  22. I went further, “So you stopped and she is still singing?” He said, “Daddy, you are hearing it.” I said, “Ok, but the moment you are joining in the singing, she will not stop.”
  23. But Wisdom could not even resist joining. She was changing from one song to another until finally she entered the song, IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL.
  24. I equally joined in those songs in My bed here until about that time at exactly 5o’clock. She dropped. Then that was when the circulatory system ceased. The brain stopped, and the heart stopped.
  25. As long as the heart was alive, connected, the heart was rejoicing through the mouth. The mouth was expressing the heart.
  26. The mouth of My wife expressed her heart in that condition. Those eyes were tightly fitted, but the mouth was open. Instead of talking recklessly or randomly, praises and encouraging words never ceased from flowing out of her mouth. The heart used the window which is the mouth to express its content.
  27. So she remained in that godly expression and encouragement and jumped into praises. From praises, she closed her eyes, and that was the end. That was the end.
  28. Are you surprised that she saw her seat. She saw her crown. She told us everything.
  29. So it should be for all of us that I may die the death of the righteous. I do not need to recommend her to the Almighty for her deeds, her deeds, her deeds earned her the position. Her deeds recommended her to God.
  30. That which she continued from her youth– she married at the prime of her youth at the age of 22. That which she learnt from her youth, she sustained up to that age of 55. And she continued in it until the blood circulatory system stopped.
  31. What if she never learnt it and sustained it from her youth? Do you think she would have manufactured it under that terrible condition? Do you think she would have manufactured those spiritual songs, the Scriptures she was reading and was commanding us to read? If she never knew them, do you think she would be commanding those things?
  32. I mean, we would have been nagging and quarrelling and may be trying to get chain so as to chain her because of violence, which I have witnessed in the death of too many so called Bridal members when we chained the whole bed to stop it from destroying us because they ran mad.
  33. Come and hear them threatening their wives and children, boxing everybody.
  34. I cannot forget what happened at Mbaise where Obinna, the so called Pastor broke the windscreen of a vehicle, refused five others from putting him inside the vehicle. Come and hear what was going out of his mouth. And many others. Ungodly confessions.
  35. Does a child of God make horrible confessions? If he is going to make confessions, his confession is of godliness. His confessions are testimonies of God’s goodness and mercy.
  36. But watch heathens amidst the Saints. They make horrible confessions. Those concealed things which only them know, in death, God will force it out of them, for they must face that rigorous stage.
  37. So what am I saying? I have many things I wanted to teach you, but let Me just summarize. Please, I have many things in Me this morning for you.
  38. Today is Friday. Our Fellowship here starts exactly at 6PM every Friday. Our Fellowship every morning here starts 5.30AM. 5.30 every morning. We do not miss it. Every morning!
  39. When we were observing 3 o’clock in the morning at Benjamin, nobody was guilty in My Family. When the stipulation was that we must take our bath before coming, even under that condition, My wife was nursing infants. They were never even guilty.
  40. So this house is known for one thing. This is the house of God where nobody plays pranks in worshipping God. And nobody comes here to bend us to his or her side.
  41. You come from different families. You have your own mode of worship. You have the times you slated.
  42. No! We do not sleep here till 5AM. No! It is abomination. We wake up as early as God will want us to wake up, observe our individual prayers in our beds, preparing ourselves for the new day.
  43. So coming out for Fellowship has always been an easy thing for us. And when we come, we do not wait for another person. If it is one person that has come, he starts praising God. If they are two, they will start praising God. We do not wait.
  44. Since you came, I have taken it that you are here on holidays. You are here for rejoicing. The rejoicing should be that you met Me alive. And you met Me whole and hearty where I can now talk to you again. You never met Me in the hospital bed. You never met Me weak where I can no longer talk or walk about. This is the greatest thing that has happened to you.
  45. And it may be the last opportunity you may have, seeing Me in this form. Remember, the Scriptures must come to pass that there are too many people who, as we journey along, will remember one of the days of the son of man, and they will not see it again.
  46. It is just like we remember one of the good days of Nzubechi. Can we see those days again with her? What if you missed those good days? We are rejoicing that we never missed it.
  47. I am the big iroko tree. If you are privileged to climb to the top, get enough firewood as you wish from that iroko tree, for you may come here the next time and the iroko tree is no longer there or you may not have the strength again to climb it or you may not even be allowed to come near the iroko tree.
  48. That is why we still say that you must make hay while the sun shines. Tomorrow may be too late.

He is here; I owe no man no apology for saying the truth. I know I am dying for the Truth. Why must I be afraid? I better not. I know, one day, this place must be closed, we will scatter, every man to his home, every woman to her village. Then we will know whether you are godly or not. Godliness is not in the Church. Godliness is in your home. It is in your yard. It is in your business. It is in your market and it is in your everything. You come here to receive training and then you go outside to practice it. You see why you must worship God by revelation, that no man, no woman, no preacher will preach out your conviction, because you are certain. IF HE IS NOT HERE, I WOULD NOT BE HERE. THIS IS THE TRUTH. AMEN.


JERUSALEM TO JERICHO; Preached on Tuesday 9th March 1993 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 68 vs. 88 – 90



  1. From the Scriptures we have read so far, I believe we understood something.
  2. Nothing destroys the youth more than the excitement of the youth which I call youthful exuberance.
  3. Do not, for any reason, turn your back against God, for that is the worst thing that will happen to a human being, for He is the Source of your life, the Source of your existence and the Source OF everything you are planning you will be.
  4. You are right to make your plans, but if God does not establish your plans, it is a mere waste of time. The Bible said that it is in man to make plans, but it behooves on God to establish them. Am I making sense at all?
  5. Give Me Psalms 33. Let us read it if you have it. We will read from Amplified. We will also read from the Living Bible.
  6. 1REJOICE IN the Lord, O you [uncompromisingly]… Look! Take note! Take note! Rejoice in the LORD all of you that are uncompromisingly righteous.
  7. You can compromise with people with anything you want, but do not compromise your Faith in Christ. The highest anybody can offer you is material THINGS.
  8. Anything eyes can see and hands can touch, are they not material things? Do they last long? They fizzle out. Anything that can perish with the user, that thing is absolutely as useless as the user.
  9. 1REJOICE IN the Lord, O you [uncompromisingly] righteous… Note that word: UNCOMPROMISINGLY RIGHTEOUS. …[you upright in right standing with God];…
  10. You that are, at the same time, upright and in right standing with God.
  11. The Psalmist said that nothing gives me joy more than when I wake up in the morning, only to discover that there is nothing standing between me and my God. I rejoice exceedingly that day.
  12. REFERENCE: Psalms 17:15, The Living Bible. [15]But as for me, my contentment is not in wealth but in seeing you and knowing all is well between us. And when I awake in heaven, I will be fully satisfied, for I will see you face-to-face.
  13. But when you wake up and notice there is a default, God is encouraging you. Do something. Do not fold your arms. Do something!
  14. I gave you the Message, I HAVE FOUND MY FAULT TODAY. I gave you another one, JEHOVAH IS RIGHT BUT I AM WRONG.
  15. When you discover that there is something wrong in your life, do not shuffle along with it. Otherwise, you make matters worse. Do not try to circumvent it, for you will not succeed.
  16. The more you attempt circumventing the truth, the more you are exposed to more evil—more evil—until you get to irredeemable height.
  17. And that is when the heart of that person will be seared with a hot iron. So, to repent will be very difficult. The heart becomes impervious to truth.
  18. Please, I am appealing to all of you. Nobody here is an adult that he or she cannot reason like a youth. You are all youths. As long as you are below 45 years, you are a youth.
  19. Adulthood in the sight of God starts at 50. Take note! Old age in the sight of God is 70 years. That is why I am telling you that I am on the exiting side of life. I am on the exiting side. E-X-I-T. I am exiting. I am no longer getting younger. No! Any moment from now, I will attain old age in the sight of God.
  20. 1REJOICE IN the Lord, O you [uncompromisingly] righteous you upright in right standing with God]; for praise is becoming and appropriate for those who are upright [in heart]. And who are uncompromising righteous.
  21. Look at the action you took yesterday against an Elder, but initially, you were a part of it ignorantly. You see why you should be a Pastor and operate alone.
  22. Every leader comes closer to the flock– to the people he is leading, to know their problems. He comes closer. But he distances himself away from them to enable him pull them along.
  23. You cannot stay close to somebody and begin to drag him. No! You tie a rope on him. When you come closer, you tie that rope very well. You carry your rope and go back. Then you exert energy and then pull. That is leadership.
  24. A leader that is always lying together, eating, chatting and this and that, doing everything will not see anything wrong in what you are indulging in. Moreso, when you constituted committee of Elders—committee of unbelievers.
  27. Assuming you were not here, you had already believed that they communicated with Me. Too many people have told great lies against the son of man. That is the only license they will have to pave their ways. I spoke to Daddy. Daddy told me. This is even when they never called Me.
  28. If somebody could tell Abuja and Nasarawa Brethren that he came and passed the night, and from My house he went to Asaba when the man was not seen in Anambra. Nobody saw him. Can you imagine? A Bishop!
  29. I exposed him in the Fellowship and there he knelt down. Nobody saw him where he confessed he went to. He went to Kogi and sojourned with his woman friend.
  30. Then he had the excuse to tell his people including his family that he went to Onitsha. And from Onitsha, he went to Asaba, which never existed. And he claimed he slept in My house.
  31. So your own Bishop told you and everything he told Me, but look at what he wrote Me, this and that. You read it. He wrote you also.
  32. Then I told you the truth, but you were trying to counter the truth. Be very careful. Otherwise, your defense of error will be naked before the son of man that you are constantly in error.
  33. Every leader must have a discerning spirit that will help him to discern the spirit of error that is operating in somebody. Do not just because it is favouring you in one way or the other.
  34. The greatest favour you will show Me is eternal life, for the Bible said that in all things lay hold on eternal life.
  35. What favour are you offering me which heathens cannot offer Me? Whatever that favour looks like heathens can offer Me more than that. I can send My money and the money will do the work for Me. Is it not true?
  36. I have told you the essence of giving you money in bulk. Allow your money to do the work for you. When you command money to go and get bread, money will get bread. Go and get yam. Money will get yam. Is it not true?
  37. So, if somebody thinks that it is because he is bringing yam and bread that you are alive, you tell him that it is not true. Stay here and let me send out my money, and money will come back with My needs. Finish! So, let us be careful.
  38. 2Give thanks to the Lord with the lyre; sing praises to Him with the harp of ten strings. 3Sing to Him a new song; play skillfully [on the strings] with a loud and joyful sound.
  39. 4For the word of the Lord is right; and all His work is done in faithfulness.
  40. The Word of God is right and all the works of God are done in faithfulness. The works of God are worthy to be trusted.
  41. 5He loves righteousness and justice;… God loves what? RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE. Pastor Chibuzo, take note! You can never be right and wrong at the same time. You do not judge by impulse or by emotion. No! No! Going by what he wrote Me—for he wrote you and he wrote Me—who would not believe that he was right, but the son of man told you, “No. I do not believe what he wrote.”
  42. And God brought somebody before you and I said, “Listen to her and do recording.” You recorded, forwarded the voice note and commanded him to speak in defense, only for him to acknowledge all to be the truth. He could not fault any. But all of them contradicted what you heard, denying everything.
  43. Now he has put division in a family that has been walking uniquely, separating father and children. The crime is the worst abomination.
  44. The woman nurtured his wife from childhood like this. A child that never knew the father. And he is of the same father with Linus. All of them are of the same mother, taken care of by the most senior.
  45. See what Abraham Paul is causing because of money. From the one million naira, he has purchased two cows. Tell Me when Abraham Paul becomes rich overnight as to purchase two cows at a time.
  46. And then when the leftover could not allow him to fulfill his obligations he has vowed, if you were not told, if you did not hear it and confirmed it, would you know that he has already placed advertisement and that he had already consulted Eha-Amufu, Nsukka, Enugu and Enugu-Ezike in search of a wife for one that died many years ago, that is not even our member? You marry a wife for the dead.
  47. Why not volunteer his wife to be the one so that Linus will marry the first wife? Look at what happened. He resorted to adopting a child. He went places, but the adoption failed. They sent him to Enugu. Did he tell you that he went to Enugu? He went to Enugu. He could not get one. Look at how he denied knowledge of the thing.
  48. I read the write-up. I came here and exposed everything. You were doubting Me. When you saw the write-up, you continued to defend. I said that I had no discussion with him or with anybody. He is guilty as charged.
  49. But I thank God. You have seen everything. Do not forget the case of a Sister and Uche Udo. It was in this house also that you came with your wife to support evil. You do not know when an evil man is giving evil report against an innocent fellow.
  50. I withstood you and your wife vehemently. I said no! Such a thing never happened. And I told you what the right thing should be. Go and verify. This is what took place, only for you to call. You went back, only to hear from your colleague who is not in our Faith, who quarreled with a co-tenant and decided to give evil report against her.
  51. WHEN YOU ARE RECEIVING REPORTS FROM HEATHENS AGAINST BRETHREN, BE VERY CAREFUL. Do not believe everything you hear. Prove everything.
  52. Upon investigation– you carried out the investigation. You did everything. You wrote back. Your findings were that those things were non-existent and that those things were spurious and unfounded allegations against an innocent soul.
  53. But before then, keep off from things that have been happening and so on. Rumours, rumours, rumours, rumours.
  54. Please let Me say this. Be very careful, all of you here. Do you know that assumptions and presumptions appear to be having more strength than truth? People accept them more than truth especially when there is something in the heart of the recipient.
  55. If you are bearing a grudge against an individual, which you have not settled with that person, everything you hear about that person that agrees with what you have in your heart, you will believe the report because your heart is not right with that person.
  56. But if your heart is right with anybody, on hearing anything that runs contrary, you will, first of all, pause and then begin to place the individual before your eyes, “Under normal condition, can this person do this or is this the voice of an enemy to blackmail or to run the reputation down?”
  57. Maybe he wants to gain friendship because I know of too many people who are experts in practicing divide-and-rule. I say, divide-and-rule—Edge out one who is there so that they will come in.
  58. It happens in marriage. It happens in relationships between man and man, man and woman, and everywhere. It happens in work places. You see somebody giving evil reports to edge somebody out of the seat so that he will be considered. It happens in everyday life.
  59. So, divide-and-rule is a part of life, but in Christ, there is no divide-and-rule.
  60. Bury the truth, it must surely resurface. I hope you are hearing Me. Do you know that every lie has a lifespan? Every lie has expiry date. Truth does not expire. Truth is indestructible. I hope I am making sense.
  61. So, when you know that truth endureth to all generations, it has no substitute, it has no other name, and you know that lie has only but a temporary life, a very short life, truth about that lie will surface.
  62. No matter how Abraham Paul and his group hid it away, circumvented ways to fool all of you so as to retain Apostleship and eldership, if you see him with his chieftaincy and his big head, he drew converts to himself.
  63. Too many people are following such people. So they are in every Local Assembly. Have I not told you from the beginning? The mixed-multitudes are found among the elders and their families.
  64. So, all you have to say is, “God, I have heard this. Please help me to escape. Help me to escape.” This is because they are there for you. They are there for you.
  65. The idea, every time the devil is sneaking into the Congregation of God’s people, into families, is to remove the shepherd so that the sheep will scatter.
  66. Everything evil that is happening in your Congregation, you are the target. You are the target. If it comes to your family, you are the target. Whatever attacks your wife is attacking you. Whatever attacks your child is attacking you. You are the target. Believe it if you can. It can be your mother. It can be anybody. You are the target. Before you notice it, it will be late.
  67. That is why there are too many things families keep away from their relations. They keep those things completely away from their knowledge because the greatest enemies you have must be members of your own family.
  68. I told you of My experience before. It is still here with you. When you are progressing in life, not everybody will be happy with you.
  69. How do you know people who are not happy with you? If you make your progress plan known to them, and they begin to see visible signs of its fulfilment, they will bring a burden you cannot bear upon you so as to stop you. Once they bring that burden, the whole thing stops because they do not want you to see the light of the day.
  70. There are some people that are meant to succeed. There are those that are meant to fail. If you are numbered among those that they have already earmarked to fail, and you begin to succeed, your life is in danger.
  71. This is because you are not numbered among those they have already slated for that success. Do you not know?
  72. There are some people that are good and best for having upstairs in their compounds, but there are people that are not even qualified to live, talk less of having a batcher. If they begin to show signs of raising a batcher, they are in trouble.
  73. But those who are earmarked to raise storey buildings, even if they kill and steal, people will clap hands. If that one who is not numbered will labour to build a batcher, they will say that he is a money-monger, Who knows what he has done to get this evil money. But their children are deeply involved in yahoo business. They will be clapping their hands and feasting lavishly.
  74. Yet, the other person is labouring and toiling. If he dares do anything, he will be fingered as the one responsible for anybody that dies in the community. Nobody was dying before then. There was nothing like death in that community. He has brought death into the community.

God is in the Camp, God is speaking to us in the Camp, God is moving in the Camp. Be gentle and receive His Voice. God has exposed everything to you; The danger of leaving Jerusalem for Jericho. You that are privileged to be in Jerusalem, witnessing the glory of God, why do you want to go to Jericho?


JERUSALEM TO JERICHO; Preached on Tuesday 9th March 1993 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 117 vs. 55



  1. Psalms 33 from verse 4. 4For the word of the Lord is right;… What I am saying is this: If I am your LORD, I am right. I say, I am right. Events around you will convince you that I am right.
  2. …and all His work is done in faithfulness. 5He loves righteousness and justice;… Free, fair and strict.
  3. It is just like I keep on telling people. Who does not know that the son of man is very kind, but he is not soft? Who has not observed it? Christ is kind but not soft. he is not soft.
  4. …the earth is full of the loving-kindness of the Lord. 6By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, and all their host by the breath of His mouth.
  5. 7He gathers the waters of the sea as in a bottle; He puts the deeps in storage places. 8Let all the earth fear the Lord… Let all the inhabitants of the earth fear God [revere and worship Him];… Revere and worship God. let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. Amen!
  6. 9For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.
  7. 10The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nought; He makes the thoughts and plans of the peoples of no effect. He makes the plans and thoughts of the people of the world of non-effect.
  8. 11The counsel of the Lord stands forever,… The counsel of the LORD God Almighty stands forever. …the thoughts of His heart through all generations.
  9. 12Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the nation whose God is the Lord,…
  10. Is there any nation without individuals? Righteousness exalts a nation. Sin is a reproach to every nation. Righteousness exalts an individual. Righteousness exalts a family. Sin is a reproach.
  11. Therefore, blessed, happy, fortunate, to be envied is the individual, is the family, is the man, is the woman, is that child whose God– whose God– whose God is the LORD.
  12. 12Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He has chosen as His heritage. .. The people God Himself has chosen as what? His own heritage.
  13. Last Sunday, we read something like this. We read it in the Book of Deuteronomy. We saw God having His own nation. His own heritage.
  14. Now, look at David repeating the same thing. Who will contradict these things?
  15. 12Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He has chosen as His heritage.
  16. And the people God has chosen as His own heritage. Remember, you never created yourself, You are God’s own property. Being God’s own property, are you not God’s own heritage?
  17. You do not know that many are envying you. Many people are wishing that they should be like you. Some are wishing that they should find themselves in this Family where they can have God speak to them in human form, for the people of God must have Him in person for their Teacher.
  18. Blessed, happy, fortunate, to be envied is that man who has God as his LORD.
  19. 12Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He has chosen as His heritage.
  20. 13The Lord looks from heaven, He beholds all the sons of men; 14From His dwelling place He looks [intently] upon all the inhabitants of the earth– 15He Who fashions the hearts of them all, Who considers all their doings.
  21. In the Book of Revelation, He said, “I know you. I know your dwelling place. I know your doings. I know you by your name. When I want to call you, I call you by your name for you are mine.” For you are mine!
  22. 16No king is saved by the great size and power of his army;… Not even one! …a mighty man is not delivered by [his] much strength. Never! 17A horse is devoid of value for victory; neither does he deliver any by his great power.
  23. 18Behold, the Lord’s eye is upon those who fear Him… The LORD’s eyes, the LORD’s protection, the LORD’s blessings are upon those who fear Him. And the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Fools despise His counsel.
  24. 18Behold, the Lord’s eye is upon those who fear Him who revere and worship Him with awe],… Who revere and worship God with awe for He is an awesome God.
  25. …who wait for Him and hope in His mercy and loving-kindness, 19To deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine. Amen!!!
  26. 20Our inner selves wait [earnestly] for the Lord; He is our Help and our Shield.
  27. SONG: [O God our help in Ages past, our hope for years to come. Our shelter from the stormy blast and our eternal home.]
  28. 20Our inner selves wait [earnestly] for the Lord; He is our Help and our Shield. He is our shelter. He is our shield.
  29. 21For in Him does our heart rejoice, because we have trusted (relied on and been confident) in His holy name. 22Let Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, be upon us, in proportion to our waiting and hoping for You. Amen!
  30. Shall we pray.



  1. Our precious LORD and God, as we have rendered in our song of praise, so is our faith in you. When it shall please You to take your people home, do not abandon us here.
  2. Help us O God, for Thou art merciful and compassionate. Cover us with Your grace. Father, You said that Your grace is sufficient for us. We pray that You give us the faith to believe that Your grace is sufficient for us.
  3. Do not allow us be put to shame. Do not allow the world to mock and ask us, “Where is the God you worship?” At the end of this race for eternal life, do not allow us to go empty-handed.
  4. Father, we pray that whenever it shall please You to take your people away from this world, remember us O God.
  5. Concerning all those who slept in Christ, any day it shall please You LORD that they shall resurrect from the dead, we pray earnestly that Your handmaid Nzubechi, the Queen of Paradise, who You know her records and how You lead her, may she be a part of the first fruits that shall partake of the first resurrection, all those over whom the second death exerts no power or authority– those who will not come to the white throne judgment, those who have been numbered among the righteous through their faith in Christ.
  6. For us who are here, O God, our hope is in You even unto the end of this pilgrim race.
  7. We have come this morning seeking You O God. Do not abandon us midway. When trials and temptation come, when troubles come, when hardship comes, when the tide of life rises high and the storms of life blows, we pray that You do not allow any of these things to take us away from our position in You.
  8. Uphold us strongly with the right hand of Your righteousness. Uphold us till the end. Our infants and even those that are yet unborn, their lives are in the palm of Your hand.
  9. We pray this morning, O God, concerning our sources of livelihood as we wait for Your will, our LORD and our God, the All-knowing One, be there to provide for us as You have always been doing, even comforting us thereby.
  10. We are eyewitnesses of the wonderful fulfilment of all Your prophecies concerning us which went forth in 2023. They are all fulfilling in our lives, more especially the goodly sides where we have benefitted immensely.
  11. With the prevailing adversities and hardship, O God, You have never allowed us to go about beggarly. You have never allowed hardship [O God] to come into our living quarters.
  12. You have been the One making a way for our survival even when others are starving. This is the time we distribute food to others.
  13. You give us health. You give us protection. The whole world is in great fear, but where we are, we are not afraid of any amazement for we know He unto Whom we have run.
  14. You are the Rock of Ages. Father, cover and protect us. O Rock of Ages, be our mouthpiece. Safeguard us and fight our hidden battles and otherwise.
  15. To You O God, we bring our prayers and supplications this morning. Since it has pleased You that we are alive this day, we say THANK YOU. May it please You that we shall remain alive and enter the new year in our complete number.
  16. I make this prayer on the behalf of all of us that are here and on the behalf of all those who are supposed to be here but are not here. I pray on the behalf of all our Brethren in like precious faith, especially our children from this Family, married and unmarried, even those that are in overseas.
  17. We pray also for all Your Elect scattered worldwide [O God] as many as You have chosen and marked for salvation. We pray that You do for them the same things we have asked of Thee for ourselves here.
  18. In everything O God, we pray that Your perfect will be done. Do not ever allow the counsel of the enemy to see the light of the day. May Your counsel alone and Your perfect will for us be the only things that will constantly be made manifest in our lives.
  19. Today, O God, make it holy. We know that our hearts have been cleansed through the entrance of Your Word which we have heard, for You have said in the beginning that we are a cleansed and holy people because of our Faith in Your Word.
  20. If there be any here who heard it but does not believe, O God, touch the heart of such a fellow so that he or her may know that such a position is unprofitable to his or her life.
  21. We that have heard and believed in Your Word, [O God] help us to put the Word we have heard into practice without any form of hypocrisy.
  22. Since we have come to realize that you are the Almighty God, our Creator and our Owner, help us O God to remain steadfast in our trust and confidence in You unto the end.
  23. This day, O God, may we be a blessing to as many as shall visit us today. Even the people we may likely visit, may we be blessing to them as much as they be a blessing to us.
  24. Wherever a grave is prepared for us, let the person that prepared the grave be buried in it so that person may have a taste of grave. May we be there to cover the grave of such a one, O God.
  25. May whosoever that apportions death to us be the first to die so that we may come for his or her burial and so that the person may have a taste of death.
  26. Our prayer is that whosoever wishes his fellow human being death may such a fellow receive that package. May such a fellow never find a place of rest nor refuge so that he or she will know how it feels to be in such condition.
  27. May good tidings follow whosoever that wishes his fellow human being good. May evil follow whosoever that wishes his fellow human being evil.
  28. We pray that the enemy fall into the gallows he prepared for us. May the enemy poison himself first with what he had prepared for us so that he may know how it feels.
  29. Surround and hedge the Camp of Your people with Your angels, O God. Do not allow the world to mock us with such question like, “Where is your God?”
  30. Make a name for Yourself [O God] in our lives and in all our families. Exalt Your Name very highly in the midst of Your children. Grant each and every one of us victory before the world.
  31. We pray and believe strongly that you have taken counsel to bless us O God with good things, even in the years to come. And we shall be alive to receive all these blessings. We shall not be in the grave.
  32. Therefore, O God, may it be for us according as we have prayed. Do more than we have asked of Thee for you know that good thing which You have purposed for us.
  33. For Your Name’s sake, we pray. Amen.